HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-02-17, Page 1ORTA -0 YEBRUA -- ---- ------ th L CAM -VVNTY *6V PBELL CAVER eposit bj 0NTIXu-Ell--yR,6jj-�LA8T ISSUE -13ANIKEE :4 d .,6flilie mext door 10 Wame -of. W Ill. 4 Oace. Luck no*', Oftt. .3,19, t at bf h' Nhn A-ud itor Al er- to, A- ..'-w-MERSON, AWfitkEY olici� 91 . m 9 toFi A -C., QtImem Street. Kimcmrdfni�. I- n LbAn at Rliducee R P 0- D ` oker�. ra -Suit the Tinie,-111111 statetni6f Loans on- A 6. af- Per cetit. PROU'DFOOT,. a$ 'a Mortgages- ljo --b -AND -.0 TEO intareatc-w: .0 ames a Itti-ded ORTGAGES 699OT' tarred to. fQr the 61 el J..T. GAS ow f wit. rRounroor;m t, -'- d -H aftpoirtil- a of N1 byw S 801f U and peclat and Prompt t. Y the Attiartioiu pai&-to- the B Collection of Notes,: Acc t eiii Collins va q�ady I -RealF R, f -me- to loan, 1stm 0i a; Towii D 'alue, 60.59 - Valuator fQr Trust andLoan, Co. te1. Coll -�-Co 7 In 4.-- it Dep ujI b -t the pogition-Ol S-PAYABL --AT --PAR- H. -fo on the XTa-VL, -Coav7aysmcez� 0o mig_ towns -of Cima. da. and im & P , ecl, ambe 4h Pri:ciV!'0i -�avd'e.�;at tr Ch P in at in, B. R., etc. 11 a it ediag 8'�t�&4 it a 8 n --7-1000 &6 pet cefit. strai ihterest..* 'Valu&-- 04. 91 . P name. The ftirs� 6r fiar The 144ded. Bank' C artle6 JjtejU ttl in k erce Baii�of Cowl; -1 P. 1000 Kl-4iL0tTGT -WM.filild this the Rukv 1.3 and'-k-il -iche4peat. INK st -5 ROGERS'—— being. *ithdr V:6te gio lollit a (Late of r -prillciptil]y W h ear e e- -L ees*rater.) CAIIL' 17 . d t 'Do hunfdr rister-at Liw, Attiomey, Solicaor in 8svilligs Bank air n Diwsi -inter-Wal elared 61�et partment; 0"extranquir; Etc., Etc W 'do' Invi, r sted�jror p1plygj r r We are p o - OFFICE= repared to ff �celjt , ;- I- ev 411011 by a '-Urtere 1188 CT MTN G- .:a er to -6ustbinerg d Bank ar6 th-�se Scottd Bank favo bl Ot 014fiking h �pi�l Th ini . fit ot flu - tds -to - loan., in esiti- of -river, on A* ra 4 terins.- i7()iy of' -:Er Ft e appei.9 dep t�,�at 0, C 4,7100, ar 19i . . ego. fo Idershe on 1p"Veyane 9 In all as r; - - , .0 - b- intee�� WE FGAL or per celit :Tha -20,600-b-im.- r !ke D6 gee —f6j Oil y -three : and - L * I i - ife ;is DR,- MACM T deposif I— se rectaptj orjL$71 .00 X&DU ATE Of thi-univerikyorr4onio -N $2W�xm, g tet, e aj B- T 003fr h P :� . . ­ ED.: A . RESE !Phy4iriia1i, REp sargeqn, - &c. Of 1­e-:�-or �er- opposi e bank. 'In ca the r. I �*Fnck imo -d' t tke Be a 9. A'. 3, Tip t art 4Fn­jjtj(. sessional pap rral nift tatit tu'the office. call a& tha:,Luckmow, db­xw-by:di� & --10AMER N CAM 0 -J6 U7 a ron &ERA m, �� - Lot, Icirow. Hu 880. TO LKND on cigy terms. &f rleat. I - - I. ---h ve ro lj�tiere t- OAPOY- to ..luenif All 1 7. 0 respond" 0 00 Kk. Agent,; -Dun (OF CAMERON i6 claikii, ELL) fTie Broil R Y. jj- IC. AS., F. AH :N*O -T-A e -o 0 UqJ10mi8dOner in isam am 01fic Drtt�e Stq I a Va r.y. G re --ot.-Inter by - 0 �ONTARIO- it - - - jit -­ .-- I . -8& -- - ---- -tat WoM by "-ive pr mpt attention. Nowit D 203 Wei 1e;` - 9 It , - -..- . - . nh 4350 tti.-jhe Ddediii, o9 tile, -Ar OWLb ips Lemmas. &c--. tl -And y and cor.rga ts ce ad pr �Ild--Prompt -titte t* r ch Pala �tdi he u (3010;ys find Lio e t 01, the' leadlug' roa Ina tters aw all 6 �ff� it 1109'of Titles, and -7 nelited wiW the transfer -'3-- o 2 t Als ey,. ABLE FROX.F., Lfiefitiate of 8A., 44 GES, ik win 9 Dental 9-jargery, has re� W.LJO. MOK. let OEM 'here--& -will c arry -OIL WX 0& mav'et to .w 13ARRIST#AS &0.. the,de�ttiqiry buqiness bat he xv(luld- iftar4witliff- - af fAform big pakrouj; Dmikiiaw Cc tkat he ivill Y .0 till 0 oor e.0111hrili -^n tife first %foad'ay4nd, Tuesday, and also on, t'Dvedf Monday. aiii 6 th od the -D ehool I f dfah m-il Q-OIJC1T6R -for Bank- 18MCO A Whitely.'s-Hoteil. n jf-mramIq er: for -takiim:g -fib d th 1- al uyerdbargeig' f Farni - T6w 11F. - .-0 ... n. rol)orty 4nd- a adprovin Rblei t�abh old -be MoeInds) loane(L on A, secirity at 6 -rtg to endbis 1 and 6j fier cent f �c A. F. & A--. thq�bext.nor.t" �or pnvate-. Xerions: Omtriiffeir.-­ an -securitlee'vvit out Waits ther, Tbursday gage Of a. a -pense to Lende' -Y, �61.torhefbrefullmoa r. 119, 'secolid, cerml of�t6� ertai ncil IjO;V A ot 01-- -il Lands f6jr Ili in 3fanitob t i, Via ng. b etli- W 4 the P, Own� 0 . ......... en cord r :b '0, A S1 -LOAX Gh .9 AY t + G, an V G09p yAjR.M-: 0-70'Y TO LOAX -0- the, Roil rOPertY at 6 kild 6j - m Ault )ercenti. acetff& bors - Ig- to.the security he -aboVe- r Y n by yl b#d eeei LOIDGH the- firrispondence'Will -be- h -fully: ansel ed iO"V 112 loned on anv.te be-� -owner by priv'a ring to 11111% the borrower. WeOntfieit tit ar 0 ear witholiI expense. -Oad v Fri lay evening. at 8 ti, m-jV - apply to par C1114 5 -tei car ew= �. npbell- .-All. bpme re t Alp atjuax ad -by W. 19 -CO I t ilThe'repot di'lly itivited. J., W.- ARIASTRO' G-, Secretaiy. -HeAIII P. 0 r a i--&n-o t NL x Iry wo'od Court To- L AN1 nstrite '-fjg "M oti -thoArfil - Illea FIR ugeen T _,F T ON ne'Ar it jear life ORTAGES jt NO 7 7 to oil per a t Interest ayable Y, ri, Igo he 'iron �At f�i r6d-toi­�-R-oqAj -khatgeq ve- early rV moderate p y ONT�- -Rom -lid j 6. it -ion. 'fr V 1.11 t ommitEe A Y"L St. Itri, Q� i ........... . ........... . ..... Secretajy 6f the %,4t e(if: Inverhurdn nosh Mutq4 0 Fire Insurance C Rector L OmPADY,nothing,but allgevit4. -jljl0t6r- Of nia T -Urs COURTL propertYinsured, is arm Wag t l-ka Eldersfie a - insure. I'liblie in thl opqlar fisrincrs a ill-a-'Fikst. an d -Thiid Noiidayloln. every 9 Ip a 0 (3q1b6rnej "Pari the town- ing'bim-to--b- Id montli, �t 7,3o,, p. -Ashfield. East. and 'West III --a-DOW-Iiie 'Pemperance, Ha I W iwa er a Rinloaq, and-Hurpit by seml a t t t B t' ren will p1iii-asse at endi Post Card to Ini wilf be ba on and ---aviary.. TYRE .1 d forms on 1 V48 i � t re he in. reininiflug hIjU­ F, arit lie -Schoo'ner Ll 87�9) anj Tivel-to" -OA qu -neer .-FEED u N, EV W—Tbifman NOT W f Ta—r , 'A� I - 7- -- P4 If Was As in. :47U LOA -it; V band a largeLS14d ..2y 0�r vesatil" suDefilur stock of'� to 20 arms,for le bm, A: o eav� Manitoba. L'Welremrs 11sts of 70,000: bel f ivh all - isirifus to Bell farula"Wil] t. 426-1000. -Refrre L C 104 Eltl E 9- onjUlt-t ad a C E WE, R. A' RY e by inspecting tho I . VIM in adVertj8i6gj' -C Uniftee.. -M 119- Ujuatitin t.b a. latder ofa sciber in Great g xfd hom-4-0.keeper. Britain -and slid a w6uld also the tinent of jands fnr-jjjjleL P;4 DD iticularIv the farnilnt Y t hie� bag engaged --the seviuos of a,..- ja ley itjr,-th ThW fThmims-13 t h'a petitio ..t' IM fij�jj3fpr, 0- Of.pUblie th I h W, - I - rk OUGH M.-' e XXV G� �nb VLL WD 11-04 Wiirdeo -414- deik- id will 4rrk oft vik6r, and by turning ont go I mate 9 tho 36rpora II ed th7e * to( in -q-ack tWe. ELEA t I to. ed Patrovage-frow tito,, 1 . the public.-: All kind. f tA �Iid Arwioxxtjt. WN D - G RAIN S. ra-, E- 0 !w V r Porti --r -and- on kimad. 'C184 hat t1l conatfintlyL )Y 41 e V11 to gi Patti h ma:k zts� Dia a the f[Vared *tal, any pj.j. - t Town, ve1 CIA 1he minor. IlI .4 of call'. 9 911 dC t0m the citiiena. of T' FDA �c wn ing C01111try filuner. L Ili thgt this t Ca The Wa" opened u sift -Prioe , a - Pa ld for -at .9 too I pra 0e iijemberb T6� Ae w 644 the thrroe meet" 'n e (1P ex on: hand: &Cat Whes L dA T. Nit:fgju e e L -th L --johli bollgli W' KI IN 0& -OF 1*R K81.4 is, thit the-, -A Ili, IT 140- J.0 jV. llx Tit Atlitil (fro it 'N &APOW, 84 pl,"I"N Ore th 4 .4 ry 4, al :V J, -A 4 WROL.E., -423, d by D. T roln 0 allikyall- by 000 1 sell D th4 BAid `io* 4, at theL na sh­'Ps-�-: ted M'otiOrJ' of -Yair. . 4 JIM be sulkstitutid--f6i. -�b alrii . and g 4 QUnt ffi'jL Q _V go eqnt�s­tjj of hlo"' �.hi beis jj urn 0 01 to ishbers hjLvj be gri;iiited ng:lvith.,�, repair bridge., -fj I er 611 I ov "M Y.- -river. - 9 -as 1 -18 1." all -unsife, Condition - bid bir D florter, �4­ - .. -L � L., - Iso t1lat a-,proPet pe (on - be . III0 I TO miteld 611 SUPerjutLeil Of- WifIr IlL� to d1t 4 the. hotv tUre ftent-year and- thie. M. ... . � Ree4mitn"en that- the Wai.'- e, �ji L amislided to -this- :die d aiii -&-ev o a w iii t a r.. e x*a n'i,' thre'e. xiesolutions, -1110 said 4jido�-, alid- f -ffieV fi6 that, MCK '-fle-Collilty. are ai- L candida tifiL brijk# rebiij tea jIf.. L-.& 'A dit "OtIon Oj­ udersoin .1 Or- Ill P1408 of mud- rottil, "kill;%-. Ali jh raw.n. his Arailit J. 4300 lo' &i exp 6�e St ended on". the r-1 e betwilm:. L'' "d CO1 .20V� oil - Grey - and Aru 111I I .- '. . Thai swon -4.r6fd tile Tillag QU It -worth - 6- --t ep 19, mem fa 6f '�W­- - - he; L I - M r. . , ­ Pll-Colldltlon that w -aa equa! I I .91111L to-grailted"byfle MY.: V- C661Ay Auditan, 'of G . 't - . , -. Pu Id r�y 1 0 t1lO MilnicipalififIeits' cc Recolliftiland6d the, Hit-_ th6i War-4en .be ed- on- the Co ni ii tj du order. io1..'j%l.V It giant to be- &d'-iiiiI the �6v6r 'the Ties, f' Wr (of Of th -mom - vs. -Of. 4 R on -of (:Okt- and Hillker' f the' .. J1- joL gmi aid, "�44tik ii at:. btleh �t $2',066 L -in--baimink. the-. iro -th j 11 Caii ge over Tim ' , ­ I I , u0mi river - In,'t -0 �ijjjkj, I Wral stiols- ,a h of Y '111VIIII . on'. 0111 '�Ikoi -the y4ia 6 . ., wo Id r 1880— 4 - L doilithend pfay.pr 0 1 bs- no' -on Stank- .$8 - fi �03.40 rut TPOhiliet 68-26.4,5' �he built ji, I id-thai the rjI 61 liah so ibe--bridgd .467 ify Com 82 M(ltibu - I - - '�j W&tt-ian t -Ig P,- siakihg-tho;,:�, %j�JeYL Colineif to jgra� of Eastmc',ij.� I"' Edmundi; 01"-fro,10 44-50 of �t' amoi A Int h-, Q -ton e.. 0 P M -to t 0 COundil and- Liorj�l I $206 0 -t -ang' the. in otldadAhmt-8200�,,� ootineii - gmil �b0%hxntPd',- thefte. t.w. -I -grant to-. -be =d-�I i6ited rider the supoiji t the 7, I X-Lindsaj ana, St. the,. ftil:_njQjP:Li1lt :fill 'Wouldlurth-pl re p -41 ld--thatthe tii Ifead road- -- -gfan' 820.0 ex thro vie ond bei Imporvist Ii of. e t4 be d und' ", 14� to- 'iiq�tfl And J?�ev let es * 4 - N ' hiterestei-, Li o,ved �bv,,Rllvh, the Un A to' -ho 66�1 �P. lid on -the _-COM" Y 3 f iffe&toff,of -.Reem - Deputy Reev-6.4 -h h, th vaup,111-z k'0­6dell ibid. Jork _j4et -14, ­ I - 'to: When re, fn eXpfin i1vill thlit tia d. MIWI E. on- of X f UPP Petit, ki 0 1i n f fn 't 'fr1ird"tifile 'ji 1pointi ng,� i ni., it the- ilf Ahe�- -to W11, of iti AMC and- impd sch6ol, 1willa"i ilim- 0 Jk4b' L f INA611 and 17--Addit.) 0 ra C irn, that thii ladjutirl 8j 6. . fl.- ited: til -hiltil 7 .1, ftwld'ly�' .. L - S, - o6k Ajor lliw- U gill". of.. fo. ISO. thiei- in :T-epor firs PrPULt Mid th R g - initell wa- --Ghair pullet M ware i0oh, T-61toll, gin col I rift 1I ift 6r, welgl Vbved­tj�' - -1 - -1 . 111� - U--*-ff.0ft-1hmw'%tsd- by- J- N-44, t6t: th )I d 0 and -a jour.111 f Alf at hiou'r-til ag 16116*4-i the v - Ari _tl A i, h'and birlig-VII t'heir, r-eport, S. 6 t le ...--3103 36J 1 IviJillim fill rijited 41irfice 'to 5X4.38-- the- -C66nt-y:.vejsvjN. el -527-98 .crL 7, letter the o ih thii C'*ijlII ld� d-temed -t a fill" 'Of. BrIvIg;imd: by, -1) 1 168 $.2. not-eviij Pn6o, ii�jjj etlilgf -Y III th q rq -008. orizet lbe Count* 30 n PftntL6? �Wftj led Wilt I's khow t 8g- or onse or tj,e.,CUdI t A.M. ed - lit Pel or filly, �()jaj­ 4 236 .46- fill t1im.4 of -thj - colkn�T ishe(f 4 66 4 once. as, repo amp I if' n the.-, p ot 891:99 1 �- - 606- No a to velfiber Sth. lti,-f pmm _be ail P eerreat* - Bo ne t 7 1 vr-!p .-L76.1 VV- -led -Orrorsm- —a tal d res' differin Y, 4-18. o- 0 from thb. 'IVort -taken Vi llr�atovii h0rized-by t 6 %riij 746, if- *116 W�aj a-ut ell 4turfik' report -the eyi&:�64L 9 is 1 -W&jt, -'tfike W n oi% 11t rI 1.9 - 611.111.10, P.Meeding4i 4f- N 6­ ovelm r -12 1 pra e( C V -in P IP'to t e 30th of X� -6.111bet-4o. A.F�' le, ltj-Vo$tlj! t- 01688 of ti q1f 11114JI IF In f4Qnje L Of e(will W Ridi;r .4 11 lit j..hKgrmt*r IL&Vt l, -c -dot I eiiiia. re fxz0$. VaBruce'- afid 61 of �Ilrvc�kt onL - - �_W �Vjgjjl� 'Al 'h _2 r x rewd,Yztrtkv*r--hA3: V k imuted win ayy-'Wtit� d b RL A -Tlea-t UR Wkw wQ Achlihn Wid, it- V� vt,rk like,- `k Y do6i t"Vig.ruti4 arul., t Bloild f9At*rZ- the wrl Vel of the'agoi, It ilwc4i4t. tre 111no, alma: W -119-r olvaiiii and �Jtj Vjk'jj4taS_.- jit Of the Sample bottl�% 16 6iiiAl - I siv. �00 Ortea. Of W oft, *JW_idii e. djitpiiiir of calirr. b -tromblft I 61PI j"t L J 66hijille imt. -k Xer it ion, j ng!m equ ;~0114111' - a1"m1- cured dtheii 1h.