HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-05-19, Page 5�Y. +.y„} t • - , 4�.�...w-: •-?FP`s • kIFF 'S. : 1 r Emprium. );a SJLK8p}tOf$i UP. ,111`{C ES, RFAL ANj S'l ANISi7. LACES JAC ET ORNAMENTS, MANTLES, CASHMERES-, AND SILKS. The largest and most select stock of Millinery in. Ludlum-. Carter's Imperial, • 4 r . Ring of Swedes; • BaighJorn•Swed •Sirvng S*red e, Yello Aberdeerns • LADIES CS, FLAI\ A\D l 4NCY STRAWS, AllISSES &' CHILDREN'S+ HA 15,. n endless variety. 11.0.:T N-T`s 1tO1:I1<S_A ND CLOAKS .a the.best,uality..-, at Reasonable Prices: C` K[ LI?ki EN'S LACK BJX LI i lei, - AC aBONS, LES' . WO' LS,:and in faetev. ythin . found in a•tirat-ul"ss.itfiliiuery Establiishment. `. B.` A. flirt stook of Mourn ing G :nds., rAtantles Made to Grier in the latest style ie tit Remember the place, next door faille_ _Rost Ofce and sure Qts first-class unproved At ow Lyases" by the OF CANADA. Apply toy ' JAS. SOS EIIMLLx - Valuator: INTO - i e ESS'AGAIN OF THE LUOKNOW • 5 Harness Depot, Ia cif ritig.treat. Bargains in ■`arness.. daddies, -Trunks, Valises. Ilehet,• dzlanlcets . Slaste narness, from St4 up,_ • Team Karnes* Pram $8p. ; And eeerythingin: the line cheaper than the cheapest for, cash of utherwise.. I am bound net to be uirdersdd. All work warranted, -as Itkeep nothing but: first.ciass stock, and first claRsworkmen. I =defy competition:: Don't forget the puke, opposite IH. McHardy's Brick Block. R. PRO OTO R. The subscriber has atm Boot the:IttNF Anuary13th,-188?. - . etbot t 6,000 ` h -: oes of both none is t t a w s le schooner favor of ,tl e • late:. Adminits1n; G LOTat the rate against the. •policy of the ►Administration. I was doing at , ,L ►legs e or two the'kind. In this matter both Ad - rtion of the tions. are alike to me. I was not foo sale on.; ens : terms : and ii g consciously of either. I.was sim . y arena ed.'senting.the Bible view of the ruby sen; every.: A larg 0 RES ort Grog l Pee ° and varied selection of Garcjei� and Power Seeds. UCK OW trROM BRAZIL,. C'. The- lire Compound. Its u*oa- derful affinity • to the Digestive A.pparatus and the Lives, increas=) ing the dissolving, juices, re-liev- -i ing almost instantly the't eadfiu2 . resultsofDyspepsia,,,,I�ndigestian, and. the TORPID .Uven, makes Zope$a an every -day. necessityin gee y house. It acts : gently' and speedily in 13iliousness, Costiveness; Head ache, .Sick Headache, Distress at- - ter.Eating,Wind-on the Stomach,. Heartburn, Pains in' the Side and Dack, Want -ofAppetit,-,. :Want of Energy, Low Spirits, Foul Stam= ach:- It invigorates the Liver, car= ' riesoff all surplus bile, - regulates the Bowels, .and gives tone to the -whole system.. - _ Cut this out and take it to :your Druggist and get a 10` cent Samples - or a, large bottle for -7,5 cents, and . >trgfurneiglrborabout eat En 32. °err aiscav�eled. that high tariffs �' sus m or a$ not increased theprice : �of 1 pea use to tho :beet of the _& of LOTS f rola (ane -t( eight. acres, which be had 'exy..ohea keel'evating - & 1{lch Hermit's'Eccefitriell Cincinnati. has :a . strange -he Edward Holroyd. He was once • - in a large and successful- dry goof e- 18• 110 and at that time was public-spirith e lrnor and widely known.' Twenty .yea - retired` suddenly • front - business, . himself in a very handsome subut • deiiae, and has' never since, beef premises For months no hunt • sees him, his orders to the family in the house being sent out from in. writing, and his. -food • being through a wicket. The buildiri to ruin through: -"neglect, grounds are untended, but neither stinginess nor Jack of means property has appreciated to .21. vahue, and. he frequently gives awa in charity. He :takes the d e britt n ierg„ sad seems to. keep infor n ip the , but RADE MANICTIIEGKXA ,o•'gia5i dworldlate• A ?lir he IS ilt[ons. ' `vaterlow . waa" att- ach from y printer, ember of` yorof the imrriense 14 has • s, So ZI It&V LLE;1 once spent e for the rain. He la as one of loners, and tia%t Gene - d ether 'resorting . oaf all kin* ilea 7 cheaply. . . 1119 R 1 L L c 1�'r rte t.,) itttocrtt tire, public Olathe ha eiNgsta li.tir on hand a - .W T C K Or 1>Y atne;CL fi • .7. MisSeW and . Children $ Boot.4 (1,,,,,,-.14' eiktinin4i )'.i ra.►IIy..eitper, 4 sock iii each. eIa$K, haps-eatj' r'lti$ ' - t3 air Pebble ce d • koleeStock Soot,* It.trtett part~[taeinK .elsow sore.. NI Liltlialotartno' & •Si$Lielatt,3r. L' st- y tar stock sol t - at .and aft Fei nit tiy� I rOYrPINOES LONG TOONr,RaooiTravitl*pooYEt.i • iliir'tt REDUOEQ PANE AND FREIGWV1b SETTLER aNPA.0_,! increasing_ his pep alarity by faking the .dutY off s purchased by farmers aiid:Qthers. ' C_onimefcing OLDIN R� repv . filie 'Cleli.f l An unfailing ' (n re tot Betitiit ` - 5 alWeaktxess,• Spermatt>rrhea,• imp ter cy, andDiseases .)eferie Tatd.rupthattollow as sequence o.fSelf ter A use ass loss. of Memory, ytiiyersa.1. Least- bide, Pain in. the back !-)tmn-..s i,f °4 inion,. Pre tnatnrerxId ale. and macs other' Diseases that read ts; Tnsairityor Cotoctuipt#on. and .a. Premature Grave., t►;,T-i.`,tti. particulars'is our paatphcet,,wbi owe desire to -send •frRe by mail to every one. arThe Specific Med- cine iesoid'hy.ail.briis -istrs at $1 per pack- age., 'orsixt�aokagesforsa or will be sent. freeebv mailolt receipt of ttie- money; by ad- dressiug ••- . TUReas.r lt[•1DICItRE COs. - Sir Sold in LucicfnWo rontbyailUn x� t4gnd I every wherein Canada and the United States. by .41 .vi;ilpaaleaand rets,D etruor-jgtt_ EST HEAT AZINO-LANDS AAE=FOUNI,Oft via Northern Pacific R. R. t MINNESOTA, DAKOTA,.. - AND MONTANA. 8lGCROP-ACAtNIN-f881 alla Ulla tr tar eu it* .Rah bge Sell of thrtasl inti utast in their eyes r, e 3 either, as it is a EA. I have now received free of duty, rand ng at 25 cents per pound. FOR FOU. INFOR NATeON.ADDREaS • ,Lai. M.NEWPORT, cs1fl.AirpAaryr y�'i >iweep. gist post moi. E' t made: 0 PAUL- Mai ur t k UU., Aiwa • •t -- • et nntatle, easily by outfit free. Address: I, Ma+lNte.. . • • '•�aa,.••,yy;,Q:•-- -ia►. i1 ..: etc. ''�1�1i.",.i.-car .. . To TSEA$ES, COMPi.AINTS and ASI IDENTS i Bawer. _ x or • TAKEN INTERNALLY FOR - MO,UPs - ' COUGH$, C2.2-4104, s SORE TEROAT, 4 T$11fA, -COLDS, - 44. • APPLIED EXTERNALLY FMR - RHEUMATISM NE-1IALl3 A :CAL,LOuS ZilAlps • STIFF oodles .FROST BITES - CORNS -- . ;BRUL3.C$,.r'.a •PALY y1T2i4CH, Y111.g PA BIDBy • M Every bottle guaranteed give satiafic-- ,tion or money refunded.' DIREeTION$ WWII EAON 801111; P'N0 9Rp which HDALYARs YELLOW OIL ss�+ ggvuaran_ ' teed to cure or reti.ve either in::MA CR [BRAINS, SWELLINGS, GALLS, LAX NRSS, CONDUCTIONS LU.IHAGO, DE.IFNESS, - 8P0 T.___rcnt k 00•, FrOpisivo- TORoNT%O;T. , IN lT In order to clear theta out:bpore stock taking; It yea -want a Leap` Overcoat,. COME: AND GET IT. - COATS,. PANTS, AND VESTS, CHEAP, nc Ica for What is s it ? lq achint. CR 'in tire world_, its manufactured by McColl Sims! & Co , ..Tcrcl to . This. Oil under'th'e severest test,. a -nal -closest- coin l,titi(+n wait awarded f tin 41 -et the Li:irtn l hl iiiitians= Of the I .,nii,ai, n in 1t Ri. Imes an d others vill sig ve :nuts+•y and uutichin rs try-usitig 1,i.»aD1NE. local d- yrs' forit. take no ntlirr.- F o -t;s e- . by f), U. JIAcI:;i.Tre :.