The Sentinel, 1882-04-07, Page 2L0141)(417 TALK.
lite Gossip of the Week of the Metropolis
of the Wealth
• Lendon cablegrams to date taped the pee
ifollowing : tion at some place of public enterteminent,
_There. are strut sympttatia that the which' could bedoneat a cost of 25. This
London emery has already _commenced. iiimple readanjeof 'a complicated statute is
The votaries of ,faehioti have been suppotted by legal euthorityeand tlie -pro-
• temPted into the InetiOPOlie the nosed theatre for the use ot an_n__Iteuractoro
*�I�Wott`exteitordinetty-fte weather. wilt afford the notelists an opportunity of
The parks at the west end and the streets protecting themselves -from" the 'spoilation
reseut as apireatee an appearance as in of brain -suckers..
tattle of dramaticcopyright_ has broken out
again over tbe production of h Moths," at the
Globe matinee on Saturday. Miss Litton,
the manager, points out that le novelist may
protect himself if, before issuing the novel,
he constructs a rough dramatization with
te gainers eaul gives a reprepenta,
windaand sleet reminds -us thatit 18 -Still gout in bis tight Sera.- This :may
Marche Lady Lindsay. inaugurated . the 'for the feebleness- of his latest pate -mac
art Iowan_ with one of her Sundayreunions. '8011[41 and tendsto blight thethope regard.
in the Gresvener ,gallery, 'where ou the jug the new -playa which me. Irvine has
mod -famous men spa wemen in London. the tamed.
- heating ground- ef the " greenery YallerV- continues. Washington -Irvieg's Christ.*
femaleaesthete, inter amazing costume of. -teas et.Beaceeeiatieuseit is now promiSed,
brieldntat- and sPinteet6,h, The” led:1'133-'7Y -.withIllustrItionalg Oslaertt reeleerne
not belong to ge utter set seem to. addition to be series. ,
favor positive colors, aow-nright rede,blues, A lieW sathical-journed, to be called The
sod yellows, chiet3.y in. velvets. • . Foot,, win soon make its app•earatiee.
June but the laudden renewal of latter•etbe news coulee tht itir on
Bewitching Bonnets and Haas Sor Ladies.
ia ..
A °lithe fancy crowns Of bonnets vel=
vet sill old a (=spumous -place. Crape
"a to be i°1 -ma tk°ba6bbing• in- Ow haPPY The deluge of sixpenny editions -of books.
The week hag been mem,orableforseeing. It is singular that Lord Redesdale's Bill
:send it is to be hoped hearing, the last of
:Jumbo, who is safely boxed as . a passenger
" in the clieicest situition amidships of all
Atlantic% steamer. Not, however, till he is
actual' - out at see ahallewe reach the end
for theistical.test Wee opposed y sue
religicma veteran as Lord Shaftesbury.
The:Lords' disbussion afforded. abundant
evidenc.e (especially the Puke a Argyll's
speech in favor of introducing affirmatioe
' • h t Lora Redesdale's
ill ell colors, ,net Of silk sue_ cotton, eilk
tiss e witirchetinte.dotie -tOdette or ertaied
of the moat ludiorous and"puerne outpour. in piece oe,
g of gush which has been known ,ttt the ridiculous Bill has been abandoned. -
R let Gower has.. executed a
Otto sille will be the leading. materials for
m ' g the bonnets. an. • for auxin with.
lice trimitings. Fulda and puffi will, be
. present generatten, and which amply jus
tea Lord Beacoeefield'a d.iottun shoot the
excessive: sentimentality- ot the English
. people!.
- a consolatien for thehnitjureltewe
-with his atthudant chiefs„ and. also, of The N., Y. Tribuni's cable says: The
gure of Lord Beaconsfield: It is -a fine
work of are - ' - ..
The jones genet:tem bequeathed to Ken-
sington illueeum, 'and valued. at 2300,000,
Is'eve the PresPeet °1 the eeramg.° e t is now on.pnvate view: .
Bichard Jahr Takes the.First-Thloonht
Phot‘ograpit-The Vaialt in -Which Gar.
iield Beats She Aabject oi_ the llExperb,
ment. ,
(From -the Cleveland Leader.)
Mr. Richard 'Jahr, a ,y,ouag German
olieirdst and photographer, has acconi-
plished a great feat atom* photographers -
he has succeeded in taking the first picture
Loss of lite Sind Heavy Destruction of '
- ' ProPertY.,
, A Richmond (Va.) despe.tch says : A ,
conflagration, second only to that- which I
destroyed the business portion et the city
ow its evacuation by the Confederate army,
occurred here on Sundey, the result being,
besides the great destruction of property,
headed pins as can be used. -- -- _ the, loss Of one life and several minor
_ _ _
hams, the large fiats of Panama, Man- „casualties, a number of poor people de- -
ilia, bass and Milan strawswill be the most prived of their homes and household goods,
reshirehe. 'Neapolitan, poillon.or porcuedne, and the travelling public inconvenieneed
Tuscan, Belgian, .Leghorn and Dunstable by the loss of the Richmond,& Petersburg
etraini will- be- with. Chip is to be used Railway bridge, connecting the Northern
• . .
only tfor mourning bate.. The straw hats and Southern railway- systems crossing
a,nd hounds are in all the colors of.the nevi James River. A small blaze was
bete ed witless many silver, go or p
eari by moonliglit..„ -.A few_ photographers an
scientists including the ate r
Draper, have taken -photographs- of, -eke
moon, but never a moonlight landegape:
There are to -called_ - " moonlight views,"
but they are-takenet Sunrise and printed
dark. The Philadelphia .Photograph,si of.
February, - 1882, , says moonlight plate-
tographs never have been taken,
and the author gives it as his opinion -that
the feat impoefilble. Mr. Jahr a; natiVe
01301in-end a pupil of the eminent Ger-
man profesior 'Dr.-- Vogel; - When he
deternemed to attempt- photography, by
moonlight he selected a suiejeet of sad
national interest -4)m vault in -Like -View
Ceiteitery- Which contajne 'Garfielti's bedy.
.Me. -dark, one moonlight -night about two
weeks -ago, took his camera, to Lake View
and made an attempt to photograph- the
vault ; .31-e says a moonlight photograph. ie
possible only the new gel-atinebromide
P'' which ate _very ;sensitive and will
take a pioaite fifteen times quicker than
. , _ •
with the older ptoceas. The first night the
:plate wail • exposed: three - and half'
hours, but a no picture - was obtained
'Phe operator knew not hew to -proceed
or who Woe needed 'before- that attempt,
but hesawseveral defecte, in his method
which et the next trial he was . able to
yereedy.. The 'sedond evening he went .out
the moon was 'obscured bY-- Maids,- and he
liegered in the 'cemetery-. - for four
home: ie vain, , On . the , evening of
March 3rd- the _young -German made
kis: tbird sesientifio pilgrimage to
Make' View. The.- night woes'. cleat and
ifery,beantiful. He set up. his camera a
few before 8 o'clock and exposed
his sensitiVe plate for Seven .hours to the
moonlight During that time he Paced hp
-cOvered- aboettioon-eear the soethere, end.
iiuiti we: The open. Straws are not es baucli
used as the close, fitie ones. ,
of the bridge but by the time the depart-
ineilt reached- the Beene .the flames aided. -
is In shape the bonneits are mostly or a by a gale from the southwest had en -
hers shoe form, with or without coeonet ; veloped the structure and in less than bait
the cottage, of medium size, and pokes, au hour the whole bridge fell a mess of
medinni and very large sizes -one style in
. lifessrs..Mbody shad Sankey, who have been
requested to speed not less than a year tie.
Lotid-ort. -The petition to that effect is
signed by more than. 300 persorts of posh
thin, of whom *Gore than two-thirds. are
,' representative clergymen. - leattalliae. - Before „Y
froin EnglansitoPrannet in_ atballaon made _'''' s. Whispered that he inteedid
Hespiike; but
-axtether remarkable event is the passage 4fr tat
. by the hero of the `titide to Khiva,' who, t(*Yentsninsehis-wlivef$1*
violent, any fues‘p threw tato the wicker ear °ply excused: himself 1 or his boa TOMS. :-.1Yet
of the billeoh two pair of:socks, al battilti of _he voted with those who approved the pro-
minertawatere.nd half a doieneaudwiebee, . .
polish His action is regaided as Sig/lib:Alit'
• and- iumped in himself, loosened the tope, has accepted the eoevictions of his
barely cleared a.factory ohineen and landed.
in Colvadose
discuesion on the county freochise -was
&lefty notable for' -the -line -taken by
Mr. Gosoten. Be was excluded from
office in. the present Cabinet batmen
he declined to approve of the county
* • debate
exact imitation of a 100-year•old pattern, Mine luta the river. 'When the flames .
reached the Riehmond end -they seizedupon,
the four ttorey brick tobacoo factory o
being ten inches aerosethe top of the brim,
italic i Curls backward and has acrowu six '.r. M. Rutherford 86 Co. which was qua'
inch a high. Most ot the round, hate have ,
Iowa* crowns thin those of last Selle0t1. ' A with frightrel rapidity and seen laid ie.
destroyed. Mlle fire continued to spr
in unikalaer, having a round crown one eide iiehee the large brick tobacco factories of
bell drown is seen. on one style of poke and
of the front,- flares no about ten inches. It. A. Patterson 86 Ch. and '- T. C.
.The inside of this shape is to be filled with Williams et Coe three totacco stem-
•flow/cs and lace and that iii balanced b merles • of C. - R. ez F. D. Barksdale, -
, y. steminery - of '. Aborn 86. - Edwards -
the own trimining whiala show* on .the ,
•VolCan Iron Werke, operated by Bruce et
Archer ; twenty tenement houses opposite side, and is useally of ostrich
plums and tips.' ' English torbaim and tet, poor people, .300' feet of trestle week
Saito hatietre imported in ill colors. for .00nnectilig the Tredeg,ar. Iron Works with
chiteleee. Mediem steed retied. hatefor ladles the Riehreciod re6 Peterelnirg Railroad ; ten •
new . -freight- cars, 'the . _property of the
hav,elpurvedbrims in various shapes, ahd
.the Mean or lime square &own. Ben, Traeger- Company T. P. . Smith's grist
nets Ateit have a narrow. band Of the same Mill and.a number of other -trainer . blind-
etra around. the : crovni„ fastened in a iiigee The quantity - of Coal and lumber t
senalh square_beW knot that - is_not_con, at - the '. . Manchester end, of the -bridge,
-reale L by the trimming.: The back is some and the :Virginia Mining & Mann-
-factaring. : Kaoline Works wete- also
tirae finished with a care turned uP. flatly
INIIXIiii n2anner as the ineide of .the brim; I: de t6 :0e0do- . ; ------------eisnc:s.,tinas;t:d00a;tilfrioic:
ageitat the ceowee. -Which is' faced le the
with hirred silk, nioire.or velvet. _ 1)500,000 to eg00,600, about one-half of
„ • which Is insured. The heaviest losers are
gs are et three or four inch satin; Williams es Co., $100,000 Patterson. ce Co.e
laded velvet, sad are tied in. a coquet' bow
I .be .
strin r ing pinned or hooked to it , - . _ panien but the equally silent soldier ou -
e • 825 000 , Virginia Xining Gee 630,000.
mond & Petersburg Railroad, $16;000 ;
I3arksdales, $20,000; Vulcan Iron 'Works,
atth left side. The emit are short, . d
the w lei fastened to the bonnet, the other i
and down the silent cemeterY with no cone
It party this is an importe,nt incident 'lively- A ong. 'recently imported bats iS a guard, At 3 ceolo k a. m. he closed his - , ,
- • - 1 under iiis arm, developed -his negative
• ee sixillipoke, with crown of white silkorape. earners and went home with his picture
pie 88 factoriee and stemmeries. owned by,
Several of the, largest buildings were occu-
and. secured ;kw excellent: print. The Jelnee Thomas, who loses 660,000; no
photograph is peculie.r. • The sky is very ,ineUratiee• The Mayer telegraPhed to
white; the trees black. The vault is well washingtm-fer aSSiStafiee' but the fire was
taken, but the fact that the picture was got under control and the order ebunter-
taken . by inomilight is raade evident mas0-ed- Large cinders were blown bang
because:the shadows fall in two directions-. distances, in tototteatet setting fire to roots,
• and necessitating a constant watch on the
- - the Parliathentary incideate "have- cox-
- sieted o! -a series of tempests in tespota.
The most momentous was the omission Of
- several Radical neeniherst inoledinaMessrs.
'Chamberlain and. Bright, -both tCabinet
Ministers, to doff their hats when: the -
Prime Minister brought a. message- from
the. QueerCeatioarkeirtg the- marriage of• -
. iteincetLeopoldewitlatileausualepecuniary-
. euggestioreattiched= to it. The offenderi
disdeltedto explain, andanappeal to the
Speaker prodifted no result. The Con-
servatives_ seized the opportunity to. Inner
head Radicalism gets,: even ' 'd
•that, being -unable to knook prow
'with, Her Majesty ity keeping AS own
hat on.
A,lively die' bastion ensued over the pro -
'posed additional yearly a/lowance of 210,000
- to .Prince. Leoppr4 and. 'Princess Helena.:
MreLabouchere, in leading the Opposition,
d b the fiery Mr. Healy,,
prispective changes the Ca ine .
Gladstone is eipectedoeforelongto give up,
the. ChancellorshiportheExcliequer. Mr.
0084M:ft action dears the way for hie
adizeseimie Downing street. The Liberal
party troula hail his accession, With: delight;
Bus moderatic,n would he a counterpoise .10
the Binningbane Sehool. Hee is also. the
bestauthority ott the Iaberelside hetoreign
elides His advice_ would be. et ,great
The brine inside is finethed
lace, 'which nearly eovers the outside also.
Onthe eight 'tide ia, a. peaces& plume tot.
pearliand irrideseent beads.- A -large droop-
ing bunob of plush' pansies finishes the :left
side. , Strings Are of purple velvet. _
. tibie is lit cloettahape, covered the
• wwilIthh pe:arrul ni:tetine agt-lovaetrr' •oro:ire_itzli fmorning elltobees:It hyc. ia part 0! fe f fit taut bhdteti nightwpe%rit
assietancete the Cab'inet, and especialiy to bunbir of blue;li'i, He eays.this is a time o the year unfa,vor-
able for moonlight photography, but thinks,
Earl Granville; who belonga to the old atth a the Inim• .•
with all the leading Ceatinental statesmen. era heannlin°1tItia,:i8Xtrszawita-glattiPairltierhoasreeft-lb4aira 'tha't i34 the. 84-e-leler 'beautiful landscape
foreign. eicheol. Mr: Goicheti is intimate 4
the session -to discuss - fair r
Several_ atteieptehave beett Made durieg t'P•no 1.• of shaded. roses :at. the 'aide; half "vorerLegtlt:iiIrttehno-T 11-iigt;ittytwtitlisetalkte:lia,tyi
_ _ Cover a by arapseaderapostringe,
Tin Hermit& ie a roundeha.t inenetiligthrotphipea.laiancLotatlehoe:vigeheerred.-tioli-etertstohot-
eihinee SUbrightly,sectea Will now betaken
in the night that caunot.possiblyhe secured-
deeing the daye These pictured, will have
-peen* chance beeellie Of . theeontrest..
.0flightand ' eliadoVr, _which is -exceedingly'
• -
nothing, was accomplished un
night, when Mr.Ritchie propoeed aninquiry
lent thet effeots of foreign tariffs on British.
trade and. commerce. The debate was
notahlefoeSir Stafford Northoote's action.
.1Tyeetrieago lie_denounced euch ineuiry
in'urious. Yesterday he profeinied
the s
it is
dbxbending into &bonnet.. It ispovere
ad green Spaniel' lace, a shirring of
me color slanting across the tore and
rimmed with rose-budskof different
a raugingfrota rose pink to garnet.
ound basque, • Out up, in blocks, is_ a
was e dh f 'od ityle.fer se stout •figure. .
.. Mr. Giaa.: itotion, which foun& 89 is, its favei, Felithers on hats -arid flowers On beneets,
erence to ree trade. but supported the go
said thathe did not know what a prince was a
lik ha had. iloVer seen one.,
t on er vote than - had certainly been That the rule. • • '
stone-chpegr.otaenataedwattefun thbe aessVelrOtlaleeoloaft- tthhee,
grant to PrinCEISS Louise was made -without
oppositioie he drew dowo confusioa on the
-heads orhis colleegues. The senior mem-
-feiceser, Mr. Peter Taylor, coo -
expected. though it was largely owing to the
deft wording of the resolution, which ex -
eluded the -real object, of inquiry fro.m the
. _ - _
tthe Northampton election
; It said that MreBradjaugh's support-
tradicted the Prime Minister, statang that ere,. g
be had. voted against the, grant in tile would depend maths action of the Noncon-
respectable conapany of Afessra. Chamber- ferniists, dressed up e. number of men _ in
lain -and FaW04G, NOW W04 aa Cabinet black clothes and white -ties, and paraded
Ministers occupied the GOVettlinebt bezfall ilieM as Bradlatigh's religionetasuovertera.
of this ob,at theY were I"Wer .,,land it* fi.tleeill• .
besle Prime Minister. The stin
ide dig
servation. NVSS th
now compelled either to vote for thegrent • Dr. Freak Ha,miltozi read a paper last
Or to walk auto! the House without voting. Friday night before theNew York Academy
AnotherParliamentexyfiutterwascaused of Medicine, on "The Struggle for Life
by the overwhelming blackbalbng of two of %pleat Civilization and....Esthetics.'' Dr.
Mr. Chamberlain's brothera for the Reform Hamilton said : "No matter how perfect
Club, the nominationa being made by " h been
essra Chamberlain ,and Bright The
feeling on the subject was so strong that at
is meeting of members held in the notate of
COMMOOS it -was resolved to salt aepecial
meeting of the °lel) forthe impose of abed-
iehing els:Aim:thy ballot, and placing future
" elections in the- bands 01 8. committee.
The remind outhreakof crime inlreland
de of feet
Saab scarfs adorn "the froet of dreams.
and manta. ,
-Fise checks, in light browns, .olivese dull
reds •, ild black and in the alwaYs POpelar
black and white, ire seen in thd new soft
spree ;Needs. '
house -tops.
The only death recorded in -Menai=
parish, Kincardine, during the -past quarter
was that of a female aged 95 years
Lord 13alcarres received the an
'anonymous letter, threatening that if he
should- attemptto extort information from
the men the in 'custody, his father's body.
woind be thrown into a bath of eauforti
and destroyed. •
At Greenock styoung man named James. .
Anderson Was sent- to the batik by his]- -
employer to cash a---£27 cheque., instead o
' - - - returning with. themonethe wept :home,: ..
. Miscellaneous.
. During the carnival at Rome the horses put on his best Clothes,andtellinglais eister -
got. away irt the race -a little too soon,an he was going . o Johnstone a message for
two people were killed and ethers- injured lae-Mastea.went off and has not been seen
The Mpg a,nd Queen ivitneseed the catas- item._ . , . ! , -
'trophe fawn Opposite balceniee. JairieS Anderson, late graie ...merchant,
la d the age of 100 yeses o
Theadeeth of a famous .cockatoo tre who .reac e .
Tommy Preteettanad"he had for tWent.r. -StOnehaVen...ou Met& 4tee Peeeettlit
petted: in Philadelphia: •- Has Jeanie was 'Fibrilar] 24th last, died at his tesidinee .
• — tire yearabeen Were the peblic aft. Pert lama enjoyed wohderfully goad. bealth, -
urdirers zaunened. 'us!' 'Pero"' fornier In .Cirena' --aideihowse Was -a - his birthday was able to be to•
. Xesserail.T. •• - • . -remarkable Slasher, for a bird, and earned - reeeiee the COegteaulatione Of a large eenti,
at - . The Arnerioan-bred horse t41 -en Jarsa, by A meethig. Of those -faviitableteethe ere°.
tineldleburg, .Pa.-..jonathati Blotter .GletieWavniathe- Trafford- Fi.rk. Handicap _mon of a • etatiiee Sir' :Welter Seott:wfv.
e edrants received - (Friday) night a salary for bis owner of $30 a week. ear at friends. _
ult. Ile WaS held recentlY. It was stated that a replica
was 'tinged herelo-daY eomPlioitY at -Manchester on the 25th
in 18'7 Through deist' in removing tlp3 he beat Cynthia, aged, it 161 pounde, and of the statue exeCuted by Sir Jobe Steell
for New York could be obtained for stem
the order of John and Kretchen Snitzler ridden.hy Mr -Coventry at 163 pounds, itnd
prop the fall was not sufficient to break Wiseacre, 6 years, 154 pounds, by gi,000 -e ly
the plumbing or _glens e . b's n ok, Death ensued from stratiaillee three -lengths. The dietancetwatetwo enTdhae.cointiaa ittee wwas faari
shown conblulivelet that tho water in the h
ti honed out, sometimes aeivaporated and, declaring on the scaffold that he did not
hl dt
extept where, there ea constant floe, partelipate in the' Murder, but e pe o
of Water, is altvays foul. The ventilation rob a!burn the prembies peek Igirggi
traps of seWerage pipes will .sometiniestwea -extreme firmness,
Of . sou pipes by . air °peel -egg eate- ate lieldErb, Who had beep °envie . , le
alias" the man horse.. - The American a
. .
" al btit 't hi not invatiably
- 't the Ettm er, wh , . . . _ _
was eee ottawnats, ell. eoolthnvieTotedeCCoat_lt0h12e,. tifi . ..s . . 6 tura/ impl.ernent maker, Al3erdeen,-- per,
cam Delitond - had
for catiette. of Peri -within three b iirs.
announced. his intention of personal estate in Scoilaed, tEngland and
Bruce, eegineer, P..t. 0: ComPetWe service, '
d to ' 'the
street an roof ia Ot: great Whc's case. was 110ver `11114er vulenitnt,
bet me that ho Would- Walk round . the - seem estate, 222;561'12s. , 4d. ; Itober
saine crime cOmmitted suicide. The
of W Moore, -implicated in ' the (minis, bit ,f flowing hid): for the sake of sport. . Both abroad,' 211,809 16a. 4dt ; Jamie Motto
still ending in the SupremerCenrt. - • Men did the -distance within . the specifte &enlist, Aberdeen, personal estate in Scot
was ged toelay for killing his daiighter, tiVa6-4the 'Axaerigs'ivith twe minutes to laild atid England, 45,744 9s. -7d.. - ' --- .
spere • and" rather leas -
-Island, Ill. --Mm. lEleilWagen-
Penis; France, March 13.-A. brilliant
'pedestrian feat has been accomplished here
by two ainateurs, an American.well.known
in sporting circles as " the man locomo-
tive," and s. Frenchman named Delatone,
fiirther the object. ,
_. Among the inventories_ recorded. in th
athitedeep Sheriff Court during Januaryl
and Febrimry were the following George; -
Reid niiiseryinan, seedistaan and agricult
oartees tribulatiou in tug qn . a protection. In t
startling taws comes tha
t the *aping man Andrews at Dublin was.
• Undoubtedly soother " exeeution " by
decreed the seorat tribunal. is sup-
posed to origin in the feat. that
-Andrews gave bvtordik‘tiou which Ied ta the
lout gases are largely tie .
street. Sewerage system. The -noxious gases
from -these pipes lecoxicetve to be the mast
freqaenteause of -diphtheria, typhoid fever -
and otheraymotic &needs, anti possibly of
Asie;the cholera. Se condusively bail it
shown that all known mean a of pro-
arrestof BLS -Men; tOr the murder a tbe- been
informer Bailey, sttecial session of: tection against these -deadly feel, that
:rimy t. tit has_ been held. at Dublin- -several eareftilmealthy-gentletienwholare
Castle. it iainiMored that the,Government
is concerting tat -iota measures Peach -this
.- week has- an appropristkveree on the Sett=
of the Irk& Government:
VOltkeeP SiX hUndrea neoate tightly underioca
''' :,-
"Kau cloaYt allow alrial, for tbat -yea:1101y oe, ,
And sixq thouga&V itoidieee ,roust always readY
With. "our Forster .15t- otecici- and YourstAavtfer
_ . .pray by a rabnitter -the rope was cut, and
It is stated that the Irish members pro-. -, . the elleight dropped at 11.55. NoCartbY'S
pose a further PalaCiellt of the Govern- Inch Of water *mild absorb more than that . .. k h . . _
now building resideneet have had al pipes,
connecting with the, water slid sewer 'aye-
-taros Put itiannexeie and more than one
plumber favors this view. The only solution
.of the house isto !Nepal
-such pipes out of the dwelling apart -
repute Dr. Doremus, in reply to the
statement made President Chandler, of
the -Board of Beattie, that iewer gases could
net pass_ through, the water in a pipe -trap,
said t It was well known that a cubic
gases nett -was spat master-
--- ment. on ' the- horns of - the dilemina by amount of anyone of the ,d_seigeroup
At learfieldiVa.-Sedin Neveling, eon.
Easterrecess; and thus: testing its cottage ber of the National Board of. IFIegiBiltli‘,111. sealt. eictect of the murderofSamuel Pennington
in 1.8i0rwas hanged here this morning. He
going to Ireland in a body during the audgive it off again. Dr. . ill
ottdarperersteilirorttelireriagY' B'_i_ilfgt awriliQomV7Wilarclt tetbbhaeotwinainthicoeunarlit5Oea'gf:TerftamopitiSviYinr:ittineenpg_tesati- it ex-
died without a struggle. On the Saalfeld
_rants are out. , - _ - 'ex... male , On his person, and -thus demons -
a he ---e inita 0-,'kilift, -which be had- cent'
Atisbusbap woos, . awaits tor riabat, at tremely impeobahle that such. gases pro- p-r—o. tarettei4t.hat klua, not ....desired: tO: 6ourn,it
" While Irish politica are thria disturbed, . gaiety exaggerated, and thought
are reparing d a s ifie diseafies, although . ethey me
At i Pittsburg, Pea -Frank Small was
hang ' a here to -day for . the 'murder of
Niolithis - Jacoby in 1879... " The mur-
der grew out of a quarrel ' regarding
Small's intimacy with Jacoby's wife.
The ' evidence • • • against . . Small was
petit oircumetantial. .Sni a s a
his innocence; Smell tenanted the scaffold eighteeillerins. - Tee florins per head VMS
without faltering. • He adjusted the rope hie charge . foe hanging, . and be burned
around. 'his neck With. his own kende and -delincitienta alive at the rate of fourteen
died without a straggle. • a • &rine-apiece; t For apPlyjng the "Spanish
en , ...,-___ , , Hooking. , ' -4 - is,much to be beautiful, and every- boot" his lee was only two florins, rive
'bridag"I'm was' '''''''"ar" "31- th* toieem so. -If you don't wankto be flotieseteeepaid to _hinlevery time he sub-
-Be - An, laborer the, ituthor .,of -- the
,,,,, talke about, talk about yourself. ; - :jeisted a. rke .t r. a 0., Tt our Ye , samewitness amount
Pthe was.torture hjt,
doggerel 0011402iulug female SuP4a/ labor ' Pli ebe -Coutiens the woman -suffrage. of
die for "branding the sign of the gallowa and the Marquee of Levee a ppm are
-asgteC°:1-Trar-darr elan:hi:rue time nineteen e i nb lalifY807..ars ad_ v_. jiite las. applied to President Attlettr
be 'Dieted, - ow. ot the commissioners with a red-hot iron itiPen the back, fore- esteemed good works, and. are much coin -
lids blue -ling bride to the hymeneal altar. r _a rIT , fliZa. utab. A numerensii signed. 'head or check' of - a . thief," as well as for !needed.'
gee erg tbe voirA time of ,ber iire.„,,was 16.a. .upetiapti ).fiti liteir appointnient will ,,e sent to "tnittinitoff the no, ana' elm of a stand- to- !jawai..for tap_esa,tsplitz, ..wifisi,:g3, itattat ,
erer or blasphemer." . Flogging-wtith rods.
Ina bat was Idrs..0areline Ram, who=,--• w x
to thetteror worse: -- ti ' (Which '",) ' .1:, ri,' ibi . ... a f was a cheat"Pninabroent; its r.eiritineratioh- '913-04--MI:si -ds77r ttWei tineithereprob' eed to - - •
With. hammer. The evidence againsthim than itto hours and three-quarters. "The Five lads, who,. dsurnig- ao.stenremekl
n 1o4
Man. locomotive". woe- exhausted at the vember' had gene ell fram rfe
in. last December, esrushing her head
Wat- urely circumstantial. The woman - smallw
eri17:::ree rr`e'enbgi: a
was separated from her hushand, • Ileilwa-
gon Aserted his innocence. end charged. the
murder on the Woman's husband..
At ngelioa, N.Y.-McCarthy waseeken
train. ail to -day shoat 11.30 and lid to the
gallo .s. , He was asked whether he had
any aremarks to make. Turning. to the
Dist iiit Attorney he said, "Yon are a
blciod hirsty brute' you are. You knoietin
your seat I am hot guilty of this crime."
The, eeth wairent was then reed. After
Rome, and hie coun y
to present him with four horses and,* Mate
;carriage, with magnificent liveries, so that
Mt Eminence may go abont the diocese in
state. „
lady's broochinwhich 9. tiny incandescent rigs with a deceased Wile's sister, ittst
epark takes , the place ser and outvies the passed in ,Parliament,_ the .fol.loWingfrom
briManey of a diamond of the _purest the Cornishman is worthy of note, as show-
wetere But perhaps a stillgreater ementiflo ing'hovr they do things in England : ." At
=Ruby ie the snefiek of 'Sir Erssuras Bedruth on Saturday a, coupleence more
'Wilson, who condemns the electric Wit: the matrimonial state. The
Aria favors gas, -On the Valenti thate the
forraer gives tiO4 much light, and come-
suentlx,eauses too much rshadow. .
• whether any private individual will come
to Egypt to obeerve the total eolipseot the,
-Sun, has decided, in oonsniouousabsenee,
of thatinamaufit,to sen& Cots Abney aud
undermine' the health and predispose to
Such diseases.
Inspired by Baton's eleetric lamp is a Apropos of the -Bill to legalize mar,
. .
Mr. Joeisph Arch, the English laborer'
I d s 'asking at Coventry the -ether The had been driven over to
forthethe price of the boat they had wroldi •
night, said that the land , had been too loug
need for political purposes. It was a big
question to deal with, and he maintained
that the landlords of_England were not the
proper ersons to -settle it. Lord Harting -
burgh shOre, and had drawn the boat up in
safety, but -it -was destroyed during a subse -
-Vent st,orni: Sheriff -Smith ism it -was net .
elouitta great misfortunethat the pursuer .
had rest his boat, but thelads could not bel
_ ,
ton bad declared that the -present- system held. accountable:for the- destruction of, the , ...
hadbeenfried and •had proved a faiiiire,- -,
boat -by a storm: ' He therefore aseoilzied - • . - .
and be- Usked:if these who had had - the them and inimplimiented thein on that hand amid. net Settle it, then in _
bravery they haa, shown.
the battle of goedneestlet then* glee it ep . , - - -
;and -let -the people try to do it It was not
a queiition between - farmersand landkirda,..
or between Liberalaand- Toriefee-it *as one.
'between the-pefiple and -the aristocracy, and
never -in the remembrance of marithad at
been se eipefor selutionet
From records in the State archives of
Hesse-Darmstadt, -dating • back - to the
thirteenth century, it appears ths.t the
public executioner's fee for boiling a
ctintinal in oil was twetity-fotellerins .; for
decepitatingwith the sword, fifteen florins
andta half; for queateringe the Seale; for
breakingon the wheel, five tflorins thirty
kr zers for tearing a Man to pieces
The Government, • after wafting to
forward todefraythe'costof SU eXpeditiOn
.' 14M Naratitin ;TleSiklert With Wheit•toR
1, . 7 •
. .Thit keteittds- 0014. mentionAttafi. the .
' ----Dr. Ryle and Dr. O'Reilly ' are the Pro-,
testant and Roman Catholic Bishops- of ' .
Liverpool, and letters addressed to "The'.
.. ,.
Bishop of, Liverpool " are constantly getJ .
ting intowrong hands. -__ Recently Dr
O'Reilly received one containinka larg
subscription for a religious purpose in which
Dr., --Ryle was interested, and Dr. Ryle:.
a missive congratulating hint on "-the so
he was displaying in converting England t
Catholicism!" Dr.- Ryle -is ared-hot Pro-
testant., -
It is expected that LieuteCol. Lazier will-
retire frora the command of the 15th BatJ •
tenon, find that he will be succeeded b
Major L. Henderson. -
On Saeurday evening the St. germai
Street Baptist Church, St. Joint, 1B.,
extendeda unanimous call to Rev. Henr31
Cross, late of the Pelgrin Baptist Church
New York:
" Good Words" is in the bawls of th
reviewers, and Princess LOilifte'S sketches
till death take isre of berfirstbusTiand's atiaelt otreurisy, but was somewhat bet -I jPgIttl,,,,,affl- kre. asel ro• ijalifax,froin,which_Tort she, will sail by
may not lier 144) she pledged. hetself Dr. sone Ott IS 3 °ring rom an
biottottir,„ ) ate - Bismavek has gone to Zriedrieheruhe• rsttiSaturday'ststeamer,
terlester el , rnee •
• -