HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-03-24, Page 5ighes to infurtll the public thathe Iia oonsftautly eta haild ti '.en's; %Vomants, ., isles and 1 Gl& s Boof:. • f t of lit expan kisvtt1h sager , Salt k in erica daisf especially -hi Btitilkebble ; 1019410ieQtockBOOR-4 133fore. TiaralPtaifg,- elsLw1iere... Manufacttiim g . a Specialty-. L1st . etr sstook sold, an a ci tltilCr E_g.. and Batter to eolit .1xchange ffIr goods. c .demo olear them .Oat before stock taI►` ng Xf yin i waz tt a.. _. eap vercoaa , COME AND GET IT; OATS, -ASD VESTS, CIEAF. Iea for 50c1 .., yV, t':ONNELf:.. O u first -glass improved A.t. Low-. :ayes by tthe 4:ppjo.: JAS. SoEBVILLE,, sn for sa Vaivatvr. scrib r ha's a$ew good on .eit,sy terms,. and.: a• umber 'la . from one to el can balm acmes, Whioh Verk cket> I • 00,1VIERTILLE, OF THE .LUCKNO-W� arness Depot . Ia offorin Great$aargainsin• - .- harness, saddles, Trunks,. Haas, Robes,. BIankets • Single Harness, from $14;np, Teani Harness from. $18 up. And everything in the line cheaper than the cheapest for cash or otherwise: I am bound at to be undersea. ,All work warranted, as I keep nothire' but first-class stook, and first- class workmen I defy competition.. I)on't forget the place, opposite (T. H. McHard3es Brick -Block. _ R. PROCTOR. Lucknew, January 13th 1882. Y , Clike TRADE MARiC.THEGREAT En -TRADE. M'tRK; GLI'SIi REMEDY. A n unfailing cure for Semiir aI Weak..nese, Spermatorrhea, Impotency, and all Diseased efore Taking ow as s sequenceofSelf • A -use; as lase' of Memory-, Universal Lait- tude, Pain in the back;- Diinnes -of - is;on, Premature old age. and many other Diseases that lead to Insanity or Cousumptioi and' a Premature Grave. .Full particulars in. lour patiphtet, which we desire to send free by mail toeveryone, ,9i3TheS ecffc Med- cine issolriby all Druggists at $1 per peek- age, or six packages for $5 or will be sent. free by mail on receipt of the money: by ad.. dressing - .. Teis•oa tar MEDWfdNE ro.; Toronto. Ont., Canada- - OTSoic in 'Lueirnory by all druggfsta.end every�wilerefn Canada:aiai the United States by all aholeiale and retail drnvoists. • lipzumoth :Collar 1-A SSI Q_. lfanufaeturer of alI'kinda• off- 1IARNESB, SADDLE. • . TRUNRS, VALISES, &c &c, I,118TERS. RUBB>>t RUGS, IHAVE.TUST N ECEIVED THE LAR= GEST, Cheapest and best seleeted stock of TRU tKSltbat has ever been brought to this town. Call earl'r ar d see them.: `Prises ranging fro)]. 73`cents ut wards. TEN pc - cent. off -for Yash; WM.•GRASsiCK. . AND GET T FROM NOW 1 Ns e of 7Dr. a sh's Celebrated. Treatise he every ail ,kir rl.rea•t1y ars • ri ILL } Old Subscribers` . haying for bQ oT ,. have, now in stick a very e assortment -o , Glean and Cfisp,fortbe Spring and Summer Trade, and White Domestio Cottons are hrm, Prints, Dress andFancy Goode, are nicer and Cheaper: than ever. ' Full lines ins Black Goods, CoIored Lusters; and a Oashmeres TI ,F, DRESS GOODS must bo. seen to appreciate their Beautyi to Endorse. their . ualities' to :be astonished at their Cheapness. If you w t tobuy, come and investigate. IfIyou have alreadybdught, we will at least mak`you glad to see what lovely goods your friends: and neig bora can have; ` _ I4ADT E ►' SI tK HANDKERCRIIF/ii, In these lines Ism some of the best effects ever shown .this•place. Descriptinnis:impossible. Nor can yi u bu' in every Y Daae, but you pan at feast tell your rich friends who will not fail tomake you a birthday or a wedding -present. 2 Ducks, I®143 aln� The Latest and Best at ts1 e Lo west Possible Price: rutin I v a body save 1 havethe nicest lines of Dress Goods;. and Ladies' Fancy �'t Dods in - there arts. Well the TrathWfll Out: Remember Goodslookbettae when you are cheerful, bright :'atid happ y. LUCKNO! BOUGHT A VERY,FJNE STOCK Iso Ooosoo-0000boss000.19000000D0 s'�, 0� loo 0000©O000000000000e000e000� SO' A FINE. 00000000000000000000000000;,0000 • _ I O 0 IA I0000GOo00000000000000000000000 • 40:GE OF SCOTCJI_ AND IRISH eery best qualities, and at the Lotti est :Prices an in receipt of the above goods, Palk • snow 4]], a 4V0ek;= $12'a fia-yat, home`eanI1y Dia Atsoe,dw Costiroutfitireow hddrell t3tinisoll k -VO• t _ 4ng;ietsr Maui': • :To D15EitSSS, COMMPLAINrs and Ac which HAGYARD'S YELLOW OIL is teed to cure or relieve either m DI, BEAT - 'TAKEN INTERNAILY' 0011 CROUP,. . . COtTGJ s, CRA2ices,: ,BORE lit-., il.0- •Cows, &c +. APPLIED EXTERNALLY FOR I1HEUli&Ailikt ,: NEURALGI ,,.: CHILBLAIIKS, C' LOTI1 UMP_ . 8WELLINGR,• ,?TIFF JOi117ra . ' G1 LLSf FROST I4.31:1 ESS, * OI NS, COAr.273-c2X9ys=$Ruls_IL's, - L7TffiB4C#o, ', _Ir2,',G�,_ DEaFNEHS- •anpnvBAc$ F'�2*XLti s1DR, &s., .Every -bottle g�tfateed to give atifac. tion ormbney refiutdaj. •OIREOT10N8•WRMCACHBOTfL•E.;pwoE noir sP8dII1*,B, • 3E EP .. teROM BRAZIL. 77ie .iv;,w' Compound. its oni derful' affinity- -to.. the lige stiv9.. Apparatus' and the Liver; lincieas- ing the dissolving. juices, e_ iev iug•almost instantly the dreadful results ofDyspepsia1,,.i'ndiges ien,. and the TORPID :LIPER,vmakes:=. ZoPesa an every day necessi yin: 9very kluge. - - It acts gently- and speedily- in Biliousness, Costiveness. H ad- ache, SickHeadache,,Distres at ter,Eating,Wind on the Stom c. Heartburn, Pains in. the Sure and Back, Want of;-Appetiiv,. Want of Energy, Low Spirits, Fooi Stom ach. -it invigorates the',Liver, care ries: off allsurplus bile, regulates . theBowels, and gives tons tol tine whole system. f j Cut this out and take it to Font.- -:Draggist and get a 10 cent Savipl ora large botiie for 76 cents,.o tell your neighbor about it.. _ortgan . Mas constantly -on. hand Well ess(irte JJA�rL' 1■';, • MISSI#S', CHILDREN'S; and MEN'S -BC Several different 'Imes ok' stock:" .. (ITS, fall .and see them before : ourebasing else where. -LAMBS' OVERSHOEh .N. and RUBBERS. • . MISSES' OVERSHO S itr lL T13liERS. CRILDREN'S OVERSHOES 'and RTL&B1" RS. EN'S"OVLRSH MOES • and_ R BB R$.' SELLING AT RESONABLEPR4 ES Calf Skin Mite, Deer. Skin: Mita. -and }ler Mita nude tib order, 'MVtannfaetn •era f Iiaryest Mita, wholesale and retail. POLO & -Cornu ' What Is it The • be't XIIchine• world 4: is tn:it►tifja.otitre hJ c oil Bros. & Co, Tarda :o . This Uil under the se .rest test'atd tl•e fie attitieroii;l.etitit,y, a I$.tNiit•det th <•,'.:".....11c: liielier;t t•Ii7. - in 18$(l, •_tiatnrly, T. 7-ii1.1 Ir- -tins. rial..It; xt;:bitioon,-Firtf I'rssc • ir:;v ;`t Ex1i i'i•iit, Nainilto t, Mild \It d..i i tin t i.)nnitt it,it Fxhibiti 'n, (.ttt;t a, ; ilv ii..to. ni7nrrK': t+d others r;;p1 i 0-.p.mg1 i save fl 'tieti and pi„;ei:lrieav by iuint; l; -.,:,,f ASi, '50 ;44. nun' 1;4 t for itiItnd:tlike . t-ot1 •