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The Sentinel, 1882-03-31, Page 4
mummiiimal=i iu3 "i cknowu art • wttattBF.RTT To- -or TER Sttp To-Atte#T:}F FREELY. h000RDIDTG TO TallEgLTAT.Es ercotsmotBNQT WE tRIZE. AsovR AL1. c,I ISti T urea tar: Latattow, Itgrah 31., 2332,. TO . lIGRA `T&. :We receivect a letter eii Tetesdi-ty fast from a friend; of. out 'who. Left: here a short time slob- Winnipeg The lett.tT is dated "thea•els€ March, and for the % meet. of those Ala intend going to Manitoba, tui pnblisli'a few,- extracts *tont: it, whi h We think wt1l "pro-ve very interesting.'r He says: ttWe had a very plesent ttm.ecomng up here,. but .fit.. our c.rrival We a;rit.w S placer, -(Wiunipeg), that. %sa anythingbitt like what we anticipated. ,`here are bun,. -d:ie4s cf poor emigrants here wha< can -not get a ['tale to stop at,. acid who are The t:,bliged to step in the cars, The waiti4 =re.oiins at the! station are filled; with poor: ;people who are lying around the (floor itt. heaps: Beard i$ $‘21 per week it you can get it c little cleaFer, bat it is is pretty hard dives:'* Just: after* our 'arrival here one of- !the worst sterns ever w tiregsedia genuine b13•zard,struck this. place. -- \-hole= families were frozen t deatb alae a number- ot 'horses and cattle T he s .violated forty-one: bouts, i3►i.Fl it has been :stormy ever since, With the exception) of sr; few days. There: is pieiity of woz beret but there is also. prlerrty!af men, to dei. it. - The trains were iiloeked •for three .days, The city and. .ltcrsnitiioui ao ernment. arebu`ltling tw very huge sheds for- emigrants;: but the :Weather is''s=o stormy and cold that they ninuot contple.te them. e do, not"ft:el sit. -ail: surprised at hearing of people . be- ing 'frozen to death in this, country.. T wonlci, not live in;: Ibis place: under any circumstance.: I would not advise any- otte to come here..I met Bill Mel) - the cstliei day -asst: he is about is: siek'of', Ithuaitvba as. it is possible to get. l; wish you weold cell on My brother and. try. and put him oft: the notibn of coining h re,)cs-he is farbctter off.iti Ltackno-w" • R r once. : -l'pieta } en year, ti; or with a° beautiful Chrome 22x26, 1.85 the 35 cents being the actual cost of pack Tag and • postale or " express on the Chrome. Sample copy of the Journal, 10 cents. We want an agent in every village -and city :in • the united. States `and, Canada; to take subscriptions for the: Journal.- ' . •d Addresst'Jr. Thomas, •Successor. to Thomas Brothers, Catskill; I\T..Y., tT. S. A. BORN, Ilutv>rv.-In Lucknow . on Thursday turning, ,Xarc.ti 30th, ,the wife of James. ioweyof a daughter: ' THE MARKETS.' Fall Wheat .... Spring Wheat Flour Raney .. Oats pests WO IP $ 23 1-23 6 50 o Q5 • Potatoes7perbus. ,., ... • 5Q 0:60 44,12 00 14 00' • .0 22 '4i) 22: ,.. 8 25 8 40 .{. Q. 13 0 14 6 00 100 Hay—per ton -..�.. Wool. I'orle—per cwt.. .. Eggs ... ..� .Butter, •4.. ... HidQs— Aprles— Wd—.... - Sheepsldns .,: *.••• .fib • 75 A. Cure .for Headache. -- What physfeian has ever discovered a .Mitre for headache ? Echo answers none, But Bur -- deck Blood Bitteis by, their purifying, invig orating, nervine properties afford a cure in nearlyevery case..The. health givingprinciplee of this -remedy are unequalled by arty similar -preparation in fhe-woxld. The Secret of Beauty. iSo cosmetic in the world can import beauty to: a face that is " disfigured- by unsightly blotchea arising from.: impure blood.. Burdock Blood Bitters is the grand purifying medicine for all humorsofthe .blood.. It make's .good blood and imparts the bloo)ta of health to the most sailor+- complexion,. hays: :the Advert sea .-3veryene no. • sees th4 a: tariff. oft tivsnty •per cent. would net only yield a= sufhcietct neve: rtue, for all piiblic-ptirposes, `lnttgive a r hatitiwute • surplua. °anew:ail are at.,. ,resnut cstitpelled, to pay: four rnillioua n fire public servicn demands, and all for the purpcsie of enriching ching a few selfish tnonitpulisi, . The pbcr.arc taxed 'to such an extent *lint:. were an: ot a core -,serial criis--lty no -means an improbable erertt-t? occ .; our Owns•add eitiesi, as•well irs reran ` port. tio'ts: of our rural... districts, wcu1d. 'be depleted of pol ut tion . Tri es now ow claim that 1 ottiiazor tticlssses have ` w+;Lk. There is indeed, and we gladly note the fact, a pretty'general .erupioy di nt ot artisans: _e•veryw-h..re through Crtuada: It' • coild. not, however, be Otherwise. The thousands of mechati: i s aid laboters-w`lio left Conal a when the N.. I.'.. carite into force, left:. a toter:. stt Iv• fair lrelcd,forthc,se who renaixied. We huge that the field may be extend: e.1 by a contiuuatian of good timer, wiiidi tiie . orkiug classes t.hernselves .0<IA ui0= Inucl3'- to ensure, .yglving pow: er to a Reform Administration. which will give .them: the ip clothing, cheap. ro+)d end cheep tueI. $30.00Worth of i ew and Poput-- lar gu$ia ,for- $ .00. . Thor -nes, Bo+sti ,t'rs' Musical Journal: for ,March is utcduu ITterdly the fit.est;ai d k,est juurn-1 etf its, kind published. The reading nut ttctris varied anti, tri incl, -.being ne-ws.from'all pacts of. the, world.. 'hie tr.-marital will have- a new feature `t►iis year in being .bettutifully illustrated and :priiit',l on fine heavy cufetidered paper. • .Each number will have in ever Tiva, Drvll!ca'•:5: worth •of Sheet Mii'ic,. printed front aur best plates.; and ' as u rec,�ivei a II QUI each .. cin b t you one r - lt>u t ,a the slid v#',each, year you have for biuur Trig one of the finest colle:ctieiiis of vocal. and i• sttunietn tl music iniay;.inalilc:. ilio .not .lark to subscribe -for the;•Juuritat at . This space belongs to ICH -p.o..r.r_s:„ Bead -her advertisement next week. SL CMHA.RlNE$1URSER1Ea, ESTABLISHED IN _1836.. TESTEDMOO'RE•S .(x FULLY - A.VI� I MOORE'S arljy and Brighton;. two new Grapes, o lant n 1 v trans nhesi:tati ad Tse m a Tu t g Y P Y P You will not be disappointed, -Moore's early is the best very early Black Grape yet.griwn xn Csnadsi. It has stood thirty degrees below zero unhurt • Brighton :is a delicious Red Grape, ripening just _ after Moore's early._ They are; -both very large in bunch and berry, and very productive. r will nail both to any address, post paid. on receipt of $2, or either - �for $1. ...agents wanted._ Address, .., -D. W. BEADLE, •- St. .Catharines. r Oyster: Oysters • I en -dire stock of Fall :and°-winter;=Goods= at Cost Prie.e, �w 1Sf thE to :sepu0e Dargei ns. These Goods rnustj. be sold: • BLANItETs AT -COST. OVERCOATS .:"COST... TWEEDS • " COST SHIRTS and Drawers " COST, HOSIERY " COST. 3300TS aitd SHOES • COST,. L PATOES LU W, . TRY 0 •p-; 'T' S : FLANNELS _ WINTCIIS• Dii: S,3 GOODS ATco's'r.- COST. [T.. DOST. - COO; COST. y5 WL -S ti e ',SCARFS CRO* KEP;Y +& Gla .sware QrALI"r1Es.'Goo1a. 1" • krrve- L4brador. Herri.ng, :Shote:;..-. Kerring, Lak:; :Kertkigj • d Salmon Canned Mackrel, Canned Lobsters, do. Corny do Teaches, do:' Tama For Sale.150,Bhsbels Prime Timothy Seed. 200 Bushels T'rin3e (lover Seed e i Boots' and Shoes, I�r : Goods, -:Grocer es, a =I am leceivingr, FRESH . OYSTERS. DAILY!, I rThicli I will serve either' AW OR . COOKED • AT' Ai& FiOT.TIt:._ �� Er����. �� a� • ��scrf i•zner$ will" nave money by, calif ur��._ • EATi ��G' • HOUSE: teen Fii ret EALS .. . ALL 110P11$: • x, 1 r 41so, eat. .. Cake ' 'a ,d o>'if i e h a .G� ect pn ry • at l iw t tis:ur; v ssiii:to. ihl'nrin the citizens ofr.•siTknow•-and sturnuliding country, -that 'I have opened up a UTOHER S Greenwill's Old Stand: I will keep. on hand at.all times. AA. KINDS - OF -FRESH-. MEAT. eat Delivered to all Parts of the Village, on 'Shortest Notice. ive me a call. JAMES :•LINDSAY.- iicknow,,Sept. 9th. • MRS. 1f)UN ° :Y. • GO TO TE- -FIR ALL KINDS-OF— rATCHILS, • - •. - CLUOIKS, AND &pairing done promptly. •: - • ALEX. FINDLA:TER Campbell st Lucknow UF.. he pioneer is ahead of all competitors, offer;. ing 11. Chests of cuing illr,o 'ca my free ; sphindid. value. Sugars Coffees, SPICES; T-OBACCOOS, and GENERAL GROGEi.IES.. Cheap as any is the Dominion at.; lex. Macantyr'e's . (late : of St.. _Velez''.) , Having opened out his new shop, next door tw' Graham's brick block, is determined to keep the public suppliedwith - ESM of choicest -quality, great variety and •atlotivest . pre es. - In connection -with the -meat business, he also purposeskeeping in stock .. GARDEN VEGATABLES, of all kinds in their proper seasons, The Patronage of the Public is respectfully, 1 Money oan. On Real' Estate; at .reasonable rates, on terms of payment to snit--Borrowerb, TRAVZR OFFICE. --N' xt:t© Post 0 ee Luck'i;ow,. March 1 1141.\ U� dt 1 iu1�LIL T\ 'lout ti' Lo A Perma_ nent, sur- cure, for Di3fases. Die -orders 'mal Aliments of the Kidney., Blade er and -Urinary eureth e - teni, or Attendant • of Complaints causing Earn ItSniall of Backs Low vnoes, licks Deithins, • Cottons,-SEirtings, Prints. Lusters, Couburgs,,l:ashmers, Flannels, ,Tweeds, RusselCord Coatings, Tea l West of England Broad Biocke, and Doe Skins, :Worsted Coatuigsx Boots;Shoeb, • - &e•, &c. Lt•ices,aslow as anyhouse, in the_ -trade" PHighest price paiufo> all produce in exchange. ABL. • Sides, CLC.,-1,Iootwn,y .. zii u y i'isorelei". snob. as too frequent, Sca2nty, itficn:iz Pv.+.u-fu1 O. Col ion Afie:turatii,n, Iiiribilit} „t 1 t_rtittoii anil:Sedimentary Urine, =:)ropsical, Syiupa„usfi;: etc., denoting-the—presence in the s.,t. ui ..f Diseases con -i non to the- Secretive .i)rgat,rs,- knc.wn: as (neve), ()atteru-ox the B31atehi, .. aid Passages(', Btights'•()iseabierDiab tes,:Uruysy, Piles, Nervoa10 D't ilitSr •, lite., etc.. Pa,mphl•ts and _Testtmoniuls::an be .obtain-. ed. from 1)rugg,ist s fru. - PRICES Childs Pael 1 fi0 . ,.. , (cures bed -Wet- ting). tte�ii+arl'ed, 82:UO..,Special l;'a i for Chronic Disease;:. 63410. ' Solti by J ohn w.- TENNAA•l', 41. 'D ; Lncto ow . De Wtrr-itilaervi` 14;13:, K ucaidiiie. W . '1. 13tia�, Winghain. 1 ri. s.ixxc .t 1 L Luni.L' n:, �� h,1e! ale Agent; SPAVaN= CUE. IVs: The most siiccessfal remedveverdis: + F'reel as. it is certainin its -effects and blister. Read proof below-; KE DALL'S SPAVIN CURSE . New Hamburg,Ont.,'Dee. 28th" 1881. `Mr. F. 11.McCalluw, dear air, -The ttle'. of Dr. Kendall's'Spavin Care bought; o you . last summer rave- ave the utinoet satisf tion. and.performed a wonderful cure upon .aThai . nineteen years .old belonging to me,wlii h, was badly spavined 'for ten years. She v=as s lame that I could hardly get her to move. - Phe lameness is entirely gone afterusing-: alf 'a. :bottle of the cure, and .,he is like a young. horse again. Yours truly, J. 1?. RoT . KE• DALL'S SPAVIN CU • Send addtesn for Illustrated Circular 1i hien : we think -gives -positive proof of i s virtues.No-re:reedy has ever "-,et ith w sere unqual#ied aur to our knowledge -Jur � e'fo i I� d r � g, at well as than: Price 81 per" bottle, - or six bottles for 85. All druggists have it or can get it for you, or it will be sent to any ..1 ' address on receipt of price by the .prietors, Dr. B.:f. Kendall & Co., osburgh Falls, Vt SOLD BY ALL DRiUGGISTS. LYMAN SONS 4 "MONTREAL P. Q., Wholesale A -gen:. WILL CURE. OR RELIEVE, BIL!ORNESS, DIZZJNESS;.; DYSPEPSIA;`::' DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING` JAUNDICE. OF THE HEA T, ERYSIPELAS, : A.CIDIT Y..OF . SALT RHEUM THE 'STOMA HEARTBURN; - DRYNESS • -HEADACHE, _ OF THE 8A: Ana-every species of f disease. arising `t • disordered LIVER;; KIDNEY$-> STOMA m : r BOWELS PR BLOOD, . :, 1. ilt3311i1I tL iyQ.i 4P►oP�TO QN 1n- •