HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-06-09, Page 4Eh- guthnow $t titti :1 •t>ti$ •i ssRmr o vTtr 11 ANI) Tb AIitI*1 FREELY ACCORDING To TRE: Diu -TATER OF COMMENCE' WE` PRrZE; ABOVE: ALL. EITHER LIBERTIES. Luck.cw,• Jule 99 : 1882 .At tlhe general - elections in 187; Ontario., ; twit a.0aI1>3ef1`vat'+iV@ maj©nit but that isonot. a habit c:f the benner Provirncer of the Dominion... Then th National `Paticy,,--or * netf or al f rand' as it.. was very appropiately call ed L'y Mr. John Canipl?ell, ^-lin is o of the leading manufactures in Ontari at .his: norluneition in. London last week --was dangled before the eyes of ,,the electors; The National Policy has now been in force. for nearly four years said .not. aueIof the - promises xtacfe to the people. by the:Conservative party have been fulfilled, but on the -contrary,; and the l.uiulteren the agriculturists,: the millets, tiie ltiborers the meclian�ics: o Gntario–=SO per cent. of the whole pop- ulati,m--are and ' must 'be. constantly ' injured by the National Polricy,,; so long as that inic nitons. iustranl.eut • of op-. .)ressio:n is Dermittsd to 'exist.- 'the. ernes 'nay tie willing to levy. tribute upon rural districts.,: the great capiital- ist8 may eniclucle that whiles ttrey ad;l to their.gtores the common people have ,ho right to co�mplaiu, but thethe:voice of the. majority in Ontario will: assuredly pronounce against the system 'alumna'alumnaspoliation dignified by the narze- of the Nationall Poliey,and on the 20th of June next cast their votes for the.. HOQ. Rd_ ward J3lake: and holiest, goveltriments. er'DntZatwAL Dir sIi 5- .• –fit:. the Conservative convention' Beg at 8eaforth on' Monday last, Mr.. Shannon received the nomination- as the (oilaervatiy.-e candidate for South: HHie!iron, in opposition to Mr. John Mc itlan, the.Raforrn candidate, people of Ontario netted for their independence, 'will not quietly notquietlysub. mit to the. robbery by Sir -Iola( Mecdon- std of many hawked square mites of~ our torr ter'y adjacent to the '.true North western_ bouacla.ry of this Province, ' —Wanderinx Wil iieniacDougallhiae ju xipe 1, the tense and refuses to support Sir John Macdonald, Willie intends poiing into the farming basioess in _the Norttiweet. It will be rrenrtenibered Willie: was once appointed Governor of that Province,. -•The Hon. I . AL Welts, received the uneuZineue nomination of the Reform eJnventi<or[ at Walkerton last week, to con+test. the East Rig inged Brite in: the cc minsz elections. Prom re. ports fr'dur different parts of"the riding, gr. Wells is sure to be e l d.cted with a handsome majority. -A tifr.; Porter sail at • Dungannon that 'Caned cii.,t not` ext ort oda. Why,:' bless his little sod. Ontario alone. exported fast wean 821,,2.68,327 worth of grain,w.htl9 the exports of farm products frons tete whole- Dem icliort aiuoittIted to . if 93,299,823 That iot,ks like 'keeping the horrte market for Our farmers. -- � peopl'ef •1 rarned under the •excell - en:` school system of Ontario, cannot be persuaded that the .irteposition of taxa- •tion can,:bs productive of an increase of the general wealth. Still, Mr. Porter. save- the N Pi. or. -(taxation pnlicy) ra ..0d a;'surplus last year of four mill- • ions. Very true, but who paid• for it 1 'qtr=y, rhes farnlera of Ontario paid nve,r two-thirds; of the arn.ouut.. gr. Porter • ellotrhi' also inform the electors- that it xretiiite,l ever, ;p8,4OO,00 - extra to Irrilc the Government under the N. I --fere reception which: Was given flue. lt: Hiake at :Sr Th'.oefira:i On Mort -day wa of .he mist enthusiastic description, arlIJ the tieetilro in the Skating Rink in the evening was a prutkouirce3 success,: every inch of a ilahle space being occur pied,, and the speakers receiving hearty applause;. In otilt-tr. constituencies most -eueettreeng preert ss is being' made and Reformers ; oe,k .forward to a great victory on. the 20th J:tineY nfr. Mani lith. the Iudepcnden;t candidate for North Perth, has withd'rawn:,but the Reformer! intend putting a, candidate in the field ,izu i ecliate ly. • In South Huron the Tories have nominated 1V1'r. - . W. J:. Shannon. At. Peterbar€ti, Sir. John 1tfacdouald 614–J 11. Plumb find: feria arri Ise • ariy eiithusiesnr and' the !eerie. stration proved a. 1 zzle .• • Surely Ontario,. the. greatest taxpay- er taxpay- e r of the -band of Provineea, cannot- look indifferently at the absoloute waste of millions of dollars of the public mon ey. and the monopoly of the entire Norrhwest, ` inverted .,ltt ..tlfe' bargain maderty: the 'Macdonald Gsverr,.ineut' with the 'Canada.: I sate Synthesis. Ther., electors, cyst your vote. on 'the 20th of . June • for the Iron. Edward .Blake and responsible goverillriont.•• Youhave new a chane to decile whether yr-wrll he.freemen or polio- cal slaves. . - , : - In the Dominion Parliament in :the year 1&75, when: Sir Richard Cart- wright wright was Minister of Finance he said the Government had a surplus- of :half a million of dollars to which. Sir Charles Tapper:now, the champion of the 'wast- ed `` four `millions," but who was in- opposition then,, replied- " He ((IA a - Wright) gays s e have` a surplus of half a- million.. I • say ..the governnieut has no. right to .have a sur- plus, If they have a surplus -they should endeavor to get rid of it and .the best tivay. to do so• is that pursued by us and: by the government of Great Britain, -by, tightening the taxes on thepeonle:'' - ----:While. speaking atDungannon last -week, among other erron us statet - ments, Mr.. Porter said the National Policy had kept the home market for. the Canadian' farmers, and that . the' amount of grain raised was only suff:. cient for home -consumption.: from the Trade and 'Navigation returns, publish. ed in. the Government Blue Beek, how; ever; .w we find that last year Canada ex: ported no less than , Barley, 8,800,579 bushels'. Valuta, $6,260,183 flats,. 2,9`26,332' _. •" 7,191,873 Peas; 4,245,590 3,478,003 Wheat, :2,523.67: r` ct '7.593,820. Flour, 139,728 barrels " 2,173,108 And other Grain: and Produce added to theabove, mating u total of $ 1.,268, 327: -while animals . arid' - their preducti amounted to $21,360219. —Perhaps the Information elicited by-Dr..Orton's question, directed: to and answered only b3 parties that were eonsidered "-rig it;' will` net be cavilled at. "Has the tari#i raised the price: of woollen goods r «, Yes," say 389 wit nesse& '. i'os" 172. "Has it raised the pricey of cotton goods 1" " tires," 348. "No," 2.224... "The price of hardware ?" "Yes,' 351, " No," 182. ` Dere are 1,666 witnesses, selected carefully by Dr. Orton from the faithful of thep arty as supporters of the X. P. Tet over two:thirds of this:" 'packed" jury give the verdictothat the cost of living,• as affected by the use of the `three articles dealt: with, has increased. AA. 1 am ofIerin day g every Y immense quanWies ofresh Sprn; PRINTS FROM 6 TO 15 CENTS. DRESS GOODS 9 TO 25CE FactoryCotton`5 to 12 cents. ` The best assortment of Tweeds town, i • �� - 1w ,eds in to tin, at;the low ces. A fine assortment of Boots and. Shoes. Just opened TWO. cases of Read y ° 9•.� -:3 n�.ade };loth'�l.g•: A NEW • LOT. ,OF.,GLASSWARE 'AND CROOK, Lots of Straw-,Hats.Felt Hatsfrom 50 cents up at 3o ', AIRSRUNELLA SH E- O S GAITERS tion 50 to 60 ce flrYMM NEW . STRAW . AND FELL' HATS IN GREAT VARIETY, AT A :MACINTY- NEW SPANISH. LACES IN ALL COLORS, AT A. MACINTYRE'S. - .. .. : 100 Piece ^:. - , s of Dress Goods in all l shades and prices,at : = . . . A, MacI�itcre :�: ParsirJ Un ` . •. : .. �• � � reels.., Satchels, and a neat variety of Fancy Goods,at: A. 'M i ' • - acInt ,res. Ladles and'Gents g Y YYollas:. Ladies'. and Gents Ties.; Ladies' and Gents Kid Gloves, -Alex. Mac -in -tyre s: T, Fisher & Iuttou's • PATENT ROLLER FLOUR. 424.2m. _WING HA141. Money to Loan.,: On Real Estate;. at reasonable. rates; on terms of .payment: U. - suit liorroWers. to-.suit.Borrowers. ELLIOT TRAVER' OFFICE ---Rant to Post:Ol..ce Lucknow, ',March 11 BORN. . Iilacx�n ---=In Lucknow, on Tinned: LY, J' ne 1st, 1882, the !wife of Dr. Ili ac- kid of a son, AT Mit 1 weih to. inform the citizens of Lucknow and surrounding country:-,: that I have opened upa . ITER. SIIOP BUT R. G.1reenwilI,'s Old Stand. t will keep: on hand at all times . ALt. KINDS OF. FRESH ,MEAT:• Meat Delivered to all Parts of the Village, on Shortest Notice. - Glue: me a eall. . 4.411 ES. LINDSAY. Lucknow. Sept. 9th.- - _ GRENACHE E AT - T.- LAWRENCE'S OLD STAND, - LVt:',KNOW;:. . ..To the farmers and the general public:It will: not pay You to buy anything . in the Hardware Line till It c a ll: gyoua , at the New Hardware Store of T. Lawrence, Campbell _ street,Luel� now, .where a great,. �:r at. varlet : of goods is now -opened erred oi�tNew gp. .New designsin Builders Hardware, •• Cutlery, ?1ate Ware, Painls, ; Oily, Gass; Pully, ShocJs, Manure au LPlttch Forks, Hoes-, g tttt>ti Rakes,- everythln found d • a it st Gla ss �rar far . . �. � Sure. U Iil will still continue : to keel as usual a fine lot of l CraniWtslrei, ter inform thepublic thathe has - set-ustantli'- ort hand: a FIST*CLASS STOCK- OF enfst: Women's Misses' and • - Children's' Boots.:' Go slid examine h'is really supeir::.l .r boak in each class, espectally'h s Buff' rebb>ev.: Whole -Stock Boots Before purchasing elsewhere: i stnitfc c : ; _,. i �x s ��.ttlr>ina a Specialty. - . last. year's stooksoT.t . , • at and utl. h•Y. . r Cost. - - wirk Eggs,a11i1 Boater taken it lxehaa ge far goods.: , s e Wares,. also Box, Parlor, and Cook St ov'es , All of which are marked down low. Eavetroughing 'and , .Repairing Promptly.° Attended To: As nonebut first-class wo5kmPr L1P, employed). 'Parties fay. us with their work, can rely upon ria lino - 0% bod job- , , done,and at as low -rcers ascan done pi . be iii any. first-i,lr�ss sitop- in' the.country;. While returning -my thanks t . the , . � y s : u the public ] liberal patronage bestowed. on nye in -tire Last, T hope for the continuance of the same in the future THOS.- LAWRENCE. �—�• ' gip. eAdall's Spain lie most riuecessfu ser nedyever - it. is certain in its.effects and -blister. Read proof Below,. ve+red-a4 KENDALL'S SPAVIN C'RE. . New Hamburg,'Ont., pee 28 h,1881. -. MrP. H. McOalliim, dear sir,—'1', e'bottl of Dr.gendall:'s Spavin Cure bought ot you last summer Lave methe ..utnnost sat •-faction?,• and performed a wonderful cure upon a- alarm -nineteen years old belongirigto"me,w ich :as badly spavined for ten yerars..Sre was so lamta that I could hardly : g .t,- her` to. . .1.114.,- • lameness is ettirely goire after ugin . half a - bottle of -the cure;,..and she is like a� - :young _horse again : Yo i:she truly, J. _T._ P,,0 ; KENDALL'$ SPAVIN C . rend address for Illustrated Circuli. which its we think gives positive proof o virtues - No rennady has ever roil with such unqualified suecessi. to our knowled e,for beast as well.as man. - - Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles- for $45.. A1l. druggists have it or can get it for you, or it will be Rent to an address on receipt of price by the p - prietors,' Dr. 13.,T. Kendall & Co. osburgh Falls, Vt. pSOLD. BY ALL DRTTGG LYMAN• Sows & CO.; MONTREAL P. Q.,• Wholesale Ag-erf WILL .CURE OR;RELIEVE RJL-IOUSNESS, DIZZ/NESS, DYSPEPSIA, ` DROPSY,: INDIGESTION FLUTTER/NG JAUNDICE OF THE NE ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF - SALT RHEUM THE STOM , . HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE And every species of disease arising dlsordered:LIVER, ,KIDNEYS;. STOM BOWELS OR BLOOD, T. i�Ii BURN & go,, Prbpr1Tutiv