HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-02-03, Page 2. r. -It- •
BidettoryOL Gd4anant
Bis Daughter...
•cieltitire and: Ottefeacieall s.ottheMarderer; •.• '
_ . •
Flote the. Pfignilton.,Tinies. . •
•- On tbe.rpor.ning 0 the 21st of JtiStitiary a
- .- • Tinas ' renotter -- drove rapidly thibugh
-•1' ' Witterdown to the little.. log bowie Where-
, Vie histnight enatited one Of - these bloody
•diedieWhiohltirtiniately are eci rare. tnViiii,
fair, Province. Waterdown was much
°fretted and net one Spoke of anything -eh&
r than the. difeidfamiarderr *high had Wen
• Committed abated at their own doors. , But-
• -beyond Waterdown and between. thellage
•• WA thetiotise of the muidereapeoplethere
Were sortie Who had not heard- a the. affair.
. A
- The reporter stopped. at ' a liiinse- Which
_mitanot hays been. Pier°, than twantilei
from the scene-' and inquired for the right
: road,. He was informed, andtWait then,
aiiked if there was. anything wrong at.
'Usher's.' The information giv.ert in haste
. then. was the:first they had heard, of it. For
• &mile- before reaching the. house them were -
. . . .
.flumeroias..l- Uggiest being rapidly driven. to a
the. tfcene. The house was soon. reaelied:
It is a_ small 'log cabin,. with- a frame
ilatOheit aft' the rear. Thera is
- but, one storeY .an two rooms in, the
o totem, . It stands about two hundred. yards
Irani- the Mad. and is reeollecI by aline:
Aciase, the- lane,. and-na, onehundied Yards
•° from Mallair'S house is the house of Bid-
well Sharman, the nearest neighbor:, The
- lane leading -to -the -house waecirowdedtwith
Waggons_ and buggies. Oltside the, house
wera antiraher of men, some neighbors and,
gorse from Si, distance. They spoke hi -low
' tones, -04-n&. among them. stood Thomas
•-Where ason-of thernattrdered naant'who-
lives in- Watetdown. Patrick' Mahar,
•• tbe '. other, 8011 : . who was : at.
the house. when: Rotirk left- it
• _ - laitti night. Was nOt, ,around. He was in
• :Burlington, butretnrnedjust as the reporter
was leaving. Chief Stewart, of this city,
• , • With DetectiVes- Matenzia and Gates, were•
early on the snot and took charge of the
. place:. They - kept - the door closed and
- ' guarded the -house,. taking note "of all the
• . stiroundingfe ;Mato- them isdne the credit
•' of eapturingtha reurderer,whitethe conicity
constahiee were searching' the country -for
Miles around.. • The interior of.that little
• . tog lieu:3e iresented one.. of the MOO -
terrible' •scenes of , natinti 'depravity that
• haw eyer. been witnessed'. Opening_ the
• _ side doorof the . kitchen, it .grazed, 'against
the heed a -the old man :Edward Mahar,
who. as one of his neighbors -.said,' never -
•in tefe- me enony in -his, life, - •
• • A. Terrible iiiiithu,
- He lay o n-l,the-floor on - his right - aide;
• with . both -arms upraised' and his hands-
• : clenched: '' jars head was Covered : veith,
'Mood, and behind hirn was a greatpool:
• that -had flowediroin hie *bundle, He had
• all histalothing on, but -his 'feet were bete.• •
His tronsets! rackets were turned Made
• out but it Was found-- afterwards that, this
• :had beendote-. by. the - Coroner, who
• _ ha a - spitted early in the morning:
The, roomt_aternali one; was rather scantily
furnished.. The bureau, 'lounge and table
• were -ktioclie(d -about, and all the drawers
of the bureanetemed. The floor bore nook
of blood: in several places, one partioularly, .
large one near the louega, Here it was
Supposed theigirl waastruck, and thebloo•
. !stabled floor,. showed ' that -she had been
dragged intothe front roeni..- She lay there
on floor Witici het hands elenched and
her -head ' timed to one side, shoving a
• terrible : wetted in : the neck which
had • peveredt the . jugular Nein, and. she
=net have [ -bled. to • death • almost
tnamedjatelye Her clothing was -all dia..
' .. arranged.. The ad man ' hack evidently
fought har& for his life as. was shown by
the: ditietder tn the: back, room. The body
• a the girlewhe was 0614,36 'years of age,
. lay over' it. well trap• door in,the floor,
leadingsome- to believe that she had been
. dragged into that rooruirom where she had.
• been killed -Or the purpose .of hiding her
• body... - The search of the coroner through_
• the - old ithen's • pockets hact • not ,
been. -a * thorough ' one, 'as •• the Chief
of- " Pollee .: letinel . in : his - inside
- Neat- pocket two - $.1 hills wranped in
a piece- of -flannel:-Dr. McGregor,' of
Waterdownt• examined :the: wounds by the
dim light of A coal oil Meath Thretigh the
windows. peered- the crowd at the ghastly
• sight. inside, .,I In _the. front rig= were two -
beds, both undisturbed. On One of them
lay tWo, blood-stained axes and a table
" knife.- -Thit: knife was loi--ind- -thattetk the-
bOdY of the girl, as if abashed' Sittemnted, to.
- .nee it in self-defence. On -the eamehed.vraw
a bandbox: containing. a .bloody pilletseslip
'and themardeter'stliat,whichborethemark
• a the blow AMA by tyoung Mahar.: •The
pillow -slip had been takenlrom one of the
• bed e and an attempt had be,en made With
it ,to 'stem:whit the _ terrible wound in- the
•- daughter's neck. All these articles' were,
taken by the: Police toserveas evidence at
the trial of thel- murderer: - - - • • il• • •••.
night and sayr the lamp burning as he
passed Ocng ethetrol4et,liWitep 'Woe:UN&
he side-, door,. gitle only '0k:twee-fp the
hOuseelbelamn vs 'out. 'The door Was
leckie.deind he osged twice to his siste4ttt
ot ma:et it. Tot'tthis- ttseeend request
e, t voice of urk
me.- For several minutes -detith-s
tocilffilitiertt•Ittlailfa got` my jeuili . 0
tliV axe atitt e04...tt*eriffoL
ldw; on the left ildel of *face; on tlje
taw. She felfeco- vagid wittar alm
hn -the ,epoM *herrherlither tg.
e LET ispetescimetc
, "py- ;-• •
Atnetdean ClitizOs _vs. iciend
United Skates Citizens •ire
Hastiles.• _ _ •
She Eltagmed Inanag4-14 __--7-TA.--Washingtontlestetoir says:
Ps en -
• dash
answered, 'say-
up ain eno
mittee on Foreign Affairs
nativeborn, under arrestor
bad hife hand. • FfektidekedRentrdown berperscn 13?flye of - snelal-
ww4idlee,702iipet.eit!Txrily orchoxivet;_imitlikoetn, you
4.1_nlioes.nve4;vr .solimutwet;itthiitthotiet,,
for -yelte---Aiourk-t•-bpensitft-the door and lferitraitairlieaviryOnce'"She'!_grnit 'resolution that the. President he V.
and. the shorildei of his Oat, but not said after I strack.her:-_-:-a- .0.ositively_a4y list of all American °Miens; ritat4t
With a vialki•ng Olt*. witchhisiel that he into the inner :oittrage- etateriiitint-Oft-the cause •of snob est or it?" 'cried. lishk,= striking Rourk. and Iindget once.. I did notionoiv-Bild$0- byauthority.. a said Govertunent .with a
Striiok at him with an _st4e, outtieg his hat and said, I sin killed,' -and:ithatle-all:slie' in----Obtain-fromthe.British :Got
Mehar!entered the reonitt patibletwitti , . interests, -tgab he
-I Made a lunge at Pat withtheaxe,- ao-ci communicate the: 'infoiniation tede
any otheitnne. Alter am fell. -inner -oitizene--as---may have been -thu -OW
Mit his bat, but did not • him. .I had with alIcortespondenceenow in the
was justaboutthe ilia Wheit:Paf Habeas Corpus in Ireland, and if nom-
-been eeteweg little, wainot•at all Denartmezi State ' relating room Ives( about to the bouse,Tand igaipalprisoned:Midet _the:Egispe ,of the
, ,„ t, .
:eiblie_Anatt repaid,- . -
existingt_etrest or ,imprisontie f the
Mr.:.RO Mann New s-7i-:ork), in ispjunfing
ae'd that
to be-
ry of
t •
. Oh
* .tiv_
them -
0 ei an
ng in
o cisiseet
bte an
.The physiological effects- af :wenn - and, antendnimitttO7the tenors -and takhigher
cold bathe are 'thug noted by. is writer in an ground thatt-'„ ittas-',.ttheret ttakefikt. Not
English Medical tottnal •__Warretebatlisi, • had . the Unitedt, .Stiett4t: the
produce effect.uppli the .skin ,dikeouy - to Interfere - on t.t batif of
contrary to that which is brought -about -by, Aniericari eitiSenain BritialiibriBoli but it
cold Water: e The cutaneous veitselst dilate had the right; and Awes its antyiTtl, itiaand-
iti2inediately tindee.. the --=infiniance of the .the releaseofineenbeis- efe,'Petellattient
heat, and, although the -dilation isfollowed elected by the people of Gteat • d
by iteeontractionithis-contiteitien is seldom Whote_the British _Go-tern:tent-hi,
excessive, and • the .ultimate . A.:gentle-in*" pentiene
warm bath is totinetease- the cutaneous 4ion.;.-.-"'shakes his head? 1 will s
birculation.:, The pulse _ heart." quoted t
are both quickened the -of-tIterd:JohnItuseellin favor. of te
warm bath- increases thelemperateretoteitilit Government interfering to co
the body, and, by less_ening-t-thatnecessity release by Tneepei Governmen
for. the internal: production �f' tainefits_oivntsubjeCts. 'lluesitt7
.decreases - the call iietniaele-npon: Lisni„bidetiiitejleaks-Turkish 'Vied
certain of the vital pommels', -andteteables-::--into-tinsignifietteep--:aild 'grows pig
life- to be _sustained with _a-,--lesstexpendio, .comparison : with the igiente:wr
tnre -Of foteet ateelithath_Leausee tyranny and inflicted
certain stiffness of tliSmuticles Continued of the people OfiGteat,Brititie. -
toe long, warm bathe relieves stiffness The matter here. went over nut
and fatigue. Thee fleet effect of heti:1,-11ot- reit when it will come. up 'as n.
and cold --baths -- ifttheirtemperatiire be • •-
modetateeitethesaine;thadifferendebeing, • •-.
to use the words of -• titrauratttliat "cold t------.A..Vereiltte" volt' THE .etAtit
'refreshes by iitithialatiegthetneationsilleat tt•
`10-0c10001y-• ltnteyist 'to-
nes the leap -extant differences 7-----:-17-::'etifoB00Phci-: • - •
cold -water 'system andithetitheritalttatitlet • :-A.prenninent 'Superintendent of -
of treitment::' •:.• _ern of the Attwet
and gave- him seyeralltotes with thestick,
takingthe ax front him ,at . the same time.
The- larav3hininey had. -fakir) - .Off- and
on to the table, and 1 .the light: was
very. diiii. Aourk _tan off to .a. house,
abotit: a mile . away,' • as , .it • was
afterwarilstomid, Maher went to Sherman's-
and from there te Tuck's: When they
returne,d . from Tuck's they gob lanterns.
at Sharman's house and caineinick to the
houseof-Mahar. Seeing the , terrible work
there.- theparty pet abou ftrackiIng. '
' • .The illiardeVers . - • • f.
The Magisteri _ nyeii a is
-IdichaelRourk,-theprismitt'rwas brought-, .4theilekolutioni-r lated how, sorn
-before Messrs. Henry Foster, James Allen ago, he latmetttheelete Nnglis
and Edward Thoinas, iltasticesef the Peace, and hoytthatgentlenaan had s
They ,ifoll'owed him' as! -fir : -as the -road; .at Burlington. on Siturdayatterimon. The. :ionic, A.merican hogset Ind. -char
_tracing the-bloody-Spa:ten the Mow... The
_ .
lett/tins were-visibleeventOodaye Tho Wirth
iesteikept: up.. all 'night 'without success,
Bonrk being ins. house. only abed a mile
away. He went there direetly from Mahar's.
in his:stockingfeet and without- a hat. At:the-
version -.of the tragedy : .
, .
house to which - be wilt- he told this_
• e , ...
.•. The filurderees- Contradiction. .
lie saidthatkatricklgaliar had com e home-
, _ . . _
- and limed his Oder - an Reurk's knee and
'that:Mahar had struckhim and thrownhim
:out . He stayed at Le house hone@ all night, and
was captured there by 'Detective _Gates
• this morning::: The honse is Occupied by
Jerry Howell and a tittle log cabin -not far.
from the. pretty_ sheet of water, Lake
meaaft. Roark i tom- another . story
after his • arrest. •. It.- tlitfafi that When
Patrick Mahar ceitie himie and found.his
sisteeon Rourke knee he snatched att_ axe_
and :Atm:It-at him; but,, histead..of Striking
Roark, the. oId- man received - the blow.
• Ha did not,linowthe said Whether the old
man. wastkilled by that plow, tor did ,he
know anything: about the girl. .ais last
-story,: and the onetshiciiie almost undoubt,
edly true,- wai a. confeseion._ of his guilt.i He
acknowledged to Ditectite dates that he
had committed the murders, bat that he
was drunk at' the time. About.ncon to -day
•the Murderer Was handed over fib County.
COnstab.e.. J. W. , Henderson, 'ho had a
warrant issuedlaylIenry Foster aiad Jamas
Allan-, tjTP.Va-Burlinotati.-_- - ' t -r•
Interview-N*1th sheMordErier•
- Constable Hendersinibtotight*ourketer
tottdahar's heuee to get his boot* and hat.
He Was out on the toed - hen the reporter
_savehint. - He sat in the • buggte. leaning.
against the _maiste,ble. His ' head . was.
bandaged, and his • hat pulled 45WD. oi/0i
, MB fece. ,Ilis hand e were den Ithen
stained with the. innocent -blood•bf the old
. Man and, his - daughter. His dollar and
_clothing. were also spotted --with the _efts,.
: terrible: witnesses to his giant: Iliterouched
: &WI:eat-the side -Of the constabli-who had -
his. arra about 'him. .iionest,..,.farmere
crowded about the buggy} With 6iirees on
Iheahrinking matt. ' - I -
"Lettirlyiich him !work& one. '
- I ''''' ' •
. . "Tie- him up to .a tree apd bnizi him I"
was the pleasant. iniggeetion of -another,
and. IRotule-s -eyelids -trembled as he
crouched- °Meet than ever to the officer
. of the law. He was evidently eitaid that
the adviceso- freely gitenwould.beaecepted
by some of those wh.ol stoo& about:him With
such threatening fares- and- aared not
look • untt While _one _ 1 .of -r the men
was bringing Boutk's, boot ' from
the - house . the . representative- of
the Trine asked him if. helhad anYthing to
say about the matter or.i he bed his Bide
- to thetstory.. He waited a fevitithinents
and then answered in a Io voiett,twithelit
raising his head, "No." I. Ha *Ovid not
speak farther, - but tbld •hik, -name
. end .the comet, way . i)f. spilling it.
When • his' _ boots were '.-; brought
.he Mita 'lifted_ into; another _bii_ggy . and
- driven:off to Burlington. lo hearing before
the magistrates . who hadi tissue& the war-
nt and cenainittal• -to. Milton jill, as the
-m der took plicein'lleltotri Coin* The
Chia • d the detectives followek . • ..
Rotir -is- a man Of about 25 yeare of age,
wellbullt, and has red hair and ecatastache.-
: He is nota viciouslooking man, although
he diaea not *ear the kuviest-viiiressioni
and as he- ettwered down on the seat of the
constableetebnegy one would hardly think
' that he co* have committed :such an
'Maul crime. - • . • - -. i : -.t. -
'• - • Motive for the Deed. AT
• Ms Motive ;for the • deed cane hardly be
'explained. • It certainly- was nottimoney,
as the.two dellars the old• man bad Were
left in his pocket: • The disughte. is • sup-
posed. -. by the .deotors 1 to ' he been
criminally Outraged, butthat pont is not
-definitely settled. ThouglRoUritWasSupe
pbsed. • to be -.. a *.friend etif the t family
and probably Would .hava been 'admitted
If. he.had rappedat the do*, yet -from all
• appearances he • entered at one. ',of the-
• *Mamie: of the . kitchen.: The tins , -on
the door show how be mad his eta He
• seemed hardly to realize the-drimit he had
committed, as he went only -a • miltt away,
andt-reriiamed---therat-till-earrestedt He
would ha,vabeen dean *Mil siuniStily -by
the crowd, at Mahar's if thr had Pot been
• a -feelingthat" such a _tenth e mina& would
'be• sWiftlypiinished_ hy the -taw. • : -f- ' ' '
Filename's' Ooint+don‘ : - •
-I know I will die for 'what I have done,
and being. now perfeatly cora I ate- willing
teetellethe truth, and 1 will }tell _ the. _whole
story.; I have been iforliingfor, Pateblaher,
and. boarding there, but loft oit Friday
morning:: That evening I Went hank With
the intention of pickings gnarteL and hitt
ting iliii..otcl. min. I didn'ttcare Wbatliap-
paned: I _felt:I had. to de -it. tWhen I
aerivea: at the door Of the hotuietI it • was
nearlY10.teoloolt at night: 1. I met Bridget,
who, hitdt been toute. --She- apprciaatedtthe
door by one side of the house, white I cattle
round- by the . other: I 'stippose She Wail
frightened - at seeing:, - a 'Mau, .triati she
actearned •and ran screarhing ,-M-to , the
hetiset- I 'folIoWed- her,- and AB -kgotin.at
the door I was -met -by -the 'Old--rnan with-i-
iitiek hthis hind.--. :Elit-readeble*-at MC;
Which misled. I 'belied one Of Orto axes
.1-Yizig near the deereandetruCk thecald maxi
a blow. Bridget ° still sokeaniingtOried out
not to hurt the old maxi„and wheit She Been'
him fall ' she - Seized' the other taxa and
at the- same time fastened her araronnd
•TOUNG .111AH-Aws itcut.,,s.-4. -
The first ontsiderst4ho, entered thehouse
atter, the innider gi • atthew Bayfield,
AlbertWhite and 179'illiana Trues, of Nelson
township,inwhichthe tragedywae enatited.,
When they entered, the. bodies lay
• abbut the Baena position as when seen
by . the repoter: They °erne about
• or 3- otalocli this • -morning, . at the
of Patrick • Mahar, . the son.
Bayfield and }White live at Sharman*
next .Maharrs. • Patrick Mahar went tcr
• Shaman's last night And. told. thein that
• Roark had. tattidered his father and sister.
Bayfield and White Went with hizte to
-Vitekte about two :miles away.. They went
to Waterdown }and got. Constable Baker.
•Mahar's- story As tbat he came: home last •
•11 •
information was read to him, and -he: was been takento Englandfor coniuni
asked what he'had tfr say -was he guilty wires -under the Atlantic had
or not guilty ? e -The prisener, " am news of the outrages that were•at
guilty.". perpetrated -upon dead Ohio hogs":
_ _ - . . •
„ Lite flayed be ei walking-atieW - tisPle time the Amerman citi
foughtupon the bettle fields of
Patrick mahai'li safety lay heing_p_terta vrhoie bloodhad-- given addition
vided with a -walking Stick, which he -tethe• stripes and brightened Oil
knew how- 46 itield,t_. - -6thetwise-he -theetateetvere thrown into priso
Would . have been _ aoyeeritne-being alleged
returned. - home and net the murderer; trieditiffillons without anyo
This miraculous •eswkri-- was -13r-quelt- to their cases- before the G
about by one Of those occurrences or people -a. the United -.States.
which pass unnoticed at the time only blif .been
recalled as an act of Providence afterAintett Ithat-_;weettonlvi paid •as - eau,
great event .t" He - met a little -boy named 'tient "iiid--tele----timich • honor
Arthur Westfall.uptnithe-tead;-_atidttliabor - • • -
being tired of carrying a stout cane, which
he had mit from the bush arshort-time"prite
viously, asked Mahar if -he--would take it:
-Mahar, who does lietusually oarry-a 'stoke
laughed and humored- thehoy by taking it.,
n_ericatt citiz-e-ns___ as we do
-Cincinnati -.shop." -:I.3ut Bo
The-State•DePartinent -would An
the eases of -those _citizens -and.
exataned. There were five
-citizeniiiiove. confined- in British
hIlise lertettuirtuat. caa.lh4sodu:fso.er__cizth.4--ortohaids„ -.Est4endt-ohi;:.
triedtandt acquitted:- : But :-.. ifii
:-They hadtheenseited, brought bef
owes his life.. - When the . murderous WOW afterwardathe'enspensioreat hob
was aimed at him liedeevebackeand before- had. been brought lo - bear. *;-T
.Rourk_couldxecover hip:is-elf A*4311 directed= -rearrested and - are , no*---- latigil
ibelso: With the'etitak-laildliiockeditiin WOW- '-'pris--61--L---He badr,Eindettivre4taget,
- ' ' . . of theseineleand dying America
- ------. .. -_-,..: - • , ,--e.
7: • 11•10--Hons‘imt uiltil.the .present -
17WaliinkanFt .:14-0;Baltigirl-'77 ---:-= Cn-ableteedet'etoe Ha was Oleg to
- -
cant a.
zed or
il ..• . • _ - ---- t-_______
: uppish Farmers esist--Tititinai:-:-_,T
. . ...- (Londerk:_Tele-gr-a-ph-.)- - .. =-:-7-----: _-_•:-_-__
44., very exciting scene Ilas-138011:7Wi1ne8130(1_
at an anti -tithe: meetinCheld-_-:at:nfainrat:
Hurst, near. Reading. ar._._WirigfiSla;:tlTie:---
nroprietor," had refused topaytha--litia
andnines of his laeastsbadtbeenseizek-the
sale being fixed for yesiterelayt-t--B-e-t_ore-the
arrival of the •auetioneers the fellcittiiig
resolution was passed; - "That,*; in
'opinion of this meeting, the Tithe Cothran=
tation kat of -18361s unfair in itsoperations
ant inflicts an injury upon agricultureettitd.
therefore it 'should he either repeaMd- or
thoroughly amended." - 'OIL the arriiii
of the auctioneer; accoinpanied-q-by-twn
valuers; Mr. :Wingfield was- offered-them:thuds Tfor the emit Of 255, which at
'fitet.he : declined to pity, beitTater-on-tlid
so. While the auctioneerwasa0efittli4the-
-money he was hooted, hissedTand7liust1ea"
iibont and compelled toterite_thotr_eceint=otit
a sieve. On leaving the harti he -wag tagain_
-hooted- and surrounded leytthottlarixteriii-
who tried to push ,hinit _info seditcheand-he
Would have sustained- Seine injurrehttedenot:
Wiser counsels prevailed. , The reirty--r Was-
follnwed by a -braes band -playing .0-tilitt-
dear; what can the -Matter be," and-"i-Chateete-
boys, echeer." • The; anctiblieer -refined-0,
pay for the food Supplied by Mr.-Elyiligeld--
to the animals during t the time of _t*iii---
sei2urs, , 'said the farmers ---pretientalliid-
upon _Mr. Wingfield to spizetlaa=men-aid
take the Money feel:whin:et hnt,-ultimately-
the sciatt,et veati ,arranged bythe farmers
presepeprOmising to. support -Mt. Wingfield
in an action in_the!eontity onutt--.___
. - _ g and n °medicine deter- -Per ente, 0.11 w. a n rendered mpo_ _1.0. .
lees_ e_ , saysi., t-1.think a great .
la -_being done tO.-railrOadgi --by etigriatising
-nne-h7T.adeidetits as this ai-...! railway.-6hrder,'
• the. . railway - Maria
iiiitirtethair anybody -else, are moStt
estedlii-nr.eyentingaboidents. T
:deritiratida:Ironc - the loss of lit ..twhicn.
atierallytneetirsiare ctieeedinglyexAmetee,.
an titherealreade- do all in their pier to..
-ptevent-theme- The great trouble ,A that
lhateititeloyeint - and.. adoiala :whs.% have bosom.". But something still. more cliiien-
Citarge-OfAhe trains dor net alway : tsplaY - --chanting wasseeit in the 'village •inn, kept,: :
the proper watchfulness . and -dust npOn. by Herod ..- ‘0. AT;itoclimus, Printiiis Rilate; r-
ViOlEktnit-thia rules. :,--IntheiSpityte nyvil iTtidas .. Iscariot, 'St.. ..l'olti; St. ...etteri-. St -
:disaster the circumstances -clear]. --.-ehote- Matthew, Ba.rabasi .-•.ima - two or three of '.I' •
_thattlf ifielatiikannertalicicondtiotertatthe the - eenturiona were • inaldiig- merry .Over •-•
_tram that:west-run intet_had ate el- to -their beet. mugs. They were in.tiediscu
their -duty -- ilitet-acei_derit'atteld- nt - -have- Of the Passion -Flak,. there --evidently .4.:
---41)13-ollede.----Btit neither -et ,lItliein. at t nded- -a_ division :of. Opinion. aa-• M. bow e titan. -
-tottlieir--t.Atiteti, and the result _, ii,ther parts could be acted with the greatest e' -ed.:
li-Ohith_Vne-gleeked their -Antic* itittiI: teethe -state; 7(.1. were einging_enatchea from -Setnia
Thmattritable-tholecatist: ' These -tin -.• had -Jehri _and. Judas were it 4 lialf-naiudli -
annet._manyAiMee before, and th eqinade Of the eh-Mini:it ins the plate":
theepoeteleeit...tiThet coinpanies . ha:vs no; • , - ._ . , _-......___ .: ..
•-•-• -Jti a Less --rot *avds.-• • . • -- '
e -wbich I
hereby 'atteint t to •
-.-774044-VielloltaltiaAPtr---..7r7iiiidiesigoriee-tvh- eerp."-arl rilif-14ittiliee,131 4-jaIrlyteieso'sl3i°Int41:s.rtttro°ft 134-rhyalfhi6;14ve.oyllaratyte7°.:dnad° 1
ei his
01 the
f per -
< pales
-iSh in
000FiNS .GERMANY.? •
Struggle Bettatiten the • Reichstag andt
• .
Eliserearek fur the Reins. •
lineilipia-flebtiteztliis'nlazielc Denies that
-- the. 464/iii-a.-• ii.eitops p.Pt does. 7. not:-
• Govern "in the
tedfiL.491BP•04-11,---05:-y_tieterilaY-18'4 ata
says • In the -Reichstag to -day ' -Bieraarck
said the.Imperial :reserint the not aim to
create'n new•constitntieni .gne•Ataxiin of - the" King reigns but does 'not govern" - -did
not apply in :Germany. - --The expression
." Ministerial .respotitibility "• Witti
abstird: He deelared that he resesipt
,rejlaified unshaken by:the attacks tipMa it •
He- fully aware of his responsibilitY in
eigpittg it, and was answerable for atthe
.Sets of the So:Vereign4. It wasto the SOveretii
and not to Tarliancent that -Pi-ern-Amy- nWed:
the position she enjoyed. Bismarck- -
whether any One could reproach '.hird With ,
cowardice. = 4,
.-- -Great uproar on tho. left. ensued.
• pisin,arckrstemed forward and repeated.
the inquiry, sa;yitg, -0 le there cue anuing .-
yi:12 Who dares to bring eucli a charge?" • .'
The eneeolt of -Bisniercis it the Reichstag '
to day Created great excitement. . It. was :
-an emphatic re-assertiOn. of :the •doct - ei. -
of the Imperial reserint es teethe -rela Ohs
'between the Prussian King - iktia. pe-o-tile;te,
ilireet Challenge' th. the Reielistag, and very
aggreseive in tone. It .Caueed: a tremendous :
iapteat in the Ileuee,Itattion_git pthetirjeti it _
Made _ a .favorable impression. - __The' ex-
pression which --Bleep-trek: pio.nounced I
equally,. absurd with. the--".-Kiug reigna but :
does: not govern" was the constitutional
aolutism of the Iffihistry" Which-1.11er* .
noater'.-ellttil:- haasatoursieadi ri:s.Poiriblilligty. t.' li' aeS r7piectitPeti
in_ the previous despatch,: Bismarck de,
elated_ that - he -.could- only agstune. -
that learned - persoett who eget* of
the ' Otinetitetionei Supremacy , ' • of
the. .. -MUM _ .. were • :afflicted With -
obsopre: Nieion. • .He 'regretted that they - • t
-showed • so little ,resne.et• for- the _ -Ring,
Reyalty, he:said; Must not he alleWed to be -
Aveakened-. by &epee-. Be eeminded the
DePtities that he attended . the Reielistag • ._
'me -rely -in his -cepaelty, of royal 'PriisSian
plenipotentiary. • In - aoi_iololiiOn he , Aid- -
that political functionaries during °Motions
must defend'. the -"Goveitinient against the - ,
ealumniee Of _fits 'eneniiesy , truth egainet
falsehood.', At: the beele iiitie„. however, .---
witlitieorSt ballot they- could vete as they :
pleased. . - - ... ' '. *-. - ; . - -
Herr_Haenell,dejaioa_ :fh4i- 110 _hto.triade...
any IWOUBatiOn of 00f714-iedi00:
. Pifignaiek. rejoined that .*Haenel'.8. -state-
inent that he sought teteeeape reeeoneibility." -
by kluging forward , the narne of the King
the debate, but .- he edmitted that the Me -
waste charge of cowtediee, . . , . .•,
--Yon :Bennigs-en deprecated- the ton.: of
tentsoftha re:want were indi'spiitabliOn. '
stituthinal, : :-
I The - defence of the: reseript which Was :
Mtideliy Meinbers b_f "t40 3t get (hieing the
:dehatelataonsideredtety. Week: : - • '
. -
View p..t.f.gmloiv FLA-tr. •••
Quiver Conduct Artors.. in • 'din-
., .
• - • iine.-1, - - - •
' - -
,.'.0.ii Am, eriedn travellet has revisited the-
lislied .
village of Oberanime.teau, where - he had •
seentlie last -performance -- of the .1taseion ,
Pley, _and.. he writes_ IQ the: Springfield.
/tepee/iced:that -he regote having done BO.
The woman who appal' the Virgin Mary he
foiled diggiegpotatoes in a fielkbarefoeted,
. . -dishevelled and t- fif thy ; 'Mary Magdtqene
west- -yvate on her hands - and knees;_ scrubbing -a '
eytil floor, and nreeenting an -rlingii,i4tly appear-
tole° mice, and the eersonatort of Christ ".tas' -
carving ornaments whielt bad ordered
by 'tourists who had seen and Om red: -
iiim - : in the : plate::- "..A.:,.iniag, h.gf. full -..
of , -beer -- was ,.ou„.1. - a rough -',71? nch. :- • .
within his teach, and his chisel walenini- -
:bly trecingand forming -the intricate' -and.
'delicate. designs ottb e ip ic ce: of wpodliefete
him, he was at the same time: :tigoroualy
puffing -ae, huge-Gertaat- pipe that - hung
down overthe red •-shirt that covered} his
re are
-meaffir to-prevent-such---:carelessnes the
-014 of _their_ employees, „and notkiirg but
trajiandswi11-41,.!;21'.3- them /6°_r9- ertAfill".! notoriety'have 'hitherto declared my.r. eu-
- • . to -be ineUrahle Sireeifics althest,
_Owe- and Health.) • • numberlesi,. have failed- to ictue. or Oen
••- _ -
, _ allevietsthe-intenBity of the pale, which%
We may clash With -:-Pciaiitt;.--tt- •econ- has frequently :Confined Inc to my room for
Jieived'topinion in -Stating our teevi;tof the three months time. One week ago 1
treatment ---- i • 2_1' tifdilis appliediaser heerrl- •jiartiast: tvlsittha'saefitehd*Wikutet:an.Iarita4cthk.walia9cuurr:611rr ectirae*:: ••
butsuch measures are no longer adfeteted,: knee'iohtt became SV011Plitit0 el:146166a ..r6;
arid dto - ti lki 1- '
•• • Crawlord's Stolen Body. • - • --- - gent garglet andapplicatione tegetlir with Nothing remained for me, and I intsA 4
Eari: *0-;tir- approved of.
to resign myself AB hesIlTroight to -another
4 It is now lel-Mode- from some Ietters it appearethal•freehi Air is the firstii Month's aonfineetient to •my robin and bed •
recently received fromItaly, that the bodysity; wesh�uld allow a diphtherjala Whilst suffering untold agonies. By chance -
of, the late Earl of -Crawford,t supposed to to be. att-"Onen . Wind:ate:: Net'I learned of the Vonderfid curativepro er-
have been stoleiffronirhietoirib4u-Scotland, thonld-tiiitet:Anat__ malt vinegar foraannel ties. of St. Jaeobs--Cilt/: I •elii!elied at it.ini
was reallY removed : froth the -004,ab-riad Writaitt,•-round----thet„..thteatt. .OrTsreeettof a straw, and .itr a le* houri4 was entirely
and crereatedtat-Milaue•for *Meltprocess thetteame-----ditittee --withtt watei, ond. free from pain in knee, -arm and shoutder.
he had often 40°804 al_teieli to hiefrieoe: -• • diet PoTaible. Atzt.-_ before: _stated, . [cannot find words. to
there.' • Notlong'since' Roman, Catholics teninni•:hu
gentleman. - of dietinetion. left 7initruntional hot, strong pas- of -.007 'beitten- convey my praise.' andgratitudato thaldie:
coverer of this king ef Thoom-04003.,
in his will that •Iiishody.shouldhe. etairiatidi 'in--strengths-a:teat Warne bath:4- iode of,
at Milaii;_but in the absenceathe relative feet: placed inn-itlitard 9:Boylston-Place and 166: Harrison avenue. -
to whom . this' duty was entrusted75.4-w*:_v-ist, er;7-ant-t-ritannot wraps :soaked:-.•.-- hot - buried •••
by the farmly.- On therelative'svinegar around the Stomach. Tito juice IN Germany, as in Canada until tlisSilast
return;•-after'many hard words, the family 70-ressed,:f.rdni-••ra* beef, heated in taitinn day or two, the -whiter has been -
znild and
were compelled' by dee authority to allotst andgivenconstantly, but above all unseationable: It is" only in Thuringia •
the body to be eXhitened and burned as :It:et red wine. -Inhalatione of the Id' Wee of that there has been any- .snowfall as yet.:
directed hy ,the:wmll;, The _nrAL:,14aiy.:-::114vii__ vmnegar vmth open rnouth andlaenoilingket Everywhere else tinsettsonably•-:',;Varm-
be peen:in-the cemeterYtattMilatetwithtthe the same within the mouth. The Ottiof :Weather continue. On Christmas Rive .
nameand titleactigrattAllptaiit-t---- • ..----=:.4emens- lierecientnendedieltinh fresh violate were gathered near -LiegnitB,.
'•• ' ••• 'Waist heti." preventibletdiseasee and 4ehen .in Silesia; and an *habitant Of Andertiabh .
One-thirdiof Franca----isThwnedAtt_ large we know more of the etiiiditionthltader oit..tlie-Ubine had firesh ::e.spitragua feontithis
estates,: °mete:ire,: :iniestateSet'imoderete which the'healtlit-ef. :Inman -life can exist, bWpgikAeri-ofdiniie bn New Vette . Day.
size •aii&.Only one-third byl-the:plasati.;*_-,_!and are mnolthed to haten to ityolii,:ekt: The .--koehtitelee,...Aeittnietreeeitied- on New
Daniel Stuart - died`rattSit: Catharineton ilicliditigttil it, we shall haY0fewer epi X:eties _Eve a beitutittil. *Outdoor rose fropi
JAW: ."20t1L, Be was attniftereati7fooraii: lerdicalnckas .1'77
.there and-an=a4iite itielther of the -Ablate- . et: tett ete t • Ate At tale a- a celebrated -etud
Lacrosse Club.. -- • • The latest report from Kildonanl-Man4 ft. Ock of Merino she,ertiti Viotorik Australia,:
Douglas JerroldaaiNI savagely, " Truth is 18 to theT-effe_of that mov., pr..: tiaik is a ram 4 years old brought the large Bute -of -
likegold; people manage to likc:a little steadilygainingt instrength and is _fully $7,000„ while several- others were :eta: for
0 us
•aces -
, we
of it go a long may." iT - conyalescent,
prices ranging froni $900 to $2,250.