HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-06-09, Page 51,00P ND.MOS ' 'taagg,:a7141.1ANTL OF THE .:SEASON.: • Emporia. BLtJK: SIIa.s FROM $1 HP. • ENIL LE `FRINGES, -114 Al AN- D' SPAN ISH-I.AGES, JACKET ORNAMENTS, CASH .I:EIZES,: AND .SILK , = The'largest and most select atock.of Millinery in 1.4icknovt. • tt... Ztl T<S: BONNETS, FLAT;' AND �.,: • lIA S;in endless variety., INFAN'T'S ROBt s AND CLOAKS,STRAWSS `of t C best quality�'S at Reasonable Prices. CHILDREN'S LACE. BONNETS,, RIBONS; IiAclESty, W()ULS, and in fact everything found in a first-clsas Millinery Establishment, B A full stock of Mourning Goods. 'Mantles 'Made to Or Ser inthe latest style and sure to ht Remember: the place next door to the Feist there.' s • E D oT rppB row]) RSO' .- ,ysLrapleasant to take: Contain thefro vin Purgative.. Is a safe, sato, and etfectvai dfeetroyer_9f.w,orsos ut Children cirAdultt 04 hrstmeIasS_ improved At Low Raises by the :b Apply to... J s SOMEIi i;r,l?,: Valuator., The subscribes"has atom, good, VILLA LOT f .il sale -ori: easy teals axe nt/ ber PAR LOTS a.i fro n; one to eight acres, which can be had very chi W.. JAS. SOMERVILLE.. IT TO cif fkII l fid Ara n:neatly and. cheaply. a JA . SOMERVILLE: I. BRAZILS [ANDS ARE FouND, OW' THE Northern Pacific R. R, st MINNESOTA, ®¢IKOTA, Awe MONTANA. BIC' :CROP .AGAIN IN 1881 Low PRICER LONGTIME;-: REBATEF R III IPF ve lIIENT,:iIEDUOEDFAREAND`FREictir p f Fr+R: Put.L. INFORMATIOF1;ADDREea' ` ER R M. NEWPORT. CattcLANR'aor. !lantoo TM, Pavia, f''.. PAUL _ • INTO • o r, OF THE L.UCKN-OW:. Garners k Depot, Is offering Great Bargains in--- • harness', Saddles, Trunks, - Tapes, ltOlres, 1Klankets Single'starners,,from $14 up, Team Harness from $2g tip, And everything hi the line cheaper than the cheapest for cash or otherwise. I am bound not to be undersold. All work warranted, as. I keepnothir' but first-cIass- stook,: and first- claes.workmen, _I defy ^ompetition. Don't €brgethe place, opposite- JA l c ardy's..�r ck Block. R: PROCTOR. Lucknow,; d'anuary l'Jth,1S82. - $5 to 820. per day -athome. Samples *cal $5- free Address STFrrsot; & Co:, Portland Laine, . tern ! O stere ---I atn Receiving— FRESH OYSTERS DAILY, - Which l: will -serve eftlre> .. k4W Ott COOKED - ' LT ANY HOUR. also Frllts it any 11-»scripfron, Ennieres td-lll- aye money by' calling tit Illy EATING HOUSE* EALSAT ALL HOURS:- Mho tread, Cakes a;rttl (onfeetionefy - at lowest f ,tir%s.• •. MIS, �MOONEY. -R?ADE tfiA,R,C.TF[EG1tF, , 31,IAH 1.tLMFDY. An unf.tiling . of re.. for Se:min- al �Y e -a Ic ti es, S pernratcerrliea, Imp.rteitck, atrdall Diseases , ;e'' ; '`a th,t f,.,l1(m sequenceofS ti n::s <t, use . as less n£ Aleatory, Universal., Lase!, tails, [':sin in the .back, Din rt3.s of ViK�«n, Premia ttreo14 a•'e. and. many other• Diseases that -lead -1n Insanity or t.crr'sum.ption and a Premature -Grave. -P:nll partxeulars•'in our pa„nphtet,which n iv' esire to send free le): matt toe've.ry one.' The Specife.c. Med-. cine isantcl by all Druggists at Si per tack- ane. or six packages for i z or will be seat free by msiilon receipt of the money- by ad... dressing _ THE CRAY ]IEDWINE CO., 'P.crilnto. ()at, Canada' s 8nld in Lneicnow Irian eirugsfist;t znd every wherein Canada and the United States by qfl wholesale and retail drugrst ir • BLACK AND -COLORED SATINS BLACK AND COLORED WATERED SATINS. BLACK AND COLORED SILKS STRIPE SILKS, FOR DRESSES CHEAP. BLACK SPANISH AND' ChEAl1 LACES: REAL GUIPURE in ;BLACK. : • GIMPS, BUTTONS, BRAIDS.. ETC. . DRESS. _ G-00/5-871 These are better and cheaper than for some years, andembrace an increasing variety of coin, make,quality, and price ; - I have never shown a larger range. Newest designs, latest patterns °fast colorings, and lowest prices.. Madam, do. you. want to be neat . without being prim, attractive, but not flashy, engaging, but not•gaudy, - ln: . • a word, natural and like your years ? - Thea, come and buythese:Dias- . Goods: these marvellous effects of skill, money, and time .Are you - an industrious housewife, a kind and dutiful daughter, or a ven= _enable and honored grandmother? Then you have -already earned the best the country can afford. PARASOLS, GLOVES, TIE, RIBRCNS FRILLI . ... , NGS, YElLhN4, &c. Come early, you can always buy better. than late, light is dim an :las -, when the the labors of the forenoon: ARDy -a now d OVOZ04: 4 imports ha 32,o: increaseclthe: rice- o1 t pouoe to the :benefit of the NERS He is now increasing his popularity by taking the = duty off the imports: purchased by farmers and others. Commencing _ And he is not.tlros incr. dust Y i a in their eyes' either, as it is fine Clean TEA. I have now received free of duty, and Selling at 25 cents: _ er pound. p • • ;t a week $12. 4. i .ay at hones e a e1P a made- : �. ,. - hits .,stay •• tat free. .4 (Wrens TRuE-at14o.r Angnsta,Maine, • 1 =NZ»S To DisEASRs, C steLAZNTS and ACCIDENTS • which IL/Lova/0A Yar_LOW Ott is uaran•. teed to cure or -relieve . either in MAN or: BnAsr,. ' ' TILDEN INTERNALLY FOR CROUP, - COUGHS, CRAMIIPS, - • SORE .THROAT, ASTHMA, • CO_LDs, .ec APPLIED EXTERNALLY FOR RHEiTLATtSM, NEURALGrity CHILBLAIN$,= CALLOUS LUMPS SWI . LLING8, STIFF JOINTS, -GALLS, FROST BITE, LAMENRSS, _..- CORNS,, CONTRACTIONS 13RUISRS, LUMBAGO, ITCH, DEAFNESS, PAiel1'INBAC f, SPRAINS, PAIN In SIDI; &o.' Every boccie guaranteed to give saurian: Oen or seaney refunded. . DIREITI� wmi DA011 BOTTLE PRIDE 95 0, T.=SITDAT 8t 00., Praprietl r. TDAONTO, ONT. Wri311PMEit , IrROM BRAZIL. The grew Coxnpounc ..won-. derful = affinity to the D estive Apparatus and the Livei, I creas ing - the dissolving Juices, relies ing almost instantly the eadfal - results ofDys epsia, nds stion, and the -TORPID I, 11, makes Zopesayho-ause; n: every:day nece site., i. ever It acts gently and spec Ip- ix: Biliousness, Costiveness, Hesd- ache, •Sick Headache, Dist ess>af - 'ter Eating, Wind on the St mach • Heartburn, Pains . in the, S de and Back,"Want ofA.ppeth.. ant o3 Energy, LowSpirits, Fou Stom• ach. It invigorates the Li er, _cant ries offal' surplus: bile, re later the Bowels,- and gives ton to the wholesystem _ Cutthis out and take .it . o you2 Druggist and •get.a 10 cent ' ample, or a large bottle -for 75 ce ; ts, arid: - - itouraeighbor about ii In. once to clear them ont_befbi ' stock ,taking, .If you wants heap ' Overe ► at D'O'ME AND GET IT. COATS, PANTS;, ANDaYESTS, -Gj EAP, o NN`E What is it ? The best Machine Oi world ;_ is u,eauufl.,tuiedThis Oilunder the severeSt test, „and "elnosi-ea:'ts by S in .the • at the LFL ng IF ihihitio"ua-of the. P in nio>a in 1881 F a1-ni ers And say rpt :;ey anti.ntsrhin•r Gy uriing 1;AHill NE, .A k *our local dealer f ri it .tnd takeother. r.r..s;s le I) :tlaclvTvnr.