The Sentinel, 1882-05-26, Page 4She Pitt lure* cfniatinct, eras t'ateseTV TO UTTER AA'DTO AROSE $ItE ;Lt ++.GI'Lt&1 ING TO TUE DICT TER OF QONSQIEn3QE WE- rItIZE ABOVE. ALL -O THEIV,ttiBL}i'rl.LB'. Z4okuow : a ' 1G, i5$L. (u. MEasxi,R, the Reform: candidate s f )r East Bruce, has been .a.`resident of .Formosa for ever twenty years, during which time he.has been extensively Employed in the_ mercantile business. Ile is possessed of tuns derab e ability ::suit has by strict integrity, gained ..a de=erved- popularity,: tbrnurltoutt to e ftrclit g, . where he is so- well and faqir - alirly kt own as to: ret; ett his election au almost aertailnty. . The friends of Mtlr: ill es:mer being 'dell organized, and unit: ed to a: than' are sure t<e carry,.. the. Midi rug—Teeswator A . REW postal law or •decision in the V, S authorivs the publishers of news papers to. arrest any thee nes tT-iefvrlier • takes their papers•and- recuse to pay for petit. This is a :air and j udiciaus'law, sorrel such has been enacted "years ago, as. •a means of protean:4 to pubiishe&s,,-f& r there are .lots of persons who will take 'a; paper for a time, and when asked to, Ipay. for it il-ia t It a'. ing -publiisher, and tatinnt;ngly e efy hint to get it if he %iu., - lIn. this manner <publishers _lose • hundreds of. dollars. The laiw is intend- e4 to meet just: auch rascals;= ai d pub- `getlerally should tuiite_ in having itet,forced. • A little of the same kind of tang in -Canada would not be out •ok- Octets and would prove a boort to 1).14- Littera ub-I.isl era who lose. a.large. Sudo : annually ratherthan sus delinquent: subsc ibers 'by the. resent Division Court protease; which is slow, Eioiubt.fui lurid expensive,. for it is au easy matter -to get a; j:udg nntent, but quite. another to enforce -ooh • lotion of it. , ,notion of keeping sefteral millions of -stfrpiue re.enues. lying -in the banks, the customs duties could be generally reduced,. avid the people would have money loft: to.epend or save for their children. So iotg-aa the revenue idea predominates in framing a tariff, • there- will herewill be constant pressure to -keepthat tariff low::• . BORN. - GirrA►r, l n. 'Kinloss, on Thursday, - May lltli, Ian, the. wite of Air. John. Graham, of -a, -son. • ,Satiouttt 5'f1L% superior to all otherpttrgatires in strength and viitie,.tn safet'j-and mildness of action. • - L!akot 1 wadi to inform the citizens: of 7.ucknow and stirrouilding counts`,,' that I have openee up -a' p �i OH -R SIIOP T� In R. G. Greeuwill's Old Stand. I will keep on hand at alit/Ines ' . • "When our Vithi a Cnuniuil striates_ the: r,t_te ess .ta xetion.for $ year, all the people are on. the. 10Oh;Otte.: Every ratepayer knows that in the following February be will. have .to call at • the Collector's c rdice with• a considerable Muni: in cash, er at certified :ohequa, and.- he des not.. want to pay one :dollar niore than. is noc esstry.. He watches, the pr:aceediuge. of, Council during the:ye_aar to see,.hew • - the V.all,ige tuns are expended, and if the sees: waste ter ext r,6veganae. anyik here h,.;t votes for newt councillors at the en:. - ailing election. Und- r- the eyetezn of direct taxation the : taxpayers ktro-w exactly what civic -goverment' costs t.i�etn, an they are to a man opposed•, to reckless. waiste_of their contributions. Undee°, the system, of indirect: taxation .by Winch the Dotninion: -Government • (Atkinsits revenues: the' contributors.do, not trace. the Coat ars clearly- ly ae if then handed over the money 1'4 bul~-k k suint - slice a. year. A matt goer to the grocer a id bnv 10` pounds: of stlignr, p.tyirig; to- • ui.e Gov -eminent in..Breit operation,' a'bottb 35Or 4Q' cents cat tasks* Itts- wiiie buys a dgz.en; yards of entice, and flee G, t crtnier,;t gets 4.0 or 50 .recta t f the, pitloha:-fs money, The hutches. Sends a roast beef fir dinner,. .and the. ' . 'G.lvern nuttt gets a tax on- the corn wt"•tt: which tftt steer- was. tettenetl.: °11'bet farmer. ce•nteS in: with: a baa of po-. tat -e.,, for. Nitwit]. he .asks mora bercau ee: he him pa.i t Mixes on itis • imipietrreuts, ins t.luth ng and his:• g,rue rie,,:: 4Ve pay Ono*, tzt-at a Cvithout ttteamn ins the out 2114v with t•b4.ltayttt ut, hot taint Est- u -- .krttrcy that what: we they woad be- elte.ig•e- it tilers-'We1'e3 .na iudtxe.kt taxes. A pounitl of sugar for --d or 7 canter,- a - • yard e t cotton f.fr .y or a cents, a yar.1 of gyred- feni 30 cents less thane tt• costs nww. A ;galton of -coat oil for .14 cents: antra general reduction in the price of the •thousand and c�ti. things that-house- eepers. Ens oa ily bey would $bOn make a• e in the-rocnfotts. of our.elves difference - 1 d fentilios. Iirafl'L111t; this, aur nat-U- satu ; that the Governe:Lt shelf. l- desire t,. keep the duties lc,w ;- that no niouey - t be wasted' in gifts -Of a:itl9,?55 to •saatil 8 • thitierlc+nk,_ or extra• s'tbsirlies- of $3,099,000' to Sl inlieo_ .et.U:o., or illegal ' r - e•Galiotn psym®nes of ��,tlt�-(}.- to Mr, , M. P., ft,rrii sly *run- .4 the schooner Upper. If-tltww soros ere saved, `and Sir Leonard Tilley gots, cute: of his AU; KINGS QF .vriEEE4 MEAT. •Meat. Delivered to: all Parts of the Mirage, -:one Shortest -Notice.. TN IN 1– CIO OW 1 .- -sees: uarrtities �f - Fresh Spring Ga9i~ts • q• E - am: offering: every :day �rmrn •� �� �Gooc� s To a���r PRINTS- FROM' 6 To 15 GENTS• :Dogs .:. - cEN- •. rti�en -,of Tweeds In town,, -at -the log; -est. ,ices. Factory Cotton`5 to 124- cents; The best asso li. - •- Rea .: ,: d -e Cloth ng.t..d� xna A •fine .assortment of: Boots and Shoes. . Just_ opened TWO ca>�es of: OF : GLASSWARE' AND A NEW • Lots of Straw Hats. Felt Hats from 50 cents tip at MOW 01 - _�-AND AITIERS frim �o to. 00_ ce1Zl, dao PAIRS 'PRU N S -LLA •SHO -: G Give me a call JAMES LI N DS -AY. L.uckuoir, Sept. 9th. ABOLITION NEW STR,AW __ AND .FELT HATS IN GREAT VARIETY, AT . _ A MAO21TTE? SPANISHIN ALL COLORS, AT A. MACINTYRE S:. NEW LACES . �- - - - - � . �- ` l�7ac�nt� re's, Y�i•slc�s, Trim bl elI-a fi, .. in all shades and prices, st ,r�, of:�Dress =Goods. I , .. (lents' lU0 Pieces.. - . - - :. - oods at A°. MacIinty��e s. Ladies'..and- C tents` -C Vara.. Satchels, and .a great variety of Fancy neY G .. i � . . i Gents Ties. `Ladies' and. Gents Kid Gloves Lathes and Alex. Niacin -tyre' -. The pioneer is ahead. of all competitors, offer- ' . ing U k hests of • oung• I-Iysol -Tea. Duty free ; splendid value. Sugars Coffees, SPIc,ES; I ` TOBACCOS, and - GENERAL GROCERLES. t -Low Paces.: Land._ FroSalc A� CAMPBELL'S,: Y Fisher It.Button's PATENT ROLLER FLOUT,, WINGHAbi. 424.2m. . ' 4 U F AG i`URED I\T TORONTO; A Permanent, fiure cure for Diseases, Die main.; au .Ailments of the Kidneys,•. Biaadder and Urinary S•eeretiveSystent, ,err• Attendant of Oomplaiuts--causing fain n Small of Back, . Sides, etc;., producing Urinary Viiurtiere. such as toys frequent, Scanty, Difficult, Painful "or . Copious ious Mictliration, Inabi l ityy of Retention anFSedimentary Urine,: Dropsical Symptoms, etc, denoting elle presence in `the, system ,f- Diseases: common to tesla Secretive Organs, known as Gmvel,. f:attarh of the Bladder and Passages , _rights' Disease, Diabetes,Uruysy _ ellilit etc. etc-. •• Piles, �l`er�v us U y, . ,� . can beObtain- ed F lm ni:lls .,a C sill t� t U hlc- sr Pomp ed from Di<us zists free.: • - PRTcss Child's Pad; $1.50, -(cures bed wet- ting). Regular Ped. $2 00. Special Yid for Chronic I>iseases. $3-00. .Sold by . 'dehn ii.-TENNANT, M. D., Lac;know. L!a Wrrr MAurrn; M. -)., Kincardin.. • Oil Real` Estate, at reasonable -rates on terns of _payment to suit Borrowers. E LLIOT. TRAVER OFFICE N' xt to Post-Oi.:.co Lucknow, Mnrch.11 • AT T.: LAWRENCE'S OLD: STAND, LU(tKNO � It will not . pay y general public. P hefarmers"andthe Tot Hardware.Line till you you to buy anything. in the Ha 3 call at the _ - - t -Tuck- Store of T. Lawneace, Ottmpbell stree ,. New Hardware S , • - ed out. New goods is oW opened en linty} where a great variety: of �o � P uilders Hardware, des�nsnB Iated Paints . � ss,?utty, ShQveIs,� - oes Rakes and everything found T1Anure and Pilch. For -Roes, R a n Class- IIardwrar - .. ��.. � a First C... will still continue: Lcontinue usual a fine lot of. unite Wares, also Box, an ar1o,, All: of which are marked down low. - SPAVIN CLJ:R • Xendall's: The mostsuccessfu. retnedyever E zered as.. - it is certain in its effects and,o. blister.,•' Read proof be10*.. • KENDALL'S SPAVIN URE. New. Hamburg, Oi1t.,Dec.2Blli,l3tai i1Zi>�:-H. 1VIe('a'lt>'tn, deai�sir;- The bottle i'.Dr. Bendall's$patn-C=.c:e bon ht of y -00. - IAA summer ¢•ave -the the utrnoat atisfactic and performed s wondcrfitl _cure a on a. nisi 'chwa ti . >_'- e nineteen -Nears and belonging to me,'whi a badly spavined. for ten years. She as so lame'. that 1 could hardly get 'her .to I ov-e Fl,t=: -lameness isenti�rely gone- after n •ng half a.; ' bottle nif the cure, and .she is ...Ilk ,y lk .-a-oun; 4.67e agate: Yours truly, J: F e.TH. KENDALL'S SPAVIN URE. _Send address for Illustrated Cir filar. ' hieb we think gives.positive: prop =of its virtues. No retn.!dy has ever /net • With ouch- unqualified sueeess tp our knowledge,for be est as Well as mail,- Price $1 per lxittlt; , or six bottles for 55. A I druggists have it or can g't -for you, or it will be sent t a address fin receipt -of-price b17-_ he p -a- . • prietors, Dr. B..:T.: Kendall & Co., En-- - • osbargb Falls, 4 t. •' I) B SONS tc d ea:,.. SOL` Y. ALL DE, ITGf1t5Tfi. L•YMA S aft CO. MONTEE ti -P. Q., holesale!A .ents. I .' avetrou lin� and Reialrin Proinptl Atter ded To , -*mu_ CURE OR RELIEVE E BILIO!$NESS, DI zIN SS, As nonebut first-classworkmen ale cninlo fd, .p .aitie: fa v - - ine -us. with their wont, rely u .0 lavii :t good- job done,and at as-low prices as -can: be done in any first -(•lass shop- returning- mywanks to _the: aubile fen in. the- country:. While . � 1 bestoR ed on me in tl a e 1 st, 1 hope the- liberal patronage. the e,ontinuance of thea same in the-futuro, Vit `a'. 13•ttaY, liti hats...• - B. A4. MVTCHicLL, Ondon, whole sale -Agent - % • THOS. LAWRENCE. DYSPEPSIA, . DROPS Y, INOIGESTfON.A , 'FLUTTERING..... JAUNDICE. • - - OF :HE HEART,, A IDIT. - - ER,YSiPCLASR C SALT' RHEUM TH STOOrMACH, HEARTBURN,- DRYNESS _ HEADACHE, OFt THE. SKIN, •disti Anevery apectes of dress}arising from ordered .LIVER,.. KIDNEYi $TOMAOH, IIj �}BTOnWELSOR-.BLOOD, • T. MIILBURN--&-g0: Pro TORa3'.NT