HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-07-07, Page 4Gilt gf augur tinex> ` S Y BULL. Bowang h°BWILL rs Gilnocke 'Farm,(onemile east ofLucialoW,.,� pp.T Teru s.$2.0U ntsff= +44vawiB ; ivraa-I��J r Out bire- g o , ul ' 7� 18.82.., ( overor, 269 ; dam Creanipo.t, ,whalecolor y,[ bred b Mr. Queue, out. f ...cow b Mr.T. lnthoine, Languevilleaersy. `Prince. Boulivot won second prize at the Ltst:x Show, at llnnnin&tree, 188u, and first at Toronto open show`;,. first -diploma, and at head -of herd at London, for Province of Canada. The Thoroughbred Short Horn. Bull; SIR QOLII',_ is also for service at same ; plane Terms, $2.50: D. C&MPBELL.. Lxcknow, June 29th, 1882.. slyip my The ptill%shlair 'Of ;meek <rs� usual will no`tl'rreeTorleswhox; lead Ta1ie eZec>Rtons %n �� e ruali>>tia %A' cry IAg ' tt •ftntrixoas- ►vdrds� If t Ya:o�t ridiculous -a. int would ba�ve. gulped tlo 'Tliey.could not �er compliment tothan • -their aGttorl deinonst 4�dU1't3 of tllet':.S'E\TI:i •titF6tCu1lltrlbii'stf?t( t'n ReformvTctts�ry.. iii; �t� 2C)fli:'of �TunQ.. �Ieii n politicaldefeat. s}io with pali�tirs__ at -all. notionto i:blish the skintied gentry,, f6r ct wehadsome respect, tied: aivs�y by the: lLea anden sul<er_ secciurl t lRkve- lieeli so: chi:lrlish the i?:seri eve:. will cunt �+Ye.cat$I�'er ]Cl h�t:�-ev ao�stEiecl • bar evaly fon lnsiw-arid eve tire: , pl hav'"�-- a Targe nunil�er; the SENTI-'Fr this doubt astonish -the at the testa of the West .Iduron, came Stop my' paper t,= they onhr realized. figure they'eut they - „. down their tudigna tender us agreat, latus kuowt. as'. rated,: that the, $T. and its editor the magnificent Huron on tle- that_ cannot stand tticl not; , meddle We (had half 'a names. of the thin - least bne of then,; but. who was: cat . -of the contest, would not .. Io -waver, as' ill continue to do w -hat en although boy-- servati;yo on . our � •E .eased to say 'we. soup! Berg $ Zai Qi> acc'tnt of thesignation of the' Nair. XII. Wells,. the'eleetion of a new member for the I.ocal_Legislature must. -shortly - tale Illaee Reformers should. at: once select their etudidate as it is . ltt•rze- riding and will - quire time to thoroughly canvas it. xhe iocat•copunittee should at-onca or: gknrize. and. make preparation for the egming contest, for without doubt the<e be opposltieiri_ and that (1f the`ntost desert fined char r. Tao )Mgrs:)✓ TY It t n, SE VJT,, WUST BF: )ETRRoNF, l,: is rill; quotas- RR..:3t Cod ERV4ITtv`R irs-xr- Q;t:Awrrt,us, ant theme_ is. not a. doubt but a strew naris. <ffort be nlad:e to carry' it eat.. - -•'t. Are we prepared to enter tho eoi teat_ Tfl not; go ready,' put your shoulder to the wheel•; show that we'apprecial`e-an heneA. and economical, govertltnent sett- wllk snet.nn .and rencourage them. in t lc- ceutest. wit'i- the Dominion for "the 'netts of Oatatio. ,etuettiber that one halt of our° t3rr':= t;r} :int•at stake, which ii last will: re, duce the PemierPravince tri- a fourth_ lir fitth rate,. and reil.ee U11` income so tiara many ot ottr -Provincial eatabiish: ast=ute -n ill have to be dropped. or • sup: potted hy direct- taxation. • .• Eetneneher that:.thertght gua antaed .bv Ctintederation. to makeour owia roc al la•vs, :ts• assailed . and. if not defeated will. tiring. ag back to the chaos and con: • fission. that exists et previous- to 'con fect` - erntion.. - - ..1.41 all lcic> I jealously be • dripped - and with auinted elfert retur as-stauneh' an 1 sLXatlg a supporter -tit the present go'ydritmeut s.4: _ our late monitor who has been elected to the"I).omitrion House • to fi ht gut tattles there.- •„sLt the fiat tle cry bed ustice and out- . lZ.rgltt•s, and each and- every . se,p. of Ontario to. the rescue:: - Thereisnomore wholesome ordeliciousfruit on Earth than the Wild Strawberry, a ind there is no more effectual rewedy for Cholera, Dy- sentery, Cramps and other Summer cola plaints of infants or adults. than Dr. Tow- leis- ittract of Wild Strawberry. GRE1V AOHEI Wishes to inform the public tbatihe has 'constantly on hand a - •- .�� FIRST =CLASS STOCK OF Men's, Women's, Misses' and . Children's Boots. GO and” examine his . really. ' superic: stock in each class, especially his - Bul Peibbte 8.7.whole-Stoek Roata: .. Btfbre purchasing elsewwhe>•e.. Manufacturing a ',.Specialty. Lest year's- stock sell at and under cost„ .:Eag-and Butter takeni,c exchange for goods. l l:titt%rrion noir was generally .ob: iterve4 a.% a haTid,i.y throughout the Dominion. The weather was chtlly,:raiti ft.Ilint tu: rrl:tny places,, which hadthe. effect ,t interfering 'sntl the successful carrying ;nit of the celehratiottprogram: tae3`.. Iui itcat'e: visor in. South; Vet:. l isftof- is going. -to be prosecuted., The penalty fair the d'ishenest trick ism fins.- cit $2-0and oix nsoutlis in jail.. 'Thera are ath r " emoting tricks ,hilt mean ant{ ow.emptible as c ucnitcatiiig,.rnd site example willa so.. be;}nade. of 'sou a of the per;tetrators a: ttttie nearer tlaeeorru of grace that Wain Mammoth Collas L Manuftcturer•ofall kinds of &l • • • PRINTS .FROM 6- TO 1.5 CENTS. v7 -Goo t cent, The best assn tment of Tweeds in town,= ,t the lowest r1 Factory .Cotton � 5 � to �: 2�� c . ! A fie asortme zt. of'Bogts and Shoes . di t opened TWO cases of Ready-made • ..... - • . . • .:1-otllil • NEW LOT fJ 'GL ►SSWARE •A D: OC E-RY4 Lots of Straw.Ha'ts. _Felt''llats from 50 cents up at 300 PAIRS PI VN.ELLA SH®•ES AN` G 41TE iS o n 40= -to 60 rusts. N E W STRAW ASID FELT HATS 'IN GREAT _VARIETY, AT sy }�.y�amma _ -.NEW SPANISH LACES N `ALL COLORS AT A. IACINTYR 'S.- 'shades -and prices, i•t A MacInt -re's. Pa's1c: .n -l_ X31 l 100 Pieces cif.Dress Goods � in all p , , A. a , tT 1. P Satchels,and a great varier' of FancyGoods, :at, .A;. MacInt..re's 1.at.lier' and Gerits Coil Larl_ies and Gents..Ties. ,Ladles and Gents Kid Gloves. Harness, - _ Sa;dd-lest.. Trunks,. Valises: Etc.. Having purchased the stock of harness, etc.i belouging.ta Mr. Wm. GI assiek, 1 am better prepared than ever to supply the wants of m3- eurtomers and the public generally. Remelt - her the place,, (xrassick's- old stand, : next to . Tennant's drug store. a ALEX- ROSS.. Liieknow ,June 9th; 1882.. .1: y . - ME. ARKET. I hash to inform the citizens of Lucknow and aurround ng : country, that I -have• . • - opened up- a BtYJOIIEK SHOP In R. G. GGreenwill's Old Stand. - I will' keep. on hand at all tunes ALt. KINDS OF FRESH MEAT. Meat Delivered to 'all Parts ' of the 'Village, -on Shortest Notice. Give- me a call.. JAMES LINDSAY. I ucknntr, Sept.. 9th. . SHEEP -LOST. 0 of Neil Beaton v•h% 3, cum 2, Kinloss ,on - or about 20th May last, one -White Ewe,. lead to their recovery will be suitably re - LAND FOE, SALE !N ASILFIELD. Money . :Loan. On Real Estate, at reasonable rates; on'. to ins of payment to suit Borrower -s.: . ELLIOT TRAV-ER •OFFICE---NDxt to Post OLee LuckT o v, March TQ the. farmers and the general public. It Will not pay you to buy anything in the Hardware Lineltill you call at the New Hardware Store of T., LaWreace,_Qamp.bell street,Luck- now, Where a great,variety. of goods is 1-168V oi)ened out. New designs in Buiklers Hardware, :Cutlerl Tiatd- fart Pairit- OilQ .Putty,: . : in the Ninth °tamest:ion West I)ivision Ash, 100. screk. This:Lot is well wooded, -and and cedar. llos 14. can lie purchased lots- ' of twertty-Ove aeres or_ in Ore. Further palt ••• ICI4a1,78 eau be had by apply' to . May 16th 18-62; ' Laicknow • I73,_ rirst Glies nardvare Store. I will 8till .continue io keep as usual a fine lot of rani e INtares: 6,lso Box Parlor, oves, Alt of -Aid' are- marked doWn low... Alex. sled-ntyre'; SPAVIN CURE. PAVig !CURET*, 01, Spain it iS certain in it*effects and +.1 blister: Read proorbelow. i-1(ENDALL'S.SPAVIN CUR Haniburg; Ott:, Dee. 28th, last summer ei,-*-0 me the- utmost s*tisfa and -performed a Wonderful cure upon a nineteen ;Years old -belonging to me-,Nftiie badly spaVined fpr ten years. She was so that I &Alta 'hardly "tit her to move. lameness. is entirely gone after using h bottle of the core, and she -is like A y -4(43e Tours truly, F, Rom. we.thifik pesitive proof -of it with such unqualified nieces,* to our kilowledge,fer!aeast or six bottles. for 65.: All - I for You,. or it will he sent to ank add$ss on receiPt of price by the pre SOLD Mr ALL DRT4G(1,1„„ C 0, WILL CURE OR R—L1EVE As none ut first,elass wor men are employed. part fav- • oring. us .with their -work.; can rely upon having. 4.- g'ood ) d.one,and at, as low prices. a,s can be- done any.first-elass sl op in the country. While returning. my „thanks to ,the public for the -liberal patronage bestowed on me in v,st, 1 h-ope for the continuance of the same in the , futu re: ERYSIPELAS,:- ACgHTY. OF HEARTBURN, DRYNESS - HEADACHE,. Of- rig .8 And evert species of diseasS arOirg disordered ". VE -R,. kiDttlieS; bTOM BOWELS-. OR r. BLOOp, Ts mILBURN It: -, 14 •