HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-06-16, Page 8`77 r Vil). -Fall Wheat. West bruce op a own on Mi. Jam -so W -W6 h W�dneqday last es I (Mutry hat I -am now was. grown o-. .141 Z. In -My -Of Mr. U& Xerr K tors of Vber'ridiu&,,--at'the:-.Iolf,,.w:. ready to d -ti oil iiiW 0worlt: the fAim.- the ' ekc "aw fall wltkeat in' head t6t idmis &AC1- QUrNilidillS, cfhe of "k Aug Of 14:, H&jjli sp i1g._.P aces 0 Ikt low"t rluesi yroods- h J 116 _jplr -y Town FOR HE,- UNDE RBIGNED'OFFER 8 lurdiv.. 17t R e a t '1101101111 fall Sohe4r th 41on. ]Ed. R11* a.-Oopying, a id Ealargin& a Junej 1 -9th on oss street'. Ward Blake' a�t'Dnngamoh: a ViaAge Dits A' to commence at 7.36. _L et:- there ).)e, a nixt Div4 :on - T.1ovi.1114hethne.to buy:Ago, ol 2 mpst diiiiable. §_Pe�'Aftv� F mos- and Stereo- Monday pvenijig a -ext, rilly A grajid �He building sitelti -the vifla0e. - algooff4s_for tco a *WW 01% Sabbath'School Anniversary- and, #;Ale.6no Singl� Cutter, neqly. new and one. Sep GOAL CHI" T he�` moiwin, connection with th-o L to Sunday School of the methodst C11i A .T c. h- WN: Lncknow, Sept. 9th -L.' _tTtiE. x0Y t -by R 9-- W eat6r. MM b� P'reache& ev.A..Andrhws.,
As Mr: Gr ekUtexids going to the Xorih Guehill .('Ft r 00. 3ra .,zby T..Gin,* ine 2 tb. wimt. ' - - , �.
6f Kneardine�eoa nday, Ji aior�ly tihei above propert wiH be'.44 T I, Iw -Vote for,. -Souierville� 3 gr"t ba alm' -tante.d.- 'Lollg tin IV% ar§ aura that the poptilarity-oflMr. ab terest. - art deeiring t o pur-ebai would A 00 -The 8iops in this section. re, I k Androws will draw la -boas thqir -own joterests.'by gi-i iig rge eungregat �ns. 6all efinse pirchang eliewbeie, dat 3) NOTI E 9. r L con. 1 112 -won tnwnshfp� where-'val van �NAO A 10TNG XORTIT, G.0 Jersey Bull inipgood. T THE a17- 4 53 Y. grand.tinie is . peeted on tbe "Oar NO,. 3�4f-12' Mr Donald Campbell ptirpliased ]a HiSt-la - . 4, IN : first Of. Uly. OXV jTTOR PL.; XQ. 2-- S. 4- No. 5- 2 24 week, from Mr. Sinio' biiatiie�, 6f 'Tor: L tifying -,hat th4 4.0.13N NkJcXRN r No.: 7- 5 04 'Orvice in the Metho4ijt0hurcb ocWti.4d by -Mr�s. Tbiovtx�� Wrcy- h been dataiL-s. ve v ee fine.thr -yeai. old J7 WL and coi fev -. and DIX P- next. Sundgy evienifig Ael� disin' ,ted 89Y apic he iRulll for 'which be' ppid $SOO. IT renovat;W t D�6ether*ith all its 'eq!�ip A.1orso trainergaVe a free 'eixb I also* certify -fur animal -was impofted by Air., B -e We N- and-a0purtemices. ther thit ion been A "-jini, �nd-oft here on Thursday"last. ro ember-ci f thefolliily'is now", or has oil dl,64"4 iA years ago� "di R, I t 'th h d'- and -is prquouneed the 0-ni * -t)f tL suitor, a,,, oevit e e setioti" e Li irer�� it sp,_-oimen of th.6 J�raey stockdr, the -47humber.60 I,4ck.n_owite� itte.nd-" ous digease ..iwo ino'llths.. Vo 03.eame the�: blood: with `B urdnc B101 g the . ed the nominations at Ki -cUfie oil nitqcollcern� _`1-'bav" the hnrii�to-be_ Bitters "Imial th w 1-*puody_.-_ Province hovin' taken first prize at ric .. . q - D' A - M C, R1 1NUNION - -M rUvInclal- Ezxhibiiioll last year. Tuesday �1&4t. Mr. Legaar, of Bervie, 'oeoupial. the P D ei).Nvillpea h in. --�Te Rev Air.. ik Pulpit in the Methodist on 6lothesi U.ne Thi4ve%,. t - TER the Sf_.* Andrew!-& - Preibyteemi] Sunday last, br)tli. m. ruincr aud eveirill -day n as -next. U t. Q 9.1 Soni fine during.Mon. ight h t on Sut.da and - Ey o a, he promiges.of Mt. T I tl aves visitedit Accident., very. -patriotic I urn o t -Let a u Stevotsoll, llear the eaEftern parf of the Air. D. -D. ldaclhtyre, -bard.w4re mor. and vote on Tuesday'. ast y6ur vote village, and-siole a number of. valu W1 e ch�ptl, slipped� White going dowir stairs or Somkville. arLieleg of wearifi, appeat the, 0 n Tuesday ovexting, I and wad asyer. were evi-- lit-. on,, -Edward Bl) lathea litiY, The thieve�s_ T1146 H, el ured AOO thahea( 'be Y experts. at the -busi athe� electors t I weie Of lUdilim-of Hitron1 t 0, d, Talt Barleyi, hind' only guch' aniles I) n he drill sh will talge-B tter and h7 a in evz4ugio. for Aic We were shown o Wedrresdk-� last, ; little, value. at Dungannonon eveniln,%. The stlUeribers heieby Aotify, the t t)l6y-are red to- t ,ecitte- next. -at,7.30 O'clock.,. bont -f4il P joi tyle.', by Xx�Angui bleXenzie, of t1re seconol'. Blake at annon Dung w cession. of'Xinloss several Stal all o* in their linik ill a euper onster pro Ho con of D- RUIL f ILL to, hear the great Liberal taider.' 400 ITS & - � -
barle red twentyst.wo inches, Ivis propqsqd to fe ma in, aud. W c. of the people. 'of 'Lucka ING 0 00-11, lid- G -',I aftdTri WEST -HRON r stoc. -of Spripg 994sls c lit that N d mi 4 --having a s6ck conirai!ted for, aitol fi in tb,--.l "hodist Oh rch., no eak. 'Ib f proceed to Durigail 'n: to be e�ery.� line,
ellt4se� our l&er and iW1 -reat qrh� public -will do iv atisfaciion. g hon :stock of-Seiasot d 'i ; "' -re' he evenih s -in the .6hu h. theref"by., tl),& pe6ple of Asl field and, on at,- Peapo.yAl's. goods elsmhexe.- Wt -haye It be conibived proacessiozi to ro Vi withdrawn on. - Sund-py- ivap6sh,� the 1 ke oil School Houseq- East Wawanesh. L tTune,,18Gh,.,0w.i0sr to abselica of the'ceedtoward Goderiah arid meet he re- _DS LAMES, FINE --: 0 - 51" -A -0
-ardy. wil vrea.�h- Hon 11 -IDOODL NIc vrd Make paxtor' Mr. "ha. I Edwt -iv TO ONE IN FAVoR OF. ol( con lit _in- the. nlortiinz eqptioll worth 4 tho gratid I v Y d- K.- I. P6!isb Kid, On I*ap or m% e. - to oxi.er- at hrh� 'notice, MR 31. CAIKE.R,q�Xk -Kid,; We iheir lie a -rand, Kid Fox; Drab. TrCyielia, i)fk as'VeAe'e Fn011e of Huron, Let French Kid, _gnhjranfjee:gpod w _'t f ' r -numerous tt ebes o wo It nolmst( rib;l. "ek roquat Sets.; Fox. -C d ot�eitg li be na1-0 An Games. to W@4wli. 'Of aledoni OU3f stoClil UhUrena Tios 11-ich, thei Will sell phe tp. Partie re Qiief of the Lucknow School He e , 10th con'.j Eitt, wa- Lucfiew, March 20iii,1882, af craq.tiat Erets nA lar�e meetin ..of the electors & �Sell Ila_tS7. 9 sook a la-rge nurliber iarotn 'I rvate letter received by Dr. NV,' ron held, i P esti- 11u. W 11 we r- of the j� -we. -of -i I t at nosh on ednesday bvenilig-lAzt. Bo I or _ - - �- Misses, 8
'riurui6ll w, -
quiing an. Caledviiiia . lur e stock bove w6ud d( cat beA�t in to -w .9 Donald iptiie, otl a the- clia i 1) atitlets of,-. hewrid, -is comirlfr pan: Currie having beer) e W V _NN A -A Nib -W-W W XV AA, -L and will Mike ill a Jew well ln' lin`s of -boots i6t W-WAV_W A .A. is rAnier art chosen i.ei We are n. j�e.. ipgso. e ome.- an see Dr.7ennalit and 0. A, Shep� the antitil gantes' of ttie-Mucknow So'- d ineat-ing to or er -a ur;e a A A, 1, E Oath - -of Luck li'q'w� as[- t1i 0 first -W ard bave dect6d, to �,,lese their r0spec,�, cietly ill Septel"Oer ne)�t. We be] eran, . 6ve dru,� atom, . a..,v Eleven that Mr. Cumming HAUVZ8'rX TS WIIOLE.SALE,Xr�p RVIAIL._� s of Etwdaad, he. spt- ker. U ron in, a speeeh-� of A� PVP.P PPFF E.Url. �RP�R excepted. th runtigr of Great- Bifitain ill half an houi.rs duratiou diew ,ewpari P -AA P a Parties. ftylter4t -4 gavetit. thoir.w al' be prasent- at s -)n between the Reloria P� 1v A. 4--P P X. EI'F MEE 4elves-, accor PRPP A PFPF tinder �Hon..Alex-- Xackkizie and il�Loand hear the Uon. EdWa' rd P A -A A 1. U on 6n ay P A -_P C nserv& iv6 f. ov'rnment. of ki Cl -.1191alke at*16ii gann' Mon P �-A -AP -EE'
A. e!howing that the latte A number of themetabers. oil M -eiii npxti. eeting tim thedrill r- Rg -Luck:l 'i V to t -Lodge of the Indepe Orde- -j30 o'clock fail to' .now- ud she at 7 thu niost . -jam oil. 31-1608 went, to abowsd i 0f Oddf wingt attend move he prospekity -we-arfi now. Alleged Slander. rom mnner.that ti 'Wedneadg-v eveniaglaitt,'wid took par -Re al Rub i& ovJoYing-.i;i dtio got to. thn N, V but to. Ift the re6plion_ given to Q..ra-1.1 $1 1. � �d� Mos Yd boyond the' control 'of: A.prof.eisioual-:g�piktlemttn,fif thi: di- cause. ur. remises. LY v- I's tax W a' Governmen' in -ham .0 we are naglik4.eexp c a political opp N aLLEK FE 0 Y Udgei e,, of wbbm more j ener its treatibinit- axitl for
oThe Kon Edward -jjlairC., Cana. ed lins been eiredIdtink nlest, scalWill u Mr, -.p Iter Wloww arid U tatenre6ti reg rdir --pk.l1ed LE A E - lots, a Tho: da� sinest gifte Kont wta a a ig a Reform Ca cli- T to th 0Ytrham1bg.;. ddress to' admit -the utrudnpas aid HE Ghe:Y4vr Dwclit 4ke- eleetors-of West N date ill an �adj,)iqitt Quilt puW*c lor the -vexy 'liberal g 'R it t1if, he answeiablo'character. �of thA previous rreferr have4ecox d fo.r Uke task fift 4411614 oil 1100(iay- sprak tq, �btit prodee-ded in. �n' d hapoi stric .-aA611- od, Uag ers argumn t hy - t personal ev furmed - iA - the matter intAbd bring' ng is jig, al I merit ihe As Ming- next. .0 guli4ticalluslitors to eudo stil ayour, e §�ared neithot'titue or expensein ii rst-cl.Mv --order-, 1k an fiction at law for circulting 'what he L6 Pori.vike_tlie farmers that thi-, - in 04,-rapet an tlhq�, TV Personals. - . 1. . - - - I pre,4eu' ;. ge4jtagall out rnachiner� prarounces to 'be -false. 44d mali N.,_ P, -was neverthelt-8s au- trilinente we exp'ed o �gi -i;atisfacti�v ia- -all .Us ve. pod' incho of.the butine i�j �litch a- h6petiv to theill br� 0-- North notwitlistafidin thad west-, oat'roursday- fagt. 91 Aliss, -se t dl 9 1 Arehery Club - it (lid not inclea lie pric4s, 'of their Oloth. Deessing. Cat ooklidge i,,, prq�, .-- I RQkl M 9ki. I 1. - AtV sue . 1! 1� rice 'of while. it. added to -a n triewls at Av ng �Vas bold g N 1) . eovy w U R1% 'Kanday evening at the resi almost 6yoxything th apelle.d.' tl.,.q J,Qi1do on g PY - enowof tw $�rloi I sWk their own w 61, can have it to buy. .. - 0 J - . . . . . . Aderb'ser'. paitt-, A. Uaelijqru's for thii prices see- po bilr sainetauli a- vi -It 0.1,1: fniadeup,- F 317 list �Of wers. Th -4 -rchery Club: It. '111 -as of Wing-lisim, foll:o*ed would als ."ednesday.. la,;�t oran. , an A Dr� ethunic, n. it itimato �LAI tl*y. h d % 'do P -W izini, � .- i a, - hil Pap - al in W 31. ar d varied it ock of- - largely, satended on behalf of -Mr. Porter. in )nly by' both married a� W, d. Blue Ribbon. Pic-nic.. 8111gle, all itit 6 . jot effort' utterly do6id of aigu, TiX4 T*G% FVL4 C _"L8 .81) . f or. ent &W : � EbsiSH V T,OT*- FhAiq , 1W et ing -full of.fa dsTo0-KPG YA) an a ways pi -tbe..stock. W A grand pie 'lie est the in-at,ar, lai statetunts; An Mg oix hand, d I' M th-a Blue -PUbbon Tvmptfrul,L�e Club wf adding to a;rr6nte( to giv6sa. operred by thel-W L then. ca e fo- fr... faction to'*be wearer w qu AWY. (n -ward-ead wi for ca'lk or wool., be hlil i it I t1sl- ill A"few Nrell ehQs'a re- received i th I e a oil �chebrsl-taNta 4 who, i's noV sl�owing. the largest; a 9hort distah 0-ANIr. G, q --ji ot and ini S� vhr-' ceso-at un,� axi kmicafle upo a,J tyie td. witlistandiiig his Ullfolmuiiat� hoarse- v ji in Lucknow. 11� mib� LEES & �DOV LAS- gat U; day .2 'The, Frogranitne taik-thqclia-ir after- Which -our nessAse m re.�pect, ade oild of tus nq0_ t 1fQ N Mible Lukno 26tht 1882.�. Ptei'l 10al] U ard acv- ilpahib .4rid.still of athtetic spot lea - of e(teitizm D E. W. gan eroli was qpp ilit .and vi 4 OIL h; of -he [present all kiiids for�rliiali.a coli, ed bra,' -Bowniall ainfurtliel "d 'tit C;n �of 1) toi- WAS -pu_ ei To os -ftorg,awl pric." to sui;ji� - 'Md LITt N - will be given in prizew. W3 elub his _rp a rethey wol'ld platform spoak-e rs iu n -qiitario. .spar ito pains in attaiiiing, fi�n He' ridaled tl�i- a,:rgr;i adysinced -'oil K S-1WIF perfect, Monts
Our, nati6fild" of, ion, in't1fat-delighWil: at d h tky, (-N Do -nn I .0411 . :bahalf the Goverllm'ntdalrdija'te�alfd 0 1.43 e in I t wth n in a few -frn' Y gra-rid.style.- the attmetioll expbsed [I roil, t icy -h. bwe-. ba tand iNfacTii tyro,- A ill nee to thq. 'Ni,rth-_ ttthl6tic tkpcwti. for which t),e alli-4. of Archert coin lietitur Nrutd(J. aeoppt iYeA L it tba. Gerir3*�i�anclerflzi �4e and _t as -AT PAX I �rance, tb refi V300 wirl br.woffered. ill I)tizpq, 4eif -9 e-conded,by 1), T'. Cbne -the fid itie: of the'GQvern ineni Pol rL
, Or r ful -if) Va Di& & - T. --T
tictifimt keo- p k a A4.1 .tQ.ra.tif`V the a- leasing and laif br. Boulada, Aviard, lifid the Y ry� cioe taiU a I I it ,reque-sted to C108&1 with'a 'a J: M t 0: I Wds r Gone to Ustowit. a E n eloquen eal 4pp -lie �letora --6f all cnm�,etttoirs Ift. J, Dealle and f Ill1il Y lt�f d. r
whieli 'he kind consent to,t of the obt -co The pkonQa ahedA FANO ST.- 0 -E CI[.'1%(._JftJ)w` R'jJ1jillr Hood AfohQry Clahl" Clio �conrge'pnr�lt�d`l t-b.e-Guv4rnth,mt we fo� Aro,,' The �1 ah wilt be' kno, -v 11 - as ifilro lity .911er Y
to a) _w. Their for Listu."l, his, 4em tiou of- inDearrt,'g� t fit Luekt,ow Illeg.rof the' f �j�_ IMr.4. Rit -to in f� U of, Thal"folliewirw, are the. ua capting their ballotg f0t - im rom th fto� will erMr the P ic y j�t PlLat�8, of his deiprtare With re -.i 200 d of June. -und adjao:6 uckn1d* Ahat S e now 04 :Ar Ta r of a6v; gooroa� D� E. P uo or ituary, ability plalty.- qf the Pajlltj"Wj� Ito,.W. ador1ki -Treasu're'e. thw wall iu LuukL'IO'W- 'W- Y Ioit* j)r ast, one Whit lOr about of eil Beilton, 14 3,, cA� us- C1
YED -FAOU I-THK- PRtMIS18' DIdy hree aue.-Su9#8 01fro Glo
G I jM(:Gko,* n, bifailtsKa'ce B�finets
the 2oth May I' e we e4p MRtMW fo Otia, I a uud -,r th with long tail and 6qre goilthil,4i, Z4. re
Rilil Laml CC -Genib; TesTO�A I)S� .04 Silk, �'Lawn � Tiest Of tff St. Tote #x-A-(�tittai& .11�t.orpr, fliftirvilatiow as will * Laies Ullm D AaLy vtrvon giving such ndi Guelph w,jtf f,e halct 144 to thor r ve�y will be stfitably ire tit city oil F-16ral Settm, BE TON,::Puckn� et Ornaments Silks, ku othepr 'Wed. -A da of randy Uir&-_ and Fl P - ------ - Jety. 11 ��jn _jdit TT Nu, b- no' wAided. �. 'NEIT A w P� 0. �vas,d6nd_ Wools it reat: tiesday, Thurattri In va�
boards, kott�"jj,L()a S d- B Oil' -RF�ELDR V*rl6ty' ". tLa rat ing Setts, ?illo*. 2,2nd atat ft- u di AS, the t __f*r� 1)]kUctiee tl*�' - tor plu Ir LAN 16. IFOR ALLE Ity ant v0so oi raising f -QrkPatteiT-s. Fock: of Flitlary. groLlAuhnof each Week. iLare ;�OW aMS, Sney ot) N - I At Vr. tJM)§j@LR rices, ORTMEXALY10T N1 _ �,.H._ - - - - - _ 4 -bit Pt _4 REE, L . i - k - W k�.rc -fs The, ll'it gM,b bna otber articles. too hulper Wls�flilfg to us -to "Ash flo and OWD jm'a the clab will plemi in thd-Ninth Concession Wost Divisf6ii -Mon n.
A large alnou,fit Orf M0.110YO the- pyivw, ratik.�. hand in their sismos. t.6 tj�e Se�r46te, �ieldl 100-wes. This Lot ili�w6llwor) -�id' in * ibuiidance.--St ing dore to order. ry' consistiot Map oiid'sev for -1-0 t' Sho* from $50 to - $150., Tick -at' 5 _1e, - te.ebi Elm, Hemlock, and cedar Th No ttoUb is lot oikn be prurollimed. iw Io �* , g.00 so a -or More.r of t ents each For (urth r parficit UAIL-r- W -J&* had- that. littl lamh' _tWentY,_fiVf3 aCre. Furthiir pa r le r � A W114 Q, "a -or, ite-as allow*- icul4rij con be' bid by g to[ W99. �Xe - ire- JA -Iva She alw _PPI, y to. Had Teeth an vih
'401ph, oat., Secris I VILLE twice'a diiR MI 16AMPB
0- c We ILIA P go$" -10