HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-12-23, Page 7• TM vaunt littstind, that to make: the. amalgams_ Tit&LssEBTT TOUTTERAND TO ABOVE, FB A.94034DING'TO' THE DIQTATES OP+ OpNaCrnttpa1 - rtitEsABOVEALL OT$L"$LIBEETIES. .s, Lncknow, Dea®anbar 2$.; .1801. M NICdPA� ELLECTIONS.` Tho tioniluations of Councillors -fo- • - 183 vrill .take place ou Monday, +',la: 2 h Inst, Qui preaent .City Fa'aera_ • wilt na.do,u` bt ba' Pre ar edo '0-orau sdt • -tor their deeds of . commies.n u u'ii and submit: with. -::.ploasant ` t -to -the nett:c i tab #nsatiable public. We have not.heard of sriy dew rales, but no dealt some. " isoroliiii6 �viil in revenge be preparedwith a Heine Or names for nowination, in." -oppoaitiion. to them who have failed to satisfy hie- d sires, but: we do,not.want mea placed uu Abe Council Board: to :Iepresent i; ividual8: or localities, nor men who - . • .wuald tepreseut themselves,. nor men who are feckless: and• extravaant, and: duo consideration incur _ who wathout cam, nor tach -who tiiconsistentIy _say_ one ;thing: and 'mean another.. What: _ «aWant agoodriuyip l: end will exert t _ - sou.Hti sense,, tvho heniselvee to introduce improvom8DtS'" that will prove beneficed to the•:-Beneral• •interest of -the vlliege.. Men who. believe that in the future there is bright --prospects for ` the town they represent, and' who will at ell: times da what in them lien to make. the year.they:were Councill'oss_ memoicable:in the future. )OIIGLAS:—Ia Luck ow, on the-, loth December the .w;fA of Mr. -_Geo,; Donglae f'f tae'- firm of .of a dau 'J1 ter. _Doug MARE ED. lees-HLLL -1iy a Rev A,: E -Smith, at the reeiderice of the -bride's father, John Mon, Esq township' of West Wawanosh, iss Sarah :Mose to Mr. Henry Ii1l f Mecosti county,._ Michigan; WHITELY- DRANEY. Dress: (}o HOWINp - „ • A Vt3 WELL AS�ORT res annals, Shirtinga, CottOX 3.B1anketE 3h acres—` _ Gloves, Rosary, �&c. Mae®clothing, te-Line ofsll and *inter Tweeds,• 1 more GFroceries: Crockery and Gx awls,: Cone_ - amemosammilL Full ani Sts an =In the township of Ashfield = on t 'e 7th-ult., by -the- -•ofI�ev:. J. Carrie, - at :the residence thebride's pares s,- Mr. John E. Whitely,,. to Eliz° Draneyt; dough: ' ter of Andrew Dr n0 _ Tis -11 - tize.tswneklr -� 4 nazeld. GsAlasii TErdrt.ETO, : ii Ashfieldteni the 7th nit., by th Rey.. J. Caitie, B. Mr. W. . Graham n of London to�b. ship to Margaret nn Templeton, of Kinlongh. MMcLEon--Rosa A ` the residence of the baide's mother Lanesville,by the Rev. Mr. Leask, . Neil 4. -,Mc- Leod, to Mies Ma g Ross, of field, on the 19th tether. t the Manse, . Sutherland, Bz T`Oir MoTNINI8 - - Seaton, - LO BILK .HANDKERCHIEFS IN ALL COLO Every E or thit e een — FavorablyWith-any 0r3ortjtOD hand arid d nbli'� at Prices that - will � Compare - - -,-the Wants of the P } t,, e _to S _ .7 ,_ i�ve-Fitting Paiterne. . r k - ZtI_ �%OI' h eW _ A.:.int�or-DIIcCaI� ai - - ry ues�atld.•Fashoa� Pape published. Cataol; est,- styles -received as pu . � ei • sT MFN'8 WCiO�T...SHIRTS AND DRAWERS-- =MEN'S CARDIGN JACKETS ° Sa-wads' Post-=`TI;e :tempetaace- :question -is awakening considerable in to st`in the County of Huron of late- mititicgs have been held in the1 differ:: eat pincee,andhave Put various -schemes of . toot to combat against the liquor: tr•.z .c. That: there is•room for .reforia this particular is beyond doubt, as tl'a aretOo many 'evidences given in ett,e1•Y3' locality of the'_ power • of stro g i ,rk_ o-. d> s. . IA the poor man: 'alone in Hurn County suiXers. We ;have to cetess with a feeling of regret, that $3:.tri whose position should speak better t kjggi are in. the toils. The Licensed Vetuailer3 are. moving -.and: will con: 6ait1ratA. ,}lair efforts from their. stand he temperance. people le of l;uut, and t P . P` p this county should take a leaf out of their book In reterence to fnaturiug pla..s awl devising schemes.ofaction �-Ripley. by the�Rev. ..- • SILK TIES; N ALLCOLO.RS- Miss Annie McInnis,t both of I in : lose. DIED, Holyrood, on Tuesday, 20th - December, 1881, ' Mrs. Mary Cain, wife of the late Roger : Chin,. aged 75 years. • Railway. Amalgamation. - TI,r, St. fiholnas Journal says it is. in, a Irc><+ition to state, notwithstanding the a+:eiittione to. the, contrary, t:ham the ar,. raceements are: comipleted. whereby _ the 'Mee' who control the Great Western 1 tilway cru, control the Credit- Valley a' s,, it r. Stephens has •aotninally ti ettaferred his stock to the G. W. R., arid.. as the stock controlrthe road, it ie -.sheer . nonsense. to atssuine - that they. - aaIinot manage' it in such -a atenngr es they .think will , make it contribute most to -their interests.- -It -.Was 'never d8nied7WW.t the Syndicate -secured the-{ s; i ck ..that, ;teciunse" they controlled. another. ioacl,. the poiet vestal. in the irevious;BtockholderRdid not- appertain t them., pA prominent G. W .R. Of& ci,.1 was interviewed, and he said the 1`Frun cipalit,eS probably felt sore over :t.atf. rl!'•Itter,, but- they hod better save, their wind.for sit ject: where,it could; baa used, to awe' purpose. There is. no To=, cowpell n t a than to keep Credit Valley stuelc _Or any other st.,ek, if he yr i.t$ t-eo sell it and can find a purcliaa ei titan nein t asked tha'question how the "%la ude nt he: b y-laws of . several of f • tie municipalitiewss to. be evaded, - - - `which *titled that the: Credit Valley 46 tAld be, sn` conpetnQ l'rr.e, -•Ie said;; -probably_it would. bean: '`udent line',',h,ivi g .a PLeaident fzidepe { ., �. dud aboard of Pirectdraof Its own,. but •sotcte .fthe meri•.en that board would` .:. tri .. -_ : !b1 u =a to' �rnea on. ,r-rr n� gc.�ll;in� resEr#t €. �. 'tire otOtt of :t h& G: i £ Ths°Lexie` i •• ... a ... • %. onlyr be sliew.intt common - THE MA Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Flour .:. Barley . Oats Pegs' Potatoee bus- wool, aaWool, York--des-osvt PgItsY. Better .� Avg X003- ?- Sheepskin -a- • Sheepsk na= KETS. - C1520_ ,„ 500 ▪ 0 70 ▪ 0:30'. • 0 70 ".t ... 0.'45 ..12 00 ... 0:_22. 625 - 0 1,3 .».010 • •.w 1 20 5 00 0.75. 038 0 00• ..L AES ORT ENT FANCY-FLANNELS. ANCYF NNELS. SAVYBL FLANNELS, CARLET FLANNELS:I yA - ,-.-E T SATCIELs: all ' A Complete Line of Dfien seOVERSHOES,at iae FELT RUBBLES and OVERSHOES. 02 7 40. 018_ 1117 7' 00 30 90 BEADY - &ADE OVEBCOATB BOYS 1YLST READY .NUDE WATERS; . ` BOYS=SUITS VeryJ Teal ash :,_Piokels, •Cbrar Toi natoes, PeachABt Co:oaf. 1 con�Co$ee. ns, � and- —thez Goods auitabiefor Christua LEMION,OliANCdCITRON FEEL; 250 10q. Dyspepsia, life That all :paegalent:. •ease• oftcivilized m:. is alwaye attended` th a disordered a no pathetic system _ and • bad ; :secretions, an remedy-' is abetter a abted to its curer than Burdock Blood Bitters, taken ao_ cording to directions found on .epery bottle, .1 1881 Great reducti s n from regular Pr -i es oI1. For .Christen This reduc `. on 20t1r, till Sat INSPECT • JI • i FAC TUBINED TO1 ONT UO, A Perm,nent--slur cure: -for I7ieases,_Dis . orders and Ailmeints'of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary Secretive Syystem, -Or-Attendant of Comp1aints--causing Pain;in Small of Back:_ Sides, etc:.; producing Urinary l)isorder8, such_ as ' too,ffrequent; Seanty-,_Difiault. Painful Or ion.: o ions 14licturation Inabilatp .stent c etc.,, denoting pF v U rans- tie 1)Saeases common`to the Secre g known' as Gravel,flattarh-of the-Bladder:and'. Passagis ,• .Brights' Disease, Diabetes;Droysy, Pries, Nervous Debility, etc. etc. - and • t fr ting). j Regular Pad S'.UO.. Sole_ `tor : (Late of .St.I elevas) l �` ewsho next dttrs�ta ;Having' opened out hien P, Grahams` brick block, is determined , to keep the public supplied with s. and New Year. ion will ' begin and continu 1rday `31st, 881. N SOLICIT ED. r�.. AIP13 L.L. p -toms inie , Dro si al Spmp , $et�iimeutar Ur P and . els tem oft yy i t� �" thQ . esstice n .. ,. Y8 Pamphlet -8 Testimonials can be obtain._ ed from ru xis s ee- Fsia s==Child's Pad :$1.50, (cir wet !ILK Iva toiinfnrni 1 anrronnding 0 — .1110TICEa- e,ci •izens of l ucltilow' and t inntty that I. ,fisro_: ,nevi tip a IItEIIB,UTO.HER : Ona_ da gllt��{ sense by passing a law, if required, -that l Mg. Kt 1DS 3cocslcl permit firs two roads tO be w.,s Give me a :0..1L ed by ow' staff. The mast th R ' tare could- do was to put"he t W, ste.ra.m to so _imcv_ ei►e co by es i not . p t9H Ms j - tea Lsetr of dh oioest 'ty; great variety and•at 1 prices: In.conneotlon=with the meat °business, iii - purposes keeping in stock t also Chronic_Thseases,00 Soldb- John S. TE ID4A T, M. D,,. Lnck,. i} (&t DE ' `VEG�TABL S; : DE "Wrrr MARTIN, M.. 1)., Stream` = ofall kinds in their proper season f, W. T. BRAY, Wngham;, . T-hePatrotiage of the ?labile 13 !•espect!aiir. solicited „ INTO BVSINESS STRON(. (Late'of Paisley.)'l MEACGHER of VOCAL AND INBTBIIM 1;TAL Music. -Piero and'Organ. i Mtieic Ao t lar --Over; Mr. J. Greg' .Stere. liteinEror.--Mr: A. McIntyre's. ly. M. ;MIL] ER, Having bought- out=Mr. E. bore's stand,_: Ross Street; intends carry ng_on the— Carriae an -d Na -n-Makin - BUSINESS, in connection th which wil"do Hoieshoeing & Gen rel -Black 1 _ affiithing And will •guarantee satfsfe ; tion in both - lines i of the trade - . , First-class Workmen only `employed aid the -work superintendedyeelf. :Fifteen years of _.experience is is nt - Warrant of the style of my .workmanahi Particle ret nring anythi, �' in the ab, •e !ineo will do wee to f .6VE MR_A_O •I hope bystrict atteidon Merit a Liberal Share -of -the p age. I_Ioek.for a return of tone , c nd-a continuation of pa ., ,,1tnti-and ► neatness cad despa E Has .just : rsoeived one: of:; the Fines 1NGEYS AT 12i C4nts BEST VALU]? IN TOWN C-asher lack rad totaled FULL RANGE . OP. PRICES. A 65 OE WOBTE 75 CENTS. a� - e o'baccos Cheap. We ONNEL:L ver in i. skunw,: Inspe.attr"n: is 'sa- •licitecl; whether you, bay -or not No -t,,onbie to'ahow. Goods My:"stink stern 3 Oysters _1 " am Receiving- FRESH OYSTERS DAILY, Which IFwill serve either W OR COOKED AT _ANY HOUR §.' : Dscriptron y Ala Fruits of any , Farmers: will wave money by calling at: my. ING HOU. Is:alwa Fis Couplets. Pardee waned( to -bay In Laro or Email lots, will d well-i$a call and -inspect my St•,ck end Prieee f re. n !Hake • cu. n:chi a e.socriti r . YM 11 rails . f _ (}ryali.vszi�ies in a .ii kURN .i'IJ11E, f:AB.YFl3, MOTT DINGS. Call 0111)dured for yourself g J. H. AO1RT, MEALS AT ALLY HOURS.` Also , :Cakes � and Confect Iry at lowest' figures MRS: MOONEY. WILL- CURE -0R-RELIEVE BILIO&SNE DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INDIGESTION, z,-:. FLUTTERING. 'JAUNDICE. - OF. THE HEART,' ERYBIPE,LA8,. °ACIDIT Y OF BALTRHEUM = THE STOMACH, -HEARTBURN, DRYNESS NEADACHE, OF.; THE8K114 `,Awd:fiery species of disease` ariatrorn .: disordered UVER, KIDNEY'S, S , BOWELS. OR BLOOD, �. �IILBURNA 6Q., °'`'°Q' T` _ .