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The Sentinel, 1881-12-16, Page 5
• the. lstl titittaltattl'tII* cita•-iittr c: a IZo thathe haft STOCK 0, OTlel2'S',� _ : Misses' and,, Ethild en .Booti rel xatiri1lP tIQ 'mkt sttiwirci welt oll4ss; eavgeiartty'ttt - 1% Ito/)t t< e i t r 4 rIe.e t. Eli • -t O 0 . - - fi� . eaa4 Viristi.,as ie. i the _ )nblfe o Itf)twit116t:�;.4 tal l the fact that eRgreat c errand for his WAGONS.- , 3.11RIAGES,' PfAE-i NS, --aft IBEGEES tri '- •Ili , l2attt,t, takktt b"tt*oho` r ppialt`tonKns detcrrnined that Ito neetmhatsa sl)1endi i assort ent.- remaining 1. hey are all utarinfactured y thoroughly - coittpetent vv�rkmen, of well -seasoned • •t*icther and in the later+taudmoat gE tfso=tiesires,to Calf atEent ipn t6" tiler c. u that he -has sec:u'F.it-So1e 'fght, of the.. - village -,f' Cuckilow, to.* nufacture �- tH EAMG�AEON inspection'. u in .o ' , ti- of which vvi1 - cvince ills- nteishsaellticail of itY supe++e rior erits, being . Lighter, Simpler mord dttrab e - , than than the otiein common use, • And which wonderful to relate Will bttsoIciat.the. unpre- ' cedeatep price of 160.. ant tee •this ea s�1 e 1 c• s meats at.,. c S .� Q E IN -C FI w inoOOOoo0QfO000000000000oootiop600000n000000000d00000000 aboo000.090 r_ �ELECTI X0000000000©00000000000000000000000owe 000000e000noon 000000000000o00000 • These e goods are handsome in ap earancereasonable a,21C1� 111=e -Y � . - - every way suitable for winter wear: 4.terl Oats; ant es are , going t- Come e. with you, eloquent In `style :.;T 1.1 �, .t -,ii)" 1. IA,DTES rlvand-b s - - - Ewe Eos zits - - -5 �� �r �es�ftall�-�urpIt 1. 3le�u�` rice (FROM tv,C-_o �_afrnity t7IS-s't�2f�= -�rla$y 1 '' y I''� ,,ll' hilt \`:esd Ilailleai,; four.° 4 .f • i' _: l , id eocrety, Yl �_ • 'ng trial -in whi =.; Mare "'defentlrint SRA y 0 tie- iL IZSIfT,�2.-_ hal • cos >r ane e,u de ��ez : zacztea� :.- �— ��� ▪ sill• -of the ablea3 tf oanonicatiou g stiv�� �- gen- �sces,_z�liev -- rte-• - ---- a e__--7-: 'O = ,makes n 1 zIs �zt� the -*ea ful lo�>� z �inost� 3r ;' : � szfZis-a�_.Z2�Ae�,�ia�I.ndsges��a�,��.�� rin . t tU1. — \ ha3a d tone i /„., pie ill ' , ..� t. snutand-ake_it o i,.: - Drug -moist-aa e a lC cent Sample, mora ge_botde or 75 cents, , -- %eii iouzneig -borabout_it. Bili C -o -riven - . �- , �,,.-y�sadac�re,-7�is�r�s�� i IYI:ea��T-8� ��erat-he�xam _ - ,� heart- ,.Pains iv the de4jtc1 .Rack, 'ant -of pi axis. And General Eraekslnithing;. epaairing and 're trimming I 4 trlmtn n 1.111 he -execute e li eCttt , withneat- •t '-S - '5s V tiess, � .patch. . at e s Ire - and d .tell.: p P -. .01VALli AfeLE a v.. - tit>iltiixct ,rule. 14 - . -• fz ;n env pattrons Iii miter it, t1 a< • whilo there tot tR k tol -ening ht. ; prtves, •i<iteret wkll. he LOwerirtg in Quality RFLFJA' -IISi1D A '4x11 t.N JR4 a;a iri.Us,leti_ tlty e:c"pisrleuce he teas_ trial tltnt: •ll gr�iyls tft I. i I. Irotltir��� bttE: *crtttl wt at.• tiger tTtat Gfi d:mn Tkee it lee - itrttesh rt aukv ll do yr WINO I lgkesf €" soli ''ries - Rutter. -to give-:hini a averse counsel Jisparage;I11 " Nthe miracles - ',.ougbt-by ; ,fte13 :14.d p Il \ • i is o. , s . ntl n a nf1�i Wf` ssor t suck -� past[ for war esi nce-44-I :3ulihisg Sl+r« e Methodist Churc • t' CSefiverec tp aft Patti o£ uiUage; on Shcrterst toads. fittffe` the • J4HIN .TR LEAVEN.. iv, August' l .133L g& • r /iS re�ilfre s i w�� • ' all k - herrn efore t h -- • r:: Campbell and "EfaveIraek streeta. tas. . eine Mr Iaac•tNE'. • 'retk€i•51Y1A.RfGTfrt ORI•:AT E , t'`2A13c MARK, clic) sm iii tli r An .unfailing dire for Semin- al'We ak ess, Spermatorrhea, Int l- o t-c.n cy, and a11 -Diseases foto;�it that follow as „that A. use; aslossof it niorv,, Universal, Lassr, tittle, railt,in the baiek, Diinnsss of vision, Premature o1fl; age, and many= Other Diseases that IeadtoInsanity or Consumption arid a Premature Grave. - Fu11 partiettlars in' our pamphtet,which-we desire to send free lty-inail to every one, 'The SpecificMed-- Clam Led- e:iw issold by all Druggists -at $I per pack-- age-- or six packages for r6 or will be' sent freelty mailtn er,eipt -of the money by ad- : res. , .fi - - ' ',THE GRAY: MEDICINE- CO., - • • Torouto...Oat., Canada .*'S'ohi in If ueitnow by all druggists znd every wherein Canada and the. United States: by all wholesale -and -retail druggists. - • LADI1+. t. $e.6a week iu your owngwn.. Terme 'atnci i35 outfit free -Address, it. IiALLET'r, Portland, Maine - - .1� r +moi'--_�-rand�U33B�E • y/ -(4 Q •6 'S -o tRSHOES,_ _ a ------R118.-----.___ �- :' - a RLTBBE . 4 11ij3 A'i RE$'--Qtr9i' BLEPRICES .-_-_,-.--->,-;---- a S A�IIts—De S I -1; t'., kali --Fu; • -- Hits made order iYta`factt*era r1. `\ gra et i -its wholesale and ietali\� J"• - -P-ea-r ori . Jl 4e . : ti Zac C 0 • IEf!r DO NOT ocu 0 • UNOL l and irk stlitabi t otictei`in4 nes. than - • 0 Fong cal. A • in BETTERRUl1!_N NG 0RDER °_ ver it was before. We have put in a .new` Engine and a new Planer, z<n ary : overhauled all.thlerest of the Machinery and areuow prepare—al _ria do for 1 - tae. n Real Estate, at reasonable rates, on terms of payment to suit Borrowers. EL.LUOT I1tFIGE---NAxt to-- VER o ucktii .:I ateh 11: F VER oat Q14- of WORK in - We n We ha1•e also on hand :a large Stook of Al the Year po 'd4JOHNSTON'3.4pd' SARSAPARILLA roR !PEI -COMPLAIN?,- ns1C?Ik;-- —And for Purifying the-Biood. It has been in use for 20 years, and bas proved to be the best preparation -1n the' market forSIOK:HEADACHE, PAIN IN THE SIDE Ott" BACK,' LIVER- COM PLAINT'. PIMPLES ON THE -FACE;' DYSPEPSIA,' -PILES.-. and all .Diseases that arise from, a Disordered LAver or an impure ..blood. Thousands of: our beet ppetle take it and give it to their-chit- dren._Physiciatisir escribe it daily, Those who wen once, :recommend it to others:' Itis made from Yellow Dock, Hondu-; rag Sarsaparilla, Wild ,Cherry, Stillrngia Dandelion, Sassafras, Winte en. and' other well-known valuable Roots and Herbs Itis strictly vegetable, and tan not hurt: the most delicate Constitution; It is one: of the best medicines in teal for; Regulatin the Bowels.: - Itis sold "by all responsible chug stagy at one doliarfor- as quart bottle,- _bottles for live dollars. hosejwh cannot obtain $. this medicine their=;dru Send us one;dotlar,-and we -to them.` . w. :oBNETON' a co., )hens :.Stasxsrsvna - -a. s • Seasoned- :Lumber, Doors, Sash,; Bfr ds ing, House and Barn Eave Troughing Ere; Mot 1 teras. Co., Ter41a. 1 What s it! The best Machine Cil world , is manufactured b* - SO:ROLL. ANDBAIVD SAWING, 1 l STA IR BUILDING A>`SPE tl4ve uti s of Il befute purchasing elsewhere,.. • - T This (Ji1, ii 4er the -severest test and the m �stsl active,temipetition,' as -awarded there ighest truesri_ -i]_880, namely, Toronto fCustrinl L+ xhibition, .First Prize ;_ Prov iir Exhibition, 'Hamilton, Gold Medal , Dominion Exhibition, Ottawa, Sil�or Farmers and -Others : running'machit. _ ash eel e`Y7iii oiscbina; by being] k , Ask ieeriahsnt foe it-anal=radii ,: • - --�. �j�' rry ▪ �T 't_