HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-06-02, Page 51 in f - LATEST AND MOST 11E11010.BL DRESS a 1 OF THE BLACK AND COLORED SATINS BLACK AND COLORED WATERED SATINS; . BLACK AND COLORED SILKS. STRIPE SILKS.-, FOR DRESSES CHEAP. _ -BLACK SPANISH AND Cts,EAM LACES: . REAL" : GIT11'IT1tE _ in DRESSES, CK • GIARS, BUTTONS, BRAIDS._ kETC: fl - gat SI RA.D-CLIFFE'S e an& Mile Emporium. P5 -UHT( SILKS FROG[ �1 UP. Fl EiILLE'FRI-1gt ES RE 41, AND SPANIqII LACES T CKET ORNAMENTS, - MANTLE CASHMERES, AND SILKS.: • DRESS: c3-00]Ds. • These are better'. and Cheaper than for some years, and., embrace an i. c reacting variety of color, makke, quality, and price. I have: never shown-alarg.r range: Neweift.designs, Latest -patterns, fast colorings, and lowest prices. Madam, du -you -want to be neat without being -prim, attractive; but not flashy, engaging, but not gaudy. In', a word, natural- and'like your years? Then, come and buy these Divas -Goods, these "marvellene effects of skill, money, and time. Are you • an industrious housewife; a kind and dutiful daughter, -or a ven- erable and honored- grandmother-+ Then you. have already • earned the best the country can afford. PARASOLS, GLOVES, TIES RIBBONS, FBIL'LING3. PELIhG, &c. MitiplaiN* L.' The largest and moat select stock of Millinery in Lucknow. LADIES BONNETS, PLAIN AND FANCY STRAWS. MISSES & •affIL1)REN'S H 4FS,.inendlessvariety. INFANT'S -RO iES-AND-CLOAKS,of•thebest quality, at Reasonable -Prices. (M1[LDDREN'S tAca BONNETS, RIBBONS, LACES, WOO].S, and in fact everything found ins -first -chess Millinery -Establishment. •k. fall stack of Monrni g Goods. 'Mantises lMade to Or%t in the latest Styleandsure' fits Remember the- place, next door to the Post Office,, INTO USINESS AGAIN • Come early, you can always buy better than bite, when the light is dim, and :your mind has been warped and cramped with the labors of the forenoon: LUCKN( ,..�I 3E0301111L The lyvw Com crROM BRAZIL. pouar?, Jts• mon- de ful affinity to the Dig stive Apparatus and the Livez is rear- ing- the dissolving juices, Her- ing almost .instantly the di, adful results of DyspepsiaJndige tion, and the TORPID LIMB, ekes Zopesa an every day neces. ityin 'very house. _ It acts gently. and spee f in Biliousness, :Costiveness., ('1H'ead :. ache, Sick Headache Distr'ss,apt -ter Eating;Wind on the Sto acb. : Heartburn, Pains in the Si, e and: Back, Want of Appetit°. = ' tOi Energy, Low Spirits, Foul= Stamm- . ach. ' It invigorates the Liver, .car,. ries off all surplus -bile, regulates the Bowels, and gives tone to the. whole system. Cut this out., and -take it to ,Quit Druggist and get a lO cent Samplee or a large bottle for 75 cents, a sanknAneighbor about it.. Oa, first.eiass. improved Eas ov' aBscovered.� •that high tars on At Loin I aces by the . OF CA:111AE A i Apply- to. 'JAS. SOMERVIL Valuator, The. subscriber has anew good V GE LOTS t. OF-Tim!E:LVOKNQ Harness :Depot, - . Is offering Great Bargains* - siimess,. Saddles, 11runlcs, Valises, Robes, Blankets Single Harness, faint 814 np, • Tenni Uarnesss front $28 up. Ind everything in the line cheaper than the eheapest for cash orautherwise. I am bound not to be undersold.. All work warranted,. as I keeprnothina but first-ol'ass stock, and • first- claseworkmeu. I defy competition. Don't forget the place, opposite ' I. H. McHardy's Brick Block. im its= ,as not increase_ t 8 trice In: or4er to clear them out bete taking. If you want Et �ro�;uoe �o t4e 'benafit of e• e. stock head Over Oat, COME AjND GET IT OOATS. PANTS. for sale on easy terms, :. and a. ,numb r of . K LOTS from one to eight acre?, which can be had very cheat}. d`As, SOMEI v1LLL.. F } of al klndTdraw!it neatly an cheaglyt l::AS`- iLLE. difE- Wi§hes tit informthe public thatha bee c nStaatly on hand a FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF R. PROCTOR. Luoknow,-January 13th, 1882; i..w ta to 00 per 44-athome. Samplesworth- free.. Address Swinson & Co;, Portland Maine. . • . • - AND NESTS, CHEAP ne Pound Iea w..c;oNN 0( Oysters I Oysters `Reis now increasing his pep.alarity by taking the duty off the imports purchased by farmers sand others; Commencing._ --I ani Iieceivitg— ERESR OYSTERS DAILY, Whish I• will serve either sir oie COOKED LT ANY 4O1. Mso Fruits of any DscripIron1 And he is not.throa ing dust in theireyes either, as it is a line Clean TEA. I have now received free of duty, and Fanners viriIl save money by cating at - my EATING HOUSE. MEALS AT ALL 'TOURS. Also Bead, Cakes aid Confectionary at lowest iigu>` s.. - ,MRS. MOONEY. GRAY' 1; CIFIC mEntI INE `'RADE MARK.THE'(;1EATEN- `tibiae MAR•'t GLIBH REMEDY. • An unfailing cure for Semin- al Weakn ess, emiln-alWeakness, Sperrnatnrrhea; IIn 1, o teticy, and. all Diseases ofor) ra thatfehmv aCa ' sequeneeofSelfg1Wl A use; as loss of Memory,- Universal, Lass]- tudeY. P•iin in the back. Oionnt, fit cif Vision, Premature old age. and many other Diseases that lead tri Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave earFu11 particulars in e.urparaphtet,which we -desire to send free. by mail to every one. a The Specific •Med- cute issold by all Druggists. at $1 per pack- age, or six packages for.BO or will be. sent free by mail on receipt of the motley by mi. • Wo nen s, Misses and - Children's Boot. .1 Go- and exxrnine his really eupertc.r• evock in eaen class, especially hie . . .fluid P=ebbte tt mate-Stoel Boots Before* purchasing-elsawh.are. mufac.turing a Specialty. Sailing at 25 cents per pound. 1 What is -it '1 The best Machine Oil . in the world-;. is in a nf. lured 1'ay MoCo1i ; Bros. ,84., -CO., 'oaaatoa Tlus Oilunaerthe-severest test, -and Closest competition was award d - iplomas at the Leadp , Exhibitions of the • Dgminien in 1881 1 misers and others wit,Isa a money: And .m u.b}i,.r: by using 1,.&RDP. Ask your local dea1t•r f ii+:nd takeno of :.r; For sale- t}v D, D. �1 ICI\.T1RE -Four Medal's .decd Three -- • List year's stock toll at . and un`er i dressing • • t TIII : GRAY MEIC B !'0., Celli 1' rcnto. Ont., Canada,' ., arry'Snld in- T,ucicnow by all etruggisti gad ags and Bu t r taken 14 D etb u everwherein Canadaand'the IUnited States s t f gi wdtc.: by all wholesale and retail druggists. -•s a week. gi9.a day at horse easily Made, C ea -lc ..ietfr,free. • Address 'nu&& liO:., AttgAaI.4, Maine. ZNE To DI/SEASES, C6MPLAINTS and ACCIDENTS WhiCil HAGYARD'S' YELLOW OIL is guaran-. teed to cure orrelieve either in MAN or BEAST. TAKEN'WRINKLY FOR CROUP, COUG,H,S, . CRAMPS,.SORE THROAT, ASTHMA, COLDS, &c. - APPLIED EXTERNALLY FBI RHEUMATISM; NLURALGIA,1 CHILBLAI2VS, CALLOUS LUMPS SIYELLING H, ST.IFP JOLYTS,. 0ALLS, FROST BITS LA NESS, CORNS,' CONT ezzesT Ns BRUISES, LUMBAGO; 'rem, PAIN. liv BACK, PATNin SIDE; &a. DFATeNESB sPRdiNse . Every' bottle guaranteed to give satisfac. tion or money re undel. :• -DIRECTIONS WITN"EAON BOTTLE PRIDE 764% T.MZLBti'RT Sti CO., Frooriotogs . TORONTO, :ONT.., , '.f r. evig da • gi LIF• i•'o' o -_PM°m t° (s,,�O m mA OmNzm. O0;= Q Qaooaz Qao••_eoar'.. ;t -cc - z3a,eo•t;e •a 7_„"d 32'01-.5;;Za18. *IC.)'MDI cei qm- X t 1' ocn • W .469'' �o A -us ,1 n oa cijw 1.1J�Q