The Sentinel, 1881-12-09, Page 1VOL. V131-48. LUOKNOW, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DEPEMBER 9 1881, _ VVI[OLE No, .11•11111/IMRSIL/WISNEfil _LEGAL. ff.1.1_IIT.4101.1TRAVER. 1114 -Attorney-at-Lew Solicitor in Chart-- •,..,ctrtvc..vancer Office next door to .4.•-•he.POst _Office, Luclitiow, Ont.- . 318 ) 4 f A. MAePlIERSON, AmouNEY, Sonci- ,,a: tor, (1,:c., Queen Street. Kineardine. : \ARRO & PRO UDFOOT, . Barrister4 Solicitors, &c., Goderigh,. eaueow mt. itouDE110.r. TAMES.SOMEIWILLIK,7 ' CoNvEvatiOsit. - 1:1Ioney to loan on easy terms ongeal,Illatate. Valtuetor for Trust.and Loan Oe. ltf AXTON, Conveyancer, Commis ioner in 13. R., ete...F, Money: to ioln at 6 per ,cent. straigt ietereet. Valua- tor fforThe Landed_ Banlcing Co. t • KINIOUGH I'. Q. FREDERICK 'ROGERS,. (listed Teesivater.).: Ila rister-at La%-, Attoiner, Sidiator in -C acery, Coliveyaneer,J.ItO.-, Etc. } 1 : orrfor. i _. Ilasou's Bledit : .• *f.N. ', GlIA:31,, 44 I, . , , i T. kr Setitt!Sllank. . y amount ot funds to lean.. * . ,A RD. "fl- W. G. MErER, BARRIST.KRL • If . will be at Lucknow on every ,Wedues-- in eaela week!`t'ritil-• the BranOlt Mee. is _ - • --- I) a. MACKIE% • RA.Db. -..TE of the University of Toronto, Physicleh Surgeon, ttc., ()ace- CalK" • 114gler. the (non d p.p.st., opposite:the hal*. In, efO3a the Dr. is and _has feereee 1n:the-office. call at the Lueknow _ Well, Mr. E to . has been t atlleen GENERAL. probably before lo yy.....o.lawW.••••••••••t VO-111111TIVIeeiTION-.4.1• ITora—We wish it to be distinctly und,erelood. that we do liot ho(c or reelrearesponetbri for . the uieros 'expreagittb4 correspoildents—tp. -latadleittoler Prblic $`61tool. Zb e Edaor of ljke -8erainel, .* DELII SIR, have - noticetj- in the , hest few, issues 4f yotte • Valnable , paper eomurnuuaticn in regard to eiir Luck now School, aid" tho tetepayers of the echool seeti rt are etivited to give their opinion ox t}4 _point now ender diseusSion, 1 nqw asTet ratepayer, . take. the opportuxity of giving my opinion, and the oi 1nirnI of 4tEtti, and -1 shall aveld all perso ah 1,eS. •I do net . wish to enter into art • c fseussion whatever on , the conntiu ie ions already past, but I shall ju t t e thedoctor 'S last sacrittde . into ons deration,. which I consider, Mr.. I , the One half of it not worthy A ceitt Your valuable paper, And bfor. preCeeding further; Mr. ' Editor, t tay state that 1 ate on friendly: terme w h the .-doetore Mr, Priest, and all het restees;bitt I think.. 'Me. Editor,.1ti oty folly for the doe: for to attempt t 4 aw. the .wool over the eyee ot t ubhc in the way he has -been tryiipg to 'do. Now Mr Editor, the dec4or o egins first by"Stiying that he 7 has la ed that Parent is a Mityistereof the to eel, and is a (8, 4,) ...plitnie.) of Patent, his stored callings. think -the doctor sit formed, he. shad '4,- find. 'efut neiredis: tinetty who Paren. as, and if he Wesa inittiater of the eespel 1 cennot see wherein he has fprgotten his ktierfick callings,Parent has written nothing thait t can see out of he way, he has only: written on the poi tt wider dismission,' ()NEV. TO 1.4.IND on, easy terms of payinteat. Apply to • • • . • - I JOHN COOKE, Agent, Dungannoit: • :4711 -us. r..-Ntrt,t, . gr /- Provincial Laud Surveydr, Valuator be . --, . - ..1.9ad A.k,,ent Offiee.over Eadie's Drug Ste Woehani, Ont. All (trams by mail will re- -- prompt attention. . - - :I and has not one tack for the plat four ------ — .- years. berripenng and ruffling unold dis•- t Cattitingitaitt, . _,, , • ..p#es, such-. as: w see in the clectOr's .. . . . fitSarali.Ce -Agent, laet com'rninicatio4 that is Of no i belie: .0....,Gfielfik fit 4or the.pul!lic to h' aat as it. haw all ......- been heard - once " -gait' that the LUC from the beginning, end giving such -a Long ptoefs on (something, any: thing, but nothing -particular.). Now; Mr. Editor, we would. like to have Mr, Priest's explanation of theSe chargeteand give his supporters a fair and cleat un: derstaudieg of those charges, and hope that he Bha4 discuss the -point at ,issue, and. to not do --its -erten* other hinuble servant, Di. -Macerininiore 'Wander about giving proofs good for -nothing- but trying to ht his opPonent his other Worldly callings . If he is ' not a doctor Or teacher by ptofesiiim that is, noereasen. Why he should be tree -tett by the doetor disrespectfully. Now Mr. Editot thanking you for your , valuable space utla cottrtesy.I.. shall nosi_pionitse that, le shall write no :more on this -• sub: jitet. }loping to see the. ratepayers• all .express theinselves on this subject,eis it is certainly of benefit to the scitool seee bon .am1not- go into inkslifiging:slancie er as the public- dons :wish tohearit.. I shall now drat,' to a close Mr Editor an,, dear sir yours truly, AN 0/33 ERVE To the Editor Of the. &said.. - Dien your lad. weeks issue of the -ScinNEF.appeare. another letter (No. 3) from John. wqlker--which purports to be an .answer - myreply " Pareat'd".letter . a former issue. - Mr. Walker haS evidently undertaken. tide task eitherto.cover up "Parent'S" iguom- ittions retreat or because he believes hifittielf to mere mealy And. better qualified for it; as heltvcnild not " accent a Position for which he is netqualified." :lie makes. a, feable effort to deny the correctness of -my statements by saying that the:pupils queStion attanded Luekn-imSeltool. only as 4, reviee, romr..1In order therefoze to be able to State • erutlifullY how the matter stands.' I took the trouble to ' look the register go and 1 -find is follows'i-j- Merdoch .McLean entered Luckftow bdiool April fitli, 1.878-1_ . in July, .1879-, took third lass, July,_ 1889, passed the interniediate;-• two years and three mouths after entering Lucknow John_ :Archibald entered Lucknow Sohn], July fith,.1879, in- the fourth befute. Parent haa EXTISTRY. ;T. S. JEROME, Lieentiate of --oow pdpila haye Dental Surgery, has re- . novett ft,A-VinOlam, -i.;fliere he will carry 'on the dentistry business ; bat he. would. lieg to- -inforth his.patrons that he will visit Lucknow ati the first Monday and 'Tuesday, and also on the third Monday anti Tuesday of each. nfnirtth . 'co at Pascoe's Hotel. ' 15, . , 0 . • I dLight. Lodge- ‘1-0. 184. 11 F Meets the Thursday- onor beforefullircootr, • tf each mon-that 8, • ren cordiallyinv-ited. R. L. HUNTER, DoITGATID 3.1-OlCINNOIsT, W. M. Seoretary i;.13-CliNOW - 1 a LODGE , - . No 112 ar -Me efs.every Friday evening at 8 o'CloCk; in her HaIl, Campbell-st. All brethren cor- dially invited. - i• WM. CONNE1.1.- :Secretary. . - - on the First and Third Mondays in every menth„.at 7-.3o, P. :n., in Tempereace, Hall.. ' I lkethren will please attend. : • • • ALE -Y -MAnINTYRE XS- ' .. - - , - 2, ,- _ . . . 5 . _ pies sent free. Address to $20 per layithOmfr.- 81.1U1., . . 8 -1.1.1g8OR & CO, Portland ,- Maine. ver,- - Sherwood .q()Urt 0.0. F,. Nos 50 , Ltiektiovf di- - -ONT. Editor, ray'opinion iii-eitp ply- this in -re- gard to this - point if Mr. Priest has ' been teaching slang 'in our public i'3, .school, I think th. n it has gertataly a right: to eoine out, iiblicly , to the - par: *emits Of the section„ and if he. has. . been doing Ins duty hal does not need to be ashamed of seeing thein go into the pub; lio press, and I think their is Very : few parents ln-the.see ion but 'What 'would = be glad to hear of, uth teaching stopped . at as early a date possible, as :child: ren -are quick eno gh at learaing slang,. Now, Mr. Editor, one. more - charge I As intim pact, stili keeps:on hand alarge and shall draw the attentinu. . of . the public to, and if ,it be true if' Still eoeftfyitt tat:. DEAR is rather encouraue- , , qng to think that thoUgh -clergymen have disgraced our high and honorable And have dishonored the "ntastet"- "profess" to "serve," and the,peOple who luta borne with us beeanse.tit .their.nieeknees,- -and very great :forbearance, have had • such; lights as :the 'chairman:Of . the. Lucknow Scheel -and hia coadjutor tos, eoihnd the 44ffn;.and to atand:On the walla' by the -iray of the 'gate, 1 and hold up their. placard clearly written in large letters, lettere.ot geld; (a 1 little -.ironical): letters that 1 ilante .because of_ the "message they bear. "SO fail' of love.. to the citizens._ for whoa protection, - education, tntellectaptay: *Orally ;_theye 'live SO unsellishly., -Though. in the opinion Of some, One. charges : enough for his pt, .s _and powders, and the _Other has 1.200 at leatit, more for his -sereiccs,--jthen a - second. class teacher igrade should • have. It is 143alty amazing that neith- er erigel nor rash. nor fallen-. -spirit, • has been able- to expose those "Hypocrites Asses 1 -Gigentic. tiara 1 -Aituperativee Slatidereis leilthy Dugs! in the 'mire 1: • Those ,Stidases , ivho betray With -it -like' end have. never , :heel' detected; bean thotte-ferty- years _ : have gene uncestieated by: church and .eitite; - and Yet those'. defilore•e_are- still accredited minittets .of.the-.-two largeet Protestant • deno natiens- da.mel turner he that 'Parent' e -Presbyterian tninteter . in the .DOmin7- ion; and as high a- -Moral. .standing -(if- ---stittistici be correct) - at -there. is und.ar the sun "This ie all passing strange." Fur forty _ .1peg years they never had to appear before a church tcourt, -never had the wand; the., Staff of Office laid , • . ' . nininCe theniselyeeligieter than.- -v..4nity.-.: Yeu-Can eaisily iniagiee that .,yoti• ---,see,: : a -man *strutting, with - a :pate nate .' ale -•• among -the, teacher, Who 'are Mere: than his equal., -and., With .4* wave : (if' ihia - b-omd and 'With a sthirli,"- Whieh iss.'tall.- - . - kid:II:Mit: 1:k.- --itt,ing. "I -ain 'potlatch of- : 411 :ourvey...i) .. `•-"These are my helpers,?7 • . without..deigning-even to mention their nein& ::"Tirliat- -a:J./Oz./rid& for a pthit- of - .. . : • : . . • ... it see0d. ela,48. eereilmaie.- - New -; ,14..r. Editor ([had. well nigh said dear editei) .. I have A feve:sliggeitiints;eif :Cart l'ed otit-. :by the 'chair:Man-and his Sereant,; :they- -.n:104 distingeish.themeelvs. for life. The. ' .fiest ., is that. they .ouretuli ' - ibrokoiett - iatalticItctinerit-egainat . the erotic :- and send it: down O the . proper ' :e, nth eri tiee - - next -. (Tune. .. Let .the ., Ohairnian toiken ,. officer .0f.the4411aw,:and as_ a -Viridie . cator of the ge_Credeess „and perity- of --the " .chtnth.). by: - .411.--Me-atte- ' ernleeere- r tbz'-_-.. secure a seat in theiassenabli withent - portfolio, and..having. obtained, :Er.: place: . -for _hitnielt:-- May in deffereieceto his -- - ' _ rg_ standing, and the:deep interestle ..: • : . - - - takes -in n2at tors- Of, -Buell; 44et iiii-por, :twice to the asseitibly,: even the _proteo, - tioti ofetheir : honor. - 11e- zloty :be, able -,to Secure -a,•ettti.pg• for. -"his. :aeon neesis, .- the diatinguiebed--anii -gentleUianly.ni4-,. -- ler of titer - pUblie " echoel; font: be Ors both of yon . that. .yon..: be - prepared .,.:b5 :1 - -.present : th:oee - diatinguiehing: ar tidlyS _ that you.: h.ave . written,. in deferme : 'of . your - -;_offica, and ..-ticerineetion- of -- -.those 'whonr ynn-have so "aa,tieftOrilyi '. - castigsetl.r • ' -:-Those..litsraty,- ci;:refully.::,. ' -:written, transparent prodeetieoe, ,_they. ' tilihi:(1,1e8:4it?C:lje3rt '•Scettilltt 170. -"end. :4,- 7retifi°11-raeTan''d4ttrifil°:‘:.-: - :etninetit writer -• and then it le taw° t- der.tni4.-thnt_tk,*::-. tio.Orieries in .80 good- •- . . a Canso :Will - -easily' held their: own; , altlioulth tht.i.i.e --:.COUr- htiodtt-4 Lhiw'p.,..irs -.0iinitiIer8,) -1.184 be all egainet.thein at - ,..ttie.::otitset-,... They.' will eAirteinly "I' - need in. ekpelling this -notoriOna, reek: . 'end Serving: and meat IleSoma : Ma 4 If oin, . the ho Ore ble.... phi'ce he' - lio 4,- -:ooOtipipe-. (it if - all thi4. igi -to6 -nine b .- troll ble, just. : -rest,awhile,.take breath, .and then selie ._ yeni staff of :office. and lay On. 1)0 not:- - ... . , , - . . - . • -.. 'let the old . -waifs t,yiticing-=_intireidatee:, -.till- yen have drive nehirti---tipenehis-. ton--:-. orable•_-:pecteletnl,. • and. ..if 'bee' will - net i then attend to -.1tie-pipper: calling, :and: orders, --ieroot., oto fof these 'pi Elate: in -use: in the. :dark: (tips; -Aric,I.. then -., to -y our - staves ya-men Of: officee:and - drive.. the IhypoceitenpAnd'eneke a pillareiaint . comeeiu.e, ... castigate-d9n, but t_ h.. iiite4trie so-Qtohaot one , Iine:agy, _141It4--, ay.es. 'cloe,41 rn'ir---perfect.-- oblivion to all; earthly:.thiege; ,' end'. _face :eky War ); ho - juiy -14,*ir inetildle .-with earthly i things„,:- .bUt even " tie thel;aieknote School hOuse,..- -Xx... Editore you,-Itrill'IileaS pardon -in . re9s its•fa. , lir or pupil. :: Oh fes! 'drive hi- --:-so- into-hi:rnaelt Viet_ tbe - eV :,ti babes rcaj_ never reach :Es: ,ear... ...N.nly - departurefromthe-T-StibjeCt this -onee,e..., ebecenste you - know the -old adage: - is seal- ' _. 'true,. -... that :: '" Bad • ,c-Onneeny , :ccrtuitt - -,_ietauriersi" .and -"A ,little'nonsenee„n: ' 7 4114. #.100 is relehe'cl. by -the. wisest riiii4. - :Be eUre-I: -wi-R- endeavor 1 . in. ftiture ,r - - stick. ti Iliy-tekt as best 1 MR. W. •IC:',ci.. " • .. •• , . class, was promoted to fife). June 3fithi eame- di'iwtt 'hardly or softly f.or; nnmoralay,, year ; obtained 2nd July 1880-, Mv.thers entered& pe 8th, 1879, paseed inter .mediate in July, 1880.- -If putil attended any klighSeheol naenthe, aud rs.sucCeesful :in -passing that Schoollets the erecht as well 'as the Gov: grant. I'leave the public to judge as to Which school .is . entitled to. the eiedat of -those • boys. : re- ference to the two:: pupils thet obtained 45, • per cent.; and 50 per cent tespectively, at .:the , failed this yesaewh on sorrylo. say late inteemediate. I etated what. was true, JOCII:8 WS° feene t.118.gaalp-n8 they rinceffa,_ too tree," .and. 'ehella&also_made_ the_ caanzdalargPedailt slaty"aintd.;'. hut JOhn -Walker stated John Walkeror"l!arent" .:60neath...eneh blow of the: efacea eta , &nage:Alen that a e,`-eecind Claes, portal:: as fell On th6ii-Uni.)rotectet.1Shouhlers. of any name till those giants of the staff -come down - theireepeot7ohl backs; ,eo braced were theybymoral =fieling and .leve of ditty, that they. had not -the least cpinpurettioeee'-thougli" the large tears rolled, rapidb- down theit,. furrowed cheeks, and .their whitenhig what was -untrue and that he Inuit have dime. _so deliberlately. (See report_minititer of --_Edu: eatiou 1879.page l74.,) appears -clear from the fact that he quoted from the book- beforeldth. : • As to the correctness of the 'herein • set forth,as the -interested re.ader isreferred to. edLool register report's stateraentai'etc„ in the hands of the eblignig Secretary ofthe .fidard,. It; -Graham,. Mel.. Having' thus -Shown that J. :-.Walker isnot only incapable of stretching. the truth to a:very dangerous length but alsol of Making poeitive false .statealen ts,eyen when quoting from a reliablesObree, the public Will agree with me that the inference' - iti. only fair', that hisehargett against the head- teacher of the Lucknow -Seheol are to be taken -With a grate...deal'ot latitude, and if they. Were sab mittedtif all -• inipartial trial, they . would--- be finind-Se wanting in truth --aza- hie statementa- regardingthe Standing of the school,...‘fetliidal I eidneation, theraltrainieft,andencial position," to the emitrary notwithstanding. lam tifirg, --ect with. ha-vmg-used very strong 7 Iliitgllag6 to - 0.01-knientki..-adrait'It(-aml-1*OuldTrather- 'do so a thousand tithes tban. -make. one. eon- . teraptible insinuation:. ...'.ef -. ': a : personal . character - - over -a.- nciat de - pitinne,)• 'IAA- 1 bilve - done so to . show' the unepotless , character of the mien- who have so inmerenion-. ionsly and:Se• unjustly assailed the Standing et- • our ,sahool, the .- fairness --and lioriesty;"ef the trustees,: and the replete** of the teacher. If .Mr. Walker or bisfriends- ;feel 'sore . over - the.. language applied tehie9,:helnight to remem- ber that he made specical.partithilar- and . re- peated uncomplimentary allusiens to me hefore, I ever Mentioned that there iviestioh. a man: Ile Might also ta•remeniberthatliathiew-clown the geantled 'firet; selected :his ground, and 7 pained his Weapons, and he bas been fought on his own ground with his own 'weapons, and werfited in.the .tilt; -he bite!: nal.' thie An -blithe- -but John Walker. I- , aut: alsn..charged with haying -". trumpeted-: the. head :: teacher's praises," . I haiie. net clone se, but I . belie- ile- fendii"d- his ohrieeter: and the reputsfion‘ f our c\ whim': when orroneouKand false -charges __*ere -- made againat hire; by designing -parties,1 and while the head -teacher Whole a . painstaking, eihergetic and hard weliting teacher, as well as a" 'perfect dieeiplinarisai," (sett P. S. . '.i.. re- port,) _continuee to inanage the school' nk. fu- ture as he has done in tleivaithe-cen:al)vays .,denencluptin. my -support. - T understand: the difficulties teachershaee_to contend with, 1 -as I ate " no-noviCe14 tlie art," and if John tink- er had-apPlied himself it.s diligently :in trying to iutprove:' matters as he he has-. in 'gathiieing: scandal trona house- to house- , it kv.oulii. have egnmenced in, a- nialidio tut- elArit. eolith* €1. in I been better for all parties.. -, •-• . _. - . ' -: That this eoritispontienee was *mailed Itor,- '-the sarae, ..;unprofitable, unbiteristing,.1', en, charitable, unedifying, and uncredita.ble - i•Will- I think be,tlit.publio verdict, andler tliLlparti 1 have taken in it I have already: apologized. - As there ::are a • nuniber of - whinmg, !leak- kue.ecl wen in every community. wlmarereaily: to eiabraee an opportunity like Oa, . to IRO-. aomething at somettedy'S head,. over,w2no a de - Apia .1 beg; respectfully tosaythat I -shalt pay no.attentiOn to any stnemiono coerespandence„ or to enytliftie fuether frein- John - Welker or anybody On hie behalf unteleas a guarantee" Silreraelty,he appeada-a-7latiataCtery oeitifi- e.gte.tbat to kistueef.- eitecatina,.. wow _frein: big,. anCreocihk piiiith.O. :lt 'y0114180 forbid.aSsii ke.'!1'4'm'. that41.W... cdte of ten years standink is 'not a And' it is sad to be -*old that their -dear qtalifle tion Lit for. ocr 'schoel and in My (no...Judas thiel suppose) has . - - opinion it is not. But as the -Trustees not WO any better: "ThoSe- dirty. has seep fit to inigage- Mr. ,Pytest fur -another -term,. I Would say lei' Mr. Priest teach the term in. quietness • and in piece. Now, Ir. Editor, in regard to the •charges - laid' against aur feacker ;they are tierioue..I not-geing4o. con - Still any of the itatementa made by Mr.- Walkey as he ia 'at hand we will let, hitn, fight his Cit. battle-. But, Mr. -Editor„Icannotesee-any of those- charges contradicted, therefore this leaves the impreeeion on the minds of the -public. that they carry sane weight lwatlithem, --The-tint charge that Lshallereferkta- that of teaching slang. phrases'. Now, Mr. Editor, Mr. Ptieet_ did . not deny the charge -Now, MreiEtlitOr.," in .tuy opluion this is very :wrung of Mr...Palest to be guilty .of any such an Then the doctor goes on' to say why' was this not Submitted to F. Graharn,the bffioiai — THIS COMIT mmrs- FLOKR Alm FEEP. WALTER TRELEAVEN superior stack of EN g Gitlf)C E 11 I E nel.uding- everything found in the laraer of a goo(i-housekeeper. • He would alSo infornithe oa lc, more letrticularl v- the farming comma - that ha has engaged the services of THOROUGH ATu.t earry en theMilling busirtesa Witt/ renewed vigor; and by 'turning ontgooci gnats ie. quick time, gain increaseAlt patronagefrcim • the piiblie. All kinds•ef _ fkA I PI 44,14 g - constantly on bon& , • • . .(140.7 isgyertlipzikstfy raisf dontradicted, and it • certainly is verae, Wrong, that is using (pin confounded begger.) Now, in the last eo min utticai " don the .doctok goes- oe ..to 'justify Mr.. Prteatie condu:3t. Why - does the -doctor not let iKr.- Priest' justify anti : _clear .hiraaelf of the (Annie 11. 1)oes the doetor su,pposeeM*Editor, that your reafiew will af.leept his exicilau-Atipan.as'a sufficient t excuse fig' the tea her -eke doing I - If : ep the dootor might as well ask our howls, for a (obt,ball., -I really A T yieudor at .-the- ‘14-ensiaolino.wle4ging Mr. -Prissa error. in not tteniiing the party home:tit I- they i Were. Ott..46- couiply• with the schuot laws. $1014, Pi 4,41414,4i, WAWA- 0.0 b• • - , ' 4.4 - beggers.;"---.1"untitlypersete,". :".affeete '.alrS;',' • 'feet articulatiOn,n:land their-"indietinet .utiteraneee,•!' have provoked... the of:the-etaff„ that lieliad to, conie deern On those: tinforttinate.: filcolesi. Children- with.suck-force:es-_-.to . entirely .--overpower their -self : coSirttel AS to. MyStity.'..theirininds Eand fill tbeir °yes. with teats, as to utterly -theta; fOr any-. work. .11-e:pity.- that MAR' dear children had - tiothearti:,tef: P4tne like- Ihe:caettgater's4netteie Siaelvau4-: -strong -erea-rey----,franteie.4 . . „ . their ayes 'May - neve.r with watery . vapor, there hearts neverequake with 'feat; ..and 'their .:braitisenever;hte -Cotne exliainatedisie tbertnightptir, -their studies tinnissistede perforui-. :ing -.4ret work, tu-'sirclor that . - . . d .at thel time they deighf. .e lust ftirnieh..an oPpo eta n i tyfO7the Mao - for, vauntingiy•proelaimiug his ei4:0-' cy as a suecessfid. _teacher. :It :"1.$ _- ,unfortunateehildren.- that you ,- -get- utoNi yourselves and'haye t43-/.kip6nd soraetitnes two or three daVe -maiming oVerettn--- .inistdirett teneetionten your paper unhelperl and unpitied. Oh bow bide it weuld • be if yiu could do all: ,yeur work: ealone, , and juiVkeep, this, :pert'inan with floWing.beeed and :.flaSh, -beg eye, merely for an ornatnent, tuid-to - . - trip up and .deein stairs ,forealittle ex- ercise, and to castigotu • de. -not-nieet- ,his views -"setiglamterily , - . , . .'or it ideal. seem to be Ruch -e.njOyment :ret..thia Mati to use the: -:wart0-- ;seeing alined a .pity that slavery We's ever abo1ih1 itt the United State, or else the:neonle of -.1,itclaaW',inigbt :Inetnelaid-a:pathetie'rectnest 'Aielote: the :planters for a .petmaueut, Sittiatien as driver : for them,: :and • -how be -.and hiE.$ twin 'brother . -would enje#,-- . it - wbii they sawthoae fiuie hlaek-•_saen writbe the wu - With a fop-. on their: erainly.:. -broad shoulders. tab! the. pleitientat-Ot -_"eattie 'he* enjoyable It is.for tOrne ,Men to -harig out t. ted - tape,- .unititi-.tb_ceeil, and -giTe all the canvas; to-j-,tka hreetee,. ,'Whett -Okay: ige • ni contpan44,40. that. an Of Lucknow Public School...'S I,t00/ft. Nte names on the register, 43; a age attendance, 38. _ MR. MIDDLETOE1,8 ROOM. Nonames on the reeister, 31 • age attendance,. SO. Nc' II,: t_Rfe: S4r eSp4:-"‘gRyi 0::::10 0.21_1 age attendance, 48. 158 1ILEN No. of names_ on the overage attendance, 43, - - rus4 -ritaGoria .141IRRAY-S:.Be No. names on the. regietere -6 age attendance, 51.- - Teta), natnet uu regieter;-2. average attendaece,"213...... " _Too- milueetrreark, Vutiotigbe°, -,et:spibr.egt, that -unsurpassed reritedy for zeta" eathnia, eronp, 8017-e thyoat,- end All, plaints. lf you ..84±ter frotai.riegleete - inirenf ve. ;