HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-04-21, Page 8• 14-011.10E•
cli" to %Waite the peoPle of LU
•ard eirronndire country; that 1ata
• re, lay to de-, all kinds of work sn• try
iue at lowest prices, consistent
- With good work.
B.2-Oopying .art$1... Enlarging
• ' Speciatty,"-Fearries and:Stereo- -
slepes always on,,hande
Luclirevr; Sept. 9th.
N. 6:t. 11 12 453
No. 3.-11 12
No. `A. a •-No. -7: 22.4
No: -fi• 0, 9
No. 4-710 8 .
ktillatIe Tint'
• Forahe NorthWest. •
'A -large number of farmers left. en
-Monday laat.for the •Northwest.
Oonvalescencie -
Re-Y..Mt...catey will occupy tho
'paint in the. Eugliali Church cin‘Sanday.
.eyeni ,g. n -xt as usual, having fuliy re:
• - ccivel ed. from his late illness.
Sale.„Of F.urniture.
There he sold by public auction,
- at Mi.lttyres hardware store in this
- village, at 12 'o'clock, to:day (Friday) a
e.ge ameunt ot first:class• household:
- Sent to:. ,
'Wedneaday-last,'having failed
pay- the -fine imposed 6ri.liiin• Phort
• time ago by Magistrates:, fer abesing
14-6W. Verandah. •
. • Mr. W. Snell hai.ereCtialra handsome
hpicnny in ;trout a his; hotel on
Rees atreet.:.- Mesara 81.: 'J.. SteiVart
are the Contractors, and theimprove-
ment addigreatly to Weeppearituce
the. huildii ••.
- At.a: late hour on FA:day-night- list a
number 3f young men, 'Who: Mightto_
now= better, went through the; village
bowling -'and nsilging, greatly, to the
tinfoyonee of the' citizlusc. Tlea
coustable sheuld intervi%wsente of them.
. Three Monthi.
The woman, Merhersen who: was
eitinitted to _Walk.ertoe jail by the
-1411Pgo tri:Itistrates. to- - standtier trial for
to steal .a -,•pair ot boots from
•lileteod's. Store in this..rlse% :wait son:
tnieoci bv the Judge lait week to- thre-
moutho in the*Courtty jaile
....TA tees Adley.,Was taken toW., -elkerton
A5 Master Aegris McClure -who lead ;
ing- a spirited: Imo- out. Of Milier &
Wtiitely's. Livery Stable en 'Monday
evelliR.4 List,. for exereise, the animal
frisky 4.14 kickiet the young
. luau tnir. the Wrist,breaking several small
• - 1640s.. Hie is no recovering fapidly.
•Elucatierial Sermons,
The Rev •Mr.- Smith,. of Manehester„
preached two very. at le and iastrnetive
sermens, On behalf of the • educational
intere-tts, in the ,Methodist Church in
thii village on Sunday lest:. The Rev.
.J: Smith of thi4. *Wage, filled
imsitiOn in the Mathxlist church
at •Manchester.
- Srabilotit April 2nd, as a D.
lrellwoed was.rnounting his hurse, after
•Ifts rifternoOri appointment ie township
the horse sprat% forward and:
leng palled hack llighted 'on. Mr.
• Wellst eod's kg. aiiove the ankle:end -dig
Jeated liis auk ie •Ife has been:unable
:tt walk Witaout a. crutch since, hutria
• doing nicely:
• Ocidfellovits,.
The - members ef the Odrifeliow's
Lodge in this village wil Celebrate. th•e
eixty third anniversary of the order by
divine service at St. Andrew's.
- Presbyterian Clutteh an Sandy perm
The- 1),..e,brat •wit walk in a body
lam the beige roomto tne church Ali
•rrt:.nr ben of the order -are 'regal:gated to
attend. .
Fitie Green House.
Robert _Graham having a lartle
Oftition put tu hia green ivus..Mr.
“iitiam• bikits a great interest in the
vulture. of (teivers, having at present one
lrapternents. o. ,
'has opened out
impleimeilt,ageney bi.this. village,' in
the- ;Stand formerly' ticeupted•-by .1Si. 7
"Coolioan, on. Campbell street. -
• Hareowing Accident,
on Trif odaYISet. as A little boy, sen
:Art- :James W ofthe 12th con -
-4f West WawanOsh,- wee driving a
:tem of lieriei attached: to a. set of 'her:
-rows, eite of the horses met: With a Sr:-
iona, if -riot: fatal accident. • The'boy
turned too Alert, and one Of the
animals tell upon the •-diag: It is
_ . .
_thought -the animal -win -not reeoyer.._
:Miss K: C. Strong purposes giving a.
Cenversazione by her talented. class of
pupils in the Temperanee Iialbon Wed...
. • .
nesday evening, April 26th. The, pro.
gramme is a varied and attractive one
Spring 8130w-to:day.
consi.,ting-of•.two grand openingchoruses
,Selendid April showers on Wed:
Strong. the worthy patronage ot the
r..Ii. W.--Beirlairrived !licinie.7troni
'M Lisiteba on 'Saturday alightlast.. Be ----
iii ds -returning -'to 'lleniteba.Mr.-,
A d•rew: Daixideeis-•.who deat-Fdierui just_
. , . . - _ ..
tat, returned WM:Manitoba OnSatur:
'clef.night .1aSt. . 3,..It:DavidaonT is at
preseet cOnfihed to ' bed .„-ittith- dreriey..-:
Mil 'Robert, Mutrey- -rettuned Aber Lon:
do i 141. week -Miss Mary* Whitely
left on Tues kkaY fot the ..ilishop. SO echo)
Setieell Tereiiit.-Dr.: Teenant, and -D,.
Catriphell were in ,T.orianto last week
M •••-.7--
... DJ E. Cameron spent a -few :days- in
.To 'onto .t hie week .-The. Misses Scott,
..eflOneardine ate in the Village, visiting,
at Mr. W:-Alliiis --Mies Nelliel3urgess
r a-lied:home from Generich 'last Week.
. -
bv twenty-five voices, also solos, duets, -The trees begin t' look green.
„quartetts,' etc; We bespeak fin. Mil* Spring seems to have 'pet inat
publicSee posters, . ,
- - • • •
`VisEl, office. •.
•Mr. leek Attains • bee corninenced
Get your horse bills Printed at the
The Fail Wheat.
Frim r.littble information received
..frent all. parts of- the Riding, we learn
that the fall - wheat has a very prom- tering the etreete.
• . • -
ising appearance; From the elmest Dlark's NO, !Early Potato, very fine
total absence of a snow ovoring during- iety at Shepard's drug store .
the winterlmonths„ it was fea.ed that- When are we• going to: have a tree
the. !rest would hake had a damaging pi ming . • . :
. -
• --, --' • --, . .
&treat, butwe are ghtd-to learn that ' no. -Several new buildings are in course
Serions remits are likely to fellow the of erection inthevillage. - . • . .
. , . •
exposure, except where the ground was --...A -large party reit for the North:
wet. • - . . St on.• Wednesday last.- -
- . ..
• A NeerInclustry,Under the tii,., P 11 -Cake !Oil Calm the best food
' e - .k ONVJI for Calvea and Cattle at
Lucknow - claims : that under the Sliepard's drug store. .
benign influence of the IC P., at least . Remember_ L. C 1,1acInt3-re's. sale •
one new industry has arisen.. There urniture- to:day, (Friday).. • .
a mar* in Lueknow whose prineiPal •
characteristic is his ca,pecity for holdiq
'There -vita fine 'brilliant •display .
fortv.rod to. Obtain. Which he resorts - urorabcrealii on Suuday. night. -
. 4t. Patrick's 'Early Potatoeso• very fine
alinost every OnMonday ias
anti early at Shepard's drug store... ,
he. capped the climex. Seeing two haVs •
driving an equal. nenaber ofpigs,he_taok Kanlosa Breech Agribuitural Si
trhold their Spring Show to day
-- .
Possession of the porkeii awl div % •
them to tt.e` Poi,td-, where % he received
The Coinicil intend intpeeting the
tWerity:five cents a.pig. - •
, di apct sideWalkaen Monday next
- . •
Send- one dollar and get the ''- SEN*'
:- '.. EL awl one Of Dr. :Kendall's heatise
' LucknOvvites Abroad.
The 1?ochlake lier.cad, publishad • 0 tiro horse.
CryStal City, Manitoba, seys :----•••Aneang
11 Paper; Largest, hest -designs
ihe businesg men wild: have dePuled to cheapestin townia ShePard's
cast. their lot in Crystal City, We might '0- store.
L1111 at D., D. MaeIntyie'S:- for ell'
inention-Mr; -"Charles. Secord, late- of
. . . .
11 kit di of 'Shelf liardivare - glass paints)
On who -ie -opening: up .
oil spades -and shovels. •
, . y .
.verV 4irg, -stock of garieial rcercheedise
Wide, new store en Ida Street. . Mr. - S
. -,-* - •-• Farmers are new bnay ' with :their.,
a considerable portion of 'Ma etOeli no -work - and the vithiee grardens
already freighted in. . AlrJ. G. Tre!e.t: 1. 2, • . 1 _ ci ,
receiving iaiuch attention: Already
. . .- • tog violets are fouo d in au n n y nooks.
veriradso. late ,of Lucknow„ will in a.iew
• days wen up a large and well steel:eel
..re stock newly imported at
was forwarded'fiom Emerson this week.
, epard s drug ktore. : - - '
- - -• Arial •Dentists, *he .have tried
Hardware. .
- .i• , y II . . .' . .
anerr , . pronounce It the &nest
D. D. McIntyre begs to intimate to -
thi ig on-theface of the . earth for the
thereePle of Leeknoty and eurreunling
t.ee II and breath. Five cent satnrlea.
-country, that he Is now receiving daily
. eedS In quantities. to stAt _Our: -
a new stock of -General Hardware, and
er•Rtery kind of Seed in bulk
4 few dap -3 will be found at his stori;. ebiLs_
at Shepard's drug store,
in the -flick Block bpposIte Whiteiv's
My Stock Of hardware will becoru:
Hotel, One- of the most extensive arid i . ,
NAils, shovels,
cornprenensive stocks in _the Hardware Pleld.e:s.171, illoefse:wezed.a:-.Z,ivi‘ apived, and -.I
line- to be .foUnd in -the Counties of
11a-rites's shop; We uhderetand stock
-field amtgardeaT Seeds, A
n4to sell goods at a small profit fur
Bruce and Hugon. Tl.ese Goode have ill
• . • Parties who intend building Will
heea toeght in the cheapest markets in ' it to their advantage to give a
the country and will b. sold at the low: .1). D. MAchitvit,
at pi)seilile price Cerninensurate with .
rair dealing. : Give hiiii. a call. - ome beautiful.pattei IIK of Wall
. er cheap, cheat .at Shepaird's
South Killion Church. 4 g store.- - -
At the.meeting of the united Synod
of -London and' Hamilton, hold• -at S. S. No. 5, Ashfield.
geneill last viteic V7e clip the fellowing
in referenbe to the dispute et the South he quarterly -examination of pupils
Church •:Lr -The ayrital resumed Ashheld,taugat-by.jes:.
at g• (Mock this morning; . There as Mdektnarr, took prae-e• . Thursday
'fitli inst. -The merning-being damp,'
very einallattendatico ofareinbers,' the
majorit .-haVing reft for bow d mibt. prerited. some of the parents
baeg preseet,:yet the attendance.
arents,and visitors-wai "greater than
suallY seen at -the 'quarterly :exam in,
ot. rural schools.: -,• Two of the
ist!ts.arid -00 e huthlmr- the, par;
s .were present, ainong ly1.10113. was R.
hater, Req.., Reeve of Ailifleld,..Jai.
Morgan,. 'Rrineipal• of St: 11 bus
ools, was gee present, and Oly-a-
ed the -teacher- hi -examining the pu- •
pil s. It \vas evident -f rem the , lively
ma Mer iu. which ari:iWered-
th oral creations. giVenItem, and from
ti, high;percentagebtinarks takeu in
th different Subject's, that they have
panstakuig and -diligent tnacher. Over
- little girl, MitrIgilitioelr.
to( One. hundrcid phr . cent torsPelliog--.
the junior :third clast.. The
-Tr steer; and 'parents -Present ..expressed.
•th nitselves-e.s very higlitv .pli•ritiert witb
t progress. thoir children. are ,inakingt
with the -.anginal.- in the
091 i . c.0n, uoc;tfte.:, w no. w As- 'PRESENT.
South -Kir
up.. The
thrown ou
ants. A Commission was - appoipted,
• consisting of Rs.v. Messrs. 'Thompson,
M. Frhzor, McDenald, and
and ehlero Barr, Waldie and .B.ritlett to
_visit South ICiplosii and look' into the
The commission • to have full
Synodical powers, and to uieet in
Kinless Church on-Uay. 9th.
os case was' _again taken
rotest and. appeal were
wi.b the consent of- apPell,
'The steimer."Lsdy Dufferin" owned-
• by Messrs. Cameron.. & :Canipbell; of
this village, and- CIA:lined by Air: John
MaPhersoti lett Chicago on Thursday
• evening oliast wein-bound t� Midltted
with a cargo et corn Abouttwu hours
, •
After leaving Chicago- ‘ihini live, or 13:-X
mites:seta Of the
,colInieil with the scow- sch!,iener'"Burth
or tin, lart.,,est collecttnis of tile difrounit, Haven', borind sp, light. 'riot
• the witinty, and whet' the `-`1)uff-,rin." a.tisick the 4!S,firliti
preseuvbu1dug .,t}. finished it will be. amidships' e,n• the port side, carr3ilig
iway the latter'bulwarks and. seveeel
Cend to nono the rovi.
10 Alt _rguotAti.DAtootis .scfitaPT.tifL
ffilizieltniit and loatng her- own. dolphi.s •
of the mosthealin bourn! ana guma.z_ e striker and apirita
•a, The "DO:
Balsams, which, enter kato- 1.0 composition, eri let grriltr SAC' Writ; Una_ proesedod
wcre- ;wed by thitnatives -when: AWke0ea wag to repkir d4m.agek atter Which -she Pro:
ifirei discovered, and IRO conthinlIv4lith other
vegetable tobictoio-biengred- ekt oat is efjeded, on he way. The wand was
t th,roat very light at tho time or- more Orion&
4s- simoiffe for all. effectfonam th th� •
- _genet huiv, Theusandi of bottlei ar.e- used dow!uuo would bays areauvrect 41i botiii:
. awnisity.. end, it. ii consideeed. 014,4 tih- s. •
smAadardyrepakittio4S ot shp t I - ey • lc lit tilt WN -I.*
t le a great and -often fatal mistalte to take:
'11014ated draatic purritistai for conatipatien
of the bowels, they induce idles and cause
debrility of the )3iirdoolc' Blood
Bit nee is a safe and lier„ffet reffnioter:-of the
bels, Demising the t0rprt,t Lien and altthe
iiectetions to. health* actinyti eetisig on the
Perliand 11/11)
Ong and `ionieg the-
• . .
*Wage 1Di. OuntiVMeetintal
. .
..A.-iiieetiitiz••Of the -.Village-conixeill'Wlisr,
- , - -
. . . .
f,evening-,•leett • at ale,call-.:61-4hReev e.
PreeplAttei,Aeeve..a!_nl::.conue)114$ _Tee
: _
natit Stetvert 'Brysii and LaWie •ce,
Minute61:previi;eisaneetiee rea1. and..
reseed-. ',The t
10$0,,ttted., viz ----.1l,erC&-Itobins.eil; fojt
.B. K. 'Assessineilt•Padk. $l.64:John_
West, niilk: for Re rimA I .',COriigau,
...rent • of hall. fettion
-0.7.0ordenfor-ineat; ;31 -5.• i)5. The Andi::,
lerek presented the zreport of :Audit, of
..Village.aeseaceneilifer 1881., ..•I‘leved. by
' Colin lityeor_seCoteled •Couti;
- - -
pant, •that the -,above• accounts.: be paid...
Carried.'..lgOved by Cuun..St'ewalt, sec.
-Ceun, Braise; that tne.-Ainliters'•
Report be received. ani. ae !opted.. - Car-
ried; Moved. by Colin, -Bryan, e 6n led
by Ceun; ei1ek0 hat
'hayethe r privilege Of fi1Iiiigthe %.vateriiig
cart on Canap411iAtreet:bridgeiliat will
:noe'be .a110•Wed-;..to have the es-rtunat
tached ou t he. bridge: Ce".iyiect. The
COmaeil.iireaolved...te iipec thaStreets-
end :eidevvaiksi
ort Monday net, to see whit
inentS.S4 needed Movtd by:Coun•-•
-Lawrance, secondeJ1 by Veen.: -_Srewatt,.
:that Treasurer - be „cited to appear .
- . . • . _.• .
-b 'fore .this Couici1 at 1t next
Cot -meg: adjourned on motion, to nieet
,at the cail of the..1144oVc.r.--
Sao .00- Wortk.. of ficiv.tilifil-l'OPIP
- ;- Jar music for $1OO
• ::Thonnia thtotheite.Islusical jOurnal
foi .kareh is ariideithttidly.t he fit est 'arid
best journel---of .its kind paibhshed. :'.1The -
reading iiiatteriS rV1fled -arid original;
being ilew-s froui 'all.parts. of the. -World...
The have a new .featuro
this •yeatin , being beaii:•ifullyillestrated
and printed on. fine heavy calettleted
paper: Each nuniei will have in rcv r
Two -Dalai's'. worth oL Sheet. 1.11.10C,
nrinted frein 'our hest --platea';•-•riecl aa
, , . . -
.you receive prie.number each riiiirith; at.
the .01d:4:each year. you have fief. bini:-
liig ore -of theffinest,eollectiena- of Voctil
and ieitt.uin.ental Music iniagrnablc 1)
not fail to the -Journal •i -et:
once. •-• Priee,a Yeat,,41..;.• or :with -
Cluoind 22x26.; t15.35the
30 cents being the actual cost. oLpack
llig:and- postaee or eXpress. on -the
Cliroiao.. :,'Sainrie. Copy of the ou.rnal,
10 tents We: *eta an agent :in eVery:
- and citybe -Vnited-::States:
. .. • ,
end. :Called:it,' le Like eubecr • s or
!_the jo.ureal, ••
Address, J. 11. T116140,., •
-S um:easel.. to Thomas. .13 rothersi•
" CEO Skil 1 •N Y - TIT S
Dissolution of
the• partne-rehip, heretofere Shbaisting;
_between Us, the undersigned, asGeneral Mer-
chants has been this day dissolv.ed by mutual
consent. Allrdebts owing to the said Parteer,
ship are to be, paid:0Z Robert Paxton, -at Kin .
And all ela,inie against the Said partner -
_ship• are to be presented to the said Robert
Paxton, b3r,tiliOni the tiame.will be:Settled..
Mrcrtagr, Conitiaop-,
Witness,- IWEit, CORRIGAN; :
Dated at- liobirood this-.,18th.d4 - of • Aiii• ,..
- . •
. •
Toehold. Popoty
. :
- 1 -
TZ, 1.1
-MIR. JOHN: -1)},ART •oy.E•Ori!!. FOR
Sale the entire stock consisting :
Waggoni Betties; and -all the other- -necess
fixtiiresler the monlifacture of. -
noot:AND.GliiGEtii BEE
. . , . . _
formerly the property of .14.i„
'frirther.particulars applyte
- , • .3 01IN BE ART ;11,-eekta
- I '
What it it f• The beef Machine Oil in
wild, is mannfaetured by -
ztaq-cal. Bros. is, -Co., terctio, •
. •
This Oil under -the .severeat test, 'and do
eeeseetitio.n. ire awarded _
VOilr Medals and Three Diplomas ,
_at -the Leading Exhibitions, of -th e • iyrnim Rai
In 1881.- Farmers and 'others Will sOVe money
and -re achin.ry bf miing 14 kliDINE. Ask 3.•;our
local dealer f� r it -and take -no .othek.
pineopt;fryeet13: xinele'llitte0- in
all Work in their line in a superior style.
B (TILDING of ALL itins
. -
'contracted forand finished in the latest friaic-
. ner arid w;th.great satisfaction. We keep:
on hand a larcre:stock.ig Seasoned -
Liindier, A 11-eizes; ,
•Situate in the Villageof lueknow. Triide-r
. and by virtue:of a powersof sale pertained in
a certain nrrtgage, which will be peoduce0at
the:time of side. There will be offered - for
sale at Whitely liatel; in the, village' of
Lueknew, '
WEDNESDAY the '26th day of APRIL;:
A-. D.- lila: at 12 o'clock noon. All and
that certain -parcel or tract :Of land
• and premises situate in the village Of Luck-
- now, in the County at Bruce; being composed
of vill4e lots -humheiii; -seir.enty-seven and
:eighty .three,:said., Of Lueknow,-be--.,
jug part of lot nutr.h.ersfiftynine. in the firat
toneessien of the- toweship of Kinloss, the,
said Comity_ef Bruce, :containing,by admeas- •
ueenierit ene half an acre, be the e.anie more
or lops.. 'Tat per cent.of the :purchase Money
io be paid at -the time of sale, and balance as
May be agreed upon. For further Particulars"
,.applyte .• - -
-61c1111111i ig H , IOWA RD 4, iiitAxtrpN,
- • . V.Ondors!
Over Dominion Bank, Toihnta.
-to 290 per day-athomdriaMP1Powertli-
$5 free Address
Oil is Par excellence the .reinedz.
fin' . Vain, Lewienees, -Rheumatism. Croup,:
Deafeeste• Burnie- Frost -Bites, Stiff Johits,,
tui -d flesh wounds. Any Medicine -dealer
can furnish it.
oases _of Chronic: dieease,which doctors
have failed to eure,r-BOttnotig Ilt.00n Brasile
achieved Ate geeetest . All.
diseasea of -the Blood, Litter: .and Kidneys,
Scrofula; r .Nervous De.bility
Rheumatism„, Riles, Ftinalee CoMplaints, and
ali fOriniihf teat. Vitality -are_ proniptlf tilfrtid
areat-tavenatingTonic: ,
tally cost 19. Cents.
on hand; or Me& • to brier at short noticti.
We guarantee -good work -as We keep:none
That the best at workmen and material.
- • -.• . • ,
Et -dr
Lueknow. Alarch 22n(1,1882.
' .
move ,ati Rubbish From
I -
Your Premises.
• _
Give Tour Dwellings :I, Thor ough
.Overhattatig. •
eitemove• the raper. On the • "Iti-hils-1 of :Peer •
Howes. -
aftPaper Viii)dow Pil-p_ofs
whc is now -showing -the largest and Ost va
• ied stockever shown in Lucknow. iearly
To -choose from, and prices -to suit.
In these days public attention is .50 .etigressed -
nevertheless..5Etrtan important I, t, that
by the . large emigration to the . =tewest.
that other matters are �f m nor' 1 . . . ,
1 wish to dralv the tittention of the people of •
Lticknoiv and surrounding: country to is,
that I hav.ecommOcedbusiness-in the store _
lately occupied by Berry & -Clendenning, and
in w.hieh I have -opened- ent a splendid -stocked
. .
: - I
Ouch are usually kept in a first-class Fandr
Goods Store. Having -lately visited the ma rketa
myself, and personally Chosen th ia geode, .1I-•
feeil confident that my stock will please all
that may honor me with their presence -ad
patronage, and herewith I extend to yeuill
cordial invitation to come and see My goods,.
and inspect for yourielves. .
Velure Respectfully, -
si Filitto..