HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-02-17, Page 8•
Z anduow
lelhe atarp'tetiyittut:adulth.0.1natitkin=.:111:97 P e fw_wPthatite'rie°_ in
(:_t outur
- tom at lowedt pra.es -04). igen
- with good work.,
K. ad—Copying and Enlarging a'
Specialty. Frames and Stereo-
scopes,..always on hand.
tucksow, Rept. 2t1t. . j°1111r.8°N.'
NO, a— I 15: •
4-108N� ..
NO. 3-41 •12:
No. 3--",•-• 224
3 0 O.
t.Cittatie and' Vitiattp fftwo.
. "•••••"--
CALL at D. -.4-.. -rioTta .... Oft:Tiltiid
secure. some of Ote'ffardviere7t. iat they
are selling- so -c terip.--'. — '
. , _ _
"Must lay it's the nietst-th' 4-yef
had .for the ,teeth- aixtrI--_breat ii4-__,eays=
*Terrine having tried. " Tri4K R '-1
pew toilet gem. Get a keen _aa - ei--
_ . _
On Friday night Iast some inknown
party Anioharied:-:-/iirevolVer-o
boll atrett,when tlie through
the troutwinduN of Mi. A1e. Find:
later'S jeirelery.sitor6
:sash of a Show case. Fortnitatif there
was lin..p.erson in. thOliop-
or the- tee -tilts. :hew proved -ser,
Poisoned. -
Ott..-$undaYnightlastinine vil-- dis-
---ppilion distributed:Oise eil;that.t,
.to a number_of dega it:44 ageiTaikr,
--e- .couseqgenee four tinimalsiinelu'idint:.
a . large mastiff belonging -
-Catheron„.-were found---deatien-= M'eff-dei
While it often oestug-.-,
to get.rid- of.alOt of useless -v. is.7;4h147
generally infest-villages,"..the=7.13
"Persona who areeartying On
sable practice had, hatter- keep -1k; lietierlF-
as Ifin lOvie linniber:Of varyl:z taltiablet
dogs in the --village-- Which, are . .
prized by their owners.:
.1\r_nw..i.g.the date to secure- Bargains.
Senior Balow Cost until March 1st.
D.: 4k -1.4„. hilvOrrTnig,
Reform 'Meeting.- - -
The attune' meiting-' of the South.
. 'Bruce. Retertn. lk.aeociation wilt be held.
at _Riveradale on Friday next,24thinst
_ :-
VOrp.oretlon Aicounts. :. • _
: 1Weisre; John gellain and- David
itorziell, village Auditors!. are 'now 0117. Fine retibeitat •
gaged in etaminiog the 6c:tyke,: pipers) r .: The . McMaster- -Bras., ..-OrgintOTv
etc„ of the village for 181i -it _ through:digit:agent in this Villagai. Miit-i
AngttiMiQuaig,have purches . ii-- large=
amount tpf square timber in thiseectien,-
consisting chiefly of pine, . vtliVes' - ash,
• black -ash, and maple, for :shipment to
the Old Country. No letter_nniii• could
be found for the piiiiiticat than Mr. Me,
. - , a •
- Q umg, as the -timber no* at theletation
ready for:shipment; is. the -fixt4t: ever -
brought: into the -Village.. Besides the
large. amount at the Luckno* gatton,
hey have a number 'Of- 'p*ea. at the '
the *amino stations along thelin *Mob
7.-044,pctsbeeed V. l'Ilr' 1411° 1‘4ig*
_ .
" -
...Air,- Birth* indebted to us-. are
requested' to pay' beforo-. the ist..of.
blaroh, for after that date our a 'donuts -
_will he. placed in oiler.. ban. la for
'colltetion. s D. St L.. MaciINTY tn. 't
Almost *Serious AcCident.
. •
On 'ttiesdsy morning, last a -John
:MONA, Geo. A. Siddall and Seh i -Mor:
. ,
,ritien:•of. Lucki-ow, and I. Craig Alei.-
. McDonald and Andrew Young -.)f "Rip:,
Ley, we te driving' tYGoderioll in "Miller
&Whitely's three seated car -flag., .an.i.
when just beyond 'Dungannon ,t ' e -for:
farci.axle suddenly broke cattaiig the
rig- *Collapse. autithrowing out. ever.t1
of the occupants. The torignef mina,
tely- - hecainei4etsehed and the big ea ran -
furieusly. ler about a •niile and b .If
when they were stopped • by - a '?erson.
who- happened : to be On the :road.
Messrs. Moffat:and Young 'are ii.j awl --
in the leg_ soine*Iiiit seriously,. th . -Oh :--:
ers eicaped unhurt.s
, ..
. ..
. Mr. Fred 'Carver called on .• a on
„..Uundity last, while on2 his wati.rto ...km--
cardinw—Mr. Wm. Tweed,of Eth .irson,
ManitOba, is" tt"present.on a visit n the
YiTlitge..77,-Mr, &Mud Wilson,. of eins,
. .
work„ficat present Visiting at .M ... .1..-
Andtew Dephol 0,, -of
London, paid. us ik visit, in Wedii3sclay,
....--.Mr. D. E. 'Cameron. who, ' has been
-abient in Toron4O for slveral. day, _ re:
ports 'imagers. in the GUY tau& aS - isual.
The session of the Ontario. - Legislature
is. going: quietly 'and ..promiSes a= .be
somewhat longer than that of hitt
. .
.yetr. t-.01. A.:- M.Itoas, 6f Houma ; and
our niembar Kr. Wells, - are ' atten. ing
.. .
to their duties faitlifiilly,. .alid the, atter
.promisPeto attend the annual me ttink.
' GI: the lteform . Ass Via.ion. at .:g.i. ,era,-.
dale on the 21th Jost. . , ---
'LaCrosse Meeting.
A Meeting- of the Junior Soper La:
eroase Club will he held ta;n:ght
(Friday), in Whitely's Hotol. tropor:
taut business ia to he transacted.
. .
Net Shop,
Mr Iohn liteicrtour• toniarial artist,
has displayed a g4;434- deaf :if taste in .fix,
ng up place -of bustnesia lately. It
its now one ow neatest -barber shops
• in the county',
Stores .
"Mr. G. W. Berry 0014 last week -to.
. M. W. the trio.. stoles. On
Cenipb01 street; at valiant occupied by
Masiers,...4„. W. Wallace, jaeleri.0.1.S.
Little4 gr..icer. • - 1: •
A- Good Price
trObli E.-Sdktt,Of Finn,
Culross, told his DurLata (t Mang-
er4on,"-. oltl,r gilt; by. Me2eie
-.51Offat't Like, Argyle,": to M. J. do.-
- Ronson", of .Khausit, to 091 handsome
auw ,r.rf •-; .
KS* Adite.eitSetoinik. .
We tall he.attention, of our leacters
to. the new edvertisentent ot Mr,...G.*. Kerr
+Which Lainounces• the arriVatof large
- anloant, ,EcOttizli and Irish 1wee/1st
%Vomited Goods%. also aldtge anieti4t, of .
I • ,
A.- 41,4grueefilk t -occurred at
tar:amount on Tivaday-1, between. two
jIivei ile en ei I is) iesi 4. -that intrgi which
waiC witileSand bysa. tuti*ber. Of !Oct*:
ii,urS. After pods:netting each. other in
a frightful inanner they w parted.:
The'grottod was otirered with
IbloOd*and_ hair, -
The Rey: W. P. Milionenoflonden,-.
a lee' e ou the Popular
9hieetiof.e. t.9 Catholicity," in the. Tem -
wan -cc Half en Tu. minty evening next,
2.1st February. The rev. gentleman has
rapoltion'as. a leeinteri and no
_doubt a rare treat is in itore-forall who
- can tueke l04.ber present.
, WY.. Geo. $hapeplitd,rif Ociderie.h„ As.
. teat'. -eptity of the Anciaut thaw ..of
' :Vail, :1- Wot.kinen„ paid aft, Oflteita Visit
-to .140, lotl•..c a the ahove Opfer inthis.
-village on :Monday 'evening latt. -Mi..
Geo. itbnt.tlas "wilt represent Liteknow-.
; -Laiit; at the meeting of the:Grand
tfidtp.„, te..be 'held in Toronto, pit- rues-
dAY hcit . . . . 1 ' v
Lo the Coolers
- •:: .-
Bunt), R lan; li aiAtt Alex.Ijay got_teo
inuA t..stiglo-leg- and created . ts." distur--;
lviu.', on, I:14 street on Satorday last.
-i;on.talile- XiCi,rvia pl Iced the brikee;:
lets oit. them: ai.d: warol4 d thein Off to,
the te,i1c-,nR• :They A p p eared' tlfore the
I ,ii. ve, c..arged. %..ith.•beitig drnuk and
- chrier+:rly„ when Boland was tined two
dullateiritti costs, and gay oie tiatir
ids'. "crusts,
.44"%uckfz. _ . .
. We: alit. the f &we lug ftunt the ....ut
- (:tsork 4aterwitional of February Oth t7."--
• ...,
- 0 Mr..1i. i'l aphiAl 4 uker- of Luelt
-DOW, ''rvill-) is llielre' &UAW Harr inVeattna,
' larg, ly LIA reef e4itte„. hay tinting the
I tat: in woolb.ror Ito; purbliaseik Iteaviir!,
., atnt•,, ,ivi, tosppetted, to'. hear another • ap- :.
- eulatiar offer hisa ad. itlicii•oi Lit $.2:..00• an
- 49,e• oh" all he had 6.40.grit• -D41,. how
ever, knew hatfirthan that, and , would.
.not late. ' Ni -.lot& lin-cia triting, • to
.SchoOl Boa
A meeting .of the Soli
• • .
held R, qtalarep.
evening,: February 7th.
1t0 on .Tit tlay
Members" :pre:
and GLraittbiall).°Itugwitia9s;r3mo*vre4711 7i:dArsecca.
McGrory 'take the °heir. Carried,
Minutes of farmer ineetittg read an
motion adopted. Moved .11 W.
*Little, seconded by T..'t
t;raham be Secret.try of School
and .04 -0, -Douglas be Tree -aides! for the
,year.188.2.- • Clarr-ed h$Jvi,4 - nr0
that theTreisurer ..$'_;741a
as an over cre-*!it in :TreaSureed tufo On
`sehool fund. Calm oved . and 40 e,)
10 ol sup lies
M ort ay's de -
'.aide, ), [OTC.
ed. and seconded that ji member- of
:the ,:lioar3 endeaviiur t4-proothe shat
wood, and what .quat thief. they "r_i‘n**-
for &whoa "purposes. -Carried, Mo
and- 'seconded, that- We 'now. itijour
that the_ ittee on.
prOcure for Miss Mi
p-rfoieut Coicalltor
fetentatiOn to Mrs.,-0,,Tweed.
. -
P-Thatiday--;_airening of last week,.
eine;=,-,dispossed:parenua (if not with con
-.nealedVreaponsi -witlr"solnething conceal:
til iu aCka.es):ieeretly aPproached the
P _ g _ .
residedco of Mr. Jojiu
tliis place, and-•cleinandid"-Of hint :(to an
Inglishman the. deareet object Of his
.::possession) his castle, and :took •inime.:-.
iffatell--::-.0.-etleseiete• It Would have teen
JP-4.9_9010---reeitit the, demand in theleee
of such determined. band of tiespciilers
as ey-prOvedlo he, and. he had to
au Mit to the inevitable quietly: ' The
il_n_.:Yetlers.bsying: obtained ,possestan. of.
7-the4treinises proceeded: -to:- *Open the
PA:0701e,:- 4e. ,- the oceupant a: of _the.
surpriaed-::to-. -find
-017• -0±-Viiier,*(003--lierit not :of a More
deadly character Pies Cakes Sandi
_ _ . P
4-ieheitaftd: Sooner had 2.t his - been
one -than two els the most determined
fie4rkerldkrnehecl -tOrWarci l• and present
i-TeditWiltiii-tireetra heart .and -i.
a/death-tlealing„seiren :
441:6Oice_iisliet---4-4 Very beautiful I -set - of
ated-i_:gold4qwelry; a' silver; card. •
ceiver.,--and-2:-4.J.fine album, eccompanied
4-ii-thes=f011nkitig:iiddress, to which
*hie teationses Were Made :
- _ _ _ •
Itaieso;—On your retirement from
-Pop_• itionns.OrganistIntlie ethochat churah
ity-..this.v-Vilrege-,--_al..few4YOur friends take thio-
-00-portinitYnfeipreision of our estinia.tion Of
the initiOnant-liervices.rendered tothe°hitch
-cadIsiiiintretationdaring'the,last _tie or six.
have contributed in no.
-sititilVlegree to--::t116-ancteee tittd--elliciency of
-the clifer,..-z-W'se do. not assnMeto.rerannetate
ifai-fli-jauritan4ices aktirgonist,but we would
e wanting-sWeoramon-courtesY _apdvsconyte•-,
tions of rig -we oottn some ,manner give
. xpressioicit durcibligations to yen as aprin-
cipel leader in the delightful, service of song.
• Be pleased then to accept these,set Of jewelery,
album, and card receiver, as in some ,..measure.
setting forth our estitnate of the past, - and our
best wishes for the feture: And -ite you go
forth into the world; we earnestly • pray.
tlanto kind Providence may direct your path:'
vial', not only in temporal things, but open -up,
fields t)f 'ttlefulneis In the Church' of Goa upon
• We shall ever •oheriah kindly remeni-
luirances of you and AB we have sung of
.Z10-huPOU Ratth tofether,- we humbly Ow, to
unite --with thebtar and church of the- firet-v:
horn in. Heaven, in aepriptiPilief praitie. to
- God, and the -lamb. . -
.Slgned- in behalf of 77,r_ _:.fri!,din Lucknow,._
I Po'
--1811 LIZZIE RDON •
The *hole. party- .-_,jeatned to • he
seized ...with • the Amine .
We May judge" .-frony..._the; unanimous.
. manner in which; thei.aqaelted the
:contents_ofthe packagee&c. Having
their destructive
- tastes seer* Ati. satiated.
• -- . _
The iiiyading Paity7-spen.t.""sonie hours -
in music and. vat -royal .gainet:.
They -finally- retired_perfectly" satj'sfied
wlth theirbight!s• exploit: •
. _
ii-ant-oue-tito aprrelponcfriq;-
- L. L. -D,.;
delivered atinbleJterman_in- the Metho-
dist e_hurehnt Ling/1We :Monday
_night -Tot last - - •
Mr. Joh'Reacc concession,
16t valuable cow lately:
Sheslipped sne----:-ice and :VFW; so
much injured -that it found necessary
_ _ • • . •
to kill her: - •
As inoat.----parsens _ are interegted in
d.rellifo, VW- ,. as it
, .
'Wes .7ireitm-eir-by resident, and
told to dark. fItight. :Was
Wandering 4014' The -2 nst- concession of
KinlottS •Vitielf"-stidtteili the ground
_ -
began to rise in what appeared b ,-a•
very large It was winter. and. the
rQadewere slippery. -1 hard all
night: 'until_ 1*.W-111.:weary ;nlir; faint; and
thought. ilOwn and take a
mak- ••f-attlinpted---:ta",; do _ ,f4 fill
With greht :teree;tb:._-_thii, 'ground. . ".. This,
2.1=-1-60ked atennir
the ---erb'ef-.ligh,t_ibiptjpiltii-ris-on
itott I was hall" way up that :gigantic
'd Vt.-VP-Jai-Sat 0 lvert
pytann _ .
= _ - - , s
I prosy or.zaturnay- 0844st Wee*, ,
some :Pere -ions •eliferld sChoiii, house. No
,Untiertook iviihoila. pay to
iniproVelb-„$-aPpearanee of that!
littla_-_beildint4.,_ :Like -.:ktiligent buys.
they soon had the stovepipe. -.pulled
Nr_alt_. wonderful- --how :the
werit.-Vaitislietlhetyre -them. " A Booty.
flOer, - --several_ -terti::-:.inaps-• ivs-laroken."
pointer,atia granCattatopt towards
varnit ttg the JeardeiCi--iiii4-with irik,
lisibori of these
-gallant .getifler*an,: 'tilliey Went
Aluft - the - a ' visit
. pay _e 11U .
'TbIT- Mita NIR141:011".11iiIrti- Caitiff tO.
eoireliisiun-.t 1-10t poor requii
stale :sup. 4, for thmy._ piovided. a
rtruniptut:in pa strew. , with.
which to, itsagly-ita a pp4ite,-,. .4aring
-their -znali, tiothplettirl sir
' way lietine°,, PRCh One,. nn. doubt, deliglit,,
:,_ed with the -night's. pk•oceedingtsy: IN/
have net heati-leitiill ,althoUtlx- . a
haR:heen-cffere(1. . .
e Apply fiegyald's_ oil and
1 •1•13, QK, NO..W. :•.01.1..,EES- -ASSGGIA.T.I9P4...-
..• The annual_.rnieglig of the ,Lucknow,-
- Cheese Associat441';itvat -;-held::. in the
-Tein.nerance ILO,' I know,. on-.Statnt-
,dity,.Yehi. '4th,, at U), Job -A. -a: m..;: The
.alisir was occupied .by.Mr..--.w:: P...13.itt-
:rteerasde::,.:ilioitlei.,:_.,01:r11:4:4;:..t10:7,8.1:i-dact;:.1.a.. re::
Secretary. -Mr;-.•s I.: ratterson,!T the
.-eeretsity- of th-e.. ,. rd .Of Dipvturs„;
' dtiriogthesseaSen Ali 81. -:-An: -expla.:
_ .._ . . .
:nation about th6.iis g.:i4f.§ept.,. and -Oct.-
cheek-) being asked 4', - the :President
• . -
of the AssOciatiai ,A. planied : that: - on „
'accoint.t- of delay in ivoriIIga telograin
.'.containing.anOffer.„ .1 hitt-edit.- -Cents for
:the ,Cheese, .the.aceg i lice..I., ceivedthe •
. reply •too tate:.
The Auditors" rIrtof the "bneinese
&MO was read, andi'" r along .. diecus,
sion was adopted .. *.In.Otion.:"of -_-..N8.1.-A-
Orarit. :The Auditor Inancial.Report.
wacthen read. and iiAlltitti.c.1. An:ea:count_
of the Atiditorl..fet:ittille dollars -each .tor:
-.soiVicea'„ -rendered ,e,
,paid, -._; Xi:iv-44 --and s
dera ' not - in etie ti tat .0,.
lb, ordered to he.
mded-that all 0 -
:the ,Treasurer
within thirty daYs.. ikita date thoreof tor
payment'. shall bed(iiile the property, of
tLo.ASSociation, anriplyit these. toting he
printed the niargiht ot ;he order..
ed in aniendruthlt t
statii.g thtt altordel4'ihnst be presented
.for pitypient • withiii
date thereof shall
"margin of -each' i-irdeX
taken the ainenrlineh
following beard of :Ring:tore was;itfo•
_ Pattertorr'R , . : array
Direc1882 toti Alex
m. d Andrews,W-Ht Grant..liteTti'd:
..se.c.)1dre•}11 and earredit that W P
arid ' vale,..etat .,;-",.41-fOr 1882. G.
e"1. -b -'1t$ e"°`
Arantosh.::. as ai) 416.a -Auditor" for
.1882. On motiiajf1.4.1.44sale:ry of :Audi -
tore' was hied itt each. It
hirty days after
printed on the
' On a vote -being
vas carried. The'
was then moved and0
Directors dispose a
highest bidder. Caix
Lawrence was „appd.)
the gime-tering as .411:
Auditors:,,Repoct 4
Luekno w Claiese
Total -
" Average .
" Cheese shippeM
' " Custonters."Cheesa
" Patrons Cheese, 4
Total value in li-tay„-.4
, .
e.COn,f611 that the
he Whey to the:
lit- Mr. Thomee
"led Treasnver
rly. • .
business done in •
y for 18$1..:-.
Total Milk...;.. . ; ...
" Cheese,. .. vv. .
Average . '
Cheeive, ship'4,25
• Customers, 13369
-14 Patrons-, 1100i at
Tctal value June,
. :a
Total Milk.......-....,..
Cherse;;.....;: . . ...,..... ..24,ill "
." Average .11; 10 94 "
Cheese shiPM; 21951 1bs0,13--1.6... .$ 2373 45
Total Customers. -1176i 6.4 . . 129 03
110382 lba-
• . .10908
-- 1967.-"
ake, - $ 949 23
1.$v lbs . 44 43
ht8..;- -84O9-
$927 75 •
$98289 lhe
• 27745 "
$.2&12 02
'12f . . 4.
. 194-54
• 269215.lbs
. Petrone 1383.- /218
'Plat Taloa in JOIY
- - .
Total Mrlk,
1- I Cheese:elsip'd,2294
Customers,- 305
Patrins,733;at .
Total. Value in August.,
- _
Cheese -
Average., ... . .
:Total- cheese shii'd 2984
Customere; 3594 lbs
Patspna, .1517 lbs.,
Total pal. elteeie in Sent
Totalattiount cif milk in
Total antout of chetile,
Trital season average.....?
Total.valtie of -cheese. shi
'total value of cheese au
Total value- Of cOtiese p
Grand total.value of .cha
10116 • t4958
.. . 62659 03
. .
12 41,..26311.00
. 7 48
89 8g=
- • 991 kit
170 64
• • :II
• • •
at.:.. $39344)9
1-.284934 lbs
122110 "
."-'•• .1052"-
$11773 71 -
$746 35
-548. 69.
$13068 75
Appou-at pad E. Healy tki inuicing cheese in
1.13till.„, VW 13.. „cif -
. . ABSTE.
By paid Tat May Cheese
By paid" out "June *hoes
By paid out Julyeheese,
'By paid out August •cli
By paid out Sept. 'and
Less-Haftly's saazaznien
. Trees conamissi00 on t
at -half of coke per cei4
to balance is Tx.easureeft
.. . . 886330
2734 29
cheesp,, 0260 03
-$11625 -0.9:
......... 2209 47
..9424 62.47 12 -
ands . ' 139 25
: $11811 46
Feb: 14; to balance in TNSIP, hands $37 56
lune 18, tooah redid .NerI chesaa 849 23
ffeeee.s. . 2.395 30-
, 2%1,00
, 41359-.91
July 12, to cash..
Aug.' 25, to _cash
Oct,: S, t.4-) OaSbi
16,. to -Cask
„ .
1-30,11ince hi Tkeakeves , 8139 2a-
Uppaiti oidars . $194.61
*bete ipinortine
%. Folly l!oi •
.Pr, Busar.lt not a au
was highly sue
bulletins; but the... -gr?,
cask iirthat Tibia& hla1
rding. to directions. Yellow Oii performed -b - ,Burdock
to is the est remet v. or eheurnatism neura matchless tont and blo
'Iva) I aCc9 - 1 ' ' 'Y'
. fe _ _ . Joie,
M --Blass ''Tb .
Wise. .
t at :prob ng. for-
tful in -despatching
' t: bulletin of auc-
13itteri.;. that
*rifler; ;which Mtn
Skin, theliver eud -
0,1mtee andstrength-
brnises' burns ftrost.bitee.' and all 'amines at -once on the tht
i4a tbe• *Pri g mflebryi elk tegplar meeting t
co.** tut ed, itb..to, 1m of.? . ' infieMalien—ankvAisii,-- :11._Ousehof.1.-sho: **14 the' kidneys-, v!'
bp witliput it, - . ' . . ens the .whole systsna,
:Prima Our Mils Cih•resp[4deat.
The pale horse i his rider
ed this vicinity le-othaet. fireetintes1
since hist you:heard tram your -ooreqe: •
p. talent. "Mr. -litigh .McDoni.ld 4 1St
:day morning Of 'last irre*. ani o,i the
-_ensuing_.Wedneaday his-sou--..fohn,' a
young man -et abuts tvienty, 00 WhOHl
c.insumption had" fastened: Ate
fAlowsa3: The -remains ; •
both vote.remov.id to. --Where
they Were•interre by the ti4.1 Of -allot)
er member of -the fainily-
u. ay Morning 14 filet, J▪ ohnnia
. .
seno0 eon of:M. Ani brese 14 -
:con. Huron • -alter a .short.illueii passtd--
W The ethy...ot.the beighber..
. .
hood :exteadui to families- 'in:-
. .
their' here:iyenum
• ,
11 togive-a-ny Cr it to my wife,tharg :1.1*
to My account, as e has left ray be :and. ;
1 board.without anylisrevocation. - 1 _, 11' not
hold myself rei3poneib1e for any, debts` eon:-
trectedbyher. • '1. -
lath, 1882.
• . .
I- 1
now-, -
The pioneer purpose to open out in the North.
o West 'llerr.itory a big store full of goods,
where. there isno taxerefor twenty
„ years, end wheje there is Ito
-lint in the Mee -alio , and in 'order- te get
"-readyhe offers godds to-thefertilelselteef'
fluroui Kinloss, awanosh, and Ash; .
field, at prices ower -than ever for
, -
• '
-Clouds andScarf5 at cost-; $11647415.- at aust ;
Bloakets at eost ; Skirts at OA ; Dress
Gods at cost. Tea at go cents, 'mirth .
00 cents. . Tea at 35,-.4entisi. Worth",
. 50 cents.; aftWeenfs,'worth.
. 60 ceutb: Sogart and To! '
- bauties yery cheap.
• beforc buying aitd you Will be .cOnvitsoad
that a dollar wilt blzY yon one dollar aids
.halfs weith of goods.
, -
offering G
. • •
!Ilhaekcee,, .44addles,
Valles, 110 , .inankete
_ s
$lngle flaiaess, from 8114 esti
Team Harness beau ets.isp.
And siren -thing in the line cheaper .than- the
cheapest for cash or therwrse 1 MA bound
joit te be unclers4d. :All work warranted, as
1 keep nothinc but ' t -clasp istOak27 and first,-..
eleSs workrneri. I d fy aompetrtiou. Don't :
forget the place, oppil ite
J. LIVIcilar fa Brick-Bicck
January t th; 1881: .
ED IN 1836.
LI -Early and Bri
I unhesitatingly advi
You -will not be disa
is the best Very early
in Canada. It has st
zero. uulnirt. - Bright
Grape, ripening jus
They are both very Is
and very productive.
address, post paid, 0
for $1,-; Agent's want
hton, • two new Grapes,
e nip patrons to plant.
pointed, Moore's early ,
Black Grape yet grlwa: -"
od thirty degrees below,
n is .a delicious Red '
after Moore's
rge in bunch and berry,
1 will nail both, to any
receipt of 8.2, 'or either :
d Add •
• .
1 • -St. Catharines.
0 -
Itivairint cilone, promptly.
- .0.14X• FIN-DLATLR„
Oatepbellit., LuckioPt: