HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-02-24, Page 739,
John' Carroll has, sAd
ldv oSub IF -Air -sudd
resh � 0"s lexerebe.
d Novpnty-
lands 15 lull t Ole 6 "a
ot. bull) for 11, moo -to wi -
nun QKttlabl. t,The%- louoi N31W Y0BXj Feb.-13----
Mun, ed- d My RAK - - -: eniployed-�h-
RM-00AW 291 - -1 interet-that- -is-- being
New-y-ork for A11t ius
ISO[ -we o as t 12 t a- con
ne an
Mr. ra -through the country
'a experim .-or
V erld-Wr m tots. Tky
0ayr;--S1X- and- a go a i itteg? niwspa
Gr Ifit it I F ti4kitllo ('aide
a By"
L we _1 ip!g taken
A, to
'?-Br u r 6 (63 r�g i U0
-P -T.the;highest
-milko wpouni A%stomer,�S kYdi
60y V. a
ahorses .
Fullei of "Osk- 6J quarts.,, of milk 't
lan. I Fa�ui i1amiltoa.) grAde "TArseysJ 8J A4911 iu-J& 54 it �t,6 tj
ive, wal digbases of
�qudfts nat a, 11 quarte.. a'Fen, Jt4f
Elditor of t -6!alauh of a
Ikq llainM= Tnma Tildezf--�6tthe State of lie, 0gotland t f (I a
1,; vt pros '908 e 4rgm aiiavor -bilio
as And- man ossessing t age -if. he catnot-,
ad ar, 0 we seamop,.
a f4v
0 all, as,it ' I -k� prinei
1k, 6pons for peiforming
ps, was
'is Sturgeon' -Oil Liniment-,,-
arag Dr..D.ow.
-Ikg - -p4d age, ap
'improvement, ill t6e beef. p" a Per he&1
f One
ts, a stateme treat
entappearing York
wing t ro
nt sho a
-f #a okAhe- simpler disease east Teriey 0S �At
of C�nadaswithtelerenca� �eutire herd of to, the reducing 1879 $3371b do a and, ihissMoL h is Oil
but it. baep* strange a. XrjTfio� -or, -A- gallon of a,
I it4x%-qq-qqI It - . I .. - -
T"H&u.a,r&1So of the Wate �PA,d-- t4 -mi 'n' whidli
_k, -A th We ,
I ph bb- -splendid
climate d -i -go- 6f Vow York- ean be- use o �a van.
ur .80 �a pin. Man a mos coin..
Fes suid- h a'
dvh7-. months at 406 lbs. per head. erMv men disea -of th t
I.-plKeed, hia- av of -X-Ova. --b
4dby nabill aF1.. is- Oata rage' for Six y
-reg riq for passage.. package.
lug-, more a cracked hoofs, br. k
0 an
-ard e uld, not 'be - had- to the These herds �'shouldefs, con
quiliraoe some. mdat v
-nal a tracted- cordsi,
knees, slug--& InPrOvOnielit. ofttook-peguliarly ble- cows- and cetWn -allo1neids v iare eb --0co&fi- -P-1
ees.- oaased* by: kicks- or
-777-7—' scratches, larneif
-6s.e� aud,,-1 think no .-made. for on- er-vo�
-oung. �.,b6ifera 'and - a )ws 7age if better -breed. 6ain- D as �064 br another
'be -utilized than of
ftion,- and above at e --'-p . Qccurrin#j- but -if attended -
the �O�t of cond -',as teen daysm-lbal
i 7
rom: .
Yews spedU -D6*1a Sturgeon bil
U. I.Rcre 'a a falir �avejap for.
tt is pleasing 'to -note that.- wa
t� W6 'a, r
intereat is. -beind 13iini- most -oidinkry lierag.. I would plaace.., e: 4th she- an 6 d D
Monts would- n t- b
counterecl-e foirifiq--gl
gie no trouble.
bteec! by ..th jor'Gendiral 'Rlil -frig
feated nLiniment 61y usedwill
ose average. -at 250 lbs, pat head lor all the east-southeast,- bi 't i T1 - - - � , 'dying,
under whos. ..Ove e
di c.t,. kno*ledge t air -yearg Of age, if- '!r
ury, alil 0.
worn A0104cal View ef-O . star -wil
ate kii6wa" aml th&t though �fs;miljes. As a om well-ku bdftqr n:ses, r6u yesterday. dei
cow, the, Own
Jers t110 unlislAk 7, C*Vtilu
otba'surpassed. Shei&smi Henley could do Zdtbing, b th,--condaut wwtofiifig� last into Canada, was
the: number impurted- fkbm the; Island !n �fi,,vei;.yo I 'e�
or lit- --heavb= his- OThe Rev. Wm., Lloyd; ofthe Central Con. -
of J se 6
y alld easily handled is hardy and a -g ad vessel to, knd1oi three 'ured I -sat
iulpro,�emebt, I -.d ional hurch, N.d* Y
only, 2 1,. ii0ine( wi6th'the- 9th -an- in ih'
yet- it ff E' ityiA enlaiii gregati C led
is:. a eeder, and' heor long habit in this' conditi �Vp -
con em it ad . . z��, d, night eTark- Congregational . Church
nt_ 0 the de- corps airipg t Ari aOn: omade il f he
Ot�4 Y 4rg, tid I kno-w. that. an&. �h h more par sweeping, ove a -88, ile .1 - W AudwAs Sixth-avenub, 'B on 11 -Man.
wOunl 0 4 Aural Hill - at 'Wi
IMPOTtatiah- inebiaes- game -fine animsls� clikandcar d d'-tL dch
finementthan any other breei S a iyo, thing.loosb4's;way.- asters -atz hood." course
g1hoae impor tg�- and -a In he roo yn of 'his address he
Atioll -
VWV ad shifted a-nd:the -fury- 0 7 -the ale I libukg Laddi tt- Chidrtaugua.- said -the t'
out'by, Mr. Simoll ted wiathe� lat brought &.-large quantity of rich wid -t a presen stal of. manhood in
Re�ttle, a3id-Wbich were- c -c at, oilast - -,.fortune in h
ream (&-greatluxury) at wless. an sails in all direbti Chicago fire'aaid Amirida, i t6o 6 1'
ion at ons. a
-at OL,stY s; 4� b owthat of:
;%at Ndvember ype
subseq*ently by ublic, 'aliet -0,- it n llo*ed-the�mi reeks- Than
in: the maintenance of &Ry he brig Jilt the
other cow, i a -ancient
MArklipm, doifig a was one - t
I tjoh ga,acL by soattering find that a fiaiive,66V- 1 have consumei 1 at; dVi thirieen-4ays ftiled.. I., so.nia-god blo -of manhood; hOwAy-er, .'that Was- -not --an
'd by' M� improvime w9thiti. ype 0
nt on 4 b -Thd � ------
aLfi�uughqu�, 011tarid, I least one-third more fodderhan any of b � "Plorce-reporfi -w i, on a vi me
;qpgI I ' a wits -oun
oil "be -the Purphaped from k Y. his two, cd�vs, erseysw . lromtho.length of time. she 0111 77-30, 6&6f. GriLfid -.Army- b r1he,
-February he- mot-�wi 0 hich,would never grow
od was bite .:vj
(second Oiiza. at. London and, keep�in milk,�a oldAmuud- in. he-1aft I Ime
family- will rarely be, m )re beay.y-gOlo'.b:6vnng-fr6li�thi-i(�u-ili��i��i-- ling onAinerica --soil., it is t -that
Out prize. than f
a- , or- -si4e-9'j, he water, and
the force bf ith - huiiger in a is4ualid a t
Tar Ex rom six weeks to, two mopntha wi p urriganei famisheil- wi b6loni
gs tot 6 othef
h t Philad4lph on-sombthibg a scar-, ilde himself *111
lebant good milli. -L ie. hours -it eoutitued-to-116w i44attended W*
taker 0ver all England, and which is 12O.V out a Buff or:t
a --or& incl they are maintain "up ly *if -e-.,, th"t 0
ud C. -p6hk
diob that sudh� Urmersas Will introd too violence; bufthb, -brfg-b ;gfow. out of it, ii
re 3 a ave nfr.- zeattie into'their Stock some of the Jersey bl ba
a public were aware (Anterestfug totter.
by crosiftig with a. good pir if -The W1 a -C
a ersey bull! x tar- i - -- 2 1 - . tion Compaulive
-Xdg,.'A - ��Mil I Of z
qk,'Ont., h t
Two new app- ibalidlis or c ar ars
Oro . ar.W Often, averagingr as- obtain- a better price Jor -their cow I s. w b�A iug-afteril -pass
0 t rvello, 'Gleadell, r. oloufta
a: richne ly, will fina.th dook-" C
SS of their of aood milking faiial' _k tar�d - -
gy mo Big
20,`Kr Oent. to -in, -very age.�:-. 4 iig nteresting letter coneernin, ets�plote nt, ..are, averfis'ed in, .he
site; to dispose -of 1 -h -em, independ t Queenstown Feb. 2nd,- she- ducountd, with asthma
entire herd and' the they do 981, Gbzette by, piomoteii of -
en�rwous a�unu.,d yiela *:of but a f as -9 1 Canada
on- the 8A, - on"i .6� infixi6tiza. SO severe
bigh�sea-s a- , `- th
t r 0 tlX a of the impToVement.whioli. will baagily !a- lywere worgans,
-strong- - -winds 4 hi -his 0611difionwiti asubjee "companipsi The ',pro
Pliny" cows, (as I heard one- man'. express cognized by them in the richness of. i 6e 10110wing7daY at it, which" ELI -and
ah Tobr-Mr-
Inself toard,& them), and; thafthere are. milk and the -increase 41i'th I product 'of -sea.. The we -fbr�--genbisa rems;jk .1p,da ad the
Qowa,in�'the Uaited S worse- Western Land Company, we Sir, Hugh
tates whose -yields.of butter.� If any 9 -ie&aers TAR 7' All -an, ' Andrew- Allan,- - Sonatbr Ryan,
o'clock, L1' waj-�:sing a - ouC an
your dotibt.t ile -u Ou min4tiad in -a- I d, as
butter have- never' beeii equalled,, more correctness of My ficrdrea'I am preoarec strong ale� '�He� i6deived constant'Imaidical is
ce-; renle iRtei' remed 1�oi . A. - Drummondi, Hugh McLennan',
tte , nti(Yu wOul& bd given to- them. I refer substantiat6 the�n �v tests liaade and *hi, utiiiued throug -tb�w -a tendan I
to ) 1 00 hout t a
suchoowsasEiii ashichmade, y was A. D
Ot have*appeare'din print,and if 'any,desire -tried and-stil rummon A. W. -Ross M
I.hegrewworse.� Consumption. P. P.,
formation as to the Jer and she --had- - ----- j� -hiw - friends hk6q- the second, which is degignkted the-- York -
of 6utter, in 3.11 aays and has give3 -as- high. 6rther in miles, kppeared !no and.0 3 Dfummoncl'- T4a�promot6ra of:-
te, your kind permission, I will'be happy to. weather, strong'- -Win- d-4' life. -'But a� itis time,
as 3: lb3.'s day 'to Jeoeyllella,of Scitue, apaq inif-gut -bgd vitable, and
da- an lirtle hope of a
r n 6mpany,, are
e, ar arrivat -Off
�19 *14011 Made, 705 lbs. of but.tdr In & Year Z furnish them with the. sibie thro�gh yo ir- u Firap to, the tim of h a means whichi Affr.:Millar
(1019), wlien; 4 �eaxs, old, 574 Ibi. of
-N-.-.Q� llacecolumns. -Hook-on:S nV ain,e began to ur V
atuiday bulbt�r'i4 a. year; 04' iimstrong,- . J. Uook�', A. 4 Lig
ported, Flora,'511 lbs.. F ebruary 7th, 1882-. Z NEW YO33k, Feb.. 13- ht-
a-ich has
,beiurn- El ali
Emblet6p, 6L h gin- Sehoft,'J& 1,330 a ousehold -k
old mad� 16 lbk� of butter, on griss-041y V - - � -6ijhborho d. The.g6dd, to N. Taylor.-.
rrivea ifi' -Etli-, Autohg the Church the lijai
Co. � - V 66 0
Coti.ah'Et Lily wbieh.mhde�711bs.of Dr. Castlaf� of 'Toronto, has yesterday mofbivg� -gf--
Ailk-Amadk :wei6 geeii alinosttfr6m the
been sufferh'
t4vLar -
butter In- 31 'daysl Lady Mal, which A' FuuW]� p I 'd
V03 a o onsive Fsedietions'sdou"' 0 @our 1g ;-th
o for the past wee'
made 9': lba.: 'at from an attack of ve#ig to w q ff
. flays
PY 'u pkqe inper.- .�`-�Forf Wayne- -'(Ind;),- - Apatch
Wales. She-ubuilt-6fli -? p and the r
btittei per day 'for 61 p a
aA many other large yields whfch It is runiored1liat Rev. Mr. Kirkpatric: r, eaxgb 6f iiOn. aof Augu
0 laic, Chief offib -family
!enttemdn pastor 'of - -Cook it The
-haimo. The Country a 0� Church, Tor6nto hi I's tog at Yaegi, fiv alf
e Ravages If 8
-We left New -6i 6n 0 a1Kll-1P0x-' the �cityj in groa,,t -ffo
Tq1119110 -part
ydar t *a the-.j�jthern
last ho:7 -ays re fouud-twda�
publisd h. ames of over 120 cowOwhic�li. -P -6 Ahd�19th-6
af ter, 'Edinburgh- boats. vioild as, Ye, cardiiiinvestiga- m,'.--trichiniasio,
the b h f caused by - t*--- -haf
to yield 14 lbs. of butter cliurch-going. There weteatchurchrecen eb. Minister. to as LIAg rEl n. it
tion wer� fou-iid --W. not.
t that-- 13mgll i I f
VIV, j --xepor -DOx is epi oinic in ver.
ay o reco
and overi im a,;w ti
---n( a a poople-have.
NViie ata. ar - on* a even Sunday 101,700 people, out Of A heavy gale 1 the f
n.-these-fac. . a
a, d i a.;
considerg'd I think it way fairly be�c.laimed, population'bf 228,00V: -weather - ec6ifnued tintil- itied and- dreds:are �0;0 Sick. Th !-Police-. Const le' Xgrsh, b St.- &A
hun Pat
that. thdugh they are (I pday 1! in en i d k6b
I rnesi I B0011 --resign. is -position, on ther
st4tu lous- thit f
i re. th6 kiesbyterian-s in- Ireland are this. eiv a -Perfect- liurifeanl -P.rdv -to- W411,
they- a -rel 11 b" 11 ie eeopq�.prevA I- ift-Ai"woidt- form. Va area
ig. in. y 14z. angements for the Pe.- nobeen-�reoeivd- a s a as, brocured a
early,makiug err d5made- -had,- �tidi�.-and -re-V of that: city" n4 - 10 The s yo- 7a�qinMioii, has been resorted e�ponsib g-p6gi
-Q da, -k-resbyteri&rr--Couuei1-,- whiQlr me -Oka i i- Oii-tho�-- 14.- -1011aTV a —f caseg'-with- good ide0t. yo urthousan -s- a r
o -- -preserves
0, a Z�p uth;- , ubluesEi ig. consi erab-
agr6ab -b-arter cos, had, when -4 Df- t Point 4ame.
Belfast 'in 186A day it blow th
a d E
br,*,�!�i o. fllia'� country, the same ly disturbed., n-er-
rest *hieh, aa th anys grounds, for whibli hals well
The Moddrator, of the Presbyterian Oat. a- d ore, -O at getile- mbasures will. be 'taken- to'abate%tho comp,
-blo4d aa -16 ihe:'S�rseys, in the round to the- north*ea bs,4- n suited.
Isle allq,,�-Purity The cattle - erat,"sembly of Victoria, Australia, id
y, be, Ito
-1- man has in y imi
a over- the vessort
on thg Ieland at Jt�j-.Sey- have alwa. va hils address iii4ava rof a revision of -t 0 ore . . ... succesBfu
on fter, wid-dayv-::�a Accept Our
in oil Gira in lar - ine -of bupi essi at;
star Confess a;n,d- so his pectill, b
famousiloi iheii yi a of Faith
ginator. thd
awget, puke, -Came- ov6r the bows carrying -away-the ISihere is onlyo:h A 'Most stringent lai The Rov.A,X..Broughall -of Buffa a, N.- Y.-!- Dear e -Ori
golden batker -1 _
NY' is ToroAto,-h a -.of the bridge, So, alsol
so far recovered from. hi Y ur dolfin 'Medical - Discover great. Pbtrolouti -bair.r6ne Carboli#%*13.
And-11AS Wait in, fare& for nearly -two ceu- a recent attack hurling tbe-maidon-dutiu k--Jkgai — Ahe Y
u� n6ved aud'p M
turies,ptohibitin�g ti typhoid fever ai to be able to, eo tc lbobo ---.o nst-, now Imp erfectedi, Olds thePal
h cured by 'boy, of fever. sore of two, a
a alive of 1, honcoop ofi-aeck, at a I imitator areu ino arti6lebf
b4 gain
i4nd- the greatest 'Will recrui It- The -Rev.- barl a fortungtoly -badly bru1,1Pi*i--hf1*. year staiiidink.' Please', accept our grati.. Spy horned 'an' where he
no -merit.: Try if
Ot Shoz tu
:now a- -good
n MING,- 18 A011, Mass. It is stated that at the - forthcoming
care, %B.A., lato.curate at Woo bridg been to �sew- Yo
taken to. pqrfe een 0 ar-:
and, kdep,,�Ahe bibed pars. Neese.- 19-1 b 'appointed- to do -.duty 4t 'amentair
uch sarily On so: small an . IsIsail (11 Stepheii's-Cliut6h for three months, twhi came y electicbs in Moagi -'-th� righ
c Davitt'-`now�
iR� Tzrw CHui He-Notiw is given paxty
w-ba'a the nu a r- roug4all 8 hig, ut teeth - -was-iight*
-?is. re t aboard..- Thia7gtle
mg- ouringover-
of 4s were P10 th t-- confined in Portland prigon. P' riek�
aulm the., effect of breed. A religious. census taken on a 'race her forward, --a- - - - - --C - - I --application -will be made- -to the
an as she-sAnk in li� r that
the- 3iu of -the sea -a; perfb nt session
incorpors, a
de ugq -w- -ca -me- t the pi6sbYto take:'te seat' if Mr, . D&W
ing witliout. introducing new blood w6uld in Glasg6w showed that -Domi6ibn Pullamentit the pialie Eagan win -also be;-no1Mfia-te& in Orde
duld he may
be, to, a,'qartally Q3,-telit, in.addja breeding bar of Evangelical chu as wag 324, w i aboard over the atern.One-tremegdoiii-sea� - a disqualified.
consequently, certain traits. woulcl be - er� an aggrega -Ch rch of anad tim wA the
u p t?3 attendance of 115,292, and 2 Ad6'a, b0inplet'i -it � -" - U P m - - a wreck of the ing
an(I maintadneds as Roma;n Catholic churclids,with a -of Scotland to provide for the
f6cte&, ig Sed aChurch k SboWy for the Prel
glnp,Tping- -govpruance.o -a 9 hildie has '-been formed t iii
n re t b Mzatug kft, -thei ii -on --7 ' venti& of Crue
fth aid Church; and 12
g gs ;ff like -tinderw6od, and -th6-' - re
the shorthorng, who, being nalurally'�good attdndance of '15 87L 'The pop� ation r th to. 0
Mitch wheii brea for gener iron -bolts b6hig
atiolis with the city and suburbs.- included wa4 at las t orn out of -the - deck.'-'- -'In-tr ��dquifing, holding -and -administration of As a result of s in o nee -
ear_ propertyzi and -lo -eduq� nati-
-to! d the iecent: expo�e
a view I Ahe- -funds' d thereof tion with bliaritmble �aud
lose their census 70f,436. awayth -wreck:'oftheTsteer"
a- mg -gear� iwo-
6 funds and property,.h tutions.
missionary t who li�s inj � the-sailorw-(K61ly and And& r natural ito'denoy. for Milking. 'go the An American an ela in
Je- says, haihg b- - bred, - for generations idurned from "Tlu'ap, on the wester injured-, the - forit6 - h v hose- who -suffer from bili" de . rs
r Church by the Board.' f6
with7 the gole object a r . aving 16-��,tibiagejnent of the - Temp6raliti6i and
.1 obtaining the greatest c ast of the Bay of B'sugal, where* h OPeu,AiV&SuSWneds�fet6-iht- liver --bomplahits, from Acidity f th'
a has e6ail hij Is
k help, uries , the , reAbyter Chdr stomach, -indigestion, debility"-id-na�isea,
flow Of: --- Ik assetitI&Ily i butter been laboring for many-years-itithe-r6l'. He is Wn ass is-beft! awaitin Flind 01 P ch
an - oow.. the jerseya nd. p
ore&% ara.stnall in gious vineyard; It is at the dootdr1s, P=44�1& connection -with"the. Churelf ib will R
rango whai b arrivaltLnd-ba�-;w�efiiir:,--16s -th67 armanent-rdl ' ief fr'ni the xiie-of-
Thi- Antibilious' anit Prasekiing:
stature, weighing oni ff-,- peculiar ideas this People- (the- Telug -limb t -Seotl d.
y About: 800or 900- Ib Use 61- big l6w.ar Dr.,
and it, being g generaly -admitted fact, that -too -deck-
-A-Chicin A-atian: whohAd insured' his life --tord Ruilivin, inheritor nd cabin -The-water poui6d--dbw.n.--the.
an, animpl--consames, fedd'in proportion Ahmin to mo Pills
hhveof Christianity' Said ofi6 go6d old the wheel r191A away, and'stafted-
if my so
Ja. its, 0_w,.n -weigh nsshouldbocow�
swimining- last sum M er,- was takew
t, iio� one. - will bal Christians they . would then, - d6ubtles compabion- and- a -with' era'
onSc6tdh-peerage, who served all -through -the*
pips aii& - was df6wned. '.The
surprisedat thestatement,as the fact -19,- bee" a drunkards Iike'tho' Englishme Ladders. -4 --on Aeck a Crime&, is.baakrupi�turf los468.
am place. and ails
that, they. are: usuidl
d-- Xto Pay, lead -
fodder, thau, any maintained on 'less There.are�two things that smasheduvand-c
ersal- arrled� awayi-an -hig' ibA -death aa`not�b%us , ad b�ybodily
says would like to have the clekgy-
other co -w... Many, 01 he C61. Ing" the boats�wera. gtova in- and-refidere
stic -ffifitnilties or s the result of WANTF INIT C&NADA TO-
tbat thek oblectionable. because they, to, less, gn-d'-for dissaise;buta
are 1.1bo4y, I b One is the gabject. under d 101, *aSfh6-,gaIe,, -I,-- - - * , ,
-ut. it must he ad i6cuss" --v_o untaky 'exposure to obvious a to sell several usefui jiotise-
mitted that nd - unne7
and so trem
endous--the--seas we:shipll teigar 6 - nature: And
f -the highest...yield �f dairy Product is ana the other isthe truth. I -have out, 7- housdb�-old-,- 9xiticlos, wknted.-
sought,aa 'that it - Wu' -impossible --t -- -Y-dangers, al that th -now in every 14mil La.;
--y- tendency to-'beefuess: fir objec- one. request,". be saysi to make: of th 9, 0 b'--"bm-g -Omu- se ---'of 1estli virag iiicapable of posit' STS
toward getting m-mtt--erA-.:sh' Ive d' A genti.can. earn laige q&U�- For 5erms
10 f the grea. a 11119Y Of the whole world, and that is, the! t, - y.
ne a t at. merits of the '11 not tblifalsehoodiabo true.. soon as, JP -Proof�. JudgeJohnston, howevek,,said,the6t- and full information apply io--TU � Hew Mom -
they wi �ossible we jet gear, rigge ---on- itt
v- railk is 'the peduliar yello u t CLUI -n -have been W !�g�. ittsbArg, ",,P 'U. S. w. and- c a-- ot the- antioli - Of nfactiari Con
Tliera are' the pany,
�16r of. the cra good, honest; self-oao -Cthe-- rmainder ' dis&�`Corupanies, w og.e pri Box 868.
am and butter, even th h incipil )ffictj
int of the -voyage steered: from the -f-
Fie n milk Set i he pulpits. d the �ewff; stng-o -
in �Antem 130V t, jud a located on the seaboard, -to exclude' i. a
n rich- t
9'n the briake. On the "lic-holders from'
thick goldan creani, in thirty Minutes, . from my- experience',, I would - I Oat at
to - say e -an :�-we
cleared -a little,-thd ��d -d enjoying, swimming
howfew." 9MUY iU4 via6ace'showed -
fioni m their butter -fair progressup J: I .
Y Own. experfelic.6 with andbithing, and thatthb4)
Made -to-, -a- 5th -a -U
pers oatliwas occasioned. by-crahaps.i
uaded, �thgk, de s inter I'douIX not be' JDOVFXA Came, ParsH
ou� P-u�plt and ail. Month, re morej�:gaile
to. use ail other, for tabl. purpoggs-'if I but- less dang6rouEi than thos- bi.-Tierce's Favorite Prescription is -CAN"BE'C R
rdlisg that of the- I., Jersey a-
a A singular rgq L� through.' 0 --bu 19 edass but befel &.Scotc1i ple
I _F. I a ia. L. D. HoUICHAEL,63 NlagaKa�st.,Bufrslo
aud has -even now that: man whild preaching - in -a,- Minconformis miles, -but after- tlat'-ifia 1111-fils the -singleness .-of purpose, being a
yellovv 6616i,,pecuhA Chapel e,t Shepherd's.Buh. Qu,!Sunday last D Y.,has wyositi4and. w6ft=z �duie"
r ta grass. fed c
moderated -'and moit potent.apecific in those chronic weak.
Cancer;,*ith6ut�the useof the 3Kn e.or
�Ows. we. nighed
New�, York; Philadelphia. - ancl He, had a vigorous style and. showed Iaim� out further m nissads so peculiar to omen. iParticuls;rx Eating �hfodioine&
e R
t Circular
Bostcin h� hightj as -1 it' that self zealously fervent in. driving, home. t�� -in Dr. Pier�o'spimphle' treatise. on I'Dism t,,este fRUS
teena c I all SCROFUL
WE interest dearers'. the solemn' �ea�sds Peculiar to Women,", 96 pages, sent
all whid)i Wilizes into .. the � markeb 'is I .word'
e conpe
largely- howr.ht at §1 ' r lb., whereas and moral of his text., 114 da. and -ayeh t diiss, Woim�'s Dis. -CHEAPIARMS'.19ARVARUTS'
nELry bu-ti "D ordi- n Th6 gos§ipB -say- that-ahYpugli-th for three s anips., a
bringg, but 50c., t - 55 r e-VAu-
-Q Do. a pound. were both b ought * into plmy'in. enforcin6.
L 4erbilt��sent out
-A P-&-ULA-R- P6111tOntisil Pil&im to Jeru--� provements;.still contains fZarge tratts bf o
Xmiiy beids, of �-Jbrsoys will aveiag 21 'winged word4 " of the port 4500ill The State of 1kichipap, having- b yeaTs
a Jana ly preachee Zhouse�warming " in -New" Y.dr-k-thV-otfi r age
rd no� er: COW.
ceriti of crmri ia their milkil and, there a and Again he woutc! lean' 14
am averages,� h6le, weight on the reKding- dei --to h%ve-br-ought771-M-0.- a jour-
- eases *h4ro t4er ere day-,- which - ought- 4alem-is-anhouncedby-'the roligiou 'Pied lands. saitable for - farms, some -of Ithe
%s high -4 w- A, . gazin?" subject to free settlement under-hom-e-sioaq la,
�peopleofilyabout-M�---- -nall ws�
were -pr -are to embark
25 to. 30 Ve cent.- Then; again, the Jar- 4fitently intd-- the faces- of - �his auditorO asen -kof Paris. The -pilgrims and all, of them for sile- at low prices. . Xpamph -
to- - aeepen -d -at Marseilles on the' 21th of April., At let, pi pf and
d--ug4t in -at about twa imp , ressio - a -d two' d:dt(
seys, ard br 0 po cemen outsi ean t .-Opared under duth,6ri -the- ga�h;
,the f 'hlp��
the house-woragreseWl -Uff a- carriages,'hors"es-and aisses- are to be can aming a- mapi.descriptiong of its cli�hat&
Years,, at&46. i counsels. While: he,,' as once thufs
-s- wideer 'the this; Aji - di s9kI.' industries, cr resotirces, aid a
inffuence . -fta ixiO86,by ffieang, hibli-the j ' A
dsi *111 be jpehat eiie
iii �y one
a were startled' A -will- --bb-cofiti writing for. it t -0 '- -. !,
t 'tbeguoitghona th ourney account of its lah
4 the, racehas, atained"its p I., 'gazing; he audieno' bj! qwiier� of- tha_palae-6�
d6u. Perh P
-stmfid toppI6 over the' * nored* with their -,invita nued to Jerusalem
a son 0 --and sufficiently al
was- -this -de ica a liment: --t ant Pro OXMISSIONER OF
Lost any: dne� should seeing the reading
Llaim' thAf at so, -darl s;ZX platform fdll6tvdd headlong by th ed comp. -o-
Y. ago the, care rag 11 � , - I-,- - pgotability th are promised at low, �piices-. AOI TICEI.�.
nedessar' getle preacher hirnsdIf* Many 'rue
A � ap peopI&Awa The v
not, be tk tZ am
d I -be. ma�de 01.
diii -3 06916ni excur96 . na It
ly 'atteia them- Will t i
afact iso ho*ever� the. Van, w- 0
repeAd '4y- their- Pr6da6t,- 1, will, t t that- f his. assistince,- but,, althoiigh the fall wa I -hat b at I � a a of 'Yet in . I's -w r7- ted with a& bd-history..: RJ
-atehless (Ist. prize at Xark-� one of about -seven feet, the Min o6ietv
a heifdr, M
he�v� ikerqtiickI111 be; .-and Pr6fes O'C6tiftdr - d L si 0 ""the.
yet, Y
hum jiour 82 -Dionths. old wkch regained his footing and at on are - not sors
?a an
ce 'returne recognized7- . -dthers,-who- Detroit Medical C y
altholioli. milking for iiih to fiis: place atihe'�r;e*red. reading. a by the Ast6ro aii
a month' is�na�v, d -*116ge., say.t. " We have Zc
are Slip -t a sMal
t e- rid Dr. WheeleVs Compound Elixir- off 'P posed- to have got h h us
s of Ohdst milk Before resamingthb akwardly interru
eight quart te
�vrhic�h, whoix 'only 23, months- a6ej diseourie,*hpweve,-the preacher -P-hosphates'
id reinaxkadli jikins, and peltry,'by'which and Calisaya, WiW -great -gati$,
hi aai- -fiction,'.and think A ill. accompligh that Pei
pound's iwQ ounce& with 6, quaint. Made or -b-a 66h. th�� fo�tuel-44t6z bu"O he -f - iiibily -j�ti
ppreci, Sion; whib We bdor-of-the'oyst6r--s1oop, is recominended., We
tar in seven. dau. iregation seemed to a ate - that - - --�t -- w
it have'
-of -reed- con which bl&0ornelitii V�n4erbilt---u 15ift- -exhibited it
ers Terseys clai ihough It t0os AO , ur CAF MR.
Inr se a
a -who -leaned upon the Master woul& t . Academy of- Medicine, R Q -MARK-�
thellow 411. milk- M&Y not -t certain times be better. guitsmed than he had beeir while
&long the,Comr&wip.j*. Flaitistilt--ofi4gs anaJu4thorways have brought it to
a to' the ba a5 greeit as that. f Ayralifr" D�Lt h ea i upon the re- garm hidnipt ret
adi4g-stmna of His an --o, large -nu&b er. bf physicians. ;'Nervousness i. -ALL-its-stages, WeAk -Xdififty-i
cow ug'a good t ing we are'please a Lossf . -,-Brain Pow I er,* sexual Pi6stpitio
Another'generatiogwill pr6bab1y4a6doHzb. hi d 't, do, A, Night
s,. yet, it,�will be of a Moro, uni�arm, flow servant"�--London Telegra
will continue the -family, for -while. 'Matet 'natorkhoBai- Seminal� Wd&lme�s snq
-ne4re e tar lieir calvin-g stoi to learn iti vir--; Spen
.-Mbfi6tal LosEc-of ?owe- it
-ny ing a an exhibit them tpothers.11T r. 7 , , - rppu airs N ous
he. 'Ayrabike, or Datch� The report- Of, th6 Roman. Board 6f present Xand -:pi - - :-tu 4, -Jaded-Int 611det's,
thaii willthat�of t eibilt coiino k7 th'
but busiue§s,� Waste, RejuveKatosthe
a cream increasin- In richnesa 64 h� Statigtion shows that. on the night of,.th4 -,and thsl -The -eucalyptus. tree no .'b' 0 Enf6ebled Brain, -and. Rester a ur
bxhausbed radlro w or.Ors. Many.. risin I -
quantity of milk a�Weaes,' maintaininj a, Slat of December, 1881, - the populatio oi ad0,1he stook-ffiark0k- - -an - 9gor
V-the.'roads an avenum lone
17, d V' -to Exh
touched on d -the Exh
nd xperiehee a
a teis �-adibitt t- an; Itiralumple .-Ap ady. The
know, Of a cow in -the mates, and 11 -b t1ag driven' -off 'the ma;l&tis is leasant to the ta and, e box
s-Shbrt of ton'. fiard"ver Planted- sana 6ves
'ory quantity 'burbs numberbd'167f327* -Verstitional- � 0 W,, ampa d
satisf.act , -1 for ten- Months in the Rome -aa her s.0 p6litiesi he. rh�' gna,.an, ,,w I crossing th ans. � 11110. e ou
year if total of 300,4- his son e i m
CorAelitia and-- W -x- - avers.
United %sbtea 'which. annot dried 292 -Souls'. Thd incriegso Of the -popul LIMYq Walk n 8-su , iblit -for wo Vedks�-'medie
colit -su
a the last ten years-
vultivated--ta'stes, an -movd and is the cheapest and bdsL�
.-of �olia'-w-litch'
and we.
a particulars in -bur -a Mm PnN ett, WW
-a-- liver pil -F 11
in and! to man dress.!
be, i seven� as been 52,416.
years. wit tAry N Scientist says that evoty - adulf, par'4
the ety year in- -that -gar
e, vor`d6 ach
04'If ev tible--i kefer to at f om ftick's .14affnitte- lue
son carries enoughphosphorousiii his�body'lll- L4ersis- tent Party�--4' got. III A at di s6rders of.'. th li Dol!y 2qa. am, Of , , 0 druggists*t-50 ets. Per bak,i orllabotes-fo,$,69
ske, -the - oidin t are..o,
to- , aryy wo� , surp,he In,t? n10'welsk. By- druggists. ill be mailed. free of 6 t
exiteii cent, PVA .-D.onft- :ory
inhoiniced to- ay a - -Owew
5ka --of, fr e -addressing
-gad ietion matches.- Appesik4, had better go wid-ask? w th b2mey, by
Sir ;;a wou die be si 'On �,
It is haid to r6a, If -BiLack'? ago Ic
on ve yen
bees ar itful I Oro in theAft& 'Wilk
a dece -9
)i,� amp is worth so much. that,
me be, *asiPf;bo -distinct df hi -"96- 1861d by A everyw&b.-