HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-01-06, Page 5• These goods -are handsome In ap a,rance;reasonable. and ru every w i Viable for winter wear. ,. otoa $in -iewnUlster Coats - elsgaIt in style price -s tong and warm:l ateria- and _ . � will got n -I bringThe Allantle-s ire going I COine-:early ail the -nil : with yoU.;- rice, iii in UrC : a ki $Sea. to inform the -public th:ithe hie: :tauttalitty on hand d. -... rust OLAss STOCK OF" Women's; - Misses' anti...:a Chuldreres Boots. • iso ett d • exam «ti . kin. super . ;tug i lu each class, e4tiecra11; lus aft POW OZ liNole Stork 4f`oots iatore puteh>tsing .e.Iso�vI3t re n fart - .Urin... . S0Gl;alty: List year'stock. sal* at ord und•nr• Fz sandBut;;t, tr taken It. 3Schauge for'-gi.)nds KET MIJA!1it_ s'GORDON ill spite of opposition;: is determi ed lthat he • UNDERSOL i to .this end will sell his meats at Prices t that anyone in^town.: • i`i#s narbnv patrons t y -:rely- u an ie'that: ` while there will. be a loweri ns f ,prices, there will be • - ;,No LoWeringin Quality I. . iii nh hi3 lengthy experience he has- found that: q . fit pap to ke sp rquthing but good meat Remember that Gordan keeps the Meat Supply- in Town, —did t 113 Vatter-sold: I: Meek Delivered- to sit Parts: of -the. Villa a, on; Shortest Notice. -. S`i=-Cor. Campbell and havelock streets, er Dootm,onts: Csofilly .--:'Written. feW Vlllade and: P rl 3E�.ECTIO 000OOa00101: ppp0tiop000090000000o8bQboodao0Uo000oo0Q00000000JU6o0 0G' enoa000000000000000n000000000b0000000g0000000e000000000000000p oqog on-ald : c aea,n, Wishes to inform the.publ_id of the - fact 'flOtWlrhs&anding 1e great demand for"his WAGOI48,:' . - 'PUAL T ONS; - He: still hne a splendid- assortment remaining They, al u all by thoroughly competent workmen, Of well -seat tined - timber, andiinthe _latest and •niost` -fashionable designs. ;He_also desires to call attention to thefact that he has- securtd Sole Eight,. ,':of the villaage. of Ludknuw., to manufacture : SEAMQNf-- :PATENT -o:u,1 An • inspei;tion of which will Convince. the mot sceptical of. its superior -merits, being Lighter, Simpler and: more durable than than the one incommon use, • And which wonderful to relate"• will be sold: ,t the unpre= eedenteP price of i'+tJ - ' HORSE SHOEING And Gen eratBlacksmithiug. Repairing and_ =retrimming"will be executed with neat- neeK, cheapness and despatch.. ' DONALI.1 MLoLEAN- Lucknow duly. 14: EL LiVENs4D- AUCTIUi E-IBIL Parti---------- - e Will to -give hithis B._ Cmsh Price llatd for Rutter. Residence Villhitighby Street, oppOSite the Motfiodtst Church, JO;E til" TlltELd VEN.`(= Liicknow; August -25th, -1881. . 981:.: OKAY' - $ cuFic MEDICINE- rRADE MARK. TITEURE.tT EN -TRADE M RK. REMsvr: - An, • unfailing.'._' cure -for Swain - :al Weakness; ewnin-:alWe.akness; :tperaatorrhea, Impotency-,. and all 13 iseasee :3efore Takia tbatfoliow as a �se .uenneofSelfe+ as loss of Memory, -Universal T.asst: tude, Pain in the bank,- Dili -mess of Vision, ;Ereaiature ohl'age,:and many other -Diseases that lead to Insanity -or Coisuinptianand u Premature Grave. >ic'v•Full particulars in=. nixr-pamphlet, which we -desire to :'sendfree by Bail to every one., The Specific ked - dine is sold by a.l l Drngg,-ists a_ t $1. per pack age, or site: packages for $6: or will be sent free by mailo7t receipt of the noisy; by ad- .• dressing ' IIE:_ GRAY MEDIQ,INE Cd , Toronto. Ont.; Canada{ -rSnld• in Luca:now by all druggists. ' ird.. every �where in Canada and the IIn, ita States_ by q l: w,hale-sale and retail dru¢vists... • Oa a weak in your own town. Terme �t1IPP and' 8'$ outfit .free Address, -H, TrIALLETT. Portland, Maine. - tai • be -Sold terms - • sittable 65 --the times, for date; ' 1V1Qney : LO+ ►I1. On Real Estate, at reasonable rates on terms of Iaymeiit to .17i4it Borrowers: 14LLI0T TRAVER �FflCE—N it . to Fast 040 IERV1L i ' 1;eivi..X40!111 1', NI N '= DER an ever itwas befz,teWe hay t in a new..Frigfne °and a new Planer overhauled a l_tbe - - seat t,�the 1Vlarhinery, end are.nosy:gierareri t<,. Rin the BUILDING ALL- �We-hare also-onhand large Stock of Seasoned Lumber, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mo 1:ng, Hous ar>rd darn=Ease Troughing, �-'Etta SCRO LAND BA-ND-BAWINii —STAIR -BUILDING. -A SPEC'A vs oe s oaU before purohasingeleewhere, 13 ti (FROM 3RAZ L.) The. New Co npound, its=; wan. derful affinity to the .Digestive. tlpparatus and the Liver, increas- ing the d ssolvi ig ju c®c; relievz . ixig-almost instantly the. dreadful results ofDyspepsia,,; i'ndige tion, and ;the -TORPID L..TVEER,, :takes popesa an every day necessity in every house. It acts gently --and speedy fa Biliousness; Costiveness,-Headr-; , ache, Sick Headache, Distress a.$ ' : ter Eating;Wind: on the Stozzacb, 'Heartburn, Pains in the Side and :Back, Want ofAppetite. 'DPt of Energy,' Low Spirits; .roti! ,atom.: ach. it,invigorates the Liver, .car - lies off all surplus bile, regulates the Bowels, andgives tone to the a+hole Sy -steno.:. -. Cut this ant and take it t td your Druggist and get a 10 cen Sample or a large. bottle for 75 cents, arid_ tell vourneighborabolut it. :Kae constantly. on `h :LADIES'; 0 a Well :assorted stock ISs.S', CHILDI and MEN'S lglOOTS.:' LSeeeral different lines oil MEN'S :_FELT SOCTs. GsU and see. them • before . purchasing else. xaher • LADIES' OVERSHOE -and RUBBERS; • MISSES' OVRR3HO3S and RUBBF,I , ,UHILDREN'.S OVERSHOES and RUBBERS; MEN'S. OVERSHOES and RUBBERS, SELLING.AT-RESONABLE PRIDES- :._ Calf. Skin Mita, Deer Skin Mits. and Fur- Mits :made to order:. Manufacturer, et Haryest Mite, wholesale and retail. Peart , CoZ Bias • -ll the year. -i ,.. 'd JOHtNSTON-'::S e SARSAPA-RIILA ■II COMPla �. 1111? $4 , And for::,Purifying the Blood. ;. - It. has been in.usa for 20 years, and bas proved to be the best preparation -in in the market tor -.SICK HEADACHE, PAIN IN THE `SIDE OR BACK., LIVER COM PLAINT,RtnetES ON TVIE FACE, DYSPEPSIA,. -TILES; and all Diseases- that arise from a !Disordered :L.lver or an. Impure blood. Thousands of our :beat peels tako it"and:give It to their chg..-. dren.:Physticiara prescribe it daily. Those who use it once, recommend it to others. Ala made from! Yellow Dock. Honda, ras Sarsaparilla, Wild. Cherry; Stiliing . Dandelion, Sassafras Wiutetgteen, a other. well known valuable-: Roots ap Herbs, It ie strictly 'vegetable, and' can not hurt the:most delicataconstitucion. It is cue of the best medicines In a ole for; Rep,ulad the Bowels. - It le. sold by all. responsible dt7iggfste at one dollar for a quart bol•tle,, .er -she bottles for eve dollars. Thosee'vbe cannot obtain a -bottle Of this medicine` Prom- their dn.� ii t r send . us one.:dollar, and we will sen o them re oirr �i. World is 'au ofautureai 1-s dcCA1 �Sse. & Co., To c This U11, Ander the e' verest test and t e ino0 :, < active cam$etitfon,,was awarded the f the highest- r es in 1,98!0, -namely,; To ant , Tor dntttriaH. Lirbil5ition, IP'irI t Prize: • incfir! Exhibition Hamilton, Gold _ylel al , nd tive- Donibifon Eshibitiet , Ottawa, Siler 11--494 Pa peri and, others Jrunning mach$•-. Fara messy Ind - melte by us &its post ta