HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-06-30, Page 5Z. TILE 'LATEST Al ASST:FASHIONAB $ -. ale RA IFFE' . - 1/Manny Empotium. CK SILKS FOlI $1LW. CHENILLE: ERI; UES, r1.31, ANP SPANISH L'AC`ES, TACKET ORNAMENTS MAN I LI:: CASHMERES. AN SILKS. The largest and most select stock of Millinery in Lucknow. LADIES BONNETS, S, PLAIV AND FANCY` ` STRAWSiM'SS iaiQ'S:HAIS, in endless variety, IN(1�T SROBES AND CLOAKS,ofof the best ultY•:.IA Reas•.rable Prices'. • ([f)REN'S [&CE BUNNE'rs. ttIsBONS, LACES, WO -0 ,S, and in fact .everything f.iund:in a- first-class Millinery Estahlishnieni • N 13.;-4.' fall stood: of Mourning- Grinds: °Nantes..l-Ia,.i'e to O <ler in the latest style and mire trz fit. • Remerutb,r the plate, nest door,to the Post Office. - 7E S_ R.AL:DcT rF PE' PitEMAN'S WOR POWDERS.' Axe pleasant to tuko Contain their own Purgative. Isa sg1a, sure, and. etfectrrai' de8troyer of worms is Children orAduitS.. • 0 .first cfass improved At Low ates by- the A i13 to... S, JAS. SOMIERVII.LE, . 'aluator. The snbseriber has: t few good .tiAGE LOTS INTO USINESS AGAI OF- THE LU•CKNOW Harness Depot, ---Fs offerrng tireatilargainsiu : Ilarneas, , t1addledt, Trunks,. • iri•ses hopes-, : Blankets- Single lanketsSingle Harness, from $14 up, - Team Uarriess=from a $?s up. And everythingin the line cheaper than the cheapest for cagh or otherwise: I am bouni: not to be undersold. All work warranted, as I keep-nothir'- but -first-class stock, and first- das workmen. ..I deny. • otniietition. Don't.- forget the place, opposite H« cHardys Brick Blocky R. PROCTOR.. Lucknow, January l3th,1$82. $5 to. $201 per day at horse. Samples worth $o free. • Address STI\soN-& Co.,} Portland Qystois-! -• Oysters --I, am Receiving -- FRESH .OYSTERS DAILY, . - Wkkich I will serve either ' . )r sal&lon easy terms, and a = RA kiz of?COOKED � : AT• ANY IF )f . number of • LOT frit n. one to eight acres; 'which licll cAti be: had: very che4i... • J4& So rERyU Et •M E 1 T I of all kind:: drawn wetly and ... cheaply. . SOM ERVI LL.E. mum AND ®RAZING LANDS -moo~ TME Northern Pacific R.R. MINNESOTA, DAKOTA, ANar MONTANA. • �Rar v •n iI �s r LcwPt io srLorio-TIME: ReeATEro IMPaIovE MFNT REi UOED FAIEAN0•FRENii1T. TQ SETT R Fnri r inti iNFORMATIQN,ADDRE8i I: N IPORT.. ®arra Liuro Aar.• tso Fruits of any OdSCFipIfCR, - Farmers will save money l!y culling at .-EATING•HOWSE:; MEALS. AT ALL. HOURS. &ko Bread, Cakes a:.d Cmituctioul r -alt l:owust fiur s. :MRS. MOONFY. %KAT' Mt_ 'eerie 1EPINCall11e ' RADII MARK. .HRU NAT EN - ADE .M tRA d#GItSH RIZMEnv. Ati unf.tilind; cid re .for Semin- al Wealt ncos; S: esmatorrh a, Imp+rtency, •andail Disease Vara -Tal[i1l t' fdiuw iau eequencelinf$elf� as.loss.,,f Memory, Iririv ershl, Leat. rude, Pain in the back,. Dimness of Vision, Premature oI.dIage; :ind.ntany other ,Diseases that lead. to Insanity or Coueuutption and: a Preinattiretl rat a par -Full particulate in Our pamphlet. which we desire: to send free frt snail to every one; aw'rhe Specific Med eine ilrsotd by :01 Druggists at B1 per pack._; age, t r six packager for $b or will be send her hvrai1on receipt of. the money by: ad dreusrng." • - TIER .:GRAY:)1EtPICI! E f/i. . C tr Oat.,Caul adls Jr -s tld:- in luicicndiw :by all •irnQ ..i`ati .and every where in Caiads and the United -States s I wholeestie and retail'd sky ta, —• • • 8I.ACK AND COLOR E'1)`-SATINS'BLACK ANT)•COLORE') WATERED SATINS;, ' BLACK AND COLORED SILKS.- 'STRIPE SILKS. FOR DRESSF.$ -CHEAP BLACK.. SPANISH AND -Ci,;EAM LACES, REAL. GUIPURE, ii zi$LACK. • • GIMPS;: BUTTONS, 'BRAIpS, ETCH ": - aDnm SS Goons. These are better and cheaper than for some years, and embrace -an: increaEing variety color,make, quality, and price. ' I'haye never. shown a larger range:- Neweet.designs latest patterns, fast colorings, and lowest. prices. Madan; do you want to be neat without being prim, attractr-re, but riot flashy, engaging, but not gaudy. In a word, natural and like your years 'Then, oorne and buy- these Dress Goods, these Marvellous effects of skill, money, and tiitne. Are you an n indltstriouttbouseivife,.a.krnd and dutiful-daughter,or ven- erable and honored grandmother ? Then you have already r. earned the best the country X n r can afford. 07 PARASOLS, GLOVES, T-I.E;, RIRB,Oi s PEILLINGS, YEI11,011, &c, . Coma early, you: can always.buy. better than late, when the light, is dim,and your � s been � mind has bwarped and cranked with the,labors.of the forenoon. TARDY, dI ROM BRAZIL. U. The. ir-c ..Compound: ,fs ovon- deriul affinity:: to the Digestive Apparatus- and .the Livei, int yeas- ing the dissolvingu;ces, r ev ing.almost instantly the .dre dtul • results .ofDyspepsia ndiges` joiz,.- and: the TORPID LIVER, apes . Zv. esu an every -.day ns' ce jY S yi?t: 9very house: It. acts gently' end in 13iliottsness,. Costiveness. ad- . • ache, SickHeadache; Disaf tre ;`_ =ter. Eating,Wind On the Sto Heartburn, Pains in the Sid and Back, Want ofAppetiEc.. W= - t Energy, Low Spirits, Foul - ~ om- Itch.' .It invigorates the Lire car. • ries off all -surplus bile, re • : *es the Bowels, 'and gives: tone t the whole system. " 'Cut this .out and take it to- E- OM Druggist and gefa10-cent $= or a large bottle for -75 cents and • ,t ktnu zteig109r 000 it. Ras now discovered. that n im or -to : has :zot : ncras - = -- eod ��� roe- of: pr- oa ce- to - the bcn ef,t of :the Ire is,now increasing his popalority by takirg the duty ;ofl: the imports purchased by farmers and others, - `Commencing And he is not throw undustin their . - . ;: g eyes either,nas it is tine Clean 7 ITA. I hare owrec eived free of duty,: and Soling, at 25 cots perpound. a In orc'er t -o clear thet#r out before taking: If you want a yap t Vere_ COME: AiND GET I=T AND VESTS, Cid lie Puund 6p lea f ON NE tock AP, What is, it '' T bd best M , chine Oil i r the world ; is iu:inul, t,tuied by :M.cColi Vitt. & Co., Toro This Oil under th.•st•3 eregt uteri; nail c Ci�int)etlti.rll \Y,at1 .wi<r�itd F4ur-1iedalls and Threc.Oipllo . at the Tie4.1ii g Flihit, in=lid81;. . I ornery. inrl.ttnr-rg «rll .v+, t;u1 ninchin•ry by rising l,atiDixE. A-1, 14i,n1 d.•:ilir f4.r it .in.? take no:,,thet. }r ' l y b; 1L. M.1cIhrr i$. to. :est t'atS ni»n• rafe*: our btaiC • t•Y•131114 week.$12 w day at .home .,itsily m/ade - -Coad)+ AirtGtfar••. 'Aitaiia_. 1st*dr �i{l•, lit* MaiW =NIBS. To Disiasas, COMP, Nrs and Accroswrs which HAGYARD'S YELLOW OIL is guarana teed to cure or relieve. either.in MAN. Or BEAST. - - TAREIi•IMTERNALLY FOR .•:' CROUP,.. - COUGHS, = 6BAMps, - BORE THROAT,: dikTS3lA, • COLDS, de.. APPLIED EXTERNALLY 70* karm d /is f, . A'EURALG.ZA, • CHILBLAINS, . CALLOUS LU]IEPS- BWELLIX_Osi, _ st FP JOINTS, GALLS, : F1UOST 3UTE, L$8, CORNS, - : Co.1TnmerzOXs-BRUISICS,. ' LUMBAGO, -:. ITCH, DPAFNEBS, - 2AI1(II7 BACK, SPZL1YS, - .PA NIn syD4 &: Every teed la gill* a &t fat. don Or niCusy r+erundod. • 1, DIREST10p MRN IAN i01TLL .10E seas T MISDDQRN k 00 ' _ -TOAortzq,