HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-02-17, Page 2=
f H E. , .13.-034 A T. le AS T. - almost:.as his hair bieWing in the April- - such .as the tench of no _ other:_hand=h14-.
:. . . _
. . I , . •
. r'7".' . , • - .
wind "There's a stream of water on it, .evetseut. - - - . __ -1-:-_- - -
-A: $0.0IXTY .ee 0 ITEre.. and. he says if he forecloses an& gets it he But somehow-- the act reassured inni
' - •: - 1"7-- shall beild: a -mill; and tear our old. house _All feat of 'Middy vardshed leavingebehitel
BY the author at "i-Billth 1-41e,-"! 'Mama ienwee • • ' • - * . .. '' only an ladled desire to , hielpee Hipped-bi-:6i;
.t Forrest riouse,,l- Chateau d'Or;'' etc:: , - ---- '- . ' -
4, • , Guy Was. in a ,thIekenes. He 'bad . net the •young girl Whose _ fingettie seethed -to-
' ' "madly -.„..iwouid. like this -it's her _her; -.10011ed heweinch ,afe. - Ederkhene wanted, ding round his own as ho felt,IOrandefeillid
nature," ho :Whispered, advancing , ta step and as latter had not told .him., he thetapid. pulse. •• .- . .: -- ----e7-e- - - ---7-_-_-_-e'
or two, anaeeetting dety.n. hitt fe.et: a. eoegi haturallr coucludetuta,,, •- larger sum - . ,, If ehe, -weed Wakener'elle--elifting
, As itstepping On eglia'.. 7_, . ' i'-4:4- than it rally Was„tand di. ;et care lust thehand. softly down,and_plaeitighiffeethere
HaPeeeiegte-liftthie eyee'before one of - then tolencl it. . . ; ' , '-• . ‘- • Upon her buttibegfotheted. . :'---e
eh :--
the long rairots, h-ci spiel himeelf, wonder- : e: Illtell you whit I'll dee, he said, after- ..": And„ after. a tithe, Illaddy eeld'aveakene
. Mgmude, what, thet '.queer looking chap "• et lade-- a I'll' drop •SIceum a nate to night lent in the eyes fixed, for -a. inome.ntereiejtie-
was' doing theta ' n . the midstof etchaaYeintrvectialegedmY mind, and shall not- ,tently on him, there _ Was 'elheelordie_of:
elegancef and why- :re, Noah did. eat turn, ' let htra have the moneyerhare,. ;then, I recognition; and. the deetere Waele:Mteeglad:
. him -meta .- Then nieuta11y- asking forgive - he weie't he 'so anxious - to foreclose, and. that . it. was . see _.He - did not wielC.reeretie
nessforehie flash Of pride, and determined: -.will Ova You *me to look ammig, your eaabeiate -Mae :with her lite:-.17.-dheittehet
failure; be would rather Shrrilleciuldetblek•
to neekeemends, helot/ea low to the figure .feien(1&” ' . - * . . ' - ' - .'
IV tha.glasti, whieh beefed: as lowin return, . Guy laia a littleemphasis- on that last- of him .as some one come . to: mete liateetbee
e but: aid- net reply to th.e. • good-natured -word, andlogking up quickly -grandpa: was: cure her . he would, he said to himself...ewe
remark, "How crye de -pretty well tee . about to say,, "1 am. net so :mu& a stranger he gazed -into her cshildiell face, and thoughte
day ?'' • - . . i Ail you think. I knew' your father' well ;" , how sea it was- for - such as shiete..--,diee
-There .W*87 a femiliar look- about the-- butheobeekea himself *it11- the thought, When he firet entered the: cottage_ heehail.
Itape et the candet 'eloak worn by the mem 't Nei that evill. he lob inteh- like begging been_ struakwith the exereeineeepenneegereL
. - - -
. 1.4 the glass, ahafetartdo., .eseekeeeree, ea-co.:pay for e deed. Of mercy done 'years.age" the furniture, betekehieg_the'PeleerteteAlte
'. turned : crimson ae, the truth- beret upon . Se Guy never suspected that the old man inmates, but now : heeforget-eVerything-
leiiii., 'before him had: once laid _his: father Ander it, 'exeipt the sick girl,' _ who grew more and
"How Pslianeed of nee Maddy would: be," debt of of gratitude. The more he reflected more reetlesseendekept talking Of ham and
.110 ..thought, glieeeieg . sidewise at elm - the less inclined he was to lend the moheee. -the Latin yeti)... Which meant --teekiii$4,nd
. :Noah, who bad witheseed: the blunder, and e :and as grandpa was too -timed. to Urge his - which was not in the grammet.
NV.aa MAT looking from the, window to, hidd =needs; the result was that whene at last the "GUY was e fool, ind- I'Weelethente,"_the
= her laughter. ' ' , . *wheel' was replaced and Sorrel . again doctor muttered, as he - folded 'npetbe '-hitie
- Grandpa -believe& she did. not Elee him ' trottea on. toward Devonshire he drew after • of paper whet* contents . he 110120,,ereighti
and - comforted . with that assurance he =him a sad heavy heart, and not °hoe until- do nench-towercl-sediag_Maaarselifee,---e__- eee
began to reale:eh-upon tee mirror, saying,the vMage wee- .tettella did, he -hese the . Then, promising Jeebeliaeagaltie-----hee-ro-de-
. t.gitmade, it appea# as. it there was two et oherty chuokle-With Web his _ kind master rapidly &weer, to Via: .othere patientii,Whe
* you," a. remark will& Mrs., eNteak, fully . was wont to enbouregehim., - . - that -afternoon were in -daeigiit - of -4814
appreciated He aw the..:silkohairsnext, "Poor Meddy e II dread- Wo ale hthe -sadly neglected; sa_constanelyemaieetheit.
and slily touched one to s* iti. it &id .feet, : most, she was -so sure," grandpa- whiepeted, _physicianee Mina dwelling eipenetliellitlee
• ''. e S. :
.. like the gorede- peechebloseem dress.:Worn . ashestopped-beforatheeffice, When Maddy low' chamber where _Xaddy-=C,:lyde.:-V-Tiati71
by his wife: forty -ewe ,years 'ago that very : waited for hien... • • - - ._ . - . lering. 'As night ()lolled in,iijae:aOke---tif
' :April) . Then he tried one of them, exam- - B-ntaleadyeedisappointment was keener. -partial _cchiscionstecieeand liteardethat-e-Die
-hied the rata Ornaments 4ii :the,: reeiit and; :than hie own, and se, after the sorrowful: Holbrook had been there presotibinOtite
theegrana :piano, and ,oarcue hear bowing .
words'," And I failed, toaeehetiiecl to cote- ' her * Turning her ,*-feee 'teethe Vallee -die
agam to -..the-: 'ipoetralt- ef- ' the first ars-. _fort the poorchild, wheeleanitig her throb- seemed to be thinking, then _ calling her
Ronne -gene Which hung upon the wall. -. • • bing ;heed, against:. Ilia-, shoulder, _ sobbed: grandmother to her,. she .-eicked;e "-Didriee:
"This-WM hat Maddy a weekI thank bitterly, as in the so spring- twilight they _dpeothreyheir, and Say,- •-epecechile.ele
. '., ' '
, &overbaolt to the lOw red: cottage where - Her grandmother hardly thetight- he Aide
you, ma'am: YOU: have added; ohm, con- • . • : . .. though sliel Wes not in the-jot:alai alt --lie-
• - . grandma waited for:them. ' _ _
:Meilen Iiiiiii--tiiit'beeni up tie:Ailieh,. 0. I
Wouldn't leave Melly so long as 13 Was
hope, butthere.18 none ,now. elk - not-
lelltbeenetbiserrierning. .1 doii1444, Make
Ilialf.tiogradtiple:feel worse- than OA Vileie
-feeling-t-=hut Wheh:Irlodted at, --.1i-, Oak-
fitiM...side te----siate„ apd-pieking--ttl!,_ 6- bide
---clotheeei 4 -new ;it would-,10onbero , elethet
Wieten,Lejew-her again the poor litt Owe.
Wetildleelitetletiough, and the - eyes,
echnticirevete- Gtiy; I coeldn'telece. die --
t -
1,-dOnttellhe to see anybody .dieee lit reeve
Maddy, of others -and seet camfitaway.
If4.04--:_;itay7.1ong- °tough; _yen'll , hear the
beltetelleel; -reckon. - There elifetiehe at
-Hatiedaltre:Church, • whieke. they.. Attend.
4-They:are-T-:4piseopeAiane, you:: see lid so
Ihey'lr--_-_'Corde_Alp 'bete, theyhe; Ope I
.64111 -be deafer than an'adder. '-
T.-.11ere the doctor stopped, Whel Out_of-
-Tbreith-Vrliile Guy for arrionient,i0 with-
outspeaking lewerd.--Jcesie, nehtte eirieg;
4*d:710d-her Mother what • the)ei6. , girl in
theeditettife :Office had said 2144 being
,e266-teifial:_eeaneing the money for gitieidpe ;
**.e-theleetate: Noah- had given hiriAtil,:ra#0t:
exaggerated account . of: Mr: ' : Mrham's
-e-tilitee-bull-te.:_liced not 'aeseCiate& e two
• together until now, whale' he ,„.: eer-- the
inetteree-iiWas, and almost ae, Mil as the
Motor- hinisetts.regretted the -pie:t '',,, e. had
iti]Miticbr*illnei-40,;*na her tether's
dietraesee-e__ • '-eee_ ' -:- - -: • . -le • ' _
zee:tepee," he said, laying his - ha ten the.
idontorii-Zsaritc,--" I. am the aid . i ,i ilc$,., the-
-miserly-tasdal.. who refused the :_..he, ey.. I:
ineitheeeld man going- home that y; and
lifietedied=:the for hielp.-.13.-etty I . place
lellest_lie:i.ola-,-.---It never shalte - re I'll
-seek:et:bat, and you must save t ",„liel." .- -
-L eateteGuy: ' -I've .done all...t_iiitee and
now, if eel-e_e lives -it • will , he what ' Otving-
4sielieprayets that --old: eahat: lee Afield '
father says her. . I never the ght much:
eifihese-illinge-until I-heata hinietly ; not
7-thWsheihonld live any butili'.qtat if it
wererightMaddy - might . not 4tet .. Guy,*
theielesoniiithing indiele a prayer as that.
1--triO3:--eime 'PoWerfel. then -all MIA eiedidine
-eidereble. to the happiness of ce. young pH, . . . time "He had .stayed a elongeylule,_end• Tew7:01:10e,----vo_eo-e=gee op..
'who wohldn't 'disgrace. even de& a room as. : . . - .
CHAIiTER V. was greatly intereitedirisheesaid-e_ 7----e--.-----
-thie," he said, as 1s passed auto the half: • - . ' -- - ..- , Maddy had Vegue-remettibrance.of stta-t _Guyeredidn't ' know -very- nang ri, experi-.
_..., _ , _
Tara Noah received his thanks graciously . - • -Tilt Rogow: . and : he her - heeee-epergeeeteethee 'beeletellY7ibeut leraying, and se g4,' id -het
and le& him to the yard, where. Seteel It wasEarmer Green's new buggy.' and dallooje110(3eideocell • • • - d--'- 17.- --reePonkbut-hetheught of LAO kihkitoile,
Ls -reject -tont- an thought -_on /-
ethod. watIng tor Win.' _. • , . Fermer Geeen's bay colt' which, three days. how handshroehe had lookedeeeveheewhilie whose life life' was 'Dile act of prayer64. a Praitio;-
..., Odd; but OleVer as the • day,. le long,' ietere stopped before Dr. Holbrooket office, tormenting her-with.stede-enhearderefe. Alleete iilicl'hiriwl-Bheci'she `361114. know '' Maddy,
was Mrs. Nealeseentreent, as„ after- seeing , and not the square -boxed waggon, with tie/Nee-ad- how-kind::.lie-was totiritow. 1014---zio-p4-. her petitions:Witte:tie 6 of the
him safe out of the yard, she went baeltto
. . . old:. Sorrel- attached, for the- former mei The eight of hergeenafethere'whoe-e-aineeW ,i7-8)2r-titia-14,ht.4--e_e:-,:eir'-.-oiSottali.d." ;14,4id.pide="g1:- 16121;40h*rizib.
_ her vegetable.oysterk.which were an danger standing. quietly in. the chip -yard, . behind to see her, aivokeanew traiii.ibt-laetAl----=ank
' Of being everclone. - ' ' ' ' • the low red house, while the Ietter„ with bidding him to sit heside.att:::4-4.-ae-ked.4 Iliiire---:,-I-oannot • end*. -te e sit ee doing
. Dievieg- at a; briek trot, through -the' his_ noge- over the 'berneyard fehce, WWI theirleareeenuet be -field; Maddy as .:jlePtectrri--1---er--ei4P29 !'lg440:'-aTilene-ell..c.la4b,. '?*:31-)- .eielel:.keee°1-t.
lell---ative'beek'to Aikenside for esie, -who
heitetalked iio--*--etnich Of 'the -gi that her
mother, -forgetting that che s: .V64: once a
tea -diet :eil disgusted. Yes; 111 take jeesie.
itith;i24*-but i/Oa.. must order it leyou must:
say it is -good for her to ride, 'end Lag, give
' - to -quiet-
' t is net
beringdistiiictly to have heard the
ber from Maddy herself
_ -
-" I thought they Mid nee 14but of
it's eke," theelector rejoined. " Poor
I would havelt, given intich . to have
her.te, ' : • .
Jessie did net. speak but once, wh
asked,Guy If lt Was very lar to.- b
and if -he dipposee elitady_hadgcit tie
thiseime ?" .
Jessie don't ask such
tions." Guy said • then turning to hi
panion, cotitinued-: We'll go j
cp.111 1:131 1: e:, - -. •
lei by -
epee- .
com- „
he sante:, I will -do Whet . I can for lelite tOhldee.
Men; " and so -the careitige• dreve.on down '
.the hill, across the emeadowland. pa sed- a
low.-reofed. house, whose walls. Incleeed the
.etiffened-form- of thetoy- eor.Whorn the boil
had tolled, and who had been the pa -ea Of .
_another than -Dr. -Holbrook. - : . .
-, Maddywas net dead-, but the par eyem
of restleeiinesS had passed, and ' she lay -.
-new in eleeevy sleep -so nearly.reseeablin
death - that those who . Watched"' y :b.
Witieea expectantly to see the going out o
her last :hreath.!, Never before had la. car-
riage like that from Aikenside stoped at • -
that humble bottage, but - the neighbors ...
tor; whom :they. - welcomed with a_ glad ,.
thouglitit came merely -to brieg tr doe:.
smile, : making way: for him to piss to
Meade's bedside. - Guy preferred waiting '
outfield hail -such time • als Grandpa Mark-
hamconld iiiPeak with hirnibutjesste went:. '
With the doctor auto the 84 rooln stere, ..
•to wonder-.. who the . ricelydresse child.;
lomoughieebeph. theg_ grandmother, and causi.n,g, li,:ei..-
" She le- dying, doctor," Said en of the
Weihene. but the doctor edieek .hi ii head-,
and holding. in .one kited his VvIch, 'he,
counted the faint pease heats, ite.- ..thi .'hiS.
eye he theaciured off.the mithites. A.- .-
grounder Sorrel" was , SOOn out - upon the . neighing occasionally, as it he missed :the te/be put off with an peasitheilda:Weasil&-
high.WaY ; and With OPittte exhilarated by little hands which- had daily fed him- the pa told her: honestly - at last that _--.SIO-Cithl:-:
• thoughts- of piing kopek he keit, utie the oatmeal he liked -so itiuch.„ and which now would. probably fereeleiee-Ondetheephieeebe
trot until turning a sudden corner his lay hot afia parched helpless upon the sdd. _-.. . .- ..-_-
* toaster saw' the Carriage. from, Aikendide white counterpane which Grandma: Mirk,- :.„,, But never. you mind, lkted-d-Ye"-eiteesitide-
. approaching at a rapikrate. The driver,- ham had epun and woven herself. . li._ ly, -' when.- li - - . -heii-eetedified- --Heibele
Paul, saw Intl toe., 4ut keOtning ' to - give. ,, :laiddr might have been just -as, sick as seeined ; "we shell manage somehow. - I
kelt the road to fivale as Sorrel and the- she was if the examination had -*tot can rent.two or three rooms cheap *of.-- lAr;
• squareboxed waggon he kept: steadily' one occurred; .. but it -was natural for those- who Green, he told me se -and with old ' Sorrel
While Grandpa: Merkiam, !determining to. loved, her to impute it all to the effects of I can work.on the road, and fetekethi*
*. 'speak to., Guy, reified his horse a little excitement and -creel *disappointment, ere from•thedepote and in the winter - L. can-
. - • nearer,. raised his hand: in token that the; •.-eheee ;wee something like indignation- shovel snow, Ana- Clean roofs. -. We Shell• -
negro should stop; As 'a, natn.ral tome- i mingling with the sorrow gnawing at the not starve -not ae hit- of •it -so 'doiet. you
equenee'the wheels' ofthe- two vehicles: i hearts.of the old couple .as, they watched Worry, it will'make yeti wile, and.11 rather
e. became. ihterieeke& and, as, the powerfni. :by their fever -stricken. darling. Farmer lose the old homestead e. eitoUsina times
.• • greys. were more than e match ,•;iter Sorrel, 1, Green, too; shared the feelinge'and numer- over than lose you." • -..,___: -- . - -
the front Wheel Of Grenapae*Merhhanes* ous-at first were hieselineadversio,ne against - Maddy did netereplyebuethe great tears
we:gen was-wrohehea off, and the oici men that sprig: of d .TIoibroOk, who was not fit t� poured down her ' flushed cheeks, as -She
. .
- .
precipitated to thEe ground, which, fertu- doctor a. rat; • much less examine a school- tlaonglit of herepeble, teed grandfatherwork-.
lately for _bine, was in that locality covered 'Tgarm... But when. Maddy -grew • so sick.is lug on tea road and stioyellihglinowteCapie
'. • Nritli sand banks, ee that he was only not to knowlina or his wife, he laid aside his bred; and the fever, Which had. seemed
stunned for an instant, and felled to hear his prejudices, and -suggested ' to Grapdpa; table-a:hating, returned babble force,
•. the insolent negices rernark -.. "Served you Markham that Dr. Holbrook besene for. . .and when next. nierhihg the. doctor canie,
• tighteoldeove-; might have turned out for • . "He's, great on fevers," he Bei& -“-end is there was sleek of , deep anxiety upon lies
- *gentleman ;" neither did be see the and- .good.: - on: cur& sick _folks, _II 'epees ;este .face as he *etched the eta:tieing synipton-hl-
: • -den flashing of Guy leeneingtenes- eye„ as, though he Would have . preferred .soree: one of his delirious patient, who talked -incase
•- leaping from. hie carriage, he seized . the else should have been Called,. eanfidencein sanely; not of:the examination new, but of
• - astonished African by the • collar, and the yentigdoctor's skill Wert- the dieye, and the mortgage and the •foreclosure, begging ,
demanded "What he Meant- by serving an . grandpa consented, and -FarmeiGreeh was him to see that the heueemelenot Hold e to
.--. . old Man ea • shameful a trick, •and then ,sent for the physician, to whont he. said, tell them. she earning thirty-six.aollare
insulting him?"' ' . - . . -.. - with his usual bluntness: -- . - e . , • • by teaching school; that Beauty should -be
All apology zia 'regret, the cringing e Welleyou nigh aboutkilledour little sold tosavetheir el'esi old home: _ All this
• driveritried1Q make some excuse; but Guy :Middy Vothei day, when you refused the. . was strange at first to. the doctor, but the
stoppedlhint. short, telling him to. -Bee he*: 'stifficut, and. new we Want you her.". rather voluble Mrs. Green, Who. had . donee -
. - -Much the Waggon was dathaged, while he • The 'dector .loohede up ine surprise, but. to Geindres :Merlihilecee: relief, enlightened
rah' to the old men, who had recovered Farmer Green soon explained histima:ning,. him, dwelling . with. -a kind ' of malicious
- from the -first eleielee and Neale trying to -making - ea a- -meet. aggravated case, and pleasure upon the feet- that ateddy's ;eerie-.
: extricate .hinasetf from the folds' -of the representing Maddy aswildwith delirium. :in& . had she been permitted to . get a
-camlet Cloak.. Neee by was a blecksinieh's "Keeps talkin' about the big. books, the eestiffiCut,"'w.ete to. be appropriated toWard•.
hop, and Guy ordered_ his driver to -Latin and the liebrew; cind.even Cateehisin, -paying the debt; . ' • , • ' : '-..- ; -*. .
take their broken-a•pwn waggon .with a: view as if such like was 'lowed in one schools.. , If the doctor had hated himself the pre,
to getting it repaired: . • • - ; - 1 st.peee,.yon than% knew no better; but. if eioue -day when -.:he. rode . from.. the erea.J
- - "Tellrhire.,1 *ant ie-- done at once," he -he _ Maddy dies, you'll have- it:tee/newer for; 1 Cattagegateehe hated himeolf doubly now
•• said •aahoritatilvely, as if he. knew ' his. • reckon." -- . ,- ' - • - • e - ' e .. ' `• Ot he Went dashing aewh: the road, detere
. ,
intecia.carried weight With et ;• then turning : The doctor (liana try to excuse himself,. minediO reeign. his -*office ofseheolinsPeeter:
' .te grandpa, he milked again,if he were hurt. ' but .hastily - teak down the the tnedicenes he. that very day. And he did:
. " No„eeot spedelly-ejo-Md thy old bones- : thought Might need, and stewed -them :- . _Summoning around -him- those who had
. _lane. You -arer. very kind, sir,' 'grandpa ;:clarefullyraway;_ e _-:- - ' ' ' .been most active eleeting him; be -refused.
.-rePlied,, breehing the dust frcircehii-epieltite. . elle had expected to hear froth- that ex- to officiate again, securing thein- that if any
. teens. :Ana thovi. invoithitarily-:Iffigpipg. amination, but hetleethisevaYea,nel, rather more candidates came he sticeildeitherturat.
Greee aim for support, as his 'weii,k knees nervously. he he:Made:- some inquiries, -AS to them feemehisdoei cit give them -,,a-_.certi0.r.
. begeti to tremble from the effects of excite---: -zhow -long she had beeiiill, and: so forth. - - cate without aekiega question.
; •ineut. and_fright.. e ' . _ - e * -- • -_ e - Madayee:_c_aee lost nothing Mr. Greenfe_ -„---i---"Put enylecitly. you -likeiii ihyplede,". he
"That darke shell. rue,' this job,": Guy i acCounti_and bythe doctor's horse --$*-a.i,., anybody but,Guy -Remington.- Don't:
.. _ , . . . . _
said, savagely, 'a Vit. he gazed pityingly-upoh- was ready, he on his wily to the cottage,e jetie-thulidet's sake, tele hint." .- . ,
• „the shaky ',old creature 'beside. him. ` Ill - he had arrived at the: conclusion that of all -- : There was ho probability of this*, as . Goy
discharge hen teenerrow."- . - .: - the villainous Men -6 -aside the walls of the: _lived in another town, and mini& :net have
"No, young maw Deal be rash. Hell- ' State"e•prisene:14iiio,B- the meet villainous, offideted-heahe wished. . • But -the doeter
, never del again; - and- sprigs like hire- think '-_:ibita-Guk Remington next. -- - 2 : - . :. -. ----- Oita toe- Meth excited to ream*: clearly:
.' they've' e right ee- make itt4 of dia codgers .. 'What e cozy:littleeelianabee it was Where -alleuteanyehilig; _save Madeline Clyde's
-; like me," s-V-aek grandpa'smeek expeetula- - Madtly laer.-jeee such a robna as a -girl -like _ Cliteee; and antihg the next : : feet weekshis
time.' . -:. • _ ..t . . . - - her might he euppeted to ocoupy,.- and the Other patients waited times. in vain •
Do; prey, Gay, hew- lee% must we Wait : young &later. felt- like -treading-,npon„fer•,- for his boniing,_. Whileelie set by tdaadtes
here ?"-i- Agnesashea, impatiently, leaning bidden - -ground _ee he entered elle- receneeide, Wetching every. -change, whether for
. .
. .ont of the cerriage end partially drawing ; which told so plainly of &rhea habits, from the Worse orkeeteree_EveneAgnes: Renting,.
, .
her veil,. ()Net liet faze a;* she glanced at : the fairy .slippers hung oh_ a peg; to the ton was totally neglected.; and so one day
•. Grandpa, ,Bis,rir4anl, but lt, look from Guy, - fanciful little. wOrkeeei madeof cones and: 'elle. sent Gu.y to Devonshirete say that. eel
. - . -- .__- - .
- silenced her; tfirel turning ageintograndpa, ' &corn& --.' Maddy Vail- asleep, and eiteitig' -J.-med -eeeined..neore then -usually delicate,
be asked: . ;- • ' ' / ' down beide her dector arcked_ that the she wished the doctor teheter under his
. . .
"What did Oa: say_? You' have been. to . shawl- which hadebeen- pihned: before the :charge andvidt. her at least' enee -a week:
. Aikenstae to eee niO VI ' , . . : . - ' • window to exclude ;ehe - light :inight--5 be Thedoetot wee no at lecientelea -Tom said
- "Yes, and I Was sorry t9.: !pies, you. Vee ', removed,- eo that ho could see lieT, and thus heexpeeted:hitneVery%Monient.- _ So- seat -
1 -it Makes nee fed awkward to tell yOii; judge better of her condition; They. took 'ing himselee in the armchair, - Gay waited
I - - --
- :hut l•vianted td•herromr gome money, and I " the. shawl- away, -and the sunlight came. iiiitinie---ok-m&_-_---::-,-,,
didn't heave holeedy'ee likely to have, it as istreanathgeri, disclosingte thedoctor's view. :. "Well, Hat," -46,f)-6gitti, jocosely, but _ the
you.. That woinen up to your house said :the :face never before seen distinctly, or joking everde he i'.would . beete- uttered - nextshekiietee& you • wouldn't let me have it, thought . muCh.. •about, if seen.,' • it - was 'died on his lips its.- he: notidedethe strange,
• - • ' 'cause Yen hacfal it'te Beam :•Meblel"-You • ghastly pale now,-: save where the het blood- look Of . excitemeht - ancl.--anxiety on -the-
haveret,"-'. and. grandpa • waieed 'autieueiy Beereedbuketing through-.theeheeks, while' dodoes tepee. :es:Whet-eh-I eitlee he asked.:
for Guy's reptet. : • • . . - . . the beautiful brosen hair. was brushed back "Are all-yourpatieasedeial "e --e,:-----: • ' - :
Now Mee:. IT -alvhad a singular influence' • from the brow where the veins were swollen - " Geyeerand. t4e.:4optor•- came closely to .
over her young. Master, who was. in the :-and • full: . The. lips -, were . slightly . mart, him, ewhispering elniehily,ea7yetteend-I- aro
' habit Of cons. hang her with regard to his ' and the hot breath pains in quick, panting murderers he. the- -firat „degree.,--s---,and.--hatle
affairs, and tee bing.ceuld have been more gasps, while -.occasionally m faint . moan' -deserve-eta-be hung. .--06-_-_yeee."-theiember-
unpropitious a . the suceeete of • grandpas . escaped there, ale& once the doctor' heard, that Madeline:Clyde: ---eeliette-yein-e_eineheltede
suit than "le: owing - elle: - disapproved. , oretheught ho heard, th.e Bound ;of his -own with logic, -end7tbili--e-Oateehifeelle-and
• Ileaiae8- this, :vtly had : °lily- the previous : Mane. Onelittte hand bey. upon _ the bed-. Latin verbs?• . -Sticeaseeker-leeterteinethat:
oveek lest a OW en:16mA, leaned: wider i'spread, but -the, doctor 'elia not touch it. 'eertifieetie.: . She weeteathenioneyenot•-fore
sitailer clicumetancee. ,Standing silent for -Ordinarily he would have grasped ...as OW gowns. and fooleries, but ttiellettt
a moment, While- he ' buried and 'reburied . reedityae if it had been a- plec. of marble, her. ela. grendletheLelaY:eelltiteedelate,-- His
' -bis shirting . b -de- in theehille Of sande he _ bathe sight of Maddy, lyingt ere so sick, piece -es -Mortgage& = I don't. understand it;
said at last, " Oimaidly, sir, e doietchelieve. and the fear that, he., had helped to brit* but he asked -some old henke-ettlelendellier I :HOW' long. it seemed .060/4ed - be
' I can accom oceate you. T ten about to :her where she was awoke to le e a curious the • Money, and the miserly reseal, while.' stroke, and Guy **beginning
. maketepairs'at eukenside„ and have pare state of feeling with regard to her, making ever be was, _refusecte 1 vviiili-1 had--it.--e_led. had heard the lest-, When, .0„-giti.
etiallyepeerais d- to loan- money ow mod-- -hirrialm.oet-cts-iierirousateenet e-.dity -when- -give-lit:to -,hini out and out Biitthere.'e. earoe- ,flostihg:. on. •the aur, a'
• - .. , . - . i
stouney to, e Atre eila,s, Slocern, who„ '11 she - appeared • before him :. .0andidate nothing to de Witketheigiel-Meady; they, brook's lip, quivered' i...as .-: he
' ,. things. work • right,' - as he- expepeces. - it, No. le ' • . , - :: ' . . e . call' her. e ;TheldijappeintenetiVeieleaehere, aloud„ f‘. one, :two, three, -four
intendabellang men:line on serne property ' -a-Feel, her pulse; ' doctor; : t is teeter and. . she's :dyiegee-is, _ravint7e-Crezyeeand 7 --:-That was all, the e bell.-
whieh •'..liaa 0 tile•o, or . is eOunege into lee - most than you can coedit"- GrandmaMark- 'keeps talking Of that cohfeulidedexathit vain -ewete: all theirelistehi•-
-:elands." I' ' '-. - ,..- , . - ham. :whispered ; and thus entreated-, the teal.- el. tell youeGuy,elergeteletriblYeniiied. -another- .selincl: :Fifteen • y
• .., That's re' Ile -that's mine, my.' home:. ' doctor took the hot, soft hand in his. awn, up -Wheit-1 helix her talkie.aud----enely-heart- --paiii-e&ovek the now foi
steadet gesp _-d grandpa; turning white • itstau.ch sending through his frame, a thrill thumps like a _erep-hemmere-. Tiletelethe eeet She was 15," Guy. whis
me sonteemedicme for her, je4
Agnes, no matter what,' previa*
-strychnine." ._ - .
• Gontrary to -Guyls expecati�um
did not iefuse to let -Jessie go forui
the • little- girl was soon _. Beate
brcther's. side, chatting niereilyi
-feeent things they paised-T--Upbee;
_But when Guy told herwhere
going, and Wheetheyewereelgehet:
tears -ceifiee---at-once intle-:11-eree
,hidingler-face-ein Gueeselitteed
"1 did like her so muchetha
eifed; "and -sbee.leohe&_:--1-36-a-cer
Then she plied Guy-wiel_e_q-A
she go Wheavensure ?---'e- ei*-1
answere,1. at random, “ Yeee"-
ride, and
‘, by . hei
446 dd.
e road.
a7 Were
ere, the
es, and
• " she
0. It's
ns, Oen-
hen Guy
"-How did he knoecleh-e---;--trkord.' that
Maddywas_eleatekiud .of lets
people into heaven? Beca--X-a--erVetbrother
Guy," analhelitti:e±pret_t_c_12.1 closely
to the young man, fingering-_-1-Akt at but-
"-There- are tee, Many - here " said.:
"-She needs the air you arebreaehieg," ani'
"in his authoritative way be clear, edethe'_.
'arowded mom of the mistaken •frieeds who -
were ' unwittingly :breathing_ . up Middy's :
very life. . .
- The grandparents and Jessie he Suffered --
to remain,and sitting down by Maddy he
watched till- loieg sleep' was ended.
Silently and earnestly the aged couple
prayed for •their darling, asking ithat - . . . .
possible she might be spared, and Ged heard e -
their prayers, lifting, it lest; the :heavy -
.tens esehe talked, ." beTh-emeee_let -
folks can begood-thattot 4
things -and stihl;Gtid.-._ifo-fft=4
unless theY=I donit: exactly --ab
wish'I •• :
Guy drew her closer to him,
childish • yeartang_fer-:::knewledg
_notrespond,zio he
." Who taught you ahl this, litfi
.not your - mother,
not mamma, but .I1
Welting-ma:id. we left inelepetotte
me about it, andtaught me to pr
from mamma., who seedethifee
eyrie open. in. Clieitelrewhen:=seell
knees, and looks at theebenne
Do you pray, brother-0,-i-y-it7:L-7-4
The questiOn. startled -thee -1
who did - net :kilo* vehateiee"..4
Whemasglad that his coachman:
him just etellen. asking if heeek
through Devonshire vihlage, or
Honed* by ashorter route.
_ .
They woulit go to: . the villag
tipping that the doctor might might _13e-
te ettotepapy theeleee They
doctor at lionle and willing to g�
Indeed, so impatient hed he bed
ing for the first stroke of . the
.Weete herald the death *dee
that he Was on the point - of., ree•Mting his
horse and gehopiug. off alone; Ikeiten *Ceby
drove up up with Jessio. It was v.o miles
from Devonshire to,lienedaeci,
they Maelied a hill Which . ley ale Way
between, they etePPedefor.a, fe •aements-
10 rest the tired horses. Shade I ae they
eat waiting,a stare,- ringingee & :fell on
their mete and - grasping -.Guy? •.the
doctor said, told:you Sp 1adeline
Clyde is dead." ' _ ". -
= , .
• It was thg. Devonshire bell,.
three strokes betokened that
cioneeb.ody-eiciethfill, somebody
Middy . Clyde: Jessie Wept -
there were noteersin the eyes
Men,. as with beating hearts.th4
ing t� the slow, solemn sounds;
echoing up the hill. There ewae
the:: s-eeeoh's task was heady
-only.reintilned for him; to etr,
:and tell how mithy,yeere the -
:•had numbered. ; - •
-"'-bne two, -three tour, - flee
-leight, nine, tee ;" Jecaiee co
while every stroke -fell like
up6n the hearts Of the young .
fewweeksage did_ not .know::
Obrde had ever had existencei
er Guy,
' -
:to that
_ r
one ?-
the -
he told.
eps her
on her
ear ue:
leeintegyftein taaady's brain, and
her t� p.attialconecieustedieeIt
Wheefirst *aught the enreSsion of t•
ing eyeei... and- darting • foiveterd.,
:deemed, "She's waltecl. De. H
She evillliee."
.-Wondetiegly. Maddy loeked_ at her ehd-
then,:as confused iecolleetion. .o etehete
they had met before crossed her -mind,-she
smiled- faintly, 'and :sal& • •.
"'Where ane ?-.- Have never'
eetaceho.niee -_arideiti this • Dr. Ho hroolee
Office*? • •
• "No, no :-it's hot*, your hone, ,.fideyou
'are.-gettingivelle' Jessie cried, betiding weer
waking .
a- Jessie
Open- .
the :bewildered. girl., " Dr., Ilolbr
eared -yet, and Gey is bore, and I,=
" Hush yOu disturb -her," the do
gently pushing jessm :away, -and
aSitinglitaddy howeshe felt:: _
She did_ -not recognize . him.:
had * vague idea :thee he :might
doctor, but not . Dr Holbrook; not' the one
who had Solnizzled 'and -tortured her pii a * -
• day Which 'seemed now . So - fat 1 behind'
: . - . . . - . . •
From the: white -heated man keeling by :
the- becleitie them was: a hie:Meer' theeihse,'e _
giving -.tot thee life-• restored, - and ' then
Grandpa . MarIdiaixi tottered . frOtri.: the _-
room, knit into the: o-nezi. air,: which-- had
-never fallen BO refrephingly .on his. tried i
frame as it fell._ new, When he fiiet knew. '
*let Madder 'weUld .live e He .did uot ceio..
for his honiesteed; that .might * go and he
still be happy with Maddy- left. : But He )
who had Marked thatagea diseieleeeemey
sigh had . another geed in: stere for .4122e, -
ordering it so that both- .ehOuld ' Cotrie4 e
togetherejust. as. the: tWO disappointene be ;-
lied collie. behdinkend, -- - .." - - ,
Vrein the eat -oushiona .of his carriage, -
where - he set -reclining, 'Guy Remihgtore
awe. the old met is he -Came - out, elide
-alighting at .accosted ,hi - pipes- ,
ehtly; and- then yialked- with .* him. to the
-garden, where, on a: rustle bench, built - for: -
'igaddy :beneath the cherry ,tteee,-Gtandpae. -
Markham sat down t� rest. • From speak- - - .
ing of Madeline it was easy to go back to ehci
'day Guyliad first Met grehdpa, and refused • -
his application for :money., . I
"- I -have thought better of it : sihce.," he.
said," and am.sorry I did:. not: accede. te •
/our proppial: - Ghe object of ray Coming
ok has
e cinly -
be some
titheantod :here to day was to say :that my perse he at
your disposal You cau hays Muele
drive as you wish, paying me wheneeelt oti like; '
recti toand the house shalt not be
"my_ father -did you know hut" Guy'
y.seide asked, in some surprise, and then thetory
tsuaded: eanieeoutehow; years' before, .when a -
id the hotelwas on fire. -and one of its guestej in
lethene. inenaineni danger from the locality ofejns
re listen-. room, and . his awn nervous „fear, Which
1 which -made him powerless- to act-, another guest
_ -
so sure, had braved the hissing -flame, and scaling
the tottering wall, had clragged out one
who, until that hour; was to him n utter •
.stratiger. . .
-ee continned):`
pee Breeehe.is -neovemenr. -
- Ageepting khee-bieecheates th4. ..th. e.tic ..
clothes, - several persons have _ itten in -
their favor that they will ayeicl the baggi :
hess to which trousers a_re :see t ae the
its twice knees. from the devotional pdture_ and •
telled for lroni the habit of sitting with one leg rest- -
beelike ing.-on the other. NO to discourage this
ety, but movement, but to prevent prevent disappointment .
young in it worthy effort; it - should_ be mentioned
tiit-listen-. that this .idea of the exemptien: of knee;
eh came breeches. from -being kneed ' is e radical -
error, for that their - being fastphed-jeet
,heloev the knee, and the tightness - whioli
befite this garment, allow -no . deck ' for
thebenditg -of .the knee ; theref re would:
heee-broches ' he keeed . Me el • than
eke; seven,: trousers. :Thee phortet _form- of ! dhreeehee
_eavy . blow _requisite to avoid this bagginess .: Yet the _
tea- aloud,. li iem be
net dome to the knee ro,ild:
eh, 'Nytto a,. tights viicirn under these Would hag.- The
-at Meade' ceethetie clothes 'ere not free from difficulty, -
- but no one slibul& be dispoura ed. :The
another amuseis worthy of i great effort, and of a .
hope they great sacrifice if - neceseeey. • Let every
e sound -aspiring eceethe'tic Bey with - Haery _* V„,
. Hol. " Onee-more to ett-eeeache deo friends I!' '
peuse ;
8;14 it
;the :age,'
'tted One
:counted The Scotch Highland costume is absolutely
" •exempt. fre2n .hagging at the kneee. .It -has'
ed, aii. also a picturesqueness -far emetic -ail* Me: *
o _catch 7•0 -e -dere black breeches, =- black
•genly had stocking's and „stiff dregs coat, ad more
still. • befitting the msthetic ienaissan •Whose -
• lily. :
eremern. embleine are the aunflower veldt