HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-06-09, Page 811 • NOTICE, I we,to intimate, the people of 1414k/tow and surroundink country; that. I am. now .: ready to do all kids of work to buy iue at lowest; prices, coinaistent. with good work, Nx $.—Oopytng: awl I n[ar ins - a Specialty;: Frames: and Stereo- scow always on handl E. L. JOIt SDN. Lucknow, Sept:9th.. - GOING ORTH, . GOING SOUTH No 6-. 11- 12 No.. 1" 4 53 No. 8— 1 15 . Ni.. 3'; 11 12 Nfio.' 2 `3-41 Na, 5--- 2 24 -. - No 4 14 R . . No:. 7-- a. 0: p` fl and. Wyinttg tw* o .Sacramental Services. The usualsacramental aervicee ware. ;held in. Knox Presbyterian Ghurch-on Sunday .last The Rev. 1). Cameron o l iz iated. ' Methodist Conference The Rev. Messrs J. T. Smith arida R. C. Renders,; left on Tuesday last for Woodstock to attend the iaession of the '� `'at • onference no.w - he:: Canada �><ethodt , C log; held"iti that Yow . Country Residence., Dr. Tennant intends,. on Monday seat, to remove from his preiant rest: deuce OR Havelock street to his old farm in Wawanash,. •a short distance. South of this village. R;odgersolt vs. Macintyrex. In the suit Rodgeis•on, admtnistratrix of the estate of the -late J. G.:,Smith against -A; Mac1 tyre, the case has been decided in favor of the' defendant, ▪ Mr.. ti acIiityre,theplaintift.Rodgerson,. to pay all costs,. St, Andrew's Church. The Rev. Mr. tteNab, of Beaver`onr son in 1aw' of Malcolm: Campbell;. _Esc{., preached'a very able sermon in St. Andrew's .Pi�esb y•term Church in this And village, 'on Sunday evening last.. ,Ser: vices will be held in the church, as usu.: . al on Sunday next. • Convention at Kincardine. A Conventionof the delegaates f am tee West. riding of Bruce wilt be held in -Kincardine to:day (Friday) Jaime Ot,h.. for, the purpose of nominating a canal:. date to represent the riding in the Do: minion Parl a.'ti:ent in, the stead of. Mr. l‘folcolne (1.111_0614. who is disqualified owing to his being E•oatmaster of this village. 3 k Har. nessShop.. • Mr. A'e••..Rose, har'nets:alnakerr, hay; inn - purchased ►.se►i the stock, etc., belonging to Mr. W. Grassick, hat removed .his business. to the shop, formerly occupied by Mr. Grassick, ueztc to:• Tennant's` 1,rug_ Store..• Mr. R.Ofreeili,n. )t Ia pelt: nership .Mr: Proctor,. as some parties supposed, but it running the` businers'in his own interest. • - MEMORIAM, .Of'the late Miss Isabella Campbell. And thou art gone, dearest friend, - And left this world behind, The,joye and.eoiisows•of this life: Are new nosnorent Unclaimed Wealth. . m .... • . The following Canadians are. wanted lid to claim money in the halide s of Robert Gunn,-_ London, Angland : Thomas Balderstene► C hathamv• .Miss Alice Ai glad ills . David Borland, CountY -.of Bruce ; .Christina C. earner': I saw thee laid. inthy !shroud, on, Sarnia; Charles ar les W illis Quinn u inn and- . nd-. . Thy lace was calm. and sweet, Rev. John Cha�:Quinn, in PortDovert• Thor haat parriedto thy' grave: Th. beam and th . oath. 'James -Melvin Fergus,:John Sweeny, Y y ' y y Perth .Co. Brian Greenwood, London; Thy friendsaround thy casket stood: Robert Reynolds; East'Flaaabrro • Wm n I deep andsilent grief, • it t f Takings final lookof thee, McCargon, M. D.` Caledonia ; John _:" • la thy- reposing' sleep.' Th father's. heart wan Pierced sore, • --Just ,now the farmers all over the 7 lD Holgate, 'Ham ltsn. land `are astir, Think of it !. s0 many ' fond d darling h ld be sowed and planted, and' `cultivated Thy mother dear, and sisters too, and -reaped. How vast the.. army of la They.cry forarmy either. Ohl cruel death, that heet cub. down • • 11IAnr—Whi had that little lamer . This fair and pleasing flower, ' Had Teeth as white as snow • Can any man, or wile•, or child_ She always brushed them twice a. day Escape at all thy power ? - . - - With " TXABnRsx" you know. • His. groans were fast -and deep; : Seeing his: on an.: c i Laid low in early death, acres to be plowed to be harrowed; to Bowed o'er your sweet remains, - With tearful yes they turn away our Canadian -farmers ; and no`standing- .theein vain. . be ond the _rave, _Are yon a martyr to headache'!: Soffer. no For those that seek the Lor - - longer: A. remedy is found,in Burdock Blood The records of thy early life Bitters. It regulates the Bowels, cleanses the system, allays nervous irritation andrestores Det3iare thou art in Clrloiy: health and vigor. Sample bottle 10 cents.•. And dearest .hi Bella thou behind, hone; —By. a collision of two. freight trains. .And left,this world behind, There is a hopet B T.11fl1ote; I8 HE -:UNDERSIGNED OFFERS. FOR. Sale'Two Village Lots, ou Russ street, . next to David Hornell.'s residence, containing irble: a esir a one half acre .. This is the 'most .desirable, r building site in. the village Healso offers fo sale lone Single Cutter, nearly -new,:-and one Single Buggy, nearly new. For, further par- deniers-apply" ar-den ars-apply" to W1I. OBaSI'1ICK.. As. Mr, (rassick'intends-going..to the Na8 West shortly, the above property will be ld at a great bargain: The jays and sorrows of this life, On the St. Paul k: Mauitoba Road, neat Are now no -more of thine. Delano, Minn., on Saturday., Mr. Hoa FLORA.. ace Secord, wholegale.lumber dealer, of. a ..Goderieb, who: was en route -to Wlnl,i- peg; was thrown from 'one ,..end of- a Methodist. Church: •- Gibbose `to.the other, and bad.bis shoul- The Rev. Mr. LeGear •will• preach der -blade broken. both.morning and evening iii -the Meth: All the sinful and distressing diseases and S d p ociist church int Blood Bit next. •• ' oilsvillage on un aa* irregularities peculiar to the f -male lex may 'be prompptip.curedby-tf Burdock, oo. . tern', It regulates every organ:to a healthy Accident.. action. ASHFIELD. • F H 'barn raising, met:: ;with a serious aced: - .. Frtr»a over own Correspondent, dent by failing fim> a beam. . -The following is the standing for On Thursda3 of last: week Mr. A. -D. Cameron, of West Wawanosb, during a • Personals. . Mr. Joseph B.rrker._and Mr Waiter I.Yack, ot, th'e; eporter, were here from Iinardire on, Saturday list attending the funeral of` the late Miss Bella Cood Price,. '1I Jos who sold his arra o based u oil the' attendance,. 'work : cou- 100 acres on the 12tieCon, of AshliiId, p duct etc . of the u ilr:. . John*tone Lebo, d Owliandgomn sum of FO(3RTH. , May, of the most proficient pupils in y S. S,, No. - 9, !Ashfield. The . i port - is r Bell, f f e McKenzie, of t, ' Pupils. lastt�veek, to Mr. "Alex. � - —Zfit � Lottie E ® o, deceive 2nd, Clara E. J.. `Finlay ;: 3rd, Sohn X5,500.. . itio'rau. ' University Honors. SES. T./11E0.-1st, T. Geo.: Cravai.an -At the annual May examinations at 2nd, Robt.;V: Clair, 3rd 'Joanna Late Elis Toronto - University- Mr:_ D. U. - - Cameron, gen of the -Rev. I'1. Canieren, of this tillage - carried off the highest Lollies, in, _Natural sciences, being `awarded a S..holarship. Mr.. Cameron also s iceeeded iii:tskin first in Mitre: istry and Biology, and second in Min, erology and. Geology. ' - Dgminjep. Day. The citizens. of Lucknow are going to celebrate the National ' Holiday in a spirited mariner, when a brand Lacrosse match between Wall,:erfown and -Tuck. now, Firemen's procession, -games . and amusements of various: kings will be held.. The hat will be passed around soon, let all subscribe liberally. A meeting will be helc in: the . Pascoe House on Monday evening next to ap: poli t a working ..e immittee. Delegates.. Ata large meeting of the Reformers of the village held in Corrigan's Hall on Wednesday lost, M.essrs:1)r..MacCrim: mala, M. Corrigan ail s Bryan were - appointed delegates f,r th North Ward,' lid Messrs.- Thos.-. -Lawrence,/ Alex; - ;/1si;Inityre-and G. W.. Berry., ''.fur the t_Sowth_Ward terep esentLucknow at the Reform, Convention at Kincardine to: day (Friday), 9th:iitst., for the purpose to et - a"sand candidate ea n Camphell.: Mrs. L. C lylacfntyre mat. ° of nominating ` P present-iu the:.vrliaue, visiting at lfr. 1�obt., Copelanc es.-T-iifre_ Rev. J.. T. Smith and faarnily left on Monday Iast for Sarnia, where they.intend' spending a. few weeks visiting 'friends.,—Mr. Findlay lfi►rbes, of Chica> o, 111.,. is in tS a village visiting friendie—Mr. Geo. Kerr; Reeve, left on Tuesday , to attend • the , rneetietg of .the. Bruce Cou.lity. . Council at Wiarttne —Mr : E.. -Cam: -eron, barker, was in. London on, Tues: day •last.-• M Jetui .Little left. *-last we' k bur 'Manitoba, i)aketa.. —. Mr 'i'.4"altIr Campbell went to •Leaidon .en •TveselAy last to hear Hon.. Edward 1 fake. ` ! mrnigrant Children. Mr. John T.,Middlemor'e,.the founder - of the ' Orphan Childreu's.. E'rnigrationr Charity,: London, Ont.. lett Liverpool - • on the 1st. inst., in the S. S Polyheeian- w lira par y of 23 ..irls and 39' boys between the ages of 3 • and 18 years, wt.o are brought out to this county fui nti option lir hire. chiefly mar g far:riers.: 'They are expected. to arrive .at the . Guthrie. `lIou}K, near the city, :oar or • about .14 h, in: t.. This will - be Mr, Middlenl re's 1 flth annual visit; to these shores with juvenile emigrant! fror ii T3irmingl*nr;, L,rralat'd, • since 1:1372. Already many application* acempati%ed with :god refrrencea Lulea heed _made g. fess the -children- expeetecl.t carve, t►ut- • more ere regalired. • Further part oulars _ ' nigh be obtained -Iry addre•etng Mr; H. Gibbons Menai r 4f tee. (iutllrie Honer West Bruce in tit". Commons, Blue Ribbon- Officers.. - At a recent meeting:. of the. Blue :Ribbon Lodge; : the.` fallowing 'officers were elected: for the ensuing quarter President.--;•-Bro. T. Webster. Secretes y.—Brck . Mt McLean. =- Treasurer..3lee T. Wester. sen .ltecorcter —Sister. S. Webster. - ;Vtarshall Bro., James:Youug. Asst -Mar. -Sister K. -Stevenson Guard.=-Bro.-`1` 4T. Andersen. Chaplain.—.Bao: I.D.- Agnew. Past -L resident.. •Bro. D. Webster; Obituary,, • lt is with feelings of deep regret that we are called upon to chronicle the.death ria" .NOTICE TO`. THE YDBt,1C. T, HAVE MITCH PLEASUREIN: :ran 1 tifying that the -Royal- Hotel, owned °ccu,uedlby: Mrd. Thomas Percy,: has been thoroughly: and completely disinfected, and: renovated, together with ill its equipments. and appurteances. also certify further that: n, member of the- family is now, or fins been suffering : from any :c uta iuus or infecti- ous n ec iit ous disease within two_ months.. To xh ora may concern I have the honor to" be :D. A. iYlnc.CRIMMON,.MD. Buttei • and E��s ¥i -anted LAND FOlt SALE INA R;>r?IELI/ : N• ORTH "Ii ALF LOT N -TTM 'R THREE - - w• 11 iroode I, anti m; Hemlock,. lots- -: in 1 chased rh 'urtber part.- -. g - to V ILLE,:. . Lucknow • in the Ninth Concession' West 'vision Aldi- field, 100 acres `Phis Lot is consists of Maple, Be'cb, 11 , and cedar. This lot can be y 1 of twenty-five acres ermore. iculars: can be had by -aptly ::TAMES-Sf Ari E May. 16th 1882, Bee . Supplies Sale. EMR. ge Ha L.r -. ass+ortmelip :: 'of Bee. ss in stook a ellen,- :consisting - - - 005113. F'OUNDATION,S,• SMOKERS,: 131VF3, etc. ' Remeniberthe band, corner of ;Campbell and I.lavelock`street =, opposite- Dr. Gainer's residence, LucknOw.-: JAM 'S MILLL+'?t_ - Oast Qril.ga Will take Butter and Fees in exchange for BOOTS & - SHOES O TS As our. stock of Spring Goods is complete in eyery'line, and having a stock that will bear inspection. -The public will do well to see our goods before purchasing elsewhere. 'e have on band a large stock of . -1LADIES . FINE GODS, such as Glove gid, Diamond KId,Polish Kid, French Kid; Kid, Fox, Drab ' Prunella, Kid, FOX. Check Cloth, and others too .numerous to mention. Our stock of : . Misses=and .•. Childrens Ties cannotbe beat in town, -A large stock of LADIES TIES AND SLIPPERS.:. Weare now -selling some linea of boots -at Jt,N.TFLIRp.-1st, Beatrice V. Finlay; " - cost. l Come and secure a bargain. 2ne], Ida 0..1' Finlay ; 3rd Wm. H. Kira-.u.ARVEa1� MITE WHOLESALE AI D'.EF.T4IIL. • - rt �:$y �Orri�a D:--ist Katie Moran • 2ild, - Pea S>CON Mary Riddle ;. 3rd, J Win, Cranstan-.. Sequa D PART. .=1st,:- Ecuard Clair,• 2nd, Catharine E.. Blake ; 3rd, Katie Clair. FIRST PART.—lit.Danid S gilpat rick ; 2nd, Janie Treleaven ;-'3rd, Sam'4.- J. Kilpatrick. . • The beat •spellers -• in the monthly - spRllrng matches wete,—Fourth, Lotti E. Johnskene ; 'Sen. .Third, g'. Gro. Cranstan ; Jan: Third; Ida C..Finlay 'Second, Katie Moran ; . Second Part, Sophia L. Kickley , First Part; : Y)avid Kilpatrick of a member of one of L icknow's oldest: and most respected families, le the per:. son of Miss Bella Campbell,: a young lady of twenty:two y ears • - and : third daughter' of our respected Post:mns€er, Malcolm. Campbell, meq,, which took, lace at Vie family residel�ce ou Thum;: - Manus:•ctturer of all 10140 ofd p .. ft r ooh of last week after a i linbeiiatg and -painful illness of nearly l: Nbwis the time to`biiy. good: Reaper o power; (TiiE ROYAL CITY), Ce. �wd.C. & Made in Guelph; Ont., by T. Y Satisfaction: guaranteed. Long :time -no in- terest. Parties desiring to - _purchase, would 'consult their. own _interests by� giving me 'a call before purchasing elsewherei, at lot 23, con.1,. Huron township, where' you can eee the Reaper ready for action, or address : `'JOHN McKENZIE, Lucknow; P U.,` Box -73 a--1 oth Collar ay.a ern , two rironthe..` This; is the: seated sad death that .has occurred in Mr Caiup: hell's. family within the punt couple of menthe. The-- family hays the h:iaartfrlt .• .s w :athy- of- the entire "'• community in ` their ►sad:. bt reavement. The Funeral which, took place on Qatuulay afternoon: last, was followed to the Kinloss cemtry by a• 1l ness,, • Saddle ;: a Trunks . Valises., Etc. Having purchasedurchased the 8,01a8,01aof harness, etc.;. belonging. to Mr. Wm. -Grasriok, I am better prepared thenever to dinpply the wants of my aaetomen sad the public. generally. Remem-. ber.theplace, (4rassiok's old !tend,. .next to• Tenant'sdrug store.; • 19'.. Loodgn Out;; • large cor.cc urge of Matinsan d: f7ipnda ' Lncknew,orwit �r,,181i. s • • Why,snffer.fromIndigeetioii and Dyspepsia when Burdock Blood Bitters positively - cure these, aliments ? A : tri 1 bottle -only costs 10 cents. .. WESTER THE SUBSCRIBERS BEG LEAVE .to thank the public for the very- liberal Patronage they. have: received for the last fif- teen years; and nope by .strict personal atten- tion to the. business still -merit the _same As we haYe " spared neither : tithe .or expense , getting -all. our machinery ill first-class order, . t'nod satisfactionin all we expect to give g. branches of the bisiness such as: Roll Making, Cloth Dressing, Carding.- Spinning, Etc. • Pastieetnrnishing their own wool can have it f made-up. For -list of prices •see osiers They` would also intimate that they have a-Iarge and varied stock of• - The subscribers hereby motif :general that they are prepar • . all work in their lineae- a e7 • r the public int . sd to execute : pesier style. BUILDING . of AL contractetlfeir and finished int her and with great aakisfact-ufonhandalarges�ckLumber,st AS�'I A KIDS= e lateen man-. - We keep asoned _ Amps - .0 on band, orina,de'_to ower et short heti .e. We guaran*,ee good work as we keep none but.the best of workmen and ngateriat.• • Lucknow; March -22ta,18g$: W. W' W , A •.I,. L. WWWW.. .AA. L. L .W W WW A A -L L _WWWW. AAA L -L W W . A A LLL LLL!: PPPP A-.:: PPPP P . °P.° AA P: P P . P. AA P- P PPPP A A . P PPP - P AAA P. ; P . A -A= P - P . A A P Remove all Rub Your Prem Give Your Dvvellintta Overhaul'.' • Remove the Yaper on tit : houses: TWEEDS,SHIRTINGS, FULL C,LOTH:B, FLA -Slams, And:STocslrNG Ywttris on hind; and always adding to the Stock: Warranted to givesatis- e11 they will faction to 'the 'wearer,. which cheap for cash or wool. LEES & DOUG! -1S. Lucknow, May 26th, -1882: • R9L1TION. OF, The pioneer: is ahead of all -competitors, .offer- ing 11-L'hests of Il u :fir ;: splser►dii;; v1.11os - ,Sugars, iu,+wee, SPICES, TOI3ACC)S, :socia . - .. GENERAZi+, GlttJCEXIlh:$: ices. land Plaster For Sic A# . N1. CAMPBELL'E AND Bj1vC. TO raper An ish From ses. a Thorough g. -. 1i alis. of Yens : s.teho is now showing the le, - ied stockever shown in L cknow.fi Nearly Fapers v r- - •• t• and most s To choose`from,aud prices o suit. SM I"TH.. NOY airs Potts begs' leave to in 'Luc now' and adjacent pia. no*; uu hand a variety of + CcyMYltls: Children$ Ilancy Hoge Ladi'+s' Silk, Lisle, and_Ne Gk ves,_ Infants Lace Bond -Bpotiee Material for Infa Silk :.Lawn Ties, Gents Iwses Collars, India 1Vlusli .,doral: Setts, let Ornamen Braids;in . variety. . All -ki boards. Mottoes, Canvas a variety. 'Stamped Braid Shams, Fancy Work Pat kerchiefs, .end'other articl mention. Shirt=Braids, Sec in abundance. Stamping and :see for yourselves. geode.: Arlie ampbell Street. Larkin? oral: th ublic ot ea; thashe has w .goods.' Ladl86' Rosery;„ _. Cloves;Chiidrens is infants :Bibs, ts'l?reeses,Ladies' . es, Ladies linen s,Frilltngs, Laces, s, Silks . and .other - de of Fancy' Card- - d:Wools in great.: g Setts, Pillow s._Pocket Hand-. t. too 'numerous ta.. ol'Slk. and Cotton ,r -e to order. -Come• o: trouble to -show.