HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-03-31, Page 2FAsetritalVel feeeledeiSie.
• LattiSteleelete ear tauttese
A pointed V-shaped- vest- is in ,Maree
dresses. Thie reechea from the: throat to-
• the waist. line," and is seldom erne**, four
graduated puffs being.usedinatead.
At Biro. Commodore (*anise -tea luncheon,
rtY. t& & hie -nand and .two. ladies it New
Latest-cionsdiat from
-The propoied :Burgh Hall for Oben is
Fevezinfeated milk ` has been sold. in.
Greenock, and caused fever.
"estima,ted to cost L8,000. -
rerit the other day, the flowers were pre. . The commencement of the Tay Bridge
• sented in . slippers. 'of straw, and. the gifts Works will shortly take place. - -
were lovely fails and. elegant -honbonniefres. The =wit) was heard- in the _Weeds at
• Cloth and kid 'appliques are . very effee, Mier Lodge, Aberdeen, a month ago. • - •
e. . tire, a 'fashiot of garniture that is very The notes of the cuckoo have been heard
. 4 much admired. by young People. The-,piush in the policies of 'Salton Bali,Reading":
tetelsnvet appliances are secured to the ,shire., , .
gee 8 Y the means lnetal stitching. laugh MePherstee dyer,. 51 years of age,
, The - rieWest ' fashionable shade . is cif residing at Paleley, committed suicide_ by
. ..
golden ' hemline between the tints a old swallowing laudanum.
copper and old gold. For a. dress it is There hits been erected in the.East Free
trimmed with beaver and. the bonnet has chereh, pereae, a marble tablet in memory
pale blue -flowers. The wearer ie i blonde. ee the Bee. Robert Boss. .
Lower shirte are slightly widere_and Intelligence hies -been received at ,Ardene
commie:deal mediates use the cotton salines Han, uni• Heeeisgtehee seat in Cheshire,
for these founeationskirts, instead of 'Cheap that HiS Lordship is now convalescent.
silks. A graze many skirts. appear to be
pleated their entire length, but thia pleat- has waited on Be. john.Clark, Abernethy,.
A deputation fromIhinning congregatiot
and.- presented him with a valuable nimble
mg is only puteen the parts not concealed
• by upper drapery.
' timepiece. • • _
'oh le Wee a listerof tkee;leite judge JO .14 '
0, :and the- daughterj cif a New 'Perk
Boier-olutienel*Y diStihguishedfOr his brewery.
- itnior has it that there was lately At
S.ti Louis the Earl of Aberdeen; Wineis.
- : -
posed to -hex° beendrowned years ago,
,whiose titles and °Oates descended to
brothire the present Earl ofeeberdeezi
facto. The supposed drowning, it
apfpears, was merely *televise to _ eceive
faMily, who naturally objeopeatethegail's
reinainirfg a , cenimon „Bettor, in Which,
toinattic :and edventukeus vcioation he had.
pakeiste.d foe several years, and --purposed
-toto• For 19 years -he had been: attached
. steamer running between New Orlectlis
Havana,and is about ietuninge to
Seetland, not to claim the title end estates-,
bue to assist in -the 200th athiverearY of
th4 creation of the Earldom of Aberdeen.-
"len the new wool dresses et eseh' Rev., • S. S.,Stobbaelateof• jersey City; an -
mere or- French bunting, ecru, Havana . formerly' Of Lugar, has . been. appointed
- brown, tan colors and Motile. tints prevail.
-minister of .Elder _.
Such dresses- ate moreoften Monotone thin .1,,,,c,h, , . - Street Church, Edin-
in contrasts,, , though sometimes --e
bined With other_ fabrics, ariole as watered1.,, The death' is recorded at Southfield,
silk and satin surah, 'and- 3r their *)-t
lisk _- overan,. of Mareateteltrarr, relict- of the
. trimming is embroidery on the meterial. Iete 'Alexander Sampson, farmer there.
•• - ;- --... . ..
. Ar new -mote has. been struck as regards- "aged -‘v•i- yearn- - • . ,
: tbemantles new being prepared:: for Spring Aeclonist Some military appointments_
wear. . Therare to -be -short. The- sleeves 4us1e-announced ifi that -of Colonel G. H.
roar probably -be -very -long, and. there- are-
itefe.ct„indioations that the tileetes-of outer,
gatments may ,peesibly absorb as great'a
- quantity of neeterialee the whole of the- re-
imaiuder-of the:mantle. ' -
Grenadine -lace is the novelty for trim-
rainggientidines. This coins* withem arniUre
ground--ineteatl of lace ineshea on which
are large 4one-fie-1ike the roseseand reeves -
of Spanish lace,- One eft in deep soar-
widthi3-1rom about -two le. four hushes
lops, and the. hre is of ordinary trim:rung
wide. • ,
- The newest shoulder wipes, instead of
- being Shirred in Mother Hubbard fashion,
are plain- and short across the Shoulders,
and hive the teepee lapped toward thebit
tilde or the bust like a. fiahu. A revers core
les like that, et a. man's coat finishes the
•penthroat, arid is turned Squarely behind.
. A bow of ribhop is attached atthe point
where- it cressei to the left side. ,
The newest -lies for sleeveshe to make
' thecoat e sleere elightly full, fet the top,
gatrierit tn at the armhole, and pot a little
. padding inside thetop to Makee theesieeve
steral upward.This padding in pot in a.
separate pieceeot-:Bilk lining, and When
. ' _basted nextthe, armhole has * very pretty
• effect. Wrists are eknia, or else tb:e sleeve
may- reach -orflyte the elbow, or it may he
- haif,way -between the elbow and . wristTwe soft puffs Of satin. tureeet .downward
:toWardthe hence are preferred -to frill* or
. phan cuffs e eft. embroidery is rised,_ the
scalloped edge i , turned upward. -
- Lonlon TnctI 'k editor saw at aliteirten-
• able wedding eh .t. the bride's, waist was at
: leastthree inch &smaller than he had ever
seen iibefore. - phi had always: objected. to
• tight lacing,- an on her return from the
church'ehe fainted. le appeared. that the
faehieneble. milliner had refused to send
oat other- eSta,b Ishii:teat* dress to be worn
i a public minis.ir Mg . twenty-seven, inches-
- • aremod the wais -, and the „beide was fieted
-to the one-shes nt
command the regimental
disteict at Aberdeen. -
• Francis Murphy, the great -temper,
-arm orator, will eisit Aberdeen some time
in Aptilrunder the:auspices of the Abet-
- deen Temperance Society. .
• At Sedbuigh and Dunse the anniversary
. of Fasts= s E'en; recently, was cerebrated
inandient form by matches at football
played through the steeetse • • -
Thetalleat chimney_ in the world is•at
port Di -ludas, Glasgow, - 454 feet abeve
_ground. • The St. -Bonin chimney,. (las-
- gow, is 4351 feet above ground. -
One of the men. admitted to the Glasgow
police forceenjoys the distinction of being
the tallept member:- His height is 6 feet 6
inches. He is:a native c)f Fife. ' :
Mr. D._ hisolaggart, Writer, Depute Pro-
curator -Fiscal, -Cainphelltown, has been
appointed- Procurator -Fiscal in rooto of his
father, the late- Mn. Charles MaeTaggart.-
xi,ealppbeli Etna- ton; Of Fammerghatne;
has granted- a reduetiou of 15 pet cent. to
his tenantry, besides postponing the collec-
tion. of rents from Martinmasto Candlemas.
Francis'. Gore, jun., laborer, who was
apprehended in- Leurancekirk; on the
charge of fatally assaulting his lather with
•a- spade, has been. eoramitted by the Sheriff
for trial. • . .
. A. boy.1S montlisolk son of Mr. leishie,
geed:Slier, Monkriff,elea,r eddingtote while
left- alone- in the houee f r a. 'few minetes-
fell into a tub c'onteinino eenie water and.
• was drowned. . .•t
' The death of Mr: ,Iohn Gordon_ Gaming,
Skene -usually keown as' Mt. Gordon ---of
-Parkhill, took place On February 20th, frOni
apoplexy, at Sen Rein°, North Italy, and
israuch regrdted: . - - . '• ,
Bev. DreWeleRobertsoneeof Neese. Grey -
Mare,. Edinburgh; died recently. The
• deceased -divine was ordained to the mania.
:tryin 1831, lend Was- the cildeat clergyinan
in the Edinburgh Presbytery. -
, A letter- froin Lord: Reseliery has been
received, intimating that 25,000 had been
serted in -next:year's estimates -• towe.rds
. , •
Euanan ;ideal - Consertvinaltre.-
Vic scheme for • a national schoot of
Maim m Engla d is received with- general the. cempIetion of the Museum of Selene°
fever,- and i1. i now fade for want 0 and, Arts Buildings in*Edinburgh.- • '
adequate financi-l- support it will -hardly be - • ,
reviiraved. for e y years , to comWm.e. The The, 'wilt of Mx. W. Ramsay, late 'of:
Prints of Wales bee accepted. the leader- Burk St. James, of Brighton, and of Menie,
ship of the uncle taking, and is poshnig it tear. Aberdeen; has been - Proved by John
with a heartine s and enthusiasm Which ganisay,- the nephewof the sok executor;
-recall-Alia distill d: 'shelf ansnocesefuf sere the -value -cif theepersonatestetrexceeding
Vicee of the Prin -0 Consort in. all projects: £44,000- .
for the adyeeic meat of art; . &derive and • There cliedet Dumfries recettlY Leitoh-
literature. The Duke of Edinburgh, who 'manno • Vurtha Razaloo, & native : of
• is a really luillia.n.t and artietie violin Eindristan, who had- live& the latter hall of
. player,. and an ettehueiastie lover of music his life in. Scotland, and was well known in
or every kink bly. %mists, while Prince paisley arta Dumfries, where his time was
LeePolel and Pri 'ce Christian are hardly chiefly spent. • -
celettilDIAN PiOiXiB Iti4tWiettIV
. eee
The Peentear peas slant leitbetee et
The pioneers and their- familieS did not
at all display the "-fashions," If they
followed them in the least, it was -telling
edterthem at snieli • an .iraniense-•distence
& et.
11111.1PA*SIONED. ;PLEA.
tordsedzig !speech by a Convicted Anse
• Atiguetim D, Leighton, who reordered
Mary_ Dein, of New York, with a: razor /nee
June, 1.880, was arraigned for sentence'
before. the General _ Term _ ef the Severna .•
Coutt iiethat city on Thursday. . Leighton .
that the. likeness was • lostt - I have seen _
the Met often .iilinrch • it their flannel 104,iis dreaded teatlyAnd wore a light sprmg-
shirt-sleeee& I. *I, 41,13- ee boy, .I have Overcoat. ' -With his •light.-_--eampletion, hie -
-Often gene thine myselfe: I have also seen a keen dark eyes, dark heir and longemote--
hapkweedsenbliaterstrip off his. abet in the tache, he loeked like &young lawyer . inter -
pulpit, hang it Viefi, the -side, and folding -tested in the iprocee-dings._ Leighton -deli.;
built his wristbands begin 'vigorenfily. at eeled,alegg address. He. reviewed the.ceete.
hike sermon - The. -. women generally of the sheoting, George.- Cats -.her'
wore ,4gownS. Of • hinitespnn and Unfree- Coleinat, and Baia : • -
colored flannel, Their botnetswell, a- . lionorte_iihe was only a woman -
"handy" woman can arrange_ a bonnet Out nen*, and Was more than the equal Of the
of alniost inything; ;only they, were made man she shot, so fat that :She ceuld nerve,
• her, hand end. eted her heart to- Shoot down
cold, and. Who,- tired .et her iniportuttities,
desertedheraltogethere Your lionees, her A
ease thonsane tineeit Worse thanneitig::11
She Was shown consideration that slie d4
not desegye. And shy, your . Heifers
Bete -ilea -of -her fiex.2 Nee. yone Honois, she.
tinetOted- .hereelf by the crime she corn-- -
niitted.-- • Your -.I will tell you the
nation why there is sich a great difference
betweeu . our crimes. did -not -.Poesesie...
any hoary headed - father, whose thrn
-looks,- . *tinkled brow - and attenuated
frame beiit. with ec•rrow. shame, toe.
moan over the downfall of his boy: 1 had
no living andelevoted Mether;whose drawn -
and agonized counteeance :bore the impress
of .a brokitiettearti brelten over the,dishonor
of. het. child; no tenderanii forgiving sister,
laiehtileceife _ children,: Whose-heart-
lending,sotei_Worild breast.of ettateee
much lege . the ehuinen, I reed Ilene -
Of- theee,Youe_teencitie, to testify thet1 bad .
heetka dutiful son, e generous ler-ether, efea
lOvtngelluisbande-:.a. kind: -and affectionate
father, a.- true .- and . simpathetio, friend."
• have,' - Honors, mode ade -
tairation. ase any --Mans living- for a true,
hearted,- noble --wanton.: - defend -
her evith. MY life -against -. 4ruelty -orwiong,
In _your -See* et lite, yorir Honore, -the-
Women.; are.. indeed Ministering -
-They comfort in: sorr6wf.soothe pain, and: - •
enter,inte_all yent loyel.and cares -only
-such women an. _ EndOwedyith the moat
.glorionatalente, the'ano.st • brilliant atteine- .
tient& gifted, refined, incapable Of a mean.
thought, ainetee action, leehat weedetyour _
Honors thie to stichpesitons Of -dignity and
trist-?.. What. noble Wieenen they- are, your
Honors; chailtahle to the poor, eommiserat, •
ing the: week ;. and Cheist-likle, they find
mercy, ecir _the_ weak, pardon -for- th4
gieltee. It is oe such _woenen, yout•Fiatiori,'
the poet epeeists When he -tills us t--
• muchlarger in those days, and. not so easily
- • ' • --_,_ . extemporised. The boys-evee big.boys
°11°.-Lini° A BEA•luluricrl-'w.4"w and. occasionally an old man -would be
. --Tr ' seen- barefooted. Felt hiti had not -come
w the “Duke of .aketeeater” coursed ..
a owe them to Kossuth's visit in 1850
and ouselr Deceived a SIM . ku-w- ... .
or '51. The head gear was either a cap co
eke* Lady, some sort or 'a straw 'or "chip" hat; or, on
t!he San Francisco Ch ronicle tells- a some grand occasion, a beaver hat Nobodye_
str Mge conspiracy story in which the thought of coloring a straw hat.; and the
" tike ofe Leicester " aud a Mrs. Etna 46 chin" hats, made of wood -fibre, were in
nett axe the principals. Mrs. Bennett shape an imitation of the tail" stovepipe
been toldby two lady friends that the hat But the backwoods farmers, when-
uke," traveilingin -California as "Dr. they bought them for Sunday wear, out
rge Logan," had fallen in love with her them down in height. I have thus- worn
le'e presiding at • a patent then2 forty yeaill ago. In those days bor
oinshe stallwas at the Medhimics' Pavilion did not wear overcoats, and _seldom wo
r, San Francisco, She was . led to be long boots; These were supposed jo belong
liet ,that it was customary fot - the strictly to grown men.. - The pioneersehad
". n„ bles of Great Britain," when they paid no friction -matches. These came into use
marked attention to a, hay with the intep- In Canada about the year 1842. The siegle.
tion of conferring upon her the proud -the- sena box, of Which we now get thresedeeen
thibtiott. of - shah* ''' their . titled, . -tO for ten cents, was sold in country stores
-co duct the negotiations through - the for four 'coppers'. -:- Before -_ that, it
nie Hum of • a friend,- who in this in Was a. matter Of " licinet importance
eta ice, appeered to bp a "Dr." Barton with to -. kel the - fire - . in. I have
• the
two ladies referred to. Prepazatious been fie to. the 'zieighhoe's with two
he wedding yeie _made by Mrs.' Bene pieces of bark, to bring back ee-hve coal..
,and also by the "Duke," who wrote -Though, generally, we. Managed. with flint
&bushel of letters fell ofBibliceepota- and tinder, I reinember_ in the year 1840,
s, poetry and love: The "Puke," bYthe 'oncekindling a fire with- the flint Of My
, had at one time been repeated by -gen, and a piece Of oaten rag for wadding
'Queen tolnaarty one- of the mai prin.. A heao was - Stippesed te aim et fell dress
a but -had declinedto do sofor reasons if he had a folded, .rdesouarek, eblacsilk
not!given. Her liajeity, however, heanng neckerchief, and a colored silk hand r -
of 6
• sal
His Grace's" engagement to thus gen chief. But often 'a compromise Wee made
. .
noisco beauty, sent her ix cashmere with a colored- oaten instead
' 1 Worth 91,000; Or, rather, the "Duke" of a silk one,?!•430,,,W Jr. Smitli in the
he had -reeejved it for her. Three Oaniclian egontery.._
raters were to be employed at the wed •
,• and the principal trideemaid waste •Difierent Kinds cat
he wife of a • leading -San Francisco „ -
_No ; no hoisting works -not if . I know
phy Wan. .The wedding presents which it. You can fool away a good deal of good,
the I" Duke's" agents Said- lie had bought
hardeoin on hoisting works." " HoW in
wet marked" Etria-Lexcester,- and were thunderdo you ran your mine ? " On the
of- s massing. beauty. The bride was to assessment plan, eir. ' That's the latest
be ttired inthe rich laces which had and most -approved - method. _When, we
gra ad = the . fair : OMB of . the hale „have a good mop of the lower Workino we
"D ke's " Mother and , grandmother. dont need any works to speak of. I keep e
The wedding having been put O1r Man in Virginia at §60- a month to super-
! - . -
fro 'time to time, Mrs. Bennett .grew intend the ...location and -write , weekly
'tine sy and insisted upon -- seeing the letters, and I stay in Sat Francisco, in my
"D ke," but Berton told her that be was Offtce-ou Pine - street, and levy the aasees- ,
ryin Very ill at 'Vallejo. Then it was repre, ments every.' eixty days; that's as often as
sett d that the Duke had taken a :great.
the la -Wallows: - Lam the -President, Board :
fancy to . one . Of Mrs. Bennett'e shawls, of •Trustees, Secretary, 'Treasurer and
bellying that if it were only wrapped about everything---tooreespeOially the Treasurer.
his houlders it Would ha-ve a very salutary Of course 1 draw salary for all the oiEnes,
effe t. Believing thie;ebetnirrendered the
and when r get through drawing -sales*
dePevsie eedcltgoahr Tye: ta--:e'nritoashailmeo asai.b4itehartiphein v1 i- it turn th. toe pay
ySt 0 goy the
8 to hands the.,..agi;sint.iol
, -
the ad **ern at thesPayilion, his intention eniploymg anyhandle he saves enough o
ban Y tO have a similar . one designed and
pay himiselt: 1.•ritis iswhat-I call 'scientific
set': ith costlier steam - This was also mining, sire You getthe diver out of the
give 1 iip: Under the itniression that when Pockets of the stookhold„ers and leave. the
sue became the " Dimhese of Leicester" vast argentiferous ,and auriferous -deposits
she :redid poetises the Oostly wardrobe pre- in yourclaimfor your children, who can go
pare for her, she . -gave to .the two ladies ..
riett ahead and ;develop the Mine just as
niOs of her private wardrobe and effects. 80011 ai the publia quit putting -up, Which
less- accoMplielt a musicians, . atd have
The. propoeal to. hand over theruinsof
. joined their ro al brothers The royal .e.
1 Dt. Ma's Chapol. in Roth -Weil Ohurchyerd
brothers- have invoked- the 'assistance and to Lord But m exchange for a piece of
eelieoureeement-ot the highest digt4-tahies et _geolued for burial accommodation, has been
the hoed, andnow or never will England atisooted to at a meeting el the 'writers el
ve her conservetoire. -- . . .
, For-eig-e- gingont alMsconu4 tr,r. CrattkittOne- has completed the arse-
- _
Ctli, neon, pa a, replied. Mollie, "- ne Utak of the Pedestal -for the reception ot the
4C ' '
fklit pas dire de :ohoses °online Oa." "Welt gurus' statue at ptimftiea• Rte* 1).-- 0;
.I didn't:' said r. "a., "say your clothes Kilt's design. Jess been executed_ to nab' in
were dear. Bri7.what n thunder are
white marble, and the figure is expected to
t i` you
talking Allot ? an,q, You talk ilancrioanV arrive shehti3r.--
"Oh, tore Papa, '''tY ooraprend cette laugrieI The. members' of the .Congregational
bade,. Mal ee ne,lat park plus." (*What fix -Church, Dunfermline, have given a unani•
thunder," cried Mr. S.F." do you mearelyeeemoteecall to theRev.JamesStatk,Belniont
he. by a long laid VarIPIU-on. prongs? Hera Street Congregational- Church, Aberdeen,
Pleat:en:fie all the way te Ogden with two, new to tie their =abider, vacant by the retire -
silk dresses, for Youthought in San Franeis. ment, of the Rev, Prefessor Robbie.
po, and you can'thank you' for em, I Rev. James Moir Bee, minister of the
,SUppOSef eXCept. in some foreign gibberish;" United Presbyterian Chrirch, .Maryhill.
"eer.eitt dear, e (la ling Old duck," replied died best raonthat Ardheg, Rothesay. Mr.
'Mollie; "you ca . just bet- I don't .talle.ne Ray went th Maryhill about nine yeas ago
• more Paree tilt t lam_ dressee is wore Mae' aa 'colleague andsucceseor to the late Robb.-
and elie angel hg ed the old man all the Nevem ' Mie Rae was a ntember of the
way home, until elle. got her dresses, and Blary.hill School Bolird.. -• • . -
. . then she rema,rkeilt kt Oh, Peewit), I je veils
• adore r me, '1).011* France 1”--444 Francisco
. - New Latta.. ' .
frArauttra wolon:t lerrete..ee xesesehte, are the following:, John Galbraith, mer,
Setts- official in i,1.8-76, "ought not to be
. talented in the Mills- at all," and Colonel.
Carroll IX. Wrig t indorses the idea in an
•.ferticle in Our C htinent..• - Prof, anoint; in.
- the Contenizioran Review, has_ been advocate
in the exelusi ri. of mothers of children
. less than, 3'.. years old, from - factories aud,
workshopee and Cel. Weight agrees with .
him that this to et_ ultimately be done, but ireition hole," and an expleemon followed
. 'lie thinks the of this employment on Yhfch shattered both the pistol and the
.- infant mortality is overstated : 1.,3y Prof. iaelle hand., ` • . • . .
' Jevons. He al o •believea the improved ieneeeioed,jeef of patronage in theChurch,
. construction of Mille, by Which they will of ScotIandi#10 stated that the total value
, Weyer leas heig and leseeeihration, Will Of the CoMpetlfation Surrendered W private'
render . Verk.., erein„.,Ileffa „trameging. to peeeeememewgleAot abOliehingpatronege
Wetaen* and. the offspring. •.7 .0t4elleteme wegegee.0(e4NA- ei:,0004t, bp compon,":
siderations., of • p bile and. private welfare kitten wiiiiihrPriva Pirrone *ere awarded
demand. "the Unlit* Pat/Afita (Maud= by the eberiffs was £59,160. . . .
of inarried;WOta refroteefactornis." A. granddaughter of Major-General Wil-
-It. ifesaid to -tatty improve the teniper limo Alexandere-erclaineent at the Scottish
of a raedr tel Pin ge. it into bat water hetet°, Earldom of Stirling,' who served gallantry
using. i Math hoWovert who is &aged. on the, American sad in the Revolution,
into hot water • 110 -Me 'finds his temper has jteetelied in New 'York at the age of 94..
'ngth, after Waiting stir= months for
Grace," Mrs. 33eiiinett begin to think
she had. been swindled, and she swore
arrants fer the arrest of -Barton and
dy.frienclEs, Mrs. Fannie Clark and
Julia Tayloe; mother and daughterT
erehael _fled, but the tveo-Wonien. were
ted and held for '
-assessments, It keeps the country as btin
A. QIMEAL ELOPE n*N11. • as a beeltiVe," and the epeaker sauntered to
• _ the -telegraph office to order eisessinent No.
z-Zundslc name Away with 'his 0. --;-Denver Naos.
nither-bi-LOw's New Wife. ,
A. Poer Preacher's
- - •
isn't steel likelY to happen; Ae long as
.people are being boinin Nevada and Cali-
fornia My mine Will run on like a Chice:
nometer clock."' "But," said the Utah
Min, "my' etyle Of- enining _keeps, lots of
Men at Work." "lio does mine," quoth the
GOlden Gate chap.; -"Thousanda. of men
are working night • and day- to pay the
--Theroaii who lays a -finger on a woman,
- Sive intheway of 1E0141:Less, ie a villain
*. Whom 'twere base ilatterV to. cell a toward:
. did not mean these, your Honors, -who
fill our niedifauses;.out inebriate
_ -
_ .Leightotteoneludedas .
What have advanced your Honore -
may be cimsideted as the proverbial.straws
at which a drowhing man clutolietit; It may :
he so,- and while they -may not prevent me
-from being.deithed t� pieces upon thei great'
black rock Of luckless fete,. it may keep
ainneothoryouna -inthe middle el the
etteam, ancl, being bunched together, may
tide -diem eifery •ovee the ',bar: of their own
errors, -their oWninistakell. Tont-. Honors,
ediicatiOnlas-dene too mach forme ; nature,:
far toe little. - - .`• : ,
All Was of- no **ail.. Leighton was en- -
"teemed tebe hinged. - I
0 Dec; 15th, 1880, Fred. L. Jackson, a
farm, r, who ba a removed from Stafford to
Bataiiis.,.sttot. his wife in the foreheadee
-whe her intentionigly or imoidtintally has
neve e been Ileveiciped-and the bullet.
rent lilts in the woman's head. Shortly .
afte ward -insanity ma,nifested itself in-
jeck eon, and he was sent to the State'
Lunitic Asylum in this .eity, where he
remsmed until Je.nuary,1881, when he was
released; mainly through thegood efeeesof
his eather-irt-layr, Charles M. Heel, se
Bat: 7ia termer: While , jahltion was in
the asylti'm 'hie mother-in-law, Mi. Hoyt;
died: Old man Hoyt, though:II-early inhis
80th earrfroze On to the hired'girl of the
hens , an' alleged n3itiden -*of about.
22- - tuniners, named. Anna Bros; and
sad 'nip married her at the end of
a t fp undertaken by the . twain te
Roe ester. Fred.Jackson,- the donietted
lune lc, was -not 'origin striking lip i..iciVing
frien lship• wilh -his step -mother-it-law.
He On her heart from her venerable ' hue,
band and on Frida.y- last left -Batavia for
o, ennounping to. his friends that he
' ed a letter from the managers of the
i lunatic asylum 'offering him a posi-
hush ' lid- that she had received a letter from.
her unt in Buffalo asking her 10 °eine
alen . To *Make -a long story Short, the
two,' loped, an-aSatavia is all tore up ovet
. Among.the recent inventories of the per. the icapade. Mrs. Hoyt had about 0-100
, Sonar estates of deceased- persons recorded With Iier and Jackson had about 4200 Or
in the Commissary Court of Argyllshire S3004- Heappearsto be a scalawag, while
the !ose of the woman to men Hoyt
chant, Campleelltown, Z23805; James W. does 't seem to'nffect him a.particle. The
Miller, stationer, Oben,. £5,857 ; Williara elepors are supposed -to -have started_ for
--Norman trorwood,- Kim, 11,670. : . - theikest.-pagoio Courier.
ReeelitIY; \ IC boy named Adam, an ap. 1 . ,
prentice grocer at Dumfries, bought three- ',bog after the. eforrnaticm Protestant.
pence worth of gunpowder:ion& stuffed it .isd kenCes were aritea in. England-. On
into the barrel of an . old pistol He then the y leaf of ' the . first Volume 'Cf. the
ignited it by holding a light at "the regis ,er of Plympton is written: -.".-Whereas
1 ce Atinly know. that the wife of Edrceind
Par. er, ofellovington, in 'parish of Plyintt-
tO94. s Under- 24.10h a distemper of 'bodie;
at 'ahe is not -fitt tci eat ,any 'Bait flesh or
tilf Whitever; therefore 1 think fittiaS
mini' 'ter et said ereenieh, to licinselier , eo
eat eh during the -time of .hersicktiele
it-togoi;dingt4 the lawes-- and statutes:0; the,
refi1li?.0 in that behalf. Given., tindefiny
hart 1March'4, 1600. Simon, Au:Another -
entr , dated two Years rater; and signed by
alio ler clergyman, gives a similar endul-
gene i to -John Slanting. . , "-
. H . dy. Watson, a -gipsy boy, started a
his 0
. Rev. Mr. Mibi, of -Chicago, and his.
atb_eiSra have suddenly dropped into unex-
pected obscurity.. He lifted his head -up,
fOr instant, cried out, "1 think avow.:
body who belieees anything -le a fear," and
then sink out. of - sight again. The world
lOoked, at the specitaele, and one
"Didn't -you -heas somebody say some,
thing?" and another replied; " 1. thought
beard a noise, but I don't know What' it.
was," and then they trudged on, leaving
the poor preacher' to wonder •why such a
man as he could say what be did and pre;
.duce no effeet at a% .This -ie e free itountrY,'.
and there is no law against* e:Manle sitting -
on the limb Of e tree; Until gets tired,
epithet sawing the 1.11321) Off and getting a
tumble._ The sport, not -considered -
healthy and will never become fashionable.
As fothis etheisre, we say as Mi. Lincoln -
did on soother- subject, for those Who- like
that Etort of -thing, it -is- just about -the Bert
ofthing they would like;
, • :
Tim London journal /On- gives an ac
Count of another addition -to the many
" The Internal Machines -Many Ships
. • .
The late fatal explosion On beard .H. M.
S. •Trinmph. revs*. the eurioutis fact that :
cur -navy:baler Sothe tine been provided -:
moat deatgy kind,. : • Xerotine siccative is:a . --
compoundni boiled -linseed off and cortainee
metallie oxides or salts " .17nder the neeriee
of ' e-. driers " .sueh - :compeutdee -are -con-
tinually used for mixing with oil polo-rag:Fib - -
that they may: readilz.-Ary ; and - hitherto: :
inch harmless . materials- as litharge, red
lead,. plaster . of 'Para, ' ete., have been,.
!Milked into the . seivide..1. Latterly; how-
ever,salts forming very . unstable earie.
Pounds when ;nixed with the oil,. semis:to -
have=: come - inte , tee ; eand - let_ Otte
•ineompreheneible ieason their e dazigeeouir
nature has been unknown to the authori-
ties. •-The taystery attaching to the awful' :
Doterel e*.plotion,- *lien an entire-Arew
:Were:- sacriffee. d„ is. now expleitied. ; We
to -ay feel. certain ' that -a 'f. Wendt 'tech .
as,: this - will never agairi be alio ea 10 ...-_
occur .frOrti, the_ iamb . callece-Cha//ere',
.-Yrournalr;..: . - . ,
. .
- On Saturday' Mrs. --
- teld -her ,
increased but n itnproved.
liter name was Miss Catharine Duer, and
• •
scientific wonders of recent years. Herr
A. Gentilli, ef Vienna has -Invented, an in-
strutnent-T-named hirn the glossograph
-consisting of an ingenious ccenbination
of -delicate levers, and blades which,. placed
upon the tongue and lips and under the
nostrils of the speaker, are vibrated:bY the
movements of the 'former and the breath
flowing from the -latter. .The vibration is
ith jos., Teffers, of Mono, said bit off
- Toronto.
Capt.uring- Sen. Lions.
• A herd. of twenty-oue ses.- lions were
liberated in tlieCentrel Park poed. at New
Yeen. an - TailrEidaY, having just- arrived _
overland , from California: They Nvere
lasseed on the 009,0 of Santa Cruz Islands,
400- miles smith of San Francisco. At this
seseasonluitacIredeof fetnaleeherd on 'these -
islands, And -here their: yoeing. are ediheatiet.
For iii,..weeks- afterbirth they cannot swim,
and so.- their teethere- teentiin . them."
The fisheimen aperoaehenemall boats and
biesi the, the Hens making little- resist-
ance, and. as each • one is :.0.1:204 the line 10
fastened to the rooks until enough- are .
captured.' -Then .arlinntle_bayelfie be
floated out to the :iimeeksi.-- .0neee On - „
hoard they are put iu orsteS. in -pal-c.a.:. On '
their way to New Yotk froM Californielt j
than rode in. the' eipresit car with there to':
tranemitted _to, peneilse. which transcribe Peut. water over th ni . an give 'then -Can
the iteveral,signe prodneed by the action of occasional hundred - weight of fish. The
tongue and. lips and the breath.licinkthe herd remain'. io Central Park -for a -
-nolitrile upen_a. OHO Of paper . by. a week, When some of the lions be sent
'mechanical. arraegeineet...-. - Similar. -to to Europe and others will go • out open the -
shorthand; a- special system,Yrithig,‘ teadi-with th.3 tent showsee -
-which may fitly be teemed glossogreply, • eit. • _ .
produced,-- based --upon the prineinle - of . party of ---gentleinen- at a. crab the
:syllable annetrection and combination. of
er •evening 'Were endeavering to - -decide
contionantit. - - _ what ..professional people are the most: .
-"The Conan- Will alwayse -lek Pate," likely. -to disperage one another emr-
sage oontemP9raiy, -.1*then her citizens yen suggested - journalists:, ;4--.•jourriaii8f
. Continue to take an interest, in pplities. suggested artists. An actor -claimed that
This is tine,tin
. and it pleasant :alljielie :tiottaiityotere;iii* to be tiounted.-- -Finally it •
Itiatibitrintifett 4.4her citizens- in palitics was: added, ythat -,the i honer bekeigs 16
eontintie uriabated. Azid oevhet• Altera! tmisichinst=1, •
look inta a hardware titers
upon. than that of . a man discussing the other day end inquired : "How much
tariff question. in a torner grocery, while do you ask for a bith-tulr for a child?"
his wife at home, demi he the cellars Is 'Three dollars and seventy five cents,e'was '
wood to
Pihel her.; **Ste, i_.'1 °Path:1g 411, dlihe' thniereelly,.. GueeWss.wn_eeiwi ala"veevlitoistlgeodothevial)ouo.
m -
--peeneys among horses is decreasing ing the bahYinthe 0082-abuttle till. the *ice
ins -
. °ode clown.
e .
- , •