The Wingham Times, 1908-01-02, Page 6WiNtxtlAM TTB11 , JANUARY 2, Y UU$ SHILOH S tchoeu h&cod u Get a bottle to -day from your druggist. If it doesn't cure you QUICKEle than anything you ever tried he'll give ouyour money back s Shiloh's is the best, safest, surest and quickest medicine for your children's coughs and colds. It has been curing coughs and colds for 34 years. AR druggists- 2$ca see., and Saw a bottle, eo6 100110.0114 1116131016=CMIZ=92- Kernels from the Sanctum Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. Cana•la's fisheries yielded $26,125,000 last yt ar. Cape Colony tate 20,000 acres of vine yard with 60,000,003 vines. S On - CATARRH CURE . . HO. is Sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals dm ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppingsin the throat and ppetrpanantly cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. BIower free. All dealers. or Dr, A, W. Chase Xedieine co.. Toronto and Buffalo. A man seldom gets more than a dime for a hard -ruck sto:y. A crank is a man who knows all abut subject which you know nothing about. To check a cold quickly, get from your druggist some little Candy Cold Tablets called Proveutics. Druggists eTerY- where are now diepeneing Preventiee, for they are not only safe, but decidedly effective and prompt. Preventies con- tain no quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh nor sioaeuing. Taken at the "eueezestage" Preventiee will preveut .Pneumonia, Broucbitie, La Grippe, eto Emote the name. G-ood tor feverish children. 48 Preventies 25 centa. Trial Boxes 5 ote; Sold by all dealers. Wise es the man who knows what not to say and remembers not to say 71t. John Sommers, an Iadian, was killed 'while walking on the railway near St. Thomas. Stomach "Scowls."—Ever notice the seams and tnrrows that steal into the face of the sufferer from indigestion, dyspepsia and chronic stomach ail- ments? Watch the sunshine break in and the lines vanish when Dr. Von Stan's Tablets are given a chance to show their power. One lady, in writ- ing of their efficacy in her case, calls them "A heaven -born healer," 35 ate. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. -120 William Carry, aged 80 years, was shot and killed by his hired man in Toronto township. A soft answer has turned many a young man'e thoughts toward the furniture instalment houses. When the Stomach, Heart, or Kidney nerves get weak, then these organs al- ways fail. Don't drug the Stomach, nor stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. Thisis simply a makeshift. Get a Pres• eription known to druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Restorative. The Re- storative is prepared expressly for these weak inside nerves. Strengthen these nerves, build them up with Dr. Shoop's Restorative—tablets or liquid—and see how quickly help will come. Free sam- ple test sent on request by Dr. Shoop, RRaoine Wis. Your health is surely worth this simple test. t fie The man who seeks office for the public good is apt to consider him• self the entire public after he lands. Mies Minetta Granger, of Harrieton, and Mr. Hugh R. Spence, of Moles- worth, were married Christmas Eve. Bad Heart—Could not lie Down for Eighteen Months —•"I was unable to lie down in my bed for eighteen months owing to smothering spells caused by heart disease. One bottle of Dr, Ag. new's Cure for the Heart removed the trouble, and today I am as well as ever l was." L. W Law, Toronto Junction. Sold by A. L Hamilton. -123 Fire broke out Friday evening, Doc. 20th, at a few minutes past six in the cellar of the tailor shop of R. E. Downs, at Clinton, and damaged property to the extent of $1,000. The owner of the shop had just left for supper, , the blaze being discovered a few minntts after his departure. An over- heated furnace i9 supposed to have beets the cause of the fire. DOES YOUR HEAD Feel As 'Though It Was Being Ilaimnered? As' hough It Would a :?rack Open? As Though a Million Spark. Were Flying Out of Your Eyes? Horrible Sickness of Your Stomach? Then You Have Sick Headache BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS culls afford relief froth headaches no matter whether nick, nervous, t:miod e. perindieai or bilious. It cures by removing the cause. Mr. Samuel .1. II board. Belleville, Ont., writes: "Last bpr;ng 1 was eery poorly. my nppetiie felled nee.1 felt iseak sad n rvou hid *irk lieadaehe:, was tired all the time and not ebbe to work. I car+ Burdock Blood Bitters ra.omresudhd for Suet such s case se mine sod 2 pi two bottle, of it, sad found it to be es lobed ssed alba. 'Yat arty us s my I desk yeas metre elsette knew of lie rrtvelet et sash els Bleed Miele*" r." It is reported that Ilfr. John D. Rooke fell• r will donate $3,000,000 to bfoletaster University for the establishment of a medical department Housekeepers will quickly reoogniz°• the convenience of keeping their spices in glass jars. A Rl.suee tells them when more is needed. Mr, James Blythe has given the Meth. o?itt Church of Raleigh Plains a free site for a church., Mr. Blythe is a Catholic. C.1 eel. St IV Ca Ma. Beare the �f The Kind You Have Always Bought signature• • of G> Twenty-five hundred people were fed by the Salvation. Army in Toronto, on Christmas Day and the Army will feed To save the great tie of the foot wear- ing thrones the hose too gniokly cut a piece of <hawois olid efutpe 11 to at over the to by erwing+twe pleoes together in A meaner similar to a child's moccasin That immigration to Oaeada swill elpsely appr0aoh the :100 MO mark for 1907 was the stattrnent made Friday morning by Mr W. D Stott, head of the Iwuligratiou Department at Ottawa. tiritICN 111E WIC tx.E. As a springy, medioince f3urdoak Biped Bitters has no equal. It topes up the system and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. To oleau ivory make a light paste oe sal volatile, prepared ohalk and oil. Dip a rag in the prate and rub it on the ivory; afterward put a little more on the ivory and leave it to ,try. Then brush it off with a oloan rather stiff brach, Ce .43.. !moi r!:' Cat 3 . $caro the She Kind You Have Alwaya Boaghf b6ign• of are Washing with soap and water to which a little salts of lemon has been added will remove the grime from glass globus which is often so hard to get off even when soda is used. After well washing the globoa, rinse them thoroughly under a tap, and then let them drain dry. To prevent brass from tarnishing put an ounce of shellee into a pint of methy- lated spirit, cork the bottle and leave it till next day, then pour off the olear liquid for use, Slightly heat the brass to be treated, and then apply the solution all over with a camel hair brush. one thonsa: d children on New Years Thonlas Hoskins' Nerves --•Mr. Hos. Day, kips, a resident of Durban:le Ont., for a score of years, was a martyr to stomach and nerve disorders. Schooled to pre• judice against "pateut medicines," he started using South American Nervine as, he says "a last resort," bat sib' bottles of this great remedy proved to be his salvation physically. It can be yours. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. -124 It conte ae mach to pay the salaries of the municipal servants of New York city as it does to support the entire army of the United State 1. The salaries amount close to $70,000,000 annually. THE LADIES' FAVORITE. Lasa -Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick Headache, Billioneness, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or sickening. "I earn 30a a week and get another 30s in tips," said an elderly barber at thecityof London Court, where he was awarded 239 compensation fir being knocked down by a motor car. Sir William Henry Broadbent, phy- sioian•in-ordinary to King Edward, whose death is announced from Lon. don, received $5,000 a year from Lord Rothschild for a visit once a week. Common Sense an Modern Medical Science have reversed the almost i:ni. versal belief that Rheumatism cannot be cored. The great South American Rheumatic Onre has turned the tables and has given to sufferers, a tried, safe, simple and permanent cure. Thousands have testified that it has cured them in three days. Sold per A. L. Hamilton, —122 Besides the locust, the insects which are eaten for food are the bugong moth of Australia and the gen-gru, a fat, white moth found amongthe 1 palm trees of the West Indies. There has been a change of pro- prietors at the Hotel Normandie, at Olin. ton, Mr. C. W. Brown selling out to Mr. A. L. Strome of Berlin who took posses- sion on Saturday, Deo. 21st. Trial Catarrh treatments are being mail- ed oat free, on request, by Dr. Shoop, Rachine, Wis. These tests are proving to the people—without a penny's cost— the great value of this scientific presorlp- tion known to druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Sold by all dealers, A pretty stock for long, slim throats is made very high and snug of white tuck- ed lawn, with footing running around the neck. The collar is made to flare slightly and is finished at the bow ends with a narrow knife plaiting. Catarrhal Headaches.—That dell, wretched pain in the head jest over the eyes is one of the surest signs that the needs of catarrh have been sown, and it's your warning to administer the quickest and surest treatment to prevent the seating of this dreaded malady. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder will stop all pain in ten minutes, and cure, 50 ate. Sold by A. L. Hamilton, -121 The ill -health of Mr. W. R. Tiffin, Grand Trunk Superintendent at Allan - dale, has compelled that gentleman to seek leave of absence from duty for an indefinite length of time. Mr. P. J. Lynch, assistant superintendent, will take charge of the superintendent's office. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT re- moves all hard, soft or calloueed lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, ate. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Care ever known. Sold by A . L. Hamil- ton. A young farmer named Jordan, cf Logan Township, was fined $40 and costs, for assaulting an elderly farm- er by the Stratford police magistrate. A sentence of two months was also given him, but sentence was suspended, while Jordan was put on his good be- havior. ehavior. ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches, Bar ber's Itch and every form of contagious Itch on unman or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wolford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. Mr. 0. Callon has bought the Mahaffy farm of 100 acres on the 2nd con. of Stanley, paying therefore the sum of $5,600. It is a good farm, and worth the money. Mr. Callon has been em- ployed with Mrs. Carter, on the Huron road, Tuokeremith, for the past 12 years, and is a most industrious young man. Mrs, Grant who lived alone in the brick house on the hill north of Kincar- dine was found dead on Friday, Deo. 19th, by Mrs. George Hartwiok and .Mrs. Culbert. She had apparently been dead for a few days when discovered. 14Trs. 1tartwiok's little boy who took up bread to Mrs. Grant could not get in, and reported to his mother who, with Mrs. Culbert, went to the house bat failing to get in they sent for Mr. D. McCaskill who broke in the door. They found the deceased lying¢+ dead on the floor. Mrs. Grant was the evil» ow of the late Peter Grant and was 75 years of age. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought. Bears the Signature of „ere' It is the practice of some poultrymen to close the coops and poultry houses quite tight as soon as the first pool nights arrive. This preventsthe fowlsis from gutting the required amount of fresh etre weakens them and makes them susceptible to colds and catarrh. Make sure there are no drafts in the coops and houses, then leave the wpi- dows open. The oxygen of fresh air will do the fowls dollars' worth of good. To remove a ehappy wicker chair give the wicker a good 'crabbing with soap' and water to free it from dirt. When clean and dry gine it a coating or two of green Stain. For the seat make a cushion of green linen or green pat• tented cretonne or chintz. Another ouiillion for the back would be an bat provement. Either a loose cushion or pretty ootitrastiug oolor, or one of baa. Shape, longer than wide, made of the ewe reatttttiai as the schist, And ti r t1h Naitu rg's Remedy La grippe, pneumonia and intlu• enza often leave a nasty cough when they're gone. It is a dangerous thing, to neglect. ('urs it with OXYGI NATOR "Nature's Perfect Blood Purifier Cures M Germ Menses" F01I SALE BY DRUGGISTS THE OXYGENATOR CO,, 42 Nein teat $geese . T;aranto, Ont. Nerves Unstrung You feel Limp Load :: d with worry Unable to hleep Tired and Excitable You' 1 Grow Steadily Worse Ur,less the System is Better Nourished. Nothinz will build you up with the oertaiuty of Ferrozone. Tbousande it has cured who never hoped to be well --and here is ample prod—sub sceutittred by one of Nova liootia's prominent ceerics. "Bator° caktug the first box of Farr t zaps," writes Dare. Annie Jeffry of Sandy ()aye, N S , "my condition eves dtplurtible. Though I employed tits leo tt . kept! medical aid, I grew steadily weaker. I t met, 1 was in st.ch a low condtriou that it was impossible for iso to walk across the toots. My heart was very write, and I suffered from terrible petpltations. which the demure sold were trim' troebl.es peculiar to womeit. When I had used the third box my old•ume neer and strength returned. The palp:tmon ceased, my appetite iucreaeed, and 1 got a, good rosy color in my chtekit. Is would be impossible to speak too highly of Ferrt.zone. All, weak women should use it. I hope many suffering sisters will use Farr - ozone, fnr it will surely eure them." Rev T. 0 Morse, D D„ pastor to the Beptist Obureh, Sandy Cove, bears witness to the recovery of Mrs Jeffry, and writes: "Tbia is to certify that Mrs. Annie Jeffry is a lady upt.n whose word you can depend. I have known her since ehilohood, and bejt her to be a truthful, houcat woman." This adds additional toroe to the testi- mony of Mrs. Jeffry, and gives assnr- anoe to other sufferers that e errcz'.ne is what is claimed for it, Three was treatment costs 50o., or six boxes for $2 50 at all druggists. Capes, both long and short, and ample, though'silnpie in line, are much in evi deuce, and they promise tyo be pretty generally worn later in the,,year. Some have hoods for evening wear, and others have fiat collars, with stole ends, fin ished with embroidery, lace or braiding Tho Happiness of Health.—Ex• hilaratiou is the ripple and laughter of pure blood as it courses through the veins. South American Kidney Cure drives out all impurities and insures the richness and purity that is essential to perfect health—suooessful because it merits it—popular because it fulfils every promise—a Kidney medicine solely and purely. It never fails. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. -126 The smallest inhabited island in the world is that on which the Eddystone Lighthouse stands. At low water it is 30 feet in diameter; at high water the base of the lighthouse, the diameter of which is 28 3-4 feet, is completely coy. Bred by the waves. A tickling cough, from any -cause; is quickly stopped by Dr. Shoop's Cough Ogre. And it is so thoroughly harmless and safe, that Dr. Shoop tells mothers everywhere to give it without hesitation even to very young babes. The whole. some green leaves and tender stems of a long -healing mountainous shrub; furn- ish the curative properties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. It calms the cough, and Beals the sore and sensitive bronchial membranes. No opium, no chloroform, nothing harsh used to injure or suppress. Simply l a resinous plant extract that helps' to heaaching lungs. The Span. lards pall this shrub which the Doctor uses, "The Sacred Herb." Always do- mand Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Every time a man puts his foot ii it he feels like kicking himself, th s It in After accomplishing some 8 takes a lot of watching to, keep them accomplished. Doan's Kidney Pills aot on the kid- neys, bladder and urinary organs only. They cure backaches, weak back, rheum- atism, diabetes, congestion, iniamation, gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong action of the kidney, and bladder. The Russo-Japanese Company, for the importation into Russia of the products of Japan, ha been definitely organized. It has a capital of a million yen ($5C0,000) and proposes to found a bank. The essential lung -healing principal of the pine tree has finally been successfully separated and refined into a perfect Dough m dicing—Dr. Wood's sNorway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaotion. Price 25 oents. A lake of quicksilver, covering an area of more than three acres. and having a depth ranging from 10 feet to 50 feet, has been discovered in the mountains of the State of Vera Cruz, Mexico. The 'vane of the prodttot is estimated at milliont,. LOCAL SALESMAN WANTED fier VVingham and adjoining country to represent "Canada's Greatest Nurseries" A permanent situation for the right man, for whom the territory will be re- served, Pay weekly. Free Egnipment. Write for particulars. SToN 'r & wieLtilwaTaiv Foothill Ilttrlierles (calf 800 antes) *0&OB 7th, Chettillea. Vinegar will clear mica in stove doors s0 they look traaepareut as new. Too French war 'iep trtment 18 en - peed ie inseing out lists of motor ve• hioles which may be regarded as avail able in dist of war The automobiles are divided into throe °lasses, according to the carrying oapecity. The census includes the public envie()vehioles. C7 .ant.. !' d't 3C .4a. soars the The Kind You Hoye Always Bought f4lgnaturo ' 1,, of • To meed it sim 111' 'h :n a hot writer bag, have the hottl' featly dry, blow a little air into it than put the tan per in securel wane a antra sized piece of we tritug tissue over the .spot, a pleoe of silk aver the theme, and a clamp cloth over this. Hold a warai iron an the 010th until the boat melts the tissue o that 11 will edhare to the rub er. Bum: va damp cloth and let dry. '119ojemin Hadley died at hie house in East Somerville at ninety years of age. Ilo was born in Somerville, Mass., and cult/ on one oceasion did be ever travel beyond the Greater :Boston die- triot. It is related of hilt that he never joined any kind of orgauisttion, never purchased a ticket for,any sort of enter- tainment. never ate a meal in a hotel or restaurant, and did not spend more than one dollar in his entire life for oar fare. t -le had not voted for forty years. ° He wore a collar and necktie only on special oomasions. He acanmulated real estate valued at $1,500.000. IT PAYS F() .I\DYER'," ISE IN T1IK TIMES ADVERTISEMENT BEFORE AND AFTER TREATMENT, Canadian. Toiterine is an absolute, certain cure for Vezema, Acne Rosea, Tetter, Pimples, Blackheads, Ringworm, Barbere'Itch, Scald I-Iead,Itching Piles, ulcers, Sores, and all cutaneous and facial blemishes. Iran been thoroughly and successfully tested is hundreds of so called incurable eases. It is entirely unlike any other preparation, mixture or ointment that has been sold or pre. scribed. A few applications will convince that is has wonderful medical virtde and intrinsic merit. It is made in Canada, A good honest Cana. dist preparation. Price one boxF r.t Cents, or v boxes s Two Dollars. Mailed to any address on receipt of price. 1 Sold and recommended by all leading Drug. gists in Canada. Pamphlet free to any address. Manufactured and sold by the sole proprie. tors. The Tettorino Chemical Oho Windsor, Ontario. Sold its wingltam by ,T. Wal o t rt cEibbrf, A. 1. Ramilton and F. H. Wali. y, Druggists. .. -'iYMM.Y..uY'YRiYN'Y,SYdlltTdi.iY�9WYd6ID4ltC9 Local Option has had its fairest trial in Owen Sound. If it has failed there, it can succeed nowhere. Read what the Mayor of Owen Sound says of Ohl, cal' Option's effect on a t'l wn • w To All Whoin It Concerns Owen Sound, Nov. 27, 1907 "Local Option differs in operation very little from the Dunkin Act, which was tried in Owen Sound some years ago. "In Owen Sound there is a good, capable License Inspector, who does what he can to enforce the law, but public sentiment is against doing so, notwithstand- ing the large majority by which it was carried, and liquor is sold in large quantities yet. There has not been a single instance of anyone having beetle 'tent to gaol, although several convicticins have bee secured against nine hotels here. Lately some sew: teen in - .formations were laid by the License Inspec .r, every one of which was dismissed with costs, althou,li he had two detectives who swore that they had got lig or. "The writer knows places where liquor c. be pur- chased, in which it was never seen before L. cal Option came in force, and he is informed that then: are sixty- one of such places in the town. "The town has four policemen, and t c statutes, the by-law appointing them, a special b law and a special resolution of the Council lately p ssed, make men toenforceLocal O o n et the uof these , it the duty f s . P y y sale goes on and no convictions are made. Fr "Public sentiment is against its enforcement. "Local trade has been injured by Local Option, and scores of people in the surrounding country who used to trade in Owen Sound when License was in force, now go to Wiarton, Chesley, Port Elgin, Chatevorth, Mark - dale, Meaford, etc. Local Option has di ded our citi- zens into two hostile sections,—Local 1ptionists and Antis, who are jealous and distrustful of each other. What one proposes the other opposes. "Owen Sound is a 'House divided a ainst itself' in this respect. "The evils arising from drinking haw root been lessen- ed but rather increased. Under Licexse Law, liquors were sold in eleven hotels, and 'no ligt}r could be pur- chased by the glass outside of these hglels. Now it is sold in many places, and drunkenness ris as prevalent as ever, if not more so. There may be its open drinking at bars, but drinking from bottles has largely increased, especially among youths and youn men. Drinking takes place in private rooms, in o es,in closets, in cellars, outbuildings, etc. "It may lie asked, 'Where do theyjet it?' "It comes in on the railways, in t `inks, in suit cases, in valises, in satchels, in boxes, ba s, etc. It cotnes in on boats, 0n wagons, in carriag etc., etc. Friends bring it to friends, and there are .t ise who bring it in to make money. "It is impassible to keep liqu. out. Evidence of this can be seen its the shape of em .�° bottles and broken bottles on the streets, in lanes andout-of-the-way places, in the police courts, at the doeke, Si, "The effect on the financial aff irs in Owen Sound is this: "At the Court of Revision held by the Judge to hear cases of appeal, nine appeals were heard, the appellants claiming that their properties had been lessened in value because of Local Option. After hearing the evidence the Judge ordered that their assessments be reduced $57,750.00, and the Corporation lost, because of this, $1 ,357.1 2 in taxes. The owner of one hotel (The Coul- son House) neglected to enter an appeal, or in all prob- ability another $5,000.00 or 50,000.00 would have been struck off. The reyenue derived from hotel and shop licenses, amounting to $1,394.00, has been entirely cut off, making a direct annual Toss from these sources of $3,051.12. Beside the Corporation has had to pay for legal advice and counsel fees, etc., fully $500.00 more, in defending the by-law, and our citizens who tried to squash it lost perhaps another $4,000.00 or $5,000.00, and their relations as citizens have been embittered. "It was said that under Local Option the town would require fewer policemen, and a saving could be made in that way, which would almost, if not altogether, offset the loss of revenue. It has been found that this cannot be done, in fact the salaries of some of the policemen had to be raised very materially, and the police force should be increased. Some active Local Optionists went so far as to asic that six additional men should be put on; there are four now. No reduction in the municipal ex- penditure of Owen Sound can be made because of Local Option. "The writer was brought up in a family -of eight boys and has three of his own. "He has been in active business in Owen Sound for over forty years and is in business here yet. "He has had to do with employing men during all that time and has many men under his control now. "He has large pecuniary interests in several large manufacturing establishments Here, and has occupied the positions of School Trustee, Councillor, Reeve, Mayor, and License Commissioner. "He has served as a member of the Board of Trade, as one of its Council and as President, and knows Owen Sound thoroughly. "The writer has seen Owen Sound under indiscriminate under restricted license under the Dunkin Act, es then under the present License Act, and under Local Option, and has no hesitation in saying that Local Option has not lessened drinking, has not improved business or the financial position of the people generally, neither has, it improved the moral tone of the citizens as a whole, but on the contrary, Local Option has injured local trade and lowered the moral- well-being of very Many. "The writer deeply regrets having to say these things, but believes that it is his duty to do so, if thereby he may help to prevent others repeating the mistake made in Owen Sound."' (signed) M. KENNEDY, Mayor of Owen Sound. Believers in Lo al Option have been willing to rest .their case ' on Owen ound. Pet here is it proved that Owen Sound has suf red grievously from Local Option. Have you any r anon . to think YOUR town would not repeat O_ wen Sound's e�peripce? Would that be good for your town? nit„ before you vote! •