The Sentinel, 1882-05-26, Page 8EL: 7.41 The COlebr. ated 1449rthbtfif Illu
1. -BEES, to E E 30�-evt'-ot 1101yrood LORMX k
�Mr. James L( ibil Kit 1ki ffs,�t 1,ot 26, Ing Exhi ation. di oil -Nnli itand for Col h 9, op kvr. hits 48as i-- blabkimii hort NV.ebelieve'94 T. -Wal -sale.- i'mith of nad& Stlitiffel street, lat�ly occupied- 4.., callwil -Fi*q 'fii)r*n-. "t A.- Yed nt&w regis or 1 wjsh, t(v. thb peopl�., of Licknow �-tojj, the e walker"' ot C.a be Prepared to do gis or 11julp, ie he wi 10y
ze,r w lie country, that 11 MR. ROW bitjoij of. speadid thisy Fri )t by Sir 1161ir will, give an exhi UL - -kwall all kin4% of �Vork in .1c his fitie. -Seu- AV N by go rea(ty t) do 11 kinU'of 'Work -im R' t * t villfigo some time shortly. ine,at lo,wes.i* p.rittes., cousits eu G. (-.3 e -in another oOlumil.. D. (I -b3F- Ptddient,. ouni t ic wit w6rk vertilapm ut I Uttleliiiib 7 ekation. - ry ille -01sturbing-Ah -0 Whh-had-thAt'.. et f%, is white a9411, w 0 Sev4raL young W011 oved Had Teeth i P, SY SO -OF 19EVI X front the pulpit, -in, the Kethoilist, church' US-, . I, C -- I were repr She 1 Utt %fwars brushe -d -ith NAURRY"YOU'know- oW .1 T to; RT Sp00tatt-Y*:FMrdb& and Stereo ge was t. At- t4je. e astul 6pen 10 on Sariday la� —A -veiy. suece S ON P011 T stope$- lklwiya: a hartd'* 46re a tSerVides spe.cial'pra.ver was M of the Bille Go itubers held by - - the I- be 1eld fit t g St. - ay- - tite 261; -Pu Yi. -rood Ott by &iterj4 their behalf. on eiiin -10'. d
JO,"-SO`Ni --the p r 03 ki-11, 1104 t tDjokno-W, Scot,, 9th, siting �jogriniule *0 gmis davi M ay ;tt eu A Very ilitere e lood, ti-ine mias naral g. LOOAL OHIPS, thrOU94, ard Aj 1-3tb 1882- ..................... spoutoi, E L T� 1. 1% S e.xchairge� for. -awr Gj-"JiSS Seed will ta6,Butter�a d; Eggs- a, AND FOR'SAL —Reat a Dilu I adver- #11itngarlan I Lees g. it shepard!s VIM GOIN.g% XORTU- JOING SOUTH -ibstuallt, in another 010mn... 8S, . . . � : .. . ?. ..- . . .- .- . . 9 o.f -the co NorTA TVINE untry ure HAT.JF I QTN To i .'Aih- �1 12L 6& r*all-Paperait mople Cu'liees�itl be on the ..Shepard! brug'810re- fts' This R r itap-. . lookout fo a BOOTS. 9:- 1, 15 UM&n Y. W' idate Wo. Om -24 th peciman of h it X, 44� ffll�takv place on cl J�Okijjg -8� ia pie-, B 0. )a is c -wLo ii p6ra. ountry #301 d u -it of twenty-dWe 7� 5 0, 0- '18 on the 20th ofjune. ulbulating tl'6 C 'As -o ettickofSpifilgG. -irther pa well. 13th,,and a 'etij, Nfli bear' -acres pr7.. Ore. orns and' e riery lina,'aud having -a L,tock th. ujlea jug ai� -uustrum trjr�� curing . c, hild by n, W A CIO. 'l'ivm joircha'sing else*here. - -T -T —The Abooting gillerY Vian P 'Letiatt. -The.jiublic 'p be of inde lit,pictures as tin g6 lift stakes aricl left, for- pastures new on UP purchase his wares-.� oinducement to 0 xi Obai, Monday last, T - of —Th�.,.sbower rain on molidaY. LA RNO GOOD -8 -W ER ---------- DIES -zto: tile spring oAhp. V est- -1tid &it done go �ice . od sei C. fch aj G7jov�. Kid 14"the Bleictoirs Dianio�fl Kid !Far weitSerm,on-.- in of prucee Kid, 'ia, r - . 4, crops. Fien6 Kidi I I ir who is abo ur.istockbf. h 8�v e,.w Atedded tild, c�'Iet n M Wolke-Ito 0hild?l n -the as tion of j-1je Wait Riding of Bruce$. d Cliiikch in. t i —'A large nUmbeir f, our T,il of St. Audiews .w-Th'o 'Refor' Conven on -Sund oii th6*24tha. ra, , tiio es e -fax -04DUS' heir:
01 —Tile- T(,181dell&'t Y OXItt a. 460k of 114ron e C IOU. cali le t, uotib� beat in town Yg Ronald, of the 4th. ba. ppronebifig Ltp -A
e k. tio- keg destioyed. by -fire I -as AYR for the House of,common w LADIES TIV-S, 01) publiv e hereby notilY. rs oa.,tha 24th st! baw bnU nifitell Was:. —A large nu tilber- 4 ftne horie's wer t nee of the 6 Tit S to allnoulice My aceep a aniQ) .NN"e are now of, boots ac to execitt-14 -Y�oung Dritons!" 'pe Y.09licit your th gen 4�1 itbt th-ey-itrij -prep�..
d from Z11i v thist week. 'Vote and aim- h A in. -fil E6 U.1��Yior sty]. it. Come aud:siecura a iaT,, and resppuAlull dO_U arld, yol Il "D G in- 9 -ka*� M. I - Nt, A. 8 6 mbout he WiioLE5-%Li,& nia . es TILDIN Odthe 2nd siekest -11 we -know of at the pr (jilt E �A b ic ques-. ent. -Ify views 44 t-beread, P01 i) it the %t 'i tha'l�tter by favor -of Pill to.. to BlIfIly niihe contra, fi If. t& dty aTe wellkn(mn a low tio, 8 uer ant -w:tf, great 'Alitisf W sea$ illoipl �Mr',; Tho. Farrow, M. V., js be- d -ill be of you, an w 1%Vrag generally All The 2�tl loll -a %with fle pr is (d. thw great Reform tR AN Collector.% 1 o G ericb;-. pf' bnnoup tiblished. dit.l.diress . OM $A ide -of horkes at Gcrrie. on k acIvaiiW9.6 of —A 'big, a Ifot of the V1160m e 'jn�rd,� jo -ri' to cast a gjjl�t QY6 i0W rd _the, big constitu ihott no k holiclay ige. mid the streets. gi niiittg tf od cod by our leadtr,ffie d on h, d'o ,and went to the aiffen-A.T" W, an ed ay, NIty 30d, w teF'* I the cheap trips -I shall o Y interference ith- We gnarantee good w"r plad in, oither �Pqsef an. en- d ilia es. of amusmabiA �Wall paper, largestq best deb -tut the best etworkni ivincial -rights'oll the -pari of the ir .8 .6ur Pr, audehigipest in, 6wwit at ShePar FeilerAl Govinuft"b"t) whet.he in drug store er Me 20th ()f --;� 110"tt iljg to ratify s!, A fit at nlative ts of purely airth 22nit, -lethodi., Lu BY IF 6 a )Ciety, in coune �Aft 1,rj� witij tilt- IN t -Church, wili C nade: will ber h(l,ne'-red With the g le-gis Ll [UTO .J10 I : 00-L E4%vard blake. P.-ofticiij. cl-.atacter.' h4d. y evFefil-119.71 Irish ler, the Ho. ai oil Tat sti, pfem r iles Qprpo 0 777T i�i:rtgNr. Walter I sliftil lflneWiae at all ti, HE. -FU ;E G V we �AA ti.e BScrIBEr,!3 ver L L ii0p6lies tendinc- to enricli-the -tew at -y TreleaA-Au's store, (kindly lemit f4r the T k -the pAhe for the W N A ylue 'cattle. on 8..ijuray. n10 Ao t�ap L ment of Yer .�t gener�l pulllic,At tbe. patr6mage,they h ece - ived for the Imst W %V W V,%V ts ind sat e- pe- aver .1 I Personal A A
occasiort) 'OS111`10 A juat. It is. surpriing w nope bV sti'qt W �A L L L tid- sainer time 1 4o nutAmire"to lyledrr# ti:Ou years, and A I rifigraull � Wals that it t- this station merit int p ie- of, n1wite" D shipped a 1�rOonto.t r -ge Wit.11 -vested rights where alai ailtiouit aye spa ill be givcn- w:t h neith-Jr. come frotv,. caikal rn&Y'bo..sacftfi41 yo -.t I thil-1k. 6iir.'Ilnachilher]'first-.cl4ws o r"d er, . I - :-A. We - - P
getting R : 9 opren af-, TM, Let k1l. sfaoiou,�in F E cra pi in the re -the' -to eA —Let.evt-ry, p expe�� A: Ijkistkd BQr.-to ensu of t1le, bus. a tariff so at H- 4j
as SUO U8. 8.011101lie. eliie. 'Rtdftig U.Btuee east4lix the. d- braincLOR �h -RR quirvd tor'the a P antoullt 0. Revenuq rf PPPP A� A -Jullo.' That i's it -the Todels i n" Oarding!, 'uvernineilt, 20th.�ef i0li of our w-Rioll Makihk;,P�016�h Onew! 94 P AAA P P fac� the raas.0 t etiolf,fU A e nitingi-Etc, P1 r I! majority. Oil NVvdne8d;,Y the tieert ;i anipla pro t �AP W, --When 'a mi!4'takes u?*1politics for our iii(luitiies for many years to 1 -of Luakno, of iw - h it ing tilt-ir own woo can ave Birtild-tY,,the " sepoy-s! Partie"k furiiiiih�. ifli li, Profession his -tture changes Ito �aslly 8taTS. They .WeLir Wdlek-rtoll to croea sticks w, conle. up.- .- Yor-listof ptices see.p( tur mai je t ti a tha%, ibey -have: large ines a frog, woum also in M wn,. as a tadpole -beck, Yoiir obed 6ut.servan &bat AM LL. A es 111e, . . V 'Remove zlia d4b patters :6 jjCoI.M C. P�E' rd variedstoo'k of con.t ted twil. So u�F wall: A Rub cheaorvehetp at he ard's on both Paper And STO&K-IN, pl -storeo G-YARNS.on hand' and always- ur- jre�mises drug oil y ock. -aa-- -pretty' evet, r ji(fdIngtothest teatils. wL r�nte(ll t9 give 0 tritly wadver.' (I half A r,-. which thiqwill 8411, L-1, ehe,l - ar. e S, a, heTrearp it, &6., Sub es For. Sale. to 1
t�iged. tLi.�Iha Keusag papeft, w1iielt give* ts Struggle, ihb� a, Was declare d -a 9AUX I cheap for. aSh"or W( so dr&AY,t;1 witholjrt a -goat heills �icored, for a ThOrQ119 LEES ur GIV6 To oVer u either. Side. � The return, piatell- w (10 It is u n4i�-rstood that order for the. �T-A MT- Ll j:W I �'u Lu�khq*,-X�y 26th, ha Iq thits,,viijag on. -tjis, firstr uf� I -it have- ben -tck a 1hrge.assortment of Bee sup-, June eampi of as itt, consequene-i of 'w1jil6c. of YOUT tip Ir a T SMOKERS; -1 j%QU§eK. F(U A ret r e - a ri a 'ing appears in theSyrar RIVE bhe vtand,.tiir;ie!r o ons taC-Ing plac6 next inon-til., �The fo 10 -3. etc.. 'Reme4bbe, 'A tlie elect -,IB. '110 Little and farility Co. 14D W r a week',%! vi 0 pposite'-. sit, niar. Lent�oll.� Campbell and 11aveltick streeiii howof att*� C.1jie, Journal W I t —81 � I - - - � -.4 . ,,,
arn -ence, Lu,�know. 4 tatnerel1l., *QUL the .,Rt:V'� eQtchinati, dhect frj�.jlj G �r'g iesid -ZU -VIRTUE HE Ca- roll, �,b4rgb -.-bai aidIlY wife of-blusettlAr PER A. OYT Edit NDBY AND - T 1, tvii a In -a certain wer of �sa o con ine J darobusto vesado. IL) - p P1 pulrtj -hi mol 0gei produced at tha t w k o tisdar of last �Vill jv n -irk, t6ae,,,her of seporateilx; C -by pul, v yr- Vidolud, at %Vhital�'S HotA i_th 'Y jark ot: the., gehooner I A Cl SM I Y -H "S of sale- there will- be sold. 11.4f4, he will dj all thiiiq." Bi -yap i I, u fie. ee LUCK S .4ds in quantities to suit -Or
k*r d- fseed'inbulk NOW- iflt�nkjs� atijoying the baltn,y ellast Every n � 0 f tho, e .jo.k. tot -ent%t tilree, a's drugstitire. blo.zes, 0 Mr. Robert R the gerry- -011i? of th h Kidd I UNE 3R.D tURDAY J OCRER SAT Itme- frain 'I rute 0'a TfluradaY last - nlaxt4tr ItIl is t, A L Is [Ago k� hol CA avi most Y- t W. -hour ol eve Sup n in 'N At the . OC cku) 1 early. t f,,r iviuL, pando-signedr w is now"Showiti
,Njr. jubu Gtawick lef ry age of.a, t 'jwo o'clock -in the afternoon. itid St k r
a'be - turn. Of C r w will 'tikor th(� fit -bi, '�elir our4e, this I Sit till ngilur that certain, parce or tract on in a -j'ate of Holyrood ) - r -11 Ill A t �atv, ying-an. .-, eing. aii,—. -r A. De Gaineroxi, prettil arranged eoustitluWjr be. of I%Ild_ -ad, premsts AT U d 'b fur :' m ito 1) tnQh- -'Of Ashfitld. in i �u C '"fer"stie6t, Lucknoyv -a.-nd Province equalized 'h6 towiihIp of chitgrib, containing -I- ith shop I Raviitk eae6d the. blaeksmi he.C( lify. of 'a offee OLIld oieilpW by. "I t V razer,xR no .- prepzr f to sAd,icate was, �hit. village th.9, (1..racei' ed -James F W ad to do all kinds bys,imeasureineut tifik-RcrO 01 land and be� terly.qiiax!ter -0 i !%ng Rouklidpj of Tor, of Horse -Shoeing and-G�fieral Blacks V;. wd of the south w-ek enillusiastic w 0; 0 "A Oe ii homefrom - in 'in -the- 'ninth a nost -test week. U6 H Repairing"dozie'n the &&.i tide- lot bumb'er we ,the village this wevkl�, M46 townithip` 4 naa� Ila, I�Ls Constituents liusouth H a call. division of the Sal he wastern j . LOOKERT.. be otbarWise A�s�ribt d asi G--tineron -ha.3.prk Ved- au able rppreseuta� A66eld, - and- in -dug sit the creek Reform Mebfirtg at volyrood.:, lofloi4stlat is to say comwel�, sturdy defender of' lisq. he Why 81 Ver* it estie "near to 'd P Of effer f jhj. u6ith �aiterly si A� larger arid t�p term ive 6 ular riglltj--� when Burdock oo will. ihe a w;idth-of &,spa Ira ind- iWarden see d, v. -ty r6di tbciuce South" _h I it$ 1146 10 cents. iot aotit.thir _Wlyr importe larae - -a I Osts d iB Prvi 8' Halli, 04 d i . r 611"undreA all trial bo Me Refuriluers of b -division X,�. 2-i dq _cure the ill cr�dk, - T-henbe in �ii easterly W M -EW- .44 (18. fiel wee N 1W tbe centr6 linex, 1b1i)utr Muni .etiing-� X�y 1.5th, f6r the She -storedir n - tke160,noesii6n. line South ,pard.s dr a. rdo j Blom th -concesal"311- Ine 'AT to attellxl�'.tbe —Sub,scription lists are being setit, to gfrtoh� centrelini to 0 west along .the said- concession- lizo -to - o Uty 16th. )r the, purpose DU -four and. fiv'' lat(A boundary line, batyreeii liots - linb fli L dar currig4il, ity, Virtue- of flier a, njotiumeitt to the* .xloitlualou� sai&boun -v to F Pot
u c tin 6g.: thei 6e'of Mrs. -creek to,tbe V auct 1118 (ME1 rrhe limit& 0 be extendoed ibeginning. Said _I ith io fitty j'L jS of -W T H VgL(:e y*ur chiliren, an ocr F d which Jre in which he d a4d 58OR-E. Y a ha- 0 upt 'been, vgcclljated your--, a -te in �thair bouiddTiesii About uftt r na. will tl;i, vaccinated �at t WEN' Y. F1 -c- of E . 1 - John selvep, get T l whi o you no hartni (latd'. Of.- S rpr1ba -the publi rrfle- otts begs- Luckpo� 'Shv has cost ( illy at leave to Ji
Sanles WW', '8vitzeT, lay' Save 3,ou of a tiLit, said lind v- Gordoo, r lifie ax)(l that a a - ., - aW - at;d "it n axe clealred, an -b-av A riety in r de re; Ild. 11(flut Parves WL*ra appPlu e al A Having open ct. door *In. dor cultiviltioD, and u " dlr,(Iqt is otitere. Pr ven ion I'S �ed olit his new shop, neY un. is determined sil5n�k block, -.ffIajh..-1he Soil is sandy- he delegaties tu to Supplied wit1r. d, landa poull. fialn keep t4. public Then and spi Lq t firtners we—Agloutx so Ptitre Vosery, lod. b,.r tht, g.11 hinau *it* the 0 fir t SWAIII)w SiirkL, In ant -to --Bibs, past., *hoL'6Lr'e Wellr posted, ind don' f s La,6e Bon ,.,I - . _ (,y iTiley ars fatnill&r �-Timpjjrcentof �the purchasemoney -Ladi .8, TE i orl'jar nent, th -a -paid tOL the Vendor, or her Soliitor Booties, Material forr Df n.. . _11 _ r im " letuent. or Laid 'n
f.. . Wile was -shall b 'Ine ridefs., Cir every 1 Silk tawn Getits Mus article they a With tife p :PAT, S-- it the of aCnd the balancez - on th' idia num'zated as can, FRESHM i if -th s-CULU, -Lice Oollitrs, j�letion (if te b4 ral-Setts- i -et -or -l -a -me Silks- -a�A-othvr 'h dittateli fur a so de, sire- one. &H-ofAlro pur� ility, atid- are gailek IIY,' ble f Fancy 'Card- urch
ake Tnu; tids u. t %vitb in Braids in variety. .4UI k conalt=e( V -.WC -.Aft PTO$; dhase money -with. intereft'at eight,per ce 'Uri - - 0. eiiectio 0 sa loy purchw;es. . - - _Vag ktdL As in 'bty - . . '' boards..Mottoe�s in tile Va ing, r,,3 Ito of zhoiee9t -quality, grq4t.vaxil go t rietk! - 8tb6juj;d- Brai tfie M gr 'tile ititell'ge'llt jZ,rnle W axid�atlowest may be imured by Pillow Th It.: ime�. -Pa. leg. re Pocke a4: -V of ,t, wi IL -ar 01 Shams Fancy Work rwijer4.purvi I t� - ilocal papLr4. glid other art -runs -it) Vely iefs,LS i�ts too n.m, 'th; the 13 )c 618ilk an rifee" and r(e)7e of the towilship- W, kerch. otion vn wat buine ' 99, menti6iiii _ hirt Braidz,, 41 Cotton in )ing'jej a to ord6r. Come eyes; for flors(Mg. are 1101T, IILA Confie in', Mc The i bj4et to. a,regetivo bid -by the �bundance. taml 1.# perjo.11 purposes kt;el)i t- k Bpje- will be. in will b6 in o�shoV7,�L tbat the Vondon' -In other-respeots �the -sale' L L f see-, -for tr6 L "t CL road aitht time -0 ellt-L said ridaig (WrIl4v - 111- acoord nilditions to. t ance with c E Yorfurther ]*�Li ulars a S., cannot sea 110. 4 good br, qg, pp The meeting. wat G ARDEN V GATABLEl', :"I* 0- of thati ka beiii ton.. �Th Inqp_ McArthur, forulerlY 4 L - � : : -rrR tv ab10' 'set K-itIcarifine, was 86 ell V.andopl olicitor dwa, to �11 kiudiij their pirofft.)p , Se"011 ]We yea s- I isoninwit -fur vetthij which,10 a great etetit� til# to- 1.4 Pwlronoaaq�of thekablia --.Dkted wl 19ih dU tul t -b ldrinkd-il' Wi I' e
K O'
oo r -hlD, T