HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-01-02, Page 2'Tat r racist meelowteem of ilia 'beat Meek perfectly t>leueled aide the full fbversrad aele give; to .■re EIG'S WRITE SWAN COFFEE quality that light*. de - anti sakiaties. Ourn lethal of roast- vpltaps and pre- ala tills uch flavor, We -put nt up ill scaled parchment contei piers bot ficin stcrsfind again pit in tins so non .,-yrr• of deliolcttul is lost. Ask your grocer for Swan Coffee, Rohan O: e1.& Co., i,rmitGd, • ..r every ing do serves the roa seal e aroma White The Toronto TO ADVERTISERS iit(>1rot `bsolartea every man of ti+e lice, traps Oharlea 1.E. )Faye flown, to the humblest wiper or reotiota. roan. It ill: started by an appropliatton of $i10O,. 000. and it is oalo>rlatedthat they income from this will have to be Boppl.emented by further votes of about $75,000 a year. The new pension system will go Sato ONO on January 1st, endi will cornpel the absolute retirement, of employe When he retobee the age of 63. If he has entered the servicee be`ore the age of fifty, and hasaaervsd more than 15 o sson •ve a beentitled n tr yeare he wilt eat) led to a pension of 1 per cent. of the highest average salary paid for any 10 years innitipi.ed by number of years service Thus a man averaging $1,000 a year for any ten•yeare, who has served for 3d years, will be entitled to a pension of $300 a year. Any man over fifty die.'' oharged without cause and ;;otherwise eligible for pension to his year of service. This pension fund will be entirely contributed by the Grand Trunk, the men assessed not at all for it; the fund will be administered by a board selected from the otieial stall and the benefits of the pension system will apply to all em= ployes accidently or otherwise incapaci- tated iu the company's service. This will neoeesitate the abolition of the superannuation fund for years kept up j 'natty by the company and men, no new member being admitted after the end of this year, Notice of changes must be left at this otl3ge not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than . Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of esoh week. ESTABL1SEED 1872 Tut AVINNAll `ins. H, n1i. itLLiOTT, PUBLISHER ANDPROPRIETOP T £Li7RSDr1Y, JAY. 2, 1.908. THE SMALL YIELD COW. Dairying in the United States is de- presmd by one element that mast forever stand in the way to blook the dairymen from success, That element ie the small yield cow,and the steer that costs $40 or $50°a year to keep and returns her owner $25 to $25 for milk. Many a milk producer, with a herd of thirty anoh cows, rem touting an investment of $1,- 000 or $1,200, is losing money regularly, and must lose as long as he insists on operating with. such cows. Re can ins vest bis $1,200 in, say, twelve cows that coat $tO0 aplaae, and these cows will give him more milk than his 30 scrubs give him. He would save the feed of eighteen oowe, with all the hard labor and other costs of their keep, and he would be in the way to make money. There ie in sight no ohange in farm and market conditions that promises ever to put a profit into dairying carried on with cows that average 1,000 or $1,500 quarts, of milk per head per year, and prodnoers may as well open their eyes to this eauth. The proposition to make milk with snob cows is an abaardity, because :t is proved beyond all possibility of doubt that they tseatoi,,,,,:toze,,,,canaseseeilito their milk than they nen hope ever to get out of it when it is sold in the market. The etudeat of milk production is eurprised' every day to observe what a large number of herds he well find that averages less than 1,800 quarts of milk per head per year. The owners of these herds say that they "cannot afford better cows." The truth is that they cannot "afford" these cows. One correspondent saysthat last summer, in a tour of over 300 so -celled "dairy farms" he found leas than twenty herds whose average yield was large enough to bring the cost of production inside of the net returns from their milk sold at the average prioa of the year. The twenty who owned those herds were making money. The other 180 owners were losing money on their small. -yield errls. The lesson le plain. The con- Iusion is inevitable. -New York Farmer. Character In Medicine. • In medicine, as in every sphere of human action, it is character that tells. Every prescription that Dr. A. W. Chase gave to his fellowmen is full of charaoter, full of the honest, sterling chsraoter which made the grand old doctor respeoted, admired and loved by 1I,,who knew him, The integrity of se' b •anown in every one of his ous'family medicines. A Nice Christmas Box. lendid Christmas box was handed Er employes by the Grand Trunk in the announcement of a new and generous pension 6vstem for its men. TEE wINGI1AI 'IM)11 , JANVAWr 2, 1008 OWN DIRE() BAPTIST Q111/4011 --Sabbath. Gerdose at 11 e► m acid 7 p m. Sunday Soklool at $:8Q p In. General prayer meetilsg on Wednesday evenings. Be-.° H. Nldg.r Alien, pastor. B.Y P•U. meets alouday evenings 8 p.m. Abner Oosens S.S. Superintendent. x u( r - a vices ani.. Btu H S b t ser x a Q Ro ba h et 11 a ria and 7 p m, Sunday School at 2:30 p m. Ellswortague every Uan- day eveniug, General prayer meeting on Wesin tis• e e niu ee y C gs, Rev, W. G. Elaweuu, pastor. h'. Beobauaa, S.S, Superintendent. PetasnY suis.) Qiwaon--•Sabbath ser- vices at 11 e. m and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2:.:0 p m, s General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. D. Perrie, pastor, L. Harold, S S. ata perintendent. ST. PAUL'S QmUROII, EPISOONAL-Sob- bath services at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sun-' day School at 2:30 p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev. P. S. Hoyle, M.A., Bola, Rector ; Ed Nash. S. S. Superintendent ; Thos. E. Robinson, assistant Superintendent.,, SALVATION ARMY --Service at 7 and 11 a m and 5 and 8 p m on Sunday, and every evening during the week at 8 o'clock at the barracks, Pose Ornate -Office hours front 8a m to 6:50 p m. Open to box holders from 7 a in. to 9 p On. P. Fisher, postmaster. To Keep the Skin in Health 1` j t its quite possible that. while you :now of Dr. Chase`s 'Ointment as a cure for cezetna, psoriasis and the most se- vere forina of itching skin disease, you. -'stay have overtooked its value as a utifier of the skin. o are minor forms of skin trouble rousse ,,skin, red skip, chafing, rumples, blackheads, blotches, aisoning from the cloth- e. isfigere and form a tstb :serious disease. a e of Dr: Chase's dint• not only remove ton;dtore .he ef the aakinsand post. ther development. Ointment is delightfully y, is pleaeant to use, and orbed. It acts as a food eking it soft, smooth and is soothing, antiseptic and ate it allays inflammation and heels sores, ,wounds, tit , et el deal- ," t`O., TO. tit Superstitions on Skin Diseases. Of all snperetitions,probably.the most foolish. is the idea that when a rash or sore is healed and cared by means of external applications it will "strike and do further herr. No reputable' phyoioian wilt give any con itenence t o such a notion Skin diseases of every form, and espeolally eczema, salt rheum, aeald head, eto. are promptly relieved and certainly cured by Dr, Chase's Ointment, There should be no "faction" in any town, The prosperty of one individual and every improvement made enhances the valve of all property in the corpor- ation. Oar town is simply one big family. When this is disoarded there is little progress. When there is a united pall for anything, its acoomplish- ment is made easy. Envy, jealousy and hatred are things to be deseised. Eavy is a banker that knaws at the heart and makes folks sour, disgruntled and un- happy ; n•happy; jealousy wraps the intellect and makes us unfair in passing jadgmeut. Hatred doesn't pay even from a sordid point of view. HUNDREDS OF READERS WILL APPRECIATE IT. Advice of Noted Authority, Also Gives a Simple Home Prescription, Which Anyone Can. Prepare. Now is the time when the doctor gets busy, and the patent medicine mannfao turers reap the harvest, nulese great care is taken to dress warmly and keep the feet dry. This is the advice of an old eminent authority, who says that Rheumatism and Kidney trouble weather is here, and also tells what to do in case eau attack, Get from any good pre oription phar- meoy one-half oun.e Fluid Extract Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kar. gon, three ounces Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla. Mix by shaking in a bottle and take a teaspoonful after meals and at bedtime. Just try this simple home-made mix- ture at tho first sign of Rheumatism, or if your bank aches or you feel that the kidneys are not acting jest right, This is said to be a epleudid kidney regulator,, and almost certain remedy for all forms of Rheumatism, which is paused by uric acid in the blood, whioh the kidneys fail to filter out. Any one can easily prepare this at home and at small cost. Druggists in this town and vicinity, shown the presoriptiou, stated that they can either supply these ingredients, or, If ourreaders prefer, they will compound the mixture for -them. The City Council decided to ask the Legislators to grant to married wo- ven owning property in their own name the franchise in Toronto. State of Ohio, Oity of Toledo, se Lucas County. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Uo , doing business in the Oity of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sem of one hundred dollare for each ond every case of Catarrh that cannot Le cured by Care.h of Hall's Catarrh t e us e 1i'RANI{ J. OHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D, 1886. A. W. Gleason, (Seal) Notary Pnbiio. Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mn- cone surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by alt druggists, 76o, Take Halle Family Pills,for coneti- pation. OUTSIDE ADVEFtTISNG Orders for the insertion of a4vertisewents Bi e such as teachers wanted, b ss chances aani waned article* for a or hi feet ny kind of an t t 't, in any of the. Torontor other thy papers, maybe left At the Tutee office. Mils vr'orkwill reeelvepe pt attention and Will *aye people the trouble pert for and forwarding *drertisent t*. Lowest rates will be quoted on a It ca an. Leavy or *end your next Work of to the TINES O.> 1C Aux PUBLIO Lraa .nY-Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon from 2 to 6:30 o'clock, and every evening from 7 to 9:30 O'olook. Miss Maud Robertson, librarian. TOWN CouNCIL-W. Holmes, Mayor; Dr. A. J. Irwin, Reeve; David Bell, D. M. Garden, Thos. Gregory, John Kerr, D E. McDonald Wm, Nicholson, Ooanoillors; J. B. Ferguson, Olerk and Treasurer; Anson Dalmage, Assessor, Board meets first Monday evening in each moath at 8 o'elook. HIt a Sonoon BOARD,-- John Wilson, ((Memnon) Dr. J. P. Kennedy, Dr. P. Macdonald, Dr. R, 0. Redmond, J. A. Jiortou, 0 P. Smith, W. F. VanStone. Dudley Holmes, secretary. A. Casette, treasurer. Board meets second Monday evening in each month. PUBLIO SCHOOL .BOARD. -A. E Lloyd (chairman), B Jankine, H. E. bard, T. Hell, H. Kerr, Wm. Moore, Alex. Rose, 0. N. Griflu. Secretary, John F. Groves; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. Meetings eeoond Tuesday eveningin eaoh month. HIaa Smoot TEAOHERS-J. A. Tay- lor, B.A. , principal; J, 0. Smith, B.A., classical mister; J. G. Workman, B A., mathematical master; Mies J. MacVan• vel, B. A., teacher of E n g 1 i e h and Moderns. PUBLIC SCHOOL TaAOH!rRs.-A. H. Musgroye, Principal, Mies Brock, Miss Reynolde, Miss Farquharson, Mies Wilson, Miss Cummings, and Mise Matheson. BOARD - ON HEALTH -Thos. Bell, (chairman), R. Porter, Thomas Greg- ory, John Wilson, V.S., J. B. Ptisegason, Secretary; Dr. J. R Madannald, Medical Health. 0.01oer, Learn Dress -Making by Mail in your spare time at home, or Take a Parsonal Caarse at School To enable all to learn we teach on cash or instalment plan. We also teach a personal class at school once a month. Class commenc- ing last Tuesday of mem moats. These lessons teaches how to cut, at and put together any garment from the plainest shirt waist suit, to the most elaborate dress. The whole family - can learn from one course. We have taught over seven thensand dress -making, and guar- antee to give five hundred dollars to any one that cannot learn between the age of 14 and 90 You cannot learn dress -making as thorough. as this course teaches if you work in shops for years. Se,vare of imitations es we employ no person outside the school. This is the only experienced Dress Cutting School in Canada and excelled by none in any other country. Write at once for particulars, as we have cut our rate one-third for a short time. Address: Sanders' Dress -Cutting School, 81 Erie St., Stratford, Ont., Canada. W ANTED AT ONC E -We have decided to instruct and employ a number of smart young ladies to teach our course in Dressmaking, havinz One teacher for the six nearest towns where they live -age 20 to 35. Those who have worked at dressmaking, or likes drawing pre- ferred. Please do not apply unless yon can devote your whole time. Address - Tem Senom Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. ESTABL111BIIID 111* TI.E Wiw TOES. 18 PUBLIalleA EVERY THURSDAY 0/WINING The Times Oi'See, Beaver Sleek wnToa M, ONTARIO, A NY even numbered section of Dominion ,tl Lands in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and .Alberta excepting 8 and 20, not reserved, may be homesteaded by any person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years of age. to -the extent of one•quarter section of 160 acres, more or less Application for entry must be made in per- son -by the applicant at a Dominion Lands Agency or Bub -agency for the district in which the land is situate. Entry by proxy may, how- ever, be made at an, Agency on certain condi- tions by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of au intendieg homesteader. The homesteader is required to perform the homestead datiee under obis ofthe following plans: {ll At least six months' residence upon and cultivation Of the land in each year for three years. (21 A homesteader may, if he so desires perform u farmthe grequired and owresider d Solely byuhi,n not less than eighty (80) acres in extent, in the vicinity of his homestead. Joint ownership in lands will not meet this requirement. (8) If the father (or mother, if the father is. deeeased) of the homesteader has permanent) residence on farming land owned solely by him, not less than eighty (80) in acres extent. in the vicinity of the homestead, or•enpon a homestead entered for by him in the vicinity, such homesteader may perform his own rest dence duties by lining with the father (o wether.) (4) The term "vicinity"in the two prec ing paragraphs is defined as meaning not ino e than nine milet in a direst line excins>ve . •f the Width et read allowances crossed in t .e ineaearenient (5) A. homesteader intending to perform • is residence duties in arwordance with the abo while livings with parents or, on farming I otcned by himself mast notify the. Agent, o the dlstriet of finch intentioh, Six months' notice inwrlting ons t Oat given 1 to the Commissioner of Dominion Land* at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent W. V. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior, er.13,--Unauthtrired publication of thia ed• vertleemeat will not be paid for. Titans or SUBBOBr5Txox--31.U0 per armee in advance, 41.60 it not so paid, No paper esoon' tinned bon all arrears are paid, exoe;4t;t the option of the publisher. AnvaRTxeING ROTES.Legal and. Cher casual advertisements 10e per Noupariel iin(for Bret Insertion, 80 per line for eaoh anbseq'ent inserliou. Advertisementsin loco) oolamns are °hared Teets,. per line for first insertion, and 6 c ts. per line for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements of tltrayed, )Farms for S e or to n nd 1.00 fora the&y Re t o silnitar, 4 fir t weeks, and 26 Dente for each subsequent 11. section. QONTRAOT RATES -The following table shov, our rates for the insertion of advertisement for specified periode;,- SPAOA. , 1 YR. 6 oto, 8 No. ince ,One0olumn,,.,-.-..$70,00 *40.00 $22.60 $8.00 Balt Celumn 40.00 25.00 1$.00 0.00 Quartereolmmn20.00 12.50 7,50 8.00 One Inch .. 5.00 8.00 2,00 1.25 Advertisements without s eoiflo directions will be inserted 4121 forbid and charged a000rd- ingly. Transient advertisements must be paid for in advance. TUR .Ton ospeartenese le stocked with an extensive assortment of all requisites for print- ing, affording facilities not equalled in the county for turning opt first class work, Large type and appropriate outs for all styles of Post- ers, Hand Bills,. etc., and the latest styles of choice fanoy type for the finer classes of print, ing, H. B. ELLIOTT, i'ronrtetor and Publisher TP KENNEDY, M. D., M.O.P. S. 0 ri • Member of the British Medical Aasoofa= tion. Gold Medallist in Medicine. Special attention paid.to diseases of Women and Child. ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m.: 7 to 9 p. m, DR. MACDO1`TALD, Centre Street Wingham, 1 Ontario. DR. AGNS W,. Physician, Surgeon, eto. DrugSeorree. Night c,tIlsa answereedd'at the office R. L. lt. BT. O. REDMOND, M. R.0. S. (Eng) 0. P. London. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office, with Dr. Chisholm, • VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate of interest. mortgages, town and farm property bought and sold. Office, Beaver Block, Winghams UA. MORTON, BARRISTER, &o. Wingham, Ont. E. L. DICKINSON Dupnn'r HOLm1s DICKINSON & HD MES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Eta. MoNEp Lo(tx Orman: Meyer Biobk,Wingham. A R'rlient .1, IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. -Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office in Macdonald Monk, Wingham Office closed every Wednesday afternoon during June, Julyand August. W J. PRICE', B. S. A., L. D.S., D. D. S. Licentiate on" the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of ) lntario, and Graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto, 011ce ; Beaver Block. Office closed every Wednesday afternoon during Juno, July and August. ALES., EZBLLY, Wingham, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Huron, sales of all hinds conducted at reasonable rates. Orders.A.., at the Treace office will receive promra autentton• f Winghali rener I Hospital ' Uarer overnmt inspection) pleasantly situat . Beautiful fur - n' hed, Open to al regularly licensed hysioians. BATS FOR P'ATIENTS- (which include boa and nursing), $3.50 L $15.00 per week according to location of room. For Pottle; information, a dress • MISS KATHRINE. STEVENSON, Superintendent, Box 225, Wingham Ont. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. AND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. `•M- TRAINS reiava rob L don 6,40 a.m..... 11.80p.m. Tor oto &East31.08a.m6.48 a m.... 2 90p.m. Kin rdine 11,67 a.m.-2.08 pease . 9,16p,w. AnuryE PROM Ii in " cline .. _.0,40 a.m .11,00 phut.... 2.40 p.m. Lend 'n 11.54 11. m..., 7.85 pan. Palm`.Feton•- 1.0.80i.m. Toro to *Emit 2.08 p.m.. -. 9.15 p.m. .1.. •HAROLD, Agent, Wingham. h DIAN PACIB'10 RAILWAY. TRAINS LEAVE BOR aand East7.09 a m,..• 8.84 p.m. ter .. 1.07 p n1. ..10.27 p.m. ARRIVE 7:08 a m,.... 8.24 h and East 1.07 p.m....10.27 p m. .7. H. BEEMER. Agent.Winandm. .60 YEAitd' ' EXPER!ENOtt PATENTS TRADE MAASS Dt$1GN$ corrystaitrs &o. atindtng totpot>na)and d,soriptti4a neweat Kbllbll -:.• .. 'latlLaEi !. An• aSealy ireau nttts. as ante voIsmaissii ti NomonsuseinnuminmemosiMiminemonsm "Loyal option as a failure in Owen Sound" In its issueof Novembera2, x9o r The Pioneer,* ee fr which is the. leading Prohibition) organ of Ontario, rests the whole case for Local Option upon these words: "Owen Sound is the largest town under Local Option in Ontario. If Local Option leads to business idepres- s .,on, to increased drinking, to increased law violatio h ' as the liquor interests declare it will, those resul ... would have been felt in Owen Sound." In othe words,; i'' Local Option is a success anywhere, Local Option ever had a fair test, it is in Owe:1 Sound. Here is the TRUTH about w' Local Option has actually done for Owen Sound : i It Has Hurt. Trade Local Option has NOT essened drunkenness, }las NOT improved busi- ess nor the financial osition of the people enerally. Neither has improved the moral ne of the citizensas a $chole,, but, on the con- rary, Local. Option HAS INJURED • LOCAL TRADE and loweredthe oral wellbeing of very any, 1' '1 "k Matthew Kennedy, Mayor of Owen Sound.- Has ound. Has Multiplied. Failures Owen Sound there ha seen more failures in a I9 months under Lo I Option than there we in seven years pre- viot to Local Option. Proatrty has depreciated in vale from 20 to 25 per c' of Iiq on in town. t. Illegal selling r is now carried ver foo places in Under the license system boys would not t' ch ,quor, - u n d e r L cal ption th are car ,ng bottles `J. P. Ray Bank` t Has Created Drunkards cal Option ha Mental' ac vitas is of ven Sou) erciaily, and ma It has beenie, Il 'de ter co ally. meas of young i drin ng whisky I, used to be satisfied wi a g ss of lager be I a of the firm opini that strictly enfor, d licen- system is bette in controlling he' liquo rade. Samuel LI it of Lloyd Who ille Defile gr`• tt as Balm Prosperi er We, the undersigned, citizens of the town of Owen Sou} state that Local Option las not resulted in the lessening` enness or the use of intoxicating liquors since it came into 1 this town. We believe that, as compared with the H of the Ontario Liquor License Act, Local Option is a f Despite the diligent efforts of a most capable Government Lict. Liquor Inspector, drunkenness is unquestionably far more prevale. amongst young men and boys, and far more open, especially o Sundays, than . under the Ontario Liquor License Act." 'Dated November 27th, •1907." (Signed) Name THE TRIM, !KENNEDY & SONS, LIMITED, molded. The North American Bent Chair Ce., sae •••••,•••• aei lent.' TAYLORP .RTji LE CO., L2hfITED, itar„lr;,,, .l'NE IMPERIAL CEM F IT COMPANY, Limit yd Scully. in Farm c 1, The Division ,urt returns show that he n c1ti ze s of Owen kd have been lessou prosy perous under Local Option because of ham- pered trade, and conse- quently less able to pay their debts. In 1go5, the year before Local Option went into force, 584 suits were er(tered for trial. In 1906, there were 66i suits entered. And in 1907, up to only November 26, there were 778 suits arising from debts. Certified by Tucker & Patterson, Barristers. It Creates • REE W,.IdM1TED DENwARE MFG, co. r dri Pa 1` ' Businesi No. of Emphoyeer , ' afe:lac ;rax -...f..1/ v filest,e4m.6.44.6" He) ...Pryadeet.' BEOS. LIMITED os. 46 r., rt: aaa•1 1 i Ste Y•rRGi •,r OMPANY, LTD. , aztrirg • 41-0-0 ' 1.1.THOMSON p .McLauchlan & Sons Oo.,.Li 44,1 Six d -/a, 4acc &tLi , ' rt.LOYD & SOULLY.'. OWEPI SOUND 1 THE D 15.5MIT -MAL NE COf limited. (Per.e4)aitQCA... t sSpJt-' John •.rr':on & SonsCol'np:iny, l.0 ited Q SS CAA. etre • .0•41 aim ' i➢C .tidioi' f(rrdu aG / McOOUGAI, & LEMON, eaters in Fret and Produce , p OWEN $' UNDtV.t heGet AND BRUCE Meilen (,MINTCOMPANt, OF SHALLOW Lme,. i„ito. "I consider Local Option d, point of•view, as it has crea Front a moral or temperer( •pause ever had in the to I Discord sympathy of the peoples ' ments, such as we had be It has creat et more drinking among young me`. The ar units advanced when Local'O tion moneyp to s' d in foodstuffs have been pro Here are epresented the important i I, Soo men -he Mayor, 'aprominent b the fruit and roduce trades -the busi Local Optio is a FAILURE. T demoralizes t e young, promotes law) statements, n you believe Local A If YOU you hel ri1ental to the best inte discord and set up one po e Standpoint, I consider it I believe it will take hole can again be sec Local Option was carni in there ever was in the t ;e advocated that the w o be absolutely wrong, BROWN , Secretary B u tries of Owen Sound kat a leading firm of b 0 -0 11 9a , sts of the town froth a b)iSiness ion of the town against the other. he worst blow the temperanc great many years before the, ed through temperance mov wn under a good license syste king classes would have m it has not been the case at all. rd of Trade. Owen Sound. ss backbone of the com y KNOW it increases sriess, retards progress, ption would work any d to fp' local l .0 yOU oncerns employing nearl hell -known .men i hey KNOW tha ss, increases d ce of their pos where YOU liv risters, nity, runken nthe fi erently pti to