HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-12-02, Page 6- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . -
. �jjl ,
Ahe s. -were ej--amn ing ourr asts.-ou a.,
1 really,p d6fiei a as o su er.
that. h
-fresh -6s
an at a a -was seriouslyanb ij yl, ce'
organ -in' beforeV ^ , - -L-- i'd " -
-ts. ir pkg -Along is cleats-ilog itin" b4z beiaFr'9,, stone -a
-see ach
Good I'd '.'reoollecti Dac' this fidt
0�-- '41� b
-ghtl Di ou.4ver,- to' "your - 0 JAI'
'Wi, iii'the, a 'y SOM
Vary one, take sleap's delight; onel 0 w�
Now the day so gelitly 61-08616 f
Never, neveri iieverll' at swered the- Man of suo fast -ailing oral, and -in ihiatifin.shbets,- a, 16weri tud:bfight with. a brightness-. that
Ahd-eaeb busy, hand r �thiug, H6,40;y, back 1
Tin. eposes th -end a o. a k to the sung as rownin 'h- bid withoul A iesking, 4
)*y-mornink gr sight, gir - yeten ly6.' or -very, - , 001 only, - life itself' can yield. The' ceilin' f
y6n. 9 , e%V1 yo An.
o 4-:11' A
Gpod--nighti i do- hot thi:zik jt`,jossiblo, that.- it a, rt: a -an and evii aiud-ah6 -"sh4ded-hJb;,g- -this treasure!hou f tur ' -a all
f H ows at kl6k Not, 1. 'regret, Be 0 � as 6 'Via .,equ. y
y6s, With
sayi- -we
s a - A ous; but the floor was of softe V sand, -
even --bi anV -Stevens sea -tick.; -bi - b'nd -Sad lo6lie -Aaok i y6gh
Go io 'rest I a..,-.,. '�o* have. sem s. Mr. p Iiii gorge
;-c urning see, wit " its" fi painted by the: twiizk�
Let the tired eyelids fall I -before� in-' is ok for"ixistance, the Upon h I ugers'als1hrough 0'.-olosea-.- �vis Z -At the* and"doubtless often
In the street where silence lieth maun -who �eii yesteras.# and spi a, pai6fit double --editer was. ling feet of &6 sea fairies, after whom -the.
ad, 1. A
th A action7 of toss and rolli w6rer long *liftellin6'of clifts--i I he
ado *as naite a Cavern,
Load, the -lea hi d d the Metinsid'
hour the watchman crie to.omev most landamea would.,ha�b l6it both, hes t fast vi�g be n it.
Tawr -that Mr, Stevens 2"
M-iined lost' in"his Medi- A few.. Imes on y very lo* ---
fill did- not to' E hi' ' ' , I -,in the year; al,
J And -the, Oft Tilght-Voiceg- can, ot s th -gentlem and' stomach,- t s-' gentleman, sat "] This -he-ke*
"-Ga to rest,"
I us of spring-tidpa. weie in tals -admitted within
bad 'possesse titi ii d onlyAreami
re er- hi ma's. n --,..btkt thib was a -tall u moved as. though he
a a ions, an -06 -0 or
Sleep sweetly I b ni iieith 1h !a ' �wheiia. he ids, or -whit people out this bxquisite chambor� --and-theii only- for
with a cruel.fac6 though I did er,and swept a land with's. to g-
ig r hiny
ay -1 at hini by -the. boa swain. - a -litt e'wh ler. . Summer kri - winter,
Dreami 604�hsa - it, of Paxadisel thi2tat"the time), and be h4dd eyes, cope ei t Wks ite were as adeMythb-il okswaiD - very
t Y, lie calm hath sh gr . I I- - I i
�pve h �ken' ying, When su
an �r I " .." f d and night, its - beauties we
may d grizzled hair. xot wall Understood 1hat he was thevil-io nudged. him, lil-Do you @ee Pee Ay-
love thy ]PLY awaken, re bidden
au as
N oin i.of _ nature conforms; white--si 'onder?" -.b,eneath.th6-un4bons6iotig"-I*sve,,--to,which�,.�
0i thy in:the skiest ,That is - enough," ssid'],gro.. Caie see the the
Y: I y -
No,: no 1" dried- r. t
Sleep- swe thoughtfully. tion of Phal cliffs, an he inier4iiing , - . I , - M � 8� - a . , thelbi�s,: they owed' 'theii. 'briolitn&s'
evensi spingit, never
GO sidmore thin enoughi" gr habits � of . the sea-favil ? -. The 'crew 'had his feet is though hb Were on dry' ind,':s -their bloom,.but-glacldftif�g who: shall'
mied the, ad, and
Sleep. till breaks the obming� wretched in - other.. eeh in -orders to�giv6 him' the lullegt�infoim stidn,- therefore- nearly falling �ov.br 0 a. WK
day, y Killy has b .say *hit eyes?
tW07 69 youi Ve '- on. -.this -occagion" "the -.�mo
Sleepuntilthern w-bornmorning hisi power these to. and to afford him thwbest opportunities. Of -nothiiia. a Outs- 1-8
laties with it6d I t
t -all- the:y6ar, there- were
hAt.-t . - -1 .
Dringainew d it Ybg, but h an tdcarky, and, oboagnug' ;wh�tover area".
as t 0 Ke p he by -oppor une-:
VQ1*111vatoli. Put-lear-Awayll was MOB �eurious. pardon," addid but
the ebild asw ?I rea oned the lieutenant�s Under tbese- circumstances, --�the'y . 1 -were,- p-1.
were : by. this timw far i -out- 611. two hours between the ti the lie T, I I
me that
ife. it D6 0 to - take Able road to rather 'surprised, �As they appioach6d Jhe startled hie - fforn - an- -ugly dreA, What reluctant wave lef t%the: silver fringe'of the -
hith- u -were saying.9, o oUthe cave, And whe the Aii
Wastportown,-and-t --tacomi-llip-with, a: bliffs-b6neathMarmauth. Boacon,--w WAS: WY9.
]N� G JL A4 -the � n t' h o I merely- anted to r w attell-
A V -th
E'D AT. T villain: rurine him ino matter whither- note i ly PI as on he sout 0 1�st, A the great ocean argai eg
ricus a. ghould. agafin, b
I Atik the-
siri. to. that white thing o at,- glia. -to �146
gon 01 a ske
her hiks ve my., h' an
�usb Wai card. to that Mir. Stevens seemed t t bUt'i'ttle. t on,
e and1pa,ving.. I - to spare a bogtrary, 'Under. -w ite ff.-- - Would keet 'Vithe pitter �elovo--.thb :yie
mteiy, Olt JLom ut odhoing.,walls -and'
:the chief coi.istabl% and tell him Jfititest in them'- and, on 'th h` .' Qli- 0
s.� are is-. my re sit -.scarcely ib �to -.be a boat are -say, no Pain H 'Wish' he-- cutter should ink it 11ho V� hat -a Cost JE )Urge. Teti p a ihai.t
alre round.
Ear I son 6rmAids air
'ftawan ali -Harvest" And other ulinuteiihave been lo WyX that. very pitint tuake a circuit it'is*-bne That's 'Wib "k YOU mtsy with.theni
ious expressed
Popular novefs.: 1 She h d-sesycely eb ed to speak ere the Datchwoman,.aw isolated rock Of consider f i, tba: �O'Unnftlg- thief. lmost --beyond an iour wa
ivad--twatity Minutes?
W1 Ing
giant Upo his wiay.,i &44..size, but no great-b6autia. Pasible-tor see her4ainl as �he the-4ock narning, -you at
L 1wi n
and tt4a :.leave their company - w th6iit -M t
moll t id caught s -The ped intOL
7 huddle(I together lik( some p4or wretch birds, whose'proceedirigs veri varied chalk';.and-ye , since I
she '13� 1 _6ailibg no 6ne lea; h
an between
Mild nkLdc 11.0a Jig floor, And, A-wasl peopled yI f -S ' L ; CH"TER. X egions b a& the'sea, n pus in
L 9
ho feels --the teeth of the fiost.-there'she and "extraordinary some. -of -the'- whitest;� �pu how. a -he hugs theland I wager
The road ;v;hich, the r Supilie -tb6- boat -into deep' 'water., climbed. hi M -self -
She just sat shiverifi - ask- like- uuderAgraduates in thei
twd ladiPs h -was neitfi�i-w nor she has b )tit fo U6 gOOd iwiihia iti and,the filled taken from. Sandby tot bilto An.-.-Uu11nigh6d Nobod b d e -d IL -Ch I iokoon, and
liv down above the awla
._-i i VVY t haa hamened, returned from chip aleffli;ned-, Andwai A'S th
'rer'namid's Cavern, IoStLf a L Man.
although aghort out, in- t a Otto ration of r us )zrty, seemed 'never t6 -be'able-suffi, *.v Bo'diose. in -show -e -j,
:t a worst A ji&cins; �enidr6 L
mpariaon- With- i OIjff_tOp, sh0". from the'land.-
Along th h - "L'ba-haof' ?
yon may -ta;ke your o -a
;hit wk oiently to express t eir-satisfaotiona
and as the partridgec( wers *hilb the hw aw ki. a sea.on'
,.ith -An --:evil -glaude p- -th
an ew near; d a is - d'di,
is.inAble- air, sa- slii� -6 irkhk -boih-eath Ithi -Stevens-i-aChia fri others, some coniraban gee A on. as
-patli,, -anu a�,smothered. oa;4-
back Along it, aow� it s,ienied as though. Unmistakablei work Of the relan�iess' hand- -on 'tha' contrary, 'with bbali and- tFire' on her' -1 k her I run b" own, t: W.0mares
it never would- and. Heil. eyeiwer6. blind of her, An --give utterance to the nidat-vigorous 6*61 aanon the naird
nt Grace. M ra. Ca:rey � dared not wing, aimed �Stdvepns excite, w
le -tb� its 'beautieg, or if they- were-observe4, beach .:&nd drawing-. Adit r -'from his
ave� hdr In suelip, -plight (for'the nurse protest -again an in riugemi�nt a do you jet�tho villain a te
escape'. -1y to hi
Was- only as landmarks to- calculate- how gi a -d� of packer, -read 'the coxitents-slow
rl was worse than uaalesB), ndr, had 6he the. lA*s of. treipsas.;% thei Ian was thisirs,L Well - wa must keep ob�the riA side
d the SlWsii' wrong,..- a . said, slapping t, a
done io, could help ave been obtained. con�ended, "theirs,. t -you see. know,
MU§h of ther -tedious way still itretche NO166, dy ough
they beirs,. theirs,� law, t h
Lucky: 0 0 �e
bef iher. Sho-could not listen to than &Y. h wrongtbera-, W1
sup earer and even'the, water_' :within-- fprty. fathoms 't at, Dettierthan you, sir� as
h� Y-1 paper�-11 she's quite
'b d -at he 1 king
thel of. Dfrs. -Carey, or the Sandby ;would have one the.-ibiddin p ace -was privte-prop. r �aidon for. th e-� eit f strikes sure of I -h
�litlwas you Von hs;ve mad
that.. It carin -of be
at ayMpath:y of Robert And' a eve tV-no - bird me you -have worn -the no Or-' 9-; one. but that. e,.iw,,
taws, th lieutenant's :wife n listenied to shaniefUL, 8 disgracefal, done
M. tedeachtogay. 116rthaughtibacils Larus J1a of atirseNes, only d' ekI high -Upihe; yself. saw his;d t`o- -an
-go bitter was -the eeling iii the h6ml' ying 16
pro p ped. her, at. worthy of a name I
dll�connboted` should put-up- with i his 'a si -t, that aunts me' _ s w
I- . ! to. the bat "free'," added.tife.'cookswain, 'ZOU In
013, th her- - heartL before-, her, cot against the coast -guar 1 an t- for a 'mom
oleft L
'feathered a
so eir -esp.
tit. -,abd its precious treasure ahoL ha& QL three satwhe 'tiekiers for thi fb I at now far sh ing It must.1av
-with. it� Sa th re ihev *are, 7qomd of the ow a
-unguarded there, deeming tbsit gbe erself. �:nly that over and )u- Mrs., dari wedt rights 4 exhausted the'' 6 1 Will. be at folks'
so griewua� y his Ives call conscience, I Bu�p
r you atbales I Ose
Y wil , . r.
-by their 'd -butr.did see-'it-L.Saw it -_pI
standing between it. and him, who to the little windowa6d. looke art aprq ry- -statemanitsi th PAL �1 fun -see
-at -sto 'thatLboi�t,' epli -9 a-. the a r,
ted If Ii e� P ope* Q seeing 'the. figure of - Robe a apar in o certain sionate y. get of A non.;.
f rt they -bid to retirea-whil t etter.
ik6 9i Oat-lavincbu,-
D. W 01, or, -some, n r regt;'6r to-vaAake, Yon 'a f o -'r' r n -in
6hieftal h- hi6vill o, ot forth his- Andrews, �essdngb# -of'- U4,. beles 6f the rook - fo citch r ave a- Wargo job
p than
TOre6- tofferattl&, learns thatAble foe has upoLi7-.the Westward. road; I but" she h -ps-i of some --marine medicaj ebt for la hit-lof y6sterda�y-�-1 When b
per a n ud. Put the holm'abd uavp madoL
sure f"R.j do net
More at pn�sen
Will be useful -to us sud
a the woman, and children have-beianc. a'to-: 0 'But th:6-66cswain- showed no i hbati -ind d
irlier' 9 i
-got between hins an d the -def e4celess, iown ssw no -thin but tie. line-' �f silver thqkocovery of ihe voice, afidii ..the mean�-- her off.1).
a, bowed�;'--`and -the -wild time confine --thbIngelies
3d- cru inizing On
obey. "I'Lor'.-blest P
aking to
Ilie --glid al"aast-indis enaab
f baring- un, Utterable things aaL tor'hig
0 pre!� to dolt f6r half the Money, in416 " 'bed fat s-anc, broadening "ad Once,- nly abe ir-heads. The I that she -sball
Youjig poop 6, who still. b h
snx�bus eyes it is somethirig. to see the
as'.Jiideed she njay- be, f Al
lefii'sud, by fbr�ed, marches, hasteaw b lei. .,I
waste f down, and be and, the qbbing sea the strangers,tvith 'suspicion, and' sh 4 you; Sir -*01 -
'keAb-b I has goiie-wll.
whispered to the with 'Bented the ap ce of 'ibistled n n6thing at :all since you Vouldilp *
_8. MUO ih
-king rains, so, Wheirshe first* Oh,-yeBma�am, quite; and'though of -lbbir strai feet to &j two.
heap of smo at I Ain't no. M&E d
town yet standing yonder, ap-ct Y? �littler round balls of feath&a"�eihibited 'rig i a a as
not a,. mere, He. a dibstin t 412 M SL
man willing tner of -lliiigi The
maddeist'L 146 lure -,iLa dwigled-bef
their tremulous flappers,:in n- Saucy S411 runs BB-.
'dancing flautes -which ing-necks' in their
"ilit, f h little. he tranquil gmouth6 au8h- She'elfbe' iih the -caught sig a r course it was 'the- agapill iw eyes. Again I- say" -'do- 'not - iff3i ni
a;t Sandy, wi ore
An %I e ever, :with the blue smoke -ca;pabl' - L, gainst a hild, it alu
�Maibly leased hot, yet- the poor dear: Astonishment- as only, the young'are - With- M.;l a�s for tb' 0
a heri, &7 moat as- quick is' *6 w.erd 1� ill be inv
-from the, kitcb6Nchirauey streaming in the lohild- a mad bf. The'solenin guillafn`ots ow -With the ebb �and' 4 -11. d by a r n -it
a 6 to take ir fau t' him, fr I sa�t All of a- r Able We W 11 find means t b I i hither,-
ey 0 aa, the
win (theennait that shows: thkti t; 1iae is an the' turn by. this, and � and-thonits :fooli-
Upon the- ledges coming to n sh mother will foi ow 'I
0 1 e.oiBion upon
like' ti��, n, yb
m6dore Comfort -is abroad), and allits. Win- warrant,'As a dam follows its Ambi-
Th&t is -�ery str z4�,ecl- the Matter' w4ittever, but obUssle have less time, since ve haveLL 0
steerda- out -'go
open her whit6 lips eirey. in, r6volultion.time, gradually increased by fat -for.kbbing. thd Mermaid's Cav b -a- milksout' nor' th-itt-I fur
not. thinkme
now acassions t d bts
r h alve My P L 44C. -Yours they will be paid j�
although they did not speak. to if ter many 'a wesiyh6U*,, lh� coast- tot eft:don�l - i uhtil'the,: you had calculated upo lie we'll
mortsl ear, aud with- One laiia sigh she
He ha n -beyond the: paint thf, w an you ve
di sed halfher set -raw. clardsman returned. beon u able space grow -.1nauffi6ent for. them,, and the laixd you jus Antime' %But`g`m I -..saY ha made sure -of if� overtake the childosl ealer ; but the doni original members were topp .4 risk. nothing. more
smis to . '- �f led off king. we...0hall-oo a in view c.
.111 supObse: -Mill is in the k tabl's 4erei.-on th -t aud'the present do risk nothing,` 96filo itchen, beg,� slarm. As for the cormorants- the -never few.- b�inutesl.* the. protti "st bei qU
PILUMSL'* I IL .. . . L b[ , a . . tl _L 'b -
1 an y. is
or end, had - given far �itd Wide., The 'orgaii, sensatio' L- Th'
said Mildred to heir fri
a. n in ail those parts, tarny -n a Carrimpati usiness.. L
Jo take their' n headers," s'e
ich had
whose thoughts need-exidarsement, With the figures- in fmiat of,it, , who, T have-noW in hab& is -a certainty. - Never :a one one after the other, like pitrifts
again Is it possible that such 'aii appor--.
y -. b per CHATTER -X7V
�n thL
gir,, ceiving ive- soi -is a out to be.
MaL Why do bee titrac�ti, re' to, the Ian air
0-11 ]lot speak;' rion.
'had-beba.lound in, a litoli'l sea de half a violated by the 466t a the foe," determine Uuity will d6curibr-killini-bot bird
hing, on Mae -bat their is nothing for it but suicide. One stone. uper
I was -lbakimg at. that w444 away. !
*11TIG Fal�. T Clyffard will
kS en b'd
the )f-- at ther little, dow. 6fthe ild
Af r6& listened. to 'vhat he'lij"cl t The foot of no'. fob, on.- W�J 'left Without kither kin-�-Mad as th
N .1 L � 0 say, t- -ev The coo n wa"- -rigbi _not 'hero is somebody wavirig a, banidkerchief." Up6nJh6r face L that
t 'do t h- aqb��I dou
without the blank de air of' a 'bird-citcher, had eve' bt it noti but think
-n been particularly haip' In his.idjebtivW'1A-- T
4'Yes, ga thereis, That Jane'K, bed- :-ts py -here,, I know -a way to persuade even 16 admen to
kiia- iLny impress. he -had e4 placed upon the -brawny shoulcler's of,. We is 'not 'a -me a g1prious-.8
eoted no
room, she, is dressiugi, ight coa$
ilf tfi ]A L i - 8 hae joi�t�
ri a
era epuld scarce have an- i beef -a-nd suiooih a rose scenery of, I- will. If his An
better news, and w Dutobwom . a aci ' erMM Bay.",
hei doubtless;L she isi*m'kiking a of hall.write- the- words
a, Big
been brought to her. �ater- in thd. e.veniDgi. for mapy a. yard -from thede lu seA There -aie a I die.
Welcome to tig-that, is- all." ep. a- perhap koeues
I pvehts, sign. his-- name in�-
as-- they sat in 'the li AIA parlorf- without before ibe jUtt'bglecJges. commenced Which . more beautil al but none, to- exce j1p for a
I - Ho�
"The mother's tremulous voideilsorted' or a on the- parchment.
liahts sinde Mrs. Can y averred that, she led -like inyert6d(-.'stairs to:Ah6i own of th combinitian.6f the beautiful.-and-tfifihiran-di --the rig pace.. W
t, Cms Grace and. I, Nih
with her eonfident,*ordsl, Acid Mrs.7;7 &�Uld knit �vitbou am, . and Ie glooaz� rock, pon which gre*'- some scan-ty hat cannot be Atf ange it se
view. d from oAa al 0
Waii'dear to Mildred,. in; -her grief th bgge-. -A ya have made� go, any - Ran folks- ap�eqx-
-no near the ere beer,. m
did t reply. As:,they draw Y gas ago,, perhapsi ere the. island advai a he bliffs - at Is
me- entered the rizant co� k., - IE�avik a. few had been h6uldiinow b - t
01110 exci at, where -'s --zigz' - path'. a
.-hours leisure,!' explai ad -she, "Ishe'lia;d. fdur-foated-ore4uio.miht have..pastured'-.1eaAs is -lofty diva- -.1rod he ---goa. -blam.ansan6l . I�dare say Clement t4k
out, ma'am :'be has looked Inez �-sp
heard Ja�be Calling 'Lei- me, ont--let divoided. from the lafidt- -8 aptin on mad' a otipg at f"
W -to t1 but
ithout. interraf&L h the arudently taking r -rt ibe bb� credit to -biinself for.this- and calls it r.
a ailwith Mir. own. on -it;. but hencefb. h, while* - -World And from -the ach- it is- bdheld uil 'r c -t.* �par
we, women ran up�stidrg and.found the -in the 'Good 1ntent, d the-vina; the g4 lasted, neithersheep-nor.kina would ei6p �quiliy- favorable th6 1013. owever
a eumsta Poor aupeistitious-foiji! H,
� .t L
ILI �gp
f avoring the n �gpi on to6,_War of us have.: o
attiP.4cor looked at them. He has- g f, had be so -mouthful there. The 61iffs Ur- hours'af weiaknegs,
eni. a green; a Ap�
y diffeien in charactei i aching
sea L ward as i e8ent:
taken the key awiLy,*"'sob,bedthe,i).o.ornurse- dhatrarry whh comi g: ack. thatthey had With' saimphirei -do to row ther --a
n omed 6. the bav-rom. xat east our momefits--as, 1 4 Mine
n and youi: m6t- burst, it: b g.- also, When they- unpiblilid-t -the-end 'of time;-othdr a, case,. a crei we Due
Mai fromwithi thus- 16 -have been so- � t' h
etu. delay o o -At must
chilk: cl
4 had re d -s ighty. rock wast vifthatit.-a; tiace WbaloJigrouhd pie -in wh1dJL4v6r of what: -do they. �csll. iv: -Romoj�e
did land, dchinews, as the Y�. turfaed..Izeri le isoliti6n- thing-forthal reAsou-itood, ol
Come up here, Robert Andrews," h&dL quite L and she Ud been' vegetation, and.in its"insocesiib ture- re.1some mawkishiieis 'which M.%Fself knev
lgod to u a
crioal the . liout d me olthink
I . 5: f�r, � , i- -
aciaxxVs. wife,' Call You ob looked ubspeskabl� a not was- within i�ae4lhai cause
ndlone. mmen 3-. of- �autlaylil
break this do ie massei I -saw through -that man's gliss'la4h.
_or Qpll t once, a, fit -W -e -ki '11. that iaierrupte& 11irs. sir -'in tb- so izienti. still bid d e-fi h aves,
ance to t oil
ghbw! Ahe thing, mustte a
bliffa yonder, and -thdj are as steep as'this, Which- furiot gly E score -cif miles'
Ci sharply, and ing 'an ib:xVerious, lat against 411 hink I can," sign thibi-she ihouldle a the r1pow.. Then', axid. 'thre 4WAY-by:thiSL time -half:'
hes., inkanI, 1. r WaYL
a -times as.1igh,'!- observed �he then' as if n: ddened bi between the
adist' t
thel -ooaatkgu; dsmaii,� w &nee,
ewnzinutes,-sh "berselt atose, and who - hwcl- had enough of the thundered *1 to-li .�hing oam;- ]us as* lid
returned ar I on and 14 113 and the
ihi. a Si
twinkle in -his'eyes, Stand. badk, .,young not havelt. be:,, of s
goin 6
�h -cliff lt�eif int one
g into the kit a,. saidi.,kYour DtilLpliwomAn, ana,did n6t much relis -ther di faies; th the
ooman, witbin. there, if
yo* pleaae.
wors zi -
t gthened by-suy incite point air it'seemed. as -thoil h the to welter on, unburied, i
ng his, -foot--that earlies mistress thought you i, he said
re about. go.. speak voyage home being Ian An paltV ul
now oLher ich, th ere' oharging-�.hbs --'of 'waves had sdess seas. I i
just poor beiing� stoleu,� defours to examine islands, of Wh the bounclJ at
.-6ttoring7ra�izz in the, long-roll� of warlike bat if there id�anyv ne misforhunle, tell it 'was quite an aohipel .... . dropp6d that `t 1 "'If the. man -�haa
ago yet to come. piret'i a eseope, 'With strategy, Who eby -the pica hin 'bodn
I I ml than one p ac a
a a a 91junc-
accuracy upon tbeL jimple riothing f6i - hastruments-he brouyht Wk dowax
me. Heaven f6r.bid th It oulzaiwanybad 'ill knoi -it," repliedMr Stevens quietly, pierced i iq6Q,. what tfiezi'� te wa i
Y I n - its wa ery fees -ha
e we n-shok for the- f utur bin:e to, see -j Dickson
look j. away fleW- L tidings a -out find. ' will- keep i
6. tio of iOtbibg- for
n -
a not.ab t him.' catu it., S( one -
&ter,. the. tall ff
-screw hoAds- as though a.retard - No : 'aiid - n
staple aiid P I dboe ME eeafodl.,
haA been, applied to the, a butI ' goo the Cliffs ary'well withi. r or. I Ai for ow a
pot, Andl behold I
inany��P,.-Vav was. -doomed b
a kelief,' Mi6. Carey erp,.tbroUgh. yoiir, teleidolie'
With A gres4sigh' from b ato (in the opefi - eadh And
g, ba her own- bei YOU little ane; gittiti - I
Olt Yali. fL
eb,- the lique- place jhat mined,' 8 -I caie notbin�r f6r
vith -ceollialfp6nn I in tears, listened to the us-trati)"a at this domestic, see a. very s, oan on its is Ow aad! in a of 1lib-t-Nattird own h. the. A -this. 3Ker`mb6id'g:Cave W. ich I have come,
-twopea tight clasp Aiscurgive, egotistical, i idacti under the Beacon, sir -:-foie I can't -myself layers and rn
-to -explore,91
pro. 0
her. pookot-hindkerollilif in In withaut -the glas; 'hieroglyphic showed
one hand;,. And'
anner of her cla to )a, and morb especi- here. the' chalk ike ffelshk2zar's ar,
a- -Usb,it- was He;�, wilked ioth
Ally when. the nij in lee - warnm&- --opening -a
uldn't"elp it, y are crorAcious of bei tsaIItbe.*aydoWn-96 s.tofornissort all 0 a 6 nes
sobbed -size i sel thas rest
disgra�ce, as thoughth
.0 -looked- in. A dainty p! in 4, in ad, r could not. Wh ace-fo.r -a y-,Iady of Y'- We' 4100 air of llOot mighty wardt us, el thed in white, t8 -break error in s, very mist of Xr
the- Adiaficin�:.zohiihns-,,l -the I - d amermaid mu. toted- . aStevens,
a would 1VOrds-Ul "A whapp� vhafi'w1% ovary an not being
bed, was atten.
n- Having heard - All, a za. returne& to -hat tiv6ly'regardiiis!th4i'veiiipot�;tbus-iiidicaUdl ficle -the enemy forced its wyin-to- tH6 Wit : a gii i
have, iholight of tin harm. in a horgJ
ve Y, A Ji in arn Wh
giit*4 with moving hunages all round witodioin. ,
I ��- hi
roua , a lessly that all-Aho'cliffs - hegrt of the oi- cOVQh1 What sjplendid'
childleag friend. but he replied �c�re t - 40f t: -8 ang-
and snap he
AZI& a na one of "bta, S�playipg on I not right...dpa r Mildred,'m sup le,msening -pillar their bise And he* richAhe- ropif I the Am aeemedm'udh alike to, him.. a _ingS I
CouldL one_1geo the..
dorar� liqleL d ht you bays Nay, bUtthe place I mean is: A eeper a P -faith; but -
an L -teth
And poor posing that of this, b
Mo6t, "'L Weakened wi�ls.' W else how-
this -buld'they w -ere piedions'- at
�ohi the V
ig,ated gj�� -him to draia, the: bitW &in,, - The 6utlookft ewels ?
Ieasbd�-1 felt qqite. obi 1�eIlrirr()pugi's'-this, lbaj- thad the -
r pe at eksw ty
-up. Ub
n- w- indeed, and that I -&late line -this -
what I could spare 4nd'I rein
-to f6r the, an, 8, y0a have a it abems to ineo- jvhojost a friend' hat fal �-bxcaystiO ' &a excee
M. Steven w1iorn snd,.a U di eauti-
d, -whom Nature -stone. -He was fUL . Left s rj�hti_jhe�'�jjghj W -9
the nzo4ey,. leaving that pr6cioui darling be L ea. warne And- at �therej likene -giest' -rd, of grave. 6nd ad -in 6avel _Would &I !a dancing with. delight,- and ho protencling-to herself at be
a -Under ruLri 9.
arn d bver the top by a smuggler chap agedl 'archways. each in worth. -01 who: -
hag w di you shoiild be pusbe while t� ado
when he getE
dkin and he mu me my 1ri - tmi the me,ansi. be d at havefollowed me I.,' a,;, that, -should b6 in his murdered Mali, air. If you'll-. hand' iworlild
b OVeL
with big shoes off for. I n vat heard nothin' as VeL Win i rich:,,-6nough
the ;waste of i Mors% d ke est-
eems worst. -glass, I'll, find' the place out for you in is bay. -In the one, td. become pie
that a
"till he looked th then of &II,,, dried th6'hellIess mothei. .,.I��o -moment-- Why, -blo6sl --my soul* ti - sfretehed'unb 6ke;i-till it n
thei way -of -wh'
In repaythinz in the athe
mtz-,down and carried off that basUitiftil-: other could be half so a mel,; no a "4r ever Ve'dropped it in the witai; it is one of thedthdr, i� It 18- -of jagged� cii#g, sbdd 60 -w Methinks
.at' t Ga in- mbnts� �
lbst cbildt Oh -1 'a`VC�Yeiz Seea i orld.
me& one; w. rc iad
mythingi of frghtefie-d. my losit darling by. -bia very Ilan the int test- - OUld be high d''
f6rgiV.e'Mo, though it Ain? . t Do dbest-wa fifteen gd, k', ho fUrlofigs from the land, %e ee 'where
Oak to jo n ice
the devil am 1 -to I iti in weiid -and erc�n YOU oks before."'
-r ma Ing it berg, d roe1 � likb, the"�s
''o . is so
B` -this *a
Iny, fauft�� mWam) it a eLeurl Y.1 ......
WC, 'it ain't indeed." Ay, §6 1 thought, 0 1 fantastic far a.. Ut Whatl7ag t6 - N seen d - oes no man - - come -9 - - She
eve. xo�vt. Mini go d ave 0 emitiez1f was- -even a I more- wil . come,
V A feel- ceirtsin -that Whei did th'�. man,take- Away: child, not frightened at Mix. matl w a us ciolly,..within the -o
MY he To ine -return Mk'
-Way W. 1t curi- us: beautiful; for tbp- shii ray message from bi� -husband; reminding
a' it 1 IOUs
sakedZr urn, hoarsely, seemed, t
o. -have a, ki him, proclOcing a wellii -leather put 0.
0 nigh. two-hdura go, ms7am. YOU -ac6ording to Janols.8 -"l.thougkt th-at was exceedingly oarbloss' of Mo.; but -that broken And atbise6tea by -a -'th6fis%nd not -16 -fail,'. was an excellent --t
see, dook.shaen. down to Stindby after - - I L 1) 7
that lipid in it somer teeds of lzo�e; and cormaraid-came up so close -to -xUe-from.his':' shadows, sh awalls*,�*of '18 good - Wife, and -she wi came,
Me Out
idm6' alrimps-or lesatways after George- now rbave just heard- lou� he startled' uch, �gr- io colorist 6ould rival; banelm d lltild�- then b
of my hueg, a it pause 06 rOke forth-, as -i
thd bro
-hat? 'what, senses You shall
Bro." for it's- no. use. tolling fibs in, a time -tt W or4clZildred, IngL -,be ud. lbser, my ipga of pasalon -Why should slid - have- itbrust
Milly, we, was at- And y ow" -spongegi like, this and I and' little
her feverislied, hands.:'. ad while I-am.ps.ying:my, debtf let -Me add with: Pearl'
1011 juite. alone we w6-8 playing L "'. SOMet ell a�.between, my -en
Eb an me ?"i Why
ihan w6 chose- feir her?
n -an, who should iver, the �sible- tW.66 man- whb stole yput.Milly ay have the -whbrowithal t' 4rink- my um of ribliest: -tint --Why -married- bir - of -all.- &on the
in� the gard n� that.ma�ea it quite impose a couple of sovereigns, tfiat'my fri4nd. a-. d6ttbd As. t4 ii(iibfirneu _gtjiL. by vefuse(lthe--m
come C
P. as
'hill from Lucky, Bay but thi h amen
wath moat hateful to Us? True, --,she is
man c6uld. be Stei Us'
th. - I can scarcely make
'"hif *A curious iiiiistrati6xi of -tli4.-b1IAdnd§A'bf our a, but for- that very. - reason-, she
music,, and lit,tl( ng' -In,
4"th E8 ei my. self -heard whit an i 40
3 folis nfernal,
�b t., of it-�-sueh wsi& as'l a6
I. XXVI clangor- these -birds do make.1
r . before . lokefathers,10' iiatiral. beauties - is �ihibltecl - in
011AFTF bI when, he bad inveic t e dding.
seedf Anc 'led me h oltowitig account of the 1 sea-anewtide,� qx-
AML surd f we- -Could tradted - from in old - English and her-; she shall -die I - will she bring Ahe
hare,'sad- !coke(! ime I watched him Ma
'be the
in n4, Tnz c do them quiet, "*a ave* dabe.it". headed "aingUlhi'AliiM-aILFlaw6irFduiidii4;'iVt!t -child b
with the little daLrIjbg on his. shoulderiL morizing-that-th genteman,� Paz The4nhabitantscffft.Luciab re;
th� - . - - wonder, or will the'
still upoll ina two fok you, a- moit. llb�ri�l redLan :n - Or -omin
*4 -that - -w
animal fl6wen
and- plea4ed- tskingi 'the. to adies. started On the q#editloo above de..' a re ;1but they .3
so� ad I sea is- a large basin froni`nto.-isf6etpd p1the is, now staying
U do. say. :the. laughig gulls theal-lienieu- -Who
�Arrt,g wife,
across the downs to Westport
w'but, scribed, Mr- Stevens toqk his depArtUrb for. only maelves one h ain th6 'water f �is ver lackish, and: tho bt0in at- ouse, come with bat- ?-Lthai
give the oi�r?i re w ic -yb h a ' aw`�
though, I sorpapaed and hollered, And squose the. simel place.iu the *poast� guard outter, - iw6nty-fouij and-*, f6r:mY part, I've �bevet 'e6mposed of - i.66ks,-.from - when( I times 'speakin' demure hosteag -of -mine wh
OUtt 91
my head'oAt &it- the little window, 'and very but sever hours a a luck t procee4 certain substances, wh: g L eilte'rtw',
al Arlie r as ba& the to hit it and ih6y)re jus 111t at
L sight beautiful flowers, pf a bright:W can ell ee
nearl -never got it ba fay dk,, agiin,, not a. -soul oulits-return to marm tb, and it !was ar-. yonder -on the mainland L, are pretty. nearly resemblin-e- OtV ee Yon CamIngL hame. to� ranged by the Jieuten nl- ihatz hiA guest or a (P -may there room
-8 co ul -tint is,zmoke-liv�,J, f or -all three to. drawn in- herelww-bh6-ti'
'h me: till I Stevefis., I
h2le golds, y thai -their
'ami h -there was no Milly?' should -W- diseinborlted ion Merma B ftihg�tbis-�ubstance closely; i de
where, sy- wall. 'L
then,le't's -give 'bin a wide.,16 tb rea
ere. py -a
-herself in. ih r brown fil9blents, will.ehoke a do2ien as easi Y as one t is 91
f- � 4. -in the- middle he disc --fou
a poor -girl rocked such at; where- a: cavern waE tuated,-- 9 near for the present� for they 'have
faiily dazed resemblin offivezhiuutdi, more Lot
g spider% legs, nhich inove tbubd- wL aipit*:of diafriai asi. no. reproWqh�es could the tim& of fow4ide. Ag -might be,, a-. td, me with -their claimi -kind ofyellow pe.alivvith a t Aat ieplied- ih6 pret -, briis&spojx-� anyb4dy Ja till
eighten 'Mrs.. llb�bulrn did -not attempt 'remain. until Mrs; -kept Or $0 other stianjer ihi ooloiiy -does. -:bot. extb a L ouwmotidn. These legErietifiltb piti6b 9 to of r
D beit'he - suri lid 6hil*
pro Was thanking'God for person ifi,default of he acqua with Much beyonalthe Beacon H,6sd� T bel me
o, re,- aqh: her� It, I seize, their prey; and tha yellow, petalri-Im,
friend�"Ati 14 -what fine drabs are .: h4el
Whispered-, g cL1%tsIY 'close tolisbt,.up. that.prey;_OOJ�lt a0t-
thehort.out, hoin6war aixould joi -him- "No sir'; they re ver in t this appearago -roofs- its tab
p%rtia heit' oY -r canno epea,
anot a stQne,bdfi
in, by- the: c fiff-t6p Was a v !ry long ro, id (I 11t the flVe zniniltes� and keep. w a . IlLoff a to be thb bodi tig T
Luckyl'Bi jr�' by, breidivg haunts.' If a.gr *at. to se fi tr"n stdc1l; of
To return to -orieven ower is a;
is; baver thanked, in va ravlim4s quilli nd which appbdks aaik d 'of a the.
next cutt9r, awwo.came ongbut -I wag�'think�.'
IK16�ec returned Urs. -Carey, gr -Y_ oluding
ofs6me anhnal:�", By-tho above; it w6uld4eam_ uo-w rWaS. d _I_ in Was P
avel the whole of thd Walk takehiT M himidir & - y . r. headland,.yod ll be no- . � h laying the
N more anabyed b
OW,L do hot added ish% a4,, Stev Y that only 6nd years, a ean
ens-�aud- his. victim the preious[ -,day). their chattering.. If. it ture discovered,: Whose fOOL
Wasn"t for* their INA- -ties Well theseasidelonglgentryl will havd- some-
O?iVeS Of dres -girl, but A i and thi Asa, -passage, of �purse,. Wait [Ionge ob k'
thel Aill sobbing
young! uns, one would think t 'Shl
of year y1shly me* H9W
eations truthfully and sensibly it 1. 310 that. hII gulls the 1 tty pie ings 4�ere th.0, day
was females.',
-Gossean era.
1 reover, the I iowt could oldb'I
h al