HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-06-30, Page 2tespondeDuke,- O. the pair shake hands. . lo*,. removing. his gray ' felt wide-awake with.a. graceful sweep; -and: when,, in the . mime: of a few minutes,. the :stet* lady, - -guard r* leaps up ftom herseat,andolutcao: .- ing het bandboxee and bags, makes &Wild rob. at a- passing official,. Me, Leftus calmly ... Blies into her place; and begins_ to, converse- - With- Luli ie a .delerentiallyadniiring tone. . Presently a bell rings,. end: the, Ho•Ime- • weed -party are eummonad to 'take their seats. Duke. end. Llili have no need te 1=4n:oeuvre:ranch to get iota the same oar - triage -; they are.manceuvred for; and a good deaf of trotible in that 'line is. taken. off -their shoulders,. - as the vieorld isgenkrally Itind444engaged- couples—too -kind scene- . - times, as lovers Of laconic. and reseived„,and ladies- of shy ' and retiring, nataree feel ' -when they pereeive. the eyes of . a friendly audi sympathetic world watching -far evi- lIcileaswood Hall:- Deb- and. Lull; for the - first -time, . find -themselves able to- renew . "I. thought: 1 hever.. should be able to get - a Word With_ yeti,' - exclaimed Lull half - -::' ()coeds wide"! I am -mire *a have beed now:„ Duke, 1 ite telling you.- about. the - " Yes, and yen :were dwelling -on. the. 1-1 Bur,- Duke, you. woula cone toe?. Of course you,would. ; think how delightful it _ etay witb mi. there on a nice long visit, as .- long asyon possibly could: Why Should yoh fully,:yet eyidently liking the' idea-. "I am afraid 1 .conhot leave- London for long: To ba eine. I had made up. my Mina to take my holidayrather late, aa I !Mew y(111 would-be t'Way ! And, Luli, '.if I squander my sub, to set up housekeeping Wien the time "Mk - take your railway fare outof . the kitch.ert furniture, and cut the drawing- . room short . fOr • your -: hotel - bills 1" she • - pleaded ceaxingly,with a light, happy laugh. ((We must consult 'one of your nemerous ' counsellere ae to- what articles of furniture may be most easily dispensed with," he said. “ III -think over your - pIan;:-Luli; bet • I'm not seiesabout being able to manege it." " We have to. write- and fik about taking the, villa thia weee„" she replied; "se do • makeup your mind quickly„ there e dear The gatiletict of lloimswood are like one living aod moving flower& -.The men in - their black coats- are- net_ in: reality few, -• but they are -so swellovied up and etlipsed in the radiance- and_ amplitudeef the ladies': - attire, that -they seerri like a scanty wenn - of.biack intects buzzing in and Que. among rate; -0 eopree: was there -ever an English The luncheon elite:mons-. all,-bleck-eciated bees and rainboyi.dolored flowers, to a or- • geous ?Weimer laid out in a scar -let and white striped tent. To - most 'of the sehiers this - appearethe real *title of the day ; tea most mei:Mew afterward,. when the - whole party It is then that the bees. and the &were , pair off as :neatly and •naturally as the, . beasts in Noah's ark. - The seclu.de:d parts, of the shrubberieseate full of etreggiera in .eacla, of the lad -shoats on tbe lake z the pine- ..Woodls.: ftill of errant- Taira .-who get Wit - .0wh'unocinsoious: head by waleitig with Mr.. quaffrille on the lawn.. - They are talking of - great part Of -the time; but this AIra. Grundy does not know,. . Mike steals sway to the sreokinvroom With a few emagenial periodical, „am- artist . -who has- toed& .his ,Cess of makihg„ and en art critic who has the other. The- lion lies, • down with. the- - Iamb, however; and the. whele group enai- .' scented shades of the smoking,roarn, whence -it takes all the :energies: of the hostess to - disinter them at • the heur when' dancing begins,: and. every mania expected to.do his. •-• elevation„ with a good view, of the grounds, ionoking-and-seteaying. the:- soepe: '' "How icing have yea been -up here?" 2: ,. " Well, if this is your- way of enjoying societY, we won't disturh. your felicity r. Atid Kato end her escort pass on. . in: thelestive throng: joins in the .natisou„. jo line 'group of which hie- future eon-ire.law th forms a:part, for e time, and thee. geti up ha what. Kate Ituno.unces ta Lull to be " quite as a- flirtation". with es lady who suits his `co • taste, Whe has large thoughtful eyes; and& of sympathetic preseheo, who- listen.s. well and : gr "_:_does not'say ,naueli. _Glencaire- when. lie, of talks—: which by;the,'-ivay. is not often -a . per is laid inthe tent in, envie timefor : Cr heats -4e partake- thereof before thY -iio, *es are ordered ta couvey them beak Ana - ,fid a noisier -meal thanthedejeuner. There ea .I.A.eier was much stareh and Stiffness about gre thofroughly it is' Noir out of the dressea hogatility or :imp? Of*a in 010040*. The ti,rIsareall flushed with dahoing.; . theit 'breath 'leek after th cent'et the stairs eyeS? are 7 bright, their ourledi:Ot' braided -and tereturn this b itality in 00,04 tinder their be/mete and over their.teni- now*and then a Spare -seat in a'hoic at -the' - plea and leveral _of them Would be hOr- theatre. - - rifie-d if they Conld look 'in the mirror and She olso- perimided•her mother tosputan see how the Whirl:Of .-the Waltz had tilted' tp;dvisirtisenient'in their head gear out of- place; • - • wherein 'Zora figured -as-;- • t‘I' haven't seen- mil& of Yon. to -4y, Young:J.gady Aeconimended • Dtdre. What have you been doing With ie Istirsery Goveriieseer COMpanion,r- wrve been doing good, work ...my pet". ientorY,-, reknit% , yeneg repliee Duke, deeming it quite_ safe to be ladies, desiroue of -similar „sitilationecrOWd affectionate under cover.of the -platter and the lottery Anth Zoe,: tried h 'the.ohatter goieg onallropia. I heve.been luck, -and feiled„.as hundreasef -other girl :cultivating:the triendehip Of a gentleteanou higher earn -and better -educated than sh whose aticl pieieureageoddelel depends. • try and fail every day. Theadilirtiternen You behold -biro oVer therenoilding met with bet few answers, and - One - '-ahd tee editor u, • allied in h joint attempt, . ' One mother of ten children offered Zer to- lireak. into the citadel of sobdurate something -leis than a lioneeinaid'a Wage railiea pie, whelk,. %valle of granite:refuse:to to take the -entire charge and responsibi;it yield event° the ovnibined attack.- Yee!". of the wardrobe aed edueetiOn ' of'. th :geed -stroke of businese tO.;lay ; audit you. beeauseltalicra and the Itiaimente of Ger go toitaly, I'll join the 'party 11. _ men *ere pot -among her acquithraents.:- That'e .1i4te Craeen; The 'Audition of what to de with -ou overhearing these worde from. ule oeeOsite surplus female :Population .suggesteditsel side of 'the table, where she ie seated, and frequently and forcibly to lira. _Craven at potting -her heat °none side. to .catoh. a Kate 'during the • bin:vile of theirlfriendl glimpse of Duke and- Luli between a barley- :endeavor's Zora!abehalf.. - sugar teinpla and an epergne of flowers that “ The only. thing I ilea for itl" :said- Zer intervene, ".11:42 gladyou'll ken he! Won't here -elf, frapkly, 'with het we have fine timeal Mr. Glenciairia ? Me.: to eaport ha in". ship -loads_ to lands wber study and fill: my .glaSs. -New, thie is to 'the deraand -is hicOnvepiently fee eiceede drink:to the happy re -union of the. Most by the supply," - • • 7 .' :attractive members_ of thepreeent party Oh "But we sban't sanetien vOarbeing ship -the Stinny.shorea of Lake-ComoV• - '• ped Off, van tett you," -Said Kate- " "' Whom does -that toast inatude,, Miss: and eee.. if. We, canttot: eornethin, Orai.ren.?" inquires ' bake, 'throUgh :the. better for you before topg I" • . • trellia work -of the bazIey-ingar temple. . The Mere Kate, satv Z-orit: the mor "I am out of it, Pni afraid; Katie?" eug. fond :her.; the old • -childish - intimacy gee& Glencalrh. . • • revieed With' double strength, and the- ptah • . indeed you are-not,we couldn't do Whieh Kate Wee revolving ih her inind we Without ou " she replied with frank tocoax her parents,• who seldom refesed _Ifiendltnees, --end 'added more demurely, het enything, to take Zeta- te winter aihrtied *ith a misehieveus sparkle in ',her eyes,--- with them,: . - --if Skeleton- atthe feastis absolutely necee- 'Zeta would be a. delightful- Companion .saiy to -.0nr contentment; and you..make ankuseful friend, would help Kate to pick s.uch a first rate Bonee-e' : • aed inn on her errands; ,and mend her Glencairn. laughed aloud,' and his' some- dreeees, Ind be geneeally,handy,and Would, -what grim expression • vanishedlri a broad, no doubt, iootipicklip the langtage:- With ataused.sroile. Audacity never displeased ah•eye td the -developnient- of- this plan -- Wick and he. liked - little Kate," who, hay% which; indeed,.Kate had vagnely coeceiv04: ing been helf frightened at her owillinpu beeo 'from the: -time - see firet -foend -that .1 deuce, loOked sideweys.. ae him,_ aria- then Zora-weein streightened eiroun.aetances— :-Ohorused 'Meta -ugh -Merrily,- and well.eittie. Kate- pueehesed sh. giammar arid eh easy. readingAok, and:presented them, _epergne,: " 'SG 413atiSt be a, case of 4 Drink to; Proven -*as 3 lit* astoniehedat Me :only with. 'thine eyes!' - . echd your firet *ben Kate, with en air of --pleading:and Lake- of Conio I" - But, _my darling -child," sliesaid,“Ido .Snap Wont the crackers; -alatter Went.the hot see What you Want with 'another ftiehd • Luli's 'softer nierriment echoed-. low; as- a charming coinpanionr - thev.drank-thdr foast siad read.' their Mot- " Oh.. yes, Mother . dear," replied .-Kate. toes te eadh ether itokolie "the table, :and. is as good. .and sweet aa she caii be,- Glenoairn in various schemes fer making ban you. fancy out 'beleved.Gtencaien.'efaeo in Italy. - - • ; - tot nae, .4[3r -running -oat in a broiling-thin:to Sa the plan'. heeatee a Settled thing, -and post iny. letters; Or- working at -134y dress frem that hout there wee mernore:doubtor While -Flo on:a Sofa ? Another thing, 1-4uli discnsiion as to Duke'e joining the party;, .ia,so delicate. She-- is. sure tObe two -days. . We'seldein know -When. we -take the moat. week- liing doWn. with a - headeche, or is true, we knoVeDr. feel that we ire oh -the -Zora Would make. herself quite- inleeeing_. threshold of a supreme crisis- • that Will AO naafi,' I. _am -sure; end then just -think tuin te:our lifceejey or out life's anginsie; what a treat it wehld be tci het, poo; child I but oftener. it_ happena that the act that -LoOk at bet poked. hp.. in thetnaithiable. loeked lib:Anise or a threat leads to-noth- little attiol'imeh Weete.-cithet Ptetty N.044_ .while the little eeed we tied carelessly and her youth- and brightness!: r declare How little We -know ! how'ipapenetrahly good long hap& holiday.? - • . . the heavy Miste of _the &tura. veilefrom us - It naturally followed that -..:Mrs. Craien. -the outoonie of the- step: We take, till the- .wcie Melted eed melded te her daeghter'e turit his hem- irrevooebly taken Ana the -wishes, aed- -Was - a .short 'time as well mesa -roads left behind ! - satisfied with the -',solienie of taking -Zeta And yew. traveller of many lanas, how, Browa 'with them ed Waft Kate berself, - you knew, as you muttered anathemas Directly she had obtained pertinision on your tardy cab.men while- you gazed on . regard • her -plan: as -acCepted and eettled, the distant vanishing sinoke of the train Kate epshed -high delight to convey you -had miesed—the treih which _Wes -to.: theinvitation to Zorie '• - have whirled- yen st express iepeed. totlie She keele her *ay Well up tithe foartli- Sea-port: whence syceir. vessel - oiled that itoertback by thia-lithe, forher Mate were daye4hae the crags- -'roads at: which a trifle more frequent than• Oratien stood -Were those of Wean& -death 1 , That quite approve:d„. Mre. Craven had no _ohjec-: vessetsailed, and Was never heard of -more.' tlon to the: filendehip ; -indeed, she was- .• Youtoo,falr4mired. end sad -eyed la email, kindAlearted...enough teatiproverind helP it' With the silver •etreaes in that stilibeight eitety Way, but ehe .preferred -to halm - and abundant hair, yell at who*. strangers _Zoiaviiit,theirc; she Aid' not tiiiirk Zota's gaie and, say,- “ That Woman .hai a•-- hie- abode ,was a, -desirable • iteni On. a villiting tory-1" hew little did You think that night . list, but Rate .cleolerad- she “ liked the fun" likeallother parties of the eeason, and- in where :Zoe lodged. , - - the- oroWded- room indifferentlY, and eaid 'think. The perlor wee occupied by -aieidOW languidly, " Who ie that -Odd-looking hien luly, nee. Z.oxe. _was A3eekiim employ: over there? somebody e.ow-r-..,ehat yohr merit, and like Zois tonna the quest a long pale sad faceehould hear witness in a life ozie.,:.ao wbo.was boilsidefeie 4; Eqyateiiious4; long tnemery :of him? -let 7 the die:wee by the landlady b'ecanse: she did not dentide eage in the Moment you turned, youe.girl'-. :her sorrows, the citawieg-reans, Wae f though: you; kith* it hot then, nor 'kr:many man Of scientific and. literary inelinitioes, -1 Looking back, we see".these thingsoand tho gecood. -ftoor contained it Polish. realize with a, thoughtfuineesc lifixed.:with'sad. wonder, itiotir heart, theirciport. of the steps we-tecik, not know - • moiselle Celestine's cross grained parrot and consequentlyffupon all these-aood offices, it was she whom ...the landlady .reooMmended as. imaimeneie to _to„ old gentleman in the drawing-rcieros when he right hand an 'obstacle. in his wey. envie&.ber= liy the:- noble- 011142; f PPP, aboVo. and the widow belo*, but as the former only. urideretoaa imPer- Old geritlemahis:Wifle- there' wae nothing very Wonderful in Zora's being electhd his itmantiensii; It Was poor." -pay, er and Zora liked it well enotigh. Of up -the stetre;and Zoraraii in smiling. y said Kate, kiseing her .01444 With effuliion. r gayly: . And -oh ! -Kate, they ere trying. f duties sometime§ !, Oar Work ieentitled y, you• know. • Well the .koiehoe is: 'all very well ;- don't: try to underitand- it,bot s. • theologbial part :of -the huiciness-that,. e eeazY, is ell verY Welt -too, But, being e toinence, . the dear .: old :getitletnau, has • into it. And Ohl -the love Emcees!" Zeta g. mentioned -them.. " Kate, it you could -Only, see the efforts :With Which. I preeetve not lie'. able. to preset:ire paiy.4#tger4' ." And' ifynti could Only -.•-bear the inter, a-- vie* have been copying this. Morning, yOU'Would wonder -that keep agaber -face ott at all -1- The beroine'e name 44 Angelina she fetieVer mentioned without the prefix Of ffects --of einotion oh _the...tisithe -Of :the I 'vrOhder -.the. -author's *4 thinks afe to allow 'elm a4,.secretary tot hie Safe, eoy- cleat goity, he is heinciatio-; and Oh ls-se-eld- and: songly it. : young , oncel".. said Kate.. ,.. au -5 nu think, then; that only-yeung and handsoniapeople ' Ought- to- be allowed to talk elerat -love,. " TOU-nitist. et:insult some other authority - shadeof, half "-hitter, meaning, - -"What can kkno* about it? It's .a lu.NurYbeyinid me 17 ing :wisely 1 " I ain = eure -.yen must 'have my itiena :. the :engine: driver, below ?TAO - hie hands- are :alwaya grimy, and he neVer- k "There's pile Polish reftigee.r' Segge.stea_ Kate, Vela tile stiOashal ih itimping -from ,iine sithjeot, to' another, and pointing to- the. blue -Whet goodie- -a, light diees to Me? 1 never go oht.1 And little Xre. -Srnitli-;-I told you knew I-Lweetie ci. :ne* silk kir her: benefit, -night ;--,and I Want -.Ii b.at end.. jeceet, s So fit-11er,-; end: :here -you -behold- What 1- haree _got* ipsteeell It)s a: pretty --hat,.-,..isn't it ?"- geay het and greys, cloak, and petkeig •up thefea there ef the het -*Aka satiefied air. - able anicnig the tipper ten tholiciatal, I 10.11:17-: although. ahe does -!sing. at - musiehalls. And I. have not le Mee . friende that 'I oen ar• ound Me.:- DO you lip,. w;- Xate deat, -that - and dear old Mrs. -Grant, who took me to 'Stay- With her When my_ auet have' mit otie friend in the world except --except riends at ale no friende skive the cletteof oer- little Mrs. Smith, I might not feel. Zeta spoke -slimy, but quietly, without any tears or sighs, and with such a steady- weetness ana affection in her look, that ven sensitive person than Kite ffended hy the Utterer -led. K -ate flung her • ,A creature: not too bright arid good itrg people ansivering to the Muite t 'For human nature'? daily food; • For transient sorrows, simple Wiles, Mr. end, Mre. Smith, and by night wet7e Kr. Praise, blame, love,kissei, tears and smiles.: Floreutihe Lennox . and Miss itty- gits• y A creature circled hy a spell . in evening toilete a little the- *Corse for, -o within which nothing Wrong can dwell; And fresh and clear, asfrora the source. wear, and. he Sometimes as a humternen,- Lila) Arethusa through the sew; - and then a Regent Street. siiag 1 Stealing in fountain -purity. . -. • —IlloortE, at -this or -that Hall where the reopuler taste in. 'niticno trebled end cuPtivated. It was- soon finally 'arranged that the Fipally, on `the feurth floor were .-N14-ige Zora ree autumn Months,. after which, if the pretty nor young, -whose . family_ haze fied to d =tiny of the party remaieed as perfeet England in one of the periodical- e!: oche of. it they hoped: find anticipated, they weeild disturbance hi who,kept. 6,1 &Ikea-ye- ntinue together -on dtatir through the rest parrot, and' earned.' most cif her oing*.by Italy, Moving soutlivrard as the weather' dressmaking fOr several farailies ho were ow colder, and spendipg the greater part kited to-fier. * • - • th ails were being held- in discussion tied such a pretty creature, and- Ho perfectly F proved of and finally -Settltd, Vies -Kate -the ladyither . It- was Mies .rown who' C 4Atc.brof bet -03,7,u. conneeticin with the Mimi BroWn Who Willingly gave .iplefroom he in idea; She hid not again let the waves mad abnepted shake -down u 'the parlor. • . the werld wash in between: her ahd her When the lepdlady wished entertain --a rly friend Zora Brown... liate *as a profitable old lodger .for at deakepgaged society at home- a,ud BroWn who too tome at all hours- of . the night, end was c rather proud of the society of his titled -o neighbor ; the third: :floor Wag _'ecentoied a two pale, quiet, care -worm hartnlees-kook- e Zora. dear; I have. got soinethipg Id ask ou I --TOO. -won't feet lonely, you *WA" eed to think- about this elase 'and that lass ' - fiat belt a yeer -at least if onlY•YO.11 0311.' .1 went You to t4i.0 Season. We have-. taken n the Like of • Como • for -the anthem-, end GO with you4t6! Italy ? Kate deae„ °IA uttderstapd. How could -I manage od-Were ad -added the- Manitoba Bar ere the following Western 'mete: Meesre; Me. ItObeitsen.ldmith's -_first article- on_ Oe yeeeekitteaebeo on- .gerpent I of (Wed elide ) night's Colli had heen-, destroyed • by fire on S laitio_rte„,„.existed .0. to the eorree :the teportchit hew it ie Cettain ' -boat and barge are a tetal logs. T :mixed -cargo of buildiog_. material,. -kr Mam.ainse;14ake•Sep.erio.174-theT of .the MiChipicoten Native -Copp Morning_ Of tbe 10th, :when,. off 01:14e DC/tined :of Abe feet that th ap.a Nety ...thoughtfully and -headed the- -steamer 'fox Serpent- tirelite distapt, With the saving life and the comfier- if Af ter the 'boat - had beee beached _exciroinatem made it was found 'an 'realized by those on board that -the :great Inednese to the ship.wreoke _end coeveyed them to Bruce. they .noW await the .arrieal. of '4 last winter Went .under repairs -Wino the OVineris-some $2,t00,. which .MS. tor A. 2..Vessel, siict was owned by 4Ppleton end R. q. Cinaptell, Of -this She Wes- -partially . basuiea itt the. Metimion' the hull, :and- _her cerg tgerc:toueltew:grpeii, imiatdv:::::medYd:!..-.: ' '. - 411;jib7apoiliie:rdiihtii. ' li Com - fully e was - ratted were hfi er El; et pest s. er her own. hilly • "No:doubt the saying from :the:Ea; that " water is beet" are words of wisdo ; yet. all .are notof..the mind to use water " eat." We ere artificial. in. our tastes and .esti meats, and having •to meet prejudi3 =s as. - well as we can, we .submit a feWrec !.> es to - make pleasant and useful subetitut iia, -for those • exciting and :Ynisohief-making +rinkss now. commonly in use, first prejnisin! .that -' the den:land-ler cool and at the sam;tithe shghtly stimulating beverages is n , ural, , especially in summer time. Heat. u :'uses : -evaporation from the body, end•tho: = who .are engaged in - active exercise,. o who are - employed. in oIose - ;morn . or- _ :the _ open- ',sunshine, require flu i to .- replace. • the loss. Itshould ala -be - - remernbdere. that much fluid 'is a cease 'of profuse perspiration, and :ultima �ly:of thirst. Persons who arealways dr .king are always thirsty. Water slowly pped . will quench the thirst for a far. Inger - period than if taken in large draugr s -at once.. _ A]1 alcoholic's, whether in the I ori of beer, brandy and -soda; or wine; or wider, - ete., ultimately increase the thirst; - jure the. liver,-and'render the-drinker;ha a to sunstrokeana.other forms of iinjury !_ the. brain and nervous sgstem generally. Iced • beverages -should be indelged,in_care o ily. Tempting as they are, they are not wi danger, and,they interfere with- dig jtion by ,lowering the temperature , of �. the - stomach As' a . drink for mankin { let - us specially —,mention.:- puts cold •,�: ter; - A fest/ slices of . lemon in water. : ke a - ;cost healthful and refreshing-. bet/ J1 age.: The lemon should be squeezed ::"till m -of. ;its juice ms mixed with the water; -and hen- two en two or three sliees•'of the .peel shou :be added. The: acidity and the slight b nese render. the water thirst que'nchin A good sized lemon or two- will flavor h = If a-. gallon: of water Sugar may be- add in small quantities, if ;desired; but the le :the better-; -or.boiling water. poured on a : ced lemon, sugar added, strained, and d hunk cold, is much. -approved. Tea, coffeeiand - .cocoa are all liked ,in harvest work, cos being - the irilore 'nutritious. Tea of- •ood quality, and • made good-, to whieh •old".:: water may • be :added, is a handy and favorite beverage. Travellers and sporten -- allow;this to;be a' refreshing drink. B ley water; with a slight flavor'of Lemon, is . ice in health and in sickness and butter i a ilk; when'it can be obtained. For heavy 1:1aor, . -either agricultural or mechanical, not ing. : is so sustaining as oatmeal, drink, i i the ' proportion of .1 Ib. of meal boiled in t o the gallons of water ni• which is added a tle brown. -sugar: This may.. be used ei ' er. warm or cold, but -should be '°well ah en :` - before, taken,." as the . oatmeal sub : ' . to the bottom. Those who are saga work, far from home - wilt find os _stirred -into cold.- water :.and. - drunk off. .Scotch. fashion; a .good -•support.=-Allz nee •' News. - . —Texas Siftings -'m It is reported. Barnum has made, an -offer to Oscar for the latter. to .sit`on .top of Jumbo ride in the street processions. ,If; ins of Wilde sitting on : -the elephant, Ju were to, sit on Wilde the- resultwoul more satisfactory to the people an wouldn't hurt Juinbo-much." Despite serious ill- health, Pasteur, French scientist,spends sixteen h daily. in his laiioratory.. One-half of body,"; he says,_ is paralyzed.. Hie he was ruined- intrying. to: restore ,life `activity to the silk industries of Frence _-Queen Victoria is the sole. survivo of first Privy Couucil. - . Pesth advices .state that a flood occur at Ver'scez, owing to • the sudden risin the water in the river_. A- number- of hou and two bridges were destroyed, and tw children and` -several adults -drowned. • . There was a violent gale at 31-oecow- Sunday; by which the exhibitionlbuildi were greatly dam aged. During storm a 'ire . broke_ .out in the Itagesc quarter, '< anti- : one hundred houses w destroyed. ; bo be he s nd • ed of ere ... ve few .nights; it C care of llade- W ECTRIC nently cured by usirig these BELTR; RAN AND ldiROLES Circulate and Consultation FREE._