HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-04-07, Page 5�� - 4- a•r�as�t Ih•�� 2S liit e,s:to in u cli the lrabtie tl'athe hair- anetantiy ca./hind cs , I ST -CL SS STOCK OF Hen's Women's mosses' and Childr..enss BOofR,: CAo- and eaaznrine Itis` . really superik. • :stook in. each: class;, especially his fttW Pebble :K.1'Ybole-int®ck .tsoote Before: purehasinS elsewhere 4alxufaetu- 'ing a Specialty. lost yettr'd stock sold at- - t and under 3t. fligi'Eu'gs and Putter' taken ill 3achanl;e f4 goods.. �I have now in stock averyfine assortment of , z OF 40, THE LUO.KNOW artless, Depot,. Is offering Great Bargains Nearness,, Saddles, Trunks, • Yeilses, Etebes, Blankets Single narisess,trom $i¢ Up, Team 8arness from $98 ay.' Andeterythingin the, line cheaper than the cheapest for cash or otherwise. ` I am bound at to be undersold. All Rork warranted, as I keep nothin but first-class stock, and firstt- class-workmen. I defy eompbtition. Don't" forget_the place, t. .d-tittm, opposite . e . U _Mdlardy's rick Block. R. PRO CTOR ii Lucknow, January 13th, 1882. CIAL ETAS� u i rd+ir to elear them out before stock :taking. Ityou want & . 7ere , OCliltf AN GET IT. PANTS, • , :Utak VESTS,: C.11/14 . OQ N ELL;, fust class improved t Low Rates.-. tlxe :11;• 40;11 A APPlY 4f ' ?As. S - EEVI G1v , "Valuator:. 4e subsel'iber l as a•i a ILILY" N CIFIC ltBDIOIS Z. 9IDE•MARK.THIEGItEATEN-TRADC MtiRIC. GUSH lRirsnr. An unfailing: cure- forSeiuin- - al Weakness, Spermatorrhea,, Inirrot-envy, . and all Diseases •30f0ie thatfoli ow ata A ` sequenceofSeIf ute ; as loss of Memory, Universal, Lath tude, Painin the back, Dininessof Vision,. Premature-oId age, and iha ny other Diseases. that lead to Insanity or Oonanmption.and a` Preratuure. Grave: ;g1, -u1:1- particulars in our pamphcet,which n -e desire to 'send free by *ail to every one, i The$peeific fled. cillo SO Jet by all.Drug;,dsts'at 81 per- peek free age, or sir packages for $5 or will be sent: d itillyntailonreceipt of the inoney by ad THB 6RAT ?IED EII! lE<, Co.,• Toronto. Ont., Canada 'Sold iii T.il now:.byaIIclniggiste`nd -every where In Canada -and the -United States by ill who1s.Ie and retail druggists. `QCIe and Crisp,for the Sprint and Summer Trade, and While Domestic Cottons -Tints, Dress and Fancy Goods, are nicer and Cheaper than ever. Full lines in --131-4 Goods, Colored. Lusbers, and Cashmer D&ESs GOODS must be seen to appreciate` their Beauty, to Endorse their Qualities, alities, t be aatoniehedattheir Cheapn.ss. If you` want to buy, comeig hnd investsto have already -bought, we will at least make you gIad to see what' lovel If you .your friendaand neighbors. can have.. Ygoods srLg in tI at lest DIES. LAdE,Sj RANDBERCRIE1i'riS, In these lines lam offering 1 place. Description is impossible. Nor can i. buy of ver base, but you arl a tell your r rich friends who will not fail to make o bub inevery r aew but pan at .• _ .. you a birthday or wedding prcaeni. . lacks,:I.:oim-s at The Latest and Best at the Lo we4 °_Possible Price. ay save;I have the nicest -linea of Dress Goods; and Ladies' Fancy Goods im these Well the Truth -Will Out. Remember Goods look better when you are cheerful; bright, and ha fnl LUCICNOW; C.:33EIM 'WAIL crROM BRAZIL. C.: The ..tva-v Compound, Ifs Tr n- defui affinity to the Digestive Apparatus and the Liver, increas- ing the- dissolving juices, reliev- ing,aimost .instantly the dreadful results o!Dyspepsian digestion, ' and ,the<TOEPID .L R, makes . Zopesa an every day necessity la 9very house. It acts gently and speedily in Biliousness, Costiveness; Head- ache, Sick Headache; Distress of. ter Eating,Wind on the Stomach, - Heartburn, Pains in the Side and - Back, Want of Appeti£o. Want at Energy, Low Spirits,: Foul Stoat ach; It invigorates the Livery car. :. ries off all surplus brie, regulates the Bowels, and gives tone to the' whole system., Cut this out and -take it t� your Druggist' and get a10 centSarnple, -- ora large botle for 75 cents, ani Ate„ Zruneighborabout it.. iiiim=oth Collar -I. GRASSI GRASSIO - Manufacturer ofallkinds of - ARNFsS BAA.10DLgS, T tTN$S, - . VALISES, &c. &c. DuStERSa . RUBBER ItU64 I HAVE JUST 'BECEIVED'THE'I R'- GEST, Cbo.pest and beat selected stock of TR11NES?rthat has Aver been brought to this town. Call early gr d see them.. Prices sanging.fron: 25 cents uinvards.. TEN pe, - cent. off for quilt._ `• • WM.. GRAsSI CK,.. O otearss Oysters . —.1 nrlt. Iteea vita FRESH' OYSTERS.. •DAILY,. Which I will Servs-either OE COOKED- , AT ANY 1'0T3T. � Jo Fruits f anyany'llascriptim, scovere:i ,a increased, aroil. 'e to the the hcn�fl f the He is nor increasing his .pop' clarity by the m its purchased p Y eking the duty_ off p t. p ,sed by farmers= and :othe �s. Commencing tariffs ■ rice_ c AND car TH'E. Iva I ar numrivill save moneyby. calling a • ferse o}u easy. teals, and a number of L from al. one tc ; .ei; -ares, r. -101i • Awl die had ,easp. :fail SGIVISILFILLE. Qf kiind .drawn i1f pheaply: ��.LLE..t T N _HOUSE. - s• -VIALS-; AT ALL 110,1111S; Also- Rreadl•,. Cakes ar d CourectiOwiry +L .1t wv1. ti;;eii`;s. {QRS. 31000 y. And heis not throm=ina• dust�their fine Glean; EAS � � � . � in ekes either; - as' it is a Irave 'noway.& eived free of duty, and Selly ng at 2 teats per pound.. • 1ebr-atet �ea�tise.: • tTbscj il,ers vino- . -1882, caul f et a book. sx NDatAntiaLANDLRE.FODNOcRill ENorthern Pacific krt. M!NNE$QTA0 DAKOTA, • AND MONTANA. BIG CROP AGAINI1-1881. =-1881 LGW_PRICES; LONG TIM€t REaAyEa 914tPRoV . M£NTs REDUCED FAREAND TD S IETTLERs FelEt FULL INFORNATIOKADDREBs R. M. NovpoRy, ® : a.Acar.. Yslmolrelaps;Parra..: ,iat, PAtmiff» a week. iQ mado. Ta-►;&4U..A 12 a day at borneei�lsijy_ atlT antiitfree. Lddeofi eta, Maine. • Ii XN To DISEASES, COIKPLA/NTS and ACCIDENTS Which EACVARD'S YaLi ow OIL is guaran teed to cure or relieve either in MAN or BEASrT.• - 1':: TAKEti INTERNALLY FOR CROUP, COTJGkS; CRAMPS, SOREriznoAT, ASTs COLDS, ite. APPLIED. EXTERNALLY FOR •- RIILUMATISit, NEURALGIA, CHILBLAINS, CALLOUS LU1ffPS S1V LLINGSI STIFP JOiXTS, GALLS, FROST BITE, LAMENIISS, CORNS, CONTRACTIONS BRUISES, LumfasiGO, , ITCH, Dminv- ess,:. PA N?1V'BAG'$,. SPRAINS, PAINia SIDE, &c Even' bottle teed to give satisfac.t' tion or money re. DIRECTIONS %ITN EACH BOTTLE. PRICE M T.+ TL Tit 00., Proprietors TORONTO, ONT. rt.