HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-03-31, Page 5,,L rrAA, • - 1\rW e3 tit in ortzr:..the. publie thathe ba ‘.14"Pirsta tly on iha`il,(; tt . F TT ,AS S=TOCK- OF u.{zY iaTat - rYi .theirs, , Misses' .nd. t�ILjf'`trl�S Boots. iisf F�eu't ex'ainini, his. ,retil:l} to , :k t u BILI tt df"ae , especially hi -s £; g eeZrate a; "i�oIe-Stoe> coot& fl; foie•purclinaing elsewhere. 4t Ltmtufac luring a Specialty: last, eLLr s stock.. l: at cci under Y . so _ a ti cmt. 4.i 14:zusand Bitttf,r,taket.i Ixchau_ge u tion LTNiES; 1 n ortlaL to :clear them :out before desk 2 taking. If you -vont a sap Overcoat, CO?i} AND GET IT,. a AND VESTS, CilEAJ tJn Pound 6QCI: fa for 5k, w« COVNELL: .t - O a first-class improved RMS At Low Rates by- the OF - Api to. VAS. SOMERVILLE, Val it tor._ The subscriber has slew goo YILLLGE L( fur sale on easy farms, and a. 1 number of LOTS from one, .cr ht acres; ii ich can be had very cheap. fad drawn neatly an cheaply.. RUSIVESS .4GA�N octor9 OF THE LUCKNOW Harness Depot,: Is offering • Great Bargains in Harness, Saddles, Trunks,: • Tallies, Robes, Blankets Single littleness,_from 814 up,_ • - Team Harness- from I$48 np, • And everytt'Iingiu the line• cheaper than the. cheapest for iuili or otherwise. I 'am bound not to be undersl ld. All wort; warranted, as I ksop nothir.Y but first-class stock, and first - lass workmen.- I defy oemlietition: Don't, -forget the place, opposite :• J .1.,, -,Malady's Brick Blick. Dackuow, antiary E30b71882.... unity, It-1tEDl4l3IE T1RADE. MARILTHEGEEATEN-TRADr MARK. GUrsx-R uunr. • An unfailing.: ciLre for Selnn- all Ven ireo,, Spermatorrhea, Impotency,, ancaiIDiseasest BeforreZ+ ;;,,,,tbatfotlow ass secluenceofself� �L use; as loss of :�leinory., Uuiversai, 7:asei- tudc, Pain in - the _bac , .Diiuuess: of Vision, °l'reniature old age. and: many other- Disease's that lead to-Insanityor Consureption and a Premature Grave.. -Fu11 particulars.. in our �� Luiphiet, Which we desire: to send free bye mail to every one, *The -Specific lied- dills is sold by all'Urngr,ists at- $1' ver, pack= age, nrsir packages for $5 or will- sent: •dfreeby ina,iloureceipt of the Money. ressing= TI3 'GUAM MEDIQtINC VO.; Toronto. Ont Canada` > Sohl in Livia -now by all druggiAt3 and: every where in Canada sai�il the United States by a11' wholesale and retail druggists. - math collar GI:AS OK Manufacturer of alI kinds of. • SADDLF.4, • TRLTNK&, ' VVALISES, &c, cc. I)USTERS R.JBREfiti. RUGS HAVE ;MAT RECEIVED T} IJAR- ji. h ST, Che:,pest and best selected l;toclr' of TRUIYKSjthat has ev3r beau brought to this town.. Call early al d,see them. Prices. ranging fron. 75 cents Ucwards. TNN pe •' cent; off for Cash;• GRASSICKa ANDGET THE ROM NOW TLLL One of Dr. sada 'e Ca1oh'ated.. Treatise: toy the horse given to oveay nee sub - t Old Subscribers paying for 1882, call get 4. book. - s have now: m stock a very fine assortment of New, Olean and Crisp, for''tke' Spring and Summer Trade, -And jiionieetie ; Cottons are firm, Prints, Dress and. Fancy Goode; are'nnoer and Cheaper. than ever: Full. lines in• • Black Goods, Colored Lusters, :and Cashmere • FHF. DRESS GOODS (must be seen to appreciate their Beauty, to Endorse their Qualities, • to be astonisl ed•at their Cheapness. If you want to buy, comeiknd investigate, It you - have already tonight; we Will at least make- you glad to see:what lovely goods your friendsandneighbors can;have, .- A ilT-. E S'LSC L ILS EANDB1'R0HIEFtt,1i these lines 1nin•offerit sos,e.of the best effect° 'ever sl cwt_ g s. in thisplace;,. Description is impossible:. Nor can yuu buy in ,every case, but yon can at t :least tell'_ your rich: friend's who'-witl not fail to snake. you a birthday or a wedding"present.. • The Latest and Best at: the to.west Possible Price. • yerybodysave I have the nieegt lines'o¢Dress Goods, and Ladies' "Fancy -Goode in ;these parts. Well the Truth Will Out: Remember Goode look better when you are cheerful, bright, and hap- y. LUCKNO ►S. `BOU .HT A- V: Y FINT C 09O000000OOO000Go 00000000000no rin -1.40o000o00000000000000000000•000 0- OOOOOOoI©OQOp0000000OOoeob000d * oOoop00b0Og0000000000000000000. ALSO A FINK, RA GE° O SCOTT : 1, T 3 IRISI T. e very` best: qaalities, and at, the L:om est Prices, and is now in receipt of the above goods, • a week: $12 a -day at home easiJ made Costly outfftfree. _-stddre It ep.i Augusta;.Ailaiue'. XX - to DISEASES, COMPLAINTS and ACCIDENTS which HAGYARD's YELLOW OIL is Ms�_g Haran- teed to cure or relieve :either :in -,AN or BEAST. TAKEN INTERNALLY FOR • :CROUP, COUGHS,: clumps, ,BORE THitoAT, ASTIIh L, : COLDS, '&4. ..APPLIED EXTERNALLY FOR. nifnumdTISM, NEURALGIA, C LBLAINif, . 44 T,LOUS LUMPS SWELLINGS, .:. 'STIFF JOINTS, GALLS,, FROST BITE, LAMENESS CORNS, CONTRACTIONS •IlRUISES, LUMBAGO, ' ITCH, DRAWEES,- PdIN1KBACS,. $PSA1$B, . P.A1Xia''SIDE, &i.; Every bottle guaran'ceed to give <sausfae- tion or money zefundaid:= DIRECTIONR WITH' EAOH BOTTLE::PRIOE 04, VMtL84 T8& Ooy` ristor TORONTO. ORT. - teROM BRAZIL. r - •--Tlie .ev, cw Compound, its won- derful affinity, to the Digesti e. Apparatus and the Laves, in -creak- ing the dissolving juices, reliev ing almost_instantlythe dreadful esu/t1 of'Dyspepsia,,Z•ndfgestio and the TORPID LIVER, Makes Zopesa an 'every_ day =necessity 11 Avery. house. It acts gently and speedily Biliousness; •Costiveness, , Hea .. ache, ick Headache, Distress ter EatingWind on the 2tomach, Heartburn, Pains la -the Side a d. Back, Want of Appetit. , Want !al • Energy, Low Spirits, .Foul Stoatt itch. It inv goratesthe Liver, car ries .off all surplus bile, 'eg'ulate- the Bowels, andgives tozze to the - whole system., ' Cut :this out ana,takeit. to-yO,uuu Druggist and get;a10 cent Sample`` ora largebotile: for 75 cent's, and tell gour.neighbor about it.. Peart- tri . Has constantly on hand a well assorted stlIark . of LADIES' MrssitS', and 14SE 'S BOP tetieral different. lines of • FELT too - _Call all • and see them before purahas ng �e1ar . ' - : tivhf.;rd: LADIES' 0 V11 RS.FH:ikb. and ILrBBERS, •MISS? SS 't'IVBitstro ar•d ii:U13B1 4, UHILDRT'S OVERSHOES and RRrDBBERS. MEN'S. OVLRBHUES 'cad it,L $BE S. SlgLt.r4ZG:RESb IA BLE TRIC S . "Calf Skin 14iits, Deer Skin Mits.: and iii Mits" ma.deto older.- M:cnufacturera cf Harvest 11Yits; wholesale and retail. east $aOiIP'"rv' ANDGRAZI'NG SANDS ARE FOUND ON. HE Norihern'Pacific_ b+ MINNESOTA,_ DAKOTA;`: ' ' AND M-ONTANA, RIG CROP, AGAIN 1 -12 1 Low PRICES ; LONG TIME; REBATE FOR IMPR V' MENT;.REDUGED:FARE AND FREIGHTTO_ SETTL. RS - RAN -PULL INFORMATION, ADDRESS R. M. NEWPORT, GE_N.LANDACT MuniON VIM PAPER. �' AtJL, Mi