HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-05-12, Page 43 4 `i- e Lire Sticknow.: oftiti d, TILE LIBEETF TO.iITTERAND TO ARGUE FREE/IT A000RI)IN(- TO THrf DLfTATEli)]FCONBGIENCRWF. TWEE ABOVE ALL QTHEI3 IIPAtTIES. = aokow, Ming 12 , 3.882. lett PJ. is AE-cromrsh . A fele items for the people to ccinsid- , tip before they vote.. Is it right tie rola Ontario' of nearly half of her territory, and.deprive her of valuable forests and mines, Which by peisseAsion.and•arbitraton she is.. justly • entitled to- 'l •Is it right that the laws passed by the. Legislature of Ontario, andsolely . (greeting ben 0-wn, Province, 'should be :. -set aside by a passel of Tories '.froth. ether Provinces, in dbfian e qf- the rights guaranteed lay theiiritish North American Ac t:.l • Ts it right tbac•oiir electoral divisions $llould he. gerrymandated for -the -express express purpose of depriving Ontario. o€ -the just representation she is eutiete :d to in;- the Council' of Dominion 'I tress and political determinatisn of . our country. 'Ibis:latest- political crime • of the disallowance Goreruinent will. yet- recoil;on. their own heads, and prove another and a heavier atone up_on:•.their political:: grave. . A LAME DEFENCE; "NO man's vote is: taken from hitt;"; is Watt the :only defence -a Western 'Tory organ 'can:give:for. the gerrytnaraid. Bring outrageperpetrated.by the Ottawa Govterr mens,'.: whereupon the London Advertiser fittingI.y rejoins that. it is a poor cess that requires such -hair splitt• ng, notto say- foolish • arguments. By the gerryteandef,.it is calculated by the Tories that 2,500GXory.votes in Bruce shad send •two: representotves to Parla tient, while 3,500 Retorm :votesin the `same county :3iiall only semitone mem. ber. The . person who • cilia .that • fair cannot be fair-minded: .Is: it right that- 3,O00,0O0acres or lan:l, and S ,QQO,OQO be given to .en American; _ Crnpany over and above ; WhatWhat a Caltdiaxi Codi arty offered r ed to P perform the same wotk,fer1 Is is rifest that atnonopiy for twenty years Esodic be given: to at American Company, when a Oz nactian Company offered to o the same work fur less ,mosey, less land,.atel no nionepoly 1 Is it right that. working •m'en should be compelled to pay more.. for nearly all: they .want tp purchase, that sorest ndi- • viduals- may beootne millionarest f, - • L r7.N RS-D.L$. ' Rill UTI O BILL. Grand Trunk.. and: Great. Western Railways, - A reporter of this paper called :yester- day Upon -Mr. Hickson, the General ]manager of the Grand Trunk•Rarlway, to enquire if he .had any information respecting the projected fusion of the Great -Western and Grand Trunk Rai1 ir iya'vwhieh_he was at liberty .to com- municate to the public.. • - of�e rt ng- ,every y: . immense quantties_of Freshr Spring Goods.. clay . - _ - - PRINTSFROM 6:�T0� - . 16 O�ENTS. Ass -GO -op -S:9 9 TO 25 GENTS. -. s : o -�at :the low est :1��'l�e�.� _ Cotton 5` to 12 : -cents. The .bestassortment of Tweeds in to _ tir � dory �_-. d:=1Yls;�le (;1gthlDg..-•:. ust.o enod TWO cases,of Rea y- 1 _ fine assortment .of Boats a,:ud .Shoes: J P ..- , A N gw LO'T SSWARE AND. CR L its of Straw Hats.:. Felt Hats from' 50 cents up at. Mar Htcxso r--ThetieWapapersknow,. I think, as much as I do on the subject. The- shareholders of the =Great Western seem to be- in earnest i,i desiring an arrangement with the Grand ._ Trunk, and I have no doubt they will scicceed in devising, ways and means of bringing it- aborti; . • To show• how Sir. John A. Madan - d rodent geriymendering--is received,. in lfanti'tob4, we takethe folloivinj from • ttie Winnipeg k'ree Press :.:hiss= -a- seem- . em - peg p mon of downright pol•tical Lasc,slity the: - ie-dtstrrbuifait kill introduced by' Sir JoL.n.Maedonald is untgne:..The brazen - .effrontery4:f its shaox.eles's iniquity is- absolutely s-absol utely stupendous i, the abandoned, profligacy of its flagitious object is° ear - . lar. in- ly apparent the `Unscrupulous dig- 'rapid of bonor and justice in its pro: visions is strikingly:- characteristic of its at th rs RYA supporrevs. Nothing mere ancliceiouxly lishon4:Irable, nothing more einb1u.gh-ingly. :subver`sive• of politioal- fair leyfl,othixsg more heinously parti p y • 1 • PAIRS PRVNE:LLA 314 W STRAW AND 'FELT .HATS iron _50 to 6.0 cerit&at_ .ChiTYE RLAT VARIETY, AT A�2NTY�' . IN`�'YR �T A. MAO SPANISH LACES: IN ALL COLORS, A EW • . `- 'g. •"Parsl)� I�'mbrellas r and prices,at A. IacInty re , S. - ods in all shades , OPeces of Dress Goods �- �. and gents Collars_ atcheis and a great variety of Fancy Goods, at A. MacIntyres• Ladies' s,...s. Ladies- and Gents Kid Gloves. adlea and Gents Ties. Alex..MacIn#. R oRTER=What will -be the - effect of the arrangement on the trade of Cana dal Mn. Hicgsorr-I have no' hesitation in saytug that the country will he better served and in the enti-at less_ cost than under the present condition of -things. The national interests in . really Ways will be promoted,, and notably- ,tit the. ciuvelopenient of the trade of the St. Lawrence .and. the Canadian • ocean shipping .ban diad Pier before beenprQpoeed by any resp osneiblo Government iu this or: any- salter 'Country. It is not an Act to re --V1 j' st represent atioi ' it: is an Act to dent-ov fair`repreeetitatign.. its:.sole- • and cedy purpeee iso to`stifle the?' voice' Red nullity the influence of the Liberal tils,jeiityan the province Of Ontario ; 1 -an:d in aiming to seethe that object, no expeclien"lane been considered too die::. gxac:etill,, cf tiijustice too a:boutinable,ne itnpropristy too gross. It is fully as t can.dalone as. any ether. of the multifar: malts crimes aeliillst publiCmorality and p •l itical decency perpetrated'. by anp of the Governments, of which the present Premier-" moseen a. preinitient•metlll)Or_: These hese ar neither riaggerated not fir' pNrhliiicslll censures •• They are the only ec+ileiusitl.na possibly- to be arrived at by n ny honest iu acquainted with the politica and geographical -condition of ()gtfriee.'Lhe Act is.a, deliberate anadas: tautly attempt to throttle the:. Liberal. electorate of.:the- dictLiberal Province. Sir J1:,lsn :;errymand.e.red the constit:' uen cite 1rir to the -general elections. 0t I87.:I.3' . Yet to c ErrV that election ' he e hie- Govet:u:inentr to was obli�ud. � to sl 1 - K it Haigh Allan in return ter an immense c,,rro tiOxi 'fund, Will he again reeort: te W -believe that the those tltc.to cs I til e - .sense ofh. wird of the. Galanlia°n people will be -deeply hurt by this, itife1! t is piece opolitical political trickery.: -• We believe will ill resent it sternly: and necisive: the e p x olla.-' And 'though we have. t 1;10 doubt- that the Tot y ;Government week', wiilingky us...,_ if they dared:, the it tltoncsy' of 'some second , tir. H €.fh Allaaii, REPORTER.—But. what will be the effect on the Americans railwayconnect ions of the Great: *edam, and more patticularly the route controlled by Mr. lranderbitt l - -) . N-11, . •P[ICS§ :--.T e licy of the Trunk Company -is to Inaintein . Grand friendly relations: with the American hues, and T feel ierfain they -would be: most unwilling tit disturb the friendly relations of the Great.- Western with the. Michigan Central and New York Cent- ral Con an. es,. and perec nLally I do' riot seethe least necessity for=their doint.so,• arising out of any -material - interest of .the .company. Ri eoettaR—Weill but. lit. Hickson— Ma. Hiei sO.t=--ltiNow, : please dcin:t all tie any mare questions=: 1'have departed from my usual custom in sub- mitting In he interviewed at all. . This -elided the . interview and our reirorter left- Montreal .:Gazette. - • • LIED. ADOLEY.,—Tn Lek rinwr on Saturday rday May 6th,1882 ,Ellen Ad'dl_ey,belove wife of Mr. Thoinas Addley, nue 4 Teats: HnNT R:= -In Lucknow, en Titesd& morning,. Mev c3.th, 1882, Thema Thema Hunter, aged 81 years and 2 month SMART. --In thetownship of ' Ashfie1 en Tuesday., May. 9th, 102, Cl'iail Smart,; aged .72 years. - at l weih to inform the citizens* of Lucknoty and surrounding. country,. •that..I have opened up,.a ' - ER. - SHOP BUT n R. G. Green'in'g Old Stand. I will keep - on hand at all tunes _ KINDS =OF FRESH MEAT. AL1. Meat Delivered to alt Paris of the Village, on Shortest Notice. - Give me a call: , -; -JAI�AES LINDSAY.; Lncknow, Sept. 9th. --GO' TO- kF-I N D L A TgE. R. S S. T SPAVIN - CURE. �Zats. of St . _ glen':) Having opened opt his new- shop; next dons to Grabatn'o brick block, is determined.: : - • •. to keep the public supplied with, --FOR ALL KINDS OF. :WATCHES, - CLOOKS, AND ... JEWEI.TRY. - - Repairing dons promptly. . ALEX. FINDLATEB, s: - - .. Camp1 eI1-st.,'Lucknow ABOLITION Mothers who are startled at the hour midnight by that ominous hoarse cough of ohoieest4uality, great -Variety apd ntlowest • . prI es. ' In connection with.the mist -business, he`a!ho - par -risen keeping' ip§took The pioneer is. ahead of all Competitors, offer-. fing 11 Chests of • . . f • your little ones; what would you not give f 4r a prompt_ and certain- means of. relief'fro ` that -dread destroyercif-yonechildrkn, Groin'' Such-'. means von may have for the triflic g cost' of 25 cents. It is Hay srd's-Yellow 0 1, the -great fousehctldremedy torall_inflammato y and painful diseasess. Do not rest over nig t again without it. - - - The great marvel . of beeline:- the -grit climax of medical diecoreriee , is,. Bordet( Blood Bitten. ' It Our ea 'all diseases. of t, Blond, Liver, - Stomach ,. Bowels, 'Rhin a id tk . 3r id Kidnh rs. . Female Gninp dints, : Scrofn ,a;= f .. n. raI .and Nervous Debility, and_ `is. liable. Tunic in all broken down conditions the system: Sample 73ottle 10 Cents:,. S� plied by_ all-dea.rere in medicine; - -A cough is usually the effort of Nature) expel some -morbid platter irritatieq the passacas 'of the Inngs.: IL map however. ceed from an inflamed Or irritable condi• tT o he throat, a alei ht rash r u being perceptible.. 1;et•the cFilmier o ause he. wh may, •the remec y.ehould be Ifaavard's ee it Balsam. A - purely vegetable Bale throat slid lungiesler. For sale by a11:',.l we tuxve: faith its ttie pcigoixAl Upright ..ern in medicine, at 25 cents:oer-bottle., • of P- oung 113rsoa Tea. G&RDEN VELE A.B cif all kinds in their proper seasons. Thr=Petrons►g e of the Public is respectfully - . Loan.. On- Real' Mate, a.t reasonable, rates-on,terms- cif_payment to snit -,Borrowers.. V. R .. { E., N' It: to Post 01.E OZ'FI� - - L cktiow, Marsh 11 The moat :successful remedy e`eer Ise.) vered as it iscertainin its effects and -ot . 'blister. ,Read .l roof below~ - KENDALt'..5"- SPAVi iI CURE:.• g. b hii: • . New 'Opt,, Dee: 28th, . Mr, F..; H._Mc4.allunc; dearsir,— the Ito"ttle. of Dir_ Kendall's:Spa-1in Cure bought of yon. - . last sanimex ease ne the uttmost satisfaction_ aisd<perforie4 a -wonderful elite upon a mare fi>er,ties;n.,yeasa old' belonging to: me;wh*eh was barmy spavined filar ten yearti. She was •so lam e. that I could hardly get- bet to move: rite.•: : ' lame ess is entirely gone after using, half a bottles ithe ct r -e, and -she is• like 'a-- young horse again. Yours tr. nly, d:.F. Merit � INC URf KENB ALL S SPAIt end addiess for.: IllnstrateEi Cirenlar: which Ave think. gives: positidp proof of its: - . eirines. No remedy bas_ever u et. with gush unq alalled sueees$i •- to.our li nowleiige for he.t'tt <- - as Wellies, taitisl.. Price. SI -per blttte, es six bottles fort$.. .Ali - - drug gists have it orean.get it for you; or it will bet sent -to any . giddies i,n receipt `of Dice b l,ro prietors, Dr: B. J.:Ke idall oebuxgb Falls, Vt. • SOLID BYAL1 DRUGGISTS. _ LYMAN ,SONS k ., 'Wholesale' Agents. MANUeAQ1-u.1:.1:DIN TORONTO.• .& Permanent, - Permanent, eine cure for1)i :sees; Dis. Duty free 13th ;splendid: value. are .Coffees; . urdtrs uixl Ailnweats'if the Kuineys, .liladtiei and; Urinary bri;retiv r. *yeteur, or Attendant SPI(:Ea, of Complaints -cal. sing Pain ii:SuIail I.fBiack,.: to. air ro• *on ten of or- i'c al- ' TOAACf1E)S,_ artd • Si te`, Stu ,.producing Urin trY_Vir.((rder : such ae t.tufreque,nt,..See iity;l) tUctilt, Painful o • C„ pinna A ii:ttt1 tip !1, lsiabilit) of RRet-itis.)) GENERAL GROC�I'.RI :S.. a S n m. and Seatuietttaiy t1 ruie,�Jr.ii�aic.ai . � ult, , etc., I s t ti tg tE<r. presence in ten y-trin ?4 111seases e.•ulniou tt'. the :Liencetive UI,ai1N., Oknbwn'as.t;irevet, f'att:irh „f the L'lailit• t affil V YY . Pasant a ;:-Bri;.fhts' IBsease, Di het.�:i,:Ur1.yry; L'ilr�, 1�TeT.,vling;-Ui'tfthtt , ete., - Y,tuiphltts and '1'estiusonials .;au lie obtain- ed: from Druggists free. Pa>cas-.:C'hiida P.tt1-, $1.50.{cures. `best wet ting):_ . ttegntur Pad, Y+`2:00 ' pt- a1. Pad fur- 1 1 1 c 1 , _ c ,Itl Itets4em 0. S Chronic i* hr. � Y • John sl.. TENT WA T, H.. -i►.,. Lndiuow : 1). sl WITT: AL %KTY\:; M 1) , Kincardine. W . '1'. _linAy, -Winghain. • n B. .'.c,ncluq :Wbft.leuale .ilgesit Prices. laid Pla;terT.obi Sale-:lt M. E:AMPBtLL`i WILL CURE _OR- RELIEVE- BILIOUSNESS, . -`:. C,IZZINESS; . DYSPEPSiA, ` Dh'DPSY, ; INDIGESTION; FLl1TTERiND. JAUNDICE. --1 OF THE IE4,RT, IERYSIPELAS, AOIDITY OF -.SALT RHEUM. . .-- THE STOMACH, • HEARTBURN, - DRYNESS HEADACHE' '1"OF: THE 81(1!,,• , fin' front disease_ .aria And every species of d raa gg _ disordered LIVER,- KiDkEYB; - STOMACH, BOWELB.OR BLOOD, -- O Proprietor -a.- • • •