HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-01-02, Page 88
• —tae bye election in South Huron
toe the Oernmona will be held on Jena-
anaerr 13lind.
Thereis an epidemic ot enemies in
'Wingham et present • Scarcely a hawse
Which there are children, is tree from
the diaeaso..
---The returns to the Provincial Board
Of Health from 739 divisions for Novem-
ber give 2074 deaths from all canoes,
apttelring a death rate. ot 12 6 in the 1090.
--A meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary
ela the Win5hetn ilmipittrl will ire 101
in the Council CThacubat next Monday
afternoon at 4,15 o'alook. AU tuembere
are requested to attend.
Mr John Sall, of Fort William, is
spending theholidays with his mother
and Misters.
Mee Sarah Taylor, of Montreal is.
visiting with her peewits, Mr. and Mrs.
George Taylor.
Mr, John Baxter, of Cornwall agent
the holtdeys, with Wingham relatives
and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. 11 S. Sturdy, of Qwen
Sound were with Wingham relatives for
the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S Fisher, of To -
1 -10.00+..
A»ADis.-pin Behnorc. on. December 21th, to
Air. and Airs, David Aflame; a Son.
Maid TED
HotflrMAN - Rrt,xx.-Ott Deo 29th at tilt'
3tetliodist parsonage, 1 urdwtch. by Bev Dr.
liutavai, Ni. %lames +lex Hoffmanto Ailsa
Catharine E. Riley of Morris, township.
0on1)014--ltortiw1 LT, -On Dec. 24thinTrin-
ity Church, by Rev. T. ti. Farr, Mr. W. A.
Gordon to Miss S. Lr Bothwell of Aewbiidgt'.
HENNIealrei tsnAT)t 011 Chtistma9 ray, in
tho Alethcdist Church, Wingham, by the Kelt.
W. ti Howson, Mr. Robert George Dennis to
Miss Edith Olive txriedalo, all of Winghatn.
DAvni,--JA 41aSO)N^-At (?altville, On Deeem•
be 26th, by Rev. peau Pavia, of London,
assisted by Rev.Canon Davis, of Sarnia, Mr.
John Evans Davis, of Boston, Aiass eon of Mr.
H. Davis of Windfall), to alga Marguerite
ranto, spout ties h_t3liday5 at their parer.. eSialalJainieson, of Oakville
11Qi)lcil i4 town enau
efo'tt't.>::n-in Los �i: el. 6. Cal.. on December
i e> 29th, 1'JOi, Mist Mottle 'lowler, formerly of
Dr, A. J Irwin, Treasurer of Wing -
ham Hospital bas reosived donations
during the past wear as, fo lows: -Thos.
Field, $5lso
0 K. Wilhelm, Carman, Man
SRO; Dr W. Milne, Blyth, invalid's
.r+ Sable.
Coughs, cows, hoarseness, and other throat
siimente are quickly relieved by Cresolene
diablets. ton cents per box. .All druggists.
-Dr. Gifford, late of W ngham, who
short time ago was appointed assistant
surgeon at the London asylum, has re-
ceived a notice of dismissal from the
Provincial authorities. No particulars
are given for dismissal,
-Under the new school regulations,
the government grant is considerably
larger this year than formerly. In 1004
the Ontario Government paid to schools
in Huron $5,028; in 1907 it has paid
$14,817, an inorease of $9,279.
--Means Walker & Ross, of Clintou
bad the contract for supplying the car -
;pets for the new Presbyterian Church, at
Btuevale, but owing to some mieunder-
standing the carpet manufacturers
whipped the goods to Clinton in place of
Mr, Gordon Paterson. of Wiun peg, I
spent the holidays with his parents, Mr
and Mrs. Arch Paterson.JAXES-In Turnberry, on December VailAlice James, daughter of Mr. and Mts. Thos.
The Misses Anderson, of Wareham. James. aged years
speut the holidays visiting with relatives -�
to Wingham and vicinity.
Mr. Will and John Churchill of
of Hartney, Man. are visiting friends
in and around Wiigham.
Mr. and Mra. Neil Haines, of Qwen
Sound are visiting at the home of his
brother, Mr. W. J. Haines.
,.Mr. John F. Groves spent the Christ-
mas holidays with his brother in Tor-
onto and his sister in Acton.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Vannorman, of
Hamiota, Man. are visiting with his
brother. Mr. V. R. Vannorman.
Mr. W. N. Hutchison, of Souris,
Man. was visiting for a few days with'
his brother, Mr. R. A. Hutchison.
Mr. Adam Anderson, of Orillia, spent
Chrietmae with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm, S. Anderson, Turnberry.
Tho Annual Meeting
Agricultural Society wi
Council Chamber, Win : b
Thursday, Jan
at 1 o'clock p m.
All members of the Society are requested to
be present,
W. J. HENDE SOe deet, H. B. Ei t.IOe cPrery.
the Turnberry
be held in the
, on
ry 16th, 1908
Two Nights and Matinee
Wednesday & Thursday, J • 8-9
Prof, Cracker's d ► , fed
Horses, Ponies, i keys, Mules
Mies Della Gracey, teacher in the
Tilleonbnrg Business College was visit-
ing with her parents for the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Holmes, of Owen
Sound spent the hplidaye visiting with
relatives and old friends in Wingham,
Mr. Errald Drummond, of Cutler,
Algoma is spending the holidays with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Drum-
Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Scott, of Sandusky,
which were Christmas visitors with
Mrs. Scott's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Mr, and Mrs. E. Manuel, and
dren, of Meaford are spending the
days. with Wingham relatives
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Keeney and Mr.
Thos. Carruthers, of Berlin spent the
holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Mies Katharine Stevenson, lady Riper.
intendant of Wingham General hospital,
is visiting friends in Orangeville and
,Owen Sound.
Mrs. Alex Boston and Miss Annie
MoKenney, of London and Miss MoDer•
mote, of Clinton were visiting with
Miss M. McLean.
Messrs. James and George Bosom-
worth, of Elora are visiting with their
uncle, Mr. R. Currie and other relatives
in Wingham and vioinity.
Mr. Hugh Ross, of Clinton with bis
friend, Mr. Berry, of Brumfield were
visiting Wingham and Blnevale relatives
and friends for a few days.
Mr. Harley M. Norman has returned
to his home in St. Thomas, after spend-
ing a week with Mr: and Mrs. Chat.
Blackhall, 110 Shiites street.
Mr. and Mrs. John Leary, of Mitchell
and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Huggan, of
Fort William were visiting for over the
holiday with Mr. and Mrs. John Tervit,
Mr. John Wright, of Brussels and
Mrs. Baird, of Woodstock were visiting
for a few days with Mra. Baird's broth-
er, Mr. James Brock, who continues
in very poor health.
Mr. Jas. McKinlay, of Winnipeg has
been spending the 'holidays with his
parents in town. Mr. McKinlay now
has a good position with the Canadian
Northern Railway.
Mr. Harry McIntosh, of British
Columbia, a former resident of town,
Was calling on old friends for a few days.
It is twenty years since Mr. McIntosh
last visited Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tervit, of Kincar-
dine spent the Christman holidays with
relatives in Wingham and vicinity.
They left on Saturday morning to spend
a few days at Guelph.
Mr. Peter Deana, of Saskatoon is visit-
ing at his home in Wingham. Mr.
Deans is much taken up with the west-
ern country, but is not yet fully decided
whether he will return again in the
-Through the explosion of a cup of
coal oil, aooidentially left on the kitchen
,rang , Mrs. John Yoemans, of Napinka,
Man. died on Saturday morning after
(suffering intense pain. Mrs. Yoemans.
'was a Miss. Lizzie McKay and formerly
lived at Seaforth.
-The TIMES will next week again
-start the oolumn giving the principal
events of this locality twenty years ago.
ihie feature was greatly enjoyed by
=any of onr readers and now that we
have a complete fyle of the paper the
column wiiI appear regularly.
A simple and effective remedy for
They combine the germicidal value of Cresoleno
with the soothing properties of slippery elm and Hoo-
ting, Your drugcist or frons us, 100 in stamps.
L,sa,tiaa ,fleas Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal. ens
-Mr.. John Fyfe, of Turnberry has
wad his 150 acre farm, Crown Hill, to
Mr. Gavin Wilson, East Wawanosh for
good price. With some further im-
provements this will make a fine pro-
perty; being xticely situated on a good
road about 2;a miles from town.
-Many of our stbeoribers renewed
their subscriptions during the past
week and we would be pleased to have
all subsoribere renew promptly. Many
ore taking advantage of the liberal offer
of the TIMES and Weekly Globe for one
year for 91.35. Before ordering your
aeadiug matter look up our Clubbing
afters in another column.
.-It is our sad duty this week tore-
port the death of Alice James, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. James, of Turn -
berry, aged six years on Friday last
f'roln diphtheria. This is the third ohild
312r. and Mrs. James have lost within a
week from this dread disease. The
bereaved parents will have the sympathy
of the community in their bereavement.
They do everything but talk.
A refined and instructive performance.
The only show of the kindin the world.
Twenty animals on the stage at one
Watch for the Great Street Parade.
Matinee, Thursday, Jan. 9; prices 10o
and 25o. Evening. 25o, 35o and 50o.
Plan of hall at MoKibbon's drag store.
I will teach Sanders
by Mail or personal i
days, at Belgrave, cons
Dec, 9th. The whole
from one course. All
do not fail to see me a
Saturday, Dec. 7th, f
only, when I will enro
Commencing to teach
day, Deo. 16th; see in
from 1 to, 5 only S
Commencing to teach
day, Deo. 23; See me
on Saturday, Dec. 21,
when I will enroll pu
Mr. Lloyd Sills, of Toronto, was home
for Christmas.
J. H. Chisholm is spending the holi-
days in Toronto.
Messrs John and Wm. Robinson
home from the West.
Mr. Elliott Fleming was home from
Brantford for the holidays.
'Mian Ketoheaon, of Toronto le visiting
'with Alias Georgie Dulmage.
Mr. Dan Morden, of Buffalo spent the
holidays with his brothers in town.
Mrs. Aley, of Detroit was visiting for
a few days with old friends in* town.
fir. Harry Mangles, of Toronto spent
_the 3iolidays with Wingham relatives,
Mr. Hugh Hamilton, of Chatham
spent the holiday at the parental home,
Dr. W. T. Holloway, of Peterboro was
calling en old friends in town en Mon-
Mies Maggie Monk, of London, spent
the "Christmas holidays at her home in
Mr. Jos. (xilmotr, Caron, Sask., is
visiting at his parental home in Turn -
Mr. roister Fyfe, of Torohto spent the
holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs,
mt. Ir. W, MCGX1ite, of 'Winnipeg
shame the holidays et his parental bailie
101 town.
Mr, George 3lel:m, of Hamilton,
tat at at Mr. 'iin'm. Guest's during the
Ur, and. Mrs, R. Clegg event the hoar
titity wit* Xt.*. ms's pi retie at
Now that the rush of pleasure and worry that always attends Christmas
ehepping is over, we should like to draw your attention
to the fact that we aro offering all our
Improved Course
strnotion in four
encing Monday,
family can learn
wishing to learn
Belgrave hotel,
om 1 to 5 o'cltiok
1 pupils for class.
n Blnevale Mon -
at Blnevale Hotel
nrday, Deo. 14,
n Wingham Mon-
t Exchange Hotel
from 1 to 5 only,
its for class.
KEITH, Instraotor.-
Furs a.nd
adies' Co.ts
all this year's styles -AT COST You oannet do b tter than
call and inspect our stook before purchasing else 'n Here,
in onr Underwear department, which includes Penmans' and Wat-
son's manufacture, we offer all at greatly reduced prides.
Do you 'wish to purchase a New Year's Gift ?
If so, we have some Handkerchiefs, Belts, Gloves and Fancy Collars left,
Choice, fresh Grooeriet always in stook. We pay highest prides for trade.
Wishing All the Complimeiits of the Season. '
The Little Eaton's
•••••..,•••••••••••'••••••••• ••••e••••••••••••••••••••HOLIDAYI, '
The undersigned
for Cattle (Cows
second-hand Crea
working repair, Ca
Colt rising one yea
ing 4 years old, fit
well broken doubl
of threshed timot
bright as hay, w
rain, Apply to
Harlook P. 0., L
6 miles from Bly
as to exchange for
preferred) :-One
Separator, in good
. 250 per hour; one
old; one horse ric-
o work or drive, and
Also about 20 tons
for sale; about as
s well saved,. got no
t 2, Con. 13, Willett,
1 We have bargains in many lines of goods which purchas-
ers will do well to look into. We are going out of ;
certain lines and will sacrifice the goods in I
order to dear them out.
Offers new ideas, makes new cus-
tomers, hence new and
larger business.
That J. S, Jerome, Dentist,
is making beautiful sets of
teeth for eight dollars, and
inserting the Patent Airohamber. All
work guaranteed.
Office in Chisholm Block, Wingham.
Rev. Dr. Robert Campbell, ex-inoder-
ator of the General Assembly of the
Presbyterian Church, and for many
years minister at Renfrew, died at his
home in Perth on Ohrlstnias morning.
The Rev. W. G. Howson, of the
Methodist church, will take for bis sub•
Pots next Sunday ; at 11 a. m., "A
Spray of Winter's I3looin From the Gar•
dens of ?realism." At 7 p. nn., "The
Touch of A 1�Iriman Life."
*vivo brlglAt and interesting. iverp
body welcome,
In, apeaking 6f the changes that
take pl*ae in a few years, Rev, D. Perrie,
in the course of his sermon of flnnday
evrning, raid theft xipwarde of 100 MOM -
berg of the Presbyterian oongregatlon
had parsed to the great beyond during
ai arofne fh7urwet( etorp, .
t 'hitt pa to l*. y
c Opposite Queen's Hotel.
A►•.•.••r•••••••••••••••ae•• '••••••••••••••O•••••••••••
Our prices will make our competitors wonder'
where we get the GOOD GOODS so
cheap. Every article marked in
plain figures.
Premiums open for inspection during January
month. Come on in. Fang your friends.
�o INA1 You a V nt to Save, Money 3'
1, Then come here for your ,S
a} Sturdy, solid, Boys and
Girls are
our particular hobby, and we buy to please
them and their parents. -Y.
r ``
',- Wingham. 1
i Shoe Dealer
With Every 20.00
One beautiful two tone effeot, heavy
Wilton rug, size, 28x55, -in cardinals,
greeus and blues
A two-piece genuine Alaska Sable
Scarf, six tails, nicely shaped and very
fine quality of fur
One Smyrna rug, heavy double-faced,
reversable, rich oriental designs and
000ire,-eine 30x55
A handsome 95 -piece dinner set, richly
decorated in a dainiy blue, -the pattern
consisting of sprigs of flowers and leaves
and is highly,glazed on top so that pat-
tern cannot possibly wear off. The set
comprising of 12 dinner plates, 12 soup
plates, 12 tea plates, 12 °ripe and saucers,
12 fruit dishes, 12 butter pads, 1.10 inch
platter, 1.14 inch platter, 1 gravy boat.
2 covered vegetebledishes, baker, 1
pickle, 1 Dream jug, 1
When wanting a Stove, call at Young's Big Hardware and
see what he can show you at very low prices.
Oak Heaters, coal or wood, from $ 8.00 to $18.00
Cast Ranges, to `' 20.00 to 45.00
Steel Ranges, °'
Base Burners, - ..25,00 to 45.00 '° 15.00 to 45.00
Wood Cook Stoves, - '4 7.00 to 29.00
Call and see for yourself that we have the right goods at right prices.
DOHERTY'S Stoves and Ranges Are Unexcelle
PIE KNIVES IN CASE ) Young's for
PICKLE KNIVES IN CASE j Chris was mimosa
ter' r.�t 1 t a.w
's,wi�st�3���t�'�r �_ cr s,,•5 , �u. a .�t,',z.
twee 7es41F,er
With Every 5.00
A useful stable outfit consisting of 1
yellow bristle Body brush, with leather
back, 1 extra high•grade Palmetto.
Brush and 1 extra strong and well rivi-
ted steel curry comb, with mane comb
on back.
A handsonfe high class tea pot beantl-
fnlly engraved, wood handle -material'
of copper-nickle plated
A high grade meat chopper -a very
useful thing around the kitchen, -will .
chop all kinds of meats, foods and vege-a z
table for salads, It will save you many
an hour's labor. There are four knives
go with it -all different sizes from finest
to coarsest
One Boy's Watch, stong, brightly pol-
ished, nickel case, stem wind and set,
swiss movement and a reliable time .
piece. Something to make your boy
smile with pride.
With Every 15.00
One Bissei's champion carpet sweeper
made of rioh varnished antique oak, -
self emptier
Oneenan's large size detachable near
seal collar, closely quilted, satin lined;
fitted to your overcoat while yon wait
One beautiful hanging lamp richly
decorated -14 shade glass, oil container
with outside. filler, No'2 chimney and
burner with a'weight balance
With' Every lo.00
21 piece heavy glass Table Set, rich
deep out pattern, bright, clear, finely
polished crystal, giving the brilliancy
and sparkle of the genuine out glass.
Set consisting of one 8•ineh deep Berry
Bowl, six 4.inch Nappies, one large -size
Hotwater Jug, 6 Tumblers 1 each: Sug-
ar Bowl, covered Butter Dish, Spoon
Holder, Cream pitchers. Salt and Pepper
Shakers and 9 -inch (Jake Plate, masking
an invaluable addition to your table
A handsome and endurable 10 -piece
Toilet Set of strong glozeaed Porcelain,
-cream and white grounds, decorated
with flowers of foliage in an aesortment
of colors.
The set consists of 1 extra large Ewer
and basin, hot water pitoher. fresh water
Mng, coveted soap Dish and Drainer,
tooth brash Holder and covered
,Magnificent 52 -piece tea Sett, beauti-
folly deoorated in a swell green pattern.
of wild flower clusters. Embossed foli-
age and Scallop edges set comprising of
12 Tea platen, 12 cups and saucers, 2
Cake plates, 12 Fruit dishes, 1 slop bowl,
1 cream pitoher.
,,,.tea �• -
With every $3.00
Electric silver-plated Pickle Fork and
butter knife, pearl handles, firmly at-
tached; Reliable English Quality.
A Carving Set, a very useful artiple
made of good quality of steel, imitation
stay handles, full size.
One-half dozen firmly polished imi-
tation ebony handled Knives and Forks,
double rivited, standard Sheffield steel,.
made to stand all kinds rough wear.
tine dozen "Nevada" Silver Tea
Spoons, which, being made of the same
bright metal throughout, give endless
wear and never discolor or tarnish.
One box fine Irish Linen Hemstitched
Handkerchiefs put up in a neat attrac-
tive box with beautiful scene on lid of -
box. These oan be had in any initial.
Fine Moire and Linen mixture Um.
brella, boxwood and natural crook hand-
les, sterling silver mounted; endless
variety of nobby handles to choose
One bag of first-class Potatoes cony
taining 90 lbs. will be delivered to any
residence in town for every purchase of
With Every Purchase
of $2.00
One lovely set of Six Lemonade Glae-
ses,=Bungarian pressed glees with Lily
of The Valley pattern engraved,
With Every Purchase
of 1.5o
3 plugs of McDonald tobacco, anaemic..
With Every Purchase ing or chewing, will be given with
of 5oc every purchase of $1.50.
Hook-on-ties--four-in•hand shape, --
light. medium and dark colors. Endless
variety of patterns to choose from.
Every Tie a good long length.
With Every Purchase
of 25c
of the very
of Soda.
BinCn e
One box o
One set of four gold plated Collar tut- 1Vfazormicks,
tone, --a n Chri t ' P r fn's
for fro
1 With Every Purchase
of Loo
One pair of heavy niokle•plated dia-
mond steel sciseore, 6?� inches long.
Something of value to every lady,
ell laid bathe and lever tops, best manufacture, either
front, book and sleeves. e y e or e r