HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-03-24, Page 7,Orraws, March • 13. -The Speeket took the ohfr at3I5. . • _ . uatuess: Sir Charles Tripper laid .on. the table a return of• tariffs-. and rates for passengers - and freight on. the Intercoloniai and Prince Edward Island Railways; also copies Of tenders for construction- of the Welland • Canal, and papers in reference" to relieving_ Minter, Murray & Co. of•thei.r contract. Mr.. McLelan laidon. the- table e return . giving the number of vessels plying in • Canadian inland. waters, the. iturnber, of casualtieaand the supposed less -of iife. Sir- John Macdonald preeented the repott of the Department. of; the in-terior-and other •- pipers., g t the &sot ofilhat_Chui but civilly ibid,rtiless Papardhipensi Was obtained, and he was not at ill cet hther it would hot afiectthe member 41 the .Aiiglitssialthuichee. Rethoughtte- shoold not • enact- legislation which wgjtil perpetuate a. dfiereitY f • y Viidt•Spread Destititiou ill,Arkansas-1 tJrabi d • Bari -attire. • Mr. , Girouard said the -19.st epee ter Quebec were in the Rune position. °ill Girottard) claimed that sention 9 o -the British North America Act, giving be LocialLegishitures authcirity over the c bration of Marriage; most always prey n -unifermity Of the niarriage laws main reason for making the change' frm the form of the Bill. was- to meet- the vidwe of the Senators and secure the 'passage! of the Bill in that Cheinber: He had also -made the ehsinge of striking out the y The foIlowing Bill. was introdueed and. eceased husband's brother, which ohs Igo • atithority for a, vionurzi to- marry lie read the first time; had. beeti asked for by the hon. mem er Aet to incorporatethe MeLary Manufac- himself (Mr. Blake), also with. a view -to taring Company. -Mr. Carling. securing a majority in. the Senate. --- I The following, Bs• were read a. third Sir John Macdonald said- he had not time and passed • charge of the Bill, but hoe. • friend - • An Act to iticorpOrate, • the Manitoba bad was desirons of carrying it through tin Bank, -Mr. Scott- -this shape rather- than in that proposed lin . An'Aot te further amend. the Act im,ior- 1880. The reason hegeve that it was m re poratiiig „the Mutual .Lifis Association of certain in this shape to pass _the _ Se_n te .0ial_da.,.;and change,the name -thereof And -become Taw was _sufdelent to sec ire to the "Life Association of Canada."-Mr:l his - (Sir John's) support -He did t Hilvert, , • Believe with the leader of the Oppositlien The •following. were edvanced .that the disttibution of the jurisdie stage_:. - - ' - between theFoderalend LocalParlianAts An Act to incorporate the Saskatcoewan" _wasioto secure uniformity in the marri a acknowled.ged. that all the Provinces ex piat , THotifiiiNDS . 0? '3i4iES. 1..:1/4PER 'WATER.' ktelegrainftoin 'Little .1Vock,.-Ark., dated last(Thorsda.y)• night, says : The Covernor's- agent reports that: along the Ayer front„ Desha 'County, ooe hundred Mile -sin -length, - : . ; the destitution is beyond. description. The i-Witterhao reached an unprecedented height, - I and @wady . a farm-honse or ;residence len .the - bottcim 'has. peeved -.inundation. I The peciple are compelled to. build false : .floors inthe honest or Seek safety on higher I lands, whete in rudelyoonetructek-camps Iof brush end Mainthey *sitter starvation': , and death. It is appalling, and Withinit I - . Govemment aid liberally and quiCILIY, . ith_ridhestowed there is no telling . where it will and. Many persons have been feeding- o (Amasses of droWned Cattle, Thiee ousa n ' [five hundred peoploin the county aY re utterly' , deetitnte, and the :roost sanguine hardly dare hope that- the flood will silbsidebefore-hlay.- he GiFiyerner eels the relief boards ' are • busy dietriblitingrationa at ell the:availa- ble points ' throughout-. the overlovied _clistrints,•b_ut thereare- so_maey needy-th-at -it will be almost inipoesible-to supply theirs wards in time to. prevent gu.ffering,_if not actual starvation. The generous people of the ' whole -Country „may be appealed to , -for aid.. -No , One without expe, den& . of . such -a disaster. - can -'. form a cotrect•coneeption of it. - Assistant Secre- tary cifetate McRae says .the overflow -has• set Arkaniasi back. ten -years, and it Will:be impossible to taloa_ - a crop -.••on the . over. owed lands- thheyear Other than _gotten, - and that ilannot be doeenulessithe waters sfibeide 'shortly. -The effect -of 'the ever- . flow Will -be to drive Inindrede from -the. State: The 'Colored • people in the. over- flowed ;districts are alteedy beginning to inigrate to Tenneasee. and. Mispopri in large rine:them, and 'otbers Will follow whenever they can get Licata to carry ;thane.• - .. ' A -Little.- Book (Ark) despatch, dated Suoday, says: . Mr. H. H. liathinore, of Philadelphiai arrived to -night froni the ovetilOwed country. He said too -a reporter-: Friday T went aroundthe :neighborhood of Arkansas City- on an inspecting tour. While rotting through . the- woods in a skiff- -we came Upon a, half submerged leg *house, "'Owing alongside of . an upper .window, yie looked in... Area.n, his . wife. and two .chil,•.• dten 'oectipied ' the place. The Men, linen being -questioned, said: "We didnot expsiet a break iii -the levee. : The other. -morning we . awoke , and found. water . all around - the houtie, and .• that . the: floor was lifted . . Up by . the : pressure. - We • ad • no means Of -, effeciting , -an escape. An we live a long Aistazice. from. the liver we have no bciats,:. and did not think-. that the flood would become to ieriOns. -I have been. living- liete for ten veara and have , , . . never . liefere suffered: any „ingenvenience from the water. I did. ncit think . it: would become very deep, or we ecould.haVe Waded out at first.. I was, &Wish enough tofithink the break in the levee had (Caused the over - ow, and that other breaks would 'occur shortly aid .distribute -, the water; but it kept on rising till we, were ' forced to go up;stairs. Far two days welieve not had. anything to eat. The. water -is - gradually rising, -and but for this_ tiMely. -deliverance we mustioon have been drowned," - - We took this -family_ t� land about ten miles distant - and. provided focal. • Going out in the pkiff again we came upon.ii knoll 'where - • six or -- . seven people ' had taken refuge. - They had been ":dtiven: from' home- and Unable .. to- get out of the bottoms,. had minained on- the little knoll, -although it could . he • but temporary relief, -asitarvation, if net II xi ., mustsoon come. An oldman ill dejeeti.• xi stood . Imo the edge. of the• water -and looked with inex; .pressible sadness out .upon the -great watery Ife Peatte Raver Railway Company,- as amended by the Standing Committee on • Railways, Canale and Telearaph Lines.- . la litiVert. • - ,An„Act. respecting the Niagara Grand Island Bridge ' An Act to- &Mead the Act- to:incorporate . the, St. Lawrence a Pacilie Railway Ferry • Coinpaaay., Menne; An Act. to introrgorate- the Staters of Charity of the Northwest; lax. Testae. ' • , Mr. Etchertson (Efamiltany, inquired whether it is the intention of the -Govern- - nient to introduce during. this, session; n • Bill to ainend the law of evidence in; crimi- nal cases,. similar to the. Imperial Act of 32nd and 33 -rd 'Victoria, chapter 68. .Sir John Macdonald, said: the-tthe Matter was now before the:Minister of justice:. and -would receive the consideration of the - 'Government: • sy Mr- MoDOugalt. inquired whether the Gement-Omit has recognised the right Of tlieThicison Bay Company under its char - tor, as nabdified- by the ninth article -of the agreereentior the transfer of March 22ncli, 1869: to trade in the publib• lands of Mink- toba :mid the Noithwest Territory; ago, - respecting the right of the company to. : ClaiM tinder thel7llt,18.thancl1.9th sectfens of the Public. -Lands Aot of 1872, or any levee so much as matter of convenien - What - constituted man and wife- wee decided by the Federal Parliament i the mode of making them man -and. wife te- .19ngedto the Local. kgisiatutes. . . . , Nrtmake.pointet.-put that_therewas,18, :difreietice of opinion between -the leader Of the Government and the mover of the Bill as to the effectof it._ - - Mr. Mcscimig' moved that a 'Clause ae ad!ded . to 1 the 13ill as follows-: "- Th t any .clergymen or Minister Of the Gosiel !authorized° to perform the ceremony f :marriage' be :not -obliged . to perform the i ceremony if the woman is a sister of the -mares. deceased wife." . - Sir • John Micedonald said he did . net :knoar that there was a law corapellik 'clergymen to•ntatry parties, bearing t e - relation referred to in the Bill, so that t - clause proposed was not necessary.. The thikd_readingat the 13111 Was order!d for to -morrow„ the Bill in the meantimeto he reprintedshoiting the-amendmeote. -.Mr. Charlton, in moving the sebo d reading of the Bill relating to offences" against. the person, said he had long. felt that the criminal statutes ' Were defectlie in regard to -certain evilementIoned in the preamble' Of the Bill. %The principles 6f the • Bill were already embodied in lit criminal statutes, which. Punish seductitiu other, and wnet authority, lends of great under certain cireurcistances: He teferied- • value in: the Rea River settlement belt. in to the lawreferring. to Seduction on hoed lieu of lots assigned to the- company in the a vessel: He read. a summary ef - tlie adjacient township, said bona Ade settled on clauses- :of the Bill, showing that it pr under the authority of any Order -in -Conn. ivided teethe' pun'iihnient Of eedu, cers and cit or of the said Act. : ' .' -for women bringing an action against hr -' Sir Jin refer- Meodenald said that refer- alleged. sedneer. Be found a similar A t mice to the first question the Government ;in force in all the Northam States, as well had never been asked to recegnizettiose As., many others. Thee Btitish Comini • , rightist and therefore had not done so. irt 'eiOnera to inquire into the inveigling 41 • reply to the second question, hesaid there English girie to the eentinent forthepur- was an Order-in,Council on this inbjeot„. poseof prostitution alai) recOmmended Ault • which, would, be brought down on motion. - . - 1r Hector Langevin; in reply to Itir.. Fiset, said that the Subsidized-. line between Canada- earl Brazil; is, to be it monthly ser- . Viee. . seduction .annadultery should be male punishable. He believed. it Was to the be t interests of the people that such -a la • should be passed, and moved the secon reading of the Bill. Cries of-" carried,".‘"' t methbers." - TIIhe Speaker ca e in the.members. • - Sir john Macdonald said he concurre very heartily ,in a portion of the BU (cries of Order ")-, -that relating to th - • sacredness of the marriage tie and woul o be glad to see the measure teferrect to speciai committee The motion was put and citried o the'following division Yeas 107, nays 11 r. MoCnaig,„ in moving, for st return of th • number of persons convieted within the pest ten yeareof fraudulently dieposing of property held by thorn. as trustees, said so many familieS had been 'eft in poverty bythe negleet or .frawl of trustees- that he - - • wished to strongly adveeete a law to cozn. pel tratistees to file with the Clerk.of th County Qburt er some other authority stetement. on Glatt( et the position of the; estate in' his , . • • -The following retttrna were also-cialled .for . • . • . Return of Ittat oensus of I881. showing the number of manufacturete in the- .coptity of Beauharnois..Nir,lieraeren. Detailed statement Of flour, inea4. and tern eotered, for oonsumptiOn at the , port of litintreal from, 15th, March„48,79-1, • with the date, amount, and name, in respect ot each, entry;-•-•arr., Charges- roade.aganist Lieut -Col. Walter 'Jo%c e% ,' n Macdonald acing's)._ Macdonald (Si' n)McDonald (Cape Breton), McDonald Ross, of ' the 16-th Battalion Volunteer .. ice N.8,), Afacdonneli (Lanark), Mackensi while in comMand of the camp at AreGanum,mcDougalci,IteDougal,MeQuade,RO , _ ..plaisir, °gen Paterscd (Brant), Patters° , ment showing in deta4 the cogit.9f •Etassak_Riekark, Platt, Poupore,Rathey, Rinfre specifled brands Of like qualities of ;Robertson mammon), Robertson (Slielbinney, Canadiari and foreign brown- and white -It°ch°it'3rJklers, Rosspund,as). Ross (hfiddlel - sex),Bouthier Ryatr(Marquette),Ryntal Sehult cottons, With dates and other particulars.- scrfver,_ slum': smith; sne-wball Strange'. Telli 4 er Mr.. Blake. „ , - . Return showing the quantity, value, and; '-, duty paid on imports entered for consump- YEAs.-Messrs..Autyot, Arkell,-13a1 Baker, Beaucliesne„ Benoit, -Bergeron, Blak :Borden, Bottltbee, Bourassa, Bowel), Brack,' , Brown, Burpee (Sunbury), Cameron (Huron, Carling, Casey, Casgram, Charlton,. Cockbut Colby, Coughlin, Coupal, Coursol, Cuthber Daly, noun,- Ferro* Film', Fitzsinamon , Fleming, Flynn, . aeoffriOn, Gigaul Gillies, Gilmore, Girquard. (Jacques artier,C Girouarcl (Rent), 'Guillet, Gunn, Outhri -Hackett Beddow, - Hay, ' !lesson, Hoope Boude, Efuntingtcio, Kaulbach, Kilve ailzr' Pi St ete.-Mr: Mackenzie. .1ktalottini ftfanson, Merner Methot, -Mills, Mon , 1 Wu, of wain and_producte„; of grain. •. animals, fruits and prostiSiona, eto., for the • years 1877, Inat 18172., 18E0:lad 1881. -Mr. McCarthy_ • Itbeing ''reelock the' S.* peaker left the cbai.- After recess, ' On the order for cotexideration in com• • mittee of Xt. Gireuard's B.ill concerning marriage witlx a. deceased Wife's, aistere • Mr. Blake pointed out that e present Bilivias. so -altered ftem thth at introduced b -the member -for Jacques Cartier last year - *that "It.: was almost a tranaoript of the . amendroent hatted oiled by -the holt. member for Maskinonge (Mr.lioude) two years ago, „providing for the removal of. all•prohibi- • - tions, whichwas defeated -by .9, vote of 133 - to 10. He (Mr. Blake) had. very, greet Objections to -the clause as now proposed. The Bill at first rendered legal a marriage between a man and his deceased, sister, biatitcoilditionedthat.legality, with • • . the exception of dispensa,tiona and rules of the - various churches, somewhat in the language of the 127th article of the code. During • the progress of the Bill all those exceptions were 'eliminated; and the -Bill was left simply a Bill to render legalthe marriage of a • Man with, his deceased wirers slater. :By the- Bill as.it passed the House the marriage of a Man with, hie deceased. wife's sister was civilly:legal wherever it * -took -place *within thel)Otainion. As the ,nqw -.etcod,-,it -Was :I:imposed. to apply the 127th clause or the., code, which- wilt apply in; QUebee,,andtheooneequencewould that-ites&qfrnarisgeWithadeceasel ..txteleriage, in the of Aim w the law -tharriage legal or illegal aU Dominion, it Would beaubjeot 110 this 127th • Clause. It would therefore he a void mar.. xiage_in Quebec, as between persons of the Bolton_ Catholic:kith,: not .nierelY void Thompson, Trpw,- "Tupper, Tyrethitt, Vanessa waao, Wallace (No#blk),Wallace(YOrk),Weldon White- (Cardwell); Williams, Wright -.i07. NA113-ktessrEr. Bergin,- Bunster, Burnham Cameron (Victoria), ' Caron Gluten_ (Chicoutimi) -Drew, Grattbois, Landrey, Langavin, MacMillan Massue,Mttttart, Royal, RykertiVa11ee,-16. Cliiirltaia moved that -the be re- . ferred to especial_ committee composed of- . . Guthrie, Shaw, Patterson (Essex) Camerun (Hurtin), Boss -(Dundas), Ives, Seri -vet, McDougall, Girouard (Jacques Cartier, and Milouin. Carried. • _ • Theffciuseadjourned'atla p. Porytruny Doomed. A Salt Lake City despatch seers : The Legislature adjourned 'rine the on Friday evening. In tne alesing speechea there was a taeit recognition of the -fact that the day of peIygamquii. legislation was for ever past. PrevioristO the paixsage of the. Ed- munds BilI the Legislature was disposed to -treat lightly all .attempts at interference Since. that they have become 'aware that crunaan their history is upon there. Th younger 'element would probably have me it by coneeessien ifpossible. ' The Older an polygamous element:lied -no thinight sev to stand oh what they termed their rights whatever the consevences.; • In th memorial to Congress againixt -legislation and callirg for a State Convention' to a - organize Utah as a State and, apply. for admission. to the Union, the cOuntry. has their iiltimettun: Both sides _ agree that 'the 06i -ex -nor exercised hid abSellAa. vto , poWer with' bioa' jtagtainima tilfizoat. everyinstancelds aUggeations adopted - -7 . ' itissaid that Mr. - Tennyson • geged a e • serielkon- the raataWe•Pt Leopold:. A similar compliment 4:_eresi PinctcL Wales and t2&Dijk0'Of not to the Duke of Oennaug „General SkbeIeff his received. many threatening the 1 from Germans, some -of iniii@fvesi challenges. . . • TEA MARL* '- GOSS P •• -14 .--• \- '--lt,istinderstqodthaithemilitgalktivie _ '-' .on the 24th of May _neat W4l1 be heIt at Kingston. The principal :battalions -frOin Montreal Ottawa, Hardiltbii,_Lisiidon and. Toronto will participate.' • ' -Bismaralt. taxes American -hams- an soOtton; on account of the labrid in which they are usually _encased. 1! oat: frith were imported would he tali- it as oyster cans er-lace curtains? - -A_ philosopher observes that 'there 'are. two periods of _life when -a. man leeks to Pee if has halt hi coining mit-at 20, when he' inspects Iii upperlip; at 40, when he inspects the top of his head. ; Et:teams 'for Di. Being Plainly On Sun - e • -day!" is the title of a little -essay on Social ethics. Most ofus have -the. best - reasons for • dressing , plainly on. Sunday. Don't mention it. • ' • • -Mrs. Fish, a school teacher in the town - _ of Scriba' Qswego county, N.Y., was hit in the -back of the neck with a anew ball a abort time ago. Brain fever resulted and - she died in a day Or tww- -" What IS a junction', -mdse.?" asked a • 7 -year -old -fairy the -oth-et da -y -platform. `! A.-jonction-my_dear," answered .the 'nurse, with `-the air of a very superior. person: indeed, 34 why, it's a place where -two toads- separate:" . --=.0harles Dudley Werner remarks : "Although there are scattered through. the land: many peraoney I am• sorry to 'say, linable to pay.fora newspaper; I have never heard of-atybody -unable • to edit one.• - - --Commander•Cheyee., promoter of th-e North Pole exploration scheme!, -unwell; being a sufferer from bronchitis Hes ...ordered -by his" -medical attendent toseek test and repose: The, boinnmoder his gone into' quiet quarters at Uxbridge. : _ -London.Atlianceeni "It is, a@ a rule, onlyieff•ectittioxi Which Makes one:Lateral of one's great thoughts • to give new life --to an old. commonplace is twice Ane an atthievement." • --Diphtheria continnes to be prevalent in Ottawa and Vicinity: _ The woman, Mee. Conroy, who lost four children within- a very Short period, is now herself in a criti- cal- condition.. - fashion Hein. says' "oval necke are more fashionable • than pompadours nue:res."- This fashion should be encour- aged. Girls born . with Square ecilts-don't look as well is til0Ele whose necks ere -oval: -The Morning glory can be, piope.gated in parfor -windows - where there is some sun to perfection -duringthe winter .i It flowers with its natural colors, and the delieate little vine can be made toll.* over the windows ihne4omwas- t.erial-.partof u'fi.ought to keep: -;"'growing thinner -to let the eoul.outwhen its time comes; and the sioul to keep griming - nigger and stronger' every day, until it -borate the body at length, as-agtowing nOt does its athveelyi.ouplierie'riGOe6rUrgferillfenfiedd*Izaicj B. . • . lately '‘‘ Then you. must have noticed that he dyes his hair in front, and forgets to dye the back of it." "'Well, it only proves this, that if he -is willing to deeeive himself, he is -net willieg to deceive .otliere". • 7-:" Aa rule," says' James Payn, the, novelist," any one who can tells. gcied Story can Write.One, so there- really -.need be no. mistake • about his qualification. Such man will be earefnl not to be _wearisome, and to keep bis point, or his Catastrophe, well in hand.". . - • -Do you feel heavy in _ the morning, Weary,- antetreshed, unrested ; languid, limp, otter,- bliale, fainthearted, Oneinialto the battle of life, ciueruIous, morbid, disin- clined to exertion 9-27you'yer _got it..- The testhetio craze is • Upon you take a -min. 'flower liver -PM• —A pert miss is an a.bom• .ination in the- . . of man, "The handsomest grirl I ever. 1". said one beholder • to another under breath. She heard it; lieweVet;-, and. ing that_ he" Was very homely:said in: . ?" waste. He said his name was Marston said eye he lia,d lived in the neighborhood for Dearly -ea* twinity years). "r.was living with my nni daughter," he said. • "The other night the See. fiood rushed in upon us. -We did not have . - - • time. to make any arrangemente. I called to my daughter to follow me; hot: just then. a swift current struck and bore me away: heard my daughtersoream, siaid tattempted to answer but strangled. I was borne on, with the rapid waters: Striking H. tree, I -seized hold Of it and held on. Lifting my heed above water called ray daughter, but the mighty rush of the waters was *sr only response. When daylight mune I.aew the entire .conixtry was flooded. I swam, from the tree, and by accident reeohed the -knoll." Our boat was again brought into use. The poor people were nearly: staved, and when food Was given to thenithey ate, taVenously. There are hundreds of people Who have not yetreeeived Goternmentaid, and their corelition se deplorable that something must be done. The Govern- 33:11311ff, of bourse, is doing everything possible for the relief the lieffeters, but I tell you the sight of. e _few,eupplies would. be a otiotis picture to a great many Peciple I ve recently seen. Avery -man says the nation is indesoribable. I can only Peat the expression. ; ' • - Captain Lee,- appointed to ascertain the ndition ' Of - affairs,' has returned to mphis, ftom Arkansas City. beyS idea of the true condition • can be agined. • The country is a vast • of tor, and the -people •aretitterly destitute d ine starving condition. HOndreds are siding on patched. corn: Many have n•temporarily relieved by Government ions; lout -others Could not be reached --ate., suffering greatly. , first esti- tthiSecretety of War that -$360,090 eld be required to feed, 18;000 needy in- Missiesippi distritit willfallsheet'. The tOber destitute will likely be deuble. Ark., tcfateli 12. -Many -adored, ple are coming - from the/ lower triots;- At Clarendon busineSs is Oa ndstill mad the water is six feet 'deep in streets: he Sheriff of Ballast • Coutityi inates thirty lives were ,lost by wriingiri his con,ntr. The (*lie County under tater 11,000 destitute* Ppelionst• Mier& Tila sibuntY- hae:been8Vrecked; thev initabitontstarenosil.paripere.rly, wee-r4imiOOO tr:1213Arbraitailitr; er water: Or the '•-pOpidifidit of this itory, 150,0007.: one-third is: suffering. flood his . cut -Memphis off „from_ mimication- with the ottiiide. World: by axis of -through lines of-railwaY.• -gl •ha sit re 00 Me no im Wa an sub bee rati end a o he titi i P00 I AU& the T esti dro ere a d e bet uiid ten The am me return; I wish I could sey'• as:Much of you, sir" "So you could; miss,".",.. he in- steetty 'replied, ".4, ken were Willing to tali alje,asldjd," - lute a neat. .way,of tutning corn, pliment now and then ----Seeingthe elderly Mise Pangley in the -street theether &yam- -tried to 'avoid • her, lout did not succeed. Wein they met, _mid: Pangley : yOu naughty man! Yon Wanted - me '4" • iliaplied Fogg blandly "I -Should be. -cutting. a pretty figure, WOuldet- I?" Miss . Pangley teile her friend. Mies Sege, groin -Abet Mr.Fogg is a perfect- gentleinan.. -7-dentagiOn Of -diphtheria--:' Cau be' Obtained .frinn e dead., body, # a recent case: is accurately -repOrted: • Two persontriMM: engaged to be. married, but, befote „tint eereinony took the men died: or diphtheria. -Theyonng. lady -1 kieeed--. her loveras he... lay dead. in --, his coffin.- ; Three, days:afterward she :followed him to -the! grave,dYing of the same disease, although there WO notanothercabe of it then,,nor ler' nineteen years-43efore- in the neighbor --AU English -judge' "paseed'eentence' of seven days' hard labOinpon.s. man:named; Perry for kiteing a lady at U•ialiway sta- tion, although lief Pleaded' that he had aulipostotreah'efilar fitore-diintrielYPoanillidtracCeoVealidglit. Mistake: . How pleasant it is to live in a 'whin, try Where 'there he no sueh restriction of.gie freedoin of ilie subject. A' Cenadian lady, vioukt.4tecept an &Pokey Under. Mich --oir4 nevert;',414ece2u.r.''fAnremd abeCilltrithakOcleid°•byall?.;t:i*st°e11: cams -if by by a pretty girl ' • eIGNS .OF When bull -frogs Pipe nectiirnai lays Where end the boys were saatieg ;-... When-geniaisenshine warms.thedayil, • _,,..;aed eliettetine birth are matings- Winsaaoveranola_ ore parlor stoves - , Hue, as in win try weather', Slit wander thrimghlhe budding groves, And buc,iestead, eacei other Wherigoate'uo more on old4ehoes ked,' -Tin eans Width:Weed:diet,. ,TBnt$leettil,,crepthe verdant mead titudfonigeorilhe quiet; When betterimps erealidn blob* , - Amon thegrOWing:grattes, , ";WhelifSiet are fotirid in!dvery.4001.3v(, 'whiin-litiiiiii*hres You can't mistake my meaning -4 • Make Weary More than Meanie -alto, W_ Andeail thething, !' Spring eleaningp hen early erognsesappear,i • -_ -Andlitiney.tose are -humming, *ion you dan bet that,apring is here, - And wanner, eumnier's tuning. - - -Teal Bit :INBIAND;. -0.4141adinn Red Men% 1411111iBiliba Diellr' ' 7 i;iriir:tierrig04118e0:a:Aliteiir. _io: osi!;b.:100-il: .i,(0,1riliine:n7Apitilianlin:41-es - .., _ siketitr goe4y, hie brother and Mr. -Talb t. 1. rii :4 Fort ASSiniboine (Mont a) desPatc . Aare.: "Thereis. a good deal 4 exciteme t , in this seeticit caused bithe capturing Of. -by Indians and half•loteedeftein across in "Cansidian---line; • They had been - °amnia, . along Milk River- for the purpose of -stop( • ping illicit trade and -arresting the.offenders.". It seems that someSOnailesreast of the B*-. Bend on the Milk Mier ...-HCsaly found Se. camp --of Several hundred : families • Of .1ml*, _hreede and Cree Indiana, they belonging to -Canada: and being without authority in tele -United -States: _ At the sar. de -tigae _upon an -Indian • reservation Elealf€_•;f0-und' many offenders of the - law, . end: Whig .a mail of .preitounced er verY and inT $ togrity where official action . - s Wanted,. at onc-e-arrested six of the head enkaoven tO be sinugglets and •law breakeiii,-and Belied about 5,000 -Worth of robes and othet ptcii party.. He prepared to return with hi captives:. towards e:Fott - Benton. In VA- little-scheme-he-waedefeatedaor thehelf- keel:Is:and- Cie _Indiana surrounded •him with..stacient force to bring about the dis- • armament and capture Of Ifealy and his; two followers.- When -stiOli aa he -calls = kit help. . - in f such tends . aa• -. he . •-•-cloes . there Inuit indeed -he ,dinger.,-- in reeponin : : tO the -sheriff's. Mill for help; (lettere Auger, the : efficient 'district icommander, caused two .ceinpanlea..6f. Camilry. and tWo _compaeies of infaxitrytoetart out for the reacueof Healy- and the eippision ..ot. the laWlOreakets: This colurnieleft As-slink- heine at -9 6"olocli under . command of Capt. -Norwood; of the Beebed.CeValty„_ I7altin, theefterimeti orders were reeeived to iti crease Capt. llorviood's dottiMand by five mere infantry companies„whinh will bring -the nurnher of the .treOpe injthe field • to about font - hinidted.:•1 It M - ot - expected _ that -,the luilf-bieedi :&d the••_Crees will offer any tesistanceto. the Uhited States troops, but teeny featiAre.entertaioed that poor Healy and, his- two coniPanions will pay the- penalty. -. . . -Pa: T. Barnum -*ails intkLine..'. - boanning �u various e changes ;we -- notiee especial distinction giyenni promin- ent New York dailies to Barrnim. Bailey &- Hutchinson's strong endorsement of St. - Jacobs Oil aix a peintelieter. They, too, have fallen into line„.: it Would - . Cintinnatt (0.)Enquirer. - E 'When °Scar Wilde lectured ib Arotiklyn, • Nat-Vreodwin, who. Was playingletthe Park . Theatre, determined to get an imitetioncif. him for the second [act of "Hobbies," _ which he Watt playing that n- ht: SO, at the end of the first act he shoved on a-pait - of -galoshes, three,- on an ulster,ran over to - the Acadeniy, took- a good poop at the long, lanle,limp young man, turned hack, and in the second- act gave al, _Nrety etter iiiiite- lion of hiWorshipping a sun crwer. He • had made a- lightning sketch of Oscar's - manner, and- his repteduction was most laughable. . - I_ ,1 - - The Washington Postman th t Washing- ton young' men seem Ito be inapeCtinionS, because they are not conspicOons in taking, young ladies to the opera. . :. • . , . . .. . . ... . : COMFO.RT:. BY iTHE. 1 , The . ., _e.1failtlYbOy'sAdta, . I ..gennime:- Ccanfort and 'happiness Was to --be ' pitched into a pOndOf ice e eatawhose - , • shores -were, made -a- sponge, Calm. - His toisery, was ;the absence of:tbesp . pleasant subStaikea That boysirepV . represents ,hunianity.' . •Congortls ity, . . Iireciatad by ontis.St7-;:s e enjoy a . j thinen proportion to our Conception of the -disadYaiitagCs Of- oi r clepriva.; tioatheteof.- This applieS to matetial • i thing's as. well -es, to. -_innnateriat coil- sideratiOns:. _ The- icicle; whose .an , pearance %in the. rwintryi cold- and. '- , bleakness Benda ' the shiver Of discon.-.- i- t• fortthrOugh the: oh:server, would stig .' , gest notions of the -copies -conifortni: la% and.Sultry tzia*s. of 1 e.suzurtier semen; .And- -1..n botli..:seasonsthat- -• • in -Which the 2,ciele-I fletriiheS -best . and in the otie Wherein:its :absence -is oCuispi(uons.,that --Most 4tincomierta,- .- -- hie.: anct. torhiring:- drseaSei, rheuma-- - tisni„, plentifullybounds,, causing - pain.and_agony-to inyriiillsoift people. - . And-yetitneedjuot-bethha stictive" _ -- itsuffererswoolkonlytSt. JACOBS 4 :- . OIL, -the iiirest,Teafeseiuid speediest - remedy in the ,..w. h.olewdrid for .- the ... -. eradication givar,,etiteof rhetnnittisin- : ' andallpainfuteilMents4ThefolleW4 . , ATigfrom_tIle .R.Ooliester (Ind.):Seittittet -- • Shavfiliow8orne4)eoplentkendtotheir • : • - rheitinatisin.1-- '`filthen -a ;young- link- . biiildhad -0- One . Eont Wine, and with , fondeolienudetelegraphed his little ' ' wife-'WhatandIftoW'S the bab ' ;he received the . havoiou for -breakfast,- - brief,practieall-an ..anggeStive reply- . ‘Buck•wheat7Uillesen the measles.' - WehaVethe report'ote4case in:our ' midst, not Where moiitleS was In the - hill °flare,' Init_Whereitelittic rbeinta- .. Win nenfined '. Mr.f.L Dawson, the well- • . - known-, Roelresfer IlruggiSt, --to his .- • roontifor a longli Peried,ci It was stated - toourrepprter an thefollawingwords:' , kTlie-seutor tceiiberof this firtawas .. attacked .:-.witiv _.:Sciatie _rheumatism abbot Deoeinbei loth histendfor four.: J weeks,aucceeding„,-Fee:,•_1001, =could.: - searceiyaeave bis_recia,•.Tae esedet. , Licors-civ, dittl ;is neiVehle to be at, ... hisplacieof buidnest„feelingnotnauch the _Werse, for hie recent affliction. • , TheAnferenter.±is eonrineinge The -...-. run whiCli, ST. :J.keoes Olv. is having isove sa3i7,tuttpieeedentekland`the ar- Ude 18 rapidly rapidly displacing: all other. thstinititie - remedies:es. tastes its vir,.• tuesiaeeonie•Imoi,14:: • _..--. -°- '. -- "Edgarai. ---sIge,- .Esv,--- druggist, Writes ts-froin'Chicopee _Fans," says - . • the ' "Springfield - ,(Mass.) -Rept-Win:04. _. 'that' la. Albert: Guenther, under - •• . wild% Ilbte-..h has Used -that •remar,ea= .- • • we tenleey; Sr.„.1•Acoss Oinkforaisevere 2ate'brilikuintOs#4alid-lt oureti hip, - ND RMAN-S AZMi PLIPACES A.Nopm AN, ct.i. 4 EA:" Lti TrIcTIOla EsTABtaagED ifoo NERVOUS - DE13IDWr vRbanmatdinn --Ltme ' Back,Neuralgia,Paralysis and ailLieerand Chest- - Complaint a- innnediately-lrellaved- and -puma- = • nently cured by using those-{AIDLTS, BANDS ANDIN SOLES. ' - Madan and Consultation Pint. ,