HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-12-02, Page 4• • • • nc-oft Stucc, THE LIBEETX To. UTTER/A:S TO ARGGUU R1eELY ACCORDING TO. THE DIETATEs OECON.BCIENCE: WL PRI'lL .BOYE ALL, oTuEIt LIBERTIES. �c oW, Doc+ mboi' 2, .iI881ie .Asafe1d _. . 1Toveinber 22nd,.1881. The Council mer:this day at Young's Hotel, Kintail. All the uieni.bers •pre=- e4nt " l'he ,prorates Of fast, meeting .Were read and sigIed.. • Moved by Wiritel sec- b in X Y�; y. ,Gr i r fi - that the arrears of taxes=:on W. IOf E. •--k2---00n. I, E. D., be cancelled: - .. Moved 'by'. ' Whitely, sec; by Clare, ttiafHugh McPhee be .15.eputy return Trig officer -tot polling sub-divisioii No. 2, instead 'of 1Lobert.11cGirory, and drat the -Deptrtyeturning officers for the re• nualnirrl polling 'Sub divisions: Lie the safii:e as last year, :utd that the pclh;rig places be the sante- a3- last year. ` y I-1aw No. 14, rstalilishing a -new ro.td was read as d passed., By:law N . 1:5, appointing l gh- i 1cPhee- 1)ef lity returning oflieer, instead of Robert: nc- Gr-ory was .passed:. • ..'' ` i roved by Griffin, sec. by CIare.,.. that Jacob Riley bb. t;raritei. $l0-,041 widow •Grffl~ttn $O; as charity. - . Moved, by 1f1cl,u.rchy,sec. by White: ly, that. t1.Iessrs, Glkillin, Webster 'and 31eNtirchy,'be a:conrltlittee to `Iet- the contract.for a: bridge across: the 18_-ntala. air _ er, con. 12 and 13. ` " . . Accounts paid. —-Janree Hawkins,. -ditch on D. L. .1 Mitt 2, $15 ;..Adam L;`udon, culvert on Di. L. -1 and 2,, $a, Phomas: Stewart,,- grading _ bill' on ; S. 'L. 6 and 7, can. 1. 50 cents ; Sauluel Hogan, -building ulvert,,•S L. . :311. con. 5, $6. ; James Bryan, printing and publishing By':law, $9.50 ; lic:Gilli _cuddy Bros., do., --$11. ; . john: Griffin, building culvert and .touting bill on D. --L. c'un. 6,'$1.5 ; A. Scott; clearing fire: • slash, con: 8 and 9, $.10 ;- Win. i17cGrc•. ry, planking culvert, S L. 3 -and 4,con.*: 7, $2 ;,.M tthew ',Sliackeltou, ditching r - and culvert con. 6, S._ R. 3 and 4, $8 ; -Rober. Clare, -ditching ch'ert�-8;L. 3` • and 4 con. 8, $S ; Tl on,as Stewart,sav== " ing:. cross 'avq. from,-fre,: S. L 3 and -4,, coif; 3, $12 ; rhoruas Murphy, culvert and—ditching S. L. "6 and ;7; $9 ;.Robert Graham, plank, $1 ;7W• T.. Pellow,; re• pairing hill, north of his in.i11,- $12 ,• R. Kni;lrtivdliggingditch"across- S: L.4-1; . Patrick Kest' digging ditch in front of. . ; 1- lot 14, $.�4 Jiinles 1ltahaffS:, 170 feat. plank, $6.; -work,..$1 ; Wm, Niviris,. • flys. sitting .of Division., Uourt. in Oran Ball, $'.50 ;. -James .. Scott, .plank . _ ani 'giavellin approaches to culvert,.. oppo site lot 3, S.. R:, $4 . LI. Buchanan : 'ditching, $8.83; Reber t Grahain,gravel r lin?, $1. ;John McG , , r e , r4go,,. plank. an • rrpairiog- cr per etc., 4.1.95 ;-Da_vtr Stewart, crtttin ,hill S. L 12 :Ana- 13, $2-0.; Janes _Sirniot,. cutting. ditch: on b con.- 10; $.1o.:; Jcihll Svtildlor..eulvert; c' n. 10, $2 ; 'Janes- Dunlap, culvert, -coo: 10, $4.; 'Samuel':B'rawn,:. ditching S.-1 . 12 ,and '13,^ $2:-• Duncan MC: Kenzie, eulveit on S. 11,$11,50 ;.'Thos. Croiik, culvert an S. 11.6 :end 7, $9. Joseph. Harniltun, filling: gavel. pit oz, con.; 12, $10 ; `David-Jrtttnston; filling rut on : 5;.- .l. 9 anti 1081 ;•;- Tames plai1kin ,.culvert L 1) MCKenzie,_d tch ata cont 12 $9.58 ;. 1). Fiirl t.ysotr, ditch con. 12, : $4.1 Andrew �N9lson;-culvert on- S.: R. 10, -con. 10, $1.:'50 .i1;. Hamilton, renairi xg bridge . cin. 18 utile. river•.. 8. R., twelve and this teen, j'0 ; ,fames Dunt,. Jog tax, !Si; M-rurice Daitorr, do., $1 ,lanes 1 '�cvlan 1, •enl'vPrt; 1 th Coll- .' cession., lcrt 2, E. I) $Gr do._ digging,, ditch. S. Il. 1: r�ariCe3 iOt1 i2, 81.30; Donald firreison., Yri -culvert, 5:. IL 1, conte Stott 12, $7.40; -do. culvert, ccrncessi;,rri l2. NIT.. 1)', $4; tla: F crrttt�rt, :r<nd tikintt out stt1mlis - on. H: R ,: concession 13, $4.30; 'Thomas Yonder• -'n, kinin« vtii 1 cabs, $6; •.T o i Iliky, clarity, $10 wide* Orifliin, do., $5. The cQ,lrm=il an journal' tormeet again nlr Martin's hotel,,Dunganrtun, on Tues- day the 27th of 1lrceinber: e 1. d Join i COOx=e,• . Geek. People have no more right •th liecrme 'dye•, peptic', and remain gloomy,_ and miserable,than they have to,take poisSn and commit suicide," If the sto " . h becoines weekend Lis to per: form. ite ,f tl nts,.Burdock flood Bit iera4: speeiilyremedy°tile trouble,; -` • ervl» ice ' F kir:� - -' -- Tots ; _m,=tClrc�nd• bt-: pnese _ ._ _� icor f t •t: lttseus �, b Vie. -fo, _ roan �.�• � car# r a:thmsa cro_np,'' . and coni- plain li you enffer ►>n taess�>r +odeis tty,, iagf, aarc1 s ' Pietorxly 'Balsa The. >au -w spring Jlcur Barley. Oats ▪ Peas Potatoes,--Foebus, Hay --Pe': ton -. WooI TSS MUSKETS.: . treat :... $1 20 120 Pheat: . `i 20 1.20- ... 5 00 -5'00 Q.70 0 77 ...030 0;36 • •.• .•• .,. • : 0° 7Q 0 74 • .: t3 50 .. 010.- 4.4 $0' .. '..: ... ...12•00 1500 ,.; 022 022 Pork—per cwt.... 625 _7 00 Eggs .•••f • 018 " 018.: Butter ; .. . .., .:.0' 16 0 1? Hides I. `. Apples-- Woos--•. :Sheeps !S NOW SHOWING A.. LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STQOI OF. Dress Goads, Lashm-eres, Wincies FlannelsShirtings CottOnS, Blankets, S ,w1S._ , COI•`SetS.s s Gloves, Iloaery, &c. A Full an • a op '.60, .7° Every, Effort 'has-been mad- e to Satisfy the Wants of t_ he Publics at Prices . -t. hat will iPI .: ; 2 25 Favorably with any. Agent.for McCall's New York -Bazar Glove -Fitting Patterns. . , Os arg enp01 # • 101 assortment on hand and neq styles received as published. Catalogues ��dahjolper _free. omplete Line of Fall and.W iter Tweeds Ready Made Clotting,- Shoes; .Groceries Crockery and Glassware. of Is . an The Pio eer'h,s just opened, out his New I4nportation of Sp011'G TWEEDS, ;OV RCOATINGS, SHAWLS FLANNELS. &C. &C. Which fer Style, quality, and Price," annot be Excelled, NSPE(: TION SOLICITED. CAMPBELL. Ma oto ollar SS: • Manu actnrer of all kinds of • .IIARN-ESS, SAD LES, TRU-NV, VALISES; &c. &c.- • E,R RIT•Gs, ' "r H VE .TU ` PI; C VED THE LAR , .A .L CES T Chi -spas - best is selected d stock ck 'of -TRUN'�S t at( ia'e -er been brought to= this town. C : 11 early an , see them.' Prices ranging fron.- 75 cents a. joivards. TEN "pe:. cent. off forCaab. DUS▪ TER g RUB T I. wclh- to.irifor :: surroundin In. R. G Green . on rAL L. KIND �V1tI. Glt baIelie : : E Ai01(ICE; the citizelis of Lucknow country, :that I -have . opened tip a UTCHER SHOP, in.'s Old St:Cid. I w -11I Bleep and at alI times 'OF FRESH MEAT. Give me a cal , a JAQI-E{S;LioDSAY, know,.Sept. 9th. DQN'T - • A V . ry Fine .Steck Of ALBil-MS.. BO- :H AUTOGRAP•H • AND PHOTOGRAPH, B.IBLLE• S; HY. N BOOKS; .. . LAND$APE, �1' EDIT r`►N Ok`: T POETS, SCHOOL -BOOKS, AND SCHUOI. REQUI$1i'E3, OF ALL Kfligl DS 'CrtOLIK1-a RA OL O•G - ► P11< , % #J L PAPER. AndGreat Vat ety �f Goods "of al knld,, at:pric e se low as > ti Vows arid: ,tor -QnrBeIT r4 n's Felt QvErs . MANiI1±'AC'1'UREl) -IN TORONTO..- A Permanent, mire cure for.Di.eases, Dis- orders and etllments. of the Kidneys,. Bladder: and Urinary Secretive System,: or. Attendant. .of Complaints ---causing Pain in Small of Back, Sides, ete.r producing Urinary Ilisorderl . such as too frequent, ,5canty;-Difficult,'Painful or Copious. Micturation, Inability,:of . Retention and Sedimentary Urine, Dropsical Symptoms, etc.; denoting the presence in . the system of Diseases- o immon tri the ;Secretive Organs,.. known as Gravel, eattarh of the Bladder and Passages ; Brights'' Magee, Diabetes,l2royey; Files - . - . Nervous Deblltyetc., etc;: Pamphlets and Testimonials can be obtain ed from Druggists free. PRieEs--Child's Pad; 61;5.0, (cures bedwet= ting). Itegular Pad;_62.00. Special. Pad 'for ',Chronic Diseases, $3 00 . Sold by John :K TEN1L t NT, M. D., :Lu4know. DE'-- WITT 1%4:Amyx; 14f. D., Kincardine. BRAY, WlIighain. Iiavina boindit out-_14Ir E. liere's stand, Ross Street, intends carrying, on the Carriage and Wa ion-MakinBUSIN^ e 5,. .><n connection with�vliich .he will (iu ;Iltorsesloeing .. ' General Black; •_. smithing And : will guarantee satisfaction.' in both lines of: the ,rade. First-class -Workmen only employed and the work superintended by myself:: Fifteen years. of experience is, suilicient Warrant %f.- the style of :my workmanship. .• Pari :g .requiring anything in the above. ;linen yil do,' well to. :GIVE ME; -ACALL. b' _..: strict. attention - y - to business to. Bledrl'� Liberal Share of One public atron- Ioek• for pp �►K _� -: , _._ _a. return -I= In old=- Y cur tomer. Viand a continuation of patronage. .- e . ' ainlin and lte-Wrim ming:... =with ireatness and despatch. • ten's R HEAP - es. 'elt Overs] en's. l en's oe ovrshoe LCFNTYRE'S= PLENDID IN (late of aving opened out his.ne`r�n"' shop, next door to_ --Graham's bnck - blockt is : determined:..: t -e keep the public s ppiied with- elex SH SEAT `;— r-- �--� �,.�:.:► ; .�Y ter, _ r of:c ei - h lcest quality, great variety and -at lowest pn:es: In connection with the me- business, ess; he also purposes keeping fin stock :G ARDEN - EN VEG.TgBL V ESQ • of all kinds in their.'pr er seasons p The Patronage of the Public as lfiic is respectfully - solicited. . MISS K. C S'RQNG (Late of.Paisl y) T� EA'�HER of VOCAL A D INSTRUMENTAL 1 Music. -Piano and Or` au. - Music . oA1)EDf- ri r Over"" -1 Stole. :. �, J Grenache a-; RESII)ENCE,=.Mr, A. 1VIcI tyre s. H_ as �u4t: rec,ehed one df •. c•rf . t ,nest S'tricks tf Ever notvn In1,+icknnw. lniiliri tl„n is �o I1411e .,."whetlit•, ynlL1:�ii i id tIit. No trw ole:-tz�• sh ,v: rT'lilct 3 If301:3i 'ht. ek. P tT N ITtrp Ie alwaysi Complete: Parties._anttobuy in:Large or Small lots, Will ° o lJ t• ll 1 �1 well t, cal} and inspect my Stock and riceii before Iti1chas you make your ), �It;,where. Great yt►rieties in all indK of URNITURE CARPETS',� xr PIOTUEE AND ?ICTLIRI:; ii O3U-LDINGs, Cell and'b, cctnirincledsfor yonr:o . c INCE 122 Czn-t BEST VALUF IN . TO WN. lack an d Colored Cashmerg, FULL RANGE OF PRICES. 65 "CETT WOR _; 75 . CENTS.- . . Tobaccos Cheap. P. e. Q... ESL. Oysters O i esters -I . am Receiving - MESE Oy T tJ ,CIlLS" DELL-- Which I .si11.sOrve either W - Ok COOKED - AT AN•Y HOUR,: Flo Frvits cf. ao Dscripfrcn Farmers -Will save money. by :culling{ . i my •- tNG -YPUSE PEALS A�'`: 4E.. HOURS. Also .read, Cakes and Confeciioiiery at lowest tigurss;: • WILL CURE BILIOUSNESS - DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE: ERYSIPELAS, .. SALT RHEUM HEA RTBURN, OR RELIEVE DIZZINESS DROPSY, fLU_TTERINQ OF -IMF HEART. - A, C/DlT _ 1R - THE STOMACH,-'. :DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, - And every species of disease arising•tfrorn • dl$Ordered LIVER, KLDNEY8i, STOMAOli, BOWELS OR - BLOOD. T. MILBURN do CO A ,err. 4,1! H. R it