HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-03-24, Page 2•
Close Of • a ',Butt al -id
. - r.. •-a,
Aot -._jO aflthorfZethe: Gananoqus
•Vei. Power Ompafy
to issue dettent-
- An" Act t� incorporate. the Louden* lino -
Eventful ton ttailwa. Conapan5a-
. Arti„ Act _to -amend the Acts relating to,
theft 4 Catharines •-Stiedt - Railwair Com -
- LIST 4417:. ACTe. PASSEP'--
Winmsna,. March 8.—The Speaker took
the chair at 11 o'clock. ' . ' • • ' •
• , Mr. Mowat rose) and Move4 the folloWing
.-' resolutions: ' • , • • t
That, subject to the, power of the Parliament
of Canada to declareany work situate viithin a
PlUVilICEI to 176 for the general advantage of
Canada, or for the Advantage of two or more of
the Provinces, the:right to incorporate railway
companiesfor local andProvincialpurposes.1%,by
theBritish Korth aniericaAckt eStedeichisively
inthe.: respective Legislatures 01 the several Pro-
vinces. - - • - ,.
- That thereby; the right to maintain and con,.
Mule 'legislative, Control and authority over
companies so incorporated h, where the interests
of the Dominiori or of other Provinees do not
conflict therewith,as-ginned and admittedto
remain with said -belong to the Provincial Legis-
lature incorporating the sante: • -7 . .
• That the Provincial. .tegialatures. ought. not to
be deprived of this right or .authority, save
where. it • is absolutely necessary for the general
advantage of the Dominion, or of more than one
of its Provinces, .
That many railway companies have- been
incorporated by the Legislature of- this Province
tor the construetion and operation of rctilway_sof
a local and,Provincial character,and the -Um--
vitae and local municipalities have, bymoney
bonuses, largely aided in the building end com-
pletion of _these -railways,
That it is unlikely, thatthisaid would have
• been contributedif it had been contemplated
that :the right to control and supervise -the-
operations of those -companies: and their rail-
way.s.totild betaken away from the Provincial:-
Legislature. .
That.the bestiriterestset thepeopleOntario
require and demand- that the_. Provincial; Logical -a,
titre- should not be clepriVed, of its, authority and
control over railway-eon:Team .
. _That, in, order to escape froM the proper
trolling_iboWer and supervision 01 theLegislature•
of this Province,. andnet because.of any benefit
or advantage -which would result to the Domin-
ion or any of the Province% . OM° of these corn -
panics are Seeking to have their respeetive rail-
ways- declared' by:the-Dominion Parliamenttobe
for the general ad.vaiitage of Canada,
-: That this HOuse - respecttuay,. '. but firmly,
• asserts that none, of the railways above -specially
referred to ought- to be thus declared to be for
the general advantage aforesaid, but should as
- hitherto be left to he dealt with and controlled
by the people or this Province ,through its Loma
And this Howie respectfully, but array, insists
that where a Corapany whose railway has been
constructed under a Provincial charter seeks to.
escape Provincial centred' by procuring its -rail-
way to he declared to be for any such general
advantage as aforesaid, the . company ought to
be compelled to first Procurefrom the Previncial
Legislature • by.%.' which it was incorporated an
assent. to itstailway being se -declared, or at least
.to show that such asSentwas applicator, and, if
refused, had been so refused, on improper feria -
sufficient grounds.
. That- an. humble Addressbe presented to Bit
Honor the- Lieutenant -Governor, praying that
His: Honor will be .pleased to transmit to His
Excellency the -' Governor-General the foregoing.
resolutions of this Hone% in order that the same
.may at the very- earliestdate be had before the
DominionParliament of Canadain such manner
as Hifi ExpAllencylna.v- think fit,• . .
In moving the reselutiens. the Attorney.
General expreesed the hope that the Mame
would be unanimous' on this question, One
of the most important to Which their at-
tentio-directed. It was
n had been import-
ant. .
that they Should insist upon the view
that the power vested in: the Parliament
was not, a matter Of mere arbitrary dis-
cretion on the part of the Federal:Perlis:-
monk: but that the power should be exer-
Mr, lifereditta referring to the hope of
the Attorney;Gaiteral that both. sides of '
. , - . .. ; ...
the. HOMO. 1340illd, look at this -
'from . other - than a :party , standpoint, •
agreed with that position, but questroned :
Whether the. hon. gentleman .himself had I'
approached it in that spirit. :
, Mr. Eraser disclaimed entirely any.poli-
tea motive on the part of the Government
- in introducing the resolutions: .
. Mr. Creighton agreed with theresolutions .
- in the main, although not with the whole 1
of them. - J- • . -
. -The first,: ae,00ttd, third, fourth- and. fifth
resolutions were then, passed, _ -
‘ On the • ninth resolution setting, forth"-
' that ' Provincial: railway companies ought to
be compelled tel first obtain theconsent, of
the Legielatu e JO an - aPpligation to the
Dominion, Par iament to declare their road
to he of g-ener ' 'advantage, or (It_ least to
- shove that irildh kisent iVai applied !co.-, .‘
- -Mr:Meredith ,moved that it be sufficient
to compel companies to give notice of their
-intention to apply to Dominion Parlia-
ment to the Proviocial authorities, and an
opportunity afforded 'such atithorities, Of
being heard in opposition.
Thecamendttient was ' lost :on thefellow
ing-disisien z ;•: • - , - •
• YEAS;--MesaM. Jlitker, Baskerville, Boulter,
Brenton; 1., reighten„Jelly,, Kerr, Lauder,: Long„
lifacmaster, , Madill. Meredith, Rfetcalfe. Monk„
Morris; Parkhill, Richardson, Tooley„ White. ,-,-.14).:
Haxs.-r-Blesciral- Aivrey, Badgerow,. Ballantyne,
- Baxter, Boll', Bi hop, Bleizard,• Bonfield, Broder,
Perris,,Pield„ Pr, iser,.French, Gibson (Hamilton,
Cases en, Chisholm, Crooks, -Deroche,
Gibson . (Huron)i- (*rebut], Hagar; •Hardourtt-
dee, Patterson, bineen (Kent), Robertson (Hal -
Harcly,Rawleyi: ay, enter. Lees: lam stou„.
LyoniMeGrene illicAird,310/4aughlin,kte en„
Meek,. Mowed, urrity, NairliEllear„ Keeton, Par.
ten* Rosa, bin lair, Snider, Striker,. Waters.
. Watterworth . lla Widdifleld,„ wood -53. .
' Mr; Freon paired with Nr. Morgan.
Tos,m0o, Mittel. I0.—The Legislative
Assembly rattithis clay at a o'elock. - Hen.:
jObni Beverly ftohittson, Lieut.;Governor,.
proceeded in state to the. chamber of the
• 4,/egislative Assembly and took his seat on
the throne. The Clerk -assistant then read
the. titlespf the Bine that had passed sever-
An AEI to amend the Acts relating to the
Canada Landed credit Company.
An Aot respeoting the Gating 'Gold &
Sitter Mining Company. "
An Act respecting the Haw -keys Gold &
Silver Mining Company:.
An Act to amend the charter of the
put:stip Trust _Company. - -
An Act to enable :the -Corporation of the
Town of . Port Hope to incur liabilitiee for
the construction aha extensiootof water-
works and for other purposes.
An Act respecting the By-law Not 217 of
.the County of Wellington.
An Act to incorporate the Prescott &
Glengarry Counties Junction_ Bail*ay
An Aot to incorporate the Town of
An Actrespecting the Prince Edward
County Railway COmpany..
An Act amending the Act-. incorporating
the St, Catharines & Niagara. Central Rail-
_ Act to amend the Acta respecting the
St. Marys, Credit Valley& Huron Railway.
An Act respecting St, Paul's .Church, in
the- town of Woodstock. --
- An Act to extend and slefinothe limits Of
=the Town of Trenton. •
An Act to incorporate Elgin College.
An Aot to incorporate the Toronto High
Park & Western Tramway Company
,(Limited); -
AnActto incorporate the Medonte Tram-
way Company. _ -
• An Act respecting a certain assesement.
for "lacer ireprovements in • the Town of
Strathroy. • .
An Act respecting the debenture debt of
the City of Guelph. '
An Act consolidate the debenture
debt of the Town of Owen Sound.
An Act reepeoting the Ladies' Christian
_Association, of St. Catharines.
Act to amend the Act incorporating
the Toronto House -building Association.
An Act to enablet the Agricultural Socie-
ties of the Electoral Divisions of East and
West Kent to sell certain lands,
-An • Act to incorporate the Mississippi
Valley Railroad Company. .
An Act to establish and confirm certain
astronomical bearings as the true courses.
of side lines in the Township of Harvey:
An Aot to incorporate the Galt Junction
:Railway Cpropany. s'
An Aot respecting a Public Hospitafand
Hems for the Friendless for the city. of
Belleville. •
• - An Act to authorize' Gilmour & Co. to
make certain improveiments in the. River
Moira. • - •
An Act to amend the Actincorporating
the Midland Land Company. -
An Act t6amend the Act of incorpora-
tion Of the Bassin House Hotel Company.
- An Act to consolidate the general deben-
ture debt of the Village of ,_Yorkville.
An Act respectng the Weston & Duffin's
Creek Railway.
An. Act to confer' certain powers on the
Bell Telephone 'Company of Canada.
An Aot respecting' the Wesleyan -Female
_College of Hamilton; Ont.
An Act to enable the trustees of - the
Methodist Episcopal congregation of the
Town of Orangeville to sell certain lands.
An Act to incorporate the Western Coun-
ties Railway Company.
An, Act to amerid the Act =incorporaiing
the Western University of London, Ont.
An. Act to incorporate . the Manitoulin
Island Railway Company,
An Act. respecting the Leamington &
St. Clair Railway Company. •
allyas follows:. .
An Act to separate the township of East
Luther,from the county of Wellington and
to.annex-the same to the eoutityof Dufferin;
AnAotrespecting the old burying ground
o! the the town, ofiWingliam.
An Act to p*ovide for the division of the
township of Grimsby.
An Act to vest certain property in the m
Stratford High School Board.
An Aot to consolidate the Toronto &
An Act to declare and confirm the -title
of the corporation of the village of South-
ampton in and to-certaiai lands.
-i _An AW to =incorporate the Northern &
North*estern JunVan Railway Company.
=_An Act for pre tog the public interest
in rivers, strean2azid creeks.
An Act ' to .a end the: Act respecting
lunatic asylums and the custody of iiiiii-ne
persons, - - - -
An Act to provide for the; crossing of
railways by streets, -drains .- and -Water
An Act to amend the law of newspaper
libel.- - -' - -
An -Act to amend' the .Agrioultlire and
Arts Act. • , - ,
- An Actto provide for the -construction
of waterworks bycities, towns and villages.
An Act to 'amend the Act respecting the
rights and liabilities Of innkeepers.
An Act respecting the sale of lands in
Algoma for Government :twig.
. An Act to establish, a -Bureau of. Lilies-
tries- - •
An Act respecting nnexpended moneys
under the Municipal LOOM Toad Settle-
An Aot to emend the present Acts of
incorporation of the City Light -& :Heat-
ing Company, of London. . •
An Act respecting the debenture debt of
the. London & Port Stanley Railway Com-
An Act respecting companies for supply-
ing• electricity for the • purposes . of light,
heat; and power. - • . •
An Act respecting Market fees:
- An Aot for the removal of certain defects
in the WV- of evidence„
An Act to provide for the establishment
of free libraries.
An Act to amend the Jurors' Aot, and
the aurora' Act of 1879.
An Act to -make 'further provision for
the construction ` of drainage works by
talk pa 'ties. `- . .,
An Act respecting the jurisdiction of the -
Court of Appeal.' - _
An. Act to confer additional powers upon
ant stook companies. ' .• . '
An Aot to establish: a Provincial 13oerd,
Islipissind, Railway Company, the Whitby,
PortPerry & Lindsay Railway Company, j
-the Victoria 1tailvray Company, the Toronto
. &Ottawa/ Railway Company, the Grand
ZinictionRailWay Company, and the Mill-
("*. 4and Company, of Canada.
-* An Act respectingthe_Torento&Nipiesind
.- Railway. Company*
) An„Aotto amend the, Act ineCrporiting'
OA. aagtieralralleritailway Cote
Ao.t.tu. legahie, 'Confirm and dealare
valid -ftitainli. of the Corl
"--.;'-iheseity- 4ot - •
• An:Aelt;t404, mend and extendthXlikte
incorporate e Port Bowan &Lel
Railway) Company. •
An Act . to further amend the Aot or
incorporate the Ottawa Ladies' College.
An Act') respecting the Erie & _Enron
• Bipilway Company, .4
oZ Health, and to give increased. powers to.
focal Boards Of Health.-
• .
An AO to extend the . application Of the
Pfte4nsuranee_Polfot Aot. -
An kait:- respecting the. restitution of
stolen -goods.: .
AnActirespectilit thenatipper ,tliattadit"
‘ratanctinipiOitirtentc und.
-Atif - relating tuDiiisioM cauvisiiiithe•
- Parry'.
let trififild the'
An Act to make further provision
respecting the lien of mechanics and
An Act respecting nertainamendments_ to
the, School Law.
P 1
An t 't"o7 sitieSpecting
germs,: •
• (An Atto nd powers of coMpanies
far atipprlink ties,javns and Villeteii with
gate And -3vateri;-
to amend the Act reseeding the
- An Act to make provision in regard to
certain legal matters..
AnAat anamidtheXintioipal Aot.
An Act to amend the Assessment Amt.
•T itiesitslantnE1 FRO nit
His Honor the Lieutenant -Governor was
,en handed by the opportunity it affords pf
Gentlemen -of 'the. Legislative.Assetabli: -
-ex pressing niy appreciation pf the zeal and devo-
ti n with which you have addressed' yourselves-
Epel,,smipsne.d to deli_Ver. :the ,f.ol.lowing speech
at endance - upon your legislative , duties ;is
y pleasure relieving -you from further
he 'discl,iartiglitie Omfoty.h4Lear,ADtEousss.labo. labors of the
-milexperienced much gratification in: trails-
ting to Her Most Gracious MajestytheaQueen-
yo4r loyal -address of congratulation upon Her
Majesty's recent providential escape from injury*
atithe hands ofa Wicked essassiti, and join you
in the prayer that a life so precious may long be
spared :to. Her Majesty's' loving and faithful
subjects. • • -
Priorrikcitri. BAILWAPP... -
'Steer firm insistence that railway conipanies
which have receivecl_Preivincial charters and the
toilet:ruction of, Whose lines of railway have
been aided' by _money- grants from the
Prbvince - and frorci municipalities should not,
without absolute necessity, be ,permitted. to.
ea4aPefrom Provincial, supervision and control
bylhaviegitheirrespectiVe railways declared b'sr
the Dominion Parliament to be for the general
caVentage Of Canada will, I believe, meet with
ge zere.LapproVal. - •
. have -_transmitted sto His Excellency the
Governor-General your yonraddiess to be-laid:before
thParliament of Canada. The just claims of
theProvince- - _determined by the boundary
award will continue receive the earnestatten-.
tit of my Governmerit.— - - -
The Rivers- and Streams :B1111 Which you have-
Esg ;in peaked:being within the competence -,of.
the Legislature,: andbeingbe rail -aired
in ithe public :interest, hee- again received iny
assent., - _ „ -•
•- • A-...nowi.
• Ijnotice With satisfaction that thet-You have Passed
various measures which will tend to the
neOessity of seeking to obtain Acts
powers which may with equalsafetyand-greater
expedition be granted undergeneral Ada. -
he establishment of a Provincial Board. of_
Health is. a step the Wisdom Of Which no one will
qu stion; and I am happy to recognize it as an
eaxnest that the Province IS alive to thei import -
an ie of legislation which has for its object the
pr servation of the health of the people: :
No less . gratifying to the country- the
establishment of a - •
13riariAtir OP INDUSTRY, --. •
which I am convinced will, by • its efficacious
ag ncy in their behalf, prove to be beneficial to a
va it majority of the residents of this Province.
our endeavorsto place . the Agrieultural -and
Ar s Association upon a more satisfactoryhasis
having regard to the present wants of the
Co Intl"-, will, L trust, realize your antieipations-
he Act respecting market fees will, I hope-,
by te adjustment of conflicting interests and by
its equitable operation, recommend itself to the
ap iroval of the publics at large.
e extension of the Mechanics Lien Act so
as to afford to mechanics and laborer; some
further protection from _ loss of wages in
cer ain cases is a - measure of - .justice
to large and importantportion of the indUstrial
po ulation of this Province.
I congratulate you upon the passage of an Act
which is intended to enable munici alities to
d Free Libraries and maintain them in an
eient condition by levying a rate ,4 so small as
e almost inappreciable in its incidence. The
antages capable of being derived from this
measure are so manifold that I sha.11 be glad to
learn that extensive application is ;made of the
pr miens of the law,
he measures which you have pmsed introduc-
in needed imprevementi in t Maffairs of the
co s. and, in the laws relating to.schools, as well
as fe those affecting the powers and proceedings
of itriunicipal corporations, will be of public ser
to •
- e number and variety of the Public and,
Private Bills to which . I have given hey assent
bear ample teatimenyte your diligence in the
performatibe of the duties with which you have
begn entrusted, and L am: glad to acknowledge
thetoclose attention ma patient care you have
be wed upon them.
, I thank you for the supplies youhave ,grantiid
-fo the year. They:will be expended With every
re ard to economy consistent with the efficiency',
of the Publio Service. '
I trust that all happiness and prosperity may
at Md you until I again have -the pleasure 01
inviting your advice and assistance in the affairs
of e Province. •• , - _ . -
ehe tarisiceaeizontse in She eaftan .
chatty Loudon correspondent sive:
The• Princess Louise --infioitely prefers
selecting her own friends-andformingher
Oven circles. She is at the head of a'grear
imbiber of associations for art needlework,
fe i painting, house deeorating in the
Queen Anne style, aod. general -artistic
promulgation of • taste: - She is _fond Of
artist/3; painters and. musicians; in-
vites them to dinner- - :and _ takes
them to her : -box • at .: -the -: opera,
likes them, ehe. Cultivates the aetivaintanee.
w enoe she is afterward escorted by 'a
severely respectable Chamberlaim-Jf -4* e.
Having heard that Jacques Blublenthith-
thii composer, had arrangedhis-house - at
Keinsingtonin the most. approved toethod
of high art and that he followed the newest
and most apprepriate-designs inshaded
• gold, , peacocks and Pomegranates, the
PrinceseLouis6 invited herself to be shown
ov ir it. Mreen-Blamenthal, wbo is as much;
an elegant woznaa of the world as she is
he self an artist, impressed the Princess so
favorably that' elle became a frequent visitor,
ev m staiyingthree weeks at the Blumenthal
fairy like chalet in Switzerland, near Mon-
treux. There she did away with the but-
watd -paraphernalia of rank,- dismissing
ev pu her lady inwaiting, and joining -1'0.41
the pursuits Of her hostess. She was so
pa: ularthat men oast lots to sit beside her
dinner, and was fully aware of it, al-
-pretending to ignore - the diecomfi'.
tuts of the unlucky ones.' • Of all the
dandhtere of the. British royal house, the
Ai irchionesa.of Lorne is the one who finds
thnstiftiormility of Osborne,Windsor and
B ilmoral thifn.,,ticisti_rlF4,c), mii..•
Lon Ortslitre COTTONvill English Judge
helcrinliglartespeot,las lately pointed out .
,444.01e ROtinnitting of mere. hoys for trial ;
ett,rthe seizes with- all the paraphernalia of '8
-griiiaj ii'Plaiiirir -,-tit,is —'- l'ir Z'fk,. 'a
Anil that the ought. tU/SebeiVe' instead a
ige4ibicollieg/4-ine4fietratee Order (as all
bo!ys -, of the higher - o '_doi ofv:.
sol:tools), And then bei -a .dlii*ged. 1 .
Homo-SeertahL-1346-'in dnottelt. Bill- RI
f fflitate this mode of punishment. - It is F.
Cantended that a boy who ha/Conte been in -a
jail carries the -stigma through life:and too 0
Oen becomes a hardenamisoreant, while be
a line is melees as he cannot pay one 1
, - .
-THE 4501t.lt WES:7,4,
!tweet Genii) a. tOpecuahI., *
How_ rlie C�tt Viet 0 Iiih411
mpnegli to fu SIP
An early spring is pedicte&
- There . are MAY iglit prisoners
Manitoba provincial jail. . 2 e
Mr. Callaway purchased the Interne-
'itoiorng,,oH000.te/r -Winnipeg; ,'fronr 11*.\;.?sWelt.
A horse took a: bite out of a Portag
alderman's 'Cheek the other -day.r. - Th
animal.still survives. =
In the neighborhood of Nelsonville farm
ing lands ' now sell 81_52,000 - and upward
- -
per quarter sectien,
There is every indioation of a large enii
gration.- from Nova. Scotia to Maniteb
during the:approaching sbring.
-Hon. Alex-Macizetizie told a correspon
_ .
debt of the, Emerson inteancitiona/ that h
would visit Manitoba nexfturnmer.
Drs. Lynch and -Keir,) attending 'physi
dans, have pronounce'd Hon: Gilbert Mo
Mieken, of Winnipeg, much better and o.n
a fair way to 'recovery: - -
Dr. Rolle, of Brighton, and W. D. Bon
'of Cobourg,,:have .bought 90 feet frontag
on Portage avenue; corner of Garry. street
Winnipeg, for $10,000.
• The Department of - the Interior, :a
Ottawat hae received information from th
Northwest, Stating thateverything iequiet
and no trouble is miticipated- with th
Indians. . . • -
Docks were seen by the wood chopper
near the naouth - of the - ;Creek
N. W. T., on • the 2nd .42f January, and a
stock • duck was seeo tit-' the Wah-sat-now
Creek on- the llth.- .
M. J. Haney, late superintendent of con
struction- on: section 15 of the C. P. R., has
beep, it is said, appointed to a sitailar posi
tion on the Onderdmik contracts in -British
coluinbia for five years at a salary of t'.5,000
per tihni#24
'Mrs. Waste, wife Of Mr. :Thos. Waste
lateChiefEngineer Of the London Fire
Brigade, has returned frora the Northwest.
Sherreports that inany personal in Win/A-
im-1g have recently been afflicted. with a
species of she* blindness. -
Mr..1t:--p, Conger, late of :Belleville, who
is at Brandon, Mani says the appearance
of prairie'in. that section reminds one
"Of a vast ice field, and that the houses .here
and there to be seen present the appear-
ance of fish shanties. • • -
Things are still booming . at Pembina
Crossing. Farms -are selling fast -at fabulous
prices.---A-Mr,Bolten sold- one on Monday
lastfor .$2,800,. and the people here say a
ITO& pl ace, The old -couple, who were very
poor, will be well provided for now:
The Mountaineer nays.: It appears that
the Scott Aot is to all intents and purposes
a dead letter in Marquette: - It is; in fact,
worse than Useless,- and Will remain so
until the courts Wail passed upon its
legality, • Law is agioriete institution:
Dr. Ha 'rthiol being the lucky Purchaser. _
Mr. Bruet Sinclair has purchased Mr. Win.
Brioe's t*in for 88,000. 1
A cOmtigny is being forraed at Winnipeg
to develoti-Z: the mineral resources id the
Lake or;:the Woods. A committee was
forme&toiikemorialiie the Dominion and
Ontario Governments to _protect mining
industries for those investing capital
therein. 1 .1-
'A -correspondent cif the:Teri:Mt° . Globe',
writes: The Scott Act in the •• county of
e Marquette has effected: no good to -far. At
e- Portage ' la Prairie several convictions
against liquor 'Sellers were obtained-, but
- they persuaded the Magistrate to allow ,
s. tit ihhmee ir. i: ms, appealed
}3. uMtan3 iYitheir
days ii 4: 34whichtahned it Magistrate'sn0 it Mhtake;a nup.
a decision. Consequently the fines. have not
• yet been paid and the appeal has not been
disposed of. Matters are thug much Wor
- than before the . Aot I came into force, and
e the teimperance people have hist heart con-
siderably. :EVen if the appeal is disposed '
- of in' their favor, and the. Act de lared -
" valid, thereislittleprospect of their being
able to eoforce ite provisions. Lionor.
drinking is terribly in vogue in all the busi-
ness centres in the Province; and too many
6 consider . tippling the proper thing So
; many made their pile last fall,' and ade
it ad easily, that they scarcely kno , what _
t to - do with it. - Champagne suppers in
it this city are an every -night occurrence.
e I- am credibly informed that there is more
, Indeed champagne is the usual drink, and
of that liquor here than in either -Toronto
or Montreal. In Makinglongjourneyi over
8 the country -a - liberal supply . of i liquor is
'- considered an essential part of the outfit,
and thus the use of spirits •is. popularized:' 'I('
. This ehows -how-much the advocates' of the
Scott = Act have to contend with, and how
- slim their -prospects are of being able to '
carry it into effect: -
. ..-
A correspondent gives this side of the
Winnipeg story ' of speculation: . Half -a.
dozen corpses have been sent to Ontario
within as many weeks of promising men _
, who came up here, lost their heads, and
died in the horrors. Death came- to some
in the cells; One was frozen to death;
another was rescued by . a -friend, taken to
,hie home and named; but the succor came
too late. - Another died in the the -hospital on
Thursday last. , The latter in an ilHated
moment, went upon a, spree, and challehged
the attacks of two forrnida1310 foes, Winni-
peg Whiskey and .Winnipeg winter. 'Sick
and prostrate from over indulgence,
he seems to have wandered into an' old
warehouse, where he lay helpless alone.
The frost -soon- did its work upon l his
weakened body, and when he - was found '
. -
human skill smen
but little. The en-
who have thus comb to an untimely end
had met With bad hick in their speculating .
. ventures, or had their heads 'turned with
success and took to strong _drink: As a
' local paper says, the stranger ' who
domes here :for the purpoee of sliding down- .
hill will find the slope well greased for his
purpose. Dissipation' kills quicker here •
than down east. The very atmosphere is
The Rigging property on Main street,
'Winnipeg; has been sold to Mr. Wm:Harvey
for 1125,000. It includes Hodges", Abbott's
and - Robena's stores, SOthe 85 feet on Main
street and rune beak to the next street,
Upon which it has a, width Of some 140 feet:
Application for letters. patent Of izicorpca
rationisimadalin the _Canada Gazette by the
Saskatchewan ,---Filikes..-.-Colonization !Coin:
pany: The notice of .application contains
the names of a imbiber of the leading
newspaper men, representing all parts of
Canada. - • -
-Winnipeg City Council has 'decided
to ered a building on- Point Douglai-at it
cost of five or six thousand dellate for the
temporary accommodation Of new callers;
A caretaker- will he in atteridandend:a
stove will be provided, and and the rooms
'given at a nominal figure, - just enough to
eover-expelises. • • -
A Writer in the •Guelph Mercury; who has
had seven years experience : in .the West
andAirt.12Weet,,giVes the.following advice:
!Inthe yotithe, nd young men of this
aeiglzherlioo& I -weold sage stay at_ hoewe
aiia stick to liminess anfl. prosperity will-
iitttend you: Go east or pi west, Mit&-in at
'least one-half the cases disappointment or,
deraoialilationliatheaeaalt" - • •
A ViIhnipeg OZ(rrespeindent Writes "All
theetablei are filled, and there ia no money
ha homes here.-' -OnIy those...men who are
worth from $15,000 16 120,000 pretend to
deal in terse -flesh; ApPle*, are Wnitli;ten
Cents per pound, '-iitid.potatoei3-a2 aburiand"
It is too early in the season yet ! for ,-horses.
sales. 'The winter climate :Of the North-
west is very severe on :Ontarinitninials.
-.At the time. the Scott Act . was phi,'
claimed •itt force -in_NelsOriville, the
Mountaineer says, hotel men doubled their;
rites for board ontheground that tin+.
coUldnot afford.t6 accommodate the public
'it the, eld rates.„ wheri '...theirl bars . were
closed. '4.Well, the'imtWhiitTe# never been
elneed; and yet,!'sordelioti,,'01-ey forgot to
reduce the price of board. Ratherreniark:
'able o,Versight.),
I* A LOn4pircablegraM, of Saturday's date,
say*: The prospectus Or a new Canadian
Cattle ;Company has been 'leaned.- The
directors _. are :MOO Thurlow, Sir G. G.
MacNeill, Lord Kerr, and: Juggins Burke_
Brown; Bankers—British N�rth America'
Batik. Thieapital 'stook will be 2200,000,
in -20,000 LlOshares: The, first issue will,
be of 10000 The eompantieuip600-
Or-TttFtu.3.$ Canadian , liVe:;i3took for these'
markets. -
-Gieat Britain, 'says -Abe' 'St. -Paul Pioneer:
Press, have already- arranged for the trans-
portation of 16,000 'emigrant/3 toithe /slerth::
-meet during the ipqmipg,geadoti.p.3100:4-
them will take passage On the Albin line nt
ocean steaniers, to laud at Halifax,. Thence
they will depart; and via Qnebeti read);
Chicago, and pass through St. paitenthe
New'-'waterworb. Course of
- . --
construeheint.the pipes being already t hoar
• .
in' Winnipeg,' The Water is lotbe'breizglit
rom the Aesimboine; the current of which
very rapid. The water will be supplied
filtered for domestic use, .as it is. rather
mbdds tTlietieir"tgas works_ are al
eted and the Capital of Min*
wfthijtt the courseOf
atisliutrjM. Wri es .
.Mr. ;oh
ogg Bold: his three-quarter -section for
5,000, and -06,500 has, we believe, since
On refueed for it. Mr. Jacob luta .spi4'
is homestead and pre-emption for 1900,
a strong stimulant that seta powerfully
upon nervei strained- to - their uttribst:
. tension' by our exciting methods of doing
beeinees. ,Add - aleeholio fuel to thisfire,
' mad the human frame melts- in , it. The'.
price of drink* is double and treble and
quadruple - of whit they are be ow.
If5 ( goes -a • very short distance in . •
treating - 4 crowd: - Champagne- is 5 a
bottle. Bar -rooms a're everywhere, and -
they are always _filled. Wine is opened -
-over nearly every land transaction. I have
_met men, here who itt Ontario were vgieat
temperance advocates; but they 10116 tile
oustomof the placeiand-go up to the bars -
_ and both treat and are _ treated., Selling
liquor is the most iprofitable *business in
the place. - The_,bneinees iscashand there.
is:little risk. .But I do., not say-thii to :
encourage others to follow.: - The buil ing
lately occupied by the Manitoba Glob has
been turned into abodega and the receipts- .
per day average 0.809. The owner of the
place was it druggist named Pointz iii .-
Ontario ; but instead of pills - he now dis-
penses cooktailia, _-_:Hillf. There* estate deals
are done in.bs,rs..-: -,--
. .. . ' .
4-lie illuch :Itlisfrepresented - JEtai0 Who
...nate Given ihe Sri*" • -
*rouble. - . : - • •
of the Boer 4.2 striking instance of ,--Eegasa- ii
-_-. _ , ,
r is trate peen: in the HT trated , •
papereissue&during the /late was There
_the Boer is represented as a pan Gf emir -
mous elite, his' forbidding face Burrell -1i ed
by a shaggy beard, his head in' the big est=
of wide-awake hats, J: over his shoulder the -
bandoleer of cartridges—as goon -an axier-
ege ruffian as the artist coulddevise. One
PietUre --, showed our picket attacked by
Boers, one of these, firing ,-at our
twining away -of .course—with .a revolver.
r 1 never- EOM -D.- 7 revolver - in .any
ordinary Boer's head ; had he such
a. weapon I , am) ,_ quite sure he
wculd not fire it from horseback; _Another
illastration,ef the. Boer method of fighting
sho*ed a dozenef them lying down under
the creirr of a hill taking aim at the solders
below, each Boeflholding'z-hiS.,1242rse by the
bridle, the animals feriningicicellent targets .
for the sildiers bele*. , NoW;all3per Milks
More: of his horse than himself, a-,..,AVotild
'never. dreaik,ut bringing them up Into the
fire; i?- The horses • laaye _betel)" taught to
stand without any one -holding them, and
:are left under cover well in rear.' .Another ', =
introdUced.naloa.Boerfainilysitting down
to a ineal,:theiriffirant the:establishment .
iseated at the table with :the rest an :Mei=
_ - —.
-dent-that happened 'only in the artist's .-
itrnagination, as no .Beer would . sit dawn
*.slitokn,littttoat4-ficietiaiO'iiin fthie*HniltlrycW°nlisiicdheia. .
table and a knife and- fort would entail o
'the -misplaced 'native... -Your Boer migiit
pasdaily-royifor a small English farmer;
'perhaps' a:hit :More 'untidy about the heard, - .
44h9:-.Vi:4anlikrbfrineYjnizifireg-lialentet-r g,t; donise!Te The
linperiegolassare lust substantial -gentlemen
ifermere;While*itnt‘cif tlibintare strikingly
_jiideonte4,Tlifrara-.ailiiiltrace, - 6 feet 4
'Miles beingeolaiiiiiiiOn -stature, and differ -
rom ngish Of the sa it �lass only in
Y It• tt":T-e:1s.hetwmeui_aitoS:
*itlq;t ;Caption. Pretriousj who -com- _
Mande Alt *eating force,loundr'retoria-
113 it very handsome man: Joubart has a
hard -lined, - clever face, not altogether
unpleasant. - Kruger seems -e. cross between,
a butcher ent_a Methodist-prep.—Blue .
wood's_ Magazine.