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The Sentinel, 1882-04-07, Page 4
4 • . THE LIBERTY'if IIT'1`Eft:1 bt13 To kid I'1 R1;LY 4CCQORPINa TO TII.EDICTATES ori irtsonmenw PBIZIC Ap;} 9E AL3 OTHER LIBERTIE$R yam,.=D 1 FIANLAN, t e chslinpion' oarsman of the. World, on` Monday defeated ' Boyd,: • t f Newcastle on. the Tyne, in_a match`, far $2„000. 'he, Canadian won by four tae, 'g 'fetigtlls ancl distance -might have: l eeh great._ _ increased, as the' cable- grams annonnn ed that antan .merely ed with play,n�''I oyd " The next great race than t ie chi pion: rays will 'b: in Canadian `tiraters during the coming. summer, and if .Elanliti, them cards off, the first honpre,he can• vary fitlylapaakte his oar and retire on his honors, honest. 1p acquired,mid undoubtedly great to uiptations. •T 'Poulin �� On Goverlitt t ` _ens v play • ing..into:. the, hands of speculators in the Northwest at a truly atarmingrate. Five "h uudteci..coloni,xation companies have ether received. or made a plicat.ion:for lands, and the• Government has, only ...shut down on the speculators until such` time as: the surveyors have: prepared the land for -the slaughter.. It is: announce cl that the Department of the Interior .have made arrangements for the sura ey- jug cif 18;;00.0 square Miles of .land for actual settlenenb during the next twelve menthe,, midi 2E ,000,square guiles. into, townships. Ii Sir Charles Tupper were - only Ii ister< df the Interior, what a grab he'.cou1J m ke..: But it is not to -be cubtectthat tie Chieftain will look' after the election funds that can be. drawn • frorn favored colonization and rancho companies:.. .The appropriation grtu143 is worth .vviatching, . , - • 1 re clip. the _following fronx grip kIa-the.recentdebate- On the-Budgetat Ottawa, certain prominent InsrOterf..r on the:...Qoveitiment side alluded to Aft. . f MAankenzzie's deposal from power intents,. whic h were less:. Truthful than weough to expect from good little Members of Parliament. These geutleruen:t declared .hast'. lackeniie Oriel: his colleagues- were ` L turned -tub wish- 8K brand of ignominy upon: thein—et-•-words; to ttat effect. 4f,course it-a1i 4epends on what you c411.. ignominy. The Grit Government • lost ;dce plainly :because it would ld cut hsteh `to the publ o dematxza fora protect: iie policy : If Mdekei.zie• was disgraced by such a defeat,, moble- John Maynard also went dawn in dishonor when hedied a' the belts or his burning.vess . i, el. There 3: noir ',man in. Can=ada more - sincerely ,lwnored by Canseivatives.fou hie pluck :and principle than: this Baine, Mackenzie -criratever they may 4ay.v'hen " talking' an Putlianient. LOOHALSH. Frain Our Own Cor -responds*, A ti`iajority of the young men .who left. this place last`faIi for the Michigan lum ber woods have returned looking fat -and hearty, Gantp' Life a emit, gen: er.rliy, to. have agreed Tail with them: Mr. John' Mc.Ch4les had the misfor tune to have six alree,.} kills( by dogs last iveeh. The refractory - cure were promptly despatched by their (iewnera• 'wlfa we_ believs are- going to= imam- good the price' of the s.heep:`. Are ara m:heir. pit ased ' to nate. ikat3 • Ir:•R, 0 McKan i of thie place:, has. et last forsaken trio attics of the bathe, tors and joined the obio old aim = of l utredicts. The an,icious event occur: , reit on Wednesday veuina,. 29th inst.,. at ttie residence Of t.e bride's mother, Sias. M'cD®rtuot,. 4t . eon. Kinloss, and WAS witnessed H aged ttv' a- large mitt-ber of 'iiends=and actinaintkincee of the bride `arid bridearoonn. After the _er'irir-nit ance of the ceremor y and.. the. usual fe:-tivitles common to such3 occasions were participated io, it is needless to say a pleasant evening was, spent. - The foliowiu evening a la,r 1unutith .� B � ei{ of the nldeTmernbem of the communit ; were Y e rnvaecito young the residei do of tthit Y ng cottp'le, where-. a magnificent: spread. awaited them, to which ample justice, was done. The company . might prop{ erly havebeen calleda gathering of the plans, thilMact w6re so pienhtfuli but the Maekenities- twrts particuhttly iso, there being present - no less 'thiinl hine .entlemen: cf that shame with . _their better halves." After Spenidi ig a quiet, thaugh pleasant, ©voting' :the. company dispersed, ;wishing` Mr. and Mrs. IfeKenzie a long, prosperous and: heppylife: -TSE Fall Wheat .. ,.. . $1 22 $1 24 Spring Wheat Ficur ,;.. Barley •,. Oats• .. ... ••• +s sots ••. •Y. - .. Potatoes=perbug• Hay --pen ton . Woal.. ..., .. •.. '•a • Pork .: per cwt •:, p .. .. • Eggs- . •.. f.. - ... • Mitt et ..r ; - .... ....122 1 24 ..:. 5 00 _, 6 50 ... 0 70 . 0 70 ... 034 039' 0; 72 .- 0 74' :,. 55--. 040 • ...It0o 14.00 0 22 0 22 T•00, fi:00 ...GIS _o14_` ..0'18• @19 4-00 • .; so 100 Hides— Apples-- • ._ .. Wood— ,,.. ... . • Sheep'skiaa= .. .. 2.50 2°5 1 25 A.- Cure for Headache, - What physician. has -ever discovered a curl) for headache f Echo answers none. But Bur- dock Blood Bitters by their purifying, in via - co ating, nervine properties afford acre in nearly every case. The heaIth-givingpri iples °f. this remedy are nne called b any .1cm; -. .y y ai 1ar': preparation in the world. ' QRTtkAGE SALE -OF VALUABLE; . r roor entre stock of Falland winter Goods at Cost Price..' ow -to secure Bargains. f Ro-These Goods must be sold. BLANKETS. AT. COST. OVERCOATS. " COST.:• TWEEDS . -" :COST.. -. SHIRTS and Drawers ": COST ' HOSIERY " COST. - BOOT -S and -SHOES, -- COST.. I. PRICES LOW. ` [ . TRY.: -CO Ur' 1=t la •FLANNELS • WINCIES - ` DRESS U GODS SHAWLS . SCARFS CROCKERY =:& Glassware QUALITIES GOOD. : AT COST. Cc,3.T. COST: 'COST- - • COST co T is'the tirT1 BACCOS-. Pa1R.:a. a ve razor Herring, Shore. - Herring, a � Her��, lo:kc uDo nar roil!' hile I. C aned Cann.d': ore1,an ned Lobster;_ do. horn; do; Peahen ' . - Tom For Sale -150 Bushels Prime Timothy Seed 200 Bushels Prime P'e ( over Goods Groceries,‘Boots Boots ancl-.Shoes`:as Cheap as any in Dominion f� � ,.�at TOSF11P • -1N.-..THE. . OF GflEEN�C�; County of Bruce -Under d, -power cirsa1-e contained Ina znortga- ge bearing date the 24th day of January, - A.: I}:, 1878, which will he produced at the time of sale; there.wilibe offered for sale at ' IN THE Y .11.t IAGE -of . • Old '�: f TUESDAY, .PR,IL 18TH:. at 2 o'61o01 it the '• f desirable the dealrable farm property befog composed of lots G. and 11. in,.the 25th concession of the township of. Greenock; containing ' 274acresmor orales;, 40acres of which are said to be•cleared- and:in good taste -of cultivation`.- The property is situated nest the'Village of Riveredale, and is only about n mile foom' a good gravel road leadingfrom Lucknow to Walkerton.There are said tate a log house,log stable andst burn boarded; up on this: farm.. The terms and con ditions will bemadelnolim at the time of sale. For -farther particulars apply to • - Braun, CK.¢nwICL BIGGAR aG THOirsoIi, • Vend'or's Solicitor, 58=WelliriKiri i,$..,_ • Dated:Much arch Toth, 1882. East, Toronto. $5 to 20 per_day atho.akSamp Werth $5 free.. .Address.. STINSON & Co.,. Portland Maine. Butter, and Eggs Vfanted: rept 84 Corrigan WTI take Butter and Eggs in exchange for BOOTS c . SHOES. 'As ourstock.of Spring Goods is complete in. every Iine, and having as stock that. will bear inspection. Theubl•ic will do well tosee. our goods before pnrchasing elsewhere. .` .e have on bawl a large stock of -LAMES FINE- ' such as Glove KM, Diamond Kid,Polish Kid French Kid, Kid, Fox,Drab. Prunella Kis,_ Fox, Check Cloth,, :and others .too numerous to retention. Our stock of :i fissee • red Ohild en. s Tie v. CaiFnotbe•: beat in town.A large x of stock• LAMM. TIES AND -.SLIPPERS. W'e aronoacKollin g ;Dote -limes of boQta at cost.: ` Come and secure a bargain : - _ R v T '�ITis Wit •OL8BA7,8 AND I;iETiIL. • Psi 4- dalton. we to _inform the citizend of T uci+mow and rounding country, tbat-:I have -. .: opened up a Green ll's OId Stand. 1 will ' keep on hand at ail fames KINDS 'OF FRESH'..MBA,T..• • Delivered ; to all ' Parts, of .the• illap, on Shortest Notice. Gine ,e e ft. call. dA SEs LLN BAY. Luckn c w, Sept. 9th.. -GO TOT. I 'N D LA -T -E R'S -P011 ALL KINDS OF- _ WATC FA. . CE00K5 •ANIS JEWELERY. " Repan' 'g one prom . r dtl p.y,: ALEX, FINDLATER, . . Catupbell st.; Lucknow ABQL ITIOIV UP The pion f eris ahead- .of -all -competitors, offer • :• .ing-11:Chests of ' ray_i5031 met. Duty fre! ; splendid value... Sugars C'i,ffees,: SPF .A1 (late of .St• ; Alex.' MacIntyre'so. elens. -_Havingepened.ont his new shop; next (Poor to -. Graham's brick block; 16 determined. to keep the public supplied with. i--.'`.--ter•--^�- F RESH MEATS of.choieeat quality, great variety and at lowest' Prices.° . In .conneetign_with. the Te. t business,be elso rposeskeeping inetock '• •' G RDE T .VEE ,TABLES of all -kinds in their pro per ; seasons The Patronage of the Public ie respeet€ully= i On Real Estate,_ a reasonable rates, on _terms of payment to suit Borrowers. ELLIOT . TRAVER OFFICF Ntxt to Post O..ce Lucknow, March 1.CPS, l'1.1 J . AC l-Ut-ltED IN I Oii.O.1`q TO. DRACC.O ,and.•A P rrnane.nt, ante cure fuer 1),i:c _.es. 7,i's - GBNERAL GROCERIES. Prices. 4 - a •I3116103 .f) noms, Cottons, Shirtings, Prints Lusters Couburgs; Cashmers, Flannels; Twee s, RusselCord Coatings, Beal • .We tof England Broad Blacks ind Doe Skins, Worsted • Coatings, Boots,Shge8, e:, &c._ At pri eat_a Iow'as. any house - in the ' tr � e f� _h Arade, . High 4t price paid for altproduee in --exchange. •.• ore Els and itnocuts ui the Kiaury�, $laciest•- and -Urinary ,eon etii,,, Sysstetri, or Attendant of Compla_iata causing Pain in Swall of Back ' Sides, efe., producing Urinaryl)isorders, such: as too frequent,'Scanty, Dithbnl ,'.Painful • or Copious 141icturati:iu°, Inability ift.. tri tint and`Seduurntary Urine, Drug"sat al.Syntptrnici, etc., denotiug 4lre•preSence in c ie t.yisac::.ri (,f Diseases: unnmr;n tt the Sc,re .is r e a)rgar,s, known'a;;'ravel, f attarhof t�nc f31;ielri. i+ and. .Passages; "1irights' uisease :.iii abets;;•Uri,y K, , Filen, NerVriils )).•bllity, etc., i•tr,.- Pawpiripts and a'estimouiuls ;;aa be .-obtain- d from-Drfits free PI4IOLS-- Chugilds;_Pad 81.5.0 (cures be- - d-wet- tin8). • Regular Pad; $2:00. , peeiala'ad fu . Chronic Disease a, $3.(;0. Sol by. .lohn,S. TENANT W » '.:L ieket w.` '-DIC WITT ;MARTYR, tVl.: U,�. gi icardjne W T. BRAY; • Win iiaun. , B A M11,011Lt, .1:.oudonDiesels . Agent w • SPAVIN CU Kendall's ' Spayin The•moat successful ren edyeverd'a•s wird it is certain #nits effects and e- - blister Bend -Proof below,, -KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURS New.Hamburg, Ont., Dec::28thf 188L ;McCallum, dear sir, 'I'ke botstle of Dr.; Kendall'; Spavin Cure bought of jou-. last suininer iraveme`theutmost-satisfaction _ and performed, a wonderful cure upon a mann .- nineteen years old belonging' to me,which was badly 'spavined fortes years.. She was so lame,' that I could hardly get her cn moire The lameness is entirely gone after using half. a - -bottle of.the.cl,re, and .she is- 11: ;e- a $oun hose:48ain. Yours truly, ' J F Roxg... Send address fore Illustrated CircuIar' -chic we thinkgives positive proof; -of its . virtues.- No remedy has ever met with shelf unqualified success . to our kuowwledge,for beast . . as well -as man. . Price $1 pe.°bottle, ; or six bottles. for 55. A11.: ► druggists have it -or can get it ° for Ton, ogltwill be sent to any • address on receipt of price by the pro-- - prietors,_ Kendall & Co., En - osburgh_-F its,:Vt. SOT I : BY "ALL DRTJG_GISTS, LYMAN • SONS & CO, BICINTR$AL hVholceale Agents" WILL cIJRE OR RELIEVE: - - BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA,. DROPSY, ' /NDIOESTIOIV,a FLUTTERING: : OF. THE HEART; ERYSIPELAS, - ACID/TY 'OF ' 9 SALT RHEUM- THE:STQIHACHs` HEARTBURN;- DRYNESS- • - -HEADACHE,- OF : SKdi�D.. THE - And every reOecies of disease arising. front - di$ordered LIVER, KIDREYs, STOMAOHe BOWELS OR BLOOD, Proprietors, ' MiliBURN-& GO. JAUNDICE. TO$ • of •