HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-02-24, Page 8wk o lotgo'oto e tk*-Notat tuociew surteundink "tAWIAMtlall4 Lajmew Sag to doall kW* of werit la to .tn at loWeit wine* 0.0ktialteat1 Ntitt gttwu , B.--Oepitng and Enla-rent SPediattV, Frintes scope* *Awe:vs. on -hand E. 11.4_011*101V« asknow,gelik.901,. - 4,-zli_Nd ..NOWrL GOLG $CiT"Dit ,.. ,N4.1... 6- .11 1-lil .N.O. 6-- 1 15. •-4--L�8. , . • ...No;., 7-- .6 4 ii• - ,' and Ticitutm StMl. • Perms. For Sale, The east and westlialee'S of tot II, in • the fith ton. Of the township of Huron, • containing fifty acre a each are offered forsile. F.G1 further particulars. apply • to. J. W. ArgaStrOtta, LUCKnOW. • •ObS,qtles: . The- remaina of -the -late :John werefolloWed to the grave -by -a. -large number of Mete's- and acquain- _ - The Karl* Ajwing-10 I:610TO 10110611 Oir liobscritistar -aditild to ow ilia 14tely firstbupplt,nt " Pr, Ito -044N treatios: na. theili0644' exhetoktod. *04, however, Pet tweivoil another entniigat ueIit,464 USW BOW prOpittild: 'JO -iuppiy every siihsetthet who. pup( odv &nue; emperoci ItIootiy . A eiti.letooket.AtivOtinelt to maim tete: Permute boot* ntidehoes, Or, in Other \koris, boots and .ehoos that are 'never o tight astobe disligionable. It wasn't one of dor lona *hoemakera, but we pr4 esume 0of theta could accounnedate yon with foot- wear of the- teetotal pattern.: Encouirigerinint.... . - Thu circulation of the SEN4I/TEL never Was ao large as at the _present time, aud is hit:rattail% at.a much taster rate that! .ever before. It never Was, mole poplar than now, as is evinced by the unsoli: cited nemplimentary remarkathat are so ftetpiently made_by tho.se who have re- newed their imbecriptions. Don't 'Forget. At this season of the-vear, when all aCeounts should- be settled; We beg to remind many subscribers that they are arrairs.-.. A good paper is not man: aged and run without considerable ex: pensei 'and "publishers are often put to tincea: on Friday last... The members serious inconvenience through mare f t: :of the ()range Losigewalked in a body -totlieeceinetert.-, Fiendish. The. village-04ms_ !still suffer from the acts of sortie fiesuljn' human Monday ramming a valuable Spaniel- doehelOngin_,g.te Mr. D. E. ..a.ainereik 131 iiker, died' f'torri-the effectit of. peieen. Mr. Cameron paid 410 for -the dog a shart, time ago. S . ,ald-i-leaded•gagle.,* Th Maderimmon,. of this village on Tuesday last • •teceiv d by expreSs from Southampton a beantiful specimen of the bald:heatid eagle,nreaSuring 8h:feet eleven inch(s -froin tip to tip, The bird. , s*vas sent by ;Mr. Thigh Christie, an on: . triend-c:f the doctor's,: More Qat Thieve -4:- • •On -ThurOny night ot last week thiPvesbroke i to the barn of Mr; A. 1.11eQtiaig,. near the ,station, and stole _about twenty bushels et tatft...,A number 'of valu ibio fowl e were,alse taken from the, same place Some time ego: ,Thieving - hes wit to be a•second nature_ witlk some parties. in this Section. • . „ , • /6.80p.of Balk - A iteliy successful ball and supper - : Was held* in Ills. Caledouian Hall eit Titesday. evening last under the auspices • . '— • - of The Sepoy,' 'Lacrosse Club.' - About :The benefit Sc"cietiei Legislation • - ' tiii.stty Couples were, present, antl dancing . . Regarding -the, notice Which 'recently -. . - . n • . . was kept uinp with 'delr spirit till the app . ... eared,: Intimating that legislatio. wee_ era honts o'•niorn'' te the Sweet was tote introduced into the Donna:. • AtraiiiiS -of the4tickne;te string bind.- ou Legislattire, which would affect the •• - . • ' .• - '. several secret Societies, Mr, J. B. King, . Toa -Meeting ai.l.aoes. • . . • the GrandSecretary a the."... o: o, IF., - A tes.;teeeting ander the auspices of Wrote for information:- concerning the. .the congregatibu of the Preabyteriaii- :priipesedlegisiation, and thEi. following Churah, -East Ashfield, will be held it, rePly, was received: ' "Ottawa, -Feb.. . the church at 'Anew, on tileirdey even.. IG,- 1881,- .Dear. Sir.= -I have your , - in, February 2:8-th,. 1882, when ad- letter ot the lttb inst. In. answer; .1 . -dresses- will be delivered by severairev: be to say that itis net the intention. of. . gentlenien,.. The choir.of thechar& the .0oVernment to intrOduceduring will furnish e4e1lent Music -4r the Oc- the Prent seselon,a .measure affeeting eit41on, nod- a g.00d timeinay be. .antici- Canadtinv.Societies like your. I .01u . -pated. Tea, will be served.frein ex till deer- - sir, 3'ours truly, JouN. .A. - seven o'ele,ck.'; Admission,- ,..15 cants i -MACDONALD.' • Wiildreri unatr twelve,. 15 cents._ • - Orange Officer*. A Route Hints.'• •.• .• The : annual:, meeting of the Loyal, -: - .Hera is a polite hint for the triastde- Orme :County Lodge of West Bruce .- rtarera at publiz dinners, and /femme .vt as. heistia ,the :Orangl Rau, in Am,* . ' from a. women'S temperance Meeting :-- .villageou Tuesday .Ifie. 1.ith of February, thaladies of Talbotville:-*bile I88,1 There were about One Iiiindre4• - --, fveling ourselves highly- coniplithented '-ulealb*Ts PrAse-tit frc4:1-ki the v4ricluii'-1.9dges- -.,and honored by toasta . that are- given lit the, 'county, after the usual lodge Vird responded' to ar the ladies at pub-. ' Work was- Over, the election ;of, officer's licAlintiers„ by gentlemen_ when: iri,kh.qi.r.-_ took Mace andresulted as follows :-. eensea, repudiate ' sueh compli7 - fire. John Clements, - w Orshir Ce u WY : rneota .when paid by intoxiaatect . iiidi : MASter,-;" Bro A. T.. beVitisOii,WershiP ".- - viditas, and we earnestly e•till, upon. .aft Deputy .Cottniy.. Ntater ; Bro....James : thiietiau. terie'erance - '1 • t . -I- - Jolineton C 'nay 'Chaplain ; Pro .. T , , . s_p , peop e. .a. :urn e - . - , u i .,- . 1 , • • . leitiv, 4s, in reftkiitq, to. sanction silo , 4patipl.,M. D., County Secretary-; 13ro. .pitxeedingS.' - ',-Thos., Wilson,. County Treasurer ; Bre: , : David :Small, -‘.)outity Lecturer ;_:Bro; T. rtelf. Preso. ' ' • . . . • -..-6-:tAilley,• Count y-_ Directer of Ceremon: itl L7'..• Je-hu'i Sell. of . L. mdont . spent , -: het. Tho au euel ineetiQ' 'wit Year -win • aer claye, in .114 :Ylillage, this; week.:-" : beheld' in ilia villaiiee Of Teiswater.' JIIi% IY.- E. ' Catnefort, -rhyrker, left on - •Sateiviay lest for Cain - City, Kansasiem basittes ,:...tkne.etett with the Cain _pre- - :-I.Er. L. t 1:ficnialclioGoder- .- . i411,,, is at pree-ee -yisitin,,. his. friends in. l ppriy.i',f ',- the -villaue.: . He. intenisiggieg t6 the •-_-.Wortiii.vest .shortly. --.Mi., iTilta. ."Oatti - WI to r -(•lain City„ Kaneas,. on - Tnesday leet.-X-r. W. Mellie'epent a taw' day3- ik. •Top:iota . this week, -Mr. A. B. - 4t OI}, a. forinor typt)" in this office-, tat now of tite! Paisley Advocate, was. .....„vintlia vilethisweek. --- MeaSiTa. A..•: .--04Nfit and -Wai. Dornan,of this villa ,e, -geffulness en the -part of subscribers, - Skating Oarnivat..' - = Mr. James. Hunter the enterprising_ proprietor of the Lorne Skating. Rink intends having another grand manner: ads- earniyal on Wednesday evenings -next, March 1st, when a...number Of ,prizes will -be offeredfrj-competition-. Musiowill- be furnished by. the -Luck: . now String Band.. For further particu: - leis see .• - Sacramental Services. ' The regular quarterly sacramental servicesin con_nection with the Canada Methodist. Church were held en_Sundey • list, when Some -twenty pergola were - received lab fulL iniEsinberithip of the church, In the afternoon especial -ler: vice was held for the Sunday School scholars; when a .nurnher of Short and 'intere-stiegaddresses Were delivered. • • '..-fpen Winter. - It is said by, close obserVers: of the *father, that the prefeht very open winter had a pararliel in 1837-48, the year Of the Rebellion. After Chrisrnas in that )7 -eat% the steamer a/ben/7-g- Made two tripir 'between. Toronto aud Kingston, parryingtroops from, .the lower.proeincea .lia 'Tannery of the same- year the steamer from Kingston to 4Terorite... . - • ;To the Ettitor• of the .Sen,Iiiel, - , DEAR. SAFi, —1. wish to tender -My hearty thanks to the eiteenied ntioieter, : Rev. R. C. ffeirders and t -he congrega- titent cennected with the .Aelitiold , .cir chit,: for the' able ;and •approiiriate ad- dress and valuable sain et $120, lately - :-.:AITING--.11TJLIV.TESIVED MOORE'S preSecteil to", we. This val no ble and .--Early and Brighten; ,i‘Vo iieW- Grapes, practical f xpr-ssion, GI kindness and ap-. s,nr.) to the il3joy114eMS,which-c7_46C.r-. ---uidielsitathigly adVise_ ink patrons..to plant. pLeciatioa or Partv Sib hat h labours, '-.hit$ e-rai y 1311i6d 111•P4-titt:-----G4_ _11:-Iiis:iit-----711.a- _..jiiiius-' -'-'---*-i-x---t:t1 htle:- -'r- :els- vnoterbva' eda,irlsav*El'ailitdd:raatii4e6(ivi:t:4z.aliw-13: . a grecit. teii4eii-cy.t.o. cheer au d eueentage. kin s;:and ._13643, lat cIiiit_ -1Ceat-------thielCa_,-0--;Ce....„ _i':-= -'!,*-4- ClAiltia•, '...-It."...kas.s."toed lirty tfogtHee-ti.7brella-w'-: a ikinister of Otiriar in tI41- great awl. ably. so-ter,tained--. iiintilTiali;ititill Oreven---- :jeer° eihert... 13rielltori ie., a- -deliceers- i Evect . glorious *Tic of the roi-inii.tt,y, -•4130h.41d o'pl ,•, • . • , ic,,- wilen.-aftev itiiiiiiibhiiii-A-iip:4-6,f •-k.trapf., _sr..p.e..nilig. _ ;oat:, aft„, Moore's early. left o3 Tuesday last for, Cainplielit4.rd, - ' - -*apeetfully- yours; .. wit ' tlieturPleising-reeelleatibniCoUr-tli' r- • initna4lea*ing„*Ar. Winnweg on Ti163; - • hair. good and pleakitot•a phitite it -ie for sing ,Dg ,"-Auld 1--..ligE-r-..S.:ii.ii.0.-='-ftli_i_yr::::.(1j8::::ialidtVe:ty..prpictoctiv.ei: 1. will -mail both to.4n;i AUT oe;t.-hille!s- .4., allet awe m.:zanter :bratikrea to dwell together in Unity."' , - . perstd .to their v.arious---aliddSti,-- Stitrzi -addzeilet--:-po4tiiti4i-on.receigt Of 12,' ore either - - ' -- • - - ---•---1-r-- --- .f.O--11,-.. -Agents-Wanted:. Address, .:. , _ • • - -0,- _ I' - _ ..,._are both -very iiit•te iti bunch -and bOrry- • iiV.OrthAttiberlItlail- C)tilitt. _ ,.-.--_---- , • p. VE. itgAplati, * 444,Ci •ItARLIIII'. ,XTO tit titti' X ii4d--alkiiITed:. -l---_-,-„----:----'-'- ' . . _ _ .,. ‹ - :St. Qatbeabies. .. - -; .. -_ reati-stwe - oelebe-410--i,--4.-----. ... • • In the locel-.floVeillt-_ere _:: which. kiiiiiiini-of the Ph- cella Fire esolu:' - 1_„.. - - „ -. , r fer,red. to the finctisibotat-theatatio_lea14---Twill be -held. on Mendiy :evening) i l.: Should be MeCartlitir Bros, --; -=sit - 0-71t- lie/Wet- 8---e!Olock:---,A full•-attienditn4 ronte, Instead of incMaster -Bros. =--iitineeted.--. ' _. ,AltA j..---•Derithitii: who have-trie -- - - - . _ :Taieberry.„!!..----proriounee. itrAhe-_-,:::thieTe -•,- --T:----''=----:-.,--140QAL -CHIPS, -t log on the face of tbie. eartli=ifo-t7thaT . - - -- --- - - - — _ „ _ _ . _ • --.----d-d----1 --.-' - . t 601 -and breath. - 5- cent ---_-eitinples-' :. 140!21 -.:1-i3';40K-...- ' ----,_:: .._ .•. .• -------,. neine-SliliiiirOgeliii-;'...,,, , , _........,----- - • ---- . . - • ' °form •Olub. The ..regulir;reentriiiciderei-O"--14:-..ii- :---::-‘..,-------7-----=•1•3?---t-e's--'-'------------114.- i'-'''.4)--b•istilik'11.5- ' thi4:- w:.'ee k. mato w Reforni _C -lib ----w-111- r b-elikroir -1--'-q4--6---- - u 4-11-'-, ---.-_'---------;-----,'-, --'-e.,' . ues0av evening next, --Feblinary---278-ibi-li: ..------;-----AS4321-146-ibg,to: he • Northwest .1 ;et every toe aiber --thaire*-Ital3Oinvfbii- '---- ----_„=„4o_itit,i):Iii'ki.s_-_,,T,B:°:;;;;:-..1.6-.i,it.,>0.7.11. 1 llaye resent, ..`. - - ...... • . • •. ,-, . --,I.,.-, . il Si -COilVeiiii0 0 il- . - - - yo ., aidlor-frfor---•1882'1 - * •-,..._--. - _.----3.--_,--___•-•.... ... . -Miss.M.. TreleaVen,:_Wist-.1-4-• rclon,--_:.7.---„,•_:••Elturnor 'has it fthat-Cain las . ... 14.4eaSdoat.Yeci jilavs_L--t-a-titinee.4.0.4:iieltd-:aiiihrt:_-iTSi. i4n,lint10,10,,,___.-----.1-----The.:re.-,0_e_..,<tiiia'i-4,..1.lory mati.haSohvaetkof.-::. ._ - - - .1 .,-.01.1:_itt_hi eigreTatul;left, ,for.other'l=tirts. ------• -----...-: --,,,...----:„- = - Roger-, . . a d Rev. J. '1'. -Smith -_On--'Mon--de-Y-fta=:'tieioiji---.fteiine.hd.ly-l-embartessed;.: g i.tee from -_ths_:310k0414-.---Pablifith-, 7::E_,--------_Fie--•-ea, ...4.i_ :s4,3_,-J-41.y.-841-,-0-s.day . School itt. Lutknow.. --..- --:.- - _ -,-_-_L__-,.---=_ ....-iiii:„.2.oit..,:---i__---iTt. iii-4,.70::::.a_ilta*tilitiii.-.-. Atthe eublie--tireetink-i&-=Re41.1_2,1079-A'_•._-_-7E-4--;a7;?;;----isx-e.:Lii-„Et-ili',--0-_:n!--)-111'041'.1-0"-'1,17*-i,41101-attr:eid. it is .h id in the -tiffi. ee of •M4---.Jaine.S-5nirierfi in.T__. 04-- er.---a_. -1/ lie 94 --Wednesday-_,-..eVeriinif--1-44T--J3L-------'----------,,.7.------<--1*-'?-oul.Y:(3-11;4'..a"-g-!. 'lc lowing gentlemen- weieePijiiiiite-cldi-c- ---__T------,--te:r-::0001:,11:0t1j-5.ekliiiite 104136'ilje.r8:- le'rqttet, to attend the EReferin-.7Conventilira-te:Vie-14-kiofq to:,,o-ssurlit iligi.---j3ilti."'"' ti a. at. Riversdale;-_whiebil-ttiettai''itt-H-E-:Of :::al----1--T---_-:::---=i3.411Alkti.044,911:1 10 141te.-; . O' ,r1o_ ek. to gay - (YEW ey)-..-:-;:,-:-..,Afeit.t-_, ei--- .7,-7. ' r. --W.Metlilhc- 1-141dy,, of the .:0-eil- I- tyre, Geo. -Kerr, M. Corrigan, : -__---ericli=s8_4/7ii-q-in.ni-renliblied.ae a itebable. *B rry..,- Thos. tawienceiiiiid4ii;-'----ii -jt---aiiititUt.1-,--k-lor--Parliaineutery shOnoni,3 in N ck Yid., Social, -.' - . „ ----N„..-if --ti:--1.1-Tlitl-:--T-'. Boatels eveT-beldin this -Section vrawaliat- -iied46: ninittits is too at . - . One of .theniost- . -enjoyable --iebek4iti-__•=7--.413rine41:taig:thiit4inod yen."..proni, .L _ _ _ _ • _.. ..--......„ -V , _. expensive_. . h Id ,at the - reSidenee'Teti_Nr.---Diiiiii- -,1114-.-----presentltinie---41Otwithstiandinti - We - A new- fin. Friday-eViieitiglosti±linder:-• intrii:ft-,7' - ibrial...,Policy,'to use -as fire . . . .._ . . a-a--asPiees- of 010 :Blue Ribbon. Club, --Woke, , • . -- -I. The hotise_ was packed -..7L"--1--5.--cinits, to tlits' oMeo: apd. geb., Ai ' 0 - "v- -The'neax-taes: :wore_ - • -------.- --- - - ;---- • .-1-,' 1,. . tt '.‘i.- , - • ..._ _ _ . .., • passePtiat_ ac:0-1i4ilediti--..rviz -45.ve---iy..4.--e•--14t-i‘rientit'ini--) Orie---of-ss r e•ndails celeb ated . . I. ea 1 .1'°116":*eilt-ect cthei---611-111-:-tits- 'fli:°-t-7 ---lielie-Ili---4111.-.'-'-hteit'lk,i'l-t1 it117.1i:irEe: li-----erlyli-sf 'n :r•MbDe61.k` orhorse- - -p.. Fesint ---le:atilre of t4iij eyielifil• k 0-0-140-_-_,-: ue t; - wlien .each one 'of: the_ young men ---g--"e'''''---- '14- tifluin'tplitAli011trie'lill;e•iirialttap-r-ti.7ap-4:Ei±i,te-a:d1:6;lie:-_-.76 = ph.ced =in his:hancts,-eonsiatingdfrear.--:: Agnew. _- After:tett- a clilaiiintiti- ap- pointed: and elengthy pragraiiiine.,-was7 _ . . _ _ _ . was __. taillons, singing,-inattitniiiiititlinfitsit,tite.--_ b . of the gantlenien :.pr-esent.-.„7-whie-h--- i .sit.,' Orel epeeehes were giieriztiy-a-min-ii: e---- -.Wel e•ablfzendeied-arid:Ifiltreceivedley-,. all or form Convention. • _- preeent. _ This lodge_lies=--oniy-Tieeti: auized iiiidat six inontha,liffil=:--it-hatle- mhership of about,siity;five-f.- nu ber of.tiew names --a_reLth-e--iW ed to v0 its list nearlv.evervitiiee.ting-Iii-glit.- Th` company d is ni iesoit - gilvitt_g-ther us at votes of tlienks,and-albsenthoree- vve pleased *with- the eveninile-.-Tentii _ tat merit.. - - -Le :ture. o attendance at sthe :Temperance -- II onTuesdav evening Iasf, was, own: in to the very' disa gi ea- ablfY -6-tite747_7-thei we th Le (la lin flARr £S3 .- 71411. 1P. S.; iLci4 ther,• very etnalj 'On- the.7.0coaelon-_-: ._ ._ ._ . _ tectnie, by Relt:-W,.--1.-.7-MalroneK_O-: , .._ - - &obi- Ori. tlia “..--P,4-pulariiabikkti-0-...iii-te hohoit-Y•!-' -':71-1-i.),:_rev-.--j--iottako- -0.-.0:77*---. ,nti.Speakier; lust in. a ,--elear--adt-fdeaTt,-, eiS 1 . nminner gaVe.a- andin ictilie -,-010t-ok .7:_iiet-lirk,:ti0i4i8.---4;riAtf Catholic" elltireb:,.i4efftttil -0019,141 .2-6t-7.---fiti.el .fal s. 'ideas. entertained-by-senie-pioge=.. in . gatd tefhe-.dact:ririestenglitbftliat 'bra lieh -ottite dinistiati _Chiitoli,:110-siiif the ICattOlie Chtiret-h hadArdone_La..1.--g-teat. dee I :for the advaneereent et itaiteatioiV raot ivithstaoditigthe =Velie-ff.ffatnify-totte: . Cop :rain' _arid Olaithett -_lhiti _the_ elireier--- -.do. -es - of: - the - :gri.-it-D=XfOrd -.and 7.Ciiiiit..- bri go Crollegeirefilo:dr_aywerelaid4 - Cat through- outiiiicadhereata-:-Theleetni:d was ..a _ _thasterly-efferti..-41.4-WeeTC on -1 t. lorry theta was net more present to .11eariti.- - The. :Uhaii.-:wits--deeuliiidlik'f. say. that ._.part_ ei-,--t e poOal_infrie-z1Vaiii / ..pr.: MaeCtimin on,:ad'it..1-s- r-needleeeito- Welt sustained.. - 4t: the_leloseiCii-rianifT Mods vote of tharika--.was.JtendelreifiliTe: lecturer. ' • • • see are sliatthipg -and there's 1') end to tlien," said firmer :Jones', ----ci-Mi-iiiiiiitti.;tke)ioute, His little boy --f-GePlige-canie-Jit---:=4----,minute: afterwards - --"and*il-a---tfi4e.4-aa an -end 10 one .of ?ein-Ta4-iiiii-r.,,difitit Was red hot too, person started s ruiuor to the Alegi that Messrs. hanker.s, had lost '---&Ohii_diika-ble:-iii-oney by the,Cain failure. ease: as - they have ood security -tor , rn11. inor.eys _ pot loose a single &ut by the fiiilui-e. R ER 8 OZ U 8, PATENT :424 26). . - WINGII A. HE poltro A.B,10A.TJTIO LD. NCI' ' t�give kmv.creclit to my -wife harge-tbitr • to rhy account, as she has left --IVY bed va t hoard Without any firoirboation: J. will u t' ligfer ratself responsible. for . any 4!hti :do .-- . _ e 7 e 'JOI:iNI .SONLTZZ11,41:ekno Feb, 10th -1682. - . . . - RRAII. FOR T The pioneer purposes le open rutin the *Atli West!. Territeil, a big 'store full of tgeods, where there is no 0.1EBS for twenty : :Tears; and where :thereis_no . • . - GOVERNMENT DVT Rut in the meantime.; and in Order to. get . .ready, be offers goods to the fertile helts of Kihloss, Wawanosb, and rA'sb- field, a,t prices lower than ever for FOR CASH. OR FR 0 Qlouds and Scarfs at cost, cost Blankets at cost ; Skirts at cost „ Dresi . Goads at coot. :Tea at 20 cents, vorth 30 -cents. '-leaat 35 et-nts,, worth : ",0 cents at 50 cents, worth, 60 cents. Sugari aid To- baccoes -yell cheat:. Call before buying and you will -Tow •convince that A dollar wilt:buy you One dollar anda _ halls worth of goods.- • .: • The----Atudet8i.glio.d.'*, :off: - e stock.of - • - • • er lt.001.114- ----Nr;w-- - Sot Team. Homes§ wort 05, ,cotit:-Ohly---$28-..---,,Makeing. a Set Linos Worth 42:5t :-CO-st: only $2. Make S Bridles worth 7,1$5; -coat =04'944. Make -a Set 0"oninion Collars Iiiitsth.--815-,--cost clay $4. -Making a Set Holten!) -Tivort05-tents.,-Co$ 50 cents. Pole Straps and Martingales 40eents eacb. dc., &c. _._117;---41I-those parties that have not paid =their accounts past due, will call and settle -at ---Unee;-otherivise-tbey will be phiced in ether I.. O. F. Social. • _ Racial under. the .ausiiicelof----.tii-01-- OddffellOws in this villaae; ww held in th0 f ledge reoin ori -lion-daTevertinig-r- Itat.andwaS one of theninAt _enjOytiblet_00- enteitaiiiiiients- yet held- hY7t11-6-i70C-te:0; _ rates The was a large representatiOnzif-3119:: 1t--..13 TreleOette 20th, -1882.-. . ey o Loan. Estate,. at reasonable ion. terms, of ..payment to o rne bens, ._ Who %vitt) their -ilimiltai iii -11= f _ 11: - : rx.oitv.01. ...- _. frie ds comfortably filled large 11411,-.---: 17114-1 eheit was oCcupied by Mr fraine-S-- - _ - Soinerville; whe is -,---as one-Of-thennire- 0.nthnsiaStie tp e Int./eri,_ idecla reit ----••=-.----4,:a.-• . . . wholej-show in bitn.self and--jv-y-allar-.40k- me (. f readings, recitations; -Sonqa,--_- -004:- 1. thro lwn in," w fill e a n excelle i 1 fliregraini '! rendered in solPndid style.--.)*tli--4-- me. terS of tbe coMpany, aff-07±:Whieti-4: toff She] tits were servedi:.:;::-Ofif-iitfit-_--= 'mai [g.. part of the oroir_4601.0÷ L-wai-irs-F'- oiv d • with the ut.yer-failiiir ifiiiii- whi 111- iiIcvey.s :"greef6-r __it,:--Aft4r-,:-.11- . . orav TigSof . -.9„:ppE.itlfe-1 --IRO-- , 04o , _ ._ . _ app toed by tbe .alieice vianeSpeovided fir .the tieeesion,the et ,Mpanygriv-e,--the-M,..,:: selv - ' 11 LI OT TRAVER NcixttoPostOi.e - f-Lucki-r-tair;- March 1.1 T HINES NURSERIE AEIL H ED IN 7114.a .:410.104.0*; :arness Depot -IS offering Great " Haruess., Irrianbe, - , . Valises, Hakes,- Illankets • shigie mainess,„yrolik. Si.. up; •' Teami liarboisfrom And everytilingin the line chealier tliaii tile cheapest for dash* otherwise, •botnia not to be undersold. All work- warranted, ag 'I keep nothing but firat:claSs stock,and .6 rst- elafis wurkZLeII. 1 defy r.-.),InpetitiOn. Don't :forget the place, opposite 1 N- J. H.Mdllardy's Bridit Blook: Lockup Junuary.13th, 1882_ 111 z 'JOH N$ TglI" S SARSAPARVLLA • • L1V -CONLIZIli-':17$11P1111; And for Purifying the Blood.It .. _ has been in .ute for II/years,: mid- has *overt to be the beat- prepa.Mtioii in -the market -for -SICK liE ARACHE,- EfUN IN THE SIDE OR 13ACK,: LIVER COM.; MAIM': _PIMPLES' ON TEM -FACE,: :DYSPEPSIA., PILES,: and all DiseaseS, that arise from, Ei,Ditordered-UVer.or an irotiAre bloud. Thciuoandfkof our befit pestole fake it and give tI to chil- dren. Phyaiciaivi Weseribeitdaily:-Those Who iiseit Oticer •recolnixtetid it to others: It ianiade -from . „rag Sarsaparilla., Wild Cherry;:stiumgia, Dandelion,-Sassafraa, - liVictergreorn,.and Other well-kiewo valtiable-IROota- and- -Herbs. It is strictly.' vegetate, andpan- notk.hurt the most delicate constitutiboi It is one of the bestmedicines .inueeler: It is sold by . all responsible druggists :at une dollar.- tor- a -euart.'bottte, : or sit. bottle* for live - - Thole who -canner-obtain a bottle -ot thie Medicine :trim - their -druggist ' may lsend ua OWd011ar„ and o WOOL.- -• 308118=114.'004,Ssillifilitsikk.. • Amaiiigratinti • thrr. •