The Sentinel, 1881-12-09, Page 8• : - a- • Noarte.E. •T" _ww,to intimate to e_people_of Drama and_surrotincliia country, that now . ready 0, do all kinds tif work in my line at lowest -prices consistent;_ With good work. • N. B. -Copying' and Enlarging a -Specialty; Frames and Stereo- scopes; always on hand.! , E. L. JOHNSON. 'Lacknow, Sept. 9th. TB MS TiL B E GOING NoVrg. 4-1U2 No. a- 1 15 'No..2-- 3 4i No. 4-1:0:19 - • . GOING SOUTH •No.iH4 53, No. „3-11. 12 No.. 5--"2. 21 -No. 7,-15- 40 rata Vitinlitt; 4r4 "Viciur and Peed Store. :afr, &rich _of Wit:retain haaatatted_ a. flour and feed store frothis village_ in the birildiogfermerly occupied by Coolican„ s . Zion- Tea -Meeting. A. tea -meeting will be- held in Zion Methodiat Church, on Thursday even- ir.g, 29th inst., in aid of.- the Sabbath • ! Sehool Library. • .alvision.Court. • .-large am:liner of eases were etispoa: oI at at - the, Division Court, held in .thia -village on WedriesdaY last; 'before ilis Honor- J'adge All the Way FromKansan,. - Roget Cain-, who arriN7led lionae • - last Week frOm Kansas, brought with .hina ktrga Cigars,. sevenUCIICS • Iona by an inali iu diameter, manufac- titred from the pure Havanna, leaf,, is a aresaci eut lf hy Dr, B. ballot JeffFris, • to three ot his Lucicuo w friends. _ Is Unnecessary tti Say we" were numbered • atimil the:- These. aigars •wel_e 'ulantifablurea at the largeatobacco - factory lately established at'esiiii. pity, Kansas. Thanks., doctor, and mariyour ahadow neYet ;row les,. - To Vie E;I:Ilor of tb 1)-F4g --- As the :question, of Luokiaa'ar _School" has ia a- great ,ileasu re beot.. luet_eight.ot in the tre rae'adeus attusiora of personalitieaa.I tial:ttaalably aviggest that tht.'se-liz'iii4 sultiasup body ,t -o ‘40 ex_ plaue theui before the Beitrd- of Liput"Erustees, _and - niny nolus to ha filled up with matter of -tri tie h tutu ti Interest_ to the mass off you .irtd_er,r.- "Yours 13,eapecifally, tiodekaile 8044 Thiember No. Mi. Todepe Teraplara, inter; tie socnil,.. on ' 1.2ttit;- at the Kurdeoh, °fats will coiasiet-of a siring,;by the - The good thing ufthe! lodge. served at 7 o'' temperance are tend. Adniissi Lack-pow:Soho In.complianea large number haveresblved n. letterain conlie . Luoknow.Schon wehave done a at -least insofar s cetned„ and we t tist-no oile . will - take offantent us tef sing to Sontinte-• the correspondenCe. -If,::howeVer, we saw any possibility Of ;the --fatter - beia permaneritly or . satisfactorily, . settled. i throtigh the publ c pressiwe would only be too. glad to COi Unite to. publishathe . letters,.but as th.'....niatter 7 now stande the only-.way,in put opiniotaisato bring. thechargea before the:Ttnetee Board. ; - t of Zion giu Lodges dent-Order13A. Good d holding a grand neck °witty „evening, Dec. esidence of Mr. John field. ,. The programme dings, recitations, and embers. et the lodgea _provided byhe ladies' nd committee, Will be Iolock. _ All friends Of rdially invited to 'at.. -20 centa'. ladies frie. 1 _ • with the request of a our: subsctibers, vs t to publish any more ion with the present grievance. We think r duty in the matte; the public are con- Oauglit in The A t. lit„, On Saturday e. entriaalast, after the sale- of furniture , :the residenceof Mrsi • F. .T. Frazer; that lady had oceasion t� yisit the house of a neighbor for a short tithe, and during her absenee three men --aif we_ eau call t aemi such -who were preseat at. the sale during the day and had bought some things, entered the . . house and took, -h-daidee their own, goods, a large namber of other things,. the property of -Mts. Frazer,- load ed them on a Wagon and were just in. the act of starting' oft withAtheir -ptize! when the lady ot the house: returned and orderer- d- them, to give up tile -stolen! property: The- -would be thieves% aret vi ell knoWn, but as Mrs. Frazer left for! the .United States on Tuesday last, the' matter . ;was not,' as :some supposed larJughtbefore the Ma,gistrates. ! The Forger., : BerneYaMcDelanott, the young matt referred to in g recentiasue of -the Sir TINEL,aa iriltrig to get a couple of forged notes cashed: at the luelanow played hislitt1e- game with better easy on lib!, John Martin, .of', the ka'r'alhourne House, 9ederieh, last Week. Ile -pre,sented a note for 8,20 signed .by M" P O'Loughlin, aTf Ashfieid, aud supplemented it with %letter purporting to he signed hy..that geutleman,request- ing lir:Martin-to-cash_ the :noteas a Jt&11-E3 - SO4Eittl,LE ., Personal.. •. i ,, Mr: koger Gain who . has has ',been , alls' lit during tho Past three cat four - mouthar arriVed. home.frau Kans la,. an \, Fri•lay night 'last. ---Mr. if: T.. Sini la. of' - Eaaga.,u,. tvata'a Luokauar this we ,k.:-- . .(jaat. Jolaa MaPlieraap, arrived home oa Saturday uight las.t..--.Nlisa. Bella ' &var. -qhis Wae itorreby the- lendlord of the Colbrairne, to obrge `O'laughlin %Thais an old friend. There was no " shaving" on the Mites, aad.the rascal got the full:. atuOunt. Both note and letter, it ii.needress. to say; wete.forged.- Concert. • • , - Mr. J. AV. Ward,' assisted by the pu- pils of KS. Ne: 11, Haroeigave a grand p t; who .as 'lewd T-Poltil'g 11164'16 . efitertaintnellt ',hi the ,,Schohl-house, on s , i:ak. avert:. II r• ti tau past, re- theeirening of 'Wfednesday, 30th ''"k•-1-10. M. ',That gantieniaa has been teaching' an ' -2A:1 s'`,Put adult eta's& in this .section duriru.,r the oayin the I/ill:eau this meek, tl n ja.04aria. a 34-venile, ejass -cfs,,nivs f this ih . .aritt the ecellent- maaner. *Mai* the ' 'v Pge) Children sang d tet al 1 • at pi eseut hate Visiting his frieuds. . pie a glreaet tehreedinit:inoYnaeiart. • - le • lass, three inouthg. . Ile has also taken New Sidewalk.. . . Ward as a taleated teacher -of •-mnsic. .. alaa, 8.1,, tewa-,.,.k ill araaa aa aka.,..aaafteai The_ roads -being very ' inuci-0 the- .a.t; whita cavi4 . i a Int. ,,a.,,,t,tek? has been iendance .Wria 110t as large as . 'night have re,bui;i with new material. SOme_ evil- ..bgiu exPeeft1-41-an'der 'Imre' tivorabl4. . disPosed person WON. ctir_rency to the re 'clmgrostalida.a. •-- •Ws must sae for.the • „ . rt .tilat the - braaikiug down of the hert.lit of those patents Oil the sectioa). - .s.dearea. was . cam;e1by the azon4aaa who Were absent i- that -they ruisied.a- to ..,,el ,,t addr,q,tio.ra saaaaajacaa calling rare treat, and one Which they may not. ' tO! s,* t:: let' th (dr aeueunts. Fur fear luny 4" Ilia G1-',1)"rtunitY °f- - •Beillg. - agaK Of' the above e!as may faa a. nada alai._ 1:alit:the close a vote:of thauks Was tend- ,. :re. -0 about -64E11;4 to -sattio their'- fa% ered -leaMr. Ward.ilor his valuable ser-;',. billaa taViag to this false tamOr, welcan vice.', mit all departed bik111,Y delighted ,4#,,„.qr• thewtha giiie_.orzilk . is aaaar. . vela a7ith the proceedings- of .the eieoing,L-- redly safe, as the Work was -Joao under Ciam• ' . , - • - 'the, persOual.enneryieton -Lif Pounclllor :Cain City,News; _ . The -lolling is loin . -the.. Itilsworth Siellardy. Alterationsof MalI 0 w:ng teaolne iniasapprolieusionl in certaiti quaratra Mto the: nature ol- tlie e ii IY4fiCita1 1.11 niailjng rangetuell'oc445 pree the <419..0 ; the -late that ge 011 the & the oiljce on toe title reoeive_. 4reti. made. frUa London, Hatailton, and...To- ronto iu inoruittg ;. 1_1(.acta.ridinp,. Lacknow, autf Wiag hank by, lull route, imitead ot as forrneily by . the a differersee of tali 'haute to those officea. :The o1lies on `d,kihe, L, 11. LV -1.1.. souvii. of Wilton baye two chitiPa_tankel. to, 021,4 -FAA by tIth.is uhaug- , we uytlie, • R.. and the .ottler.hy thel;;. NV, R. leaving Loirdpn at p. in. Ma: tin -kuailed, at Kin- ., eardine, Luekru.ni,,a3-- '1)47- .010 dapartui e of 111W. G. :& ,B„„ • '4-411. fer',140,a, 'would reach. Aatt;-rnieiled. E.'•-%, G. Repurter R. Cath'iias paid_ over iie thousand dollars treight-- sin f:e he came taalia4ata'three months ,agn., The general ii.oTS is doing a splen - aid businiids under .. the present:- meta' ageineut of Sir. 'strong: His.free..-and alfable.maniar is what suits the peti:' pie, and the •prite he sellsthe goods, poCkete -netter than had they drifen twenty or ,thirty iuil s. Ma . Caia has established a good Market for_ allliandsof-fann produce: Be 'shipped trona: Caira City. hist week Over 2200 bfasheIs Of wheat, and tea fine yoke of oxen ,„ „•Liniraieek was ,a fine one for threshing, and soine splendid :work was -done ort the ratieh,a..- Building- is -still - ping-- paaand We understand that Lr •Jelforiewhali thecOntraet'for- three stories to be--aompleted:har the -first- of MarcIb 1882 M Cani has - returned to Ganeda, -and ivuli. b* abier.t about three Nveteke,." SWEET COES,: iltr 0.4:-,tieltitt; at -A. gAciir AdOtellif..4111L-Preiweatatiffit„..WH i,E. Cumeron, Eq. On Friday evening last 2nd'inet the leading 'members,. and adherent* of St. Peterd Church, Lucknow,`to the .nuni: bee of about twenty five heeded, by the Incumbent, Rev._James'Oirrie 'waited upon Xt. .1) 1 Cameron, the.- efficient: leader "of the ohoir,at hiaresidence,and, .presented him with a handsome pair of Vases,- - a.. Silver Cake Basket, • ' and Celery Disb, acaonapanietl by the fol - lo wi4g addvese which wiie read by Rev. James Carrie:— - To L E Camtron, :EN. • - "WAR SIR -We the members and adherents of St. Peter's" Church, Lucknow; are duly im- pressed:with a sense' of Our -obligation to you for the varied services rendered. to the Church, but more especially to itt choir from Its in- cePtion till the present ItiMe, We are well aware that it isa difficult Matter- to bring a ,choir to a state of efficiency, and we f;)01 eon- - vinced that youhave done your utmost Mbring ..St: Peter's Obit to that state, and spent Much Of your valuablelinie_in order that you might feel satisfied with your woik If ,ou should feel that the choir .is not exactly whit you wOuld desire it to be, we can assure you we are highly pleased with the result of -your px-. congreeation, arid it was eiaty_to guess eitions, and "in order to give exPressiou to. . our feelings we agree to Meet:here this even- that a Rest of good :things - was in METHODIST ',OHMS° of Methodista--1;ehnIt.litic AiuntitihViefireavrilagecatme ti.onMonday evening leet,--5th hitt in .; and was all reepects naraTliatqualitiet success _ , chl• Sunday the aup:v_ersa--ty;._semous Were-- preached- by Ali* 1iuv. Alfred Aedrewe; Of Kincutdine,---iii-the noon from the. racxxvir. Paaltu5t.li Aiid ot Zion it eta& be sajd, This., Man was burn in and: iii- :the :..Matthew " Whatthiiik ye- Cf: -Clhist - Thesediecotirses -tiere in pieadirefe best yeni, „racy -and .eltigitent,„_cUkent. in his reasonieg,, faeile. -nod apt- in hie irationsa alamading itt incdent, eurneSt - aial.Poiateda itt apheaLL1I, and With aii iNc.,tion and p0wer that We4inecl ,all: hearts to-chiireh and: -cause-t,"f• . Christ" Upon eath. On Mooney_ -.el/ening thero was an unusual stir unton he Indios of the ing to present you With tlbese articles of plate preparation foi the tea , o -meet --ne in the a ally, as well as a Mark of our cappreciation-of ev'wThe weather being laaorable,large your valuable assistance 'reidered to the number might be seen making for the church in Many ways, but et&eciallY thrGugh, onurcb. bright arid early, and by 7.30 its choir. Wishing yob at all times the enjoy- ment of the Divine blessing, and trusting that , Yon may be long spared to be 'a useful member. net only of St. Peter!S but of society at large is the earliest wish °Lille members and friends of St. Peter's. -. choir rgibieyd oh behalf of the congregation and G. W. PurEsT. Chlitch War -dens. oHN tiatun, . • Mr. Cameron, who was Completely as a alight token of Our esteem for you person- "Must sayle'li the nigeft thing a or 19 d th teeth and brestit." 603ts 'he. every -one having tried ‘4TaartEhni', new toilet gem. Get a ,p cent sample. , 41. 1.10g1 Xecessity. No "!houSe shetild be withont- a bottle -of . t2hg,yard's Yellow Oil,: in case of accident. ' here'is no dreparation offered to -suffering hunianity that has rhadP so many permanent. cureS- or relieved so much pain and znisery, _ , It is.cal.led by sonie the Good Sailiaritany- by _ . ()tuts the 0 1.11% -all, -and. by the affiicted,ah, L. „Angel of bletcy. -TO,-LiEL14 OU JNT COMFORTA.BLE -"FRAME HOUSE_ with--.go6d 'stable and garden, sitaateat . on .11etnaast.,, the vglage- of St:.-"itielen.. • ' Price low and terms easy .- Apply to ROBERT MTIRRA.Y; - - St- Helens.- .411.:- , • cAn7p1H‘j2ii:EEFEREs3,117.14E41;r\i6veroliN-Vit17:-:_;' C-- -undd.r'signato'attbe.14, rs, si3'sat'ed - AME ---,I lot 4, :11. 14, October ked ytwian :pHs i:°-ilni:retvit°rtyve ne ) aYyTe ;ha er li°1,:j3En i.; idp,r t:tiu take b auo way. prove Pr°P OD, enses ainteHER, (s, PIG ESTRAL AWE TO THE PB,EMISES OF THE - undersigned lot con -. 5, Kinloss,on or, ' thosacred edifice ants -filled-fruoi end about the 15th of -November, , a' White and with. al - e away _ - ALLAN Mc9;N.11,20.Nlify,.. o. ed .'1 th . prove-Bl'tk P8rPorpienrgtyP!ig;ay, 11 he aisndregtueeksetelliind to. end.. Tea- wai serv goodness that wiry 1.,w;kuovi. --ladie,s 411 know how; everyone utelariug that fat - PIGS -E-WF1LtY. 'taken by surprise, made a suitable aricl feeling responee,Aliailking. the .friends for their beatitittil and unexpected pro -,sent as well- as for the kind expressiona contained in the addreas. He. assured them of his continued and • i.riereasing _interest inthe chin. of 8t. Peter's, and. that any .eftlirt4put forth has be n a- labor. :of love; ' and it at times he felt, ; somewhat- disco u raged ,at . the results, :of his efforts, euchan ocCeeion :as the _pre- sent,reveallug as it did t1ies syinpathy. and appreciation of the ,congiegation, -would greatly encourage : him,. for the future Among !those present were Rev. Jea. Cartie,Mr, anal Mae:Vied Grundy, 'Mr. ,and John Baird,Mr atidat6. Ifelinea Mr and MrSW jenny!' Mra ant 1Irs R J Whitely, Mr Join Moore and Miss Moore,Mis. MeMillan,: Mrs:Sparhng, Missi Whitely, Hornell and othersa . After the form il part Ot . the business was :dispoeed. of ttie_.'Datty• remained and .spealt -a pleasant and eocial y ening; ' ILialoss,COu461. KINLOSS, Nov. 25tit, 1881. Council. -niet,- with the Reeve in- the Chair. Tho members all present... The minntes pf the • ...last- meeting - were read and signed, :Moved by -.Henderson, seconded by McLean, that the clerk irt..ucore- one 'hondred- copies of the ticzs reguding ponds, -ditehesand: water - courses, for the use of officers -Of this naunicip, - ality. Carried. folloWin& accounts Were :ordpredto be paid: . Jolla Cartter„ parts; $100; 'Alex. McKenzie, - $10.54. Peter isher, • .85; . Jacob $27.75; George Thompson; graV- • el read contraCt„ $349.25;. Andrew Reid,.$20; 7 John Haigh; $11.75; Chas:-MOKinnoir;$'49.20; ..JOhn McLeod, $16; Andrew McManus, $20; ,Francis Oro wston, 418325;;Mrs. GKnl Grave, 'Petti -Fisher.. $3; GS -o; u1wel1,$0; JOhn:Boss.;,$8; , Thomas Britton; $3; . -Joseph: ,Arinstrong; $16.25;-, Stanley,. $1;50; J. ,Bryan; printing,: and ditch- by-law, S24.25; do. printing &c.; 833,74 selectdrs of'jniers:',.; John :Carter, part, $50.; -Allan McKi$4nnon,. 413.92; Itueben-"Tiffity grayel;.$9.25; Alex. 'McLeod, 85.50; =John McLeod, V; Diniald- Clark, gravel,- 87q. Geo; Brotchie, 82; MattheNYFisber,t2; Win. Bogle, $1; -Thus. :Congrani, $5; Work on gravel „road, $27.60; 'Richard.Congram;$18:25; Thee. Collins?i:,$3.50;, James Marshall, -$99:.50; P. inspector; $45‘; R. McCarroll, balance from 1880, • $31..70; , &Muer Johnstone,. $1. _- - - Moved by Stewart seeprided by MeLean, that the deinand,' for -clainagee tit ,ed.. of this" council by Chas. Cuyler, for expenses occaSiOn- ed by -a defect in it. advert. en. the benindary. ef linron and .Kinloss, can uot be . reeogniied by this council; as -we _understand that' the culvert waSma.de by an offiCer of the , Huron -Council, who are the proper persons -to deal With. Carried. 'Meyed by !Henderson, ,sec- onded.by-xcLean,that John.- Nicholson,.. 5th concession, be granted the sum of $16' as . ..Carried, Moved by .NichollS, -seconded by that the sum et $15- be placed 4. the MMus of Mr. Stewart,to-previde neees- Saries for the , winter for .,Eli Stauffer. Carriei. Moved by Henderson, seConded by MeLeant that Thee...Bailey be paid the suit Of $3;.. being halt the damage don.; to a waggon ht -statute labir. Curried. 'Orders • then isafied for the fees of the ciaiincillois and, officers Of the erinneil for 1881, oil the council- -adjourned- Eine. die. - • .- _ • - .• •" PaTAR. lama, Clerk., Nile, - -bikini 00r own Cercespondent. : Hataly, Treat l'k,arayaaaelata, has heen- dingeionalyill, but is uyw -019,W1y recoyering. OnAsoi3.---At the December meeting . L. O. L., No, 1052, Nile, the fol- lowing officers were re-elected+ 1882: R. 'McIlwain, W. M.; W. -Morro*, 11.; 8. _Pentiand, Chaplain;. T. J. I°1 G. T)ieasukb‘reSit:cDre.t8JrvolinstSo.ne 1'. Id Vii s. Pentland-, W. fl.ons P. ,_sioni Carter, - Coginait.tm.- a tea meetihg, the bakirig and. eirlinary nitd4 were tile heat they liad.„(3;viir --806u. - TR4-Y-E11 ?NTO THE 3/1.ISE protaiitt3i un hund, arAi the subscriber, lot 10, con. -4; Kmloss, on 1 he cboir was or about the ist of Oct„, Two White Pigs.' The displayed tin -mild ability And :taste in. -owner is-recliiested to Call, Prove property-0g4l: the.- selection and .rendering of - the . •°x1)n.-des anA -the'n-thva- - • . I.AUGHLIN cLE AN, • pieces. The meqing- was now called .412-3itr.. Luckuow to order by -pastor of the :church, ReV, J. T. Suith, to Whose_ en.ergy.ruid -executive. ability the suaceas, -of the meeting .:is largely • to - be :attributed. :Mr. Welter Treleaven was .npininated as -ciatiFinan;..and the sus- taiiied the.. hontimitiOn. idr. Walter- Trelealeu, 011 coniiitga 'fcirward was t. greeted with evident 4r04-i-ise-by the wliole atietnbl_y,,.. and _after.„. a few ear - neat • practical remalks assumed ihe chair.: - 1ATT4E ESTRA.1%, AM THE PREMISES .0F. THE _ unctersigned, let 8, eon 10, Ashfield, oa or about the 1st of SePtember last, a Red an White two-year old Heifer. The owner is quested - quested to prove Property, pay exp_suses, and take the ardinal away. :GEO. CAMPBELL, - Belfeit. The Secretary read thereport of the Trus- tees of "the Church, "from--whieh it aPpeared .that the .floating debt of tie chid -fob and par- sonage were originally P011; that after paying all -current expenses, repairs, alterations - the .Trustees: haAre. beon able to - pay half -the .abo-ve-debt, leav -$400. to he aa.ovided-Jor, The pastor ot,the.ehurch-now'set' before .- the Meeting the -real buiie3s of the evening, which :was to provide naearia fer the- extinction of the -above .debt,.. and intimated. that -..IteV;. A....Andrew's Would •addieSs,"the.M.- 'on the question. Tili..AncireWs:On corning forward:. encountered_ a _strain tA .apPlause„ arid pro- ceeded to Make SOnAsplain,practicat poiritaou. the queAion. of finances, de ots,ao d ho'' to pay thena. -. For over.an-hont and a half :the rev. ge.ntleinan commanded- the unstiVided.'atten,' tion of ...the audience, . Wit,-7and.-,hutuor -after- . • with hereba:871 and duty, keepiiig puple in 10- • stibsoriptioas-W0f`OliCitea)--2,17141 ti.: voluntarily responded, and _ befere' Mr. A.0 dieWS'closed his able aclditsa he had obtained subscriptions which H.With•7.proceeds of teat Meeting .aulOunt-ed to 8480,.:: All huni to.: the Methodist's of- Luckno.W. . • • - Rev. Messrs. McDonagh and Keefer, .who. were .announced as speakers, Were unavoidably absent -on- missionary work of St. Helens, offeted_a few earliest thoughts;-. calculated to-encOuragethe peoplein this and. every goed- weak,. . ROT, 4ames7-,iCaswell, fornier pastor, Concluded in .hi usual wain - hearted, experiniental_style, heartily congra tul air* the • church on the stiC3eas. which has attended . her: efforts -both in spiritiial and tenoperal..things, and urr,:ing, continuance it. well'doilig, 'even 'unto -the end of life, Votes: uf th'anloil were tendered the ladies, the_spea,k-: ersithelkhoir -and the lehairreari, i•and So end- ed one of "th'e :Most sim.2eSeful anniversaries ever held in this church. - • Lochalsh. From ozir own! Correspondent. - Several patches .of strawberries are to he seen in bloom • in- this-Vicirtity, which fact would. eaera. to 'indicatea probability of our having some ef that) deliciaps fruit for -the -Christmas. feeti v ties. We do not quite expect any though.: Mr. Ale' McLennan,- of Glencoe, is at present visiting- among ' his many friends kiere. • Oui tirillage:,has _lately increased in 81Z9PoPulation. • • ,• .• _ McKenzie. erected a .buildiag for store -Which . • Will he the second itt thisplaoe.He -did,. nOtaneed ..to 'adatertfee for, eadlerk. as -'•huSitives Men freqaentlyhavelOalo, for Mrsa-Malienzie Fes_etited.hinf7-With bran new one the =other day,aaav,eigbing -nearly teta,potinds. - • - • - , . Thereis eotho .talk -of- -forming,ti- TOung. Men's 'Liberal Club-ii-ttliS,PlaCe at en -early, dee. 14o think itwiIl be step iu the right direction,- .a0,7-7by de.. . • • bating andemisitierinaaapelittial-attieia: • , • tions an opportunity.i avill be aflbrdeml young Men to practice public---speakmg, get a itett4 Ixzewletge--04tio.' .e-tatnetc- of On' conk -it an . • ‘. , . lapellige_at VOW:. when calleduponto exeraase that privilege. We - .also feti . initistitd that .- were. the --priudiplee,cf _ ,Liberitlistu and couse*vatiiiiibrOugli.- 13f-nriders,totid by 'our vair41:.-aneaa'iri - general. that haw. WO-tild-te,,folund fu- ---tbefrai:tts ot Tory party. • . • Rica itbouit, at. A,' • , . . . .sieriEER xsTiglky. AMR TO THE PREMISES OF THE - undersigned, 14 .t 8, cor. , Kiul9s8,011 ir about the bit of Septeir er last, a Grey 'Steer, Coining " tiro ye old. The owner' rdquested to prove pro rty; pay expenses,and take:the animal away: JOHN' McKINNON, -2-lin; Lucknow. PUBLIC 110.110E. AkE NOTICE THAT ALT. PARTIES' 1.:indebted to -the late- „km Of 'Ackert k -- Hoey,,are requested to gettil their accennts- at once, as they will after the hr -St day if janu,.. -- ary.next, be placed -in other hands tor eollee tion. , • - ELOEY & BELL, , -.Successors to Ackert & Hoy. tucknOw-,Deb. 1st 1881. _ , STEER ,ESTRA.Y. AmE TO Till; PP.I.:MISES OF Ttl.F.1-.. - :undersigned,- lot 10, con. 5, township. a - Huron; on or about the bit of July last, -a - Brown Yearling Steer. The owner ie-retpooKt- ed to prove property, paY.elpenses, and take: him away, . ROBERT 412 3m - Ripley; PULL% TOUNG NAN : LOOK HERE. .HAVE "JUST RECEIVED A "LARGE stock of the _nicest things out for a Christmas" box, or New Year's gift.- The young_tadies' jump at the They are a lake crisp, new lot of F• MARRIAGE LICENSES, resh fromthetaint. -Families taking half a dozen or more will receive them at Grange prices. ROBERT MURRAY, 412, St. Helens. 333EXPER EST714Y. AME ico THE PREMISES OF THE undersigned, lot 29, Lake Range, near ICintail, on or about the 19th of November, a Red Heifer, one and a half years old. 'Pas warier is requested to prove property, l. ••,.• - ' pay e- penses, and take her away. MORGAN AITSTIN, 413-3 Kintail. .1.-• • Huron ,Count! Directory Luc The Nevi RireCtory-For COUi Ats. ap.o. now ready. It contains the names Of -every • householder, and farnier in the:County, • With .their Posticffice addresseei The moatou-mptete *eri . aver isaned.. , -11 0 ‘Ceininission; Agents Wanted. Liber - ),4 Add " LON N PUBLISHING CO. • Londe'', $12 day, as bout& , tiv outfit free- 4144404*4 •