HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-06-02, Page 4�. the gallium loll Mine • RE LIBERTY TO UTTER :'SND TO AMOUR FREELY -A OORDINO TO, THE' DIGTATEK ON CONscIENCE wg • PRIZE. ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBEgpiEs. • • tck:mow,_ June 2.. 1:832., KiNCAR INE CON VELY TION Whin the Reetormexs of West - B'ruee met at. Kincardine the other dajr, they: closes their doors to no one:. • Gensler :raves had as free access to the room as' Reformers,_: they, courteously gave the representative: of the Kncardiue: Stand:. aid a seat ernongst the other. gentlemen .,of the pass. After such marks of pot;;•, litenese on theirpart it mightreasonably Vs expected that he would. be at letet •civil and deceit in his• comments: one proceedings of they meeting, Reformers. • do net: object to fairand horestcriticienz But we think such criticism should, be- ceuched: in the langttal e.of gentlemen :age care. not how strongly .the. language. in ay be put, but in even; party discus keen insulting andenvious remarks' cat: c'ilvted Only to raisa tt. btr;.roo:rn laugh should lie avoided. The press of -the County of. Bruce -would not discredit any. section of the Dominion, end wet ere nota little -surprised to:asee: the edi: ter of the Standard whom we- have al- ways though- a. gentlemen, violate the code - of press: ettiqus to in his. remarks regarding -the - gentleman_ whom. .... - 8 he tsars particularly singles e. ut for abuse. 'lie. t. it spoken of us a youth. • e gra much in error if there were nota some there_ equally, at young :she We know Iol- a -fact: that' so far ae poil%tiea work is: Concerned he nes done supremely More than several of the -candidates nQmiin ted. • We also know, and it was gens ally remarked, that he displayed in his :speech,, with one or two. exceptions ability, superior to any , present on the occasion referred to. If In singling out V1<r.'Gaineron, the Standard intends to tejure him, more arguatent and less sctirrrlity have tabs made use of - THE ELECTIONS. I.t cannot be, too strongly urged upon alt the electorate of this Province, says • an exchange, that iuvstin`_thetTortick:- P y -stat the coming elections they are voting' against their O: -VII pecu*lary iu_tcreata and -the' welfare and preotige of Ontdria. -Happily there: is - a great ' number of moderate ConsersatiYes 'who- will net Rive Si :John - any support this tiane, and their nunnber can be largelyrncrea s= ,ed by Reformers pointing out, that the: territory withold from this. Province by Sir J®hn and the Quebec Bluest: _lar of iurmense: value now,: while. as pruspeet- ,ive value: ie simply Auornf ts. • The re - *tuner from its timber limits alone would bring': te Ontario • millions of d'ai ars; Which would enable sour Local Heuso, as, in. the past, to'assist our schools eel -provide for the •administ.ra• tipu of justice. Tire wit erais are also- of great value,. and land fit- for •settle-. trent abuun ls,; • neo tate tho'sn Sone of Oat•rr io: farmer who prefer woodlaaid to prairie, end kne:wn laws to unknown definers, ruay there find. homes for' gen- aretieeno: to entire. if this grand terri- tory he taken from us,. and the Tories aro beei'tt. on taking it, ()uteri.- !oilskin • the infare resort to direct taxation.: The S;vndicate;; the N.-1., the Bcn udary. -...Award„. and the .Gerryinander, 'are sufficient, if. properlylaid before the pec plat,.. to- 8 -we -nip frh.a present (•trer"n-. went. The .vrrrk is begein—R'efcrmeis - are both eager and ent.ht.s aatic. 1 every one who. has at, heart the et fare of this Pro irti a will nose reety fair. - mea'ne iIt his pt, Weir :to secure the re- - . jection of •thosee Itaw unfortunately in power a1 Ottawa. - —Queen victoria ts. now three score and three years old. $ ngutarly- tau h tires-sixtiv:threo years. of her lite may be divided :n to throe periods c f e{x•tctty the sante length viz - --twenty :cone• years: of childhood and maidenhood, , twe tty:one ' years of married lire and twenty :k •yeara of widowed life.She wastorn in 1819 , married in i•84ea and became. sk widow in 1861,. • ADDRESS: AND. PRESENTA`T'ION... )6 REV ./"; : $:.. TAYLOR,: • A large number' of the members :of the congregatien of St. Andrew's Pres;' byte- ate Church . in this village - assemb: led at the residence of .Mr. Wm: Ge oar Monday eveniug::last and, preaei act; the Rear; if. .K.:_Taylor, the late pa tor, .with a- very handsome easy chair and ball stand, `beautifully .finished- and of. 'elegant design,, -which was accompanied - by the following address.:— • My -Taylor, Reiv. and Dear Sir. • : We -t -'members and friends' ' r. h; nof SE.. An- t: Church, :have met this evening_to i'r- press: in a less formal way than can be done at meetings 'convened 'for the transaction of church matters, the sorrow we -fret. -at your removal. front our midst.. -The relations which • „hsve existed-betweenyourielf •nd this con-. gregation for the 'last nine years and a half, have been of a friendly kind, and 'nothing in connection with your tabors, has Aripen to mar the. harmony of your pastorate. Ws come then, on this occasion -of -your trnal departure from, us, to assure pot! that. you. carry,; with you our best wishes ..for the _ temliocal• and spiritual welfare of yourself and famaly,and_ as s. very in aedquate token of the respecti ehave foryou, we hope you will accept- this Easy Chair wad Hall Stand. May God in his mercy long spare you to enjoy them. We trust- that you:may be able to look backwithsomedegree of pleasure • en the work in_ vihich yon hay. been engaged here.and may you realize that what:you. have done is not lost, butUltimately it shall bear fruit to the glory of the Master.' -Finally, we commend you, dear. sir, to the " Keeper of Israel who . elumbereth not nor sleepeth," and may- you be able atlast to say. with PauI, "1 have fought a good.i ht,Ihave finished my'cauree, I -have kept the ,faith • lienceft rtii there is laid up for mea crown of righteousness. which the Lord the righteous. Judge shall' give me, at' that day, •and not to me only, but: unto all them that love his. .sip; peasing' -Signed, . GEO, .SERB. - Chairman. • GEO. MIDDLrTON, Secretary. In behalf of the St. Andrew's congregation. In reply Mr. Taylor.said, - • DEAR FRIEwDs,• The Spontaneous Ilan- featation of your good. will and good Wishes'•I towards me : during these closing_day_s_af m ministry song :You have' equally cheered me I scarcely expected it. Ido not know that I• deserved it. Certainly this last out came and embodiment of your kfndnesein these tangible and useful gifts, far .exceed my humble -:de- Berta. These will be here after the souvenier of my Paved labours and sojourn arn.pg you. I thank the Lord the "'giver of all good" for the:measure of success and'comfort granted to me, and for this Christian, peaceful • parting. - I -thank you fol: all the kindness you have shown to'aneand mine. Especially do -1,thank you in -behalf of my partner in life who will share with me the possession of _these your gitts,and also the joy of this friendly fare well. And now the God of peace that brought -', again from- the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the . sheep .through the blood of the everlasting covenant snake you perfect in *very good Work to do his will, workin in you that whichie well pleasing in his sight- through Jesus Christ to who be glory for ever and ever; amen. • Besides the •above._Tery valuable gifts Mr.. Taylor was the recipient of a nun ber of handsome and useful articles from Ike different members -of the ,con: ;rogation as an acknowledgement of the high esteem in which the is :held _bv them. Mr. Taylor intends retiring Prem active -• service' in the ministry at the present time, and left for his home near Blyth an Tuesday last; accompanied by the; well wishes . of s large circle of friends, •= • • - BORN.. f RAu&M.-In Lucknow, ..on Tuesday, May '23rd, 1882, the ..wife of Robert Graham, +'.q,of a son. FINDLATER,—In Lucknow; on Sunday, May 28th; 1882, tha wife of James Finidlater, Esq.-, of a son,: - DIe$I —ID Lucknow, on Wednesday, May 31st, the wife of •. Mr. Andrew Dickie, of a daughter. - -• = D. LED Aoxaw.--lti Ashfield,: at his- Father's residence, .on . Monday April • liter - 1882, .Rimes Aghew, aged 29 years and 2 reenths..•' TRELEAVEN,---In Ashfield, on Sunday, May 28th,' - -son of Mr. Robert. Treleaven', aged:'1,year and 3 months. GRUNTDY.-In-Lucknow,on Wednesday, May 31st, Albert Tupper Grundy, son of Mr. Jahn Grundy; - aged three yetraaree6 five w-,Fks.- immense u:antitie.s of: Fresh S riff �m . of�er��� ' every .day PRINTS FROM. 6 TO: 15 -.0E -NTS- DRESS- 000.DS 9 TO: 25 OE oods. actin -IT -Cotton .5 to 121 cents: • The best -assortment of Tweeds in town; at the low I st l aces.. A. • Ane assortment of Boca . is and -Shoes. .Just o ened TWO cases -of _ of Read - -lade :�1 lotlirn�`'.. - - .: ' , NEW LOT OF ..GLASSWARE AND - CROCKE Lots of Straw Hats. Felt Hats -from 50 cents a at fro � .'' _ , 300- 1 - •P:RU;NEL.l A S.HCES /AN D - AITERS m 50 to. 60 :0 3. P/4 RS G NEW -STRAW AND •,FELT.' HATS IN =GREAT':. VARIETY;_ A nts: at �sA NEW _SPANISH LACES IN ALL COLORS,. _AT A. MACINTYRE'S. 100 Pieces of Dress Goods in ,all •shadesand prices,- a -t 'A. MacInt 're's: P r .p � a :los; brellai. Satchels, and a . great of Fancy *Goods at . A A. _MacInt• rt s. Ladies'. � variety � Y � yand . Gent . Collars, Ladies' and Gents Ties. Ladies' and -Gents Kid Gloves, I e c. NM ac t n.t. Fisher & Ilutto� PATENT_ OLLER F 424 2m, WINO11AM. ole Loan. _ SPAVIN - Cu reasonable On -Real Estate, at rates, on - terms of payment. to suit Borrowers; -ELLI6T: TRAVER.. OFFICE- Next- to Post °Lee:: :Luckriow , March AT .. LA:VRENCE'S` OLD STAND;:=LU('KTO To the farmers :and the=generalublic.:It will not .pay Y p ybuto buy anything in:the: Hardware Line•till =ou -call at the New- Store of T.Lawrence Campbell 11'stret :- now, where a greatVariety MO* is nOw opened out. New designs -iii Builders de s Hardws,re, _ .-; - - Cullary, Platen Marc, Paints ; Oils,.. Gass Putty, ;Shou4 - Manure and Pitch Forks-, Hoes, Rakes, andeverything found lu a First -: Mass xardware Sore. will still continue' to kee. usual a fine lot of I will to inform the citizens of Lucknow aid: surrounding- country, that :I have -. opened up_ a. ER SHOP 'll's Old Stand: I will keep fin hand ai . all times •. ALL: KINDS,OF FRESH- MEAT. Meat Delivered to all • Parts of the 'rile aon Shortest N ' ;i - ot.cer _ Give me a call. JAMES LINDSAY: • TiiaCknO w, Sept. 9th.• - - • anite Wares, also Box Par10 and Cook S toyes, All of which' are: marked down avetrou hing :.and Repairing : Promptly ti Attended To,. •• As nonebut first-class _workmen are -.employed, parties oring us with their .wore . can rely n - on having t g orl':'ob_ done,and at as low prices:as can be done.: in any first-class slie r P in the country. While returning m� thanks.to the Public,for. r. Y L the liberala,tronage bestowed° ini n:e i» tlee -1,hope - est. 1 h P lef,o r z• the eontiiluance of -the- same in .the -future, e�dalt's : I$. 8Vin = Cine. P The most succesafu remedy ever : erred. it is certain in its effects and _ gti blister. Read proof bel w - • KENDALL'S :SPAVINNew Hamburg, Ont , Ds . 28th,188 Mr. F. It McCallum, dearairti -The-bottle of Dr. Bendall': Spavin Cure bo ght of you last sunnier -ave me theutmost satisfaction and performed. a wonderful -cure' pon amare• nineteen years olid belonging to T :,which was - badly spavined for ten years. She as so lame that I -could hardlyget leer--to-...Ove. :- •Eh., lameness is entirelygone. after ins half,- a. bottle of .the cure, and -ehe is 1 e ;a - young horse again Yours truly J. P, Roza, - : KEN`DALL'S. SPAVIN: CURE. Send 'addiess for: -Illustrat.ed Cir` a alar which - we think gives positive _pro., f of its - -• • virtues. • Nm.yy o redhas, eve met- -with .s such unqualified sue ass.. to our knowledge,for he est as well as man. - ` -Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. " 1 - druggists have it orcanget it for you,-•or.it.will-he sent t any - address on receipt of price by P' . prietors, - Dr. B. 1. Kendall &. o' - .osburgh Falls, Vt. , SOLD BY ALL 'DR T GGISTS. LY -MAN SONS & CO., MONTREAL P. 9: , t Wholesale ents. WILL CUREOR `6REL4 VE .BILIOUSNESS, DWIN E' , DYSPEPSIA,- DROPSY, iNDISESTlDN_.,. - FLUTTER O • JAUNDICE. : OF TN . HEART; .: ERYSIPELAS; ' ACIDITY - '8ALT R.BEUM • : : - I'H-E TOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRY NESS�_i`. - - HEADACH_ E, . . . - OFT E SKIN, And ever. s ecies Of disease_ i er Y. P. ar Ing :froett d rde So ed"I L VER 1' K DNt=I' S OMA CH; CH' - .BOWELS OR . BLOOD; H ' ,ONTO• THOS.. LAWRENCE. T. MILBURN & d0, 'Pr;