HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-05-12, Page 5stiA 1: --- TitX.EITACHE SVislie3 ti) t fortit`tli« tliathe-1 a4 vust;alitiv on itauct a H JT -LASS STOCK OF attteies`,. } • Misses` and Children's Boots. Cao i fltt c -t• min tis. realty `superiu-. :-tock in each clasp` esti eially his 13101 Pebltte & WLo1e-Stoct{,.Root* i`cere'pllrclt3i:3ing erauf.v ere. l 1n11fie:t:Lt t'I12g: a Specialty. �4st year'sstook- sal at and under Eggstir-Eggsanit Batter ttkeu is )xeliange, ter goods. - LINES! . Ln ore -.*,r tc+ cleaarr. them: fiat lit<tore sioct taktug-•_Iyo_a want g. ' 1 INTO BUS1NESS:AG • OF THE LUCKN W Harness De of Is offering Great.Bargainsin naarniess:' Saddles, Trunks, - • • "tiiilises. Robes, .illanitets Single naruess, rrom_s14p, Team Harness from 28 ups And everythingin the line cheaper' t an'. the cheapest for cagh or otherwise. ` I ai bound not to be uudersacit 411 work warm ted as I keep nothirr but first-class stack, •aid first- class workmen. T dety competition. Don't forget the place, opposite. • J. R. MdHardy's Brick oc 'ROOT I,ucknotv,-,7-anuary 13th, 1882. 41LAY' R CIF&C RIRDIC1N TRADE. MARK:Ti%EGRi�EATEri-TRADE MARX. atisn REdtEDT An unfailing cure for Semin- al. &It n ess, etnin-al.ttreakness, Spermatorrhea, Iamt pp inutt e't eases 3efot'e that[ollowatm �sequet ceafSelfa A nse.-: as loss; of Memory, story, U-iuver a '• coav, rude., Pain in the back,. Ditnncbsa, Prematnreold age. and many other - :that lead to. Insanity or Cot,sumpti Prematvre Grave.: al -Full partic »sirpamphlet, *hick we desire to .s by mail to every one, 'TheSpeci cine issold by a l-Drugg sts at- SIT age, -or six Packages for $5 or will free.by mailon receipt of the moue dressing " - • COME A:Nal .GIST I`! COATS, AND VESTS, VUlfEAr Lass!- Vision," iseases n and a jars in d'.free: c Mei.- r pack= be sent by ad- THE GRAY 3JEDICIN • Toronto. Ont., anada la Sold in r,iiesnow by all drng. hits `nd every wherein Canada and the Unite States •by all wholesale and retail driirrgists. King of Swedes, 1 Swede, Irvin 'The boat. ..cfteOn-:Tocd. A large- and varied selection of Garden and Fower- Seeds. im °its has not increased the pries .0 44, Oa first-class improved At Low Rites by the NADA. pix'to JAS. SOMER`- ILLE, Valuato... subscriber has: stew goo.si for sale on easy .,terms _fin -- number of • L fro! veto eight: acres, which can be had very cheap JAS.; SOM I vILi E. of 01 kind- drawn net by an healy.; L.L. GRASS.] Manufacturer of all kinds of IIARATESS., ,SADDLES, . TRU stICS; • VALISES, c. kc... DIFSTEItS. RUBB,E•R ' UGS," IHAVE.:ruST-[ ECEIVED'CH LAR; GEST,. Chevst. and•best select stock - of. TRUI` KS'that has ern,- been -bro + ght to_ this ton: •:Call early ar d see them. Prices ranging Iron: 75 cents: onwards. T N pe ccii.\off for Cash. • ,1:R,jSSI K. $tera ! Oyzte i sin Iitecehrinfi-. FRESH OYSTERS D �Y}Iicll. r will s.eeve Either R4 W atecoa jI0111r 4!snTruit . r-€ a: ��cri rcn $ 1 LY, > sinner$ will save lnoneY by.. calla at nty�j t '- .EATINGHOUS a: MEALS AT ALL . PyO ifs.: Also Bread, Cakes and Confecti very cit 1.4est flgitr,s; • MRS.. SOON BEStWHl OM GRAZING LANDS FREEFOUND to MINNESOTA, DAKOTA., MONTANA. _ BIG CROPAGAIN 1118 I eierat RIMMED' FARCAND FREIGHT TO 1%.„ NEWPORT, Gatt.LAsto Adz He is now increasing his popalaiity by takirg the duty the Inports purchased by farmers and others. commencing And he is not throming dust in their eyes either, as it is a tine Clean TEA. I have,now received free of duty, and Selling a cents per pound: 4. Tatar (.10„ Augusta, blaiike. :,WEhRAIC:i.-.1/AGVARLI.'S YELLOW On. iS ' :_. ; teed to CUM fir relieve either in itt or . : TO DISEASES, COMPLAINTS and Acemtrrs-. C9/YYR4 MONS LUIILBAGO • FROST nrir Every bottle guaranteed to give saiiiiae4. tion orytoney refunded. 111;t:111,311;1:1;7.,1?"1:91,1111iitZil TORONTO, OEM. derful affinity. to the .Digestive Apparatus and the Livez, inczeaS- ing the dissolving juices, :miler- ing almost instantly the dreadful • results of Dyspepsia,,,Indigestion, and the TORPID LTVE.R, makes Zppesa an _every day' necessity It acts gently aild` speedily a • • Biliousness, Costiveness, Head- ache, Sick Headache, ,DistresS ter Eating,Wind on the Stomach, Heartburn, rains in the Side and Bnck, Want of Appetii.. Want 01 Energy, Low Spirits, %Foul Stom- ach. It invigorates the Liver, car, ries f all surplus, bile, regulates - the Bowels, and Laves tone to the_ whole syrstem. Cut this out anTtalre it to youz Druggist -and get a 10 'cent Sample, JVI NOW ne of enciell OZ aciiber, or 1889 cret a book.: ca 'Stet af 6stl grail 14, 1=z1lri 73' lir g2 g 48 r131 ti