HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-01-09, Page 1tepiers
experience ca has taught
st blend (
Idocha And Java
oratiems thea gives :tideliciout;, mellow
liquor. Our advanced method of
rewwdug develops and preserves the
richness. a,na gayer of the beau,
Packed hot front the roasters in
sealed parchment end put up iit tins
so ea to preeervl: itsfreshness and
strength from Our Your
rocermills tseo tls it or tau
get it.
r The Robert Geo Co.,
} Limited. Toronto,
export t,n oupting to Want eleven mil-
lion dollars, but we bought 464,519
worth from the United Steles, ()attorney
enough, Germany wail the aecOndlargeet'
prrohaaer of our organ ; the United
*ease bought mot of ear pi4000. with
Australia In second plaoe. Moat of oar
oigare come froth. Cuba, but British
oi(faretteeare the favorites, The United
Suttee is our best market for sewing
neaehines, but Ne wfoup'iland,Germaay,
and Mexico are good onstomere, It
eaeme strange to think of these
mobilo* game in large numbers to
these two latter countries. We sold
ituulenae quantities of silver and large
gaantitiea of railway ties, and imported
NottQe of changes must be left at this
office not later than Satuurrdayn0011
The copy for ehatlg
not later than Monday evening.
ed tip
to noon Weual dnesdaay oi• eaoh tisementa week.
Tut WINfi1 M TI ES..
THURSDAY. JAN. 9, 1908,
Each succeeding year giYes added con•
iirmation to the world's knowledge that
io no country under the sun is the re-
ward greater ,or surer, Western Qanada
will enter upon the new year with great
er confidence than ever, secure in the
realization that all the censers and condi•
tions which, have led to the marvellous
development of the past deoade are more
than ever operative, and that that de-
velopment, unprecedented as it le, is
yet only in its beginein;s.--Winnipeg
Free Press..
For the not time in years the month-
ly returns of the customs revenue of
the Dominion shows for December last
a decrease. The decrease tor December
as compared with December of last year
is only a small one, $91.887, but con -
treated with 'large increases of preceding
mt uths, it indicative of the way in
which the merchants of Canada and
others are tomporarily restricting their
purchase from. abroad consequent upon.
the prevailing financial stringency. For
the month the total customs revenue
was $4,093,066. For the first nine
months of the present fiscal year the
total customs revenue has been $45,593,-
.,858, an increase of $8,983,805, as com-
pared with the correeponding period of
last year. •
The report of the
ante for 1906 thus e
ing companies
beteg given in even
Inspector of Incurs
eters to the follow -
Baron, the figures
e' 0
(Front the TINES of Jan. G. 1888 )
Thisweek the Tome 2 is issued ander
new management, it having changed
hands since the last paper reached its
readers. The onetomary announcement
is therefore is order. We hey* no die -
position to matte loud protessiane es to
what we intend to do for our readers,
preferring rather to be judged by Our
actions titan by one utterances. The
paper is to be maintained, ander the
new management, as a frank and fear-
less exponent of Liberal principles.
Whilst realizing that the train funotions
of a local newspaper are, in general, to
deal with town and country happenings,
we distinctly avow our intentions of
dealing with Provincial, Dominion and
foreign matters as space permits. By
•ndeavoring to issue a paper meeting the
requirement, of the public we hope and
'expect to secure a fair share of their
patronage and support.
R. ELLIOTT, D. C. Muano.
Propria tor. Editor and Manager,
eo &t
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LoOaI Histol�Y tTr the early. y il0
Items from tha ""Times" tyles -
for councillors; S. Caibeek, 279; Geo.
Kirkby, 2GG:3; James Procter, 224;
bister, 214; James Bulger, 176; Geo,
Pierce, 100. The conned will thea to
eon:moaed of Messr;i, Meaney, Howe,
Cateeek, Kirkby and Praetor.
Mr. Frani: Dens,•'all, who hes been on
the mail service between Wtoghama and
Uondoe, bas been transferred to British
Bev. D. Q. MoDoweli o rotate i at
Teeswater last Sunday. Rev, J. L.
li`err, of Brusseis, preaohing here.
Rev. G. Rook of the Baptist ohuroh'
here,; having tenderee his resignation,
preached his farewell sermon last Sun-
day morning. He has decided to dies
oharge the duties of an evangelist
amongst the Canadian Churches of bis
Municipal elections resulted as follows
:-Mayor--W. W. Inglis, 180; R, Mcla-
doo,161. Reeve, Jr, A. Morton(aoo). Dep•
Reeve, Thos. Gregory (amt.), Council-
lors : •R M Robinson, John Neelan;3s, A.
?riogle, Wm. Bin , J. J. Homuth,
Dr. Towler, J. A, Cline, George Mo -
Kenzie, Wm. Mimes, C. E, Williams,
Dr. Young. The by-law to reduce the
number of Oonnoillors from three to
two in each ward was defeated by a vote
of 121 for and 201 against. School
Trustees -Ward 1, Thos. Abraham 50,
W. J Chapman 41, ward 4, D. M. Gord-
on 70, John Elder 60,
West. Wawanoe5, -Jas. Johnston
reeve, Alex. Stewart, ,Thos. Todd and
Jonn Bowers, oonnoilters.
Culross. -Reeve, W, Scott; Deputy
Reeve, 3. Moir. Counoiflors-P. Clark,
H, McKay, and P Kuntz.
East Wawanosh-The eleotions on
Monday resulted as follows: For Reeve
-Robert Currie, 200; Thos. H. Taylor,
214. The councillors stood as follows:
Wm. Sutherland, 285; R, McGowan,
227; Rebt. Reilly, 213; Donald Patter-
son, 202.
Morris. -The following is the result
This represents a total of $23,118,870
of insurance almost entirely on farm
riske, to say nothing of other forms of
insurance that may be carried.
Canadian branch of the royal mint
opened at Ottawa on. Thursday and
coinage of coin of the realm is now
under way. While no special ceremon-
ial marked the inauguration of the
industry, the business of making real
money was stated in the presenoe of
Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Hoa, W. S. Field•
ing, minister viT finance, Hon. R W.
Soott, secretary of state, and other
members of the cabinet, as well as the i
• 4prinoipal adore of the finance depart•
ment watched the striking of the first
coins. Canadian metal, of course, is
used. Fier the first run Over and copper
come were minted. The silver bullion
was the produot of the Cobalt mines.
The copper coins were made from the
output of British Columbia. Later the
minting of gold coins will be started.
Health Comes From Knowing How
and What to Breathe.
The annual meeting of the W. F. M.
Society, of Knox church, was held on
Wednesday. The officers elected for
the current year are: Mrs. Dickson,
President; Mrs. S. George McGill, Se-
cretary; Miss Little, Treasurer, Mrs.
Smellie, aset•aeo.
Messrs. Hatton, Frio & Carr millers
have bought Tnrner'a mill for $7,410 and
expoot to get possession io about a
On Monday last the remains of ter,
Wm. Andersen, an old man who was
well known here, were brought in from
Palmerston and borne to the Wingham
cemetery. .He at one time kept hotel in
Lower Wingheen where he lost his wife
and daughter by fever. He had reached
the advanced age of 86 years.
Rome Osontege-Sabbath services ea
ii a In. and 7 p m. Sunday Sokhool. at
2:80nil:. General prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev, H.
Edger Alien, pester. i3•Y.P.U. mote
Monday eveuings 8 p.m. Abner Oosaits
J.S. Superintendent.
MarBoDIST OHIlrtOre -Sabbath servioes
at 11 a m and 7 p zu, Sunday School at
2:80 p m. Epworth League every Mon-
day evening, General prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings, Rma. W,
G. Howson, pastor. 1'. Bachanan, S.S.
P;L7>:SBYTIi3tIA1► Qneneon--Sabbath ser-
vices at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday
School at 2:30 p m. General prayer
meeting nn Wednesday evenings. Rev,
D. Porrie, pastor. L. Harold, S S. Su-
ST. PAM'S 000,104, E8n;ooP4L-Sab-
bath services at 11 a its and 7 p m. Sun-
day School at 2:30pm. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening, Rey.
T. S. Boyle, M.A.,13,D.. Rector ; Ed.
Nash, S. S. Superintendent ; Thos, E.
Robinaou, assistant Superintendent.
SALVATION ABMv-Servioe at 7 and 11
a m and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday, and
every evening during the week at 8
o'olook at the barracks.
Fleming--Leelie.-At the residence of
the bride's father, on the 28th; ult., by
Rev. H. McQaarrie, Mr, M. MoD. Flem-
ing, to Miss Maggie J. Leslie, both of
POST Orrecta-Omoe hours from 8a m
to 6:80 p m. Open to box holders from
7 a.m. to 9 p m. P. Fisher, postmaster.
Puma Iderte T --Library and free
reading room en the Town Hall, will
be open every afternoon from 2 to
5:30 o'cloolt, and every evading from 7
to 9:30 o'olook. Mies Maud Robertson,
TOWN CIoRNolr,--W, Holmes, Mayor;
Dr. A. J. Irwin, Reeve; David Bell,
D. M. Gordon, Thos. Gregory, John
Kerr, D. E. MoDondld Wm. Nioholson.
Councillors; J. B. Ferguson, Olerk and
Treasurer; Anson Dnlneage, Assessor.
Board meets first Monday` evening in
each month at 8�0'olook.
Hien Sermon BOARD.- John Wilson,.
(ohairman) Dr. J. P. Kennedy, Dr. P.
Macdonald, Dr. R. C. Redmond, J. A.
Morton, 0. P. Smith, W. P. VanStone.
Dudley Holmes, secretary. A, Qosens,
treasurer. Board meets second.. Monday
evening in each month.
(ohairman), B Jenkins, 1. E. Isard, T.
Hall, H. Kerr, Wm. Moore, Alex. Ross,
0. N. Griffin. Secretary, John F.
Groves; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson.
Meetings second Tuesday eveningin each
lor, B.A., prinoipal; 3. 0. Smith, B.A.,
olassical mister; J. G. Workman, B.A.,
mathematioal master; Mise J. MeoVan-
nel, B. A., teacher of Eng 1 i e h and
MoClymont.-At Wingham on the
2nd inst., Chester Milton M'Olymoat,
aged 1. year and 3 months.
Irvine. -In Morris, on the 28th ult.,
Margaret, beloved wife of Mr. Robt.
saw that he was a man he could make
Ilse of, and took him into his Cabinet.
Ae a oabinet minister, Mr. Foster abjur-
ed hie independence and his prohibition
principles, became an out -and -oat Tory,
and declared in the House that he had
voted for prohibit on in a "moment of
weakness.", Sir Jolla had made no rale-
take in his estimate of the man.
Dust laden with the germs of con -
gumption or other disease is inhaled by
all who use the streets, but disease
1s not developed unless the germs find
conditions suitable for their lodgement
and growth.
With people having catarrh there is
an ideal culture medium for these germs
as the irritated membrane and weakened
tisanes is a hot -bed where germs most
thrive slid multiply until they are num-
erous and active.
It you have catarrh, you should nee
the easiest, simplest and quiokest pure,
the direct method of Hyomei, whose
wonderful medicated air is taken in with
the air you breathe, directly following
and destroying all germs that have been
inhaled, repairing any damage they may
have worked and so healing and vital-
izing the tissues as to render catarrh
and germ infection no longer possible.
The unusual way in whioh Hyomei is
sold should dispel f all doubt as to its
curative properties, for Walton Me ib -
ban offers to refund the price to anyone
whom it fails to benefit. You do not
risk a cent in toting the healing virtues
of this breath of life, for with every
$1.00 outfit Walton McKibben gives a
guarantee to relieve catarrh or money
The chief features of Canada's for-
eign trade return for the year ending
June 30, 1907, just given to the paella,
include, to use the phrase of the London
weekly, Canada, many curiosities of
commerce. While we exported $2,489,-
830 worth of Agricultural implements.
we imported $1,845,648 worth. ' The
country actually bought ice from the
United States, but of course we sold
more than we bought. Ws imported
over twice as many hisonite as we sold.
In cattle the balance is all in the Do-
minion's favor, of course, the total
�cI ne
Y Troubles
In his study of kidney disease, Dr. Chase,
eta famous Receipt Book author, found that
90 per tent. of the eases atose as a direct re-
sult of liver and bowel disorders, end working
to this idea led to the :discovery of his cele-
brated Kidney -Liver Pills, the only Kidney
'o on liver and
actin 1
' ha ` eoinbined
medicine vrrig a
bowels as well.
Dr. 4 W. Chase's
Kidne..L her-
By that uttigue when, cure the most cornpli-
sated dtss.aset of the kidneys when ordinary
medicines rias. Ile/ also preircnt kidney
disease by curing liver complaint, bilioiiness
and constipation. Try them when the back
aches, or there art rheumatic pair's, or deposits
in ibe urine. One pal a dose, 25 tis. a box.
all dealers or Edmansott, Bale. & Co.,Totonto.
Cl b:str�Ni•sso .
city, C.,
"My wile was so bad with totp'id liver and
to to bed
kidaay ooemptssitit
that else had
far $+Ease weeks at * time, artd striated dread.
fila . Dr. Chasm's Kicker -Lira Pill they.
earn' hst. i hese also rind those
with meat testis:"
(Dan McGillicuddy, in Calgary
When, after the death of Sir John A.
Macdonald, be (Mr. Tarte) sought to
purify his party from the inside, Le
Canadian, whioh be shad made
famous, was taken -from him by a
series of persecutions, and he was
compelled to work at hack journalism
at the absurdly low salary of $9 a
week. On one occasion he said to the
"At this time I got a job at $9 a
week, and had to move my wife and
little ones outside of the city limits,
so that we could live in a little house
that my wife owned in her own right,
which had a small garden attached.
It was not much of a house, but it
saved rent. The street vara passed
near the house, but for several months.
I walked three miles to the offi.oe
and three miles back, day after day.
Why? Because I did not have the mo-
ney to spare to pay for the trip
on the oars. I did not feel very
bright as to the future, and I once
told my wife that I would retire from
journalism and politioe and devote
myself to market gardening, in which
I had done something ie my earlier
days. That I am in politics fa be-
muse my wife had more confidence
in me than I had in myself. She
was always cheerful and strong of
heart for a little Woman, God bless
her! and she indnoed me to keep on.
When the tarn cit the tide came I
knew that het judgment Was better
than Mine."
(Hamilton Times.)
Hort. George E. Foster has seen many
ups and downs since he Bret appeared in
Hamilton some twenty-five years ago.
His Mission here then was to epee& in
favor of the Scott act, Which he did, we
are told, at the rate of $10 per speech,
paid him by thb temperance organization
then run by Mr. D. B. Chisholm. He
spent about a month in the city at that
time, ape: king in opposition to E. King
Dodds, who opposed the act, Mr. Foster
then attitudinized as a Reformer. After
the defeat of the sot,'lir, Fester left the
pity, and a few months later Mr, Chis-
holm disappeared. As far as the public
d r completely out
drb e a
n he
ever knew p
of sight as if the earth had opened and
swallowed hien. This was all the mere
strange, because he Was at that tuns
perhaps the moat prominent and beat
knOvrti matt ia the city, being several
times a frit&) or, and having represented
the -city in Parliament. Further, no
reatson Was ever advenoed as a matte or
his disapleterttnOe, but there were slaty
rlppoaitioxe Mr.
'Voter next tippeered
ad tiu independent tetnpersnoe candidate
in 1>T -W Bruttd le.
down G wio
Eleoted on thatatform he voted in
ParliaMent itt favor of probibitiari, Sir
john 1414iotloi*1d, *his wad Premier then
Sh• 9 y ' Use Shiloh's Cure
iloh, Sfor the worst cold,
and Colds
the sharpest cough
try it on aguar-
antee of your
money back if it
doesn't actually
CURE quicker
than anything you
ever tried. Safe to
take, -nothing in
it to hurt even a
baby. 34 years of
success commend
Shiloh's Cure --
25c.. 50c., $1- 815
Pi113xr .91'IIfA
-L -
Title Times Omee• Beaver cloak
'Vetoes. or 8tntsORrPTIces-$i,o0 per annum in
advancetI1 t.50 it not eo pate. •No paper dieeon-
tinued all arrears are paid, meat at tate
option of the publisher,
AnvanTlaIN0 amis. -- Legal and other
casual advertionnen to 10e per Nonperiel line for
liretinsertion, 8o per lino for eeoh subsequent
Advertisement; in local oolnmr Me are charged.
10 Cts, per line for first inaartson and G cents
per line for eaoh subsequent insertion.
Advertisement's of Strayed, /farms for Bale
or to Rent, and similar, 41.00 for first three
weeks, end 26 cents for snob subsequent in-
OceeT11 for 1iLTSs-The following table shows
narrates for the insertion of advertisements
for specified periods:^
SPACIAL 1 YR, 0 Mo. 8 MO.. IMO.
OneOolumn ...-. .$70.00 $40.00 $22.60 $8.00
Halt Column • .. -a 40.00 25.00 15.00 6.00
QuarterColmmu. . 20,00 15.50 7.60 3.00
One Iaoh ..•.».,..J 5.00 3.002.04 1.25
Advertisements without s eoifip directions
inglybe Transient advertiseme advertisements must b p d
for in advance.
Tam Joz► Dap.&nrs5 NT is etooked with an
extensive eesortment of alt requisites for print-
ing, affording faoilttiee not equalled in the
countyfor turning out first class work. Large
type and arproprtate ante for alletyles a! Poen
era, Hand Bilis, eto., and the xateet styles of
ohoioe Tenor type for tin finer olasees of print
• 11. B. RLLIOTT,
Proprietor and Pttbiisher
Ce• Mme Member of thea r9tish >2ed1oat.Assooia-
attention paid+todiseasein'
s of Womoess snd Child.ll
ren- ()Mee hours -1 to 4 p. m.: 7 to 0 P. in.
!J t�
Centre Street
Puma° Sonoor, Tasosuus.--A. H.
Musgrove, Principal, Miss Brook,
Miss Reynolds#, Miss Farquharson, Miss
Wilson, Miss Oummingss, and Miss
BOARD Or HEALTH -Thos. Bell,
(ohairman), R. Porter, Thomas Greg-
ory, John Wilson, V.S., J. B. 1ia*gason,
Secretary; Dr, J. R fid,
Medical Health Officer.
A Word to Boys.
The King of England's famous sur-
geon, Sir Frederick Troves, has this to
say t0 the rising generation. It Domes
from one who knows.
"Boys, don,$ bother about genius; and
don't worry about being clever. Tract'
rather to hard work, perseverance and
determination. The beat motto for a
long maroh is: 'Don't grumble, Plug
on.' You hold your future in your
hands. Never waver in this belief.
Don't swagger. The boys who swagger,
like the man who swaggers, has little
else that he can do.
He is a cheap•jaok, crying his own
paltry wares. It is the empty tin that
rattles most, Remember that the hard-
est thing to acquire is the faculty of
being unselfish. As a.quality it is one
of the finest attributes of manliness.
Love the sea, the ringing beach and the
open down. Keep clean body and
mind." -Ex.
Two Hinds of Head ehe.
Biliona or sick headache results from
sluggieh liver action and constipation
and is quickly overcome by tine of 'Dr.
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, Nervous
headache is usually a000mpatted by
a andexhortation
1 'scans a
nese see
w p
and due to a run. delve nervone eyetem.
Thorough once it abtafned by building
up the system with Dr. Ohaae'e Nerve
Clean ivory by dipping the half of d
Unmet ite salt and scouring the pieces;
afterlvard Wath With warm toap*tda:
Diaaalve pp �'
pipe old in deft water when
d how
t ;tan ilea
..hit 1 nen wd a
f a a
ash n W ,
rV g
Much of stn improvement it 19 over stoop.
Don't get into the 'habit of plumping
e►ai you, walk. Treed sightly On the ball
of the feet and try to keep your move.
mens As springy trot sight u potsaible..
Learn Dress -Making by Mali
in your Spare time at home, or
Take a Personal Coarse at School
Phystoien. Surgeon, etc.
Moe -Macdonald Block, over W.MoZtbbon's
Drug Store. Night calla answered at the office.
Some Kinds That With Proper Culture
Produce Large Faint.
An interesting account of the 141-
lionalre strawberry is given til Iitupl
New Yorker, whioh says:
Five years ago Henry rerolaman, the
New Jersey strawberry man, produc-
ed a seedling, specimen fruit, whidk
is bare shown. When the increase of
Ole first plant had made a row eight
feet long Dir. JcrOlainuA on going away.
one day tola the boy left in charge that
no berries were to be sold from those
plants for less than $1 per quart, think-
ing that -would be prohibitive, On his'
return the boy handed him $4, acus' -
T,,B• ROBT. a. BEDMOND, M. R.C.B. (Eng)
L. B. O, P. London.
Office, ' With Dr. Chisholm.
Private and Company funds to loan at lowest
rate of interest. mortgages, town and !arm
property bought and aold.
Moe, Beaver Blook. Wingham
To enable alt to learn we teach on cash or
instalment plan. We also tench a personal
class et school once a month. Claes commenc-
ing last Tuesday of each month. These lessons
teaohes how to out, Rt and put to e4.ier any
garment from the plainest shirt waist snit, to
the most elaborate dress. The whole faintly
can learn from one course. We have taught
over seven thousand- dressmaking, and guar-
antee to give five hundred dollars to any one
that cannot learn between the age of 14 and
40. You cannot learn dressmaking as thorough
as this course teaches if you work in shops for
years. Beware of imitations es we employ no
person outside the school. This is the only
experienced Dress Cutting School in Canada
and excelled by none in any other -.country.
Write at once for particulars, as we have
cut our rate one-third for a short time.
Sanders' Dress -Cutting School,
31 Erie St., Stratford, Ont., camels.
Where the Elie is needed.
Billowiness -too much bile in the
blood, Constipation --too little bile in
the intestines. 'When the liver is awak-
ened to action by Dr. Chase's Kidney.
Liver Pills it filters bile from the
blood and pours it into the intestines.
The result is a cleansing of the syatbm,
purer blood, ap
i estionnew vigor and good hh.
WANTED A,T ONCE -We have decided to
instruct and employ. a number of smart young
ladies to teach oar comae in Dressmaking,
having one teacher for the six nearest towns
where they live -age 20 to 35. Those who have
worked at dressmaking, or likes draaw you p e
(erred. Please do not apply
devote sour whole time, Address -
Tem Smoot,
lint -
eery Stock and Seed Potatoes bhotild
either write directed to tis, or see Our
nearest agent,before Dlaoing theirtwastli.
We guarantee aetiefaotion; prices right;
fifty years experience; extra hoary nook
of the beat tippled.
BARRIS1101, &o.
Wingham, Ont.
Whole Or part time; salary or liberal
o8mmisdiot; otitilt free; decd for testate.
VIM 1,11t08.O
SON, CO., Ltd.
R1Utlltl'I1;LSt, GertARt'o,
E. L. DIosINsoN DUDLEr HOLrras
Synopsis of Canadian j1 rthwest
Homestead Regulations.
•",-h"i7i'01Org TO LOAx.
orrrOB : Meyer Blook, Wingham.
ARTHUR 3.1RW1N, D. D. 2,, L. D. S.
'looter of DentaiSurgery of the Pennsylvania
Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeon of Ontario. Office
in Macdonald Blook. Wingham
Office cloned every Wednesday afternoon
during June, Julyand August.
Y VJ. PRICE, B. S. A., L. D. S., D. D. S.
Licentiate oS the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario, and Graduate of Uni-
versity of Toronto.
Oitlee : Beaver Block.
Office closed every Wednesday afternoon
during June, July and August,
iSILLIONAI81 nertewBmtSv.
tomer having taken four quarts, all
that were ready at the time. Next
day the same man returhed and get
three quarts more. This was running
into money so fast that efillionaire
seemed an appropriate name for the
berry. This year the finest of the crop
has wholesaled at 40 cents in New
York. The fruit illustrated was two
inches in diameter and About as large
as any seen. Many run from one and
a quarter to one and a half niches. The
shape is uniform, no coxcombing being
noted; color bright red, with a line
gloss; quality good, above the average
to my taste, Its season is long and
nearly every berry is matured. The
foliage is strong and abundant, the
plants standing from ten to fifteen
inches high by actual measurement,
In the same journal is given au illus-
tration Of Iievitt's new seedling, which
is said to promise well. In regard to
growing fancy* strawberries Dir. Kevitt
writes: For fancy trade plant New
York, President, Oom Paul, William
Belt, Dixon, Marshall and Glen Mary.
To produce strawberries of mammoth
size, so that a dozen berries will fill
a quart basket, plant; sbould be set
out i11 the early part of August in
ALES. KELLY, Windham, Ont.
For the County of Huron. ,elites of all kinds
conducted at reasonable rates. Orders left M
the Times offiee will receive prompt attention,
A NY even numbered section of Dominion
Lands in Manitoba Saskatchewan and
Alberta. excepting 8 and 20, not reserved, may
be homesteaded by anY person who is the sole
head of a family, or any male over 18 years of
age, to the extent of one-quarter section of 160
acresp, mare or less
A plication for entry must be made in per-
son b
a Dominion
applicant y the
Agency or Sub•egenoy for the district in which
the land is situate. EEntry by proxy may, how-
ever, be made at an Agency on certain condi-
tions by his father, mother, son, daughter,
brother o omesteader i required t parterre the
homestead duties under one ofthc following
tt11 At least six months, residence upon and
odltivation of the land in each year for three
12)earsA homesteader mad, if ho so desires,
perform the required residence dunes by living
n fanning land owned solely by
than eighty t 80) Horse in oatenC, in the vicinity
of his homestead.. Joint ownership in land
will not meet thin reouirement.
t8) If the father (or mother, if the "father is
deceased) of the homesteader has permanent
on farmi
land owned sole
lY by
than eighty t80) in $Jeyes $batch$.
him, not leasg y
to $110 vicinity of the homestead, or upon a
homestead entered for by him in the vicinity,
Duch homeetender may perform his own red'
deuce duties ley living with the father (or
i4) Tlle term. "vicinity" in the tWo preced-
ing paragraphs is defined as meaning not Mote
than nine mites In a direct line, exclnslve o!
the width of reed allowancesgrossed in the
t•5) A honleDteador intending to tfarform his'
residence duties in accordance With the •bot -e
whileliving parents
otiPnad by himself
these notify the Agent for
tie h 1 me
the rmmtithD' notice in writing mud $tie teem
to the Ooraretielioner of Donsinion Lend* it
Ottawa of iatentien to apply for patent
W. W. ObRY ,
De5mty of the Minister et the Interior.
Viten nth sot a ppsld''ffor.h this ltd•
Wingham General Hospital
(Under Govetnment inspection)
Pleasantly situated. Beautiful fur-
nished. Open to all regularly licensed
physicians. 14Av8s nor PATIENTS-
(whioh include board and nursing), $3.50
to $15.00 per week according to location
of room, For further information,
Box 223, Wingham Ont.
London 6.40 s m.... 8.80p.m.
Toronto & East 11.00 a.m6.48 a m..... 2.40p.m.
Ktnoardine..11.57. a.m... 2.08 p-ln-• -. 9.16p.nr,
• ARniva mote
Iiheerdine ., _.0.40 a.m.-11.00 a.ini.. -. 2.40 p.m,
LPondon.almerston........m......... 11.54 a, ... 7.85 p.m.
Toronto&Ea.,t 108.1)8pa•mm••..0.15p.m.
L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham.
d 1 TRAMS nLtvO rOR
onto and East........ 7,08 a.m.... 8.24 p.m.
Teeswater 1.07 p.m ...10.27 p.m.
Amery t s'ROM s:24
'leesWater......., 708 a.m p.m.
TarontNast kp•m.7,S B8B243Agn4Witiihsm
.60. YEARS'
TfsA0E MAnntsit
Dkatatiis .
Manemia sendingri * teeioh and desmrtftUO,i nue
invention lo1s P obablr patt4notte tree whether
tionslarlotVconfidential. iellinBOIlK.onnitents
a terse. 0lldeat arrenof for (soar Kpatbnta.
Falcine taken throegh 3&U0n Vw rdmet't'e
tth utOlt •
tyetirsiswtks. x o Om ,
$Cleittifie Mmer ca
ted *ewesa►t
as y
n o
ttn a.
anon am email m * pr
Siad a rim. vow** 7ropat`i, pm1Ct
•sassy, ,• ...e ..,,•
i 7f
It, i
I BVITT's NEW snirenum.
good, rich soli and kept well cultivated
during the growing season. AIi run-
ners sbould be kept off the plant.
Emil Gorafe, a grower of the Dixon,
also says:
I like to set strawberry plants for
large fruit in August or early Septem-
ber on land well enriched with fresh'
stable manure the previous spring.
Farm Wood Lots.
Throughout o. very large portion of,
the United States nearly every farms
has a certain part of its area under.
wood, either planted, as in regiotls'
otherwise treeless, or of natural growth.
The vain Of this wooded portion, be-
sides affording protection from the
wind, is chiefly for fuel, fencing and'
railroad tie8, with- some building ma-
terial end
atenial'end the wood needed for special
uses about the fatm. Withont the
wood lot the farm very often would be
an unprofitable investment, because the,
farmer could riot afford to buy the
wood which now costs him very little
except the Jabot of cutting and mo -ring
it, but in the majority of cases this
part of the farm is far less useful than
it might easily be made. This is true
because the farmer does not study Its
productive eapaelty Yx he does that of.
}tie fields and pafltures, and hence does'
not make It yield as fully as he might,
with little er no additional labor, if be
went about it in the right way. -Gifford
i'i f;
Do it Now.
When a fence 1s down, put ltup, and
thee; It will not get any worse. When
a hatneea is broken, mend It betore
you have u rtins.Way or before it bee
acmes aeotthless. When weeds, Magi
or fungi threaten, get after them. 13o -
fore the r.aznage is donee --'+'aria lour-
't• Beds.
Calory In .�'%,i rd ti
Where cell* planted in solid beds est
banked with earth the entire quantity
et" eofl required tenet be thrown .zip by
13icde 4* lone banking'
Under uder
ifrlth Sio11 it not proltbible exrepi Ott A
mow itesite d aleLllite-••-W R. Bea** ...> >