HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-04-14, Page 1LEGAL,. Li ['LIU 1 TRA„V.14),14. 4tt.:2racy-,at-Ii2s,w;. Solicitorm Chan- t; (.1 nivesrattoee &a, ()ftlea halt door to t he Post Orrice, Latorgitow, Out.. ' J_ A. 14.A"c?..blERSON„Axtolitstat,.S414.- `• -tor, dlc„ Queen Street. ,Kinnardine.. 1. 318 ARROW:%& YRUIFDFOOT, 1:3" Barristers, S diaitors, tioderieh Ont; . ; • ultattow IW!. PROVDIMOT. eT .\11S §02.N./EilVILLB, _ .).1.22tey thaa on easy temson RealEstate. Valuat.of for Trust and Lean Co.. lti inak:A.X.T0 N. Cortveyancer; Commis- , lanepin B: 11,7, etc., Honey to.- • toau at G pir• neat; etrairot interest. Value: . tor foinThe Lauded ilaiiking Clo, • KIN120 GI{ P. O. FREDERICK. ROG* ERa., of Teeswater.).' I-tvt rister• at . Attortiey,_ Solicitor in. Ciaatteery; May earattoor, • orziet21.; _ liavot's Block, - WIXGRAK, ON r. _ vev,-so,ttest.3:1•ak. . • A • Atty. ant lart ot funds to loam, LODICNOW, NT:ARAI FRIDAY, CAMERON & CAMPBELL 7 BA NKERSI - 1.1 TT -01\T Ca Money to Loan at Reducee. Rates . Suit the Timer.. -Loans OitMortgagesas-low:atia-per c :at., - , . •. .. NOTES ANDIMORTCACES BOORT ••_DiJs ad Chequesall: points cashed. Special and Prorupt .A.tiention,,paid_to the Collection of Notes, A -CC -aunts, Rents, 4c. DRAFTS PAYA.BLE. AT PAR' " Issued on the principal ditie,s and to wn anf Cana- . - da t• and on the United. StateS and -Great Britain: . - . . kartles -Rentittiitg: Will find this the h. pe Safest-, andrinost con veftient-inetheti 1111:TEREST4 it'ive per tnnt.' 'allowed on. Denosits in thu Savings Rank- Pepartnient. ''• - rands Ahvested for private Parties - . We axe prepared. th offer td c:iistomers every facility afforded by a '..lhartereti Rank . and on equally favorable terms • - etitureyttinteittgr lit ail 14 Branches. NIEMPAL: Fire and Life Znsuafl BEST COM7ANIEs ItEpRESENtED. OFFICE 1ioni8-•-mito3 9 A. M. TO 4 P. M i - R. trir A.1),LT2t.TE, of the. University of Teroitto, SA:11.NottOffice Camp ts;•dl-A-• rP- ?site the bank. L., ease the Dr„i. 'net tu the °tam; eat/ at the tinektiow Bank. G:EhtERAL. • • • OAMERInt,,&•GAMPTIELL, • TIT t.r.TC'N'T.W. pit.Ttat"Itt; ..11)Dly OPNKY. -TO Vel.NA), oh easy terms: u cAmBR0 t 00 0 K Agent, Dunguituon. el [INS.- F. :Vt. / . Pro ri2teial Land tiurveyor. Valtudor Tie 1,1„td Olh.te,over Eadie's Drug Sta_te vii Oat. AIII2rdeLs. by mail -wilt re - CREDIT FONCIER. E HAVY2. VEEN AP'f''(.)l..N.'''TETl- Ag-e2tts, for .t.n.s 1.,02krantr Company, have it: large nitionut (If feuds on, hand te krm.; oz. tile lOwest• terom .14 MT lift; & .0faws-WiTigham anti Luckitew. Robert C1:nninglia114 '44g'fizsztra ;ice Agent), tzitely ((iv ommeen..& C.Aitrank.)- NOTA.R,Y PU . . • .Commissioner in B. Clotiv,2yancer, , • Et., Etc. , LUCK1.1011r. ONTABil Conveyancing in all its Branches. Deeds, 4ortgages, • Bonds; Argeements, Leases, &c., promptly and carefully prepar ed, and correctness troaraPte.ecl. 0. pc etal Ind prompt attention 'paid to the searching -of Titles, and to all matters con- nected with the transfer of Real Estate.- ' (MAR GES, itUASONABLB- MEYER DIOKINSON, BARRISTERS &C. tat:anew Office one door. from Comeren. & -.CanipbeIrs Bank, • OLTOITOR fnn.Bank of- d • 1)1NTIRTICY.t,--J. t‘otninissioner for taking aftidaviis for Manitoba.. ---- • - 1.artn, Tou,n, and 'village prope_rty bought autt1054(yt.ip.riv,ate" funds} loaned on Kortgage security at.f; and ai ner cent. • -INloney invested for private. perlonit upon the -best Mortgage E.ecurities Without. any ex-. pease to Lender. • Lands for sire& in Manitoba and the North West. • - 31101V.Rof .LOAN..' - .1 E10 Li -lent -late of Dental: Surgery„ has re- ton•vett tv/wre he will oarrY on -the (tentistry hnsintAts t hilt he would -be'f tn i (dorm his paten Is that he will visit LucCnow n an the -first 'srouday and Tuesday, aud also an the thir..t koist Tuesday ofeach month. oitiue, at Wtotely's But& - 15. . OJdUght af TU. 181, G.R •A.; M., meets the: Thursday orbeforefullmoon. each mouth:at S. Visiting‘breth- reaeardiallylevited. 1- G 1410. A, UDALL, • "HOS:, LANITRE.N NV.M. Senretary., ii.troK,Nro* sr of L0D.K., . y.,. inf 'GP • . Nfeetsevery FL tday evenitig at a o'clock, in their Mal rtitriplmli.st. MI brethr2-4 cur- diallyiavited: J. W.. ARN13T1WNG', Secretary, t • . MSS K. O. STRONG" • .11.-ite of Paisrey.l. firE.ACTIER. oF VoCAL'AZIO Mtrc--ti,"9.4nt Organ., . Music AcAnzuy Nfr.J.Grenache'S StOre. • • - Itzsinocz.,--34r. A. Ii210Intyra's. lx, . • " • fiD ;t week iteyour own town. Terms iatete *nci 8,1 Octlit free. Address,.11 : •u414yr porti:0.114, F LOU1.I.ML1F EED.. - VVALTER -TRELEAVEN' 114 the Past:stin keeps on hand a large and superior Stock of CE ERAL GROCERIES I. everything fuud •in the larder of ,a 2:221 II 'use -keeper. tfe would aff4aiaform the- .• ra ore p. cr tic arl vs the farrningeommun- . ity,taat he has eitgaged the services of THOR() U Nat -1., MILLER, (PO will carry- on alto Mining huauesswith ranewect _vigor, and by triroilig- out good gristb puck time, gala inoremed patronage front the pablict ' All kinds of GRA IN AND S EEDS eenstantly on hand.' acktiot *Oven* to any Part of the TOJY•tnk -ttiONEY TO LOAN ON G0()D 1A:R.111. ILL, Property . t a and 64 per oenti. accord - trig to the security ll(tredrhe above will be loaned on any terms suit the berrolirer: Correspondence wi..t be cheerfully- answsied without expense, , For bather particulark apply to • . JOT -1N 0-OPDON, St -Helens, P. 0; MONEY TO -LOAti. FIRST CLASS 241ORTA.GES at 7 to 11 per cent interest pa.yalde yearly, charges very moderate-- A pply to • • ROBERT MURRAY, St. freb,,net - Sacretaty of the --We.4t- Wawa,nosli Mutual Fire- Insurance Compan_yolothing but farm propertyinstired.Paitieik wishing to insure pirOular fainters contptin.1 in the -town- shit.'s of Colborne, Ashfield. East and West Wawanottli; Rinlosa. and Bimini by sending- a Post 'Card to me: witl be ea.11edati and :every inforntation given. • - ROBERT 1.1113-ER4Y St; RelenS P. 0; MONEY TO LOA ONBYTO-LOAN'at 7 per cent., from. 2 to 0.1yearst. lists of Fartua for sale in Ontario as well as Manitoba, parties rie. SlrOUR to sell farms, will Consult their interests • by -inspecting the advertising fa( ilities of,sub• scriber in Great Britain and and con- tinent of lands for side. AN -418 STLWA.1-.T. Land Valiltor.-Inicknomi 11' 1. Ont. JNO..1111ELEA . - - ' • LIVENS ED 417CrItIONELE. _• LETTER FROM MANITOBA-• To the Editor of the AS'enti461.. acOdpntiy :comeacross your issue -of the -17th ult. L ed rather - a long- letter from Dakota,above the sigitatete ..of our ohl.townsinan,,T.- Harnljii It is •p.rtectly -evident t hat: the syinpatliii:;s of the .writer are alto.' gether pro,...k.nierican,..., and rietningte.. the north ot the 49th patabill,haaierther beauty or :comeliness in his eyes.: True,. he admits- our form of Government to - be . equal to that• obtain in.- theneiglibering republi, not iiiud 011 very broad .or statesuienlike "grounds,: -hut simply becelse beth -after a nianner sithstrye the originalpurpose of :all -GOveinnients of but kilid sewer,.. viz. : the protection: of propeyty,:1 abe#,to Tie his owu phrase, liellas.ovory quiet- ly pocketed his pat iotic Seruple8 -along !with- his land Wilco papers,'-' andlike- d natal subject ot T.Incle Sant,- -con-sifter_ it Ins bouutleiiity- to tedittle --every, thing over which the bald headed eagle. does not flap his- wings.. 1 fear: it stein - old Al a ki doh :had lived in this degener- ate do -s he. would sctircely nave poked the queStion Centained in the hackney- ed quotation "-Breathes there,a, roan with Sotil.so dead - Who never to himself 'hath said, This'is my.own, ruy native land, ckc.!' rkostdisn'. c4opriddliteigd- to y o. tuiii'01). raokyoa- tin 'tfil'iiii031.1e.dr.' .ofthe, 1,1k.:),Irealelaiti..y8lial'ileoftg(tuo)ilf„.els .isati.Aiitlif-iceanlib. r_ il*.e: .ayil-8i7iiteyirvei,•ie.gpie,ildii.P'!eo.,,it,:.iiiflilieij-.deli:.ci,.iip,!9iotitrii.t‘i:vtuiya.)hrt:Y.ii.atcs,io:hiniitig.id_lie)if.guft:itl. : o meehriffics ot.:- all •Ii, h:os, apt! the. proS., is taw dy 2 selifinie-iftiili3inr, . and: utterly. inworthy to, be weigind in the -balance, et•na 1-ilke a_glance At the' Material ad - k werieaii wo. u Id dollitivss Cliani ottii ize" a ti ili.gey w hie h. -118 at? proudly -displays ounnou -to (Iron& .state -of • the nienihers of the bundoce of weak and high wagespaid ethr,e, ynur..raadurs ' • 11f,,,riy.ef those are: anti estate, who Ore described in :tlie,i . . 1v5th Countries, such as.. -the r qicli -lis from •Pein Writ, a rahit Fork)k._ I. 1 our unfurtonates who are- doomed to - i act e.tefi p!ritdicals. as ()eosin/11111Y d other. Daktiti tens, 0118 May ea4ly pardoned for desiring-theeontest to 1 ,., :k:peedily lealized,- and that wilien. " soughti.tound they eeenot he.:-." t le. wore rit omen WO qtytitit..41 of.quatity o soillie takes :high groaok- end ' not . Niit en t. with-prailing Dakoia, sect .foi• &doting the dld:proverb *Ilia. dencon-, • 0 31.opartison8 as ,odious,-ite uhlielsitit- o ti igly declares the the . °Migrant • tipd$'- inore gi:iod land -together!' than in any - p it of the Cai.adiall ...NOtthNiVit. Barely h mast bo suffering : from i- great de: ... lu Joh.-- Wu writ liVe _ Imo are under. i - 1882. ',read ent r i 6 - Souris and RockY. .e pr z amongst us. , The Eastern, _11;nierson and -, Portage, Searla and - -Portage, "South Wcoterh;.PartUe.,. Wnift4(3aktie': itta-V,!$Tar*Oleiit, Lake .Maltitet.4 and .1jecteett 134, Winnipeg and .;St,:..liteekBey;;ere a Low ot these in prOSPeet,'ahtliffir OnehHapiflinatiOn shalt he :friacla- for ..citarterist . - flOwOyor, Ottawa .1-14egislation-iiiiiiy.-retard.. their Con-strUctien, the delay: can only be partial 9ixe;:aticl when j Ont. Thid8011 Bay. .route is-coraprieted-we shall la .placed _hearer tho.turonean nntricets, than any Wheat :raising-. part of this • eohtinerit. The hat -Ural: lottte .ok all -the surplus • .. . raised grain4t-i.Dekote, enii..:*e ether fforthivestern: the sea, bea4iVill. be :through our terlitotyi.eitd: the titouet of .tral4C- Which will. pass-. O'Yht!ilies-nlit.‘:Will be difficult to..corn- pute- is, we lieve -al t!:gether dna- tancod Dakota -in thotace.: - Town 'pro7 -pprtyIvierthl","-tivice - ninch - • I_ : debt.to.eein..e.ont, but on t.h,*9die :hail& .- - any :person whose .fa tin . is. enent beredi .. , -..,. With -a Mortgage • illid who. is -still -St,.-u. - -Oink to _.nbtain. a- liy-1,-libtaiii, = I lay by • : all •iitiiiieSell o ut :and :come to Alga o ito- ., .114.: . nett Is a. pretty large, -settlement, . ereinid-herei .and'we, haVe-o, geOd ;obool. - bettee," in -Whiek.elervieol)e • 'held feVery, - _Sabbit.b. The - Post - °Ace.' is -:,in -. the iniast: Of Us,rand- there. is eorite . . Ilk.- of --- _.- • _ereettuwaistore--bloso -by-, . TM -le years.' -. .• - . -age there was -41-dy I t ii r6&-hc.).ttileg i. tbO.,:• , .01attleinent, and noiii,:there- are abOiitt .0 - - . hundred. .-T.r.Aly friend-Ali li% iirdoelaio:,•• . , ketiSie--oanit. oUt..inil\r.90,emh'il.,.: Liild. h. iii- ented.e...ferte.-atieut, twotittlesfrein bore- -.• .1. .17i,Y.-' and he. ,g'eetits. -to be. well pleaset -:Wilb. . , . .. .. ... hie Otange-..--. Apoltkizing-. ibr tek 444: . Ael•-thirch ot.yout -irtana WO space... ' 1 atn dr, faiihtblit,:yattr 8. 1ENi . ,,-. • as •In tk1 -Pirtfige,:tte iu Wheittlah.d.,farra -lands heiiy the .toOrtiS arid -Villageaarein- abent.the-saine pr.aportioti..Pnt_settle-:. nients are rap -idly atratchiog :froth- the Lake -of the ,W.Oods to the Roel -7 Ron a-' thins, and eye iniarit pieta the Talley- Of the .Big Will be-.as.-,popti; .100.ai-nol,v 'are those cif tbe 1eci River and the Assiniboine, and the :Sag of our .L)enuiuuion, t Iie IleaVer- and t1113 -[aple 'shall wave •:overi au • rorrieultatal - and pact oral popnlation, second . to if-Orte; on I he -Cgritiianti.-In. • nuthberi,;]wealth; .iiifitieriae; and intelligence. ; • -•• -iltsspectfully-Tyouris. - - • `..youne, (ROT, • . P.Ortage la Prairie, Mareh.20 188.2. P.ORTAGE LA PRAIRIE... .- To..qte 4(00 qf tite 1111 01(1 ieildetit ,0bIts:' aht _reader . -of rhe now 8.E:4-#tiku;si I thihk few remote •• :froth- this part -Of -the Northwest will in: torest triends,9ud.Mtiy; 1,11 °others of -your many ..reedersk earne to this-.tonntry twelve roontlis ego. • arid •04_ • fteuree •Coptity),.- -1•-repted -tr- place for two years, -w.bieVithink -:goed,-.• • plan tO adept.: :1 have new. thirty gores. , broken "elf thy oWn -place 'Alia -toady •-!:0v _ , .69-HOOL.BOARD • ".. . : ... A:meeting of ;the School -Boar I.. Avila: 11,641.-in•R. • ataliatir's offieti,..' on T oe!lay-'- - -.evening, - : April _4111.1-. Afetnbera rent-. -1)ouglaa,:LaWrettee,:fOGrOry, an. 'hen • .- .T.. La Wten'Oe Wks - appOin dd _ to-:--- - the --choir:- -. The .. iniith res of -.-f--)1 eVicns _nige-ifig were...is-OA-lid or illation adopt: ed. Ihe $ocrutarv, -.R. Graham; ••eport: - - . 2 - ed • having iviitten -Quit, ao :agreement. lie. -:- .1, - - - _tWeen :Wilieir Egleson:andthe .--C-Ii-oo!: -members of the board; . k. bill 1.1-oin..3.. - • f,i. .,'Board regard -ink the :deliVe0.. „n . • wold, .• ferschool fol the ear: T882,, : Thie.,;.: ii4.1:- -.' lowing accounts ..'weie preseiate,. " .13,1,74---, -pert-Of Salar,i,',. $B0:;-.A1-isfK,S..A. B rzess . - . .orolJred to be r.Pitid - by a- Voti f--:. the . 'Cil,-wOrd for...q•narteis salary. athhilitillIP: - ...: . . ,tt?er... $8 _ri30azio.; _i...Gyls17.1;6...2P;fis;.t... :--4..reic!i,,e1A lid} ,1-70-...tti-07:7-.:-, . -do., ..-$25",;- Ellen IVIntray,--do,, 425 :-;;,. ' . • ,- .4aggis Mur -ray,' do.. f25. Ale d -and di)ors.-. C;trrieri. , 1116.ved 1 a,:tid-tt.22. c t.t.4.1(.4- -. I fia.condesl..tbrit.-,thiconifaittee on eheol - thatiagenient see. to the schoollyerfl .auct••-. traveit levellodiliat the: water. will • -hot :-• he allowed:to-lie around t hes_choollhouse that -the Boatd:a ijourri to the ..r kpilar- ineating night in May. : Ciirr'ed.1 • .....: _ .. ...._______,.._ ......' ••`*-- '7-- - -_,,,,.....____- - - _., , . , . . $.30.0.0---Worth-.4t No*-iitiid Po -004- - -..i4r-ligkie: for $1.6.0. - .- Thoinas Ir.others!.. ltiusicat ..16itrnaL i for 2fercli je-..iiiidotilite ily' the al..:4i, illo• -- beat jelirmd i'if its kind -publiSliedl 'The, :•... --erichng matt.E,)7 is vari ...4, and origioal,.- . beipg.newii froth all inirts. of the ..1-16:-.1-oirriial- will liaNier- a- 148W f441111.i;e: iiia.'year in heiii:g -bean lifittlyi41"tisi.rateil. nd_p_rinted an. fine - heavy ... egionde--p-iii..... aner. --: Each .rium her will ha ye- -irk cler-' erop.this year. mita say tlit.t. nth well pleased witb :this c!iiiiitryi. the ad- tages for a pan coming. out with a .1 moan. Capital Arc. eriteouriiiited to those • t in Ontario. 'This is -a grain growing a country,:in fact, .cerealg of all kinds I) _ . do Mei] Wheat this year: averaged , 20 bushels pi.r_tiero, and oa,tt? yield from 50 to 60; Reels of all kinds do well and Wolikk ot Sin,et 3.11tuic, yield izbundatit]y tVe-have soxe - splendid, gii-fdepe arr)lipq here -which ate. tinted from- our best --plates -; and as• . on receive one number -fi.8.01„ ID 0311t,11,'0,t• he old of each -year- yon h4Ve-fini. bi no:: - . _ . lig. f.,m of the finest collectiinis".4-vecal' -- , ,., inlinstunnental- ninsiC imaging -14: 4):3- ot:f!,i..]: to en f!seribe• for. khe .J.otitirtil: as, -. rice- • Price -.1 er yerr-r,- $.1;.,er w. th.:!ii '.. 1 ee:iit.iful, --:ehrOmo- '22k-26,- .$1.34.. : i'lle. - 5 i.ceriii beifr4 the .autrial.cott of -,'14-ieli :-- IQ -, 411it tipzitage- .0I ' expres---oi :the .ni „,... - , - - lirmino, -, .Sainp14 -.copy_ nt -the-Jo' ikhai;.:..-, .. .. . 0 .rents. _ - We. Willa ah ii!ei-ti iii ilkkge and gity rii. the:. triiited .81itt,...s; J alle,da,, to tike :sa.beeitiAlsui .. for, . !0.-.4pui.ri4L , ti e impteseiott that We have more, (fond tha!Aide of there. Ownei'sondwiltrepay a . . la ret.-th.4 is, land: of first-class quality, all the careaud,attention beetowig.l. cm- t ; t n. would woke two _territories the tJmrn 11 e land haia is1,,f.try Rasil); u e of Dakota, with all liis varieties of worked; there being ma stcm_et) to dig, or b 1 and sunation,fr elevated platefnn. stumps to grill; out, ple attde • Well 81 8C to • mirsh and musky, 'from pare sand Iuure. and pay -w.111 oxen. are Selljug . fium $140 161$200 Per yoiceieows range: '01:1 tuna-850 to .$75 .-eaeh.. Tho cost' for. 4 feeding- Stock is.yery fligrkt; there being. so much good pa,F tore for/thorn; _Hay the 'finest. qakity and in any quantity is. to be lieu fortlie bitting. We urti see br the L EN'itiv Eh that %tutu kr non.: are genii; to -Dakota. I do not see -What to::cohesive gumbo; fear. no -corn, parison aS to !identity or quality of out driets., Itideed, in both Wn.,hav.e sn. k nowledged and decided_ siiperiori•ty., r are the • 4 teerioiie Marn. at lilt: oh iVious of the fact as the best grades of Minneapolis flour are :mini 6.-- fretn. iiiroba whea t, _which theylinpart siyely. the,purpo,.4a, Their..outs :barley bear abent the Bathe relatieh fik -the .:sainples *Ned in the- oern State,71,bear to •of Ontarib. te an, :when therets.sa much goed, land here, supplied with wood and wateh Y _ .• - ' -• ber of Lucknow a sorts an daughters • -Address,,,. ti...TriogAsi- • 'Si -ice -wan. to Thuina.: Brit 1,-e A.: eon lie taking then' le that territory .- on -is ,,Juence- the 0. . • r rne y-• • for Paint Lameness,- Rheumatism. t•roup, In r,tiroad secominudatioe, we IMAM Only' whiting for ploughers and. .the. Ito eve'r coneecla the pew- tt; cur en-- th'Ivithr tho apt' e of beinglbli5 -.teIffsing eousinR,•aed ronat een to liA'e urider.the sa trInwe an d tam ongst •tes that our sapient - there own pe4010.-- -There qiiite -ed 1 - --us' to DA Eta• • 0 1Y lin 4, liuti)her (3f t I - ou ere frintari.mhd auf ban.: us over. without even Laoknew, and as tbere is quite a fe w Ult • R Ity of. an ei.,quiry .to whether Ws_ yoUng- peoi-der I know,w.ho 1 think Wont.' it or not, to the tender Lei of a "do well in N 1 I . Ltie pffest, serto,one ee„,a graspie.1 7..We- Ewe and all come ai:d be sure von tiring- net 111/WertT, WIth011t: hope:. that t ue rre re Airh .eh public tal tr,i bear upon them wit' pease a. Partieshaving sales wii o e agive hnp-at recc.,esn'teration of then, deei-ro.u, and 11 f 1 • he i•i 1 i .tfo, convinced that t emu' eet is wil ircove that o patty,notvi N er'srong • ite on,11).1%, can long. holdthe 'mina of, --po ;or, Hit a policv,-- Whieli a the interests of the ;Dominion ji .tree4rai, and' of the 4North West in _parti- .0.•••••••••••••••••••••• .- Ifighesf Cash Price raid .` for Rutter. Reef etioo:-WillauehhyStraet,oppaalta. thif Methodist Ch.ure_ h. Jfeltif rigleNSAYIN. Adichaim. 4viilwasOU1/41/111c. .Cii.1971, autifi Tvient to.thet of -a few alien, cal) in.listg !he ii du Igenee - in w..notio „ - , 14108 'ilf4 .ProPPlisitill0,will be only limit, eta egpoeitY- ot end-iire' nee, ' .Any one ‘‘.110 ehoo4es to glance oxer !I. 'al,- yfrilqing noitImps of the -Winnipeg . . • Wile with 3-OO,aa there are quiteenengli- bac/it:lora in. this cauntrY. ,pining hest- Part of. there li_Yee- aWay -:disl. ea - leg -taw:looks,:All Y9Uti ed;4 ao, • to pht: shottldoetckthe.:whill-And 1.4 get kilo lig: 'Wive& arelpgb etill will continue so nit seine inany- _ti1E148.1milillling. 4,1)4 cithOr: 0:11:blIa.: work. in 'nrogreee. The ehoutte"boue !hit*. •lf j1.1t ae,on d ea .111 Oat no, No.doulit- the cald,-ifi.gteater, but Oa air 18 al wikys 'thy :aini..hreqingt;-ther,e• being raw, 3014 daykse.yottitevethere .Ontarib.- Xlitwithetenclirig the greet' :pie -wit -eget to• pig/ smq gee "trildt- `pie be enaoyed :net- idtisi Walt Itlicohexe:ti 004 hints -aloof :of Deafness. Burlitz, Fpeet Bites, Stiff ioints, a-tid all flesh wtiunds._ -Any _medicine ideal -et cap f aish -• r rilkiSTA*101, It I 11 grest,and ilften fatal mistake tca take. ,repeat draitic pnrgitives. fc;.t- consti of the bowels, they- 4111.111Q pi1(s..4111.1 dV.1/111ty pi the bowels. Burdock. loosl t-itters: is a. safe_ ancl perfeCt tui bf- the - towels ; arousing:the- .corpid vnd secretions,toi -a healthy Ili:Moll' ' ipg." I] tht: • Kidbey*iaMt ,4•41novatmg , and, _toninq the-, • -sYstar, 11,-Lhet-mos:ti perfect ntanuer. - • • • catute nf.Clanonic (lisease w-hfch cl- ulthe.ciactioh has - . itahlevrd-- its itreatt•st t iaujh. e, 1'tmal(22;-(401n.n1aihts 1,1111; f)f 101st. italit,y- h.pit proMptly lirtrai• I.*thh great reveziatineVoOlg,• T.tial 13 ti.1(4.• enly cost 10 fenttl. • '11144:1Y4 -111A- 14e401141:13AL8411 la_ Oin 11Ft _ of -the racist heatiaghalsams and gutifs. 1 The, 13a1items,..whias -tow_ tete its Neo.!allred by -the ustives:W.1!en: Arc -041 Al '11118,0<clibdovereel, anlars cairlfted with th. 'Vegetable waif.* au...Wendt& tegailfer,tliatt it ji a. .o10 for ell efieetioni of the this tlfront-, - sad WipeTfu.euoinflo- of, 4ottlos iipadi- sod -it is considered one the& _itikoigikrepetstioas of the'der;, kift-