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The Sentinel, 1882-03-24, Page 4
e • 171-f3 Ltmi wr:TO UTTER AND 7'O ABG_VB FAEEI.Y' ACaORIII M Td•TIIE mcp esti or 00/f WE" P817ZE-AB.OVE LU (ITH.ER T{IBERTSEfi.` lelleknov, Horeb 24:x, h$$2 ; THEE'L-E(JJiON,S .- MOST - of the Conservative- ° journals d my that Sir 'John Macdonald ..witl dissolve rte house in Jane.' Tia Lour. (1.)n Free Press, however,; says; ' "it is. not only probable but, desirable" that the elections should take place immediate:: ly, after .the present session of Parlia: Ment; and`no doubt Sirs John will do just what- the F. .P {demands. The 'Conservatives are getting..,their condi-' dates ° nominated throughout. Qrtario, which doesn't -look as though the elect dons would not take place until:. 1.883. Iowever, whenever it may please the p:trty now iu power at Ottawa,' to bring on a - general election—whether -it be in the present Year or the. next, -,—the duty Reformers owe to themselves and to their principles, is -too `see that they are fully prepare.l'_for- the. struggle. in the matter, of organtzatton, and to be thoroughly `awake oto: the necessity of polling every possible vote. The I:ndifir. - *rent and the wavering are • *anted to• assist in putting a stop to the reign of err:Or-that now holds, in this: • country; Ogle instance of haw. the present, policy of the Government injures him.should be sufficient to secure every. farmer`s -vote for the cause 'of ..tteforni. Lat any manwh:o wants= to learn for hinaself,and not be dependent ern the statementa eta partisan,. study. •the: wheat question. Le>;'himi refer to Ametican prices and- Canadiau ,rices before. the , advent -:of ,lie N.. P., and see •haw they sympath: lee with each -other-., Then • krb hila compare the.prices now;, and the ,f.;et. will _ be plain te hint:.that Canadian, Wheat is all Of tm cants per bushel low:: er than it' weelel be it we had .free: trade in wheat. The grinders -in -bond. —the large mill -owners, profit by this arrangement. Cheap wheat and dear I our is: what suits them, and: of course Pp they Will support. ort_ a; Government with money and interest which can, thus nese thee Norte market. weak and un: sympathetic.: `. West Wawanosh Council, The Connell-inei in the Council Hall .x liflircli lath 1 $ oriadjourn- moot.- `oi - $ arc d n to ad r ,_$a .t II rneFst. - All -the members present,. • The Tens Ye to • the chair. Minutes: of last ni*,sting.read and. adopted. - Atlr. Jos, C. Ward was app?inter1 Collectorfor1882. Complaints having been made of the unprotected state of the N. G. 'R., cross: r-eg Beaver-Mea+low,. on 9tii concession: l;u'verl.by D.: Durnir,sec. •by. E. Gaunt,. that the • une tperided apt r.►priation of, $200, made last year be augmented by F. tet) making MO; --provided r shfiel,l :gran,- a -_like amount, suet that the above n;cittiuned Beaver Ieari`ow be fenced out...if the above atnoun.t ale,' fo t expended under the s.uperyision of the•Iteeva eif Asilfteci" etid Wesst Wawa - nosh, Carried.. Circular- trona l f`cKi -_ - • trick e& Son read and filed. Account of Geo,; Art;istrongg, ;laid over for certify cation by Wtu. Ellis ; ,Ac otxut`of 0$25• from R. Thompson forsupport•,-clothing eu.d attendance oir?Jiitnes,Splain,: a sick. a:n 1indigent, person,; order ed to.be paiif, Ives; Scfitnigoura`nd. Taylor, gave•E'onds. to the council for the removal• of thein f•:uces €roni the road. allowance between texts 2.1 and 26,,.con 4.' The caniscil- griciite,l Scrimguur$25 for tern oviug.hie fence L,y -lie. 151-11 day of 'Nov. next.- Tina - pcltinr ;stili-dlvisi)fS Of the town- ship w.as ire-<divide4t as follows Pd11 ing suis division No. `1,cous. 1, 2, 3: and 5,_.frotu N. G ilt•lad,ta ceut-ie of to 2:0,- end 6 •and '7 crins, from int. G. -Roo, i i slcleline betweini, foie .15 and 16; P'ulluif; suh•.divislol -No. 2, cons 1, 2, 3, 4;,.atx15, from!, centre lot 20 to east rilondarv. Isolliii `s ).. E � ul•dtvsion ' il�o. 3 Cons; 6 and 7,; from sideliiie-lietwegtt`1.5' ani( f6,to-.east=lioujala.ry, and ecus: 8;9' and 10t • Polling sub -division No. 4, .Cons.. '11, 12, 13, and 14., -.B -Iav..co n. firMiFig theabove read- and. passed. The" billowing: aecoun s;'•wa -e p >' diel t—W. Stewart ,culvert and lumber, _.. ..� :$2:89, N: ss a i - � rfu *ion_ Ii Q o p rboital pro- 'pert. i ' `' ' 17Q -a } 10 son ' � m o ,�� for • care, lames: aplain $25 ; lirehert -Haines,. avellin sst:bo rr li;r e i3 u, dary;;$21.9_fi: G`at�r3-, ."�1 Outr ed till 29th A cel. ._' `..:; ULIBBAY Clark,. • • ignre$or the Black Knot an Qlurri;an? ©Ker -ay Treys, To the=li1ditor :- In rho epring of; the year befeee the sap. riaesputonthe'trunk sof the tine jiiii whaia'.theIiwwbs -begin tri form,_a 4b10spoonful .Or. :Mere, ac=- .cerding to the size of the .tree, of spirits, iaf tui;pefitine. Thts penetrates the. bark; andas the sato rises it carries the tur= pentane in. minute- particle!! to the ex• tremitdes_ of :the limbs, thus- either -,:kill- ing or presenting the .evil from bei ig .deposited. The• cattalo of black knot .is an insect that probes the centre, gener- ally of" the sinaller_limbs; and"depoaits a nut or egg 'which matures the:following spring, and makes his exit from which wound the San exudes,: Which. being act; ed upon by the: atmospheric changes produces a fungus growth. called black knot.. Bat `.the immediate cause' •was d hie the year -previous, but by a timely application of the turpentine as above" specified, ,ince in : two. or three ..year§ apart, has. hitherto -proved aufiicient to prevent`the ravages of this mvaterioua' insect. In addition I ate nform'c that by taking a handful 'at two' of slacked Iiisle and throwilig•it on the plum trees once a week,earlyi in the morniugwhilet. the dew is on; .fromthe time: the fruits begins- to form - until • It matures will save the fruit. from the attacks of the cured -tic.: Other papers please copy this ss•it is of the utmost importance to our` ceinmtlon; country that something should be universally known that will prevent the-untimely-decliminatIng of our vale= able orchard ' trees:. THE BRUCE BATTALION. We find _the following very •compli- mentary notice of the Brace • Battalion,: in -the report.on the state of the 11ilitia by Major. General•Luerd' "This fine battalion Marched ,into camp dight c. om- Plz anies Strong, - with everym comission= ed- officer and man present. As stores had been `issued to' supply defiencies and -as each -. man Lad been supplied ..with- a taneti,havelock,,theypresen€ed a creditable -appearance. About 80 per. cent:. were.rearuits, but owing to the • systematic manner in which the instrac-- tions were- .carried oat, progress was noticeable. :from the *commencement. The Head Quarter Staff was encamped-- in ncampedin such • a position as to enable "thein to see much: of this corp,•s, and I can testi- ti to the:strict and' honest manner in which the several "duties and drilla were performed: - Only rural. battalions with fulfil officers and then' in place. _ In battalion and brigade drill the men. moved very steadily... At the field day they acequitted themselves, with . great credit, not only by marching- the gen eral:milittry. hearing, 'but also in tete Steady and correct manner in - which they advanced to the attack. • Lieut. Col. Cooper is zealous and efficient, and ably supported- by. Major. Biggar- and his other officers: Thi corps is a credit to tna coanty of Erne. The munici pal -authorities-, like those of Oxford, hive...been very .liberal. -toward their volunteers, this year supplementing the Governtnent.pay by twenty-five cents per dayto each, or a . total . o1` 3 P � per man: Pith such substantial assistance the-ofiie ars were able, to bring out : full companies. Discipline and Interior economy good: Officers well unifcl rnied. Armories- and condition, • of • arms, , etc No. 1 Company, fair and touch im- proved; 2,' not .clean • 3, very. ood 4, 6, 7'. and 8 .Mair -5 inlifferer. -_ : , t. It. will be--seen•that No 3'Conpany lof Luck - now carried -off the highest honors of the battalion, being classed"terygoo d. We. congratulate 'Capt. 'B." Grant Jirf er- is and his:' able 'assistants, :Ciente. D.- -,Campbell and J. I Camerhn, ori the :very satiafaetor-y report of No. 3 Goth- .piny-while at the .London camp. - t t - MARRIED: • ConxiiI— AMAGE_ . =-- At .Maple'• Hilly. Mardi- 15th, the residence of the--- bride's fattier, by the Rev. R. Leask, of St. 1Helens; Jos. G. C4odkin, Esq:, of NeIsonville..,• i1anitoba, to Mies • -Margaret .eldest daugliter •of Mr..Jaznes. Itaaiage, of St. Helens. - HHOWELI—.POINTER: At Dutngailnon,-. On 'ninth: 15th, by the- Rev; James 'ti well, at ,the r't,sidence #'''Ilioin,rs Wier; F.sq., 41r:.O : J 1.19 u ell, uterinery .Surgeon, et Des:-1MIouses, wa,. U S ; to Miss `Josepl ins hitto of I i n�ati li.i,n. .ME?i--SHERwOOD (_)Li the • 15th -iiist., by Rev N,., G. Herders, at the.- - reSir-knee of the -Midas's -father, Mi._. _Charles Iieit.len toy- Etizabejll'. Site;rwuoa. Atl;r,f AAstii,1r1..• CAMERON—MURDUCII —Ou tale 16th { t . .. _ /fenders, s, at the rs seen ceo '1 bride's: tl ori i ft a d s tatirer• Mr; B. D..,• :. -ea C ruerci . .,q n °toh� 1s.Mary _ C. Mari -1101i. A11 of AsIifirlr'. Burrisand scald Fare -ro m tl red " ` P P . Y cured as well: as all flash wounds sprains, bruises, callou1 n�sn orenesa,,pn 'inflavmatiifuid diHeasea;.iy -the greatRheumatic Rem.dy, Iagyardis,YolloW Oil`: For external . and internal inti. • Rrlcs 25-4 .�rnits3 e fie o -k of Fail ,ah'd winter Goods at 01 $ecujre BAY BLANi E'I'S . AT. COST.- y_ OVERCOATS. , , " COST. TWEEDS tr . COST. .SHIRTS and traivers ". COST.' HOSIERY ': COST. COST; BOOTS and SHOES PRIC 9 LO W. Cab Ilador Herrin, Shore 1 • se • x'LAN`NELS WINCIES a D1U S3 LiDODS SH WLS SC.aRFS CROUKEIRtY &' Gslaksware {.rc .. i QUAI IfIES -GOOD. ow is COS')?..:. C OPT, COSH'.' - GOS`l=' COST. 330. e firne Iierring, ake llerrin E.akg Surr Trout artat. hi ,IIS Cano(1 SalmonCanned Mackr�� �anne cT Lobsters, do.Corn, ` o, Peaches, es, dQ: omaioes. Dr For Sale 150 Bushels Prime, Tiii th 200 Bushels •II'l ime t `lover S,ee:t Goods, .Groceries, Boots and ` hoes as Qheap as any in the Dominion at viewmalitoSewleaereintawmii I Wei to inform the eitizens of Lucknow and enrruxnding ,country, . that I . have opener, up a TCllIER- SHO 'r. Greenwill's O1t1 Stand.' I;will prep on hared at all times KINDS -OF FRESH MEAT. Delivered to _aU Parts of the tflege, _ on. Shortest Notice. Give' 'de a call. 1 yeuckti , w, Sept. --9th. • r JAMES LINDSAY. � OTO— =A• ! INDt.ATER'S Hro.R. ALT;KINDS :OF '� •- WATUHF,S,. X.,UCXS, A11TD ' JEWELERy. Repair g"donee-promptly. . *ALEX; FINDLATEB, '-Can pb'e11-at.,-_Lueknow, The -pi i neer is ahea$ of :ail competitors-, offer-. ing•11; Mesta of Q Dutyf se ,. splendid - value. Sugars; C!$eea,- • (iota: of St. `Hetevz&-, _-, Having opened oitt his newshop, next-doorfro Galiam's brick block, is determined to keep the -public ,eupplied.with of ehioicest quality, great variety and at lowest pthes. In.coiineetion with the meat business, he alpo pposeskeeping inetock • 14- • ; ATABLES,- .of all kin& in their proper seasons: The Patrons a.of the Public is_ respectfully- ti •_ oloita: F one: - t re ` sonable R�e a"1 Estate., a a o : Cerins of = a Ment to rates: P_ uit Boi:rowers 1 IOT.°T AV R F -I E- �T-PXt-to Post Oise Q Ci Lucknois =?.larch 11 • S IGI+;S, q: 1T .NTT tUt OiU IN 'tO1tON'LC?. . 'ORACCf)Sand �A=Peimairient,.snr el` re for I)i�'eraaes, the; r Els and- lrne its•o€,tlie Kidmr 13a GENERAL: G`R,OC/Ii.IL+S, d :_ . . �, . _ elsyr--: laded/xmaryse�iittlf�rSysien, rir.'.a.tt,iAti-ga r. -of Ul nplaints causing 44es, Pea, i Small of,li, lik;, vi.(4.4 ,soul ei t ni/) Uitc,r lel -pock Ducks )enema, Cotti,iis Shirthigs, 'Print‘, •:. L., . Lust fisc CoiibarXa, gialiinersk , siirrels '1'-Wsede Rusael Cord Cuatinga ltt'al . - .:AV-Cat'of England Briad;$lie � •: ; .and Doe .Vo sted. Coaiis= oh . .Lei, cher t .. i s At pr1 _ca t 1.0*, as - a>IY% house_ t>iad� Iii hest juice nail for all produce in • ,sac ge _ z; • ab, t,,; fee�r�•�.11uut,z�c, nxy, l)iiiietilt, 'ar,,,ful . of _ 'oj.,'pua 1' lictii1 Chin,, 1 ti ,I ilei.}:.,{ j t tr n.lioii' CI.Hd edilneut.iry U ,1G, i)i;.,r,sic.ei- m st •nil etre , (]PUntillg t e prr,.Pnce iii the svtite iii- • f Saccetivie.. Ur alis E a ' Piles t9er, y:BOrniiafh-D�a:(b'e7i s3titsSnel soezinat` ia,,llfbiia:rb:.e•:7 t�_ :PainP1letsaiic .sad-b n !t' � btsln cic1•friim=sDiuggists free... Pnid L3 P iv �$i�r� 0, {otre p bd-vet titi _ReKuaaiPas-�oo., eciulPucfur, , Chronic 1)iaeases..$434.1O Svld lxy .441 n li.,TIONNAIT.€(M. .. tr$ekaipiet- t's ViTir'r lib idTl'3ti ,ti. t} =Lincpar lie. W-'1'.':Hui -IV14fh fir.' ;:_ ,• 4': IT(tHI LI±. Cl zddti W)ic'lt,3ale'Aget)+'i:,! AIex. Macl nt ere s; SPAWN CURE air Kendall sr 'Gore The most successful remedy events s , weed as it is certain in its effects and ; blister. ".Read proof balms KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. New Hamburg, Ont ,:Dee 28th2881, MrF.-IE McCallum, dea_rsir, The' bottle. of Dr. Kendall's Spavin Cure bought 'of sot last summer save hue the utniost.•satisfaction and performed, a;wonderfni. cure upon a: mare nineteen° years old belonging to _me,which Watt a' v o rso Watt - badly day spa aped for ten. years.: She was lame that I could hardly 14a heri move: rhe} �amPness is entirely gone after: using; -half a; -bottle of the cure, arid -she is. like a young - hrrsc again.. Yours traly, J..I{ , RoTu.-* KENDALL'S < SPAVIN CURE Send address -for Illustrated'. Circular 'wet think. gives :positive a. roe of; - virtuee.: No reuieuy has ever met with such ungualified:suecess -.' :to.our I uuwledge,for beast ,as well as man. • Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5-V All dtiggist have it orcan get it for you, -or it will be sent. to any Address- onreceipt f' price -by the plb- praetors,. Dr. $ J. Kendall & Co., En- cs$burgh I+'alls, V't. • SOLD BY ALL DRIT,GGISIS.: 471-w t SUNS &--CU ,` Ii1OhT14IEAL Wholesale Ates' WI L • CUR OR RELIEVE 141441P111!:;--T.: LIOU ''NESS, CIZZINE88 �� Y `r _:.Dl STIP N, < _.. ELUTTERII{IC. IN --ass 0 ,� � ._ AUNDICE. k OF THE HEART, RVSIPELllACIDITY .1F S- L7` ;i lziEllM.: ; THE STOMAClI,, •N R. E'y I i a , E DA H YOF TH And evYery spades. of disease, arising_ fro _ dtsoresred' LIVER,: KIONEY8, 'STOMACH, ACH, :•- t .. - - -BOWR` ELS OBLQODoi t : ` - Sprieteti, Imurvit�..> .