The Sentinel, 1882-02-24, Page 1.7 XIO -TRIDAY-t-I-EBRUARr 8 -CrO NO Wt.-., 04IRTA 82 -A be- paid five' 'do for Bar MERU- &'--CAMPBELL. W*Oir TRAVER some m edu g swe6t got a-,Ar,,7t-r in. SAKKER& us6flice "xt' nding A rty - ery%acer -'straItigein-18-cottis MOD forI the same, Ue PoF4 Uaoe. Lqcicnow-, Out. d C) :W That wa �here's slie o T airbairn an&.seeondoo WdfiW71Cd&th&t F) 'Reduced ate 41-- eems 41TO olt. -that thig-Ab 11 ON, mo�ay to� Loa L 0' ai"Scotigh Qaeen Patreet, Kineardine, I o -word -that scotchmi&use-,- ounci -.1 -a! the Suit,th-e Timo�--., n t tit he ay 1p PRUUT3FOOT, 110ana on Morigageo " lowas 6 per.cent., souix?q: tn&c,i Goderich-, MOTMANDIM `Tve write the'lialfthat OkTCA ES: BOU word" iq the at 'Would--t6k, -o see; ­ to thiIin for' aftend&ac t, IGillin W% t wst- d -But firit ad foremost, bear in in Di4ft'e and Cheves ou" -all points cished -p It meaug mMr th, and Prompt -Atteiltio.ij paia -to th t, - -mama lijair than a shelter-- freelk-, -.mean S of Notes, �Lccounto Rents Tag shield ace; Ilieki; -at" ry 4C�Ifec ttiaoln first 0.1.1 eaiy tiermoou Real Estate. e a mony i or meaxuu or 1rhof I At f 10 "-RAFT 8 P A-YARLE AT �PAR.- is:gue I -That sweet W" Wordie; th e privicipal'cities and towns of Cana X. Co. da:- 'alld- On the Vnicped $iates ard.- Great 'It-meana-the -dearest-sobt on -**ft -etc. Money, to- Britain. -it-BY If We be 1wb ld' r it! it iiitt:rest.. :nle a,ne-a.g x m. 6 Aur bu Parties Refilittl it abunell GIVTHB.'. GRA NVhaur W is bricht-in' ande. KINLOUGHP.O. Vill findthis the chea*pest. * safest,� and mop, - Am' ginIt be -nae that tae -you. 4AM1,LT vv nt iiiethoe INTER -8.1r:: Te'vo just yiksel" tas blisIbiia Far nbelit lipt it oTT-' -�osit -CO h. 2 . - - - - - - - (U%t of Ttwawater.).,, Five per cF-iit. allowed -on De ath; e niar me. rtiniant. avings Bak Dep Lod of the'And- ruey, %tilcitor. - int� . ! me t go. r Ana -A mpo 'whaur Et.- Etc. Flundi 11AYested for Pri-inte.rartles, -41-n--kn a n e W.0k. of 't 3k V IM16 are wepared tti.offer to cu get pasf stomers ever. Me- 'Met this iinotiiiii an -- is' - IIA -.A ON' .1lity -d'by a-If"h nilai bo,kept in -s . tor�- G _T fac affiirdt artered Bank d ji And on equall� f4i�qrg-,bj The at .8 .0var Seat It means a-placa­wh�ul t -tat- fitill, to loan.- Atty autioit :V -hose haii's and -feet"-* is- veryjarg6t. Tfiki or atnts 173r, almeh4o means i resting plaei­ Grind:Iodge for t or eri:P.- G. -,X V. - ...Tae 8 -pie�ared f --G" "G K W. ille MAOK[Dy u ancef oronto BHST- CON.T.-AAyl PRESE I T-Ottsnj"G.Vve JIADVAU,oithe TTiItiviersltyof'�., ES XTED. -Physician, Surgdou, &c.., Offied camp �4�QVNT G. - Recorder' j- -bk�ll-ft­op mix M" TO 4-p..V -pasitti�*e b k. -In c4se- the r. hi 19MCE-1ffoults—Fa0m. 't ilk the Q*ce, c4g- at Luokn4, Bank. CONT -1 0 ei no B. Ta'Y*lbr NURD -FJR X -J A- 7 ISSUE ER CAM ON & 04MPBELL, a G Watch Tne ?Tow, SAftUADA.T- 31-0 ptit ME :Spry-; 1�iilaneej J61in Apvl� to 'CA IT. H. Wilsolir GOO. J... ent� publiA� plf?pdirtiuk X Y T - 0,. LRND a easy teims of D, RON in. llainil� Clark, D' D T C-4?0KElAkgeut,. Dungannon.. Strilm) a , 'Awson. (OF CAMERON Q&' offices take, ton bi4br*4he U S N aT AAR Y inCol businet' of th ancer not youe or 6d chiofly in -routine - �ii ne.r. in,B. R. 'Convey R-Mle's Drug -8.a te Etc*j� ne$15; as to W ont 111 ordta by mail. re- Rosi"that lie ap 09-1rop- 49.01 ONTAIdo re - f, pas 'd. for the county-$' t c4 -the -arden states -6 be, -as onvevancin, cr, ree The'- iepo anch Deeds, XOTtgalrft, A lle-illstiticted 1'� Clt ff� in P*, -�Rtihdsi rg"jami a; 11111 Hilt to'att0d.1 -With Mdrkinan I -f ?romptly fully �repAr resp t-tosppendikl) it -1i Rage a in Vb: it -It-miliece 4gMt, n s vuarantijed. f i 44 se ithat th� VV a's n -as 31)ecial JxiitA p'trompt'attention paid to th affil to sir matters -ebn OU --no of Milig ,-Videt)C6 - I - 4i with the trau;i�r of -ehl'-Est liecessal R ate. ha;vb -been-" TuUghed 100 ryj� and ihat s6hiii-fits d. -.-J-8. -To!-- h t-.:,U...e'-al8'o r tfi, Clia-lim 15arrery, 611, T- por o itba will cirry: tyll Initioe- on %a agislotion-by Qj: Ved to SARRISTER6 &0 61 0 persons pr6p it lie NVOUM t f ti Luck W Office one d 4espec 00r, rom Comeron A Pkirty, -)V6, y nimitte -an -T' -W- wy -a- it Cariqibelri 11111y c0sider9d: Knil examined 66 iiw- into conw the fin't -A, %Ukl w. a ti tOLICITM-fot -B otion- 0 'h .-I ranct," torder's" t 41aw. -is- iu: -reli anion !r-mlifissioner t4i ent 6fi6roonal 010par prod -othef mg Y�-Jbe li6c 0--nienther-ship basbeen slid -Village property; b and unkir f previbbi y4ars Ilia in 1 8 app le.EitLon) -,discritn- `of the 'farill. We --ob nsid' 3 0 t6 i -of' a Ota uparlyl, ind­) loaned on Ajorjg&g. t* dust thti --Ue- Iua In y 0. 184, G. �secllritv At, 6falld Gf. Derceiii. �q �"g! Wt t o. ' (it a A -,F,& A. 7 -YE., f(!r private,lp"f6tib 1P 1W tire be -,;t lip, as thirtileii, an .1 h -ats waarl the day 'a wi. e V1 -n view, t es6 fa -.ticre. eg lea VA to. n�cotljtliell Lan& for sa-�e,* Nanitobai, -and' -the Nor 'ath ilai --ther. t d- 4 ea�h inonth At 8� cl-t"t a"l de. ni5y1a,. b' I .131in p.m. V, 9 ----------------- - -- :-The- -total rec�iptg,dii �gnoj Mll the rGduc6,0f,tfi �' p la Moss, 1966ount;."alluounted to -held:'by tl le power of -1thj e fr6fil -lid retary.� T ilig .0 LOAN ON GO01) ARM taxatioij,­ Property i. t ij. 4u(I 61 P?ar c Ile toj-.al of '$5 0 85 3' Tho, ent,taccord- T he iboVe will 6, he fail,. -aingunted-to $1.1, would' therefor roceipts LO a qjai ertns .,to suit the borrower; the ot X ,)rres )oiidyuce" will be cheerfully Ail wlo '80 -a with:the baIl 8 -d licitiii-4e.-ins tic apply k ar ri'l C�. -&f $14,T22.69.- The am' without 0481100im For birther p tiefilars e ,-,-ry F c ity evininK 8-Welack in eg atlfre.� -630 that' assesi�wen -their I)ON t le -fidialidAi 4M 4tb -signs, a. pi, 0.: parti ularj. 11 8, T 1 G; %eereary. -c a d -7 iine be by- tlifa Warden mi Wioj Likia 'Sher 06urt Po 'MONEY 170AK. d jr-nit-- a A '4 FIRST CLASS oIwAaEg at 7 to -of' -foth-6rith to Dr. -Sillelair;-3 P. A d story. is told �-iq rteity bet Fvii NO- 0 7j per i5eilt:intereA pa�yxlule Swirly; preselit en. to�. ytd Teatfully'subinit-ted.­ is paxis life. ls,!,w. hi OVUM GHT ROBE AY, St. HAilt, he West W dg a Io 66.tlitt Secretar, of t is. r WN Ile A!c Pany,nothingbut farij�. Wai Fir&' Insilrance Coin. b iiIg, 'ifitiod into a. contry FT174i d. Taxties,Nishink1to nsure. ad-driAssid the Councif - vnf� �respect- -to - T1119, COURT MEE in-this-popuilar' Of Pirochial vliit� 0j turd --v ory -tile- fsriner,4compan�� fix the th%-.F!'rsf 4nd: T wn gres -dayir in ship's of Colbojile Ashfield 'If, -afid, 7.30. P, emp Ted Post. me-will-beQa1led-oij d In 1 10-- g, "OB4 to P � -1 -1 it itied hit. ceide'd ti in, T erance. Hall, W -znosh,'Ki0`ss an(t1itiroxi by kh 69 Go -oj Wd to, dudiiig, throu c 14 6f t it 6TT an t in foimatiqli given. w St. He isonable- Vidie 7thei.'Yoto-ii mat u6i ROORMT MURAt seo -it-AS; G13-- - tite Ing -ill st AND aw enipworg.-.1dt4ito-In�ip a* he- saif, lose U-0 UH FEIED 140 -EY TO I', AN' a on- -tho persoipt oild.cLil-716cis ito-- WALTER TRELFEAVEN ONETTOLOAX at V-por 4eni frbm,a ifte are Mai a �-up. -ps on h"d'&Ixr jju(j sic. an - 2 to 10 �esmi; lists- of Fai 101C of . i I D - rp sirous to -sell farms, will cbnsult th ii. t. ES -4, ;L - . A I I es a r 14 t b d J- in Outiria wejl as- 14 ' itobs. r i t- 110-ttvVii-list ty yda Of the taply A I -coiub asq! Vaf ERA L -:a H byinspecting tbe� adve a �Jrtiafiij� ft c e -pem rare n he 11 _bq C 1*1.y �daL t, -ym&u .0 t7 y -f G nG Jn scrx6lee- it feat] �Titain And Irei now a iaformthe 'tiniint of lifias forsie.. Th Eblie, mort� which the. law invest$. )ln,.:. f ;US, STLWk rulfj but OiAkis i -PLO ag d t' ties of a Lucknow 0 o' unt Of 'vhmeg a AhO.Vld rjo't be. -ftiends Wlor rpap T HOROU M I LLE RJL­ ded -a til s8collild id:t "'V-:41, i f A. ��eeds­thrtt the 1.141i an. -3 a kki will euvry Olt BELE VEN -Y otCh't P&tiopage front. f Imp-- gaiq authurilzod to aia "d good. �biit 11 ib y- 111 We' I-ONIE IVENSF&.1b: AUCTI ER QL R -A HN A N D. SEE, 0 8 fu� 0, t 1 ca"1- d he -111V b 'Goads Delivered tb p�a rt af,� thgr, pj�r fe -Ilivestipti 4ay pi4itehiejks xv Rd a$ 01flitili A,, -MW�iiyi sn:tj tnfit ii --ir 11i'licel-lif Who T own. in11 kjt t# '� i RskruGtqtl h6aF� TAKE and: Copies Of inj ce� r ho it is nJ y- inforin.thAi citize WL and &iii� 0 a q i, , no, ofJ.ucknii d evoi dr awt- of vigitjt4� cofantry, f . I., � .. : . . - � I th, 11119hel5t- - CaSh Price aid for 0iffarent, witin Ila -o -th -VIO."Ali Sig -n: 01) a loin Butt 4hnlitolii�--and- Mgd-(fn ed rt F ero la -V d, liv r F. -K et. tit R. G. Griieii.w.111a. Old 18tiT, t;he on oil I*nq &t. &It tim d e t 777 7. arable words, MeLay Case, I x6com -wore inam FRK-814 ALL -KINOW -i0nde& -bi the speida 1 ia'.D Giv, N but or ta vote - of to, 6. ed- rio6d b0i, tuld., M. ''y -oil:? It rezl�ys't t6. aftins t S 7 d 4 4 7L . lof J. A ELL ni2n JA -i - 0. LA N DEJ % i Ligon. and 9. It"s uipen'-de 4-1 �vtjt 0 r. own cor, by lov6d. . 41exa 4 Or � !� 6nel 0 f, of K Ill' 08. it* adjo 14-r- -0 span'6 sold- a h' th orses Mot 'the'um mr.'Jos otberday 'q� 46 T iffil as year old ob: t fo gjq 2'.5�.- ij_ lilliults.. $�Netl Diptlietia-m-Tagifiag1w o. ind heiei):41.16 Md. -mileage., pevo.ral i -famil es-:bS4 I the tnembers b A -very enjoya bl4 -eutewlai tunenI RPA 46111 of Friends hl i-&- charactey. held o1a the.19ili 1� -a Ly d�watir rsnd-iu6c-eLss progra m tjW LODGE A-T�. F OU4 ine 6 i401 --Of -VocaL -and d4dqgueg- ptiusic, gt-d., -A, ii berai -upp o f :eandies Oran:d- t o.;..say: he� t iThe _ - . f U j 0 nited . Were -6 P V. � � is ' a] ' IV eveldir.- ha�4 he'en -sp of _-0njjrio iint c M .0 I -P -Any )'VV in, session -do- tor g a p lit' roem Ing TW� idance if -a P�oceec 4:. c a r- o f - t he. W f. -Badgetow,' TAB MuLllieipal�act is WAY to- t'Fortivian uijder-:,�? 6onaider"b -a L D.,.'Q4rd6r red sent"Sessi6n oftbe-Le;Hilatur ih ir RiOoi; .-bill,this a bri Aught .,The in b ,(J.uike-� W. -Chi0holnilm propos(*39 11'-- Statidiag give (Jounty Coun.&lo, -I- Polk ar to- iieqiii , ir, . I verVILSIon.- J: ioads� bridbei, of other - ievork-, .:k*-., 64" -aniql Vink vritbin one or tulo �a C W. t illilges, and:t' by loall iiie. �-nlolja y for the In 'pl, Van wiiili -b 0 -.9 repaid by. 8 P Ilt o(. e id :aIA8u8-.- 19ioil eftsist. � 11dents .011 all the' r, oa at 5j(j "011RIMIZINZ, Yrithjnth�_-1-M­'' li�nlelpa. itles I ties to be- or pit W&L-Ifiatej. 'a I -bY —the- V a y Owi - -if f - . . efitel rot, �d -V �Y o the Spr6 001) - t�_ IV go inelrealV it u -the C4uncil, -6,f affee to b6� allb M' Ated Nlllc�'Dt I oustitu the V08 of th a saine a lecial, coi-iu - ft ior eertalLn Ncon, se -c 9 Ole I i6xi 'Ij t,' ion 0 . - ng. lad y New Havep-, ­Contt-,'� -by :aii' 119 cku%d� allege'd.to, ha;vw-bj�m­ -,Port states �`imii lyer il-le a -0 Span utiusj-*ho a .-0andJl,,. 11 1gely- In x, ,., %6ii VVarned"by. the- Cityt ­. , �j to r 11 6Y. -that `700' Th t)' hi'"T.ii t us nott- -Sell -- the 4al :t�k- fig -Gut -a 1, xquor icte witthout, �'r Pub "ar %hree Mri MONluan-- tha ag4ia-t -The I V. 0 So-,Akj� I over _�r, the -pr Tel L )tionw- a lit, V ear 23. $46000. -- ijjL tho matter. ThL solid d tho apPirenl V., - lhe fta �-&116 d )67# whicb uui. - due 1. ALJ -for V&r �6 inakes question th4l courts is iihould tb Jkelytaaii- 0 11 eral- k"d e warnirjgi jlp�,Jt-es - confedtibnerfr6tia-giBIjing--hsw- t rain t f T1 e 171middrig, total - W�U4., a the i'duligIddy, .4 ar a opim-'t tb�o luttilil. n 41�4' bee t! ­ - - Th e: -o; t a prevezitibnot fitue is", to, preVent 'the 6ay mln." d :cand Of Lowe Liimbmig6 ii�e-y compl kid ate -d his- --uiiitisni -and all I & Dan. 4a j�l ei ed-ily ctire.d atic are oil J� at L IM sore thriixlj�- ise _ P w i a. and all' un -do 'ilf -the Ing' .(t seilt log . -bj HA ly� cured A. 18 - Telioll talk, - but et -with- the- tablii, t as. This tbW.11 in gauth6r SI 5 011tv enter., lit -0 bqtlt;.,S* a wileaw.est. of -It�. E iix.emn. ins �4- in - wlist" ko,"id fiiab 1-1le most fortile, :ajld be4t, tIQ4 I., C f0tif P11-riall, - jet 0 f tlli,4#PMV`jfiQe, ffs 'jr a -10 a -0t, a -large Mid' i fim .1 p4-donle"It.- -Be. Ott, -ot -thii colinty., - b4i1d Nil --h cou4ty of South. DuSerrin --stimc ly 0 W I i wa Yeghsd- 2"inerson no G t6 . . . . . 4 ser: - tlxat-','ty, mi he bi. twiiy th 'Tu 6- gent -le- -1 0 lu 11 an'l. 116C MI.nister ---.o b lue lix atd ely i -,*i e �.bf ke, if U'& brd'llch of th G iiii - - j jC 4 J citLic ay-. Ila d. W . t]ke&,. 0 c a-� a jx,x(�t e4i'� I. U-) the first-� 1-- gy 'Cowifferci-11 11�kftre� -weft r -per: W -X61111011111 �-Ww, With at City" With.0 POP114A ei ght ht, R(110,; Y in: A h t An eSIt ag - IL elro W. 11 aa. only boUVdJ*" SM02 ves, oinmodore 4h the -but -a hint idea at, - rap, Burdock ilo: of this t n, dAt- largelir y, Anelloft` 4`4ii ton" - A I WOO I idid J.