HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-05-05, Page 1- 4 •••• rt/r Pm, tAt trney-at -Law „ Kolieitor in Chan - c nio&v.tateer &c. t.J.diee itext door to the Post titfice, liticknow, Ont. 'A. NIMKS O.V.S..'r roitNEY, qopei- ei tor, are„ (fietot Street, IC.itwartline., 1 . . ir4 .N.ittt.0147 st, vitcr-truF-Lkir; • *Jr 4- 4rrist...rs, ilicitora, &c.„ Goderieh, Out . • T tti1t[7W W3t. intotIlFnaT. } ' A so,SI vf t )ney t loan on emyteruisita Real Estate. • Valuat4r for 'I'°04t end 1.4c.alt Itt 'ID 1111) VX:VON, Couveyaneer, oan at 6 pr out, straiint or for rVile--[,anded, flanking te 1,(.1EIG11 P.O. tREDERiekt• ROGERS,. . (1.4..t.0 of 1'eeswater.1 • , tt. ri.t.,:r• 14`.11.1", 'Attorney, Solicitor ill e r v tuveyalicer„ 'lite., Etc. • LGOKNO ONTARIO, FRIDAY MAY 5, WHOLE : CAMERON & CAMPBE BANKERS,.. I., TT 0 T]N- 0 f.r• Money to Loan at. Reducee Rap .: Suit tne Time. Loans on Mortgages as low as 6 per °ea NOTES AND IRORTCAGES SOSO Drt.fts- and Cheques on all:points °as ed.- Sp.:cial dad Prompt Att(.ution paid -4( the Cviteetion of Note's, Aceounts,Rents, . }._ . orr ter,: _ •Nitt.'i '11'; Block; WI,N.GitAlf, IMP. over 8c tt13auk. - Any ain krptt,(t. fall& to ItIFOU -MEDICAL., R. IVIA%s44:413, il11 k1)1.1 ATI; of th.e. University ot roront6„. •‘...71 • Phyda04, Surgeon, &c., (Mice Gautp b tL 1 opp titt• bank. In oase.the Dr. is • not in the utile:. Call at the- Litekttow Rank. — ,................ ,.. ..... _ _ . — -GEN ER A L ' - _ - • ItirON 1,1,Y TO LEND on easy. tering :of OIL • paithent.. Apply to•. 1.,II!Ii.tiC.00--,X E. 44-`4*-44,1..tr Pungamuni- (*INS. F:liiIi.ktZ,. i , , Provincia, [AM At‘rv,ci...or. Valuator be L. trid Agent,O.Iiliti, _ ii` ' • Drug Sttite - . • V:1,1 41 t,u.t, k):at. AltX by mad will re7 • ..z.eiee 1 ror41It attentiorr.,;. .. • . I ; ' ..-.4.•-•.....-..--....z... .....7-. '''r.::•4••!--' -L-.......-.-7: _ CREDITOIER-. . "i, E ILA V E II • ' APPOIN,TED ' T. Av.eat•i far this *ii*nti. Company, wh t have a large anoutut f at on ham -Alto, btan op.the toweet, terms. .. • . SI EY.ER & DICKINSON. OinieS--.Nrin4hitto anit backnow. . ____ , ,._.: . ....—......,._:.,--. .....—.7.- Robert caliiiii.zolialit 's . Y - • litgiZra lice A gait, .... ., . • , • Critr-III!. • S. JER011E. Livntiateof Dental, Snrgery, .has re. ,reA win_chtun, where- hewill oarry 011 vv.!, tle-itttstrr tyttsinui:s I_ bat he would - beg to. , .11,1134 pa.tron:f that he wiLL vt LUCkUGw on Owl fir -at Nirtudw-and Tneaday,aitd, also on th$rd Pitt Tuesday a each-Jnoth Mtteat Whitqty's Hotel.' • 15 • Oldlight tode -Kr() 1st. (z.I•,-(*. 1.1 F & A. 1‘1.1 Meets the Thursday nor hef irefui1tn11 of, each tromtli at 8-, )an. Visiting breth- ren cOrdially invited. . (114.10,- A. SI UDALL-, : Senretary. . LIT k-NOVifr 0 • I,ODG11-, • X‘.112- :sleets el,v,ery Frolikv evenin, at,8' O'clock, tn. th‘pir TT III, , A b:rethrea con n viied. rt W. ARMiTRONG1 Secretary. - 1' • MESS K. O. STRONG.- • • ••.. - (Late of.,Paisfey3 'Ft ER as V.ocn xv.) TZMTRUAEXTAL c.•-'-pimia and Organ. A.Mtisia ---7Over,Mr..11.'Grettache'i • Rssi:bsseg,- Mr. A. 3‘le-Iiityre" "(IF , • 1y., • •-• -1< 11 Ntour oWn trOW11.4 Tertfig. ttntfit free.. .Address, 11. , FEED. YVALTER TRLELEAV1EN u?,;,14-gtitt keeps citlianditlargeand stitri,ir.stocket. ERA L Liteiroling everything -f mild in the larderof ),1 h ,,,t4eiceufwe. liewould also inform the. platicalaclv the farmingconimun- ity, thathe has engi,,od, the services. of & -042-ROUGK a.it:d will carry on the Milling business with .'"„senevieed vigor, and by turning ont good gnats ° time„ gain increased patronanfront the public. _All kinds of QRAIN AND$EEDB constantly on. hail& e. .Delivered to any Part Of go 'Torte; o . • • ‘, • - RAFTS FAY AtLit AT PAII, an the. rtrii4 (ities,avrt ui of ned 0418,71 4301111t1UNIA41.1'10N. NoyE.—Tre loish it to be .clistinitti) understOod: that i'ae do not hold ourselves•responsibte for - Ike -views eiVreised bylcorirpondenti-,--}A). ,To the _Editor of the Sentinel. Than gin,:The followhig is tlie re: .sponse z„) MaeQrifu hi.inent said to 'have been writtt-n by his sweet heart at Donvegan 'Castle, ;when he ION as re: Med in a former issue. The hist two e..ppearsel -in Gi4elie,„ so' tioaeconntably, pariieular - time ie. 'Tout:: inn', ifjih. ashefore 1ated.T:tkthJj _ V,' Will find this the cheapest,. Jarfvst, and limit conyerrientnyttkiii, 1 NTE/LEST. • EiVe per cont. aIlOwedi.art. Deposita in th Savings-Eink,Denartmnut. Fuds1nveted x Jriate Parties We are prepared toer to customers ery - hicaitY. affordPd 1137,04bartered tan , and on equally favorable terms C*IleveYeifiangtill *Units Uralic es. Fira. cuid Lfe Znsua, ce. BEST 0.0bi-ANIEK REPRESENT DI OFFICE II0EICSA--IFIZIPIL 9 4. M. 10 4 • QAME4014-• & CAIVIPBELL, D. GAMER • . '(.!AMEROX CANPBEI.,0_ NOTARY P Li [ALI Vonunissioner hi R. R,Cansulyince •:Btz Etc.: LITCKNOW. ONTA 10. . - Conveyancing in, all its Branclies.• Deeds, Mortgages, :Bonds, Argee ents, Leases. &e-, primiptly and carefrilly p epar - edand correctness vuararteed. • SPacial and prompt attention paid o the searching of Titles, and to all matter con- nected with the trarisfer of Real Estate • CHAiRdES. REASONABi,E • IVIEYER, & DIOKINS • • BARRISTERS &C. adknow Wee one,. doiit from Com on &- Campliell's Bank, , • • OOLICITOB for Bank .nt „ Commisaioner for taking affida is for lifailitobs, • • - • 2.- - F1111-..TaWn, and Village Property, totiilit anefts-ne14cprivate- fand4.1oatied On Mtigtgage security at 6: and 6.5 er cent. , - • Money invested for private.Perions unbn' the hest. Mertgage securities without. y ex-, Ip%e7nesste_to.Lender., • ' ' T,-,nds forte.a.'e in Manitoba and the _orth- - • :nova' To 1LOAN, ONKY TO -1,0-A-k ON GOOD FARM • I roperty;!t 6 and bi per cent, ing to the sectirity offered. The above loaned on- any. terms to- Suit the be Ciorrespondence will be cheerfully an without- For further part apply te.• • - •. • - JOHN ..0ORDON 407. .• • rint MONEY TO LO fl X FIRST. CLASS MORTAGES at -'1 to Secretary of the Weat :Wawanosh kutnal charges rery intubirate. A-pplv to ‘..).' . VI per cent.iiiterest pa.Y.4.1e .6:0::: ; • - ROBERT NIUE RAY; St. ielt ns. ' Fire linatirance 'Com pany,nothing bu i.n\fvsa,uerruiset proPertyinsitred. Pitities.mishi.ng'..to • in thispopular farmers complm,), in th ship's of Colborne, Asblield, East. aiii .PCard to me will he called - on and Nyawanosh,,Einloss, and Unroll by se deivitegr; Post inforination given. ' • - ' ROBERT multRAN . S. ftel . . _ ONEY TO t )3.144. It 'are& nan itaiihainu aotlan. dhuilinn„ - • A.w• • • ali Val 131rean-shrtb a torman mulaid gorni child !i=an Dan. 'a sileadh; ,1.0riethii.oi min blivAinies nach , cha t111 cha till Ma.eruhnein ; ' gadh 110,14,sith auk tilte e tuille . mamma 110 134 411a -till Maeruiniein; till:gahritkgir la na Cruirme Thapaiirrnem het nit*fann aginreaCbd Gach.arathan- kgu briithsch; The:faits ;Ian st fent gheugan dubhavb, oanidh..gua Ws pitch till thia tugle Tha''n knairgerfe iiiietifdtd -brain a'Sjuulati, The. "ni beta- fo einbbal ; • .. Tha gal; van le- fueitir neo-shubbaeb, . .Ag radii eu ind' fhalblr's Mich; till thii tine. • 'Cho. chltdrin ear no client 'sail Dun mu fheazgar pmetalia naur rnurle 'maim freagairt Guchfieitigech's °Ugh, gun cheol,ablreadradh, xi' tliriail tha intinn nueli till thir The dark Motintern mist has wreath‘d. ;intend . , - „- The bannhee has anng her dirge-bl wailing, The mild blue ey s in -the -bun are Weeping, . For dam art- away- far beyond ourireepi;:fi'!: • Return, return. returo !--,}16, never ! '• _11-1oQiiiinnxinis,away to return to us i.ever, In peaae or in war.. Return; no-'..nt.vei I . is- r way to ret uz-ntolli8•11.eirtg! The breath (if the vale is faintlYhlowing, . iiach river and stream isimmirnful.flowing, The birth, -on tb-e bougheare perched 111 sorrow Since thou art 'away to return On 110 More: N Thndark nbean boaves with: dismal uninnore.1 refuses sailing, • .The voice of the ocean is heal d 111 eadriese„ Singing the -walrin mournful midnees: No more in. the Dun thy -pibroch tl4rilling, Is beard at eve lov-e's loud heart filling, - Each maiden and swain is sad in seirow, . Sinoe thou art away to return en no InOrrn_le: . • . - • 1). A. - • NOT:kS (413.0 eir ,7Hit qE--11?-1"-- - • 21144. A'D„EJUA. 1344 .. 'rho B&Bs- riihation Bill -repeals the lause -et the 14:leetion Act les.for siraul; ant -o us eloct: ons, and enacts that!the wiits shall he ieturnatila on:such dates as the 04;vernor-Getieraf: glir 11 apponit Ilus eilahke SirJohn16 bring On• -the el..etions in: his strongest eOnstituencia first; and -A hus-to.:_ereate . • , an,imprkission thatt the :GoVertiment_iq -about to inake's, " ble.oi.sweep' of the -COtIfltl\ liy dna 'near s the political tonvulsion is_ indefinitely extend (1 111 .i.turation, :cod the.datnagirk .to -business always_ dime by a wiferal.., election :is iljae as great as piarasible. - , Another,: objectionable -Clause ni the. Bill is the apPoiatirent 'of •returniet oftRers at I.)outini9.o el ectiOrm prestikt-.Sherifis Registrars oftoun-:- r :ft ties•. are a;ohe eligible tor the: cia-use giv'esT the 1-1roVerittrient thur ehoft.e.. Tlie..preent z-y-sietri has $voitked ocent,ations: of ,w rung:di:441g re; turintik - du.tnig. the. y.ear rate,. ;!iku, the eff. nersidia4ted pot- very- serions-;:-.whereaS. before -.-the perinanent Dflientla were rtnaf_to eniefs ot• , i elnetions-monstrons f0.1.01.1 *0'ei,),Zl'Pe tratedto secure rel u cteoz : iiieiit -eatidkilite. Fear otiliifuris-Sal Arum -permaikehtTi frites -beet ;61j; goy: and-. proaoSed te,..". , on, the part' Of, tht,.(1-oireininetit,-.to„ tes-ort to -the_ most. deep rare 'Means to'., S,,ctire .a lila, hltria; ry:• Those who are -.tad 611011b .-g__40: oxtoza and itti,da:•-11.ek.o.- tioii it,tails, will ;bait- no i' a1iztii what the.chingein the • -,1*W. piotetida. (21.4-0,171:0140-43., a 7 per 'cell ;, front , 2 to- 20 -years lists -of Farina (or sale in Ontario as Well as itanitoba„ Par ies de- sirous to sell farm*, will consult their i iterests by inspecting the advertising, fe'. ilitie if sub . -- scriber in Great Britain and Ire.z. vd a d eon-, tinent of la,tids fot able. • • • AN 'ITS' STLAVALT. .K Land 3r:alul.tor, Lucknow • 1. Ont. 0 TRELEAV I - LIA.1)ENSED `AkuE-135it1og Paiitinshoving sales niacin wt11 to gr • . • r Highest Cask Price Pail for Butler. ror . ' itesidence—WiRoughby Street, oppo Methodiit Church. , IWO TRE'lli YEN! te the 14aslinow.. K: :I.1$81. •-se - somewhataimilar deal" to that of the Midilleseicee is Made with the Brueei. It as neeessary to .add.anoth - Member .to the • two previously ie. turned by the ,County,-, no instead of North 4ruce- and South 13rueo we are to have Eat Bruce, West.Brtice, and North Brno; with the Reforniertagala • carefully :4•Ilived" t.n..one eonstit•iiehey,-: ,TWest .Bruee:- West Bruce;isto:•-eousist of 8a.ogeen;:.1Truce,. Xineardine.;-,..11.eroo;-: •Eineardine: - Town. '.Tiirerton Port-:....Elgih, and -the whole :uf LoCknow, in 1878- • these places, ex: eluding _TiveViton :(ot, which the _ -figures ai-e not inentiunei1) gave •:•• 980 Liberal 'Majori.ty.''. In -1-878 NOrth., and South Brace' together . gave a Liberal majority of kyl:iie that on the spitz:tee-it appeera that the gerrYinaodqring Of the- primes- has •-4:13.:.prc-jected Orin _Only --gencreiis -,A more zpitiful s.:-(kik:414444,44:1: fies!Ursoleion 141r4‘-‘1 air****giiittittiO* conclave asseiullgd1$0460hiiikIthe' '•etiitiroot rtt,take away frotti thoi-the tow -084-.0f. Sankeen; whibli; 1r, I-878 cait 3 Liberalvotes to•e'very-one-Tory.-: . • • . • • Th.e.'. 'wont the ...Bilk:is-the: .bl.refeceit. - gerkkura4tleri rig: .-of this: CO ,.74y, in oi7.5* to:: melte: ,tho -nekv rbling of AYest. Brom.. -The neWrridiiig is niarle up Orffie irly: all Reform: townshipe, Which -formerly .werei.diVided he- tween. North and &Anti BrOe.-Nowhere has ..the gerryinkrideririg bewi Of so ecandaloos a !Character, ..The,, principal Refirktni towxmhips iitthe 'county •Iie i1 toge.ther and -are _very: 'conreoierit...for, "hiVing" Atter takina three Reform townships frein.thasbutli riding.and the tOwnship:of Bruce; Si it h a:Ref:oral _ 11-41 jirity- of 4early;:00,-. from the..north--„tlie Tories_ are net conknt, buhad insd.i-s:. troy tI-es3turnetly .of the' en tire .clivtieidn ao.t also -tO ,take-ebe toWnSitip.ot Su fi,:li,..ofQfralifiajority--Of--1.-60,-- fr!,tay the north.: Tae -claim et Sir trehh: is that be is egna4ing..prodtilation,r-but, hers is thc pujiukition .Of or Bruce as iiow compoiei West Britce:'(Grit.), z,5;(1.09.•; East Bruce, 2Z 00:01-Nii th Brtte, 17,000:- ila-dr Salt: g' eii,with a; P.• pp -illation of. 2i100; been . . • .lef tin Nr:rtli Iliiic;-,:-Whors it gebgraphr; icaIIy belongs, the GO!retiatuetit, that it !tad` Squalizer0.•tiopti;,- . talipasibtit.-inaktng..the th vsiotis astbey. hi:Ve _ done•,:elearlysestablishes -I he, true inWerd_ruiSs vf Ole :scheiiie.„East and 'ffOttli 13ml* will pi,014bIy. be liOpele.aa ..Tary.1 'air: now lOnipOst4i, Brace:will ave 47:Reform minority o.f .a1.6tit - • r; A- de§ii(!prt,tefikttepipt. is made to get rid, of r8qatli- F1111_011:, 1;4. iv -o- colhorne and- Afitt towii of:(4-(71‘.4! 11.! Whieki .cast a., -Tory 71-, votes, - 'are take kijrain North Iiiiriai--eseapes-,--With.the 1:.3se.' 'Of .•Part:',9V.tlie -village Of LaC,lt a a yhtichr' ia 4,•'1..iliQial.iinijoitity 'Or -i(..entre. uren.l.,:mes. town ,t,olboote,. which - 1'.87S4aVe 1701- nr,ii t of kii$, .hitd-c gains 'z0i-ihorne 'Whieh kayo a sety:maVre - . • - — • — - • _ • • • - • . . JIflAdveriments 'al-i-vylii_cii."111ar tor , . • 1)7.-.401.ei.,..ckii.:yop.t:, fittir..y4tifir., ,orga4 • Or fonflinitt.010 (•).-1 la! wo. ()fr. JectiolL to."_.other peopie_i se tit. :, akre kg good, matle`: awl:- :at t. ani057:5-X,: 1;1t7.0•1"gn;I:..i..‘1.10l. 8101.)4)i fok,f to $47 • goods ..rri e Or. -and - ▪ piirt of the world (lir tot to -lir„ ,i,14 11-) pleaSee iio : kev•pe,...*•-its n.ato an 'wen s'ay. -:- -;),Yt.t he -telt years. .We • haVe---'-eeitt _ b.,oth, Organs:HT-441;1p 'stk.- to- .every... part, of the :world,- .abd. 00r give - the 'firioat wish a 0,04.421-. iks tru ••• t, -ono..-,tbat7 will you', sh he:.p.leas4d•-. St11.4.1 .y,cti onr creme. anil ppiees; aiid •- , if ti.0 rk,-! yori hat you regniro, ir le his' Lituiturt -ao1,1 in a heighbor al-wavs us A.ddtesa,' • • • 17iiOmai;;;- Succesiors to Tliotua,i.Br()tilere. 7 : • T., v•: -..s;: A. - , For all Purpisses of a, Farnitv Medicine. "Hagyard's Yellow -Oil" is at the head of the list: It is used with unprecedented success, both -internally and .4x -tangly.- It cures Sore Throat, Burns, Scalds, Frost Bites ;- *ad often euni Asthate From 4• 6.:r. A, 0:7111Fin..F..ci!-68Di04'.ii.ent, .. -. Firriii9ra are -1-ty bitsy-.a.t ,.i..oRg-•ei.i.rn;. isith..e.icr:rellit:ti,§d..e..1;s 1,48• . 4ornmel.c.ed revival ser.vicas.iit:Iffiroh Hall, _ * . - Mr.4. 11„ Miller, .1:)- .S: -14,lias--resiiiki • ed .'..his 4 title§ again atter ...-a- :protract,d-. illnese in 'Top:into, iv bere..4 bad.:f6priii•-:. ed " for theAreatroe.lit Of Ilia eyes. -. -- \ V e t, - are -pleased r,te -s.4 .41-4r,painstakii;g- .1-.'. ; . .,. isPector so w.ell• 'agaiii and- aisolin4ing -111i,*-dinintiee.r.SIfibui-ighatr:.-ti.,1-1..1.4..V.4:M: .-.0;•-a4_ptikirogli.ri;t:s. 1 1,- ,11:., . .viell:„ .The •meetrnge-are..well attend••( -1", •• 'at'Whieh ve y enjoyable-. eritert4nineitr•-: -• Itfe -, pre*sided. 0,-9d:1:4k en- Partin --by .. I li ., - niembers, - At a 1ite ,irpeetiog the --foi: . 1.0wipg. -was -... brotNli.u.:: Alp .•.i.or -. deb41..--;. ...,,,,Resi.ifred.,_.tfiat . the..1364 - ii..liiigfi.der ' than the -sword. 'At er a- wt- li cOures.t--e.d. • arziu (bent it *JAB. .deeid6d: ill :f4.41,i61‘ of r,... : , . .affirrnii(lVe. At -the -.Iasi Toeistif,g;.Fri. lay .:iiig ht, April -...28.th,.:t he f.:1117:?yrivg Oilleeil :.viere. eleiteCfer.the'enunig•-qudr(er :L--- Pre.;PrO.-_ JaineS .13r -own -,1"..-Vice Pres;‘,. ... .S is ter . Kaggie-Fin lay -;en.z,......Cou it., -13 ro.1 • -ThOmas Half ; -Jon. epori,,, Bre. 4.1113tit : :J•ellus.toi, ;-.Chap., 13.roi. Robert :i: ton -Ion ; Sveiretary.;:liro., IV,-"Hi-:Johlistot, ; -Recorder, . Sister Min -131)e .111 n la V 1 ; • ‘. E. aucier, Biro: Will. -,,Shaciklet on .:;_ Al atslia•-1,- -- 'Bro. .-Godfrey; Halls.:;, 1.0epi',111dr,,- -.S--i.,zer - ,-, , _ -6 7 ' A ti I ggi6: 4 .. .. W' 4 .4)1P3. ; tilitarui- t316.• .Peter - C 6 ot. ; • •Sentin.01: •-lite.. 'OohnT Mi•Q i 1 6-;(.1 -t• - • . . . . - . - Thel: illoWiiie' iS Iliti ,itaiiil-iiit, for tii;••• ' :month of-.APrit 1882;i6f the;mostrprip.'. - tieient: pupils in '8;:-.-8,-,t-0: 9; AAlitiejel.' _ft is based upon their , ttendance, w.u..4.,-- . ' Foutcrii---7--let, Lottie E. tTolkusta-ne 2 ii d i.-$-drah .4slily ; Aid!' (31 -ii la .j.- Fin 1 a r - Skicleti Tilie-D.:------.1.al .Rbliz•li.:V(JUil. -. ..210, -rticia, 0 nit. J -•,-•tit nal, v. 3r4,.- thre.WRee, I - ,.r. . .....s. .. ,.. JUNI OR: .THilia --'1 gt, . -9..trit4 -....Vi 1 i i a y:i :-.2ild Ida- Finlay-, .3r -Urifliern- li-.101- 1 -ley:. ' ' . -.8koons-„CT.,Ase.,----Ist, k.dwirr'-- d Anstoii--- ... . , . ,.... .. , . . -. .. .. -2nci,.lialii4A.14:11 ' ltd.. J).orot-liy ',.:iksh •._ . -.FI/t87.- 13. 4..itr.-fl.s'r, -. Miehaet, -Griff1-1 ; 2.,11.d-- : Aineis Kelly '--3-rd _Cal-haiiiii Kelly. r • .Soo.i4r? PAAT;-'--1;qt,k. J...Oaiiiiii' --(11are;;. . ..20.ctirE--.1.4-v-arki.efair-;_:.afdi 8441.iali,-:ie•i(b.,1-..- Tiiid best " spellers - iii -- the leen r,J1:1.,,,, . 11 -7'u • tell" -' e • - . sne 1m., 14. •%.‘" le,- . ..-s•ow:ind...---J.)orthy A ley-..- • . ' rFourtli.------Lettie-k. ;.-A,lino•tcoa-e..-'• ;Sen., Third-.7-•-ltohert'i 7-, :Cle-.4.-.- , . . •:J.unf, Thirii...-1:1,c: Atdpey.':.._. .: • • • (3-11aries No.1 early Potato. -t ery filie• viir.iety -tirtilgi -.- store. , :IT i'S nEPOinkevthat ,Sitip., ha:. A. -Alec:. -donaln said; tolii- frisi d',----afier 'he' l,a74, c'sp-Oken eii *the lki8:a -i7 AoltiOoffs,..l.l.ig:L9 ; Fniil :niaane, itiO1 of lt-i ae.t.- . Wlie,ither FA.tr----,T-ohti. said -it -or • trot,,.:.there ea njJe.` 7.tio .- : ,.. . .. _ , ._ _ .. , questiou-_abTAit l'.140.f4,dt..tliat both in-lhiS• tont-ter ari4 -are right ct .,-(„aliz,ifil.t to ,n, ,I.I. 3 . jf -: treidei-1041,1 lifikklii.Zac. . 111t-: l' -'3...11.-r -• , Of the G ,Very me% o.t: rous. matoie betore he is,. bistribut of Seats whiCia:.'w Wit pefrple7agi!ina tent astray in *a 1 - He -- will findl. ' • Older...that his . iMI is a bo6ii*can'o -.. !lore.: tlian . (he '. t ie ainMd.' seeds in AttalifitirS to suit par.} chaser. Every kind of seed in hiilli.L. at Shen-arn's drug tore. -' . . r: . . . -• . . , . Tilt Tozon-tc.) Tel,By .crilt, all -I ii depe !Id-. . . - crg, '41;14 :One 'Ay: apt) sees all geod o .-•-madklon.ahl,-;I: ).-;03.-this,„ to at- t he - ;Pre . 40:14- relijy;,..i to r. or itoii an..1:40 inotiOn • :(o yeti' wr•ent. : ILIAL Far: 41-01:. Mim3/40.1.1 •. - 101114 out • o, gni's Atee4lation Opilyinpath) h the,...ik..-itt best thiikg,by • r.:•• • . •thrii*ing- r0114. Water all -0.-ver2-tltern.---4f..'- thi ambellitions haNe any- set in, : • . - - • " 131,u4-Rt•ail.f. itoxiittuit be -Owing to,. Ent { ..1411ti Antic -4eatinerit ofthenii- but lo • 'Mt-. Blake's manly and eloqtrentspeeeh .1 in: convection with them: In -Stead' of : taking up the -resolutions in a .gnorouo W.41 as would have been more in li•-!ep: ing with his nature; ;Sir JohlideVoted"'" hinniolt I to attacking Mr. Blake ando.11 • charging him with trying to mike p. • timid . ' _ • • -