HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-01-20, Page 6•
E- G_E" A T. .
story' at ihevosauli-lattriniP, • .
By the anti:tor-or "Aniat He Cost: 114AV4-'
- "Givehaolittea, eat," and, other- a- a
pornaituovete., -
(f-Wby aci you appeal toyour aervatitt
mr,'cned she,
"for sympathy in your pte-
aueditatea6rithe;anayet forbiametasttatral
• ta inoVe his, 'made little -a very- little-
.- cruel. purpOse.?:. My. chilaandat-,
.i.f.:yoal Only. spare ourlives-wifl never Mire-
•. plague you, uncle,. oor -.Aunt:Grace ; We will
- leave.this place and take another ,:nattie,.
and be. as dead.. T. promise -I sWearit.".
So you promised, so you mere, niece,"..
.marry Rupert -Clyffard," interposea
element, gravely. "Spare your bteath.
••youmight as.. welLattempt to. melt with!, it-
. you. crystal statuses to move Cater; honest
• .. fellow,. frxn his •. •• • ' -
Mildred turnea her eyes 'Vonthe stilag
mi.te thus indicated, and shuddered t� see
how like itlookedtathe thingwhich it -was
- • . . •
said to be. Amothe nd child had already
Perished in that -very spot ; asit possible:
that She. and Milly Would he amity there
• ." also? Bedinge the plactewashiddeh. from_
.- the light of heaven, was it 'Wee hidden from
itaLoid.2 • -She p.rayea ,with dumb :white
lips tbat Ile would prove it Otherwise, and
• that right speeall... It was now . long past
• The Oho .0f:the Ostia' tryst. with. Eitymend
• .
and of hunian-aliaalildredbegaotadespain
-• Come,' reehnied Clement, iinpatiently,
- "kV Us -have -done with this 11, as you
endeavartapershade.usi you would lay no
*.., claim -on your -child's: account to elyffe, or-
- • aught. belonging to. it, were you suffered to
-lave oni.what advantage wouldthere be in
a. life?' . :Why wish for raere-eaisienoe,
without a single.. possession that makes it-
•-- dear?- I You are • widowed, and poo r and
• Iriendlesia What years �f wretOliedneea,
. and; like- enengli, di shame, would there- be•
inaitore for your helpless'. girt_ •/Many
wenian.has ended her -life: for ,Aess valid
reasons, and, you,-yoUnoist. die,:
w-hether or not, or why -1:0A-slave fa the -
. •• ".
- What l" • interriipted Mild -red„ p`assion-•
.a.taly, k.4would,you slay my-soul:as well as• niy body?' Would yondriYe me t� commit
-... a deadly -crime; in orderto flatter_ yourself
• that you did not, do. it with your hands
No -villain, butcher! 7if . you , work your
wicked will it shall not -ha With. my helpa"
.If-1416,itsball- be murder and no suicide;.
• and my &lid,- Oh spare the •child,
-. good Cator !". she broke forth.: •"Drown
mei if it Must 17.3..50, -Iwould rather that
• thou: atast than to_ feel the.' fingers of
• that hateful -Wt. -etch,' wheee bl. ,is mina,.
.presadowo nay -heed beneat on : rk cold
• Stream..." But save" my Chi . u at
born' of Woman, Ova my ad !",' .
, .
' Take. hold of her, tor. Data. „ her,
how. she, scree -Ms -4:i .se• echoes make • as-
• 'though it weee--,. women, Take. -hold of
heriina put e under, -Once shewishesit,-
and leave th child to me'- • - •
. .
• "-To: -save; ?" cried Mild-red;',citngiUg to
•- this - straw. Will youindeed save My'
-child? • Oh,' ! de net meek me on the verge.
:• of death, but promige:.m that, thaugh•
• ; drown:end-die; my girl shalt live unharmed.Goa will. proteet her though, alas. alas- He
seezns to have "forsaken - NO. one ever
-need. 'know whose child she. is. Good:
- Clete -Kit, do yottprotaise - - • '••
"Ay,- ay,!' returned -!eletutut - gruffly-.
giverne. the - •' -
: tiVnbei not to hiin, broke -forth Eater-
ribla-Voice et Whose -aotoo tones the -very'
. -
ea.verit: seemed to tremble. Let not his
murderous -';fingers touch her innocent
head.! Oh !liar, cursed forever; if Mit for
that one lie ! Thinehour-and
harm - • - .
• Not afo-otstep had fallen hpoothe cavern-
.. flOon not an- arm -had parted :the watery
• .. path; front Yinia-. ; andit seemed -0-
• . Mildred asathotighlieaveras. own- thunder
badeed, such powsr. And fury
were: 14 the. sound that it ".aid, not appear
• like hit/luta speech, ena. net-
- Cater give:one ,stride from out_the gloom;
and geize.dher uncle by the throat, 'did she
recogniaeler ally in the serving:anima As
-1 for Clement Oarr,_ his surprise Witegiester
' than her own -so stupencliaie that it even
overwhelmed- tor _a -moment" his naturally-
- acute perception- of personal da,bger. - ot.
. -"What ere you about,- Mae? -What da.
yen- Amato:ma:had -Oh!" "
Hate the windpipe of Ur.. Caar became
too rigidly dem:Pressed to:Whitt of further
- . • :
"-▪ lease.to bring the tateh. here, Mrs.
•• -,Ilayithond Clyffarda said Cater: hoarsely,
• thet this -fellow Dna I May look.- at one.
another." - • -
Mildred obeyed- mechanically -,and threw-. fr9
.the,fullglatent thapine-branch upen the tWo was
etrugglingfiguregailstrugglingtheycotad-be- we
eallea-whee the Mewasincepacitated.froin ,hati
standing-, and at the same time prevehtea -130e,
• from -falling laY.the'streng, firm. -clutch of - aria
the other, ,Citenieht's .face compressed, cou
. 'purple, with -the.' eyes dilated, -frOra Whioh„ the
--as seemed, -the wicked. cunning had .,.A
scarce had time to escape., and: give :place-- etq'
• ;. •to - abieott fear, a &away Sight -enough levi
• . bet that of eator was,. fer.Woraea AlWaya wea
-grim-- and forbidding, the countenance of
• the serving4tian Wita as:disturbed by mental ',se!
• passion as-Wes•that.ot his master physi; el; u'
cal -violence; an . inextinguishable hate
• forth from every feature. •
". He is:.464 mistroos,"-- Baia: he, in
, :answer to: Mild -red's terrified &Mee, and-
. .. relaxing his grasp: " It is herd. tO
• let:0 of -such -a: throat as his, but should'
been loath to. him that way, he
-. has got to-- hear . aomething first. Here,-
amell3ta this," . He seized the torch, and
•...-clastied. it into :Clement's! face, so that it
•ahiged his•Vliair aria' eyebrows... •" Thera,
• that revives -him wonderfullya" auclitdied
under that novel Application of the burnt
. . ...: -
otherscornfully.. "ListentO his Whining our -rtiother in her grave," Blita time 'Caine
prker I.: He talks of morabi --he thaf, when out of. the .curse -Of . the 'Clyffaide fell
came 'hither to do a double:.xtrarderafr an thein:eiren-itbise than it -the .
though It were a. 43SHIEU My master for Carrs -
ten :Oa*, and. :qiiia no reasop,":"„sityeat "Ibeg_yOurpardaia, Xis. Ravi:mad, -and-
thaiii 2: Why,: is -.not that 11,--- it -mason- gad not for this- aleiiii.- ,- I -.. litiOW--that-I- have
enough,- itthere: were njotherZ ',Tolive. seerneiltdiscohatechis,arida-attinienly-Tfol-yrao.-.
for ten. long years. •_the.. initiator of ' thine many IMO:: of late„. :ad yotishalflie.arai
.accursed will -the initrunient of -villainies have been „So- for ': your own :sake, and•
'unspeakable done upoiktrionaliquoaturoi, . the'. :iittke- ----. "of Oat deer. little: one;
:chitinedandetaiYed ' -. -. - . -.. r . 'whoa granasire_seved---niy"'"inathervif life&
. "That was Gideon'sdejpg,": broke in but when I setV• yoi,i. first; the. niece Of that
abject wretch; "you knew I alwayesaid :fiendish woman, of th.eruffianGideonatind
that he was the hard." . .i. . - .-. . •- . Of this reptile whinti 1-.,haVe here .,beneatk
-' --"Yes, Etigi ktiovii'to: notiic! 'him harder. -my foot, I gave you neither reverence
r tay.tothipg for him, soopOr' or later, .he -respect -; an evil seed, I thought,--, could. blit
Would have i met- his -dobni, • at these Same 13ringfOrth 'evil' ;frith. - • Yoh iliil not know,
hands (sai then art going to - chi);: had not nor will 1 year:at:by a recital -of them, how
Heaven itse1f,- impatient of hie-0414es; ant hateful Were. the - deeds :of your kith and .
. short his course:a-hut:he at Ieast atia open. kin; I had heard of them, though dirtily, but
•inlhis, wickedness, end -Met his: -,death, •1 ;What I_ beard fell far short of the hideous
(loom -not, fearless, as the: better -;ort- of truth, and when Squire ey-rtlrwaa taken to
verinin. do... But thou -.thou fox; r• ' ithotit. -thenetiej volinateeredtexteeonapiniyhinieg-
the .fox's courage, • thou:- hypOorkeHtheo Ilia body servant There .1- did what ':- I
wilt- drown yonder! ' Why dost thdia. shuila could :for him, poor. fellow, -and
-der so?. thou hast just been Haying what Of the wretched -Creatures-in thatloitlisoitie
an easy death if is to drown 1- Thottallt die, place ;.-- but toallWas as bad,_1.er .
.1. knaW,e; coward's death; - ceiling RN God, Woraiaasitaniester Gideoxi.,_.nrati_thia _
hi Whom thou hest ne. faith, end;#4-fitiking Ah! you begiii-. to-avriggio, : nay friendida
to mew: itie with thy -lying word me, 'a, yod 7;-- ItheuglitthisWeilld be bittelneW
Mani,: than haat well tutid; as easy _LO-mciVe-,
fieni hie flied purpose as.'yonder' drystal-
-Statue- iato- be Melted- by thebreath11,•'• - -
: .",Why should you kill me? why aliould'
You de ma • hurt ?": - -cried Clement, lawn-
ingIy,-and almosagroveling at -his foetnao s
' '"Bedeese-a--"-heganthia.Other, aterniYi
ana.ga,aing • straight before hire With grave• '
eyes like oho :Whe calls up the past.- :' "
' " Gator beware!. He haii . got a knife,' -
cried Mildred, rsuadehly,:and net too aorm.
• eletnent had drawn eaveanen.from, some
hidden pocket, . and strilek.with it at his
eineeny with all -bus. farce.. -.-But Warned hy
-Mildied!e• voice, :the - other -leaped, aiide,-
unharmed, and the net instantelexpent'd
-wrist yea halving -loose and useless; and
the' shining:.6Iade .whirled. through the air,.
and Clove the hurrying streatt :with sudden
plash. Clement Carr- uttered one Yell of-.
pain. and 7 baffled . "fury, . *eh -sent -forth
shriek on .s.hriek ofIrenzied teifrer, as:Cater
dragged- him by.the neck tothe bank -blilre-
dark'. riven Entreaties, .cuteee- and the:
vilest words that he couldicoini.flowed from
his livillipiaand. among ' them, " Onward,
-coward?" - i.. : .: .. .' : i I -
" Why coWard,niaSter ?"- asked`l. the
:other;nontempttionsly, as he- brought his,
--victita-,- pale ehd- helpless '„and. lamest e
copse, to the -Very brink; .whence ithey,
could see the *le glide by as :black ad ink,:
to thnnaturar archway,. where it. vai4ehed-
-sitddenly: ." Why, . coward, My fkieha of
• tile knife ? My plotterTagainst mother: and
child of yeur own ,kii1,-Why coward, :1.eay ?.'"-
" Because my Wrist is broken, akh. you
have got two hands to: rilyone,"-,prig Ole-
nient, viciously. -• - . ".: . - - - -1!i; - .
• Cater latighed long and 'lead Icif: then
. _ ,..1 ••.:
.sternly answered: " thipuing to, th :rid a
false to thylateet breath. What adtaitage
that everoffered itself it all.thy - tretlier-.
Ma life -seemed to -thee too base .and-tainan.
if it did but gain thine end.? . 7 Ne.yertheless.
will I befall' eVeiato thee' : see, I will use
MY lclithandL-only.m,yleit4--tematch.veith.
thine:• thou wilt be a. little kiraget drew -h.'
lug, :that is all. on khife-work ,rciad# ine-
..J - :,„ •
hasty, -else I did not.. Mean: to: slay,thea
quiteage soort,',.' * - . -. :
- "Do het slay hire,"' broke. in Mildred,'
earnestly, and not for the - first . time by
many; but het. appeals had • bout dis=
. -
regarded hitherteby her Strauge" ally; and"-
pSrhaps unheerclin his haste. cancl. Paaaioha
- "Then,- since you wish . it, -mistresa, he .
Shelflive-almast a quarter of an :lieur,--;
and listen to -the tale- I. theaaat to tell MM.;
from the first, before Iserallaim hence to join.
-hie -brother•Gicleon in the pit Of .Tophet."
. . . .
. .
- . -
. - ,. . . . _
., ." My story isnot short," began: the eery:,
ing-maix-a." and lest this posture; with my
fingers twisted. in. _thy nook, should _weary creod1". - - - - - Vase_ Villain 'h zit-- - . . -.- - ' '
."a-'• --_- -_ -- - -----.-'--- -__ . a - a . e.. . :upon sw.eeping your..
- - -
thee, my Masten:thou- shalt he down-lso, -..:An inarticulate cry like :that:76f a -wild- ihmeent-Aliee_ifroni ' hie :Iota -poiiii,7a-
Now; with. my foot -upon thy cheat, go as to beast in " pain . btokta.frorri• thaalli-Pa-ofthe lied.--alrilyle---viel*-...YOur: hhabinae& 4
feel thee safe, and reedy to:squeeze thy life prostrate roan. `.'It As" fallie-fl•L cried:h.-O.-a resolve&_Within royeelf _ that-tiev'er ag h
out, like , a worn:Via- ahouldst thou show Sign . !.'• Ho tor .fifty fatlipnis-SI*0 upon the Bea-- 'should: lii-a7--yilea body. coma -betweeh :We
movement, thou shalt hear me init.. -tr wo 'beast, And tosses' now beneath thel,deP_th_a_,i_u_onlight and the earth,- -nor Wind Of heityth.
7 of ocean" : - - • _ - -:-- . - -: ' - : ' • - • _ hiaPolluted-bY toubhingit. -No -fitter &Os--
_.•._ _-, • . . ,
- "Thou -heat! - Silenee, --aeyill ____Headica 1lio_u_glif-lacartit surely finathahthat bleg
.: _ - _ _. _._ . .
not fall, --Ile is alive,..S.aliti Clyife,7--Thi _s____thtrearnOleadat •-•-a-0-aation knows whit- ft;
very bleur he 'atandsafecial&-fittie with thy: 41-41-0'.-- - --e-d•erksorae-h-011Ows of Oath.'
vile sister, and shetee. is under 'foot:: But ' 4' efwe --mei -nice* •Iitildred-t-SaVe -in
_Weali thought him deaa,aa-thotidostaiand_ brOkettithis slirinkirig-wretcha:" I anay
I-• took:: the . child aWitya:and---brought • her . --;:si,i-voinantlier's-brother."
hither,tokeep tinder- my : eye st,-nd Lucy"s.. " Moreover;"--.0ontinued -Cetera" I'M e•
kat- thy brother should; Slay.: her too. .But -_-.644--.'--tilii. Morning- while this oily el te--
. .. _. . _ . _ _ . .. ,
that God's vengeance -him., in'the. WiTe-.-oOrnliaesing your deaths; that ' tarVer
'Very- act, he Would have. drowned - her, and more should Raymond -:ClYffarcl's eyesit st
the .Mother likewise., -even lea I-wilt:at' ttai On the Wouid;be-'inuiderer Of buschildOhl-
drairia thee. Antivier Menai-ail will -beat viikt 1 -swore it before heaven"."":- - ' -...': •
, _
thy teeth in with -MY heal. i•- Tbe-Aient,tip.: - `" MO'. never-ahal.1 rest me,". pleaded
----, • • _ . • •• a
rage of half -a - ecere-,•cif_ ryearitIiingeto be -Thiti-MeutlasSienaterta ',',I- Willleate Pyle.;
loose,: -.There, lettliat-gnietrtheall --1.-7.-7-- :Eoglitha, Europe, instantlY, They. ne - r
. "--Spare -hiin,-.-foi- God's eaker-apitieliihirr I .• :-: --
- - • • ' ' ' - •- MalirektLip-on,„ine, uponMy •Saeredase.
'Oriett:Mildrcid-Passionatelyi aireitterls iron . - -7:::-. TUhPe°034,-.5'21oPtilikr'yieti:1, 4CittOri;" Conti/1U ed-
boubd . • boot -.-eraihed-_ in -,:the----:v.W.retclee __ _
Mouth, and:ground-him in -the n;-:::.- ----- -.1abi-St!------*iilt-glit- "- 4 -Y9u -don't believe. a
,-:--- "Yes, -_Iple-Yed.;;the-Lfienit-tte-Pleasethe:
devil; -1 and .L----dici.. please liini-',• -*oil the _
cohfidenee- of both -these villain brothers,
and Wren of thetrvilly dater Grace:-_Yes;_Mn-
Clement,_ Mias-Grace.--ies was is _dOithblees
A clever woman, My_deephateoVe_reenie
her:oohing.' , I need net tell -Yen -how you
starved ahdtorthred-eytitehahoW•atlitat
Gideon • slew him, in --Seitdafencei----Tatir shalt never creep. - if there is good en
•you- .: would .-wiiili.: ,to.----:aay--;- if ' • I 'W-0---uld-7 -114-thi4 evil heed:Wherewith tofram
let_ you-. speak;-.bilt:-CyriV__Wonid-L4.n.eterif lino : prayer,„ though_ .020thiulo; .. I •'
have. attacked him, he was. driven.' vnave-ropnlfrOnr_ent -this- sand 8;13-_' ea
to it tits anyrniiiii,..seneatt".ennidiimilid.-hake---!'"--inaket-zit; frenie it, -. "I Would I . could
been) by his brutal treatment. .1, Before 'God;forgiVeAliney,hut I' cannot." -: •
that timei had been -an unwilling witness - "Will -God forgive 'Mee, Cater, iTlio:.
tothe-Wiles Of ' Gracia and saw her capture- talieit the into thy vielent ham'
in: her - toils the good, -kind.. Master ni'llas field Mildred eoletanly,
old Aid- and ,glooni.-------ThisT1 could not pre. :'-4a. will take ;kik of that,
vent; mot even attenintata-dO- '-ao . Withenc. have seen too Mich Of:wrong:. and.
risk of - xi- a:Mice-Very which • would destroy worked. in'thisawrotid - to trust to law
my usefulness; end- Te-Tperceiyed that :I, rightinga:it.--. LeaVeame to deal with a i
should be wettedyst• sto shield. poor 'Mr.-- fellow; law hot,a- scene ;:for Woman's v a;
'ItupeataWiloin hover sliall-theaDeliemeoelvfa Art thou ready; wretch? It is thi time • •ot
"With•iii its aachreed.--1";Welbs, although your drowning, Carr." ': • , -- ; , -. : ,-,,.4
sister eohnts-tipoti_itAilthigto-u:surettesi.7„1-.. --------ly--ith:.6 iiiiit--,.-Wfork :Clement :,Cii,fr . n:
Could not then leresenthatr:rwasTilso fated -agis-d-.,-to--"JiteizeMildre.d'a, _garment • bY
tube, thank- heaven! -__thegnardianTofitay---- -raini.,71-thil.to---that: clung in sops: of ea
niond's-Wifeaaha,-.:61-altiaolijlathe-71oti-ret 'effoitat-OtimloOieliis hold. , - -. -ta•K
all the ClYffards..,--33.01:when trace beCaitie-- ...- ."Then--nuat -I-ruse "...nay other.- II
-nuatreas of Olyffe, her itnibitienancteasisa ---agethAhe'seriiiii--mail grimly,_ "for d .n
with her neW station, all that thivarted: thou -shalt,'"!'----i-:_. -. -.---„:„.•..: , : -.... : •
it she was reseivedto -sweep elay,--.--lineed "Oh !Mildred, good . niece Mildred,
not say What- an unexpected - obstieleita -Oath sister's ehilda. Will you see ma aleiti
•ciirred -14 your - own marriage with - ASr. befOre'YOur eyes?-" -. - . ' .• ••.. . :- 1
Raymond. __Hei "JtirY, when . She found- - ' ." Cater," - cried.' ,11.fildred-' paseiOnately,
her • . niece . had : Ted- . with .hint -she • "forbear, forbear! l'For nay' sake, -nor
Wed.. - Most ' . of • all •-:the-:•-:-Clyffitildif whom you have done -so Mitch, I. pray you
Was :something , worth, - beholding; :luid. spare bini.1.1-:-:--_- -.." _ . . - : . . .
began - to:. like : you, -thiatiesa;,:eia-.a-1--nefer:- --thts-preciouir time; Pi -iv -Ilion -I 'hive:la h
when -I :sew ,it, . the_h_fet -thei.fitstLtime4, __.a.-..---CatOzot.; 114s -tress, .- I.dare hot let- lip:
thought tothko'n. earr.--7,--Then. I resolved to longingthieligh yearsofbasest servitude-. -
Shield- YotteleObeinIgRayniona'saaite_antil. --ei-filecob-lenged 'for Bilehel.. This is by-
. .
Grace's- foci-from-,eieryPerif.whichI could sole - reWard."-------. '...A ••
avert. When, after findiuga.,eutahete--7-yon-• : "Ite----bas:'-been'tatia, ..niece -.Mildi
hid -.hid youreelyear- your htitioand'adeatta gaaped-the-wretchea. Clement -"-paid
was plotted. liy- - his: itopm,-Olet,pipd- her- --anal=„7--phhitualry--7*Iiile.aluring7 these*
twobrotherscif--7nhorn this. wretch alone -..inottbs-----?!.. --•-•:-.-------,.• .. •.' , • . • '. '
- sinirivPatepay the.forfait-Q•Waa-ptiyar,to_. - - " Yesa-lahaVeabeettpaid," broke iii a
their -plans. It was I 'who-_aehopapentaa-- :other -fierceita- "but every - guinea; • Opt4
,Gideon Carr, .under his 'esiumeda-nanie-of-.- -shilling • ofT-it--:--fliee-iihstieht, • untouchedOat
Stevens, to -,Vrestpertowlii4ISAiis'irerVant-- -though:it were indeed; that price .:of :b d
and :-strove- to-,p-iit__-- yettonour-Igiiir .,(1---fik: lo-ulT--dreanled----i-A-:--was: - :They bribed
vain. - I -ivaS and. amtliatwell,Withd.illOW Vithr-theirgnidtaTitid-;_the Murderer Gi
whOm. you, heard -a sea- oftena withoutever--agelrisk.thy ew-wlinsbantli • intatreo,-. 1
guessing, or to :this - IOW henr,..„-_-Wbnhaf - yon-10-4----aapereliinatiow2-?'. '-' ." • - "..
friend might be. -.I.,,evaaChet-,--Wdeed, in a .:" Yee-a-.---"kea;A'a• ;Cried* .-Milared. earnea
tiine- to: save - your -htisband's ' life -the "and. --for . my lintibs:nd's - sake -for •
brdegraeni. of two -yearailie - lather of thud -4- sAke,-whtige innocent name Will•
-•yett helpless child -your . jonly--:--frietid---ini- besmirched-forever.. by this direful - d 1
eartlia----" . • • - • : -:- - ' - :. - -- • " '• The record -I -a -Of her house are istainedene"
- -Here Clement nieder sonaChioierci-ent"-on- *Iferiay-- With -blood and violence. I oh" ti.
- , _ . , -
the -sand. -- • -, • : ; -- - . , - - - - _ - r you, for her sake,1he lest of theCill-iita .4
"What, villein 1 doth -.that- please thee?. race to Which you ewe : such loving feit
:Parest.though to trilikAPh-thite;:that ait, so-. tOsi-treAliieaaretehea paah,'! • . --,- . r." A
near .to the -very gates of hell? Before thou - "Miatreaa,"--'--rejothed-•eatersteroly:
•goest there, I have emeseagp-for-thee-ter still keeping his griped' Clernette1-14
,thy- brother's sar---;BuoiOnd ayffiird i.8-.1not "ere -I "thierealthis place to -day, Atitli;
sign the paper, Grace might have 'ruck
Some- . Wadden. blow - in-'. -Wrath; -istiOla-tis- I-
COuld not 'ward rtlierefereI bretiglitkatant
your ihterview With him a :dayeatlielthan
the :tithe appoioted.-;,Thfat--signiha og4latit
deed, *Oita' forged datklaStrOUght4 this
-Wanianawithin our Power to punish lei, to ..: The euthor of "Rab and '..:Hifil Fiends,"
banishliona-Clyffe forever, '. . '4-' ' : ih:"A„Lity f$ernianon'IHealth '12f rii .the
: fa-.1*111-wathes.s..agalinather," inter ted teat .in. Job IL' z-1, 4 1 All that a -n2an hith -will:-
-Clement :7:eagerly, though ,. with „ ch he give -:Ior: hia.. life,"". hipnleates taking.:
half,eholted :- with : Sand...and:broke:44 th. .care Of - - :'-'... -•-• ' - ' -
She was always a self seeker -Grace wilt • .- - : . „ • - TAB' Spii, ' • .
49 My -.duty; I.. Will. indeed,: ' good , ter,- for - sii . its ii.U.th- S.:2-.-,gveat (Teal ' dependa,
"though she is Hit EiE en!' - , . Keep it Clean,- keep it warm, keep it -dry,'.
-,The eerving.nian_ withdrew. hs . t in : give it -air,i2avaa regular scrubbing of all% .
haste; its _though :it . - • veryiaatiot .his your - tpo every .Saturday otglit; and, if,- ..
heel with :aUch a I_ thsome wietelt And yeircaAraanage it, you should every Morn- ...-....
been pollution, 'rend:Mi. Carr; feelib hie ing ',wash • not • .only . your : face, but your
lungs , once More le - play, . ecniti44 ;tie throat and breast with :cold Waten-ahd rub.. -
iiiiproVe. the oenasion, - .'. ._ :.- : , -, ... yourself quite dry with a hard towel till
Ton.- glow all. over You should keep your.
hair short if yob. are men;- it saves you -a
:great dgelOt traubleaind dirt. - • " -, .
'17 Then the insideof your head -you know
What is inside your head -your brain a yen.: --
know how use:folit is. to'yoo ; the cleverest -
peirOf_hands among you Would be -of little...:
use without brains, they. would be like a --:
body:- without a, soul ; a -watch Wi. li the :
1maiuspriughioken: You should hay regu-.1-
lat. sleap and plenty of it. Eyery_trian' -ho hid..
have. at the least eight hours 10 his bed out
-ofthe - twenty:four,- arta . let 'lath. sleep .all - • •
the time if he. an ; but even if he is awakea;_, t
it is it. rot tollie•wearied brain, 58 Well : as 2
to his arms analogs." -,Sleep is the - food -kit; v.
the brain.- - ....." - - - . - ' - - - - -"-:
• . . - • .
• Froin- the brains we g� to the 1 lige,-
thay.are the great --tellovvit thet:ke p, the, - -
you knol..-where they are., -they ale avha
the butehers-callthe liehts ; -here th y are ._,,
Are of life: going:- The -,:great -thing or the --
, lungsisplenty of fresh air; ". and. :tile ty of
room -to play in.- -About v 70,000 ...peo le .die -
every .year: in 7 Great .Britain .frohl.. that .
disease of the lung -called consnimptio „arid •
deaths could. be prevented if theluii ailed - -
.itig certain :diet - More tharitalf of these,-...-.
feirplay. . •SO: You -should- alWayg trytto*t .--.:
your houseewell. Von Witted, that means to
let the air be "often changed, and fie • from . :
impure -mature.; .. and. you .• ihould.. -avoi&.
'crowding many :into olio- room, . a he --,
oareftillo put away all :filthafor filth, is not ,-- -
poly' diegoating Id the layelaiitl-the no e, but -
it IS -dangerons-to the health. I hat7 seen'
a:great:deal- of cholera, audbeenstirro tided :
by dying people; who were -beyond any help •'
of doctors, rooa -I- have -.alviays- fauna that - • -
where the -air was bad, th'e.-rooms ill venti-
lated., :cleanliness . neglected, and -driinken-
ness pre.vailed;.there this terrible scourge, - -_,,
which God sends Upon us; was most terrible,
inost rapidly and Widely destructive. t::NoW ---
We chine -to .:-:..-•
- • - " ' , , •- THE HEAHTI.
It Meat Wehdeifullittle puitiP in ,
the world.; Thertris no .lsteam -Siagink -belt.' - -
_se -eleteret its work or -:.s.4 _itrolig..-l•Theie---. .
18111eveiyoneof. :ma beat, beating -all - a"
stopping,il .1 ;-aiicl-aili4:!ewtit,toylie,40...14.6.413;g7.::03,-nply.arit nitierk
needs to be-. valued - up -God witds•-• *---t\. up. ...
onee for all Ib depeiida for f its.- heal h on .
thestateoftherest-ot the body, esp oially . .. '
On the brains. and, --1000. .. But .aii. . eleht
passions, irregularities of living, d. Maga" . •
it: Eipoattre. tocoldaridailithli OfteiaTpringa ,
On .diseeed Of the heart _ It gives he -Warn-. -
ing, You'iltop•dewn-in a Moineat. : ' Sp, we . .,
may say of the• -:-,bodily. as well as :. f the -
Moral: 'organ, "Keep your heart. •wi li .411 i
diligende. ; for: out Of. it ate -the is -s es,-ef -
lite."..._ ? : : ' ' :- : ••- • - ' :-"' • - -
. -- •. :" :1 . Tiffii-.STOMACH.': - -, . .. _ • '.. _
.*(.3 now come' to the stoinaela -(koti all :
-knew, I daresay, where it Les. It speaks
for itself. - Our friend -sin England are very. -
respectful to th.eir: stomaChs. The - ake.--:.•
a great deal of theta,. and *o. Make tee "ttie.• -
Ifan Englishman ie ill; all thetreubt is in -.
his stomach, if etaIriahnien: la ill,' i is in •
the heart, and he's---." kilt entirely ;:" : bil if, •
e-Scotshien,'. it- is:. In, his "ked." -Now, 1 .
O Wishl Bair Soot_sulen .and: Women 'nice •
and :- particular about their -stimiltalis, or ..
rather about What they put ihto theth„ .aa
their frietidain England.; Good ,Coole g isa: '--
like-yen. all:the better,- .and- be less likely to'
the beauty of a'dinnen . It really . oes a
Mail as much geed. again if he eats in. -feed _
With e--relisk; and With a little Attent °nit:
is as Easy to cook w.ell. as ill. - Atidietarie
tel. :the . wives that your haband *timid -
go - oiT.16* the , public house, it. their toit of •
✓ Meat or drop of. broth Wine well Cooked."
Laboring men 'ehould:. eat well, -. :They
should, if nosisible, he,Ve mpatb.iaeherimeat ..
---reveryclay,,- . Coed broth 18 a eap-ital:digh,
Eat,- above:ell; keep -whiskey out of ont -.
„atotoachs ; it , really -plays-the very-- , . la
when it gets ilia - It make thebrainto '
itburnsflie stOinatkit turns the liver itOte-
:e-.1uXicip,et rottenness, it a manan a
idietendithrhtea.By.dotng. withottt,this - - --
.-yeu a.viI1 be all -the. 'better. able .to afford
and. plenty of it. : -. -...: ; -
-GOOD -111.11414TIR-
The Amills4r;e11--:1€1EfAilisSad,",.111111tRaileiSds.”.
- ',the _tireatin,enik Oa_ the, akin, Ibe
itie Heart
- . - •
•.-. lily :testimony will: be-really-1mi 1 iin- '
portant; if you Will only . let -ane give it. - I
have known Grace so long Slid has
never behaved to ninas- a sister shouldi I'M
sure, nom • wOuld. she ever liaten td; My
itaviee. :!-Theseplets of .yon.rs" I have said
again and again:-"=7you Will .do • me justiee so
„fan eatcir'ere 'bed, and 'very. disakedi-.
1 -ams :43:fivr' ius- g:12-tht e;,..w. liiiit'll're , to°1.i°•-•
Oar_ sii4411 -m-truki-?-_:,-Neo.--"T°11 olisie4-liWit:O.d.keneca 14-0.et;
Tiiiit"---mity; _ indeed,- perliapp credit hr
-dainhed 'hypocrisy ; but they shall ser
heve the cha.nce. Ant of the talone ti h_e
11 --
law thou-,4eatile-like inight'st "haply
age:to-wriggle; -biltout .of my clutches
score of :years ago; and more than that, my
inotherlifeaven rest-hereoul•V=•-ivas----=--:
ing_acrOssthis hill that liesnbove us w th
great bulden.. -.We-had been Wealthy, nee
-•••or-What Beamed to yeoman folk like us
but we had gradually grown poor- (The
- .
-house had lost its natural head, and fitough
ntir. Mother did all„ she could, and. *ere
• than her strength warranted, to keeP- *Wit
to us, it. wits. coming With eure-foot-,She
retiirning froinmarket, anahaviageola
at she tciok, -Was, bringing beekajaprois
Sehold matters Of :which we steed in
d; - good Mother; and a. brefiefatone;
if there be. anything •of goodMeg or .
tega left in me, thig Villain'eeerVait for
eaten years past; I owe it to her.r.
LS the man said these words he.itOffad
cap, and over his riaa,ged- face a lpk of
ng reverence crept. like -sunshie 6u. a
ther-beaten wall. - •
It_ was spring time then.as 'HOW 1.not.
h oispring cemeatoSandby, mistress,
what we northerefolk.ails used to,_ rain
solemn_ ---.--pray have • patience -With -In
-: "Yes, - Misttegaill - will '. spare. hin2;;;bup only for for thedevtl s *sake, whol-S-Igopg-to- it-f----.pre-.I.agivaieh leave tO.- slay Me
- _If .II. a4mOnd ••:ever- looks upon • . ' 6 -
and bi've" hie coiet'ae-Y-7-forlit'-irehi-Illtesqceger.' apoti to stab me, shoot -, me, cut hie n
-sleet enact:ad, 944 - on the thouniehig 'Where were we, Mr.. .eleitie.nt; when .you
remeMber. I -brought the. johild----W 1 1 evii„ftest poisol:or . . .... . - . . ..
mint.EVM9St. Ars. dial as _night,- and Mire: Were so indiscreet as to interrupt?..- Ah! T.hou.giV"gt me koviit.-4ndlson ,
misleading: ' Our mother, lost her wayi*na C-Yffe;-. --tell'11Welement Cart, if -Ido not - ai
. wandering -from whit little. track.' -there- as'being the sefeit,place,--eince-Iwitalliefe ;- „
was theenOtaaaudaeyer -agate I even 80
plunged into What ,We "call a turbery, and when Grua' Sent" fOr-.4911)-14nadezeTT ais---f--athee,--.-:tlien.• etraightway.1*.4P.:
likewiselwrOte to bid YOU come, for I' kneW. i.
orasit a not dangerous to. streng, awl_ -., ia
ve persons in thedaytime, tilt • to her,
' -J• r_
that ' •I -could- manage her and .Cleineht seek thee oout,withItiifue, and hote
ned and-over-bUrdened,•and notknow sh*le"1"ended.• ' • Nightand--4ay 1 i-hws'e shall tear andeat_ thyiving linitisOta
where to _Lcii__ine, iitioh. thee suddenly, alone or in %Kt:
turta-most perilous ." .
thmilfefAlie_-_Streets, I care" not 'lloNC.Elf
oat_ eabautsted . with ',. vain effOrts... to
There, - -welched over and your ---little 012e -ever
since- you set _foot in elYffe,'--When -mita _,
Where itis,that :instant ., Willt Clut-plitKer
pe, -Ralph .Clyffard, now among Lthe came thither -i thought..._thatIlailleneawair -15.----__
theAhroat„ and it shillbe thy
y : _ :' '1
ts in heaven,. found her. The -late left to guard Yon- a but .-ohiliesee-Onti claY,I te-
ter, in hia youth,.
-- Off ! -- - No Werdeaa * let mehear
"- hot .
wee. --ever- aoa4ara, -eogpized your husband in his_ "artiet's-diesea 7--
whining-Lioico. again -Off to yon comae
the Fells alone, -: although no sports, Yes,•element; - themith.,Gifice speke±:of_iiii,
oareegglye few, hours bank -Jailer deadly.- • the-patea-iii-Uhba1 thy life,' spared at,
,and he knew thein- as welt es --fail prayer of her thou ivontalt-have alain.li
herd. Not only did. he reichemy.Poor foe, and by this tiniS- she, feelaaitaa-_-_4414e....ayea light- .open thee again, if ret ,
her, but .finding ;her 'half dead; bore •close by when Rojas ken."4-bls--liiiister;-:°_±'°earTh-earztheerait :Were better for thee:,,
in his own. strong -arms -6 our :voiy thereby - told me' wheihelVie.. *Y- • gle2 was ihey.7.6atio*nediu'll.ibigia"
agis-deor. . When we :had beard .Irorn ' in• -roi liana that • tnerni_141-naistreSsa-YOu-
own lips Whet -tbp - young Master of-=---.IT:neh-------hi---1---3 .lineenisball--:_dead' with '.
remember, that was thalayllielbeastaait it :_
had ehanced1O:mislika-:YOtaaT:AVIWY-W.- __It
a had done for her and us -and neyei hidfrear,----Cliiiiient_,Ceir :dragged hi•rhe
tiY,Iiki12.ScotpliedaHsnake, out Of
I forget the loving care with -whieli he had lett this nave J.....:entered-it,-tind.---medp7
ght. her in. and -.bade us tendher Well, myself- known In your husband,- 1:nit-bade 4rping....e-: Of Ihe-tbiahAiglit.:
hat he :knew- himself .what it wite to hihi keep my -secret, Ov.e.O from you-:-Th-at.' ---""--aaistrees;"-.6-Ontibued Cat 10 'chat
and quiet tones, "you have 'robbed'ine
y to her bedside, and bade wirsweil,t, iie
.W mOther;-,she, called both • me and -wits cruel,`. I linciw, but :it was -negessary. .
half the recompense . for.. whiCh I hile
as her memory - should . be... freeh to.nd. :1-fan"aoouncge fYrOieildtit-yothu:StniYaofiliw:332° i4%_atThe 'asn.4 _toiled -these ten.: . years, Let 'us hOW.,3
ei ffe----'here 1 trust Other half at le t•
- tyve altered,. and the crafty::-Graee- have . Has,. _ 3.' - aW-.- .. - --,, . . . . .. 4
dear to us it is tnthiaday, Godtrin
to serve the elyffeads; mador sane, to the
'-f--------(-To be-anntintied.
pentetl eottlething --arches. The -cloak--of -4.w*------ . • -- -
,utmost of power : We did net need the 7guile I have -worn _-the-se -many_ years -A. es:- _-_ -a-_-_.-aaa.,•_..._,_ .. _ . -, • .• , . „ ,
and Iona -wank at that tirois, of wich-helP"
oath to make us theira-; but -they were rich, become - so natural --thataYen.'-.00t114 ,•never . • -..,..-- ' ----,---a----____•- .1 -, • ..-t---
guese.rne . iiight bub knave 1 look, : '1_3ePreatititatiOtaaot, Men,. and. -atifinalea
• - but - - ,
attwe could tilt- them,- -Auk-roma on, and Luoyaait Wei. hard: for her, whoei: heart. atonie OfT-thein- haying's. cronehing; aphink-
quire forget hiegOna.'deed 18 kind. and (rue, to Pte•teUa-hardeeee. when - 'kel-fiiimaloavebeeta,foutitt.lialheamothids-
• I: dare, say the S
.aar-vala as thow-whona-ithadecabenell ed-; -.:t-r ' 0-:" til a it- and you rill Ofilliadhl. 'TlleYiveigh-fidin tento'Ittetity:
but we did net for.get,:althemla Weh444.04- ..n.ase. -you did net get poor 14.--AupeWtO -0031-fidaind. are scUIP-tured fronihard atOne;
.. , .i....1-..1-:-. -...', ....k.....-,-,
or m
feathers' system, -Mr. Carr began t� how, over
_signs of animation.: After a prolohg d fit Min
of eneeibiga -he proceeded once mo e te= shel)
articulate hie opinion that his serf g4/:43,n' mot
• was. either pea. or drunk. • - her
"You see he can't believe ,it, mistress,4.11-c0ti
• cried. Cator triumphantly. . "He can't er
• believe that after so long a .servitude to OlYff
hun and his one could remain an honest. shall
• man! "- Then, pointing to his late Master brou
with a finger that: qUivered with passion, hose
he ejaculated, " Then -murderous brothel) alee°
-thou twin.Cain-how I. do. hate thee- 14-uc
Dost thou think because I delayed to long.
. - • - - • • .
oo'd Illtissionrwy
- •
The Fiji Islands. ereabout 225 in num-
ber. • Great Fujiis 00 :tales by -50"; po
tion- 50;000.-- When 'first -found.by •
niiseihneriee the Fiji&ns Were the llnost -
savage; cruel and dangeroti ever knwn."
Their oinnibalism; hunian:: seer ces,.
infentiCiae and burying alive, were the
most horrible 'manner and • anion t of ",
which heathenism -furnishes any • reiord.
-Hui3ienity had' sunk2.to its -lowest de thaa. •
NOW Sir Arthur : Gordon, Governor o the:
British...Colony-Of Fuji, ea o say :-.• .t•
iniposibleato speak- in tocastrohgter x
._ :
the wonderful results both religious
social, Which have attended the W. es_ yen •
:missionan •• They • are now a Claris-
-tian,peoPle-;- their churches. number 1900,
•chinch members - 23,000,: Sabbath sao4edly ,
observed, - 42,000 children in the • ,500..
schoolsalandlY worship :Almost : inlyeisat
0 And it is an interestiog -faet"tthitt the rat .
io Fiji was by aoliVerts rota '.
..the . native • --Missionary Society of 1 the; -
FriehdlyIslandia-poetoil Traveller.
smite thee, Or because 'I loosed itty hold
, just nova, that there is -live for thy base
' life? There is no hope, no loophole -tor
escape thesize needle's eye! Clement
„Carr, thon artcome here to die! " .
" You Would not.niurder me, honesteator
-me who have been your master for ten
Attrii.---Atid-for no reason ?
• "Hark to hini inlet:tees 1augbeth
The caniela set- adrift in the ::-.iarizotia
edeserts - about twentYifive years ago.hatia
greatly - increased hi .nutebere. arid Jiave ".
grown to very :large Size. The lud nia
••whosalierses. are .frightepedbytbem,Jjare :-
ea-Talking:tiles° camels. and sellitigthe to
Metegerieslet trifling stuna.-: ' - •
Twenty five Years age the city -ofAlbany„
_With. a. population of 57,000, bonsiiniedi 850.
lbsof , ()pinta said :375 -,oz -of morphia
annualiy.s. Now, with -a popuIatiot of
9L,000; -there -ere- -of bpiuto hita
15;500. oz. . of morphia . sold every tear
• • -