HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-03-24, Page 3•
The Onettrir Go&sip
$erveel tiai. •
- Elude nests have already been found in
The funeral et the late Mrs. -Tao of
Daimon!, took place at Anerdeertrecentiy
The Tree Presbytery of Jedhtirgit ha• s
adoptea a petition in favor of disestablish-
mot.-. • .
Dr. Alex. Cowan. -brother of Mr, Tames
• Cowan„„M.B. for Edinburgh, died in Edi.n-
•-burgh the other day.. - . . • .
Het, George Sutherland has announced
his resignation of the inaumbency -ef St:
• •JelizesEpiecepal Church, Wick. .
„ AMoveinent has been -initiated in Aber,
• deenshire by the Countess of Aberdeen for
young women's improvement. .
The ideath is announced of Mr. Henry
Lorimr, who had been for arVery long
. period traw hat maker in Dundee.
The George Street Free 'Church. congte;-
gation; Dumfries; have addressed call to
Rev. Ones. McNeil, Juniper Green
The ;new factor :for Ardross. is Mi.
• Rederiek Maclean, who was many years
assistant to the late, factor, Mr. Mackenzie.
Ex-Pt*nvost MacRoety is to present; the
. new parish church of Crieff with a bap-
tismal: font, in memory of his recently
• debeased son • .
The oldest -woman in Carnie,Bauffehire;
has die .-aged,92, in thepersonof Widow
Spence, the mother-in-law Of Mr.: William
. Downie; -at Ballochburro •
• Theittl- has just (Ilea Mr. John Beg, go
• widely known Ozia identified . with the
manufaeture of 44 Loohnagar Whiskey"
Lochnagar. •
}, Her Grace. the Duchess of Roxburgh
• Was delivered Of a- daughter on the 7th Mt
The Keiact WOW& Hall bell was rung in
. honor of the Oceania. -
• The other day the cuckoo was heard. in
the policies surrounding Halleathrit House,.
. near Lechmaben., The day- was bright,
with watm. sunshine:
Another wing is to be added to the Inver -
°Wild ArMs Hotel,Brstemar,winclxisaiready
- Me of the laigeit establishments of its -
kind in the north of Scotlan,d
being at the time not More :than '
yttras ,dietant Death resultedimmediateiy. -. -I
Mr. -Chart& Gibson, groder,
came tanddenly ill the other . day, w ide-
ottending the- marriage of ...a. -nephew,.
expired-alew- hours afterwards. Apopl sy
is eteppesed to have been the cause of.
nth. • ; • • •
Kelso it is stated that peas Agate 'on
Nov. 6 1881 are now fully els inches*
being already sticked and Well prated ed
-frem. the weather, _should. any ,-untow trd
eirciiimstanee arise to threaten their Ile-
stsuotien. The- blackbird is to be he rd
singing daily in the gardens, and dela es,
'primroses, violetsand polyanthuses are to
be found in great- profusion. -
An unfortunate Scottish gentlen an
named McAlpinhasjust been going throi h
a wonderful course of domestic anemia e.
Ms wife having beaten himispatupen h
. .
throwdglasses of grog at him and threat.iied
his life, he applied for a decree of sep ra-
tion on the ground of "cruelty and p-
laners," and got it. Whereupon, says
Liboucherer the lady; "missing her armi.
mat of Mishima-bait-leg; actually; -added
ingot -it to injury by bringing a suit for the
restitution of conjugal rights." Strange to
say, the court declined to trent her appli
irtianates Gad - for Her Jliiienpe, and
preeses Her Gratitude t U air
kind ler 'their Siatpaihr:,
'A:Lot:don despatch Bays: The Gaze
says the Queen has written -to- the Seo
test, of State,. for the IfonielDepartree
that l!he'ttiallesThefore she leavesEngland,
to express from her heart how very deeply
she is touched by the outburst of enthmli-
astic loyalty; affection and detetion whitili
the painful event of the, 2nd inst. call d
l�rth from all elinsses and_ from all parts. of
her vast empire, as well as by the univers1
sympathy evinced by the sovereigns azid
people of other. - nationg. The Quedn
Cannot BUS:A-entry express how deeply she
is, gratified by these demonstrations. She
wishes to convey to all, from the highest fn
the humblest, hertvarmest and most hear.
felt thank. - -The Queen says it has ev r
betathergreittest object to she cfor her her subjects, to uphold the honor aEd
glory of. her dear country, as well as to prb.
ote_the_prosperity-andhaPpinescoft tho os
over,whoni she has reigned so- Icing. Theta
efforts will be continued unceasingly to tI e
;.• ;t
last.. hour of her - life, The -Queen
thanks God that He • spared h !r
billeted child; who is her constant ana
devetied companion,- and those who were
withher;in the moment of danger as ' well
as herself. he prays He will. continue lo.
protect . her- for her people's :sake; as He.
hitherto has so visibly protected her.
_ . , .
''.E.x.lerti..tottpint.fAsitt itSakttaAniclE
A Man preis Wang and a Hun' Mani :14.
. With a Piece °circa in 11111Brain.. . f
EGreene (Chenango- County) Ainericand 1 •
Leonia E. Spencer, of North Pante.
troome County, while- out hunting ego' t--
els in Company with a friend on the 8t
f a
October last, met with- a singular, ' an
what_Oovecrta be a_ fatal, accident. The
wog-a:mai, hili.companion„ discharged' h s
As an inatance of. _the- extraordinary-
mildnesS Of the season,: a butted* in. an
_ active aziahealtny condition was caught
Greenbank pit, Ayrshire, on Feb. 6th. ,
.Onedaylately James Meiklejenes„
C'ommiesioner of Police for the burgh of
died somewhat: suddenly at his
residence, Kelvinbank Terrace, Mat7nilt.
- far. lerningliam, IL yr. ler Berwick,, ha
published a tragedy; written by, one of h
ancestor's., and performed Cevent Garde
in 1794; entitled The Siege of Berwick.,"
•- The death is announced of the Row Tea_
• Stornmouth„ whion took place in Edinburgh
, the. other day. Deceased, who - wets 57.
• years of age, -Wet the author of several
, The trees down by the storm at
the beginning of the: year the estate of
." Sir James Colquheun of Luis have been.
• - inimherea-for.sale, and erueunt in value to
Z5,445.. 1 , •
A firm:fro-4r Nottingham have decided
. erect o fetotory m Ayr. LSO& lillaillfaetlir-
ing, though' of quite recent growth in Ayr,
Aare,. has beceme One of the riaing
tries of the country,: -2 :
The. deeth is . antoun• cad- of Mr: George
Scott, for teeny years Confidential "clerk
successively with Mit. 'James . Lech, Mr.-
George M
mad- Sir Arnold KeroballiCom-
itsionersfor the Duke of Suthertand.
widOw named. Mrs. Mollwraith has
' inst. diet et the ripe old age of 9" years.
Deceased,, who belonged to the Kinross
distriet„ went to TilliccultrY abeuttheyear
1806, and enjoyed. excellent health -up to
few •weekti ago. .. • . .
• The ;death occurred recently of Mr. Had-
den, Writer, at WS residence; Vetch.Parli,
Haddington„ from congestion of the fungi
Deceased was for many. years' one of th
leading practitioners in, the Sheriff Court.
Forty-tbreat tenants on the, estates of the
Earl of Aberdeenhave applied for, and are
tolaav.e, the benett of revaluation of their
farms. 'Of Vise', thirty-three are in the
II &low Hones district and tell in the Ter-
• heritors of Dunse. have had linden
• consideration the mode of spelling* name
Of the town, ana have resolved, in the
writing of tbeir, Minutes„ torevert to the
original spelling of the name, viz., Duns,
• instead of Dunse.
As an eVidente of the almost unprece-
dented. clencenty of tho-iveather now pre.
• Veiling, a correspondent at Inverness
, mentions that on coroinglioniefromehurch
the other. day he heard a, lark *singing;
Last year it was March 10th before it . was
gun and - it -exploded, and the- ttibe All l'
eyilla4er entered - Spencerlt -skull a near
. ,
' the tenipIe. Drs. Burr, of BinghatOpte ; '
and Greener, of Chenengo .Forks, some-
what erderged the externalwound,
and were able . to insert the hide*
finger its whole lengthinto the eavit i,
of the cranium, but were unable to find th Et
fragment of the gun, although- quite':
.quantity of brain Matter exuded. The r
_ pr clu mu oe a him in a verycritical candid° I,
but, .contrary to their expebtation, hi k
geteralcOnditionimprOved considerably, s
that about the last of October he wasabl
to be about and visited a, friend eoMe • di.
tancefrOrn his residence, but from ' excite.
"merit and over exertion.' brought on ebraii
'bad symptoms. Dr: B. L. Houghton, o.
this -this village, was called the 1st of. Neve'nit
.. :Per, and was able to give him .some relieti:
it andfroin that time his general, condition.
-seemed taimprove.until nearly the day 0 t,
:his:death, he being able to . do • some -work r
even -working on the 29th of February
' nis death , Occurring the folloWin
day., Being anxioutto know the reel Con
dition of his brain, Dr. Houghton was per
' mated, through- the kindness of his friends
:to -hold an autopsy, assisten(by Dr. Carr, o
Chenango Perks. Tne autopsy confirnie
- the previous conclusions, that the eylinde .
and tube of the gun Was stilrin the woundI
. being -found imbedded an the . brain sub-
stance lesideof the naembrants- and. on the
floor of the middle fossa of the skullineares
the anterior portion; - Dr: 'Houston ling
thetcylindee anettubei.which are connected
Monier ihdpealici-:4'Wthe-bridirc izr his;pos!
Sergli011.. ./1-0* a human being' _could live
four MOD*: and fourteen -days with it
_piece of iron Weighing /AMA three-quarterg
Of an ounce in his brain is a mystery
tallt: ' '-'' ' •
The death ' occurred suddenly of Mr.
Wnr.-Fergiison, the popular rector of
Clarkston -Acadein-y. He was a native of
Pollokshaws t studied- at the Glasgow Es.
tabliithed- Normal School ‘and the Univer-
, sity, and after a short Oppointinent at
ht-Attesay, Went to Clarkston, Where he his
blebever shade.. .
• At a meeting of the Eetatlinhed Presby.
tery of Mull, .Ret.. John Campbell,.
ter of the perish of Iona, was by the vote
of the meniberspresent entirely cleared of
the cbargesurhieh had been brought .before.
the: court at a previous meeting.
The remains of Dr. Jannis Balfour Kirk,
•.Bathgate, were interred reoently. 'All the
• shops _ in the . town - were. closed, '• and
, business was suspended at many of the
_collieries:mid :public- works. Di. Kirk was
• Itt.bie 55thYear, and had been well known
in_Bathgate for the -last. 33 years:
Rev: Robert Ogilvie,who has just been
.'appointed a Senior Inspector of &hoots'in
place0!the-deceased Mr. Hall, is axiative
.of Banffshire, being g son Of the late Mr.
Win. Ogilvie, Ternemny, Rothiemay.
. —
The Congregational Cornmittee of :the
North Leith. Parish Chhroli appOintect to
look out for & StleeeSSOr to Rev. - Mr.
Stewart; have asked Rev. Mr, Willianisen,.
West St...iGileet, Edinburg, tobecenni their
• . pastor.
The other day a party 'Of-alittlit thirty
were (*tat &bare hunt on the hills hetiveen
Glentangat aniddeBallzitanityterwaulien,t- Wobiee:auoanetkoirf.
i'llco(In't;g4WehtiWirrel..±.edg- ecl.-.tahbon_t_mtheekeseipdeol-r,aphdct
neck of John tunny- e
tgathed to *auk in rt Granite* BOw.,-,
, " Hinlreu.n. -
A:Syracuse- despatch says: 011e of the
most peouliar murders ever committed in
centfat. New Yciik was that of Saturday
night, when Henry- Lentz -choker Charles
Smith -to -death in the section of this city
known as -"Germantown" ' Ai -here -nearly
all of- the German . population -reside.
Smith, who was intoxicated: and Lentz
had Some angry Words, in Vrect. Plure's
saloon, Over the recent Byan-tdailiven prize
'fight. Smith started to leave the saloon
and was followed by Lentz. The attention
of the inmates was called outside by hear-
ing Lentz say: 'I Will you squeal?
kill goner make you squeal." . On 'opening
-the door Smith's lifeless body was iying on
the . sidewalk, where Lentz stood by and
remarked: -"Inould kill three. men like.
hurl." He was immediately arrested and:
locked up. Finger marks- were found on
Smith's throat; as thougn,* had been held
in &vice.. Physicians gay death resulted
from strangubation,' . Lents hears a bad
reputation, and memo- to be following in.
his !ether'sfootsteps, who killed -a man
utter years ago.'
—Dr. Holland °Mkt said that "the great-
est blessing -that -a young man can enjoy is
poverty.? Still, it is one of those blessings
that "brighten at they taketheirflight.?
. • •••
I •9qcapippikity drop intopoetryrAs
the Man saidwhen he fell into the editoria
waste -basket
No CIue to the .'itssettln Boston
The shocking =tinter coniniitted in Bos-
ton last Tuesday .morning adds another to
the long list Of tragedies openly perpetrated
in the very heent,Of 'peat sity:bz unknownl
persons who isokitiand leave -their identity'
.wrapt in mystery. In some respeots this
lateet mired is without a parallel. MALBell,
whOlhal gone to thakery for milk at it o'clock
in the morning, was followed on her return
home by "a man who abusively accosted
her, pushed her tiolently. into her
own hallway and there Btabbed herin the
neck mine times.Her dynii .. Wreaths
brought her little daughter to the scene
aroused one two women in the house, all
of Whore saw the Man leaving afterfinish-
ing his murderous Work. The cries of the
Victim were also heard' by a earpenter
passing in the street • who had . witnessed
what had :occurred 'outside of the door,
waited until the man came out, followed
him until he came to two Ipeliceinen and
then pointed him out to be arrested. ; The
policemen refused to make the arrest, and
the murderer, doubtless bespattered with
blood, leisurely pursued his Way' through
the -streets without being molested by any
one: The murder was openly: conuntitect
in broad daylight, and the perpetritor. was
seen immedia,Oly. before and after the
crime by at -least half -a dozen persons
including two police officers; With all the
information and clews afforded-- by ales
_ _ .
witnesses he has SO far niadk. good hit
, .
escape, and for five (lays his identity has
remained a Mystery. There -bevel:men'
More mysterious murders than this,:but a
more -extraordinary escape esti hardly be
found in the annaleof
• . • .
L5. ellt. It..Vpkn4an,..W'ArieAlSt• giva;;;;i11'47:
Ont.,144s: " .1',1,11004);:.13,Offitlo;'1Crk:
have used yotif-tFavdritii:Preacription,'
'Golden Medical Discovery,' and Pleasant
Purgative _Pellets,' for , the last three
Months and find ,znyself—(whet, .4417
say)—;!-Inade new, egain.' are; tIte only
words that express it. 7 was reduced to a
skeleton, could' not *talk across the fiber
Without fainting,•boildteep- nothing in the
ships, of food on my stomach. „Myself and
friends had given up all hope, my imme-
diate death seemed certain. I now live (to
thesurpriseof everybody) and am able to
do my own work."
The Cosi at a, Al...
A. despatch ,from Wabash, (Ind:) says
Living in- Fulton conrity„tot farfrom Boob -
ester, are two 'carpenters, tamed Samuel
Mow andZene Rtistiell.r Both ere markied-
M011 and have large families, ;- One.niern-
ieg last week,,shortly after Mew _nad, left
home, Bussell stepped at the Mew mansion,
, and, calling MM. .Movr - out On thelion*:
put his arzn arnund. her -waist' and 'hissed:
her. The lady beceatie very indignant, and,
pushed Russell away.; .-.1*.t.dey she went
to Bochesteritith her husband, and filed
a complaint against Russell, charging him
with assault. In Abe proceedings Button
admitted that he hugged and kissed Mre.
Mew but elainiedthat it was with her con-
sent. After dne.'deliberatfon, .Mr. Busaell
was fined1)10 endoosta, amounting to $ 2.
_ •
Overdriven etertiel. , 4
,*--VerY often spirited horgee are -pen:bitted
or encouraged- to over -exert themselves •
until they receive Severe injuries, which WIFT' AND; 141.11-4--
oftenrematna a blemish to the last, and
• donieqUently the -horse's take la lowered."
In' our p'oint of view this is hardly to be
regretted, as horan are-oftensbetter treated
by their owners- than , these ague peogik,
treat their fellows, because of :the dirept
loss throikii,,, any such mishap; ;' In any
case, however ; reitiedy for such idiseases
as wind galls, Chopped heels; galled: shoul-
ders and leineneilsocan. be .- tinted_ easily
by thel-.tuee.`..ht"..Dr., Dew'e Sturgeon. Oil
• flPfk.feAVP.EfP1,81u0 -
limn --distralbei- a, iliroMart ef National '
j Nasteriety, ReaelketkiilieT:ratorhatiiie.
- It Was -Starry hefor*tibristmase tkatr all
_ - :
aOid_Woman_reqUestedibitt'elie-44.*int to ...
the-PhiladelphiaAlnishouse- as soon as el.20,
.conicr form --the, resolution to intesine a
ipauper. .. Her story was a' wondrous ' One.;
She was :.liair :48.- years - old- .end :noyeittr ,
• - _ . _
atricken,- - Yearsago. she - tees . bee
was the petted- ono of many Mell of renown,
and her wealth was .resikoned at a :quarter.
of a mlllitin.- -.T. Her name was Mrs.' Em a. .:
-Thomplioni,itiokiefie was better knoWn as
.tkania _Jacobi. „IShe : mune to thiscity-
wnen only 16 years Old,' from Laneaster,
running away from home. to Marry a young
MeMber of the 'Legislature. In -this.- she
was disappointed, -. for , the heartless': Man :
deserted her in, a, house of nitv character: 2
Whither they hid gone on reaching this
city. However, she managed to thrive in :
her ' questionable '. mode of living, -:- and
throngh a Jegaoy Of 1$50,01:40- lett' to her by
one of her admirers She _made exceeding
display, and acquired a national , notoriety. -'
`Wii-reaty7five years t age _ she Married - B.
-Tbeinits-Theropson, a well-known Baptist
Mini -ker.' ,..-The sequel:Wallet:was* chance ,
one, but the divine was struck With her '
:charniii that he ifichiced her to ' change her
life. and .beeerae aminister's Wife. T, hey -
lived happily together for sixteen years 14_
life _ .. _ , _. . . . -
, . , , .
et' openhandedness had drained the .
.purse, and alter..thedeath of *r husband '
Mrs. Thompson liegen to feel - the..lphichnig
of poverty. . Itt"a,Siiiirt time she was with-
tioney, And at last she sought the al en
iniuse.-Pntiaderphia :Record.
- - •
, An Expensive 44 Patience.”
At a reeent amateur performance of
"Patience," at New York, although the
"invitations" cost 03 tank, cards of admis-
sion were sold at as high as 025 each., The
costumes Were of Various &limed silks and
satins; hand paintedwith hues, sunflower*,
poppies and daisies. One dress- was made
entirely of peacockfeathers. Another was cut:
to *presen t. a -huge lily. Some were gathered
at the waist and made with fan -Shared -
backs that were nicely painted ;to resemble
a bouquet of &mere. Buntheyne wore sage 's
'green linialier;bockers; with -light pink hose
and low shoes.-. At theneckhe Wore •a. very c
*- -
Six months age', XI, John.!-Iitingeri a
Witonman on the Centrel Railroad died.
A flee English -setter which belonged t�
him Was presented to :gengiSinen.in this
ity y,. widow- in. consideration ' of his
kindness .azia: attention to the 4,
few days eines the .,,gentlenieniahipped.f.the
dog to No.:8i Central. Railroad; to the ((sire
of :it. friend there.'" ITnit day -al* his
arrival letsie"frOlik
his kennel; Walked deliberatelytotheiraih- . -
pea, and etreitalied-hinieelf acrimetheAraCk• , -11iVelsec Tar* you •eitii
in frontof engine, and Was ran over end: „testifY.toi_tSrnarvellonsrcWera-ef healing
killed, thus cornlnitting suicide fieni7gtioic and receinniettd it to your friends. ..
—&vannah News. • re'fer to Briggs' Magio Relief, the grand
_ Speleidoleti. 611 -041Praq
Corms r_ vomit•morus, dysentery, cramps,
,L.gvery .one• suffering from :painfut cOn
will be glad to.learntnatthere new and Complaints.T
painless reMedy disenvored-. „Pm- 0.17T Or :Dooas...-The--clese &Mine
very- Worst cleat of Corns may be reteetedt .Mentef eiffeciterY Wei* gives the oPeratird-18;:.
'entirely in -a short time and without pain. ,paltellapesi-poor appetite,: langinct
I:tcf*A.13 -PinILEga;100gg-:.EiTBscrro4 has able feelings,„ _peer_ blood, inactive - liver,
already been:us0.4.b.y -:thoOs_ .444, . kidney and AitinerY _troubles, and .:the
person w has given it a trial becomes,. ":physicians, and -medicitiein_the eati -
ittirdeu.s rid.reennlinenstitt to others.- is not help. them Unless they outof'd10Or‘ -
the only eureiproMptenapainlAsseure for 1:Str Briggs' Botanic Bitters. -
Beoxitrileii- kntorowniol 8.01-4-_-P:civitetnry*am4.'seePettint. eaft--'Corn hong. Tinie Afteethe-Enailtne012..4
, . The ' litisbena sulks, the la annoyed at.
. Why,. my dear," she Yo
Stagestrinik'niiideinittre dreadfnitYmto' iellatrii look weary whenyonero-witli.nre.'
oited overthetieWepeper pieture ef 1.9 -.What you expect:. dear The
bus -
Anderson drawn from the depot toiti17- -ere only . one, and -'f" ai
by a bevy of nice ba1rparted.in-the.mjddle young men. 11 is said that one pretty 444watYaliiimwee:tirIng7-0f4e.tki:-1". L.AT.70.014;06.. Presbytery
Atlanta (S. O.) 'girt goes out -the,cariiiege ay,:Rev. M. Cameron, of Toronto,
house itt theback yard•ait4 '1'04 the hired was ateleOted_AloderatorfOrtheenOiat year.
man to; dreW her -about* the coupe, - • - • -
. _
vetting! a. eweet smile. for: the
imaginary peen -lace; and grekehil.hOwfor-
the shtick. bouquets her 'little 'brother fit
bribed to throw her, - When she nets ;this
enn- -Ans she Intend/1-.1c WM801310 leaSitnit
eloeution and gestureTerf,7Fietdana
aim; .
" Jena, N. B,, 1877.-7-44Tait
.mmer I OverdrOyee very -fine young torte
hien was perfectly sound when - I bought
nxi- The (iv -atoll** caused:. a • hone-
avin. Hearing of yeuriThow*Stnigeon-
ii Liniment froni the proprietors of the nittit pint .A.VEw Malik
able,- I purchased bottle,ithe use of
Malt niacin,. him .rierfeetly sound. - ',have
riven hit* ()Ver. siiMe'lvithoni. any -Sign or!
y return of ...the spavin.—J. -E.-Mmeckar::
his is_eeponteiye.:-; '• • • -
low collar, with a light 'biue orate% tied in a
sailor knot. Grosvenor was dad in s, suit
of bluish velvet, with dark • blue hose and
low 3.120138. The dragoons wore tight -fitting
white trousers, high toots; and red jankets.
Duringthe two evenings about 3,200 persona,
'witnessed the representetions.
vOica Or trin promic.
• , -
It Printon; M.'D Buffalo N. :
• Ilea a serious disease of the lunge, and
was for a time confined, to my bed, and
and under the care. 44 a. phi,aigian.Rs
'prescriptions did not help. me. I grew
worse,'..coughibg very severely. I Gem-
Menced taking your "Golden Meaical
Diecovery," and it oured me. -;•Yours
respedfulty, •
Tina= Buinierr;', Mich.
' •
VIOSIII.Pliiying and Nervetainese.
_ _
Playing upon the violin is said to cure
nervousness. The longevity of musieians
has been estimated �r averaged,- and places
the periornisrs on the vierin In, thejead
years. Pianists come nextatan average
of 65 years composers, 64; performers
on the culla, flute and clarionet. at 63,
and the lives of singers average 66 Years. ‘.:*
Anodic; Ele.stie-Retweemi and Peru.
A Lima (Peru) despatch says: There ha
been 'a, fight, at Pitgara, near lluencago.
The Peruvians had -1,810 Combatants but no
artillery, and the Chinans 1200,men and
five—cannons. - The ernviens held the
position, and the Zipita and Lima regi-
Hantate- Miatit at Making:Avvap. with
-2, an Ithnozione Indijidahl•
• Ant; Atchasen (Kansas) despatch_ says:
Iteicatly_Weiter 'Saunders; a popular young':
-Man this city, Co ...Hattie& City- Mt
work. Last Monday Saunders was in .
saloon drinking With his friends, when four - -
Men rushed in And grahbed:-Satinderk_and-
-dregged hini out.: ;He was ,hnkried Up an
alleyway, and the tarty increased to twelve.
'Saunders' Mende pursued,- and, when . tbeY.
eatiglitupthe.:Moli.hea „taken _Saunders to
'a house, and the presence:Of a 13' year-
old -
-girlf-namediVIOninaii, acensed .-
_-as*Oging-her.-011(on,-whiCh-i-Satuiders -did* :
not deny. He :Oita then hurried -to Raw: .
bridge:, and has never been from since.
11 is stated he was thrown into the riVeir..-
Thiele` substantiated by the fact that A. N. .
Ellett was strung to I force ,him to tell .
witat homing of :Saunders. He said he
turnedlitiole-Wheni they Made- Away With
ments fought vahantly, but the Chiliana
after charging three times' drove them 7,1
from the hill and scattered them, overt* '
country. -colonel: Dosanto . eomnianded-
the Chilians, and it is stated positivelyi su
that 'Caceres, iii disguise, cozen:tended the. w
Periiviand. Caceres had appeintedl'ucitia hi
as a rallying . point,: and Mean‘ to gather Bp
about himself there a new ermy, forthert 0
were 200 Peruvian officers aniongthe at
when the Chiliens discovered the rendez- w
vous and broke it un. One •Chilian officer d
and three Peruvian .officers-wereltillea-iii an
the battle, and about 300 common soldiere:
The routed Peruvians made their: way
_towards Ayacucho, where • 'Panel°, a
Inecolaist; is quartered with. 1,000 MEM: r
It is not yet known -whether Perizio".
We of! tint side at a -
- .
joined then for anotherrally or not to
hich tizne she will be heart no,more
- — -
Clara, Lonige.-liellogg has:. signed
apt With Max Stritkosoli - for a
r of,perterrnances in the principal cities!,
the United States; her engagement!
extend Aintil the: 25th of --May, after,
• An ex -professor Of mathematics -in a
Russian university, *who. escaped from
Siberia a few months since, says that to
an exile in Siberia, under certain_ °imam=
stances,'enicapeeffers no great difficulty. It
is more an affair Ofmoney than 'anything
else, the distances being so great and tee -
population so sparsethat very•olese police
surveillance is impossible; but escape from
penal servitude is a terrible undertaking
and is very rarely -accomplished. Sophia
Bernina, who men* found her way into-
-public. 7
Those who suffer from headache; -bilious
disorders, ens., and the _hopeless, melan-
choly feelings induced by these disorders,
will find permanent relief from tbe use of
Dr. Wilson's Anti -bilious and Preserving
Pills. -
A Chusago • prison -keeper says: "1 have
met with boys here under 12 years old who
have travelled -all over this land alone, and
ye me accurate descriptions -of Philadel-
a, Cincinnati, 'San Francisco' and New.
Switzerland, lathe oxiln Woman • that. has hi
yet performed the feat. . Mei
-11tabs,Ab_en t: io
The difference between a mall sick and 130
the same man well is most reiriarkeble. for
'The old and. often. quoted' couplet dentitins go
great deal of truth. • e he
*hen phe devil:Wits OAF, the devil -a monk aitp
would be, • • • -
In, en t,he devil- got well, the: davit monk
was - • -It
Ilaidly a greater changelbn this al
Six week*. age, at the suggestion of a
end' I began taking Dr Wheeler's Com',
tinci,Eliair of Phospliateit and '
Dyspepsia, which had troubled
me time and . had impaired, my- g
altha . Under its use iniproveMe
id, and I 9.112 happy to state .thitt
tirely recovered. &Sic. Mc
age& Warehouse,Montreal. -
though one a a itatesn'entirely different
was that recorded in a BOA:anent by Mr. J.
O. Howie, of Britannia, Ont. He says
that- he took a bad, cold which settled on his
tinge, and soon had every symptom of 00/2-
illrePtiC11._ - He could get ano relief or
encouragement. , , .Everything was dark
before him. Afriend brought him i bottle
Of Dr. Wilson's Pulnitantry Cherry Baliam
-he is now hearty as ever. It s by such.
. _
kindly acts as; this on the pert of friends
that this remedy has so ,,rapidly become
kficiven and is aPprecia.ted:so generally.- „
, There was it'young lady quite fair,
WAo hid minchfiroutile with her hair,
' ..ckAtikkgOrtirtiiiiir
et a sift to toe seen ,
Is the head o this rnaideral declass.
adapted: for printing newspapers at -
bolters in country °MO°. - - -
The bed Piess in 33 *"46 inches: There are
three rollers over forM and _fiatir • distributing
'follers,voitertess:;• The Press -cost $1,200 when
Ner -partleulantaildisis:
„ ,
• - '11AhriliTON,IONT.
F011; IINI91.4111{IED PERSONS!
XN,001tPditATED NOVIChlti410331.
_Beads afaceAlliamilton, anti •-P4S-toltwthembers
on *font of marriage, from $250 to"
Reliabie agents wanted in harepreolnted
Send for circulars, and hifornititiori to
- - -. WALTER B.; WEBBER,- .
Secretary, Haniilton Ont.
The loifin in which David Nevem, "the
boy," WIWI buried at Pittsburg on-Tued.
, ,7,'"'''') tRADc -e-iii-Rtc, c AFTER.)
te- It isa sure, prompt and pirectital remedy for,
:Nervousness irrylvtrits stages,: Weak Memory
1-W1'17843'BM feet eight mohes long, three- GeneralSiLosse aof
fi Brain 11:'vsegTc‘itewItethr961;aeleAla.fedlItInfilree2trzeFt,1314freeervssilegthillm-
fRett wweidiielittiv•Idalittvaboo. -uftee7tootpVloounidne!Ass deep. , Waste
- gnfenaled - Bil" ali4 R404-efrag'..-5-T- -q'T .
61113 ing- Tone i and Vigor to ,the -,.:_ltilanstsa
-- The Volkagraitc1 of the Orange "...'ree. sands'EI113e-ila.PtirVi);(!913411168;1 !-X71221491etlealP13171' Rela,MCe, ti -'41°y• 44416
States has refused to • allow Preeident- Died"-"P•e 4-'219816n
With the Settlement of t,11..e TreltsVeel tlifia: ll'ane4
by Great Britain. for &minces- ineonnentiOn: endtainittisioe-masiawc.a.plaret. iiirt,,:-tior_ct.,:irteemBonestit.,amwilki3t13:i::wdziascaiois7.
, t to the taste, and, each box
Brand to acCapi the Grand CMge-of ' the
Order of St Michael and St. George offered Fig tregttii tieb t� abkaadress,
-i- -- - bo-- ' orlboxeS for-fli•
-CUrie;roteti !-• Pleasant .-Purgativis ' P,ellett" Ith-64.4ute,lig7,..di7etitliatbg,ilsoitiltel):44.qgialtilY7:(1441,aiia4rfts:1:414434::'—eirse:::rn::-P:cuel'i. 3-17'-i;.1i:Ofefiiir;;;--Ore7tja; .
are .- perfeot • preventives of -Conetipatione
Indosed in:glais- bottles, always By , _ .
. . . . .
viii.3. Wis.
_ „-If you Want,to-kaili Telegraphy .
4 ulti-few months, and be certain
of a -situation; address Valentine -- proai Jane .
101161 -
Afertill E. -Gettig," ProfesisSi.f;. Albany
Academy, has been chosen;-Prealaezt of
Rutger's College,New BrunewiCk, N. J.