HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-05-05, Page 7Meurer. Thee. " Noarer, m God,.tor Thee- - These. sWeet, sweet words; learned long ago, to -day - - - Are -dearer far to ; For Christ, the Tea.cliet_•;,. taught messy.' " Andfrom tl2eheartL trust I pray The prayer ter -at -fully. • Wen though it bea.croei." I little. thought once what. the crOss might be— (Involving. bitter loss) - The-crosa that brought ine.nearer Thee, • TS I could wishallelse might be As nothing else but dross. - ' " Thatraiseth me TO know and feel the heights of Thygreatlove, Which e'en unchangingly nie eachday- is given from above - That] its. fulness heremay MOW), And brings me nearer Thee. " my songshaflbe That nearer, nearer to Thee, day by daY. Than e'en wilt bring me, Till, life'ada.y done, I gladly may Come closely to Thee, there to 'fitaY • Throughall eternity. "Nearer, my Go& to Thee--" `These dear.old words., they sweeter grow As- oft they come, to me „a A cadence sadly sweet cloth emit - Through all their.inemries, and 1 know. • They bring me nearer Thee.. - ganinten„Aptiklath issa, coVALVIC OF CANAlaiANet, - 'lIo* silos "God save she Queen A. traatertias ias a. max. • Archibald Ferbes, in the "Century' Magazipe" for May,. says : "The loyalty of the Canadians te., the . British: Crown. is beatitifully fervent; they would rather,. I • ar-a sure, be torn limb from limb: than, totter annexation to the United, States. Indeed, I have. some idea that; deepdown in the Canadian heart, there, lurks the of, Ons. of .thee fine Mornings, tannexiiig the United Stites ta Canada. A little Canadian town will fly mere loyal btinting on " the Qagen's birthday that you cart See, ot the same, anignioiOas °Cession, in the whole of the mother country: the provincial , regions: of Canada; it is the praatice to con - elude all public gathering!" with singing • -God Says the- Queen," In eery community there i & champion vocatist, for whose powers- th:ia praotice,- gives ;scope and he •spritiga to the chance aa if he had found & negge.t, ,But. occasiotally -the_ champion vocalist is- not on hand ; he may be." under the- weather," er• behin4 the bars, or may not haveaptaste for the- performance -Of the - evening. Probably the ratter , ease had , kept away the ohatrapiozi_ on. cue frocasion which I rerciernher. The Chairman had duly- made the stereotyped arinctimeement, " The audience will disperse, siriging It 'Teti& Save - the Queen ,P"'" but tladre • . w&s no respoase: There was no One present who dared to initiate the Vocal performance. Here was. a predica- ment Obviously, the loyalty of the place • amnia he eciropromisect if theanclience alward disperse without -fulfilling the behest In despair,. the Ohslitnan, isolated 4.3n the platfornit as. 134 was, himself essayed to set the ball lairolling.„ ,liat in the first place, he. could,4 not sing ; in •the -secend • place, he dicial know the words ; in the third place, awl, learned afterward, het was riot popular, at -t1 : the antlience ather en ix:Ted his .discomfiture. Valiantly • he plunged into the .breach, "God Save our precious Qiieeri r came • from hirtt in an tilharrcionioue strain, but he never got any farther, and nobody would, help hint: He tried it again, hat with -the same untoward result.; and than he turned. and left the platform, a sadder and wiser man. -Ender:Slice op Horseback. A rerciarkahle-feat of horsemanship and equestrian endurance tea ben accom- •plished by M Prieur de. la Corable, sub - Lieutenant in; the . Seventh Dragoons.. • This officer nadertook to ride big chestnut raare Mascotta -frora•Luneville to Paris, a • distance of 2174 miles, in. 72 ,:hours. M. • Prieni.de la• Co cable monated his mare at •2:o'c1ock on Monday, and:, duly arrived at the bozo. show in the CharOpe Elysees yea- tiarday with half an hotir to spare... On • reaching Paris, Magnate, frightenectby a. •tramway horn; had an ugly fall, bat neither She nor her tticier took any haina, and. eicept, that they were covered with dust • .. both looked: as•treah as at the start. • A 'perfect -ovation awaited the gallant officer and his now 'celebrated steed, and a' special :prize was_ forthwith awarded for the -man- ner in which the- feat was accoraplis,heti— • Zarie Despatch' to th.e Loudon Daily Tele-. graph- • /,ancetaiaPs: " Nervoint dis- - , _ eases and: weaknesses iiierease in a _country as.the population gornes to live on the flesh of the warm-blead,ed animals.' This is a point to whin attention has:. not been - adeuateIyi direoted.'Meat—using that • terraria itSpo,pular ire -rise -4a highly gamu. hating, and supplies proportionally niore Axel -dog than actually nourishing pabulum to- thenervoes -system.. The meat ester livezi at high pressure:, and is- or Ought to be, a peculiarly aetive organism, like a predatory animal, always " on the- alert, • Walking rapidly. and consuming rarge cauantitiesof oxygen. - In praetice. we find that the meat -eater does_ not like up to the level of his took and as e consequence he - cannot or does not take in enough oxygen to cultist y the exigencies of his mode of life. ' Thereupon, follow many, if not. most, of the ilia to which;highly ctivilized and. luxiirions meat -eating classed- are liable." `t y &nig, rich and pretty widow In Lon- • - dot, with- plenty of animal spirit, and in want -of some intiopent amusement,, hit On the original plan: of inseribing'her naxrie in the booka of- & matrimonial agency -ae wealthybutblind, candidate for matrimony._ -The rau•mbera of sutra was legion, and -the • &arming widow amused: herself to her heart's content. game eame in shabby clothes, sdrae,stretched themselves at full length on the gide. and. made themselves •goitre at home; but spoke- it tones et. the • deepest affection. The charming widow was, however, soon obliged to.crit the ioke short, -for one of her Suitors, after annexing a pagr of candleatieks, introduced a bunch of.. long . Angers` into her pocket and, abstracted her purse. • ". Squrday Betqczo : • "-The Rtiddbid. re- ..ligien stands alone among the great tea ligioterof the: &lobe: as the only one at/Ma bas -never been propagated by conquest or. periseeutiori, but whieh owes its immense • difftsion solely traits Moral power." • : A returned -American -named has_ been- arrested -at- Dublin on- suspicion Of • having shot McGowan, the k eper of et . - P111311C-hOuse;near • • OLD WORLD GOSSIP. Splay Budget •Traiaisatlariti,o • News. ' - 1-Londot eablegratas have '-been -ter:belied _ . sinee.Saturday as f011oWs . The State -trig of Maclean must, I sup- pose, be called the: event. of the week. It was held in the-presenco of a `tremendous array of judges, whoowingtothe solemnity :of the occasion, Wee. their full-bettomed wigta. A special ccimmission. was issinalto distort', Chief Justice -to try -the -'prisoner. One day's seagion was sufficient toprove thernan a- genuine crank, and he will be "confined during Her.MajestespleaSure in a- innaticrasyluni. -Next to the wigs, the • most -interesting part of the proceedings was, the fact stated. b. the Lord Chief justice that the laW; of England on- high treason stands now as it stood :500, years and More ago; -Pri the, - statute Of Zing' Edward:I-IL, passed in.1352. : I mentioned- iast.:•-week the intettion of society • to honer Ilord Beatiorisfield's meniory • by wearitg -primroses. Sate- • enough on the' lath the -west end fashion.. ables, the StookElohange .speculators and the :sportionet on Epsom. Downs who witnessed thetriumph of Pagsaio, all pre: 'Rented -.a large percentage of wearers of Yeliow lit:inches. 'of the dead .stateartan's favOriteflowers. -Her Maiesty sent a wreath' of the 'same for the torah in Hughendet churoh,Wheriainaddition to the royal-momi- merit. and the ,banner and insignia of the Garter, a memorial Witdow. has. been dedi, cat . " 'Referring to this Englishdecors,' day,'! the newspapers range tiimuseViss on party lines, the Conservatives soleninly sentimental„the Ltherals, quite the reverse,. • one: observer asserting that out of 134 primrose wearers- whom he emitted on one street cinlythirteen betrayed any symptenis • of intelligence in their tsetse. • TwO rattling; prizefights took place- on successive: days in the -neighborhood of London„ and there hate been several un-. detected murders: . The Conservatives seize upon "sugh things as a .proof o! -Lord. Cartzirvcat's saying that,Mr. Gladstone has let. loose"the heir bounds of starchy and civil war." - One. Of the -papers- liapee that if those interesting minarets are found running around they wilt at once be: taken te: the home for lost dogs at Battersea, - Much astonishment: is shoWn at the exposureof the " next-ef'4ir", frauds. .4 man. named. . Rogers,. hiving 7agents in several towns, has victimized persons to the extent of thousands of pounds on the. pretence of • Souring them- large. fortunes lying fix-Chancery:The m,etropolitin police were warned cifthefrauds years egoi'but with their tared obtuseness refused' to. move. • • In the literary wear" Darwin's death- le,. of course,, the absorbing tonna ' The papers print long and, :minute .obituaries of the great scientist who dared. ,infetwatire human race that it. was descended from s hairy animal. wittz la. tail and . pointed ears. The Times • says that-exactlx -a Year bas separated the 'deaths .of the two moo powerful. :men of- this century, -Earl Ihsaconsneld and. Mr, Darwin.. • A. society. has been feunded for the pur- pose of rennivingfOra England the -disgrace of having till now left. buried in Manuscript: the- inost important -works ofher great early reformer, John_ Wycliffe.- The (society pro. pease to print all bigger:Mine:writings by the :year .18841the five -hundredth anniversary Of • his death. . . • . -London has its outrages On Jews as well aS- Russia, At an inquest held tecentiy Mr: Cohen, 'a, LeVite,plajected to serve on a jury •, because his religion forbade him., to look upon a dead bodYrozathat day. The coroner • insisted that Mr. Cohen should attend, which he did, warning the &roper-that:the .sin he was about to-Porn:mit Was -upon bis head, whereupon the aroner said he would pat up 'with. all that, and the Inquest- pro- ceeded; This. action has net . apparently been publicly dent:intend by anybody. • • An: explosion last night . at -the Conti Theatre caused great alarm.: A -panics Was averted by the coolness -of the Priribe .of Wales, who ordered his - own. party to sit, still and signalled to -the reit of the house to pteserve:order: Ib was goondiscovered there was no- danger. : , . The 'latest item concerning Mt. Parnell that the Kyrie Seciety has applied to. the • Goverunaent for permission to adorn his, • cell at ICilmainhara with • azigegreen .our - tains,, dadoS, blue potter -fend Other objects dear , to the msthetic sour; but Philistine :Forster sternly refused Wallow the Virgin. expanse of :Government whitewash to .be touched. . • •• - Ur. Smyth; fd,P.;-repiying to a vote of - censure passed. on him by the. priests Of. Tipperary for not 'supporting the Land League,. Violently - denounces the .League, • and, declares that Until its copspirliey is .demolished,--roUt and branch, Ireland'will- have n o peace. • ( • •,Dorrist late -4.issistant ' SeOretary of the band League; has: been released from :Dundalk jail:, He was informed that his inoyements would be strictly watched; and that hevrotild he -rearrested if he did rietbe. have himself. ' The London Palk Yew -saysthat onettof thesuspects claiming to • be of ArneriCan inationality refuses to accept. the Offer of release.' He came- Ireland. -with the . ex- press °Neat of railliRg-the • international cinesticti. The other American suspecte. having. undertaken to leave the -country Will be released . - . - The Telegraph. says it has reason. to pe-- Iieve that no dedisiou heti been arrivedat regarding the American -awe -Os. _ An itiportant dipternatio Moyemett is: iu preparation in 'Alliksia. Prinde. Loberioff • positively replaces iti Pada Prince who is become governor" to the young Grand Duke Ificrholari, heir to the. throne: --Prince Orioff'a son is to -be his. companion • The -London missioniatobe given to Count Valanieff, Who Wait censured by the recent cominisSion. of ingulty for neglieiace in office.. M. Detelidaffi an attache Of. the Dresden embassy, goes to. Constantinople, w,here.he was secretary it \Getieral lgua- tieffis• time.. The iiiiitience- of • .General Igtatieff has contributed largely' to these changes; itrialsO to. thetcominaticn �!K d� Giere for the Ministry of Foreign Affair's. . - - • ISSOLIETION OF A. WAITIOlUffil - - .10111141NRISS 110IISR: • . . • 'he 'dissolution of the famous house:Of A. T. Stewart & Co., chionieled lir our N York despatches of a recent date, ea rks the cessation fora business of the fir which did probably the extensive re ail dry pods_ Wiriness itt the world: Te founder, who died brit a";year or.two ag „ had a phenomenal career. When X .S, _tewart; after a few, years' experience • a enhool teacher'started in the dry go ds . bustriess in 1822, in - Roadway, no r Chambers street, he • had. be tw en 1,1,200 and. ol.,500 capital,: and hi I stoke was . 22- feet Wide • by ,30 deep;When on AprillOth, 1876, he died, hi - retell' store, ..which cost -62;750,009, Pc upied a city Wolk, and covered at -area of -pf acreS,'making, with its eight fioots,.a to al of 18 acres under oneroof devoted to th retail dry goods business. . The tutting ex pensee of the : ettablighWent were over In 000,000 a year: It _was the largest Store. • iz f the world, nothing in Loud* or Paris. ap roaching the -building: in size or in s, ount of business- . done .hz it.. -Besides • th1, he had the wholesale store ceveHrig th Broadway end of- the blook between Cla mbers and Reade streets; The conabined sales of the two establiehthents aggregated ts5( ,ppoL000 e year:. In connection with the: be inessi; he owned -a number of woollen-, siEk and thread Mills—the Mohawk, th4- . at- Little ' •Falls, the Ne li w .Y mills at . Holyoke, the .WoedWard ad lirat Woodstock; the IalitiO mills in N 1.TeriarY, the WashingtOn mills near N wa, the Catskill woollen" mills, - the 'terville woollen Mills, the Gleraliam w ollera mills and- the Glenham oatpet. fa tory. He had -also large- factories at N ttiugham, England, and GiaegOve, Scot - la cl: Efis- had branch houses et Bradford,' X ,u613ester, Belfast, Paris, Lyons, Berlin, an 1 at Cheirmitz - in Saxony: This goat bu loess was builtup by assiduous atten- tioli to details, -,exact : habits and rigid ad : erence to . fixed principles of conduct. Wen he startectout in his little Broadway st re, he and his wife lived in a roma above •it. 1: He was his own bookkeeper, sales - mi -and porter, and 'he • worked fro - fourteen • to • eighteen ` hours a day. He haunted, auction:. 'rooms, _Riced-tip cheap lots„ and Spared Lope= to ' present his goods . attractively. He4 boaght for cash; gold quickly and- kept his ni+ey tutting. . A principle that lay -at the fo ' dation of 'his - siweess Was the rigid f tio esty of his dealings.; Goods Were repre- se ted to. be exactly what they Waif,. The pri e fixed was as low aaposeibie and there Wa no deviatien froth it. He gave employ- = t to over 2,000persons in hig.NeW York eto es, whieli were frequented by -rich and posit alike, and When:he-died he was worth 130,000,00h. *. Of late -it has heen repre s 'ted that the firm was losing money. , . i ., . • Curiosities '01 Lake. FIta 'Deckle: , • he current (May) nunibet of " Harper's Ma ezine " contains an interesting illus. tra, ed article upon the mining repots of the Upper Peninsula 'of Michigan, whiCh, but for its mineralwealth; says the -author, wo ld remain an. uninhabited wilderness. Th soil is too light for, wheat and the au' toe *Omit for Indian corn, but st wberriesand'ourrants are remarkable a Marquette. strawberry resembling in siz a Seckhapear and in flavor a Wild at wberry." ..This is attributed to _ the eie teat or twenty hours ` of sunlight and twi Ight early. in the'summer, the.vegetahle gro' • th being uninterrupted -by darkness. ThJ climate is winter modified by summer :he The water of the lake is too i3ool to swila in-; the mot rebust,nnan, if he hells in 11 perish from:the chill in. a few nio-, me i te. The numerous trout dreams are ice- old. The gnow. sinks nit% the sand, .for ing deep-seated cold springs. The thi forests prevent the gun from warming thet ground. These, combined with the gre t depth of the lake water; give a pec liar vivifying and:invigorating quality to ,e air, which the writer declares will ma e it the great sanitarium of the North - we tern States. Southwest •. Portage La1e there is a forest of anger, maples .100 mil is long, Capable of supplying the oonti- nei with Sugar. . - An linierfasting the Chancery Divisioe,Toronte;yester- day ,Clarkson vs. White wati up. Gibbets for pla ntiff ; Mziellelcan, Q. 0,, for defendant W ; R. .Kingsford -for the Freehold Bu iding Society:, , The action was brought by n ,ofabial.aSeignee inInsolvency, ing that certain real estate which had been con treye4to the wife Of the :insolvent it 1871' was boug'nt with the .money of the ins Ivent, and that she might he declared trii tee thereof and that the claims of the lius, 'and's creditote might be paid there- out1 After -hearing the plaintifri evidence the wa wh Armed judge -was of °pillion that there no evidence of there being any creditor so claim was existing at the time of the Pon eyelid° of the land. it question whose Ord -still remained :unpaid-, and that on the resent record no relief couid be given. He, however; allowed the ease to stand ove , with leave .to the planitiff to emend hi.leadingg Oil payment of the defetd- ant ' costa of the day. , - . . • ar, -. 81.:13 the Congregationali-st: -"IVensenge,-- the int that any minister is likelyio get int trouble: from ordinary perish visits. bec use the is -apt to find only the Women at hi me. Let him oniybehave with proper pee ve and dignity and he- needs no &eel: den insurance policy to Warrant bis- safety-; but et him :be's, fool; and go round greeting the young Wornen with a 'holy -kiss' and ma rng long visits Where he ought to make - Silo Cones, and his business becomes far sinaoit r.clarigerous than that Of a Gloucester • A. lureie in the Lendoo Lancet gives the foll wing statistics of travel: .0f 1563,644 pore ns who left Europe foi New: York bet gen 1870 and 1880,2,518 died in tranliit, the verage duration of passage being 13 „day 12 hours. Of 14,874 persons Who. phi `carrying 1,331 ernigrantra. 'lost 13 in ena rked on. 15 ships it 188Q, 31 died. One r the ourse of -a 16 'days' Voyage., .All Were anib itted -to medical : exatnitation and: d at3 healthy at the start. The figures The 'Russian - Minister of the Imperial: se.ais about a hundred times More likelye to show that in orogging the ocean it Household has issued a eireular annoiwoing .m that the coronation of the :Czar will take to le his life by diseasethan by shipwreck. , piece in Auaniet; and by- Imperial command T e German Union Telegraph Company _I Emden to Valentia for direot coin an the dignitaries of the Empire must has ompleted laying the new ' diteot cable attend the. ceremony in Moscow., The froD festivities will last a fortnight, and the municatwn between Germany and the expenses -will sAmount tO ten million roubles, I Anglo-A.metioan system. - 1- OVR GAIA.NDIROTILICIN . taught their • daughters that: "a stitch in time raa,ves nixie." - A pill in time saves not Only -nine, -but Ofttimee an : ilicialcirlable amount of suffering as well. Aii Oceasioual • dose of Dr. Pieree's Pellets (Little Sugar- coated. Pills); to cleanse the - stomach and bowels, not only prevents dieeaseibut often breaks up sudden attacks,. Whet taken it. time. By -druggists., , : • ._,...._..........:.-__ • , - TrainFikorl Triplets:- • A despatch froth St. Paul, Mint.,:says: The emigrant boom in the Northwest has been, greatly -;acurelerated: by an exciting event on Conductor Sharp's train due, here this morning over the Omaha line. He was: called whin te, preside civet some. Of the preliminaries by which census Statistics tegeive accessiotie. When the train had arrived at a poirit twenty miles from Bald- win. Station, one of the lady passengers promised developnients, and just before the: train arrived at Baldwiragave birth to three children, a bey aoci two girls. At Baldwin the mother was taken from the train tinder charge of . physicians who: had been pre- viously , requested ty telegraph -to waiting. At las accounts the lady was represented to be daing,WeIl, and Conductor Sharp ditto: — maseamattem ye. a Half -mottle. 1,Trr Louis' Picard, Laiochelle,. P. Q.; 'writes that be -was Suffering Severely fioni an atteak of r.heumatisra which: was So • severe that he, ireareely :could walk. A neighbor &Wed.:his attention- to Dr. Dow's Sturgeon :,011 :Liniment; He- procured a' bottle and had occasion to use but of it before: he was 'cured. :ccitnpletely. It iS diffleult todescribe just hot* the remedy works in a ease of:: this .kind, but it is evi-. dent that the medigine was exaCtly adapted to the disease, and while it wotld. be Pre- auniptuous to say that - such results are sholwiti it every case; it+ is within the truth to maythat there are 'Iew cases of theinta- gem, lumbago, sciatica and similar diseases thatare-not benefitte41, it- not Co.nipletely cared by it The complete care .forms.the ,great majority.. . , - 'Hon, to 'Kawakami the, 6teie,,-; " What Shall we do to entertain oar says a religious exchange A :men who heeds ad.ince as to how to entertain his girls is tot fit to edita religious paper. We • suggest that he Should talkente•Of them out` huggy-riding in the afternoon; tell her. -.what adaisy she is, and. how insipid and fixed -up that other girl is'az- Then. he should take" that Other girl" out: for- ice crearn • after simper and tellher oetfidentially how. very 'uninteresting and awkward the buggy.: riding girl -is.. When • the two. -girls Meet,' the religious editor can depend on . them entertaining :each. other --without bie-.per- sonal assistance. -` . . • Slang-lekraes. . . -It is the fashiet taW-a-days to .denounce 'slang :phew*: They. • certainly are net. Very pretty, to come freiti the lipspf ladies. Still some socallettitte :.amongst the most felicitous; in out language - and are..fora-the highest.eathatity. nothing- eat be. mare aprOptis than " escaped With.'the. akin of my teeth,"-• which is found _itt Job lix. '20, or than the cOnlioon expression " smella rat," first seen in Ben TJOhniam's. " Tale of a Tub." The former ay be -well -used by...many pent:its whO. have :narrowly_ escaped •serious - diseases, rif. not nntimely. death; through the uirn -off • Dr, -Wilson's_ •Pulmotary Cherry Balsam,,a, never failing remedy for throat .andlung diseases.-_ It does not contain a. single: pertiete Of any- thing.noxious or injurious. It is the surest and- safest cough.. medicine yet invented.. - - • . THE Annaleed'. :trvgieoe. says that Oyeters. acquire by -confinement a green celor,which. is _probably dile- to disease tof the 1..itet.I This cantles -an-increase of adipose tissue, and *makes -there Muoh more palatable. As these greet . °Titers -command :high "prices, the .omni -preset adulterator steps kith with -his little' -solution of ta -Salt of copper, and dyes the bivalves a . delicate 'green: Analysis hasshownthat a dcizeu of. them contain 0:147 grain of metallic Copper; enough to 'centre serious trouble if taken They may be 4eteeted-113Y. Washing them in solution:Of .acetic -acid -anddipping-a, needle '-into the washing, If copper be present :it Will -be -depesited tpop the.teedle. - : • . . .. In the treatment of oldlingo-ring com tianits; attended with: low .Vitality, feeble digestion, torpid eenstipancin and •irritation of the -kidneys and bladder -avoid vascular. Or nerve stirnulatts. like alcohol and'strychitinei as .the fee lingof temporary iniproVernent is not is followed by e relapse: Wheeler'S Cempound. 'Elixir of Phosphates and "Calleaya-excitezi -nutrition .and eteates ptre bleed; .supplies the:waste-of brain andlnusele, invigorates mind and body; and.-iznparts an islasticrity of th at: gives' -'new zestto life.. ' . „ The opinion 18 expressed at WaShington,. bailed on -Mr, Blaine'.s. Own statement that he will beit Europe bekte the 30th of May,. that the ex-S.c.airettiry thortly replace LOwell is. United: Statee 'Minister it - London. The - general impression ig "that the ...prehabilitieg Ifewelrs recall are. growing stronger.- . - - As a test for the coloring matter in red wine it is found . that, (n mixing an equal • quantity of 'ditties acidWitli the wine to be tested, the :color will Ordain unchanged for houre if the -witi he. pure, while if ertifiCial it. changed within a minute. - • - Whoever will, upon the first. oecisien Of headache, indigestion, disordered' liver t or dePre.rsed .atia irritable epirifk: try the, virtnes Of .Dr. Witsen's Attibilous. and Preserving:Pille, will pronounce: theni:•the beet antibiliota 'medicine known to. the - • .1 • , -• :The:funeral. oi.E.Milie.LeiaBet,fautons- ,.equistrienna'" took plitee.at Paths on. Thum day. .The coffin was_ covered -with Wreaths, one of which Was 'sent by OS EmPreifs. of Austria; . • . • FerWes,k hirigs, '.spitting of .-bioa, Weak night -sweats and the early stages :ot Consumption., "-Golden Medical Discov- ery" is specrifio,' By' druggists:. -.Three persons perished whule ascending the Alps; near'Benterback on -Easter Sun- day,- The ketch- bar, the bodieri. Was Anisina condi* . .• - . - . ltovetnents- of French: ttiO05 in Minix •have -.been"alMorit suspended inconsequence, .:of rains. • - • Libel' SOUS- Remaining Unfashionable:: Most people bring libel suits . against neWspaperrewhenlatioridg tinder exciterdent and when they conceive the idea that the publio is eiii_eethag them to do something by way of vindicating- themselves.: Many persons; smarting under a sense at injury, arepersuaded to enter snits by barratrous .shysters who, either want to' see their limning in print, or who are driven by *Inger and Want to join in aschetie :which banbut he classed ar." indirect blackmail.- Two-thirds of these :libel suits are " taken by the p- ealed lawyeta on contingency:.1That is to say, they divide the. proceeds .the hunt :with the injured plaintiff: • It is gratifying to know that outfit eVery 3100,090 Worth of libel suits brought againet thepress not :mire than $10.0 in the shape of judgments are divided- between - thelegal hyenas and their patrons. The fact seems te be pretty weIl understood now, and: libel suits are not as fashionable as they were ai few years ago.—St. Louis Post-Dppatch. • Dr. Pieree's "Favorite.PreSeription " perfeetlY and perinanently curia -those - diseases peculiar .tofemales. It is tonic and nervine, effeetually allaying arid curing those sickeningeetsitiorig thet. laffect the stomach and Iheart thrOngh.refles action. The backache and " dragging.dewn sen- sations ail -disappear under the Orengthen- ing effects of thig greet restorative,: By draggiats. - „ Underthe laws of the pilgrim: father ti a man :could not kiss his wife on Stinday, and after a somewhat oriticar exanration Of portraits et wives of theirs days we thinlk thelaws were eminently just, if not in the main lenieht.'i The pilgrim fathers should •have been fined for:kissing inch hordeiy wives, any day of the week.—.Zsl'ew Mizzen „ POR "1:7htis cast foreaniat a,: CREAT BARCAIN-, - . WilkilfDALL: POSTER I PRESS . - oNrir.,-IN- Tina A FEN" yagatic; And well Adapted frit' prhating neWspa,pets ' posters in a country offfee. • - - The bed Of Press xis 33 x 46 in•chee.", There are •• three rollers over form -and four distributing rollers witli.Press. The Press cost 31200 when For particulars 'address • . TIDIES PRINTING ElifdILT • - • The SHORTEST; QUICKEST . and. And all Ot REST line . to St. JOseph, points in Iowa, • 'Atchison, Topeka, -Deni-; Nebiiiska,Missouri,Kan- an, Dallas; Gal-, xi /7.L. . sas, New MeeO; ArizOna, Mull- : 'vestoxi, tana and Texas. . . 0114 Universal- ly conceded to _ he the best equipped Railroad in the World "-for all classes of travel. •. • Lea, Minneapolis and St. Paul. Nationallyt reputed as bReelirin;tf::A.Giberera: This Route has no,su Throughear Line I Y • :All-connectiousInade In Union - -Through • Tickets Via this 'Celebrated Line for saleut all offices hi the u, S. and Canada. All inforniation .about Rates of Fare, Sleeping Cars, ete:. cheerfully given by _ . POTTER.. -- PERcEVAL --34 vice Pres' t & Gerel llimciger; - Gen: Chicago. . • J. SIMPSON, Agen 28 Front street -East, Toroh Dep Try it, -.snd YOU wit; find t dveling a u11 3', ill4ad of -a dis- conifort: LOWELL, ago, 111. ' . to Ont. MAClOS /MAGNETIC 31111.01 •<• -.3''''''°• ''' - TRADE MARK.- ,g.‘t ,a, ER.; . It i&4 -sure, promptand Effectual re eily for Ilervoustiesli in ALL its stages, Weak Memory Loss -cif Brain PoWer, Sexual Prostration, -Night Sweats; Rpormatorrhciaai Seminal Weakheas and , General Loss of Power. -It repairs' Nervoua - Waste,Eejuv,enates the Jaded Int.eliant,.*trangth _ (MB ' the Enfeebled- Brain and Restores; - Sur prising Tone and Viger to the - Exhausted Generative mans. The eXperienne. of , Sion ' sande proves it an Invaluable RemedrY. Ths. medicine is:pleasant to -the taste, and each box. .contains sufficient for: tWO weeks' medication :audio the Cheapest and beet. - • .-; -.* . • Full particulars in Prir. pamphlet, which - - desire -to mail_free to any_eddreas. : --. •-31tre100, iflagnetie Medicine is sOm druggists et 60 cts.per bolt, or12 boxes'for ..$6 Or will be:mailed free of -postage. on receipt the Money, by addreseing . ... . . • - ,• Ma•ck's Magnetic Medicine .AI. . . • • W;ndaor, 010., 0 edit- ' Sold bt all,druggista everywhere. . _ .... . . • FOXE WANTED.. 1.4 (stating Price), either by letter ,or ally, to H. L., :office, Hamilton. peritin • . tv months,- ithd130orw - . If ciu want to learn:eelip _h l - YOUNG. AW1.;-fe of a situation, addrest :Valentine n Jenett villa, Vila.