HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-03-24, Page 1ION - , , , „•••• • _ ARIO, FRIDAY E, ' -4--:=••• LEGAL: I CAMERON & CAKIPBE -L-1 [ALIO1. -" VER.„ - • )rileyat,Laatic. Solicitor hi Chan- elrY,. Gee vevancer *&e. Ofliee next deer to the lot uckno w*, :Oat, 318 T ArA6P,1:1141SON; A.:2-17011241-1 Sol e- • tor,,6e., Queen Street,Mrieardine,, 1 Alta° & PRO Li-I/FOOT, • Barristers,•Solicitors, Goilerich, n , , S. T. 0RROW PROT.fDSOOT. „ , JAMES SOMERVILLE, - .ColverAzzoni..: . mey to loan on eas,yruiseni.RealEttate: traluator for Treat and Loan Co., Itf : It.IDIX;r0.)T, Conveyancer, Commis s i.)eer in I3 R., _ etc. Money to I Onal at ft per cent. straigntinterest. Varna ar for 1,.1'1za Landed `Banking -0e4 • • . - • KINLOUGH, I'. O. FREDERICK ROGERS ii• ' (Late of Teeswater.) : .011 riAler. af, Law.: itterney,. Solicitor ill • 0 lime; ;try , Can v eyaoeer, li`te., Bee:. - 0- }, * FFIC F. : •- Mn.sqn's: Mock. WINGILA,M," o xi% . over'Sc-stt:'s Rank. " *.Any,atrioullt ot funds to loan. ME.DICAL. G...vn &'1'1 of the University of 'Cpronto, . Physieiart, . Surgeon, &c., Qffice Camp opposite the bank. In case the 15r. is not pi t.lie fillip. call at the tualinow 11-eakk- , GENERAL.. -11/1705TEY TO LE`... -1) on. easy terms. el .1.11 payment. ..App13. to 1. JJH 'COOKE, Agent,. Dungannon. • ". CI-IA4 VILE% " PrtiVilidat Land Stirveyor. Vaimitor iie && bud A...tent Otliee.over }Sadie's, Drug -.State Ont. -1.11, orders by.mail %u11 1 - iv piOmpt attentnni- oRaDIT FimetZg: vtr-E HA•V P.I . BEEN 4,-V-P-OINTE1) Agents for this Loaning Company; whs hf.ve a larilli. amount of fande-on baud to •-loanofi the lowest terms. I • -11JEi & DICKIISSON. (f.lees—Wingliaut and. rtucknow. • Reibei[t. Cunninkitant; ilaskrauce ;4 erent, Cruellit • JEROME, Lbentiate of 1-Yeettal Surgeiy, has ,re - warred, .W to.where he will carry Qtt ` the dentirltry bmintss ; but he would beg to iefori:n his patrons that he will visit Luckdow on the first SiendaY and Tuesday,andalso en the third-Siondan and 'Illesday of each forint affiee at, Whitely's Hotel-. •15; Plight Late lt-ret 184, 11 A. F.* A:M.:, uutets the Thttraday --mar beforefullinooty of A& monthat 8, Visiting breth- ren cordially invited. 1- - • GEO. A. SI:CM-ALL, THOS., LAWRENCE, W.M. Siaretary„ ••••••••••, teIT-CKNOw I 0 -LODGE, --No. 112 Meets every Friday evening at a ololock;in -their Hall Gampbell-st All brethren °or- , - diallylaviied. • J. W. ARMSTRONG-, Secretary. ... • MIS K. O. STRONG. (Late of Paisley.) - _ IxsynnliFirAr. Meszo.—Piano and Organ. - Mum Aceorwr...—Ov.eriMr. J.Granache's. Store. p.senzexcl.-- Mr. A. IfeIntYre's, 6 _**Aek•ili nor own town. ''Z _... AL. LET. T, . Portland. Mane . t -and 00 outfit free- - A-ddr"I' itto7 . _. ,. , • le* FLOITH AND FEED. -WALTER TRELEAVEN- As in the, past, still keeps ea hand a large and . superior stoek of • CEN. E11 CICER-EIS - aoluding everything Utund in the Ifirder ()tat . Clod housekeeper. He would also inform the pintic, more putieularlv the farmingeorculitirt-. itty, that he haw engaged the servioos• of at, . • .TKOROUGEI.MILLE .4,41 will ct.r;y on ifie Xifling butinescwith fieewed vigor, and by turning oat_ gond griets (vjack time, gaiu increatec,1 pattopag, km' ocie public. ,Aakiudii. ei ..• • ,FIA IN „AND Atig . „ ematautty COaliViie‘d tio *At -PINK - ToWno -; • . BANKERS, . . Money tO Loan at Reducer; Ret s - Silit the Times. ' Loans on Mortgages as low -aa 6 per. ce NOTES ANO MORTGAGESSOU HT -Dri.fts and Cheques on all points ca hod.' Special ad Prompt Attention paid t the Collection (If Rotes, Acchunts;Rents, & 13RA1'TS PAYABLE AT PAR - :on the prineipal cities and town s of ana- da. and on. the United Statesarid- reat • • Parties Remitting Wilffind this the cheapest.: safest; and lloRt q!*yenielit methoO. 'INTEREST:. ' - -Five per •• cent. alloWed. on" Deposita in th • Se,vingsBank•Department: • - -roe Prlvaterititiess We:are prepared to offer to customers e !ery facility affOrded b3r 'Jhartered Ban • and on equally favorable terins CONVOYalleingnaII its Brn-ne es. Fire ' and -4i:ice- .17nrsittan e. BEST COMPANIES 1EPRESEN1 OFFICE 11101llitS1.74ittin 9 A. Si., To 4 • .(..1A11/1 ER & OAIVieBELL, .• • ' E. CAiviERO rDP (--.1-44D116N-1.4(:aini.BaLn) NOTARY:: PUBLI. - Coromisiiimer in 13: R.., Conialyaneer,. . - "-Etc., Etc. • .. _ VITCKNOIrt . - ONTARI _ ;*Con.vevanchig- in all its Bra,nolies; 4- • • Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds:, Argeemm s, Leases, &c., preniptly and carefully prep ed, and correctness guara,rteed. , Special- and prompt :atteutiou Paid to searching of Titles, and to all matters c fleeted With the trausfer pf Real Estate. • dizIARGYS RP.ASONABLE- . MEYER •DICKINSON • - BARRISTERS&O - • .Lucknoiv Office one door frOni tiomeron • " Campbell's Bank, • 7 " OOLICITOR for :Bank .of . Hamilton, -a Conimissioner for taking affidavits4 r Manitoba.' ' • Parra, Town, and Village property :hong t and Bpi& ' Money; (private funds) loaned on Mortga e security at 6 and 6iper cent. , Monty invested.forprivatepersons np fl the ben Mortgage securities without- ante F-, perm to Lender. in-Mini:itoba.aitit. the Nor h MONET TO .LOAN. ONEY TO LOAN'ON GOOD FARM; .131. Properly, t 6 and 6i per cent, aCcor - lag to the security off. red-. The abrive will b tamed on any termsto suit: the- borrow° Correspondence will he cheerfully ansVeme without expense. Por. further 'particulai apply to • _._ . JOHN GORDON, 407, St; Helens. MONEY , L flzr FIRST CLASS MORTAGES at 7 t 7i per • cent interest Payable yearl charges yery moderate: Apply to • • ROBERT MURRAY, St...Helen f Secretary of .the West WawanoSh-Mutual* • ire• Insurance Company, nothing but "far •I, properkyinsured. Pazties wishing to iiinurr In this popular farmers company in the town of Colborne, Ashileld, East and •Wes Wawanosh, Kinloss, and Huron by sending's Post Card to me will be calla(' on and ever information given. . • _ MONEY. 0 ROBRRT, MURRAY, St. .Releni • Lu Ij • /fONEY TO LOAN' at 7 -per cent., from IIL- 2 togo years, Hits of raring for gal in Ontario- as weII as Manitoba. •Parties de afrons to sell farms, will consulttheir intermit by inspecting the ad vertisint tar -Mt -les of gill) geriber in Great :Britain and td and con' tient of lands for Bele. • . • • ANtiT.J.S..,STLIVAET. Land Vain -dor, Lucknow. F . Out, JNO, TRELE Tir LitElYstlik LITTIO4NER. - •PartIenhatting gates will dO wilt to ive hirn a _ %Call lthgleilt 114e .ririee"Paior • Rtitter. • OLE FIUGH1E WRIGHT.. You'lln":bae heard -6'J-1.110116-Wright; His inftlier's Hisun-ch-irw_waiLd-PUite•-Jelibnie Wright; And he tell't inc this funnic story.He • • - Ihredizp-lie;the-L-aly7a-.*01; But eeee'ne.-f*iti-,:i-tarter-witert. Had it-_-_bleinsCiihuskeY-etilli2 - Hughie _wadliked it better. • _ rE-i-rerost-:hia-throttle; - Thoche-saartne-ruill-d":_the The bodywadna join teetotal. Ae-nicht befifreirsiatilialloW4"0-11; _ • - A s-tliiiihie*Iltancl=tontined,thehielrer,- A:Tang-wit dritekeii .Jock MoQuen, li.r-fita- his sen begin to tlieker. _ That' no' -a- cienninsign Sae m-Ony info aboutthe Cre-sie; -11'here-forty troop, whiti,, blaek sot 131*ei "Their rlatilruggayatiirytheid--grpW.4frzi...-,,T But Jockhe had beiiiu to snore: As loud as -forty ae,me.tia,siegtrir;:„.: staggerill"_Isn'thedper-, :r.Vhocht--a' the hoose • I fear there's sorne-thing-*rantaliciitine; im rinnin'. _ _ _ _ „. _ - Its time that I:wris hit,Me -003-he - _1 we'sh I - An' whativitict:Gterzie- d -He _heardziLitioice;44,.;-11_, uglite.--170., r1}Iat.s1t like a clap o' thunrier;:-_-_-- .I think tour -glean fu' the nicht, • Its :dent q-iuljfOgh_;-li-yVadii-a-_wgriner:•:_,.< • But whatir gat ye_vour touzy pow, And-iour leng-tailieliashlkek i-‘11,-(1 PI attic; . -When-tiff hnstartit:InlaJo*,- The Ginhes-behttrii--itrwas-auld--claetie. _ • Then startie_onWart • Wi'-inony a needfuTPillii tae kup o'er -a wee•liit--:stanei litelabbit - - _ An ros,rm' Ince the Ears"'o-t-k5-,_ . - An' _ - swore ie rie1er AvadiCtim-le.--pinii_:,--": - 'Bet gaugneist day-ankjenr-te4--otrit: _ - _ . _ .Sae screngh_ilt eut, liefresned'a Wet bit pledgeneh-ti_ -ta_Ylre-to-Ok= An d rei'er vire he'Vtrye dAb e 'allokin. A LG'011iA _ - - TERE5•TINVIMETER,SETTEE:kJ- To ..Trit --to far , • • - _ . _ beror your-4_03qm( a- hr.* fats- • about . • - Algoma _a4 t the a4varitages it ffer to • setters:add Iii the firt piace, tkfte is abuiid.,,0 of '40o4 1 an dr- 'to_ LEL-Ji• is- rOffiao--.-01;fit the Tnktititil- •;moot.. j'--)lent_Y-, of:004, Crowii Jaiidsto ba:hatl. at, -_--:.tiy_elity_Colita'aitArcii;:,caili.-; -:yek ;ally iti the many places. tot inoriiirthin threeto tive river Sfdi and noiglib4ialiviitg=-4zilh-lit-lots------and ofte..ii • niit-har...4-.t&-cle.# up-,-..i_T-Aiiiitt)tv has, _eti- -very 'healthy • - 41-ei .-eakiteetif-si-_-;_-_-.-pleitty-.1.--itit good sprint water lg._ woot,:;:er411,171-tiri_tts:z for buih1ing,.ftncing tianne wain o:re orednettiEirtlian'.:itt_i-ittieirateeelOilld _ any.fiztrangeol!-.1,u-piziase-;-!::JI...ircr-At We say, very rnuch ettriacci4-04.-4-14:00--*Tall-:- and goistaii graia it 18 •rtil -be au :frt. tzb ••• " • . . :openkngs for --mdustno.us ,faunhes, and any inan who is willing_ and able- tO go back a few *ilea into the bush with axe iii hand an,i hew-.0tit. A how e for self, 1)esiesb4‘d. of It: little_ motley- and perseverance, is sure Of succatia,.:in the end,. although theliitr.uggly May. he hard at -first ' Three years...ago One of illy neighbors took a free grew:, put .--110.! lanai' hens° on the pliCe,.nioved in with, -onacoW and two sheep and a wife an 1 .{dour small. children; And to nionov. to himself ; with.. :HA worked out part of 0.6 tine'to _support hie . and now.- has fourteen scriei: - - • . stable -root-house two,COIVET two.helfers .and:•thi. year, raised 250 blishela of flue potatoes, a- largo quantity' of turnips, ot , I- nd ad .1.y to of re re co of. to ce , gs Lid e.- some oats, wheat:, c., and :1! .:out -debt. Others-hatie done -.at Well; • ,haVe -in. Algdzo a.- seven:..years, -a Scpolit it a lucky day whoa:we co.•416,1. -reSide in it: • We had but little thea W eti we came _arid. had we ; renin Arn.t.. county, where we formeir lived, '011(4 inevitahijr have sunk ii have- 46* s. uiae. bit -.-over acres, 444 a Jacking forward to being .ja bl a- . tO, Pia lots:elves-Oct. la -Only in a po8lion indei)endence and copifort: o "- On poteir 1-.3r nee. -Mines, and.: wont:: fropl.'..:--thsii about thirtymiles osetWit-fd..„,•land ..wae -:Innobratirprised to and ,l-s-aChl. "glear,in •:Arid :buildings as,:1 saw ta_ith..,tt.. diatanc •--s414.-:-found ,the quaiity of 1.,bb 14 what --expected ' to -se saw larg . tript a, of got:4- land- in all of told by _the settlers- that thita. zjplebty of .1 •ne TthEm„. I Saw as; fine ,407.ar-t4tifty -(inai304.b.SOSW-vedv-- On) tever.saw iuOntai-jo, and scon he of rla.t ; rcntinoo;-i ",While 1 • iite. if! eko is. .a.:.:Sfeatn. tug -hetS w i ib imail 404 fri.on....4,1i6.11i.Piatb"n'' -Slieporposlea retnriiing to morrow (Dec -cla) with siippios; 'which is not bid for poor frOzeu, Algoiva,.as i is opmearneA. called by Zgnoralit people -*hb.do :not _pkencti:vany bstter. There is '-\'erv. of railwiy coruInuIijatloi wit both the ,far- Wait -and the ea Stern ti.vo;lioSs•-4tky pt.-6jeet • ed,' ono -of them fully l-ceited, anct. ap.t. plication is."13eingniacts-fdt.a charter. -1 AcrP.,03-the rtpids above Sault itfaile; to Oon Algo: mo with tha NorthoIn.P,cific Railway liyafeln nr:.t6.iyoSt,.; : Without any ex: sae: ation thooe. LS rooni 4*A:it:go ni a -for thousands:Of :settlers .a-Anueifyi•fbi- many :yeare .e.nize. , . . . • :.The harOship ittozillant . On settle; ment in pared to, what he-- eeitY-"- *041-018., in . • _ of Qntrio, had to ndure to secure AlOin a are nothing not - when Coin: thii,o1V9ii- 9, hrime in tbeir Old:. -Age. 7.-}ianey. goint-Iforty,fe-F- miles to a grist as some of, the -serlY':-Settlere nar Mt.-Finteift, .1)10. . do; through-. hat •.,-tiatti then .a. wilderness' With -scarcely aliy inhabitants,". .t..l'irc4hrthe WO1d8. Asyoue: iu. ma .lieed _nc4 he in that akrtiation uuless ) forty busht-la of wheat per acre they chooae it. I'he roads ar g(Od i!o-o`te, "being-,-.*:**4'.3-pio_w_g:lia:E-Ttl.!*-41-:011-fic 91)01 in inany p5115 Crnvez.ieljt to the zotcaad..t-Ono_psft eettlementii; Of, at particular. itarivers arid streirns ; ut 11:-}aeless: 1.8;goodc-4°9:14 inail P'qt; the .Pi00.13r.,..; vneating.1.11-0--tiltioata• if the CQUntryi-I ov6olbet and c&Jysrs the land tilt llie ti-paesable „n_4•_n, ;an ipty fthY.;_ 1.1 y _il . . ay,]svirlg it ifl a state fit fir greatest.part at. The g• - _ _ - • • eyariona at on j4!1'.x.18- :Place= AO: any. 01,04-iff_Tailii-i.liktiziotiii.41, is its von:. Intoe S='uit :eight it4s -?toies- .goettilveSt-Miiiiiiebx4_tej-'-The cOstopeu, nil tr-140•Te.ii of alt Maas hid 8,.: , . • ANNU.M; REPORT.OF THE , - RETARY. . . bas just -se4.48 TiroeS thes.hAractiron. .the.:Semi4-anttnal, retttrnal (terns end i):: -30.tli:June; 3",lat Deb.; 188 . • • . Mr. J7.13.aciog, tila-G,tand $ecrotary,. - "- _ . ing June Meriabarehip • 30, 1881. Initiated... •. 997 . Admitted byeard' -73 Re -instated. - 89 TotaLgain.::1,169- , 156- iSnspe,nded 29 Expelled -- . . 4og - Total loss. 68fr - . Net gait, . 4,79, .Menihniship year. - ending 31st Dec., 1880. .11-310. --Present total member- . ship 31st Dee., - - • Relief - . No.of brothers Who re- ceived sick . - 704 . 703"- - -"WidoWed ... . 220 223 Paid fir sick bene6ts..8 9178 .95' 8 9;473 s2. - Paid -for relief. Widoncs. 4,469 Ffy - 3,926 98Pafd •' /Or . * and - .3.68 454' Paid for bnrying - . ceased --bra thers.:..-• 1,09 s-4:: --Paid for burying:WI-1;es' • ' - of deceased brothers.: - 1.5600 Total paid rkliei,.:1881;$1.5,861' 64 Total eirrent..expelise.s;•• - 19;0791,31 ...Total receipts of lodges 62,259 81 Total- exPenditnre- of lodges......*: . 26,723 79 , Relief : .. . : . 15,861 _63 . - _ • - .- Excess of of yedeipts ovr e totalexpenditure- Number of, weeks for-. . . suet' ben4ts- WeTe paid ., 2,966: 44 2,990 2-7 • • . AVF.BaES, 116T:- r •. . Term ep end Dee. Si, .1881-. ' 797 -76 75 948- 49 - • 116 17 486 - `: 867 • ,281 - 49. •.408 63 -248 St ) $16;068 42: 17,8P324 55;539 83 -26;080' 44' 16,068- - $3F;065 36.. - Averageprnount paid to each: pick- brotlieri• 813,29: 1 . • Average death rate 1 in 163.' Average ratio of sickness 1 -in 9. " Average Aeration of each- brothr si'neknessi.. 4 v,666, I day, 11 hourS,-57 minutes. - AN -Forage duratien: otsicknrss if •3pread over the entire Inernbershipl 3-.4:laye, 17 hours, 60_ =Minutes: -.7 ..;- I 'Pereentage4 reetipts paid fotre1ief,26/ ntper Percentage --of receipts -paid -for penses, 36 .per 9ent. pearly. Cost per member for sick benefits carrent' et- • $1 stst per inemberfor,relief.of widanrp0 60: Cost per parnhsr foe -.-0 13Cost . permember for burying decekSed • • - . Cost per inaniher for buying-IA.(4114;re Wives .... ..-.... . " 03 Average'east per nieinbeT 36: Average cost per mekitfogr 4,47--.6urreht • .eopoinses - . • 2 90i .efiversgs expenditure per raeyabe *526- Averags receipts peeniember for dues 5 25 . - _ - - FLUIDS. POR LOD4E8. ken0-al'funds„. . -208 014-.81 -.Widows and. or/Ai:ails' -109 101,93.. Contingentfund-4 016 • . • - 8411.133 35. As shown 3ist 373.88.5 9a Iiieresie. ', , 1:i... ....... ;;,,..,.....„. --S , - April ' 26, -1-.862-,..Will,--plok the t4lhili,:. :_ : 41,i_hh:vtgloar!..0,the.t,•ex.- -.itence- of the 1. 02w.Q. F. in; Alirorice: trk Complisriee--,. . . -..- with.. a . pri'nbin*tion issued by . Graiiii-,- SiiO Olen n 7-OiliiThllo'ikA the -cOntirent . . over - will niieliyvio' the day li " apprpplr,-, ftlk:to o?cercia:es,' -'ond:-.iit 'ivifili than gs!x4). God for : IliwilileSsiu-:tOi. the -Order:•. „Grano: ,Atifarat4kt.nvta‘ •'. has addressed , 'a eiictilar.16-Shikeffvei-ito all the: lodges - ., in 0_ flto_AN- * - *.: -1, " * - . - • -.-:-; • " S30,00: iVortit. sit 111eifalod ropu- . 't: is*: Iliad- tii.i)-ri.$1.:1[10. ' ',1,:rhowiSi.g.rpth#re. itusie I-. ' Journal- - :fpr_lisarehis.uuduujited-ly tii jitest and beat-jontnal ;of 4tS,kiint :Pubt shed. The. '' ?reit4ilit-MOtter 4-;,-V-iiiii4:1: an . -Or igi 1141, • . heir! 'newafkonirall :Parts of :he -woyld, i'llte. JOItr04-i.111:1mY-Eir. a. ..0. new :feat 411; : •-:.-iih,:i.. ...yT.r.iit.n.ef.u.ib.e..:-0;iiii..-!-'.;.ji:-i.-,1:-;-arrt::1indiiitottoif.lp,ii:;y,,4d:r:.1 . : paw% Zack iiiiib.r Wilth vein Oyer - l'06/4114is worth 6f Sheat zgiic,.. • ut,akr :ti,e-:10;pleuty--of -fhieleti41,-4.14 ter, • 11i•ii81.1-T.,010f_Oht04:7 Are ul• _the itettnal gard Or* ti_w0 ncon.f.;2:2..- • , , _ . . • . lias-'•riPeued-iiPaPitithasa ti4Yeaii. (Uontinuect-1100 iyitek..) ' in his.garden at. Soult..-Stillti_itiii; *WWI41--use-..-"._ ‘.. -!--.4.-. lesior---,' .tipen well -0'16_3U fMcedllooll,of Kilah . itopie .Thaw-Wa. r. Ritiderree::,win.fir. b. byit.ttopi)4.1ti ,the Iii-,,,ylciiit.1)--t:4h4skug or_ati,,elie":4;aiii_44'Fir*.fill4i_ etd.,,i, 54.i*,-: ,tia,"pii!hr:::::*.intles6;::::::irehi ithive;00:0: 400lodieill ' ' - - • • td , . t -,4., I, ituisbarrey,4twe.oixin,..witoat p_orfeeti-.0.a thheca:r,d3,44." owobvit-i;7.4rudestiurnUri..1:74:::t.:4_ 4144:: . ,;10,0.11d4ifLfir._18:01000_ litfil_1191- 14_4 4ind_,' hop, :1-'4u1711,4144._if7g-roi .b.'4 . AlimPit,' .hpany i4aiiage.toltunitrialtkl4tiS.: ininte.11 from- our_ beet plates ; And a& -- .-you -rocetto orto num her each nionth, at: the efoi,--,'4.-e4ch fe.iii you; hi e for .1.iiit,t; t- th US:t i Maginallte.,, ii•g 'tine idi the. finest C01141M01 Pit fif tifiQa 1 •- • 4,1; ...iniltru thouta ':1:1ince.,.4'Vilt6illtltI6tir'.0.4'f):°;Itr.1"yioif';':;i.:9.--tthillierl 1 •Dtia 13 i ill:: Dol/1r; 4 1 . ,.7 ::- -," •; *.oti•-• %vr,i! 14 4,:. bpoliif{iijiii: ,Ofir4-ine; 22x26, --..--. -OiteDnikal,i.:40:id tliirty0ye4Oletitith0356-.. being theattlyti.ditaiiii-ofpacking and - pit*I-,-sit,i,i4freigi..i en-"•_'fbet' Chivni: 0.- .- . --"-9, '.:-.- . , j !F8itnplii. copy .of i:-1*.:.1.,-otiilial, 10e.. . Wa0-. :••w4ut an agent -rkeVery-'_,011is a- and-e-ifi' . . lin-,t1151.! Tillpit4da-$tat041-0'•Canada to take 11abscriptioni forjitii•A*Ikti : 4r.si; .,--..44,;'A,.,TitoitAiii u. .- flii-:.ThailociirOtherto-, „ ,-:cuitii*illrlf.- T.IT . - 8. _ ...,...-.-; •,. .:., ,,,, :.-_,-1. , ' - '.