HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-02-24, Page 5• • C Ve are bound to $ell oar Stock of I ardwarebefo.re the l .t of March, and we are offering it now I 4 eaver.Overcoats-, VE. A CARIE STOCK OF HARVESTHOODS subh as 1 GRASS SOYMES! - -r= FORKS, HOES, ,: SPADES,f C of P ' sties Which ' s never.before_ re hear-c� � :we will sell at pr ce_ . keeping a General Store will find . our gOods cheap er t an they can buy them Wholesale,and we will dispose . f . then' in Job- Lots to suit purchaser. • SPADES .FOR 65 CENTS. -HOES LORA ?5 CEN Y",0r- is the ti . - Cal at Queer -and seenre bargains.' Ifi parties indebted to 118 are requested to tay befor first of March. D. & L. MacIN7 Wfshe:g.to. inforiu the gubiie tbathe hal 04hstantty [xn 4hand a :• FIRST-CLASS-* STOCK OF• merits .Women's, ' k Misses' and . Children's Boots. p anc exam it his really super c: • gook in each claw,, especially hie ` Bu Pebb(e Vii; Whole -Mock Rooter: Before purchasing elsewhere. • Marrrifacturm a. Specialty:.. Last year's> stock- Sold at e:nd Ender -!mst 'Segs and Butter taken It sachange fo pods. ammoth . Ol W. GRASS Manufacturer of all kinds of • HARNESS - SADDLES, .• TRIFYSS, VALIS DirS.TERS, - RUINER RUGS, IHAVE 31:7 *' li C IVSD CRE L413._ -o GEST, Ch -epos. ai 'best s ected stock TY! TRIr?..KB t ' 'ha ua er been brought to i o this town. C it eariyan -seeth m, P.riece. ranging fron..75 cents i ',wards ` •TEN pe cent. off for Casb. WM., Gr-RA,j SIGH G AY' :s < c><F><c• U ED1Cp %`r.. •TRADEMARK1THEG]3EAPE+r-TRf.DE MARK, GLIBH :E3innr: An unfailing cure for Setnin= al NVeaknese, Speriniatbrrhea, Impostency, 'r= and•allT'Diseases� Before ri4a6,-tbatfaliow as a- • sequenoeofSelf A use as loss of Memory, .Uui ossa!; 7.as41- .tulle, Pain in the back, Dimne s Of Vision, Premature old ager and many of er" I2iseasea = thatleadto Insanity or Cor;su'fiption:and Premature Grave. Fiiil .p �rticlilars tin= etir,pampbiet,.whiciiwe:desire o_Rend fres. by mail to every one, scerhe S 'eeific fired=` S, Ric. &e 'doao f of Eieav�Tweed Pants. Boys Long gots en's and s Plush' Caps Clouds _ and WOa- Squares =... } adiesT Mantles. ,:Wool an - g t. �`:n'ods i mune 1 ve ted, -- h s i . Y ,� Doa bou: ht.goods--is money:..was. 1 mske theforegoinibe tffer to clearot the b ala nce of My -winter --g°0-62htha� carry�themov.next yea year. And thus, _ not; -for ulc w-rinkled, rusty stock, good, soupd, - . ods If— ou r-4, ulre a goodCoat,: Ca E or Mantle, this is the -place, and now rs the t12ne.:• awls. 'ENT' - ISCotNT FOR _Y, As IL. TC•KN0W. .000000000000000000000000000z_o' Cu first-class improve&. R.141. S At Low Rates by the 1pply to. jos. -. CANA ONIEKYILLE, - c wit a#uator. • e subscriber has- stew good GE LO cine iaasold by ell Druggists at Sl per pack- age, or six packages for $5 or will be sent free by-ztiuilon receipt of the bney by ad=- 'dressing TRE GRAY MED ficiE ,. 'Toronto: _nt., Canada -Sold in Luettnow by all ruggiete 'rill everyi where in - Canada, ,and_ tire . 1`nited States by g1l whelesaIe and retail drug. ists. - jj�� a week in your own t• vvn. Terms ilk and 85 outfit free:, Address," H: LLEF1'. Portland; Maine for sale on easy terms, . and.4t - dumber of from one tip eight acres, which can be had very cheap. JAS. SO;vn RVILLE. Y FINE CK OF Ooopeoti000meeooe Q00000000ecroode000eoeo00!00Tooe of all kind drawn neatly and 0 and to thiaend sell hi meats at than anyone in tip. in. Onne000 conoeceeecoueoeoec ND IRISII rices, and is now- (FROM BRAZIL.) The>-NeviCompound. its -7to.zz derful affinity' to the Digestzva Apparatus and • the Live2, .....instantly i n c_ rea s ins the- dissol ��ng juices, relies Iin almost instantlythe dreadful results ofDyspesis„,,Edigestion , _ and the 2ORPI3LPER,.akes = Zopesa an every day necessityin overy house. It acts gently” and speedily is Biliousness, Cos _ tiveness.. Head-. ache, Sick Idea _he, . Distress ail . ter .Eating,'W?nd oa the Stomaekp Heartburn, Pains in the Side and Back, Want Ofppetite. Want,o1 Energy, Low S irits Foul Stom- ach. It invigor teethe:Liver, car.. ries off all sarp4us bile, regulates the Bowels, angives tone to the whole system, .I Cut this out a d take it to yon= Druggist anct ge a lO cent Sample .or a; a. ge•botzle for 75 cents, and tell ourneight or about it.� Peart $g orrigan *Has Censtantly on hand. a well asserted straelt and. see diem: before pArchatipg :and larl3EERS. else - MISSES' OVERSHOES and RUBBERS - ills many patrons may "rely upon it 'that • while there ?all lie a lo rering in - as in his lengthy experience he thaw found:that: it pap to keep nothing but wilt meet. Best Mea Supply 19111 110 Id 'IT:id Village, -on Stiortos, add • will ierve COO etiners Calf Skin Mits; lpeer Skin Mits.:: and - Fur - Mite made to order, 1Vranufacturers rf - Harvest Mits wholesale :and_ re any Descripircn, 11 Save motley by esiling fig vsg, - MEAL. HOURS. • What is *it? the hilt Machine 'Oil '.' World ; is -manufactured I've. This uncler the severest test and the. active competition, was Invarded lbret;:fitl higheilt prizes in 1880, namely, Torrantii.- dustrial _Exhibition, First Prick. Prof Exhibition, Hamilton, fl -Old two magic missidnverty,4